Package games.stendhal.server.entity.player

Source Code of games.stendhal.server.entity.player.UpdateConverter

/* $Id:,v 1.32 2011/01/12 21:47:12 nhnb Exp $ */
*          (C) Copyright 2003-2011 - Stendhal             *
*                                       *
*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
*   (at your option) any later version.                   *
*                                       *
package games.stendhal.server.entity.player;

import games.stendhal.common.ItemTools;
import games.stendhal.common.KeyedSlotUtil;
import games.stendhal.server.core.engine.SingletonRepository;
import games.stendhal.server.core.rule.EntityManager;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.Outfit;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.item.HouseKey;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.item.Item;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.slot.KeyedSlot;
import games.stendhal.server.entity.slot.PlayerSlot;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import marauroa.common.Pair;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

* converts player objects to the most recent version by adding attributes,
* transforming quest states and similar migrations.
public abstract class UpdateConverter {
  private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(UpdateConverter.class);

  private static final List<String> ITEM_NAMES_OLD = Arrays.asList(
      "flail_+2", "leather_armor_+1", "leather_cuirass_+1",
      "chain_armor_+1", "scale_armor_+1", "chain_armor_+3",
      "scale_armor_+2", "twoside_axe_+3", "elf_cloak_+2", "mace_+1",
      "mace_+2", "hammer_+3", "chain_helmet_+2", "golden_helmet_+3",
      "longbow_+1", "lion_shield_+1"
  private static final List<String> ITEM_NAMES_NEW = Arrays.asList(
      "morning star", "leather scale armor", "pauldroned leather cuirass",
      "enhanced chainmail", "iron scale armor", "golden chainmail",
      "pauldroned iron cuirass", "golden twoside axe", "blue elf cloak", "enhanced mace",
      "golden mace", "golden hammer", "aventail", "horned golden helmet",
      "composite bow", "enhanced lion shield"

  private static final List<String> ITEM_NAMES_OLD_0_66 = Arrays.asList(
      "key golden", "key silver", "book black", "book blue",
      "duergar elder", "duergar black", "giant elder",
      "chaos sorceror"
  private static final List<String> ITEM_NAMES_NEW_0_66 = Arrays.asList(
      "golden key", "silver key", "black book", "blue book",
      "elder duergar", "black duergar", "elder giant",
      "chaos sorcerer"
   * quest name, quest index, creatures to kill.
  private static final HashMap<String, Pair<Integer, List<String>>> KILL_QUEST_NAMES;
  static {
    KILL_QUEST_NAMES = new HashMap<String, Pair<Integer, List<String>>>();
        new Pair<Integer, List<String>>(1, Arrays.asList(

        new Pair<Integer, List<String>>(1, Arrays.asList(

        new Pair<Integer, List<String>>(1, Arrays.asList(
          "mountain orc chief")));

        new Pair<Integer, List<String>>(1, Arrays.asList(
          "Dhohr Nuggetcutter",
          "mountain dwarf",
          "mountain elder dwarf",
          "mountain hero dwarf",
          "mountain leader dwarf")));

        new Pair<Integer, List<String>>(1, Arrays.asList(
          "infantry gnome",
          "cavalryman gnome")));

        new Pair<Integer, List<String>>(1, Arrays.asList(
          "Sergej Elos")));

   * Update old item names to the current naming.
   * @param name
   * @return the currentName of an Item
  public static String updateItemName(String name) {
    if (name != null) {
        // handle renamed items
        int idx = ITEM_NAMES_OLD.indexOf(name);
        if (idx != -1) {
          name = ITEM_NAMES_NEW.get(idx);

        // Remove underscore characters from old database item names - ConversationParser
        // is now capable to work with space separated item names.
        name = ItemTools.itemNameToDisplayName(name);

        // rename some additional items to fix grammar in release 0.66
        idx = ITEM_NAMES_OLD_0_66.indexOf(name);
        if (idx != -1) {
          name = ITEM_NAMES_NEW_0_66.get(idx);

    return name;

  public static Item updateItem(String name) {
    // process the old keys for houses, now that we have change locks implemented
    Item item;
    if (name.startsWith("private key ")) {
      // which zone the house is in
      final String zoneName;
      final String doorId;
      // number tracks the lock changes
      final int number = 0;
      final String[] parts = name.split(" ");
      if (parts.length > 2) {
           try {
          // house number
          final int id;
          id = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]);
          if (id < 26) {
            zoneName = "kalavan";
          } else if (id < 50) {
            zoneName = "kirdneh";
          } else {
            zoneName = "ados";
          doorId = zoneName + " house " + Integer.toString(id);
          // now set the infostring of the house key to doorId;number;
          item = SingletonRepository.getEntityManager().getItem("house key");
          ((HouseKey) item).setup(doorId, number, null);
        } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {
          // shouldn't happen - give up and this will generate a warning
          item = SingletonRepository.getEntityManager().getItem(name);
      } else {
        // shouldn't happen - give up and this will generate a warning
        item = SingletonRepository.getEntityManager().getItem(name);
    } else {
      // item wasn't private key, just make it as normal
      item = SingletonRepository.getEntityManager().getItem(name);
    return item;

