Package org.codehaus.stax2.ri

Source Code of org.codehaus.stax2.ri.Stax2ReaderImpl

/* Stax2 API extension for Streaming Api for Xml processing (StAX).
* Copyright (c) 2006- Tatu Saloranta,
* Licensed under the License specified in file LICENSE, included with
* the source code.
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.codehaus.stax2.ri;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;

import javax.xml.namespace.NamespaceContext;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.codehaus.stax2.*;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variant;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.Base64Variants;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.TypedArrayDecoder;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.TypedValueDecoder;
import org.codehaus.stax2.typed.TypedXMLStreamException;
import org.codehaus.stax2.validation.*;

import org.codehaus.stax2.ri.typed.ValueDecoderFactory;

* This is a partial base implementation of {@link XMLStreamReader2},
* the extended stream reader that is part of Stax2.
public abstract class Stax2ReaderImpl
    implements XMLStreamReader2 /* From Stax2 */
     * Factory used for constructing decoders we need for typed access
    protected ValueDecoderFactory _decoderFactory;

    // Life-cycle methods

    protected Stax2ReaderImpl()

    // XMLStreamReader2 (StAX2) implementation

    // NOTE: getProperty() defined in Stax 1.0 interface

    public boolean isPropertySupported(String name) {
        /* No way to cleanly implement this using just Stax 1.0
         * interface, so let's be conservative and decline any knowledge
         * of properties...
        return false;

    public boolean setProperty(String name, Object value)
        return false; // could throw an exception too

    // // // StAX2, additional traversal methods

    public void skipElement() throws XMLStreamException
        if (getEventType() != START_ELEMENT) {
        int nesting = 1; // need one more end elements than start elements

        while (true) {
            int type = next();
            if (type == START_ELEMENT) {
            } else if (type == END_ELEMENT) {
                if (--nesting == 0) {

    // // // StAX2, additional attribute access

    public AttributeInfo getAttributeInfo() throws XMLStreamException
        if (getEventType() != START_ELEMENT) {
        return this;

    // // // StAX2, Additional DTD access

    public DTDInfo getDTDInfo() throws XMLStreamException
        if (getEventType() != DTD) {
            return null;
        return this;

    // // // StAX2, Additional location information

     * Location information is always accessible, for this reader.
    public final LocationInfo getLocationInfo() {
        return this;

    // // // StAX2, Pass-through text accessors

    public int getText(Writer w, boolean preserveContents)
        throws IOException, XMLStreamException
        char[] cbuf = getTextCharacters();
        int start = getTextStart();
        int len = getTextLength();

        if (len > 0) {
            w.write(cbuf, start, len);
        return len;

    // // // StAX 2, Other accessors

     * @return Number of open elements in the stack; 0 when parser is in
     *  prolog/epilog, 1 inside root element and so on.
    public abstract int getDepth();

    public abstract boolean isEmptyElement() throws XMLStreamException;

    public abstract NamespaceContext getNonTransientNamespaceContext();

    public String getPrefixedName()
        switch (getEventType()) {
        case START_ELEMENT:
        case END_ELEMENT:
                String prefix = getPrefix();
                String ln = getLocalName();

                if (prefix == null) {
                    return ln;
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(ln.length() + 1 + prefix.length());
                return sb.toString();
        case ENTITY_REFERENCE:
            return getLocalName();
            return getPITarget();
        case DTD:
            return getDTDRootName();

        throw new IllegalStateException("Current state not START_ELEMENT, END_ELEMENT, ENTITY_REFERENCE, PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION or DTD");

    public void closeCompletely() throws XMLStreamException
        /* As usual, Stax 1.0 offers no generic way of doing just this.
         * But let's at least call the lame basic close()

    // AttributeInfo implementation (StAX 2)

    // Already part of XMLStreamReader
    //public int getAttributeCount();

    public int findAttributeIndex(String nsURI, String localName)
        // !!! TBI
        return -1;

    public int getIdAttributeIndex()
        // !!! TBI
        return -1;

    public int getNotationAttributeIndex()
        // !!! TBI
        return -1;

