Package com.sun.appserv

Source Code of com.sun.appserv.ClassLoaderUtil

* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
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* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
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package com.sun.appserv;

import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Stack;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.logging.Formatter;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import sun.misc.URLClassPath;
import com.sun.common.util.logging.LogDomains;

* Provides utility functions related to URLClassLoaders or subclasses of it.
*                  W  A  R  N  I  N  G   
*This class uses undocumented, unpublished, private data structures inside
* and sun.misc.URLClassPath.  Use with extreme caution.
* @author tjquinn
public class ClassLoaderUtil {

    /** records whether initialization has been completed */
    private static boolean isInitialized = false;
    /** names of classes and fields of interest for closing the loader's jar files */
    private static final String URLCLASSLOADER_UCP_FIELD_NAME = "ucp";
    private static final String URLCLASSPATH_LOADERS_FIELD_NAME = "loaders"; // ArrayList of URLClassPath.Loader
    private static final String URLCLASSPATH_URLS_FIELD_NAME = "urls"; // Stack of URL
    private static final String URLCLASSPATH_LMAP_FIELD_NAME = "lmap"; // HashMap of String -> URLClassPath.Loader

    private static final String URLCLASSPATH_JARLOADER_INNER_CLASS_NAME = "sun.misc.URLClassPath$JarLoader";
    private static final String URLCLASSPATH_JARLOADER_JARFILE_FIELD_NAME = "jar";
    /* Fields used during processing - they can be set up once and then used repeatedly */
    private static Field jcpField;
    private static Field loadersField;
    private static Field urlsField;
    private static Field lmapField;
    private static Class jarLoaderInnerClass;

    private static Field jarFileField;
    private static boolean initDone = false;
     *Initializes the class.
     *Each utility method should invoke init() before doing their own work
     *to make sure the initialization is done.
     *@throws any Throwable detected during static init.
    private static void init() throws Throwable {
        if ( ! initDone) {
            initDone = true;
     *Sets up variables used in closing a loader's jar files.
     *@throws NoSuchFieldException in case a field of interest is not found where expected
    private static void initForClosingJars() throws NoSuchFieldException {
        jcpField = getField(URLClassLoader.class, URLCLASSLOADER_UCP_FIELD_NAME);
        loadersField = getField(URLClassPath.class, URLCLASSPATH_LOADERS_FIELD_NAME);
        urlsField = getField(URLClassPath.class, URLCLASSPATH_URLS_FIELD_NAME);
        lmapField = getField(URLClassPath.class, URLCLASSPATH_LMAP_FIELD_NAME);
        jarLoaderInnerClass = getInnerClass(URLClassPath.class, URLCLASSPATH_JARLOADER_INNER_CLASS_NAME);
        jarFileField = getField(jarLoaderInnerClass, URLCLASSPATH_JARLOADER_JARFILE_FIELD_NAME);
     *Retrieves a Field object for a given field on the specified class, having
     *set it accessible.
     *@param cls the Class on which the field is expected to be defined
     *@param fieldName the name of the field of interest
     *@throws NoSuchFieldException in case of any error retriving information about the field
    private static Field getField(Class cls, String fieldName) throws NoSuchFieldException {
        try {
            Field field = cls.getDeclaredField(fieldName);
            return field;
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
            NoSuchFieldException e = new NoSuchFieldException(getMessage("classloaderutil.errorGettingField", fieldName));
            throw e;

     *Retrieves a given inner class definition from the specified outer class.
     *@param cls the outer Class
     *@param innerClassName the fully-qualified name of the inner class of interest
    private static Class getInnerClass(Class cls, String innerClassName) {
        Class result = null;
        Class[] innerClasses = cls.getDeclaredClasses();
        for (Class c : innerClasses) {
            if (c.getName().equals(innerClassName)) {
                result = c;
        return result;
     *Releases resources held by the URLClassLoader.  Notably, close the jars
     *opened by the loader. This does not prevent the class loader from
     *continuing to return classes it has already resolved.
     *@param classLoader the instance of URLClassLoader (or a subclass)
     *@return array of IOExceptions reporting jars that failed to close
    public static void releaseLoader(URLClassLoader classLoader) {
        releaseLoader(classLoader, null);
     *Releases resources held by the URLClassLoader.  Notably, close the jars
     *opened by the loader. This does not prevent the class loader from
     *continuing to return classes it has alrady resolved although that is not
     *what we intend to happen.  Initializes and updates the Vector of
     *jars that have been successfully closed.
     *Any errors are logged.
     *@param classLoader the instance of URLClassLoader (or a subclass)
     *@param jarsClosed a Vector of Strings that will contain the names of jars
     * successfully closed; can be null if the caller does not need the information returned
     *@return array of IOExceptions reporting jars that failed to close; null
     *indicates that an error other than an IOException occurred attempting to
     *release the loader; empty indicates a successful release; non-empty
     *indicates at least one error attempting to close an open jar.
    public static IOException [] releaseLoader(URLClassLoader classLoader, Vector<String> jarsClosed) {
        IOException[] result = null;
        try {

