Package com.sun.enterprise.appclient.jws

Source Code of com.sun.enterprise.appclient.jws.AppclientJWSSupportInfo$ApplicationConfig

* Copyright 1997-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms of either the GNU
* General Public License Version 2 only ("GPL") or the Common Development
* and Distribution License("CDDL") (collectively, the "License").  You
* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
* a copy of the License at
* or glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.  See the License for the specific
* language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
* file and include the License file at glassfish/bootstrap/legal/LICENSE.txt.
* Sun designates this particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception
* as provided by Sun in the GPL Version 2 section of the License file that
* accompanied this code.  If applicable, add the following below the License
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package com.sun.enterprise.appclient.jws;

import com.sun.enterprise.appclient.AppClientInfo;
import com.sun.enterprise.appclient.Main;
import com.sun.enterprise.appclient.MainWithModuleSupport;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigBean;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigBeansFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.ConfigException;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.AppclientModule;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.Applications;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.J2eeApplication;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerHelper;
import com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.ServerXPathHelper;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Application;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.ApplicationClientDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.Descriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeployableObjectType;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.AbstractArchive;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.deploy.shared.ArchiveFactory;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.interfaces.DeploymentImplConstants;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.runtime.JavaWebStartAccessDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.util.ModuleDescriptor;
import com.sun.enterprise.deployment.backend.DeploymentUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.AppclientModulesManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.ApplicationEnvironment;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.AppclientModulesManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.AppsManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.BaseManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.InstanceEnvironment;
import com.sun.enterprise.instance.ModuleEnvironment;
import com.sun.enterprise.loader.EJBClassPathUtils;
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ApplicationServer;
import com.sun.enterprise.server.ServerContext;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.ExecException;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.ORBManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.ProcessExecutor;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.SystemPropertyConstants;
import com.sun.enterprise.util.i18n.StringManager;
import com.sun.enterprise.web.WebContainer;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.enterprise.deploy.shared.ModuleType;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;

import org.omg.CORBA.ORB;
import org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName;

*Records and provides access to information about app clients that need
*Java Web Start support.
*The basic purpose of this class is to map between the "virtual" location of
*files as will be specified by incoming HTTP requests and the content to be returned
*as the responses to those requests.  The
*content itself can be dynamic (created based on information about the
*particular app client or the particular HTTP request) or static (a file
*that resides somewhere in the file system). 
*This information is updated as modules are loaded and unloaded in the
*server instance and as the administrator enables or disables modules
*for Java Web Start access to their app clients.  The information is used
*by the system web application that responds to Java Web Start's requests
*for content related to the app clients.
*This class is a singleton.
* @author tjquinn
public class AppclientJWSSupportInfo {

    /** MIME types for dynamic documents */
    private static final String JNLP_MIME_TYPE = "application/x-java-jnlp-file";
    private static final String HTML_MIME_TYPE = "text/html";
    private static final String XML_MIME_TYPE = "application/xml";

    /** the singleton instance for this class */
    private static AppclientJWSSupportInfo instance = null;

     * pattern string describing the format of the pathInfo of incoming requests;
     * includes capture of useful portions as separate groups
     *The format is:  <category>/<subcategory>/<rest-of-path>
     *where category must be appclient, application, or appserver.  The
     *exact meaning of the subcategory can vary, depending on the category. 
     *The /<rest-of-path> part can be empty, and will be for requests for
     *the main JNLP document.
     *If the pattern is changed, then the int definitions just below may also
     *need to be changed to reflect the correct positions in the pattern.
    private static final String REQUEST_PATH_INFO_PATTERN = "/(" +
            NamingConventions.APPCLIENT_CATEGORY + "|" +
            NamingConventions.APPLICATION_CATEGORY + "|" +
            NamingConventions.APPSERVER_CATEGORY + "|" +
     *These group numbers are used in retrieving "captured" parts of matched
    private static final int PATTERN_CATEGORY_GROUP_NUMBER = 1;
    private static final int PATTERN_REGNAME_GROUP_NUMBER = 2;
    private static final int PATTERN_RELATIVEPATH_GROUP_NUMBER = 3;
    /** pattern used for processing incoming request pathInfo strings */
    private static final Pattern requestPathInfoPattern = Pattern.compile(REQUEST_PATH_INFO_PATTERN);
     *Property settable on the server side to retain temp files on the client.
     *Use the same property name on both sides for clarity.
     * Defines the type prefix that indicates a IIOP socket info object that should
     * NOT be included in the list of IIOP endpoints sent to the client for
     * failover.  Eventually the IIOP classes may provide this constant in
     * one place.
    private static final String IIOP_ENDPOINT_TYPE_PREFIX_IGNORE = "SSL";
    /** Property name used to create request for elevated permissions in the JNLP document */
    private static final String APPCLIENT_JAR_SECURITY_ELEMENT_PROPERTYNAME = "";
    /** local strings manager */
    private StringManager localStrings = StringManager.getManager(getClass());
     *Two key concepts in the implementation are "content" - information that
     *must be served back to Java Web Start on the requesting client - and
     *"origin" of content - such as an app client, an application, or one of
     *several groupings of content from the app server itself.
     *The following Maps relate each app client registration name, J2EE app reg. name,
     *and app server content grouping (lib, imq, etc.) to the corresponding "origin" of
     *the content.  In particular, by keeping separate collections for the signed
     *vs. unsigned appserver origins, it is easier to create the two JNLP documents
     *that list the files.  Each list of files must appear in a separate JNLP
     *document so each file can have different security settings.
    private Map<String,ContentOrigin> appclients;
    private Map<String,ContentOrigin> applications;
    private Map<String,ContentOrigin> appserverOrigins;
    private Map<String,ContentOrigin> signedAppserverOrigins;
    private Map<String,ContentOrigin> extJarAppserverOrigins;
     *The following map relates strings representing pathInfo values to the
     *corresponding Content.  All content available from the Java Web Start
     *system servlet is entered in this map.
    private Map<String,Content> contentMap;