    // DTDInfo implementation (StAX 2)

    public Object getProcessedDTD() {
        return null;

    public String getDTDRootName() {
        return null;

    public String getDTDPublicId() {
        return null;

    public String getDTDSystemId() {
        return null;

     * @return Internal subset portion of the DOCTYPE declaration, if any;
     *   empty String if none
    public String getDTDInternalSubset() {
        return null;

    // // StAX2, v2.0

    public DTDValidationSchema getProcessedDTDSchema() {
        return null;

    // LocationInfo implementation (StAX 2)

    // // // First, the "raw" offset accessors:

    public long getStartingByteOffset() {
        return -1L;

    public long getStartingCharOffset() {
        return 0;

    public long getEndingByteOffset() throws XMLStreamException
        return -1;

    public long getEndingCharOffset() throws XMLStreamException
        return -1;

    // // // and then the object-based access methods:

    public abstract XMLStreamLocation2 getStartLocation();

    public abstract XMLStreamLocation2 getCurrentLocation();

    public abstract XMLStreamLocation2 getEndLocation()
        throws XMLStreamException;

    // Stax2 validation

    public XMLValidator validateAgainst(XMLValidationSchema schema)
        throws XMLStreamException
        return null;

    public XMLValidator stopValidatingAgainst(XMLValidationSchema schema)
        throws XMLStreamException
        return null;

    public XMLValidator stopValidatingAgainst(XMLValidator validator)
        throws XMLStreamException
        return null;

    public abstract ValidationProblemHandler setValidationProblemHandler(ValidationProblemHandler h);

    // TypedXMLStreamReader, scalar elements

    public boolean getElementAsBoolean() throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.BooleanDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getBooleanDecoder();
        return dec.getValue();

    public int getElementAsInt() throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.IntDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntDecoder();
        return dec.getValue();

    public long getElementAsLong() throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.LongDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getLongDecoder();
        return dec.getValue();

    public float getElementAsFloat() throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.FloatDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getFloatDecoder();
        return dec.getValue();

    public double getElementAsDouble() throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.DoubleDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDoubleDecoder();
        return dec.getValue();

    public BigInteger getElementAsInteger() throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.IntegerDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntegerDecoder();
        return dec.getValue();

    public BigDecimal getElementAsDecimal() throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.DecimalDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDecimalDecoder();
        return dec.getValue();

    public QName getElementAsQName() throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.QNameDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getQNameDecoder(getNamespaceContext());
        // !!! Should we try to verify validity of name chars?
        return dec.getValue();

    public byte[] getElementAsBinary() throws XMLStreamException
        return getElementAsBinary(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant());

    // !!! TODO: copy code from Stax2ReaderAdapter?
    public abstract byte[] getElementAsBinary(Base64Variant v) throws XMLStreamException;

    public void getElementAs(TypedValueDecoder tvd) throws XMLStreamException
        String value = getElementText();
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            throw _constructTypeException(iae, value);

    // TypedXMLStreamReader2 implementation, array elements

    public int readElementAsIntArray(int[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException
        return readElementAsArray(_decoderFactory().getIntArrayDecoder(value, from, length));

    public int readElementAsLongArray(long[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException
        return readElementAsArray(_decoderFactory().getLongArrayDecoder(value, from, length));

    public int readElementAsFloatArray(float[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException
        return readElementAsArray(_decoderFactory().getFloatArrayDecoder(value, from, length));

    public int readElementAsDoubleArray(double[] value, int from, int length) throws XMLStreamException
        return readElementAsArray(_decoderFactory().getDoubleArrayDecoder(value, from, length));

     * Actual implementation needs to implement tokenization and state
     * keeping.
     * !!! TODO: should be possible to implement completely
    public abstract int readElementAsArray(TypedArrayDecoder dec)
        throws XMLStreamException;

