Package com.sun.enterprise.connectors

Source Code of com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntime

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package com.sun.enterprise.connectors;

import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.util.*;

import javax.resource.spi.*;
import javax.resource.*;
import javax.naming.NamingException;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.*;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.util.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.system.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.connectors.authentication.*;
import com.sun.enterprise.Switch;

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;

* This class is the entry point to connector backend module.
* It exposes different API's called by external entities like admin
* to perform various connector backend related  operations.
* It delegates calls to various connetcor admin services and other
* connector services which actually implement the functionality.
* This is a delegating class.
* @author    Binod P.G, Srikanth P and Aditya Gore

public final class ConnectorRuntime implements ConnectorConstants {
    static final Logger _logger = LogDomains.getLogger(LogDomains.RSR_LOGGER);    
    private volatile int environment = CLIENT;

    private final ConnectorAdminObjectAdminServiceImpl
    private final ConnectorConfigurationParserServiceImpl
    private final ConnectorConnectionPoolAdminServiceImpl
    private final ConnectorResourceAdminServiceImpl
    private final ConnectorSecurityAdminServiceImpl
    private final ResourceAdapterAdminServiceImpl
    private final ConnectorServiceImpl connectorService;

    private boolean isSystemResourcesLoaded = false;
    private static final ConnectorRuntime _runtime = new ConnectorRuntime();   

     * Returns the ConnectorRuntime instance.
     * It follows singleton pattern and only one instance exists at any point
     * of time. External entities need to call this method to get
     * ConnectorRuntime instance
     * @return ConnectorRuntime instance

    public static ConnectorRuntime getRuntime() {
        return _runtime;
     * Private constructor. It is private as it follows singleton pattern.
    private ConnectorRuntime() {
        adminObjectAdmService = (ConnectorAdminObjectAdminServiceImpl)
        ccPoolAdmService = ( ConnectorConnectionPoolAdminServiceImpl)
        connectorResourceAdmService = ( ConnectorResourceAdminServiceImpl)
        connectorSecurityAdmService = ( ConnectorSecurityAdminServiceImpl)
        resourceAdapterAdmService = ( ResourceAdapterAdminServiceImpl)
        configParserAdmService = new ConnectorConfigurationParserServiceImpl();
        connectorService = new ConnectorServiceImpl();

    /** Initializes the execution environment. If the execution environment
     *  is appserv runtime it is set to ConnectorConstants.SERVER else
     *  it is set ConnectorConstants.CLIENT
     *  @param environment set to ConnectorConstants.SERVER if execution
     *              environment is appserv runtime else set to
     *              ConnectorConstants.CLIENT

    public void initialize(int environment) {
        this.environment = environment;

     * Returns the execution environment.
     * @return ConnectorConstants.SERVER if execution environment is
     *         appserv runtime
     *         else it returns ConnectorConstants.CLIENT

    public int getEnviron() {
        return environment;

     *  Destroys/deletes the Active resource adapter object from the
     *  connector container. Active resource adapter abstracts the rar
     *  deployed. It checks whether any resources (pools and connector
     *  resources) are still present. If they are present the deletion
     *  fails and all the objects and datastructures pertaining to 
     *  to the resource adapter are left untouched.
     *  @param moduleName Name of the rarModule to destroy/delete
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if the deletion fails
    public void destroyActiveResourceAdapter(String moduleName)
                                throws ConnectorRuntimeException

     *  Destroys/deletes the Active resource adapter object from the
     *  connector container. Active resource adapter abstracts the rar
     *  deployed. It checks whether any resources (pools and connector
     *  resources) are still present. If they are present and cascade option
     *  is false the deletion fails and all the objects and datastructures
     *  pertaining to  the resource adapter are left untouched.
     *  If cascade option is true, even if resources are still present, they are
     *  also destroyed with the active resource adapter
     *  @param moduleName Name of the rarModule to destroy/delete
     *  @param cascade If true all the resources belonging to the rar are
     *                 destroyed recursively.
     *                 If false, and if resources pertaining to resource adapter
     *                 /rar are present deletetion is failed. Then cascade
     *                 should be set to true or all the resources have to
     *                 deleted explicitly before destroying the rar/Active
     *                 resource adapter.
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if the deletion fails

    public void destroyActiveResourceAdapter(String moduleName,boolean cascade)
                                throws ConnectorRuntimeException