    /** maps the category name to the particular map of key to content */
    private Map<String,Map<String,ContentOrigin>> originTypes;
     *Several app server-provided objects are used for looking up apps,
     *app clients, and getting information about the server.
    /** the app server instance server context */
    protected ServerContext appServerContext;
    /** the app server instance environment */
    protected InstanceEnvironment instEnv;
    /** the instance's J2EE applications manager */
    protected AppsManager appsManager;
    /** the instance's app client modules manager */
    protected AppclientModulesManager appclientModulesManager;
    private static final String lineSep = System.getProperty("line.separator");

    private Logger _logger=LogDomains.getLogger(NamingConventions.JWS_LOGGER);
    /** Cache for the templates, bundled and retrieved from the jar file that contains this class. */
    private TemplateCache templateCache;
    /** URI to the app server's installation root directory */
    private URI installRootURI;
    /** File pointing to the app server's root directory */
    private File installRootDir;
    /** URI to the derby root directory */
    private URI derbyRootURI;
    /** File pointing to the derby root directory */
    private File derbyRootDir;
    /** File pointing to the app server's installed lib directory */
    private File libRoot;
    /** File pointing to the temporary app client jar directory */
    private File tempJarDirectory;
    /** File pointing to the instance's j2ee-modules directory */
    private File j2eeModulesDir;
    /** File pointing to the instance's j2ee-apps directory */
    private File j2eeApplicationsDir;

    /** manages extension jar files */
    private ExtensionFileManager extensionFileManager;

    private String UNSIGNED_JWSACC_JARFILE_NAME = "appserv-jwsacc.jar";

    private String SIGNED_JWSACC_JARFILE_NAME = "appserv-jwsacc-signed.jar";
     *Returns the single instance of the class.
     *@return the singleton AppclientJWSSupportInfo
    public static synchronized AppclientJWSSupportInfo getInstance() throws IOException, Exception {
        if (instance == null) {
            instance = new AppclientJWSSupportInfo();
             *Make sure the manager is instantiated so it can register for
             *events.  No reference to the object needs to be kept here;
             *just make sure the manager has been set up.
        return instance;

     *Creates a new instance of AppclientJWSSupportInfo.
     *The constructor is private to prevent other objects from creating a new
     *instance except through getInstance().
    private AppclientJWSSupportInfo() throws IOException, Exception {
        extensionFileManager = new ExtensionFileManager();
         *Create the collections of content origins (such as the app server itself,
         *app clients, and applications that contain embedded app clients.
        appclients = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,ContentOrigin>());
        applications = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,ContentOrigin>());
        appserverOrigins = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,ContentOrigin>());
        signedAppserverOrigins = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,ContentOrigin>());
        extJarAppserverOrigins = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,ContentOrigin>());
        contentMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String,Content>());
         *Add these maps to the map of maps (!).
        originTypes = new HashMap<String,Map<String,ContentOrigin>>();
        originTypes.put(NamingConventions.APPCLIENT_CATEGORY, appclients);
        originTypes.put(NamingConventions.APPLICATION_CATEGORY, applications);
        originTypes.put(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_CATEGORY, appserverOrigins);
        originTypes.put(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_CATEGORY, signedAppserverOrigins);
        originTypes.put(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_EXTJAR_FILES, extJarAppserverOrigins);
         *Get references to useful app server objects.

         *On Windows, the user may have entered the installation path with
         *different case compared to how the directories are actually spelled.
         *(For example, the directory might be on the disk as MyDir but the
         *user could have entered mydir.)  Windows is okay with this, but
         *a File object using mydir will yield a different URI than one
         *with MyDir.  Using the canonical path for the installation directory
         *makes sure the installRootURI is formatted consistently with the
         *ones for which we construct relative paths later on.
        String installRootDirSpec = System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.INSTALL_ROOT_PROPERTY);
        installRootDir = new File(installRootDirSpec).getCanonicalFile();
        installRootURI = installRootDir.toURI();
        String derbyRootDirSpec = System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.DERBY_ROOT_PROPERTY);
        derbyRootDir = new File(derbyRootDirSpec).getCanonicalFile();
        derbyRootURI = derbyRootDir.toURI();
         *Create the template cache.
        templateCache = new TemplateCache();
         *Set up the File objects for the app server's lib directory.  It is
         *used in setting up the content objects for the app server jars served
         *back to the client.
        String instanceRootDirSpec = instEnv.getInstancesRoot();
        libRoot = new File(installRootDir, "lib");

         *Load the map with app server-provided files.  Do this now, because these
         *are the same for all applications or app clients.
     *Starts Java Web Start services for a stand-alone app client module.
     *@param the Application object for this app client
     *@param the ModuleDescriptor for the app client
     *@param the config context from the deploy event (null if the instance is restarting)
    public void startJWSServicesForAppclient(Application application, ModuleDescriptor moduleDescr, ConfigContext configContext)
        throws IOException, URISyntaxException, ConfigException, SAXParseException, ConfigException, Exception {
        String regName = application.getRegistrationName();
        AppClientConfig appClientConfig = new AppClientConfig(configContext, regName);
        if (appClientConfig == null) {
            throw new ConfigException("Cannot locate config information for app client " + regName);

         *Make sure we don't already have services going for this app client.
        String appclientMapKey = NamingConventions.TopLevelAppclient.actualContextRoot(application);
        AppclientContentOrigin origin = findAppclient(appclientMapKey);
        if (origin != null) {
            _logger.warning("Attempted to start Java Web Start services for stand-alone app client " + regName + " when they were already started; ignoring the duplicate request");

        _logger.fine("Starting Java Web Start services for stand-alone app client " + application.getRegistrationName());
         *There is no pre-existing origin for this app client, so create one and
         *start Java Web Start services for it.
        origin = prepareTopLevelAppclient(application, moduleDescr,
                appClientConfig.getLocation(), appClientConfig.getGeneratedXMLLocation());
        if (origin != null) {

            appclients.put(appclientMapKey, origin);

