Package org.jvnet.glassfish.comms.replication.sessmgmt

Source Code of org.jvnet.glassfish.comms.replication.sessmgmt.SipSessionStoreImpl

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package org.jvnet.glassfish.comms.replication.sessmgmt;

import com.sun.appserv.ha.spi.BackingStore;
import com.sun.appserv.ha.spi.BackingStoreException;
import com.sun.appserv.ha.util.SimpleMetadata;
import com.sun.appserv.ha.util.SimpleMetadataFactory;
import com.sun.appserv.ha.uow.ReplicableEntity;
import com.sun.appserv.util.cache.BaseCache;

import com.sun.enterprise.web.ServerConfigLookup;


import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;

import org.apache.catalina.*;
import org.apache.catalina.session.IOUtilsCaller;

* @author Larry White
public class SipSessionStoreImpl extends SipStoreBase
    implements StorePoolElement, SessionStoreInterface, SipSessionStore {
    public final static String BEKEY
        = ReplicationState.BEKEY;
    private static boolean useReplicationUnicastLoadBatching = false;
    static {
        ServerConfigLookup lookup = new ServerConfigLookup();
            = lookup.isReplicationUnicastLoadBatchingEnabled();       

    /** Creates a new instance of SipSessionStoreImpl */
    public SipSessionStoreImpl() {
     * gets the BackingStore used for replicating SipSessions
     * @return the BackingStore initialized for SipSessions
    protected BackingStore getBackingStore() {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)this.getSipSessionManager();
        return mgr.getSipSessionBackingStore();

     * Loads and returns the SipSession with the given id from this session
     * store.
     * @param id The id of the SipSession to load
     * @return The SipSession with the given id, or null if not found
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RemoteLockException
    public SipSessionDialogImpl load(String id, boolean loadDependencies)
            throws IOException, RemoteLockException {
        return load(id, null, loadDependencies);

    public SipSessionDialogImpl load(String id, String version,
                                     boolean loadDependencies)
        throws IOException, RemoteLockException {
        try {
            ExpatListElement expat = this.getExpatListElementFor(id);
            if (expat != null && expat.isFromActive()) {
                 * Irrespective of the backing store implementation, if the session
                 * is activated in the remote instance, then we should load it from there.
                return loadFromRemoteActiveCache(id, expat, loadDependencies);
            } else {
                return loadFromBackingStore(id, version, loadDependencies);
        } catch(BackingStoreException ex) {
            IOException ex1 =
                    (IOException) new IOException("Error during load: " + ex.getMessage()).initCause(ex);
            throw ex1;

     * This will use the Jxta channel to load the session from remote instance's
     * active cache.
    private HASipSession loadFromRemoteActiveCache(String id,
                                                   ExpatListElement expat,
                                                   boolean loadDependecies)
            throws IOException, BackingStoreException, RemoteLockException {
         * For the in-memory implementation, the restarted instance might
         * have the session in its replica cache, if the load-factor is used.
        BaseCache replicaCache = getReplicaCache();
        if(replicaCache != null) {
        ReplicationState sessionState = loadSessionFromRemoteActiveCache(
                id, String.valueOf(expat.getVersion()), expat.getInstanceName());
        if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    + id + ", sessionState=" + sessionState);
        HASipSession session = getSipSession(sessionState);
        validateAndSave(session, loadDependecies);
        return session;

    private HASipSession loadFromBackingStore(String id, String version, boolean loadDependencies)
            throws IOException, BackingStoreException, RemoteLockException {
        SimpleMetadata metaData = (SimpleMetadata) getBackingStore().load(id, version);
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("SipSessionStoreImpl>>loadFromBackingStore:id=" +
                    id + ", metaData=" + metaData);
        HASipSession session = getSipSession(id, metaData);
        validateAndSave(session, loadDependencies);
        return session;