    /** Creates Active resource Adapter which abstracts the rar module.
     *  During the creation of ActiveResourceAdapter, default pools and
     *  resources also are created.
     *  @param connectorDescriptor object which abstracts the connector
     *         deployment descriptor i.e rar.xml and sun-ra.xml.
     *  @param moduleName Name of the module
     *  @param moduleDir Directory where rar module is exploded.
     *  @param writeSunDescriptor If true write the sun-ra.xml props to
     *         domain.xml and if false it doesnot write to domain.xml
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if creation fails.

    public void  createActiveResourceAdapter(
            ConnectorDescriptor connectorDescriptor,
            String moduleName,
            String moduleDir) throws ConnectorRuntimeException


    /** Creates Active resource Adapter which abstracts the rar module.
     *  During the creation of ActiveResourceAdapter, default pools and
     *  resources also are created.
     *  @param moduleDir Directory where rar module is exploded.
     *  @param moduleName Name of the module
     *  @param writeSunDescriptor If true write the sun-ra.xml props to
     *         domain.xml and if false it doesnot write to domain.xml
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if creation fails.

    public void  createActiveResourceAdapter(String moduleDir ,
                String moduleName) throws ConnectorRuntimeException

    public ConnectionManager obtainConnectionManager(String poolName)
                                       throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return this.obtainConnectionManager( poolName, false );

    public ConnectionManager obtainConnectionManager(String poolName,
        boolean forceNoLazyAssoc)
                                       throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        ConnectionManager mgr = ConnectionManagerFactory.
                getAvailableConnectionManager(poolName, forceNoLazyAssoc);
        return mgr;

    /** Returns the MCF instances in scenarions where a pool has to
     *  return multiple mcfs. Should be used only during JMS RA recovery.
     *  @param poolName Name of the pool.MCFs pertaining to this pool is
     *         created/returned.
     *  @return created MCF instances
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if creation/retrieval of MCFs fails

    public ManagedConnectionFactory[]  obtainManagedConnectionFactories(
           String poolName) throws ConnectorRuntimeException

        return ccPoolAdmService.obtainManagedConnectionFactories(poolName);
    /** Returns the MCF instance. If the MCF is already created and
     *  present in connectorRegistry that instance is returned. Otherwise it
     *  is created explicitly and added to ConnectorRegistry.
     *  @param poolName Name of the pool.MCF pertaining to this pool is
     *         created/returned.  
     *  @return created/already present MCF instance
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if creation/retrieval of MCF fails
    public ManagedConnectionFactory obtainManagedConnectionFactory(
           String poolName) throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return ccPoolAdmService.obtainManagedConnectionFactory(poolName);
    /** Creates connector connection pool in the connector container.
     *  @param ccp ConnectorConnectionPool instance to be bound to JNDI. This
     *             object contains the pool properties.
     *  @param connectionDefinitionName Connection definition name against which
     *                                  connection pool is being created
     *  @param rarName Name of the resource adapter
     *  @param props Properties of MCF which are present in domain.xml
     *               These properties override the ones present in ra.xml
     *  @param securityMaps Array fo security maps.
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException When creation of pool fails.

    public void createConnectorConnectionPool(ConnectorConnectionPool ccp,
                          String connectionDefinitionName , String rarName,
                          com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ElementProperty[] props,
                          com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.SecurityMap[] securityMaps)
                          throws ConnectorRuntimeException

    /** Creates connector connection pool in the connector container.
     *  @param ccp ConnectorConnectionPool instance to be bound to JNDI. This
     *             object contains the pool properties.
     *  @param cdd ConnectorDescriptor obejct which abstracts the ra.xml
     *  @param rarName Name of the resource adapter
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException When creation of pool fails.

    public void createConnectorConnectionPool(ConnectorConnectionPool ccp,
                    ConnectionDefDescriptor cdd, String rarName)
                    throws ConnectorRuntimeException


    /** Creates connector connection pool in the connector container.
     *  @param ccp ConnectorConnectionPool instance to be bound to JNDI. This
     *             object contains the pool properties.
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException When creation of pool fails.

    public void createConnectorConnectionPool(
                       ConnectorConnectionPool connectorPoolObj )
                       throws ConnectorRuntimeException

    /** Creates connector connection pool in the connector container.
     *  cannot be used for 1.5 rar cases
     *  @param ccp ConnectorConnectionPool instance to be bound to JNDI. This
     *             object contains the pool properties.
     *  @param security unused
     *  @param configProperties MCF config properties 
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException When creation of pool fails.