            String logOutput = (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ? origin.toLongString() : origin.toString());
  "Java Web Start services started for stand-alone app client " + logOutput);
     *Ends Java Web Start support for a stand-alone app client that is being
     *unloaded from the server.
     *@param the application for the app client
     *@param the module descriptor for the app client
    public void endJWSServicesForAppclient(Application application, ModuleDescriptor moduleDescr, ConfigContext configContext) throws ConfigException {
        _logger.fine("Ending Java Web Start services for stand-alone app client " + application.getRegistrationName());
        String appclientMapKey = NamingConventions.TopLevelAppclient.actualContextRoot(application);
        AppclientContentOrigin origin = findAppclient(appclientMapKey);
        if (origin != null) {

  "Java Web Start services ended for stand-alone app client " + origin);
     *Starts Java Web Start services for an application that contains nested
     *app clients which need Java Web Start support.
     *@param the application's registration ID
     *@param the module descriptors for child app clients eligible for Java Web Start access
     *@param the config context from the deploy event (null if during an instance restart)
     *@exception IOException during any retrieval of template for dynamic content
    public void startJWSServicesForApplication(Application application, ModuleDescriptor [] moduleDescriptors, ConfigContext configContext)
            throws IOException, URISyntaxException, SAXParseException, ConfigException, Exception {
        String applicationMapKey = NamingConventions.TopLevelApplication.contextRoot(application);
        String regName = application.getRegistrationName();
        ApplicationConfig appConfig = new ApplicationConfig(configContext, regName);
        if (appConfig == null) {
            throw new ConfigException("Cannot locate config information for application " + regName);
        _logger.fine("Starting Java Web Start services for application " + regName);

         *Make sure we don't have services running already for this application.
        ApplicationContentOrigin origin = findApplication(applicationMapKey);
        if (origin != null) {
            _logger.warning("Attempt to start Java Web Start services for application " + regName + " when they were already started; ignoring the duplicate request");
         *Preparing the application also includes preparing its child
         *app clients, which is the real goal.
        origin = prepareApplication(application, moduleDescriptors,
                appConfig.getLocation(), appConfig.getGeneratedXMLLocation());


         *Add the origin to the collection.
        applications.put(applicationMapKey, origin);

        String logOutput = (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) ? origin.toLongString() : origin.toString());"Java Web Start services started for application " + logOutput);
     *Ends Java Web Start services for an application that may contain embedded app clients.
     *@param the application object for the application
     *@param the module descriptor for the application
     public void endJWSServicesForApplication(Application application, ModuleDescriptor[] moduleDescrs, ConfigContext configContext) throws ConfigException {
         String applicationMapKey = NamingConventions.TopLevelApplication.contextRoot(application);
         ApplicationContentOrigin origin = findApplication(applicationMapKey);
         if (origin != null) {
             _logger.fine("Ending Java Web Start services for application " + origin.getTopLevelRegistrationName());
   "Java Web Start services ended for application: " + origin);

              *Finally, remove the application's origin from the collection.

      *Returns whether the specified origin is currently enabled for Java Web
      *Start access or not.
      *@param origin the UserContentOrigin to check
      *@return boolean indicating whether the app client origin is enabled for JWS access
      public boolean isEnabled(UserContentOrigin origin){
          boolean result = false;
          String regName = origin.getApplication().getRegistrationName();
          try {
              if (origin instanceof ApplicationContentOrigin) {
                  result = appsManager.isJavaWebStartEnabled(regName);
              } else {
                  result = appclientModulesManager.isJavaWebStartEnabled(regName);
              return result;
          } catch (ConfigException ce) {
              _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error checking if Java Web Start access enabled for app client " + origin.getApplication().getRegistrationName(), ce);
              return false;
      *Returns whether the specified origin is currently enabled for Java Web
      *Start access or not.
      *@param origin the ApplicationContentOrigin to check
      *@return boolean indicating whether the app client origin is enabled for JWS access
      public boolean isEnabled(ApplicationContentOrigin origin) {
          try {
             return appsManager.isJavaWebStartEnabled(origin.getApplication().getRegistrationName());
          } catch (ConfigException ce) {
              _logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error checking if Java Web Start access enabled for application " + origin.getApplication().getRegistrationName(), ce);
              return false;
     *Returns the Content object corresponding to the path info in the HTTP
     *@param the HTTP request asking for the content
     *@return Content object representing the desired content; returns null if no
     *content matches the HTTP request's information
    public Content getContent(HttpServletRequest request) {
        String pathInfo = request.getPathInfo();
         *Adjust the request's pathInfo - for instance, this removes the
         *context-root of the web app if the web app is nested inside an ear.
        String contentKey = NamingConventions.pathToContentKey(pathInfo);

         *Even though each origin tracks its own content as well, the single
         *contentMap allows a single look-up to find any content, regardless
         *of its origin.
        Content result = contentMap.get(contentKey);

         *Make sure the origin for this content is currently enabled for Java
         *Web Start access.
         if (result != null) {
             ContentOrigin origin = result.getOrigin();
             if ( ! origin.isEnabled()) {
                 if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                     _logger.fine("Located requested document with content key " + contentKey + " but reporting 'not found' because the administrator has disabled Java Web Start access for the application or app client");
                 result = null;
         } else if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.WARNING) && (result == null) ) {
              *Almost every request that reaches our system servlet results from
              *information we generated into the JNLP documents.  So we should not
              *receive requests for content we do not have.  If the look-up failed
              *to find the content, report it.
              _logger.warning("Attempt failed to find Java Web Start content at path " + pathInfo + "; content is available at these paths:" + contentMap.keySet());
        return result;

      *Register all deployed appclients with JWS service. This will be called by
      *OnDemand initialization framework, when webcontainer starts.
     public void startJWSServicesForDeployedAppclients() {
         for (ContentOrigin origin : appclients.values()) {
             AppclientContentOrigin acOrigin = (AppclientContentOrigin) origin;
             if (acOrigin.isAdhocPathRegistered() == false) {

         for (ContentOrigin origin : applications.values()) {
             ApplicationContentOrigin aOrigin = (ApplicationContentOrigin) origin;
             if (aOrigin.isAdhocPathRegistered() == false) {
      *Returns the AppclientContentOrigin corresponding to the app client with the
      *specified registration name.
      *@param the reg name of the app client
      *@return the AppclientContentOrigin object for that app client; null if there is none
     private AppclientContentOrigin findAppclient(String regName) {
         AppclientContentOrigin result = (AppclientContentOrigin) appclients.get(regName);
        return result;
     *Returns the AppclientContentOrigin that corresponds to the specified Application and ModuleDescriptor.
     *@param the Application object for the app client
     *@param the ModuleDescriptor object for the app client
     *@return the corresponding AppclientOrigin; null if no matching AppclientOrigin is found
    private AppclientContentOrigin findAppclient(Application application, ModuleDescriptor moduleDescr) {
        return findAppclient(application.getRegistrationName());