     * Updates a player RPObject from an old version of Stendhal.
     * @param object
     *            RPObject representing a player
    public static void updatePlayerRPObject(final RPObject object) {
      final String[] slotsNormal = { "bag", "rhand", "lhand", "head", "armor",
          "legs", "feet", "finger", "cloak", "bank", "bank_ados",
          "zaras_chest_ados", "bank_fado", "bank_nalwor", "spells",
          "keyring", "trade" };

      final String[] slotsSpecial = { "!quests", "!kills", "!buddy", "!ignore",
          "!visited", "skills", "!tutorial"};

      // Port from 0.03 to 0.10
      if (!object.has("base_hp")) {
        object.put("base_hp", "100");
        object.put("hp", "100");

      // Port from 0.13 to 0.20
      if (!object.has("outfit")) {
        object.put("outfit", new Outfit().getCode());

      // create slots if they do not exist yet:

      // Port from 0.20 to 0.30: bag, rhand, lhand, armor, head, legs, feet
      // Port from 0.44 to 0.50: cloak, bank
      // Port from 0.57 to 0.58: bank_ados, bank_fado
      // Port from 0.58 to ?: bank_nalwor, keyring, finger
      for (final String slotName : slotsNormal) {
        if (!object.hasSlot(slotName)) {
          object.addSlot(new PlayerSlot(slotName));

      // Port from 0.44 to 0.50: !buddy
      // Port from 0.56 to 0.56.1: !ignore
      // Port from 0.57 to 0.58: skills
      for (final String slotName : slotsSpecial) {
        if (!object.hasSlot(slotName)) {
          object.addSlot(new KeyedSlot(slotName));
        final RPSlot slot = object.getSlot(slotName);
        if (slot.size() == 0) {
          final RPObject singleObject = new RPObject();

      // Port from 0.30 to 0.35
      if (!object.has("atk_xp")) {
        object.put("atk_xp", "0");
        object.put("def_xp", "0");

      if (object.has("devel")) {

      // From 0.44 to 0.50
      if (!object.has("release")) {
        object.put("release", "0.00");
        object.put("atk", "10");
        object.put("def", "10");

      if (!object.has("age")) {
        object.put("age", "0");

      if (!object.has("karma")) {
        // A little beginner's luck
        object.put("karma", 10);
      if (!object.has("mana")) {
        object.put("mana", 0);
      if (!object.has("base_mana")) {
        object.put("base_mana", 0);

      // Renamed to skills
      if (object.has("!skills")) {

      if (!object.has("height")) {
        object.put("height", 2);
      if (!object.has("width")) {
        object.put("width", 1);

      // port to 0.66

      // port to 0.81 because of a bug in 0.80 which allowed 0 hp by double killing on logout during dying
      if (object.getInt("hp") <= 0) {
        logger.warn("Setting hp to 1 for player " + object);
        object.put("hp", 1);

      // port to 0.85 added buddy list as map - copy buddies to map
      if (object.hasSlot("!buddy")) {
        for (RPObject buddy : object.getSlot("!buddy")) {
          for (final String buddyname : buddy) {
            if (buddyname.startsWith("_")) {
              boolean online = false;
              if (buddy.get(buddyname).equals("1")) {
                online = true;
              //strip out the _ in the beginning
              object.put("buddies", buddyname.substring(1), online);
        // remove buddy slot for 0.87
    object.remove("buddies", "db_id");

    //port to 0.86: port keymap to feature map, karama_indicator as feature
    if (object.hasSlot("!features")) {
      if (KeyedSlotUtil.getKeyedSlot(object, "!features", "keyring") != null) {
        object.put("features", "keyring", "");
    if (KeyedSlotUtil.getKeyedSlot(object, "!quests", "learn_karma") != null) {
      object.put("features", "karma_indicator", "");

    // port to 0.89: fix age
    if (object.has("age")) {
      if (!object.has("release") || (object.get("release").compareTo("0.88") <= 0)) {
        object.put("age", object.getInt("age") * 180 / 200);

   * Transform kill slot content to the new kill recording system.
   * @param object
  static void transformKillSlot(final RPObject object) {
    final RPObject kills = KeyedSlotUtil.getKeyedSlotObject(object, "!kills");

    if (kills != null) {
        final RPObject newKills = new RPObject();
        for (final String attr : kills) {
          // skip "id" entries
          if (!attr.equals("id")) {
              String newAttr = attr;
              String value = kills.get(attr);