    public void  createConnectorConnectionPool(
                ConnectorConnectionPool connectorPoolObj, String security,
                Set configProperties) throws ConnectorRuntimeException

     * Creates the connector resource on a given connection pool
     * @param jndiName JNDI name of the resource to be created
     * @poolName PoolName to which the connector resource belongs.
     * @resourceType Resource type Unused.
     * @throws ConnectorRuntimeException If the resouce creation fails.

    public void createConnectorResource(String jndiName, String poolName,
                    String resourceType) throws ConnectorRuntimeException


     * Returns the generated default poolName of JMS resources.
     * @jndiName jndi of the resources for which pool is to be created,
     * @return generated poolname

    public String getDefaultPoolName(String jndiName) {
        return connectorService.getDefaultPoolName(jndiName);

    public static boolean isJmsRa() {
        return ResourceAdapterAdminServiceImpl.isJmsRa();

     * Returns the generated default connection poolName for a
     * connection definition.
     * @moduleName rar module name
     * @connectionDefName connection definition name
     * @return generated connection poolname

    public String getDefaultPoolName(String moduleName,
                       String connectionDefName) {
        return connectorService.getDefaultPoolName(

     * Returns the generated default connector resource for a
     * connection definition.
     * @moduleName rar module name
     * @connectionDefName connection definition name
     * @return generated default connector resource name

    public String getDefaultResourceName(String moduleName,
                       String connectionDefName) {
        return connectorService.getDefaultResourceName(

    public void addAdminObject (
            String appName,
            String connectorName,
            String jndiName,
            String adminObjectType,
            Properties props)
            throws ConnectorRuntimeException

    public void deleteAdminObject(String jndiName)
                           throws ConnectorRuntimeException


    /** Deletes connector Connection pool
     *  @param poolName Name of the pool to delete
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if pool deletion operation fails

    public void deleteConnectorConnectionPool(String poolName)
                                 throws ConnectorRuntimeException

    /** Deletes connector Connection pool.
     *  @param poolName Name of the pool to delete
     *  @param cascade If true all the resources associed with that are also
     *                 deleted from connector container
     *                 If false and if some resources pertaining to pool
     *                 are present deletion operation fails . If no resources
     *                 are present pool is deleted.
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if pool deletion operation fails

    public void deleteConnectorConnectionPool(String poolName,boolean cascade)
                                 throws ConnectorRuntimeException


     * Deletes the connector resource.
     * @param jndiName JNDI name of the resource to delete.
     * @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if connector resource deletion fails.

    public void deleteConnectorResource(String jndiName)
                       throws ConnectorRuntimeException


     *  Obtain the authentication service associated with rar module.
     *  Currently only the BasicPassword authentication is supported.
     *  @rarName Rar module Name
     *  @poolName Name of the pool. Used for creation of
     *                              BasicPasswordAuthenticationService

    public AuthenticationService getAuthenticationService(String rarName,
                           String poolName) {

        return connectorSecurityAdmService.getAuthenticationService(

    public JmsRaMapping getJmsRaMapping() {
        return resourceAdapterAdmService.getJmsRaMapping();

     *  Obtains the Permission string that needs to be added to the
     *  to the security policy files. These are the security permissions needed
     *  by the resource adapter implementation classes.
     *  These strings are obtained by parsing the ra.xml
     *  @param moduleName rar module Name
     *  @ConnectorRuntimeException If rar.xml parsing fails.

    public String getSecurityPermissionSpec(String moduleName)
                         throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return configParserAdmService.getSecurityPermissionSpec(moduleName);

// asadmin test-connection-pool
     * This method is used to provide backend functionality for the
     * test-connection-pool asadmin command. Briefly the design is as
     * follows:<br>
     * 1. obtainManagedConnection for the poolname<br>
     * 2. lookup ConnectorDescriptorInfo from InitialContext using poolname<br>
     * 3. from cdi get username and password<br>
     * 4. create ResourcePrincipal using default username and password<br>
     * 5. create a Subject from this (doPriveleged)<br>
     * 6. createManagedConnection using above subject<br>
     * 7. getConnection from the ManagedConnection with above subject<br>
     * @return true if the connection pool is healthy. false otherwise
     * @throws ResourceException if pool is not usable
    public boolean testConnectionPool( String poolName )
            throws ResourceException {
        return ccPoolAdmService.testConnectionPool(poolName);
     * Pool Monitoring
     * This method returns the PoolStats for a given pool name
     * If the poolName does not exist, it returns null
    public PoolStats getPoolStats( String poolName ) {
        return ccPoolAdmService.getPoolStats(poolName);