     *Returns the ApplicationContentOrigin corresponding to the specified Application and ModuleDescriptor
     *@param the registration name for the application
     *@return the corresponding AppclientOrigin; null if no matching AppclientOrigin is found
    private ApplicationContentOrigin findApplication(String regName) {
        ApplicationContentOrigin result = (ApplicationContentOrigin) applications.get(regName);
        return result;
     *Returns the ApplicationContentOrigin corresponding to the specified Application and ModuleDescriptor
     *@param the Application object for the app client
     *@return the corresponding AppclientOrigin; null if no matching AppclientOrigin is found
    private ApplicationContentOrigin findApplication(Application application) {
        return findApplication(application.getRegistrationName());

     *Does the work to start Java Web Start services for an app client.
     *@param the appclientOrigin for which to begin JWS services
    private void startJWSServices(AppclientContentOrigin origin) {
        WebContainer container = WebContainer.getInstance();
        if (container != null) { // Make sure that webcontainer is up.

             *Ask the web container to route requests for the app client's context-root to
             *our ad hoc servlet using the appropriate target path for this origin.
            String targetPathString = origin.getTargetPath();
            WebPath targetPath = new WebPath(targetPathString);
            JWSAdHocServletInfo info = new JWSAdHocServletInfo(targetPath.path(), targetPath.contextRoot());

            String virtualContextRoot = origin.getVirtualPath();
            WebPath virtualPath = new WebPath(virtualContextRoot);
  "Registering ad hoc servlet: " + virtualPath);
     *Does the work to end Java Web Start support for the specified app client.
     *@param the app client for which Java Web Start is no longer needed
    private void endJWSServices(AppclientContentOrigin origin) {
        for (Content c : origin.getContents()) {
        WebPath path = new WebPath(origin.getVirtualPath());
        _logger.fine("Unregistering ad hoc servlet: " + path);

        WebContainer container = WebContainer.getInstance();
        if (container != null) {
            container.unregisterAdHocPath(path.path(), path.contextRoot());

     *Does the work to start Java Web Start services for app clients
     *nested within an application.
     *@param the applicationOrigin for which to begin JWS services
    private void startJWSServices(ApplicationContentOrigin origin) {
        WebContainer container = WebContainer.getInstance();
        if (container != null) { // Make sure that webcontainer is up.
             *Start services for each of the child app clients.
            for (AppclientContentOrigin appclient : origin.getAppclientOrigins()) {
     *Does the work to end Java Web Start support for the app clients
     *within the specified parent application content origin.
     *@param the app client for which Java Web Start is no longer needed
    private void endJWSServices(ApplicationContentOrigin origin) {

        for (AppclientContentOrigin appclient : origin.getAppclientOrigins()) {
        for (Content c : origin.getContents()) {
     *Loads several app server objects for retrieving useful information
     *about the app server instance and applications deployed on it.
     *@throws IllegalStateException reporting any error retrieving the references
    private void findAppServerObjects() throws IllegalStateException {
         *Build a string listing each failed attempt to locate a useful object.
        StringBuilder failedObjects = new StringBuilder();
        Throwable relatedException = null;
        try {
            if ((appServerContext = ApplicationServer.getServerContext()) == null) {
                failedObjects.append(lineSep).append(" ApplicationServer.getServerContext()");
            } else if ((instEnv = appServerContext.getInstanceEnvironment()) == null) {
                failedObjects.append(lineSep).append(" appServerContext.getInstanceEnvironment()");
            } else {
                try {
                    appsManager = new AppsManager(instEnv, false);

                } catch (ConfigException ce) {
                    relatedException = ce;
                    failedObjects.append(lineSep).append(" AppsManager(instEnv)");

                try {
                    appclientModulesManager = new AppclientModulesManager(instEnv, false);
                } catch (ConfigException ce) {
                    relatedException = ce;  // Might override earlier assignment; ok, since it'd be rare and both are config exc.
                    failedObjects.append(lineSep).append(" AppclientModulesManager(instEnv)");
        } finally {
             *If there were any failures to find the objects, report them.
            if (failedObjects.length() > 0) {
                if (relatedException == null) {
                     relatedException = new IllegalStateException("Null returned");
                throw new IllegalStateException("The following utility objects could not be initialized: " + failedObjects.toString(), relatedException);

     *Loads the appserver files map.
     *This method loads the app server file entries into the map.  This map is
     *also used to populate part of the JNLP documents that list app
     *server files for Java Web Start.  This method is then the only place that needs to change
     *if the list of app server files needs to change.
     *@exception IOException indicates problems loading a dynamic template
    private void preloadAppserverContent() throws IOException, Exception {
         *Build the collection of signed jar files as one content origin.
         *Note that this may change so that the files listed below become part
         *of the previous group instead with only a small bootstrap jar needing
         *to be signed.
        AppserverContentOrigin signedLibFilesOrigin = new AppserverContentOrigin(

         *Add the app server lib files entry to the collection of app server entries.
        signedAppserverOrigins.put(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_LIB_FILES, signedLibFilesOrigin);

        AppserverContentOrigin libFilesOrigin = new AppserverContentOrigin(

         *Add a new static content object for each unsigned app server lib file to the
         *app server lib entry.
        addAppserverStaticContent(libRoot, libFilesOrigin, false /* isMain */,

         *Add the app server lib files entry to the collection of app server origins.
        appserverOrigins.put(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_LIB_FILES, libFilesOrigin);