            /* Records all IOExceptions thrown while closing jar files. */
            Vector<IOException> ioExceptions = new Vector<IOException>();

            if (jarsClosed != null) {

            URLClassPath ucp = (URLClassPath) jcpField.get(classLoader);
            ArrayList loaders = (ArrayList) loadersField.get(ucp);
            Stack urls = (Stack) urlsField.get(ucp);
            HashMap lmap = (HashMap) lmapField.get(ucp);

             *The urls variable in the URLClassPath object holds URLs that have not yet
             *been used to resolve a resource or load a class and, therefore, do
             *not yet have a loader associated with them.  Clear the stack so any
             *future requests that might incorrectly reach the loader cannot be
             *resolved and cannot open a jar file after we think we've closed
             *them all.
            synchronized(urls) {

             *Also clear the map of URLs to loaders so the class loader cannot use
             *previously-opened jar files - they are about to be closed.
            synchronized(lmap) {

             *The URLClassPath object's path variable records the list of all URLs that are on
             *the URLClassPath's class path.  Leave that unchanged.  This might
             *help someone trying to debug why a released class loader is still used.
             *Because the stack and lmap are now clear, code that incorrectly uses a
             *the released class loader will trigger an exception if the
             *class or resource would have been resolved by the class
             *loader (and no other) if it had not been released. 
             *The list of URLs might provide some hints to the person as to where
             *in the code the class loader was set up, which might in turn suggest
             *where in the code the class loader needs to stop being used.
             *The URLClassPath does not use the path variable to open new jar
             *files - it uses the urls Stack for that - so leaving the path variable
             *will not by itself allow the class loader to continue handling requests.

             *For each loader, close the jar file associated with that loader. 
             *The URLClassPath's use of loaders is sync-ed on the entire URLClassPath
            synchronized (ucp) {
                for (Object o : loaders) {
                    if (o != null) {
                         *If the loader is a JarLoader inner class and its jarFile
                         *field is non-null then try to close that jar file.  Add
                         *it to the list of closed files if successful.
                        if (jarLoaderInnerClass.isInstance(o)) {
                            try {
                                JarFile jarFile = (JarFile) jarFileField.get(o);
                                try {
                                    if (jarFile != null) {
                                        if (jarsClosed != null) {
                                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                                     *Wrap the IOException to identify which jar
                                     *could not be closed and add it to the list
                                     *of IOExceptions to be returned to the caller.
                                    String jarFileName = (jarFile == null) ? getMessage("classloaderutil.jarFileNameNotAvailable") : jarFile.getName();
                                    String msg = getMessage("classloaderutil.errorClosingJar", jarFileName);
                                    IOException newIOE = new IOException(msg);
                                     *Log the error also.
                                    getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, msg, ioe);
                            } catch (Throwable thr) {
                                getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "classloaderutil.errorReleasingJarNoName", thr);
                 *Now clear the loaders ArrayList.
            result = ioExceptions.toArray(new IOException[ioExceptions.size()]);
        } catch (Throwable thr) {
            getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "classloaderutil.errorReleasingLoader", thr);
            result = null;
        return result;
     *Returns the logger for the common utils component.
     *@return the Logger for this component
    private static Logger getLogger() {
        return LogDomains.getLogger(LogDomains.CMN_LOGGER);
     *Returns a formatted string, using the key to find the full message and
     *substituting any parameters.
     *@param key the message key with which to locate the message of interest
     *@param o the object(s), if any, to be substituted into the message
     *@return a String containing the formatted message
    private static String getMessage(String key, Object... o) {
        String msg = getLogger().getResourceBundle().getString(key);
        return MessageFormat.format(msg, o);

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