    private HASipSession validateAndSave(HASipSession session, boolean loadDependencies)
            throws IOException, RemoteLockException {
        if(session != null) {
            boolean isLoadedFromRemote =
            if (session.isValid()) {
                // For SipSession, this sending of load received ack
                // has been postponed to this point so we can check the
                // deserialized session to see if it was locked on the remote
                // side (this is done inside validate(), which may throw a
                // RemoteLockedException).
                // For most other artifacts the load received ack is done
                // immediately in JxtaBackingStoreImpl
                if(isLoadedFromRemote) { // no need to do immediate save if it is loaded from third party backing store.
                    if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                        _logger.fine("SipSessionStoreImpl>>validateAndSave saving " +
                                "the sip session after loading it. SipSession=" + session);
                    //save session - save will reset dirty to false
                    session.setDirty(true, false);
        return session;
     * Loads and returns the SipSession with the given id from this session
     * store.
     * @param id The id of the SipSession to load
     * @param version the version of the SipSession to load
     * @return The SipSession with the given id, or null if not found
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws RemoteLockException
    public SimpleMetadata __load(String id, String version)
        throws BackingStoreException {
        SimpleMetadata result = null;
        if(id == null) {
            return result;
        SipTransactionPersistentManager repMgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)this.getSipSessionManager();
        ReplicationState localCachedState
            = repMgr.removeFromSipSessionReplicationCache(id);
        //check if we got a hit from our own replica cache
        //and check if we can trust it. If so save and return it immediately
        boolean trustCachedState = canTrustLocallyCachedState(id, version, localCachedState);
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("SipSessionStoreImpl>>__load:id= " + id + ", localCachedState=" +
                    localCachedState + ", trustCachedState=" + trustCachedState);
        ReplicationState bestState = null;
        if(trustCachedState) {
            bestState = localCachedState;
        } else {
            ReplicationState broadcastResultState =
                    findSessionViaBroadcastOrUnicast(id, version);
            bestState = ReplicationState.getBestResult(localCachedState, broadcastResultState);
            if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _logger.fine("SipSessionStoreImpl>>__load:id=" + id + ", broadcastResultState " +
                        "from broadcast or unicast=" + broadcastResultState + ", bestState = " + bestState);
        if(bestState != null && bestState.getState() != null) {
        result = ReplicationState.createSimpleMetadataFrom(
                bestState, isReplicationCompressionEnabled());
        return result;
    protected ExpatListElement getExpatListElementFor(String id) {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();
        if(mgr.isExpectingExpatIdsMap()) {
            //in this period do not trust expatIdsMap
            return null;
        } else {
            return mgr.getSipSessionExpatListElement(id);

    protected ExpatListElement removeExpatListElementFor(String id) {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
             = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();
        return mgr.removeSipSessionExpatListElement(id);

    private ReplicationState findSessionViaBroadcastOrUnicast(String id, String version)
        throws BackingStoreException {
        try {
            ExpatListElement expat = this.getExpatListElementFor(id);
            if(expat == null || expat.getInstanceName() == null) {
                return findSessionViaBroadcast(id, version);
            } else {
                if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    _logger.fine("doing unicast load id = " + id + " version = " + version + "to instance: " + expat.getInstanceName());
                return findSessionViaUnicast(id, version, expat.getInstanceName());
        } finally {
    private ReplicationState findSessionViaBroadcast(String id, String version)
        throws BackingStoreException {
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        BackingStore replicator = this.getBackingStore();
        JxtaBackingStoreImpl jxtaReplicator = null;
        if(replicator instanceof JxtaBackingStoreImpl) {
            jxtaReplicator = (JxtaBackingStoreImpl)replicator;
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("SipSessionStoreImpl>>findSessionViaBroadcast: replicator: " + replicator);                      
        ReplicationState queryResult = jxtaReplicator != null ?
                jxtaReplicator.__load(id, version) : null;
        return queryResult;

    private ReplicationState loadSessionFromRemoteActiveCache(String id,
                                                              String version,
                                                              String instanceName)
            throws BackingStoreException {
        ReplicationState returnState = findSessionViaUnicast(id, version, instanceName);
        if (returnState != null && returnState.getState() != null) {
        return returnState;
    private ReplicationState findSessionViaUnicast(String id, String version, String instanceName)
        throws BackingStoreException {
        if(ReplicationUtil.getInstanceName().equalsIgnoreCase(instanceName)) {
            return null;
        return sendUnicastLoadQuery(id, version, instanceName);
    * Given a byte[] containing session data, return a session
    * object
    * if isReplicationCompressionEnabled() returns true the
    * input byte[] will be assumed compressed and treated
    * accordingly
    * @param replicationState
    *   The byte[] with the session data
    * @return
    *   A newly created SipSession for the given session data, and associated
    *   with this Manager
    protected HASipSession getSipSession(ReplicationState replicationState)
            throws IOException {
        if (replicationState == null || replicationState.getState() == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            try {
            return getSipSession((String) replicationState.getId(),
                    replicationState.getContainerExtraParamsState(), null);
            } catch(RuntimeException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("ss id = " + replicationState.getId(), ex);

    protected HASipSession getSipSession(String id, SimpleMetadata metadata)
            throws IOException {
        if (metadata == null || metadata.getState() == null) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return getSipSession(id, metadata.getState(),
                    metadata.getVersion(), null,
                    (SipSessionExtraParams) metadata.getExtraParam());

    protected HASipSession getSipSession(String id, byte[] state, long version, byte[] extraParamState, SipSessionExtraParams extraParams)
        throws IOException