         *Add the derby jar.
        AppserverContentOrigin derbyLibFilesOrigin = new AppserverContentOrigin(
        File derbyLib = new File(derbyRootDir, "lib");
    addAppserverStaticContent(derbyLib, derbyLibFilesOrigin, false /* isMain */, "derbyclient.jar");
        appserverOrigins.put(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_DERBY_FILES, derbyLibFilesOrigin);
         *Add static content objects for the mq files needed on the client and add
         *the origin to the appserver origins.
        AppserverContentOrigin mqlibFilesOrigin = new AppserverContentOrigin(

        File mqRoot = new File(installRootDir,  "imq");
        File mqlibRoot = new File(mqRoot, "lib");
        addAppserverStaticContent(mqlibRoot, mqlibFilesOrigin, false /* isMain */, "fscontext.jar");
        appserverOrigins.put(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_MQLIB_FILES, mqlibFilesOrigin);

         *Again, for the jms ra jar.
        AppserverContentOrigin jmsraFilesOrigin = new AppserverContentOrigin(
        File installRoot = new File(libRoot, "install");
        File appsRoot = new File(installRoot, "applications");
        File jmsraRoot = new File(appsRoot, "jmsra");
        addAppserverStaticContent(jmsraRoot, jmsraFilesOrigin, false /* isMain */, "imqjmsra.jar");
        appserverOrigins.put(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_JMSRALIB_FILES, jmsraFilesOrigin);
         *Add static content for the extension jars.
        AppserverContentOrigin extJarsOrigin = new AppserverContentOrigin(
        Map<ExtensionFileManager.ExtensionKey,ExtensionFileManager.Extension> extFileInfo = extensionFileManager.getExtensionFileEntries();
        for (ExtensionFileManager.Extension e : extFileInfo.values()) {
            File f = e.getFile();
            String path = NamingConventions.extJarFilePath(e.getExtDirectoryNumber(), f);
            String contentKey = extJarsOrigin.getContentKeyPrefix() + path;
            AppserverStaticContent extContent = new AppserverStaticContent(
            extJarsOrigin.pathToContent.put(extContent.getContentKey(), extContent);
            contentMap.put(extContent.getContentKey(), extContent);
        extJarAppserverOrigins.put(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_EXTJAR_FILES, extJarsOrigin);

    private void addJWSACCStaticContent(AppserverContentOrigin origin) throws Exception {

        String signedJarFileName = NamingConventions.SignedJar.signedJarPath(UNSIGNED_JWSACC_JARFILE_NAME);
        String path = "/" + signedJarFileName;
        String contentKey = origin.getContentKeyPrefix() + path;
        File unsignedJar = new File(installRootDir, "lib" + File.separator + UNSIGNED_JWSACC_JARFILE_NAME);
        File signedJar = new File(instEnv.getJavaWebStartPath(), signedJarFileName);
        SignedStaticContent content = new SignedStaticContent(
            true /* isMain */
        addAppserverStaticContent(origin, content);

     *Adds static content objects to an origin.
     *@param prefix to use at the beginning of the URL path for these files
     *@param the directory in which the files actually reside
     *@param the appserver origin whose pathToContent map should contain mappings for these paths to the files
     *@param list of file names
    private void addAppserverStaticContent(File dir, AppserverContentOrigin origin, boolean isMain, String... fileName) {
        for (String fn : fileName) {
            String path = "/" + fn;
            String contentKey = origin.getContentKeyPrefix() + path;
            AppserverStaticContent content = new AppserverStaticContent(
                new File(dir, fn),

             *Add the new content object both to the origin's map and also to
             *the global content map.
            addAppserverStaticContent(origin, content);

     *Adds static content objects to an origin.
     *@param prefix to use at the beginning of the URL path for these files
     *@param the directory in which the files actually reside
     *@param the appserver origin whose pathToContent map should contain mappings for these paths to the files
     *@param list of file names
    private void addAppserverStaticContent(AppserverContentOrigin origin, StaticContent content) {
         *Add the new content object both to the origin's map and also to
         *the global content map.
        origin.pathToContent.put(content.getContentKey(), content);
        contentMap.put(content.getContentKey(), content);

     *Creates Properties object containing names and values of placeholders
     *known when an appclient or application is loaded.  This excludes information
     *available only when a request arrives.  This Properties object is used
     *to substitute the values for the names in the generated documents.
     *All properties are defined in a single Properties object, and that Properties
     *instance is used in processing all dynamic documents before those dynamic
     *documents are stored in the maps.  At request-time, further substitution
     *occurs with information available only then.
     *@param the origin for which values are to be assigned
     *@param the app client's specified main class name
     *@param the name of a class present in the generated app client jar file
     *@return Properties object containing the token-to-value correspondence
     *@throws IOException for errors getting information
    protected Properties prepareInitPlaceholders(
            AppclientContentOrigin origin,
            String mainClassName,
            String location
                ) throws ConfigException, URISyntaxException {
        String appclientRegName = origin.getTopLevelRegistrationName();

        Properties answer = new Properties();

        answer.setProperty("appserver.codebase.path", NamingConventions.appServerCodebasePath());
        answer.setProperty("appclient.codebase.path", NamingConventions.appclientCodebasePath(origin));
        answer.setProperty("appclient.context-root", origin.getContextRoot());
        String vendor = origin.getVendor();
        answer.setProperty("appclient.vendor", (vendor == null || vendor.length() == 0) ? localStrings.getString("jws.defaultVendorName") : vendor);
        answer.setProperty("appclient.client.jnlp.filename", NamingConventions.Client.JNLPFilename(appclientRegName));
        answer.setProperty("appclient.client.html.filepath", NamingConventions.Client.HTMLPath(appclientRegName));
        answer.setProperty("appclient.mainext.jnlp.filename", NamingConventions.Main.JNLPExtFilename(appclientRegName));
         *Stop-gap support for specifying image and splash image.
        String imageElements = prepareImageInfo(origin, location);
        answer.setProperty("appclient.information.images", imageElements);
//        answer.setProperty("default.wss.client.config.path", NamingConventions.defaultWSSClientConfigPathInJNLP());
//        answer.setProperty("", com.sun.enterprise.appclient.MainWithModuleSupport.DEFAULT_SUN_ACC_URL_PROPERTY);
//        answer.setProperty("", com.sun.enterprise.appclient.MainWithModuleSupport.DEFAULT_WSS_CONFIG_URL_PROPERTY);
//        answer.setProperty("default.sun.acc.xml.path", NamingConventions.defaultSunACCPathInJNLP());
//        answer.setProperty("", com.sun.enterprise.appclient.MainWithModuleSupport.SUN_ACC_SECURITY_CONFIG_PROPERTY);