    /** Checks if the rar module is already reployed.
     *  @param moduleName Rarmodule name
     *  @return true if it is already deployed.
     *          false if it is not deployed.
    public boolean isRarDeployed(String moduleName) {
        return resourceAdapterAdmService.isRarDeployed(moduleName);

    /** The ActiveResourceAdapter object which abstract the rar module is
     *  recreated in the connector container/registry. All the pools and
     *  resources are killed. But the infrastructure to create the pools and
     *  and resources is untouched. Only the actual pool is killed.
     *  @param moduleName rar module Name.
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if recreation fails.
    public void reCreateActiveResourceAdapter(String moduleName)
                         throws ConnectorRuntimeException {

     * Stops the resourceAdapter and removes it from connector container/
     * registry.
     * @param moduleName Rarmodule name.
     * @return true it is successful stop and removal of ActiveResourceAdapter
     *         false it stop and removal fails.

    public boolean stopAndRemoveActiveResourceAdapter(String moduleName) {

         return resourceAdapterAdmService.stopAndRemoveActiveResourceAdapter(

     *  Kills all the pools pertaining to the rar module.
     *  @moduleName Rar module Name

    public void killAllPools(String moduleName) {

     *  Kills a specific pool
     *  @param poolName poolName to kill

    public void killPool(String poolName) {

    /** Add the resource adapter configuration to the connector registry
     *  @param rarName rarmodule
     *  @param raConfig Resource Adapter configuration object
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeExcetion if the addition fails.

    public void addResourceAdapterConfig(String rarName,
           ResourceAdapterConfig raConfig) throws ConnectorRuntimeException {
    /** Delete the resource adapter configuration to the connector registry
     *  @param rarName rarmodule

    public void deleteResourceAdapterConfig(String rarName) {
//Dynamic reconfig
     * Reconfigure a connection pool.
     * This method compares the passed connector connection pool with the one
     * in memory. If the pools are unequal and the MCF properties are changed
     * a pool recreate is required. However if the pools are unequal and the
     * MCF properties are not changed a recreate is not required
     * @param ccp - the Updated connector connection pool object that admin
     *              hands over
     * @return true - if a pool restart is required, false otherwise
     * @throws ConnectorRuntimeException
    public boolean reconfigureConnectorConnectionPool( ConnectorConnectionPool
            ccp ) throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return ccPoolAdmService.reconfigureConnectorConnectionPool(ccp);

     * Reconfigure a connection pool.
     * This method compares the passed connector connection pool with the one
     * in memory. If the pools are unequal and the MCF properties are changed
     * a pool recreate is required. However if the pools are unequal and the
     * MCF properties are not changed a recreate is not required
     * @param ccp - the Updated connector connection pool object that admin
     *              hands over
     * @param excludedProps - A set of excluded property names that we want
     *                        to be excluded in the comparison check while
     *                        comparing MCF properties
     * @return true - if a pool restart is required, false otherwise
     * @throws ConnectorRuntimeException
    public boolean reconfigureConnectorConnectionPool( ConnectorConnectionPool
            ccp, Set excludedProps ) throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return ccPoolAdmService.reconfigureConnectorConnectionPool(
     * Recreate a connector connection pool. This method essentially does
     * the following things:
     * 1. Delete the said connector connection pool<br>
     * 2. Bind the pool to JNDI<br>
     * 3. Create an MCF for this pool and register with the connector registry<br>
     * @param ccp - the ConnectorConnectionPool to publish

    public void recreateConnectorConnectionPool( ConnectorConnectionPool ccp)
        throws ConnectorRuntimeException

    /** Obtains all the Connection definition names of a rar
     *  @param rarName rar moduleName
     *  @return Array of connection definition names.

    public String[] getConnectionDefinitionNames(String rarName)
               throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return configParserAdmService.getConnectionDefinitionNames(rarName);
    /** Obtains all the Admin object interface names of a rar
     *  @param rarName rar moduleName
     *  @return Array of admin object interface names.

    public String[] getAdminObjectInterfaceNames(String rarName)
               throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return configParserAdmService.getAdminObjectInterfaceNames(rarName);
     *  Retrieves the Resource adapter javabean properties with default values.
     *  The default values will the values present in the ra.xml. If the
     *  value is not present in ra.xxml, javabean is introspected to obtain
     *  the default value present, if any. If intrspection fails or null is the
     *  default value, empty string is returned.
     *  If ra.xml has only the property and no value, empty string is the value
     *  returned.
     *  @param rarName rar module name
     *  @return Resource adapter javabean properties with default values.
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if property retrieval fails.

