
Source Code of$HillClimberSelection


import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Vector;

import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.heuristics.NeighbourSelection;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model.Model;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.model.Neighbour;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.Solution;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solution.SolutionListener;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.solver.Solver;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.DataProperties;
import net.sf.cpsolver.ifs.util.ToolBox;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.ItcLazyNeighbour;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.ItcLazyNeighbour.LazyNeighbourAcceptanceCriterion;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.selection.ItcNotConflictingMove;
import net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.selection.ItcSwapMove;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

* Hill climber algorithm. Any move that decreases the overall solution value is rejected.
* <br><br>
* The search is stopped ({@link ItcHillClimber#selectNeighbour(Solution)} returns null) after
* HillClimber.MaxIdle idle (not improving) iterations.
* <br><br>
* Custom neighbours can be set using HillClimber.Neighbours property that should
* contain semicolon separated list of {@link NeighbourSelection}. By default,
* each neighbour selection is selected with the same probability (each has 1 point in
* a roulette wheel selection). It can be changed by adding &nbsp;@n at the end
* of the name of the class, for example:<br>
* <code>
* HillClimber.Neighbours=net.sf.cpsolver.itc.tim.neighbours.TimRoomMove;net.sf.cpsolver.itc.tim.neighbours.TimTimeMove;net.sf.cpsolver.itc.tim.neighbours.TimSwapMove;net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.selection.ItcSwapMove;net.sf.cpsolver.itc.tim.neighbours.TimPrecedenceMove@0.1
* </code>
* <br>
* Selector TimPrecedenceMove is 10&times; less probable to be selected than other selectors.
* When SimulatedAnnealing.Random is true, all selectors are selected with the same probability, ignoring these weights.
* <br><br>
* When HillClimber.Update is true, {@link NeighbourSelector#update(Neighbour, long)} is called
* after each iteration (on the selector that was used) and roulette wheel selection
* that is using {@link NeighbourSelector#getPoints()} is used to pick a selector in each iteration.
* See {@link NeighbourSelector} for more details.
* @version
* ITC2007 1.0<br>
* Copyright (C) 2007 Tomas Muller<br>
* <a href=""></a><br>
* Lazenska 391, 76314 Zlin, Czech Republic<br>
* <br>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* <br><br>
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* <br><br>
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
public class ItcHillClimber implements NeighbourSelection, SolutionListener, LazyNeighbourAcceptanceCriterion {
    private static Logger sLog = Logger.getLogger(ItcHillClimber.class);
    private static DecimalFormat sDF2 = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    private static boolean sInfo = sLog.isInfoEnabled();
    private int iMaxIdleIters = 200000;
    private int iLastImprovingIter = 0;
    private int iIter = 0;
    private Vector iNeighbourSelectors = new Vector();
    private long iT0 = -1;
    private boolean iRandomSelection = false;
    private boolean iUpdatePoints = false;
    private double iTotalBonus;
     * Constructor
     * <ul>
     * <li>HillClimber.MaxIdle ... maximum number of idle iterations (default is 200000)
     * <li>HillClimber.Neighbours ... semicolon separated list of classes implementing {@link NeighbourSelection}
     * <li>HillClimber.Random ... when true, a neighbour selector is selected randomly
     * <li>HillClimber.Update ... when true, a neighbour selector is selected using {@link ItcHillClimber.NeighbourSelector#getPoints()} weights (roulette wheel selection)
     * </ul>
    public ItcHillClimber(DataProperties properties) throws Exception {