         *The Java Web Start ACC creates temporary files that are marked for deletion on exit.
         *For diagnostic purposes, administrators can set a property on the server to
         *ask that these files be retained on the client.  The property value is sent to
         *each client when the user requests the main JNLP document.
        boolean retainTempFiles = Boolean.getBoolean(SERVER_RETAIN_TEMP_FILES_PROPERTYNAME);
        answer.setProperty("appclient.retainTempFiles.propertyName", MainWithModuleSupport.APPCLIENT_RETAIN_TEMP_FILES_PROPERTYNAME);
        answer.setProperty("appclient.retainTempFiles", String.valueOf(retainTempFiles));
         *Set the JNLP information title to the app client module's display name,
         *if one is present.
        String displayName = origin.getDisplayName();
        String jnlpInformationTitle = (displayName != null && displayName.length() > 0) ? displayName : "Application Client " + appclientRegName;
        answer.setProperty("appclient.information.title", jnlpInformationTitle);
         *Set the file part of the homepage URL.
        String jnlpInformationHomepageFilepath = NamingConventions.Main.HTMLPath(appclientRegName);
        answer.setProperty("appclient.information.homepage.filepath", jnlpInformationHomepageFilepath);
         *Set the one-line description the same as the title for now.
        answer.setProperty("", jnlpInformationTitle);
         *Set the short description to the description from the descriptor, if any.
        String description = origin.getDescription();
        String jnlpInformationShortDescription = (description != null && description.length() > 0) ? description : jnlpInformationTitle;
        answer.setProperty("appclient.information.description.short", jnlpInformationShortDescription);
         *Set up variables used for populating descriptive information in the
         *JNLP document that lists app server jars.  Although this document is
         *generated for each separate app client that is loaded, it's content
         *is basically the same for all since all app clients rely on the same
         *app server jars.
         *If a main class is specified in the manifest, use it to specify the
         *main class argument to ACC.  Otherwise, do not emit the mainclass
         *argument into the JNLP document and let the app client container
         *process any user-supplied mainclass or name argument.
        String mainClassArgsValue = "";
        if ((mainClassName != null) && ( ! mainClassName.equals("")) ) {
            mainClassArgsValue = "        <argument>-mainclass</argument>" + lineSep +
                    "        <argument>" + mainClassName + "</argument>";
            "appclient.main.class.arguments", mainClassArgsValue);

         *Set a property that indicates to the app client container that it is
         *running under Java Web Start and what the download host name is.
        answer.setProperty("appclient.isJWS.propertyName", MainWithModuleSupport.APPCLIENT_ISJWS_PROPERTYNAME);
        answer.setProperty("", MainWithModuleSupport.APPCLIENT_DOWNLOAD_HOST_PROPERTYNAME);
        answer.setProperty("", AppClientInfo.USER_CODE_IS_SIGNED_PROPERTYNAME);
        return answer;
     *Returns XML to specify the icon image, the splash screen image, neither, or
     *both, depending on the contents of the <vendor> text in the descriptor.
     *@param origin the AppclientContentOrigin
     *@return XML specifying one or both images; empty if the developer encoded
     *no image information in the <vendor> element.
    private String prepareImageInfo(AppclientContentOrigin origin, String location) throws ConfigException, URISyntaxException {
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        String imageURI = origin.getImageURI();
        if (imageURI.length() > 0) {
            result.append("<icon href=\"" + imageURI + "\"/>");
            addImageContent(origin, location, imageURI);
        String splashImageURI = origin.getSplashImageURI();
        if (splashImageURI.length() > 0) {
            result.append("<icon kind=\"splash\" href=\"" + splashImageURI + "\"/>");
            addImageContent(origin, location, splashImageURI);
        return result.toString();
    private void addImageContent(AppclientContentOrigin origin, String location, String imageURI) throws ConfigException, URISyntaxException {
        addStaticContent(origin, ensureLeadingSlash(imageURI), new File(location, imageURI));
    private String ensureLeadingSlash(String s) {
        if ( ! s.startsWith("/")) {
            return "/" + s;
        } else {
            return s;

     *Prepares property value assignments for IIOP connectitivy.
    private void prepareIIOPProperties(Properties props) {
         *Set the default IIOP information for the app client based on this server.  The template
         *uses the host retrieved from the incoming request as the default host value. Note that
         *because this code and the app client container Main both must use the same property names
         *for this to work, those names are defined as constants in Main and the constants are used
         *both there and here.
        props.setProperty("appclient.iiop.defaultHost.propertyName", MainWithModuleSupport.APPCLIENT_IIOP_DEFAULTHOST_PROPERTYNAME);
        props.setProperty("appclient.iiop.defaultPort.propertyName", MainWithModuleSupport.APPCLIENT_IIOP_DEFAULTPORT_PROPERTYNAME);
        props.setProperty("appclient.iiop.defaultPort", String.valueOf(ORBManager.getORBInitialPort()));
         *If this instance participates in a failover group, prepare the property
         *that the JWS-aware ACC will recognize.
        String failoverEndpoints = getIIOPEndpoints();
        String failoverEndpointsSetting = "";
        if (failoverEndpoints != null) {
            failoverEndpointsSetting = "<property name=\"" + MainWithModuleSupport.APPCLIENT_IIOP_FAILOVER_ENDPOINTS_PROPERTYNAME + "\" value=\"" + failoverEndpoints + "\"/>";
        props.setProperty("appclient.iiop.failover.endpoints", failoverEndpointsSetting);
     *Returns the IIOP endpoints in the cluster in which the current instance
     *@return String suitable for use in defining the IIOP property for endpoints; null if this instance is not in a cluster
    private String getIIOPEndpoints() {
        String result = com.sun.enterprise.iiop.IIOPEndpointsInfo.getIIOPEndpoints();
        return result;