    public Properties getResourceAdapterConfigProps(String rarName)
                throws ConnectorRuntimeException
      rarName.indexOf( ConnectorConstants.EMBEDDEDRAR_NAME_DELIMITER ) == -1
            ? configParserAdmService.getResourceAdapterConfigProps(rarName)
      : new Properties();

     *  Retrieves the MCF javabean properties with default values.
     *  The default values will the values present in the ra.xml. If the
     *  value is not present in ra.xxml, javabean is introspected to obtain
     *  the default value present, if any. If intrspection fails or null is the
     *  default value, empty string is returned.
     *  If ra.xml has only the property and no value, empty string is the value
     *  returned.
     *  @param rarName rar module name
     *  @return managed connection factory javabean properties with
     *          default values.
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if property retrieval fails.

    public Properties getMCFConfigProps(
     String rarName,String connectionDefName) throws ConnectorRuntimeException
      rarName.indexOf( ConnectorConstants.EMBEDDEDRAR_NAME_DELIMITER ) == -1
          ? configParserAdmService.getMCFConfigProps(
          : new Properties();

     *  Retrieves the admin object javabean properties with default values.
     *  The default values will the values present in the ra.xml. If the
     *  value is not present in ra.xxml, javabean is introspected to obtain
     *  the default value present, if any. If intrspection fails or null is the
     *  default value, empty string is returned.
     *  If ra.xml has only the property and no value, empty string is the value
     *  returned.
     *  @param rarName rar module name
     *  @return admin object javabean properties with
     *          default values.
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if property retrieval fails.

    public Properties getAdminObjectConfigProps(
      String rarName,String adminObjectIntf) throws ConnectorRuntimeException
      rarName.indexOf( ConnectorConstants.EMBEDDEDRAR_NAME_DELIMITER ) == -1
          ? configParserAdmService.getAdminObjectConfigProps(
    : new Properties();   

     *  Retrieves the XXX javabean properties with default values.
     *  The javabean to introspect/retrieve is specified by the type.
     *  The default values will be the values present in the ra.xml. If the
     *  value is not present in ra.xxml, javabean is introspected to obtain
     *  the default value present, if any. If intrspection fails or null is the
     *  default value, empty string is returned.
     *  If ra.xml has only the property and no value, empty string is the value
     *  returned.
     *  @param rarName rar module name
     *  @return admin object javabean properties with
     *          default values.
     *  @throws ConnectorRuntimeException if property retrieval fails.

    public Properties getConnectorConfigJavaBeans(String rarName,
        String connectionDefName,String type) throws ConnectorRuntimeException

        return configParserAdmService.getConnectorConfigJavaBeans(

     * Return the ActivationSpecClass name for given rar and messageListenerType
     * @param moduleDir The directory where rar is exploded.
     * @param messageListenerType MessageListener type
     * @throws  ConnectorRuntimeException If moduleDir is null.
     *          If corresponding rar is not deployed.

    public String getActivationSpecClass( String rarName,
             String messageListenerType) throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return configParserAdmService.getActivationSpecClass(

    /* Parses the ra.xml and returns all the Message listener types.
     * @param  rarName name of the rar module.
     * @return Array of message listener types as strings.
     * @throws  ConnectorRuntimeException If moduleDir is null.
     *          If corresponding rar is not deployed.

    public String[] getMessageListenerTypes(String rarName)
               throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return configParserAdmService.getMessageListenerTypes( rarName);

    /** Parses the ra.xml for the ActivationSpec javabean
     *  properties. The ActivationSpec to be parsed is
     *  identified by the moduleDir where ra.xml is present and the
     *  message listener type.
     *  message listener type will be unique in a given ra.xml.
     *  It throws ConnectorRuntimeException if either or both the
     *  parameters are null, if corresponding rar is not deployed,
     *  if message listener type mentioned as parameter is not found in ra.xml.
     *  If rar is deployed and message listener (type mentioned) is present
     *  but no properties are present for the corresponding message listener,
     *  null is returned.
     *  @param  rarName name of the rar module.
     *  @param  messageListenerType message listener type.It is uniqie
     *          across all <messagelistener> sub-elements in <messageadapter>
     *          element in a given rar.
     *  @return Javabean properties with the property names and values
     *          of properties. The property values will be the values
     *          mentioned in ra.xml if present. Otherwise it will be the
     *          default values obtained by introspecting the javabean.
     *          In both the case if no value is present, empty String is
     *          returned as the value.
     *  @throws  ConnectorRuntimeException if either of the parameters are null.
     *           If corresponding rar is not deployed i.e moduleDir is invalid.
     *           If messagelistener type is not found in ra.xml