        iMaxIdleIters = properties.getPropertyInt("HillClimber.MaxIdle", iMaxIdleIters);
        iRandomSelection = properties.getPropertyBoolean("HillClimber.Random", iRandomSelection);
        iUpdatePoints = properties.getPropertyBoolean("HillClimber.Update", iUpdatePoints);
        String neighbours = properties.getProperty("HillClimber.Neighbours",
        for (StringTokenizer s=new StringTokenizer(neighbours,";");s.hasMoreTokens();) {
            String nsClassName = s.nextToken();
            double bonus = 1.0;
            if (nsClassName.indexOf('@')>=0) {
                bonus = Double.parseDouble(nsClassName.substring(nsClassName.indexOf('@')+1));
                nsClassName = nsClassName.substring(0, nsClassName.indexOf('@'));
            Class nsClass = Class.forName(nsClassName);
            NeighbourSelection ns = (NeighbourSelection)nsClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {DataProperties.class}).newInstance(new Object[]{properties});
    /** Initialization */
    public void init(Solver solver) {
        iTotalBonus = 0;
        for (Enumeration e=iNeighbourSelectors.elements();e.hasMoreElements();) {
            NeighbourSelector s = (NeighbourSelector)e.nextElement();
            if (s.selection() instanceof HillClimberSelection)
            iTotalBonus += s.getBonus();
    private void addNeighbourSelection(NeighbourSelection ns, double bonus) {
        iNeighbourSelectors.add(new NeighbourSelector(ns, bonus, iUpdatePoints));
    private double totalPoints() {
        if (!iUpdatePoints) return iTotalBonus;
        double total = 0;
        for (Enumeration e=iNeighbourSelectors.elements();e.hasMoreElements();) {
            NeighbourSelector ns = (NeighbourSelector)e.nextElement();
            total += ns.getPoints();
        return total;
     * Select one of the given neighbourhoods randomly (all with the same probability or using roulette wheel selection),
     * select neighbour, return it if
     * its value is below or equal to zero (continue with the next selection otherwise).
     * Return null when the given number of idle iterations is reached.
    public Neighbour selectNeighbour(Solution solution) {
        if (iT0<0) iT0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        Model model = (Model)solution.getModel();
        while (true) {
            iIter ++;
            if (iIter % 10000 == 0) {
                if (sInfo) {
          "Iter="+iIter/1000+"k, NonImpIter="+sDF2.format((iIter-iLastImprovingIter)/1000.0)+"k, Speed="+sDF2.format(1000.0*iIter/(System.currentTimeMillis()-iT0))+" it/s");
                    if (iUpdatePoints)
                        for (Enumeration e=iNeighbourSelectors.elements();e.hasMoreElements();) {
                            NeighbourSelector ns = (NeighbourSelector)e.nextElement();
                  "  "+ns+" ("+sDF2.format(ns.getPoints())+" pts, "+sDF2.format(100.0*(iUpdatePoints?ns.getPoints():ns.getBonus())/totalPoints())+"%)");
            if (iIter-iLastImprovingIter>=iMaxIdleIters) break;
            NeighbourSelector ns = null;
            if (iRandomSelection) {
                ns = (NeighbourSelector)ToolBox.random(iNeighbourSelectors);
            } else {
                double points = (ToolBox.random()*totalPoints());
                for (Enumeration e=iNeighbourSelectors.elements();e.hasMoreElements();) {
                    ns = (NeighbourSelector)e.nextElement();
                    points -= (iUpdatePoints?ns.getPoints():ns.getBonus());
                    if (points<=0) break;
            Neighbour n = ns.selectNeighbour(solution);
            if (n!=null) {
                if (n instanceof ItcLazyNeighbour) {
                    return n;
                } else if (n.value()<=0.0) return n;
        iIter = 0; iLastImprovingIter = 0; iT0 = -1;
        return null;
    /** Implementation of {@link net.sf.cpsolver.itc.heuristics.neighbour.ItcLazyNeighbour.LazyNeighbourAcceptanceCriterion} interface */
    public boolean accept(ItcLazyNeighbour neighbour, double value) {
        return value<=0;