     *Adds values for placeholders used in the generated JNLP document that
     *lists app server jars.  These values do not depend on the particular app
     *client but are retrieved from the local strings bundle.
     *@param p the Properties holding placeholders and their values
    private void prepareAppserverPlaceholders(Properties p) {
     *Prepares the document entries for an application's nested app clients.
     *@param application the Application descriptor
     *@param moduleDescrs array of ModuleDescriptor for the app's submodules
     *@param earDirectory the directory where the app is deployed
     *@param generatedXMLLocation the directory where the app's generated XML files reside
    private ApplicationContentOrigin prepareApplication(Application application,
            ModuleDescriptor [] moduleDescrs, String earDirectory, String generatedXMLLocation)
        throws IOException, URISyntaxException, SAXParseException, ConfigException, Exception {
        ApplicationContentOrigin result = new ApplicationContentOrigin(application);
         *Add a static content instance for the single combined client jar file
         *for all app clients in this module.
        SignedStaticContent jarFileContent = addAppclientJarContent(result, generatedXMLLocation);

        String jarHrefs = jarFileContent.asJNLPJarElement();
         *Each module descriptor in the array represents an app client that is eligible
         *for Java Web Start services.  For each, create a nested app client content
         *origin and add it to the parent application content origin.
        for (ModuleDescriptor md : moduleDescrs) {
             *Get the descriptor for the app client of interest.
             *The prepareAppClient method uses it to extract the main class for use as a command line argument.
            Manifest mf = getManifest(earDirectory, md);
            Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
            String mainClassName = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
            String appclientJarURI = md.getArchiveUri();

             *Extension libraries are not bundled into the generated jar file.
             *So any relevant extension library jar needs to be added as static
             *content for this appclient origin.  An extension library could
             *be referenced from a jar that appears in the app client's
             *Class-Path expression.  URIs there are relative to the directory
             *that contains the jar with the Class-Path.  So we need the
             *directory that contains the developer's app client jar.
            File appclientJar = new File(appclientJarURI);
            File appclientJarDir = appclientJar.getParentFile();
            if ( ! appclientJar.isAbsolute()) {
                appclientJar = new File(earDirectory, appclientJarURI);
             *Create and add the nested origin.
            NestedAppclientContentOrigin nestedAppclient = prepareNestedAppclient(
        return result;
     *Returns the manifest for the nested app client specified by the
     *module descriptor.
     *@param earDirectoryPath the directory into which the ear has been expanded
     *@param md the ModuleDescriptor for the embedded app client of interest
    private Manifest getManifest(String earDirectoryPath, ModuleDescriptor md) {
         *Use the same logic that the J2EEModuleExploder uses to choose the
         *name for the embedded app client's subdirectory.
        File submoduleDir = new File(DeploymentUtils.getEmbeddedModulePath(earDirectoryPath, md.getArchiveUri()));
        Manifest mf = EJBClassPathUtils.getManifest(submoduleDir.getAbsolutePath());
        return mf;
     *Prepares the content origin for a top-level app client.
     *The object returned describes a single, identifiable origin for content pertinent
     *to a single app client.
     *@param application the Application for the app client
     *@param moduleDescr the ModuleDescriptor describing the app client
     *@param location the directory where the app client resides
     *@param generatedXMLLocation the directory where the app client's generated XML files reside
     *@return the populated content origin object for the app client; null if there is a problem creating it
     *@throws IOException for errors reading the app client's manifest
     *@throws URISyntaxException for errors preparing URIs for static content
     *@throws ConfigException for errors finding the app client's generated JAR directory
    private AppclientContentOrigin prepareTopLevelAppclient(Application application,
            ModuleDescriptor moduleDescr, String location, String generatedXMLLocation)
        throws IOException, URISyntaxException, ConfigException, FileNotFoundException, SAXParseException, Exception {
        String contextRoot = NamingConventions.TopLevelAppclient.defaultVirtualContextRoot(application);

        AppclientContentOrigin result = new AppclientContentOrigin(application, moduleDescr, contextRoot);
        String regName = result.getTopLevelRegistrationName();
         *Potentially, there could be multiple jar files needed by this app client. 
         *Currently, only the generated app client jar is needed.  Build the
         *string containing <jar href...> elements for insertion into the
         *client JNLP document.
        String appclientJarPath = result.getAppclientJarPath();
         *Add a static content instance for the single combined client jar file
         *for all app clients in this module.
        StaticContent jarFileContent = addAppclientJarContent(result, generatedXMLLocation);

        String jarHrefs = jarFileContent.asJNLPJarElement();

        String dirPath = location;
        Manifest mf = EJBClassPathUtils.getManifest(dirPath);
        Attributes mainAttrs = mf.getMainAttributes();
        String mainClassName = mainAttrs.getValue(Attributes.Name.MAIN_CLASS);
         *Perform the rest of the initialization which is shared with nested app client origins.
        prepareAppclient(result, application, moduleDescr, dirPath, jarHrefs, regName, mainClassName, mainAttrs, dirPath, jarFileContent);
        return result;
     *Performs initialization that is common between top-level and nested app clients.
     *@param origin the app client origin object to be further set up
     *@param application the Application for this app client
     *@param moduleDescr the ModuleDescriptor for this app client
     *@param location the directory holding the app client files
     *@param jarHRefs a string representing the module name to be used in constructing virtual file names
     *@param modName the name of the module
     *@param mainClassName the name of the main class for this app client
     *@param mainAttrs the main attributes for the client that may contain extension jar requirements
     *@param dirPathForRelativeClassPathEntries location of the jar file to be used in resolving relative Class-Path manifest entries
     *@param appclientJarContent the content object describing the app client jar to publish
    private void prepareAppclient(
            AppclientContentOrigin origin,
            Application application,
            ModuleDescriptor moduleDescr,
            String location,
            String jarHRefs,
            String modName,
            String mainClassName,
            Attributes mainAttrs,
            String dirPathForRelativeClassPathEntries,
            StaticContent appclientJarContent)
                throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, URISyntaxException, ConfigException {