        HASipSession _session = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        BufferedInputStream bis = null;
        ByteArrayInputStream bais = null;
        Loader loader = null;   
        ClassLoader classLoader = null;
        ObjectInputStream ois = null;
        SipSessionManager manager
            = this.getSipSessionManager();
        Container container = manager.getContext();
        IOUtilsCaller utilsCaller = null;
        bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(state);      
        bis = new BufferedInputStream(bais);
        if(isReplicationCompressionEnabled()) {
            is = new GZIPInputStream(bis);
        } else {
            is = bis;

        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            _logger.finest("loaded session from replicationstore, length = "+state.length);
        if (container != null) {
            loader = container.getLoader();

        if (loader != null) {
            classLoader = loader.getClassLoader();
        if (classLoader != null) {
            if( (utilsCaller = ReplicationUtil.getWebUtilsCaller()) != null) {
                try {
                    ois = utilsCaller.createObjectInputStream(is, true, classLoader);
                } catch (Exception ex) {}
        if (ois == null) {
            ois = new ObjectInputStream(is);
        if(ois != null) {              
            try {
                _session = (HASipSession)ois.readObject();
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                IOException ex1 = (IOException) new IOException(
                        "Error during deserialization: " + ex.getMessage()).initCause(ex);
                throw ex1;
            } finally {
                if (ois != null) {
                    try {
                        bis = null;
                    catch (IOException e) {

        _session.update(extraParamState, extraParams);
        //currentOwnerInstanceName is in the manager already

        return _session;
     * Saves the given SipSession to this store.
     * If a SipSession with the same id already exists in this session
     * store, it will be replaced.
     * @param session The SipSession to be saved
     * @exception IOException
    public void save(SipSessionDialogImpl session) throws IOException {
        HASipSession haSession = (HASipSession)session;
        long previousVersion = haSession.getVersion();
        try {
            if( haSession.isReplicated() && !haSession.isDirty() ) {
            } else {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            throw ex;
        } finally {
    boolean isReplicationCompressionEnabled() {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager repMgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)this.getSipSessionManager();
        return repMgr.isReplicationCompressionEnabled();

     * Saves the given SipSession to this store.
     * If a SipSession with the same id already exists in this session
     * store, it will be replaced.
     * @param haSession The SipSession to be saved
     * @exception IOException
    public void doSave(HASipSession haSession) throws IOException {
        byte[] sessionState = ReplicationUtil.getByteArray(haSession, isReplicationCompressionEnabled());
        BackingStore replicator = this.getBackingStore();
        SimpleMetadata simpleMetadata =       
                0L, //maxinactiveinterval
                haSession.getExtraParameters() //containerExtraParam
        if(haSession.getParentSASId() != null) {
            String beKey = SipApplicationSessionUtil.getSipApplicationKey(haSession.getParentSASId());
        try {       
  , //id
                    simpleMetadata, haSession.isReplicated());
        } catch (BackingStoreException ex) {
            IOException ex1 =
                (IOException) new IOException("Error during save: " + ex.getMessage()).initCause(ex);
            throw ex1;

    public ReplicationState getTransmitState(HASipSession haSession) throws IOException {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)this.getSipSessionManager();
        BackingStore replicator = mgr.getSipSessionBackingStore();
        if(!(replicator instanceof JxtaBackingStoreImpl)) {
            return null;
        JxtaBackingStoreImpl jxtaReplicator = (JxtaBackingStoreImpl)replicator;
        ReplicationState transmitState = null;
        byte[] sessionState = ReplicationUtil.getByteArray(haSession, isReplicationCompressionEnabled());

        SimpleMetadata simpleMetadata =
                0L, //maxinactiveinterval
                haSession.getExtraParameters() //containerExtraParam
        if(haSession.getParentSASId() != null) {
            String beKey = SipApplicationSessionUtil.getSipApplicationKey(haSession.getParentSASId());
        try {
            transmitState = jxtaReplicator.getSimpleTransmitState(haSession.getId(), simpleMetadata);
        } catch (BackingStoreException ex) {}
        return transmitState;
     * Removes the SipSession with the given id from this store.
     * @param id The id of the SipSession to be removed
     * @exception IOException
    public void remove(String id) throws IOException {
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("SipSessionStoreImpl>>remove" + " id: " + id);                      
        BackingStore replicator = this.getBackingStore();
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("SipSessionStoreImpl>>remove: replicator: " + replicator);                      
        try {
        } catch (BackingStoreException ex) {
            IOException ex1 =
                (IOException) new IOException("Error during remove: " + ex.getMessage()).initCause(ex);
            throw ex1;      
    void sendUnicastLoadAcknowledgement(String id, String instanceName)
        throws IOException {   
        //send load received ack to instanceName
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();
        ReplicationState loadReceivedState =
            ReplicationState.createBroadcastLoadReceivedState(MODE_SIP, id, this.getApplicationId(), 0L, mgr.getInstanceName(), theCommand);             
        JxtaReplicationSender sender
            = JxtaReplicationSender.createInstance();
        sender.sendOverPropagatedPipe(loadReceivedState, instanceName, false);
        //if we want to batch unicast load acks use next line
        //sender.sendReplicationReceivedState(loadReceivedState, instanceName);