              // Is it stored using the old recording system without an dot?
              if (attr.indexOf('.') < 0) {
                newAttr = updateItemName(newAttr);
                newAttr = value + "." + newAttr;
                value = "1";

              newKills.put(newAttr, value);

        final RPSlot slot = object.getSlot("!kills");

   * Update the quest slot to the current version.
   * @param player
  public static void updateQuests(final Player player) {
    final EntityManager entityMgr = SingletonRepository.getEntityManager();

    // rename old quest slot "Valo_concoct_potion" to "valo_concoct_potion"
    // We avoid to lose potion in case there is an entry with the old and the new name at the same
    // time by combining them by calculating the minimum of the two times and the sum of the two amounts.
    migrateSumTimedQuestSlot(player, "Valo_concoct_potion", "valo_concoct_potion");

    // From 0.66 to 0.67
    // update quest slot content,
    // replace "_" with " ", for item/creature names
    for (final String questSlot : player.getQuests()) {

      if (player.hasQuest(questSlot)) {
        final String itemString = player.getQuest(questSlot);

        final String[] parts = itemString.split(";");

        final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
        boolean first = true;

        for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {
          final String oldName = parts[i];

          // Convert old item names to their new representation with correct grammar
          // and without underscores.
          String newName = UpdateConverter.updateItemName(oldName);

          // check for valid item and creature names if the update converter changed the name
          if (!newName.equals(oldName)) {
            if (!entityMgr.isCreature(newName) && !entityMgr.isItem(newName)) {
              newName = oldName;

          if (first) {
            first = false;
          } else {

        player.setQuest(questSlot, buffer.toString());

    // fix quest slots for kills quests.

    // fix DailyMonsterQuest slot

    // fix Maze


  private static void fixMazeQuestSlot(Player player) {
    final String QUEST_SLOT = "maze";

    // if player didnt started quest --> exit
    if(!player.hasQuest(QUEST_SLOT)) {

    final String questSlot = player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT);

    // if player's quest slot is already updated --> exit
    if(Arrays.asList(questSlot.split(";")).size()>1) {

    player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, 0, "start");
    player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, 1, questSlot);
    player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, 2, "0");


  private static void fixDailyMonsterQuestSlot(final Player player) {
    final String QUEST_SLOT = "daily";

    // if player didnt started quest, exiting
    if(!player.hasQuest(QUEST_SLOT)) {

    final String questInfo = player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT, 0);

    // if player completed quest, exiting
    if(questInfo.equals("done")) {
    // if player already updated, exiting
    if(Arrays.asList(questInfo.split(",")).size()==5) {

    // now fix player's quest slot
    player.setQuest(QUEST_SLOT, 0, player.getQuest(QUEST_SLOT, 0)+",0,1,0,0");

   * fix old-style kill quests slots.
   * @param player - player which quest slots will fix.
  private static void fixKillQuestsSlots(final Player player) {
    for(String questSlot: KILL_QUEST_NAMES.keySet()) {
      // if player have no extra info in quest slot, we will add it :-)
      if(player.getQuest(questSlot)==null) {
      if(player.getQuest(questSlot).equals("start")) {
        final List<String> creatures = KILL_QUEST_NAMES.get(questSlot).second();
        StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder("");
        for(int i=0; i<creatures.size(); i++) {
        final String result = sb.toString();
            // will not record last semicolon.
            result.substring(0, result.length()-1));

   // update the name of a quest to the new spelling
//  private static void renameQuestSlot(Player player, String oldName, String newName) {
//    String questState = player.getQuest(oldName);
//    if (questState != null) {
//      player.setQuest(newName, questState);
//      player.removeQuest(oldName);
//    }
//  }

   // update the name of a quest to the new spelling and accumulate the content
  private static void migrateSumTimedQuestSlot(final Player player, final String oldName, final String newName) {
    final String oldState = player.getQuest(oldName);

    if (oldState != null) {
      String questState = oldState;
      final String newState = player.getQuest(newName);

      if (newState != null) {
        final String[] oldParts = oldState.split(";");
        final String[] newParts = newState.split(";");

        if ((oldParts.length == 3) && (newParts.length == 3)) {
          try {
                final int oldAmount = Integer.parseInt(oldParts[0]);
                int newAmount = Integer.parseInt(newParts[0]);
                final String oldItem = oldParts[1];
                final String newItem = newParts[1];
                final long oldTime = Long.parseLong(oldParts[2]);
                long newTime = Long.parseLong(newParts[2]);

                if (oldItem.equals(newItem)) {
                  newAmount += oldAmount;

                  if (oldTime < newTime) {
                    newTime = oldTime;

                  questState = Integer.toString(newAmount) + ';' + newItem + ';' + Long.toString(newTime);
              } catch (final NumberFormatException e) {

      player.setQuest(newName, questState);


Related Classes of games.stendhal.server.entity.player.UpdateConverter

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