    // TypedXMLStreamReader2 implementation, binary data

    public int readElementAsBinary(byte[] resultBuffer, int offset, int maxLength)
        throws XMLStreamException
        return readElementAsBinary(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant(), resultBuffer, offset, maxLength);

    public abstract int readElementAsBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, byte[] resultBuffer, int offset, int maxLength)
        throws XMLStreamException;

    // TypedXMLStreamReader2 implementation, scalar attributes

    public abstract int getAttributeIndex(String namespaceURI, String localName);

    public boolean getAttributeAsBoolean(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.BooleanDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getBooleanDecoder();
        getAttributeAs(index, dec);
        return dec.getValue();

    public int getAttributeAsInt(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.IntDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntDecoder();
        getAttributeAs(index, dec);
        return dec.getValue();

    public long getAttributeAsLong(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.LongDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getLongDecoder();
        getAttributeAs(index, dec);
        return dec.getValue();

    public float getAttributeAsFloat(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.FloatDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getFloatDecoder();
        getAttributeAs(index, dec);
        return dec.getValue();

    public double getAttributeAsDouble(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.DoubleDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDoubleDecoder();
        getAttributeAs(index, dec);
        return dec.getValue();

    public BigInteger getAttributeAsInteger(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.IntegerDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntegerDecoder();
        getAttributeAs(index, dec);
        return dec.getValue();

    public BigDecimal getAttributeAsDecimal(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.DecimalDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDecimalDecoder();
        getAttributeAs(index, dec);
        return dec.getValue();

    public QName getAttributeAsQName(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.QNameDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getQNameDecoder(getNamespaceContext());
        getAttributeAs(index, dec);
        // !!! Should we try to verify validity of name chars?
        return dec.getValue();

    public void getAttributeAs(int index, TypedValueDecoder tvd) throws XMLStreamException
        String value = getAttributeValue(index);
        try {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
            throw _constructTypeException(iae, value);

    public int[] getAttributeAsIntArray(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.IntArrayDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getIntArrayDecoder();
        getAttributeAsArray(index, dec);
        return dec.getValues();

    public long[] getAttributeAsLongArray(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.LongArrayDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getLongArrayDecoder();
        getAttributeAsArray(index, dec);
        return dec.getValues();

    public float[] getAttributeAsFloatArray(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.FloatArrayDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getFloatArrayDecoder();
        getAttributeAsArray(index, dec);
        return dec.getValues();

    public double[] getAttributeAsDoubleArray(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        ValueDecoderFactory.DoubleArrayDecoder dec = _decoderFactory().getDoubleArrayDecoder();
        getAttributeAsArray(index, dec);
        return dec.getValues();

     * Actual implementation needs to implement tokenization.
     * !!! TODO: should be possible to implement completely
    public abstract int getAttributeAsArray(int index, TypedArrayDecoder tad) throws XMLStreamException;

    public byte[] getAttributeAsBinary(int index) throws XMLStreamException
        return getAttributeAsBinary(Base64Variants.getDefaultVariant(), index);

    public abstract byte[] getAttributeAsBinary(Base64Variant v, int index) throws XMLStreamException;

    // Package methods

    protected ValueDecoderFactory _decoderFactory()
        if (_decoderFactory == null) {
            _decoderFactory = new ValueDecoderFactory();
        return _decoderFactory;

    protected TypedXMLStreamException _constructTypeException(IllegalArgumentException iae, String lexicalValue)
        return new TypedXMLStreamException(lexicalValue, iae.getMessage(), getStartLocation(), iae);

    // Internal methods

    protected void throwUnsupported()
        throws XMLStreamException
        throw new XMLStreamException("Unsupported method");

    protected void throwNotStartElem()
        throw new IllegalStateException("Current state not START_ELEMENT");

Related Classes of org.codehaus.stax2.ri.Stax2ReaderImpl

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