    public Properties getMessageListenerConfigProps(String rarName,
         String messageListenerType)throws ConnectorRuntimeException
      rarName.indexOf( ConnectorConstants.EMBEDDEDRAR_NAME_DELIMITER ) == -1
            ? configParserAdmService.getMessageListenerConfigProps(
      : new Properties();   

    /** Returns the Properties object consisting of propertyname as the
     *  key and datatype as the value.
     *  @param  rarName name of the rar module.
     *  @param  messageListenerType message listener type.It is uniqie
     *          across all <messagelistener> sub-elements in <messageadapter>
     *          element in a given rar.
     *  @return Properties object with the property names(key) and datatype
     *          of property(as value).
     *  @throws  ConnectorRuntimeException if either of the parameters are null.
     *           If corresponding rar is not deployed i.e moduleDir is invalid.
     *           If messagelistener type is not found in ra.xml

    public Properties getMessageListenerConfigPropTypes(String rarName,
               String messageListenerType) throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return configParserAdmService.getMessageListenerConfigPropTypes(

    /** Checks whether the executing environment is application server
     *  @return true if execution environment is server
     *          false if it is client

    public static boolean isServer() {
        return getRuntime().connectorService.isServer();

    public void loadDeferredResourceAdapter(String rarName)
                        throws ConnectorRuntimeException {

    public boolean checkAndLoadResource(String resName) {
        return connectorService.checkAndLoadResource(resName);

    public boolean checkAccessibility(String rarName, ClassLoader loader) {
        return connectorService.checkAccessibility(rarName, loader);

     * Gets the properties of the Java bean connection definition class that
     * have setter methods defined
     * @param connectionDefinitionClassName  The Connection Definition Java bean class
     *  for which overrideable properties are required.
     * @return A Set of properties that have a setter method defined in the
     *                Connection Definition class
    public static Set getConnectionDefinitionProperties(String connectionDefinitionClassName) {
        return getRuntime().ccPoolAdmService.getConnectionDefinitionProperties(
      * Gets the properties of the Java bean connection definition class that
      * have setter methods defined and the default values as provided by the
      * Connection Definition java bean developer.
      * This method is used to get properties of jdbc-data-source<br>
      * To get Connection definition properties for Connector Connection Pool,
      * use ConnectorRuntime.getMCFConfigProperties()<br>
      * When the connection definition class is not found, standard JDBC
      * properties (of JDBC 3.0 Specification) will be returned.<br>
      * @param connectionDefinitionClassName
      *                     The Connection Definition Java bean class for which
      *                     overrideable properties are required.
      * @return Map [property, defaultValue]
    public static Map getConnectionDefinitionPropertiesAndDefaults(String connectionDefinitionClassName) {
        return getRuntime().ccPoolAdmService.getConnectionDefinitionPropertiesAndDefaults(
     * Gets Connector Resource Rebind Event notifier.
     * @return   ConnectorNamingEventNotifier
    public ConnectorNamingEventNotifier getResourceRebindEventNotifier(){
        return connectorResourceAdmService.getResourceRebindEventNotifier();

     * Causes pool to switch on the matching of connections.
     * It can be either directly on the pool or on the ConnectorConnectionPool
     * object that is bound in JNDI.
     * @param rarName Name of Resource Adpater.
     * @param poolName Name of the pool.
    public void switchOnMatching (String rarName, String poolName) {
        connectorService.switchOnMatching(rarName, poolName);

     * Causes matching to be switched on the ConnectorConnectionPool
     * bound in JNDI
     * @param poolName Name of the pool
    public void switchOnMatchingInJndi (String poolName)
        throws ConnectorRuntimeException {