     * Memorize the iteration when the last best solution was found.
    public void bestSaved(Solution solution) {
        iLastImprovingIter = iIter;
    public void solutionUpdated(Solution solution) {}
    public void getInfo(Solution solution, java.util.Dictionary info) {}
    public void getInfo(Solution solution, java.util.Dictionary info, java.util.Vector variables) {}
    public void bestCleared(Solution solution) {}
    public void bestRestored(Solution solution){} 
    public static interface HillClimberSelection {
        public void setHcMode(boolean hcMode);
     * A wrapper for {@link NeighbourSelection} that keeps some stats about the
     * given neighbour selector.
    protected static class NeighbourSelector implements NeighbourSelection {
        protected static DecimalFormat sDF = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
        private boolean iUpdate = false;
        private NeighbourSelection iSelection;
        private int iNrCalls = 0;
        private int iNrNotNull = 0;
        private int iNrSideMoves = 0;
        private int iNrImprovingMoves = 0;
        private double iBonus = 1.0;
        private double iPoints = 0;
        private long iTime = 0;
         * Constructor
         * @param sel neighbour selector
         * @param bonus initial bonus (default is 1, can be changed by &nbsp;@n parameter after
         * the name of the selector in Xxx.Neigbours, e.g., net.sf.cpsolver.itc.tim.neighbours.TimPrecedenceMove@0.1
         * for initial bonus 0.1
         * @param update update selector bonus after each iteration
        public NeighbourSelector(NeighbourSelection sel, double bonus, boolean update) {
            iSelection = sel;
            iBonus = bonus;
            iUpdate = update;
        /** Initialization */
        public void init(Solver solver) {
        /** Neighbour selection -- use {@link NeighbourSelection#selectNeighbour(Solution)}
         * update stats if desired.
        public Neighbour selectNeighbour(Solution solution) {
            if (iUpdate) {
                long t0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                Neighbour n = iSelection.selectNeighbour(solution);
                long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                update(n, t1-t0);
                return n;
            } else
                return iSelection.selectNeighbour(solution);

         * Update stats
         * @param n generated move
         * @param time time needed to generate the move (in milliseconds)
        public void update(Neighbour n, long time) {
            iNrCalls ++;
            iTime += time;
            if (n!=null) {
                if (n.value()==0) {
                    iPoints += 0.1;
                } else if (n.value()<0) {
                    iPoints -= n.value();
                } else {
                    iPoints *= 0.9999;
            } else {
                iPoints *= 0.999;
        /** Weight of the selector in the roulette wheel selection of neighbour selectors */
        public double getPoints() { return iBonus * Math.min(100.0, 0.1+iPoints); }
        /** Initial bonus */
        public double getBonus() { return iBonus; }
        /** Given neighbour selection */
        public NeighbourSelection selection() { return iSelection; }
        /** Number of calls of {@link NeighbourSelection#selectNeighbour(Solution)} */
        public int nrCalls() { return iNrCalls; }
        /** Number of returned not-null moves */
        public int nrNotNull() { return iNrNotNull; }
        /** Number of returned moves with zero improvement of the solution (i.e., {@link Neighbour#value()} = 0)*/
        public int nrSideMoves() { return iNrSideMoves; }
        /** Number of returned improving moves (i.e., {@link Neighbour#value()} < 0)*/
        public int nrImprovingMoves() { return iNrImprovingMoves; }
        /** Total time spend in {@link NeighbourSelection#selectNeighbour(Solution)} (in milliseconds) */
        public long time() { return iTime; }
        /** Avarage number of iterations per second (calls of {@link NeighbourSelection#selectNeighbour(Solution)}) */
        public double speed() { return 1000.0*nrCalls()/time(); }
        /** String representation */
        public String toString() {
            return iSelection.getClass().getName().substring(iSelection.getClass().getName().lastIndexOf('.')+1)+" "+
                nrCalls()+"x, "+
                sDF.format(100.0*(nrCalls()-nrNotNull())/nrCalls())+"% null, "+
                sDF.format(100.0*nrSideMoves()/nrCalls())+"% side, "+
                sDF.format(100.0*nrImprovingMoves()/nrCalls())+"% imp, "+
                sDF.format(speed())+" it/s";

Related Classes of$HillClimberSelection

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