    ReplicationState sendUnicastLoadQuery(String id, String version, String instanceName) {
        //send load query to instanceName via unicast
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();
        String theCommand = mgr.LOAD_SIP_SESSION_COMMAND;
        ReplicationState loadState
            = ReplicationState.createUnicastLoadState(MODE_SIP, id, this.getApplicationId(), ReplicationUtil.parseLong(version), mgr.getInstanceName(), theCommand);
        JxtaReplicationSender sender
            = JxtaReplicationSender.createInstance();
        ReplicationState returnState
            = sender.sendReplicationLoadState(loadState, instanceName, useReplicationUnicastLoadBatching);
        return returnState;

     * update the lastaccess time of the specified SipSession into this Store.
     * @param sipSession SipSessionDialogImpl to be saved
     * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs
    public void updateContainerExtraParam(HASipSession sipSession)
            throws IOException {
        BackingStore replicator = this.getBackingStore();
        JxtaBackingStoreImpl jxtaReplicator = null;
        if(replicator instanceof JxtaBackingStoreImpl) {
            jxtaReplicator = (JxtaBackingStoreImpl)replicator;
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("SipSessionStoreImpl>>updateContainerExtraParam: replicator: " + replicator);                      
        try {
            SimpleMetadata smd = SimpleMetadataFactory.createSimpleMetadata(
                    sipSession.getInternalLastAccessedTime(), //internallastaccesstime
                    sipSession.getVersion(), //version
  , smd, sipSession.isReplicated()); //containerExtraParams
        } catch (BackingStoreException ex) {
            IOException ex1 =
                (IOException) new IOException("Error during updateContainerExtraParam: " + ex.getMessage()).initCause(ex);
            throw ex1;

     * Removes all SipSessions from this store.
    public void clear() throws IOException {

     * clean up resources
    public void cleanup() {

     * Removes any expired SipSessions from this store.
     * This method is invoked by the background reaper thread.
    public void processExpires() {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager replicationMgr =
            (SipTransactionPersistentManager) this.getSipSessionManager();
//        if(!(replicationMgr.isThirdPartyBackingStoreInUse())) {
//            replicationMgr.processExpiredSipSessionReplicas();
//        } else {
//            replicationMgr.processExpiredSipSessionReplicasThirdPartySPI();
//            //removeExpiredSessions();
//        }

    /** This method deletes all the sip 
     * sessions corresponding to the "appId" that should be expired
     * @return number of removed sessions
    public int removeExpiredSessions() {       
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("IN SipSessionStoreImpl>>removeExpiredSessions");
        int result = 0;
        BackingStore replicator = getBackingStore();
        try {
            result = replicator.removeExpired();
        } catch (BackingStoreException ex) {
                "unable to remove expired sip session replicas", ex);
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("SipSessionStoreImpl>>removeExpiredSessions():number of expired sessions = " + result);
        return result;


    // find the session in local active cache, passivate it and remove from local cache.
    public ReplicableEntity findSessionAndPassivate(String id) {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();
        return mgr.findSipSessionAndPassivate(id, new AtomicBoolean());

    // get the active cache sessions.
    public Map<String, ReplicableEntity> getActiveCache() {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();
        return mgr.getActiveSipSessions();

    // put the state in the local replica cache.
    public void putInReplicaCache(ReplicationState state) {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();

    // remove the entry from replica cache with given id.
    public void removeFromReplicaCache(String id) {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();

    public BaseCache getReplicaCache() {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();
        return mgr.getReplicatedSipSessions();

    public ReplicableEntity deserialize(ReplicationState state) {
        try {
            return getSipSession(state);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            return null;

    public void activate(ReplicableEntity session) {
        SipTransactionPersistentManager mgr
            = (SipTransactionPersistentManager)getSipSessionManager();
        mgr.activate((HASipSession)session, true);

Related Classes of org.jvnet.glassfish.comms.replication.sessmgmt.SipSessionStoreImpl

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