     * Obtains the connector Descriptor pertaining to rar.
     * If ConnectorDescriptor is present in registry, it is obtained from
     * registry and returned. Else it is explicitly read from directory
     * where rar is exploded.
     * @param rarName Name of the rar
     * @return ConnectorDescriptor pertaining to rar.
    public ConnectorDescriptor getConnectorDescriptor( String rarName )
        throws ConnectorRuntimeException
        return connectorService.getConnectorDescriptor( rarName );
     * Calls the stop method for all J2EE Connector 1.5 spec compliant RARs
    public static void stopAllActiveResourceAdapters(){
     * Returns the configurable ResourceAdapterBean Properties
     * for a connector module bundled as a RAR.
     * @param pathToDeployableUnit a physical,accessible location of the connector module.
     * [either a RAR for RAR-based deployments or a directory for Directory based deployments]
     * @return A Map that is of <String RAJavaBeanPropertyName, String defaultPropertyValue>
     * An empty map is returned in the case of a 1.0 RAR
    public Map getResourceAdapterBeanProperties(String pathToDeployableUnit) throws ConnectorRuntimeException{
        return configParserAdmService.getRABeanProperties(pathToDeployableUnit);

     * Initialize the monitoring listeners for connection pools, work management
     * and message end point factory related stats
    public void initializeConnectorMonitoring() {

     * Get a sql connection from the DataSource specified by the jdbcJndiName.
     * This API is intended to be used in the DAS. The motivation for having this
     * API is to provide the CMP backend a means of acquiring a connection during
     * the codegen phase. If a user is trying to deploy an app on a remote server,
     * without this API, a resource reference has to be present both in the DAS
     * and the server instance. This makes the deployment more complex for the
     * user since a resource needs to be forcibly created in the DAS Too.
     * This API will mitigate this need.
     * @param jndiName the jndi name of the resource being used to get Connection from
     *                 This resource can either be a pmf resource or a jdbc resource
     * @param user  the user used to authenticate this request
     * @param password  the password used to authenticate this request
     * @return a java.sql.Connection
     * @throws java.sql.SQLException in case of errors
    public Connection getConnection(String jndiName, String user, String password)
            throws SQLException

  return ccPoolAdmService.getConnection( jndiName, user, password );

     * Get a sql connection from the DataSource specified by the jdbcJndiName.
     * This API is intended to be used in the DAS. The motivation for having this
     * API is to provide the CMP backend a means of acquiring a connection during
     * the codegen phase. If a user is trying to deploy an app on a remote server,
     * without this API, a resource reference has to be present both in the DAS
     * and the server instance. This makes the deployment more complex for the
     * user since a resource needs to be forcibly created in the DAS Too.
     * This API will mitigate this need.
     * @param jndiName the jndi name of the resource being used to get Connection from
     *                 This resource can either be a pmf resource or a jdbc resource
     * @return a java.sql.Connection
     * @throws java.sql.SQLException in case of errors
    public Connection getConnection(String jndiName)
            throws SQLException
  return ccPoolAdmService.getConnection( jndiName );

     * Checks if a conncetor connection pool has been deployed to this server
     * instance
     * @param poolName
     * @return
    public boolean isConnectorConnectionPoolDeployed(String poolName) {
        return ccPoolAdmService.isConnectorConnectionPoolDeployed(poolName);
     * Returns a list of <code>MQJMXConnectorInfo</code> associated with the target
    public MQJMXConnectorInfo[] getMQJMXConnectorInfo(String target) throws
                                                     ConnectorRuntimeException {
        For getting a JMXConnector for each jms-host defined in jms-service:
        If EMBEDDED/LOCAL and notclustered: get default JMS host from jms-service.
        If MQRA has already been started, get from registry, introspect and get
        the valid properties to construct MQJMXConnector
        If clustered: get all hosts from JMS host information and for each of them
        construct a MQRA instance, and get properties to construct MQJMXConnector
        return MQJMXConnectorHelper.getMQJMXConnectorInfo(target);

     * Code that checks whether a jndi suffix is valid or not.
    public boolean isValidJndiSuffix(String name) {
        return connectorResourceAdmService.isValidJndiSuffix(name);

     * Does lookup of "__pm" datasource. If found, it will be returned.<br><br>
     * If not found and <b>force</b> is true, this api will try to get a wrapper datasource specified
     *  by the jdbcjndi name. The motivation for having this
     * API is to provide the CMP backend/ JPA-Java2DB a means of acquiring a connection during
     * the codegen phase. If a user is trying to deploy an JPA-Java2DB app on a remote server,
     * without this API, a resource reference has to be present both in the DAS
     * and the server instance. This makes the deployment more complex for the
     * user since a resource needs to be forcibly created in the DAS Too.
     * This API will mitigate this need.
     * When the resource is not enabled, datasource wrapper provided will not be of
     * type "__pm"
     * @param jndiName  jndi name of the resource
     * @param force provide the resource (in DAS)  even if it is not enabled in DAS
     * @return DataSource representing the resource.
     * @throws NamingException when not able to get the datasource.
    public Object lookupPMResource(String jndiName, boolean force) throws NamingException{
        Object result ;
            result = connectorResourceAdmService.lookup(jndiName+PM_JNDI_SUFFIX);
        }catch(NamingException ne){
            if(force && ResourcesUtil.isDAS()){
                _logger.log(Level.FINE, "jdbc.unable_to_lookup_resource",new Object[] {jndiName});
                result = lookupDataSourceInDAS(jndiName);
                throw ne;
        return result;
     * Does lookup of non-tx-datasource. If found, it will be returned.<br><br>
     * If not found and <b>force</b> is true,  this api will try to get a wrapper datasource specified
     * by the jdbcjndi name. The motivation for having this
     * API is to provide the CMP backend/ JPA-Java2DB a means of acquiring a connection during
     * the codegen phase. If a user is trying to deploy an JPA-Java2DB app on a remote server,
     * without this API, a resource reference has to be present both in the DAS
     * and the server instance. This makes the deployment more complex for the
     * user since a resource needs to be forcibly created in the DAS Too.
     * This API will mitigate this need.
     * @param jndiName  jndi name of the resource
     * @param force provide the resource (in DAS)  even if it is not enabled in DAS
     * @return DataSource representing the resource.
     * @throws NamingException when not able to get the datasource.
    public Object lookupNonTxResource(String jndiName, boolean force) throws NamingException{
        Object result ;
            result = connectorResourceAdmService.lookup(jndiName+NON_TX_JNDI_SUFFIX);
        }catch(NamingException ne){
            if(force && ResourcesUtil.isDAS()){
                _logger.log(Level.FINE, "jdbc.unable_to_lookup_resource",new Object[] {jndiName});
                result = lookupDataSourceInDAS(jndiName);
                throw ne;
        return result;

     * Get a wrapper datasource specified by the jdbcjndi name
     * This API is intended to be used in the DAS. The motivation for having this
     * API is to provide the CMP backend/ JPA-Java2DB a means of acquiring a connection during
     * the codegen phase. If a user is trying to deploy an JPA-Java2DB app on a remote server,
     * without this API, a resource reference has to be present both in the DAS
     * and the server instance. This makes the deployment more complex for the
     * user since a resource needs to be forcibly created in the DAS Too.
     * This API will mitigate this need.
     * @param jndiName  jndi name of the resource
     * @return DataSource representing the resource.
    private Object lookupDataSourceInDAS(String jndiName){
        return connectorResourceAdmService.lookupDataSourceInDAS(jndiName);

     * Lookup the JNDI name with appropriate suffix.
     * @param name : JNDI name to be looked up. This can be suffixed
     *               with a proper suffix like __pm or __nontx
    public Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException {
        return connectorResourceAdmService.lookup(name);

     * Returns the system RAR names that allow pool creation
    public String[] getSystemConnectorsAllowingPoolCreation(){
        return new String[] {
     * Loads all system RA resources not used till now
     * This method is used when user accesses jndi tree.
    public synchronized void loadAllSystemRAResources(){
            isSystemResourcesLoaded = true;

    public PrintWriter getResourceAdapterLogWriter(){
        Logger logger =  LogDomains.getLogger(LogDomains.RSR_LOGGER);
        RAWriterAdapter writerAdapter = new RAWriterAdapter(logger);
        return new PrintWriter(writerAdapter);

     * provides XATerminator proxy that is Serializable
     * @param moduleName resource-adapter name
     * @return XATerminator
    public XATerminator getXATerminatorProxy(String moduleName){
        XATerminator xat = Switch.getSwitch().getTransactionManager().getXATerminator();
        return new XATerminatorProxy(xat);

     * provides work manager proxy that is Serializable
     * @param poolId ThreadPoolId
     * @param moduleName resource-adapter name
     * @return WorkManager
     * @throws ConnectorRuntimeException when unable to get work manager
    public WorkManager getWorkManagerProxy(String poolId, String moduleName) throws ConnectorRuntimeException{
        WorkManager wm = ConnectorRegistry.getInstance().getWorkManager(moduleName);
        if(wm == null){
            wm = WorkManagerFactory.getWorkManager(poolId);
            ConnectorRegistry.getInstance().addWorkManager(moduleName, wm);
        return new WorkManagerProxy(wm, moduleName);


Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.connectors.ConnectorRuntime

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