         *Using information now available, assemble as much of the JNLP and HTML
         *documents as possible and store them with the content origin object
         *for this app client.  As it handles specific incoming
         *requests, the JWS system servlet will do further substitutions.
        Properties tokenValues = prepareInitPlaceholders(
         *Prepare the main JNLP document.
         *Build a string containing the <jar> elements for the app server files
         *that need to be listed in the main JNLP document.  Add the placeholder
         *name and the resulting string to the token values.
         *Get the template, merge with user content (future), and substitute for placeholders.
         *Then add the now partially-substituted main JNLP document template to
         *the content map.
        StringBuilder appserverJarElements = buildJarElements(appserverOrigins);
        StringBuilder signedAppserverJarElements = buildJarElements(signedAppserverOrigins);
         *Build hrefs for the extension jars in this app client.  The hrefs will be
         *inserted into the JNLP document for the app client.
        Set<ExtensionFileManager.Extension> earExtJars = findExtensions(mainAttrs, dirPathForRelativeClassPathEntries);
        String earJarHrefs = prepareHrefsForFiles(earExtJars);
        tokenValues.setProperty("appserver.jar.elements", appserverJarElements.toString());
        tokenValues.setProperty("appserver.jar.elements.signed", signedAppserverJarElements.toString());
        tokenValues.put("appclient.jar.elements", jarHRefs);

         *Prepare the main JNLP document.
        String mainJNLPPath = NamingConventions.Main.JNLPPath(modName);
                true /* requiresElevatedPrivs */

         *Prepare the main extension JNLP document.
        String mainExtJNLPPath = NamingConventions.Main.JNLPExtPath(modName);
         *Prepare the main HTML document.
        String mainHTMLPath = NamingConventions.Main.HTMLPath(modName);
         *Prepare the client HTML document.
        String clientHTMLPath = NamingConventions.Client.HTMLPath(modName);
         *Prepare the client JNLP document.  Get template, merge (future), substitute, add to map.
         *Note that this document's template contains a placeholder for the list of <jar>
         *elements to describe all user-provided jars it needs. 
        String clientJNLPPath = NamingConventions.Client.JNLPPath(modName);
        String contentKey = origin.getContentKeyPrefix() + clientJNLPPath;
        String docText = Util.replaceTokens(

        DynamicContent clientJNLPContent = new DynamicContent(
                true /* requiresElevatedPrivs */
         *The security settings for the app client jar dynamic content is set
         *when the request arrives by checking the current availability of a
         *signed jar at that time. So it is not set here.
        addDynamicContent(origin, clientJNLPContent);

     *Returns an initialized nested app client content origin.
     *@param parent the parent application content origin
     *@param moduleDescr the module descriptor for the app client
     *@param location the directory containing the deployed parent EAR's files
     *@param jarHRefs a string representing the module name to be used in constructing virtual file names
     *@param mainClassName the name of the main class for this app client
     *@param mainAttrs the main attributes for the client that may contain extension jar requirements
     *@param dirPathForRelativeClassPathEntries location of the jar file to be used in resolving relative Class-Path manifest entries
     *@param appclientJarContent the content object describing the app client jar to publish
     *@return the new NestedAppclientContentOrigin
    private NestedAppclientContentOrigin prepareNestedAppclient(
            ApplicationContentOrigin parent,
            ModuleDescriptor moduleDescr,
            String location,
            String jarHRefs,
            String mainClassName,
            Attributes mainAttrs,
            String dirPathForRelativeClassPathEntries,
            StaticContent appclienJarContent)
                throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, URISyntaxException, ConfigException {
        String contextRoot = NamingConventions.NestedAppclient.defaultVirtualContextRoot(parent.getApplication(), moduleDescr);
        NestedAppclientContentOrigin result = new NestedAppclientContentOrigin(parent, moduleDescr, contextRoot);

        return result;
     *Refreshes the config context in use by the apps manager and the app
     *client modules manager. 
     *@throws ConfigException in case of error refreshing either context
    private void refreshConfigContextForManagers(ConfigContext configContext) throws ConfigException {
        if (configContext == null) {
            if (! ServerHelper.isDAS(appsManager.getConfigContext(), instEnv.getName())) {
        } else {
     * Returns Extension objects for the extension jars cited by the app client.
     * The jars represented by the Extension objects need to be available to app clients in the ear
     * (when dealing with an ear) or to the single stand-alone app client (when
     * dealing with a stand-alone app client).
     * @param attrs the main attributes of the jar of interest
     * @param appDirPath the app's directory to be used in resolving relative Class-Path entries
     * @return Set containing File objects for the required jars
     * @throws IOException for any error while processing the archive
     * @throws ConfigException for any error retrieving information about the application
    private Set<ExtensionFileManager.Extension> findExtensions(Attributes attrs, String appDirPath) throws IOException, ConfigException {
        Set<ExtensionFileManager.Extension> result = null;
        File appDir = new File(appDirPath);
        result = extensionFileManager.findExtensionTransitiveClosure(appDir, attrs);
        return result;
    private Manifest loadManifestFromFile(String dirPath) throws IOException {
        Manifest result = null;
        InputStream is = null;
        try {
            File manifestFile = new File(dirPath, JarFile.MANIFEST_NAME);
            if (manifestFile.exists() && manifestFile.canRead()) {
                is = new FileInputStream(manifestFile);
                result = new Manifest(is);
            return result;
        } finally {
            if (is != null) {
     * Converts a set of ExtensionFileManager.Extension objects into a String containing JNLP-friendly
     * HREFs for those files.
     * @param extJarInfo List of ExtensionFileManager.Extension objects representing the jars
     * @return String containing an HREF for each jar in the set
    private String prepareHrefsForFiles(Set<ExtensionFileManager.Extension> extJarInfo) {
        ContentOrigin extJarsOrigin = extJarAppserverOrigins.get(NamingConventions.APPSERVER_EXTJAR_FILES);
        StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder();
        for (ExtensionFileManager.Extension e : extJarInfo) {
            String path = NamingConventions.extJarFilePath(e.getExtDirectoryNumber(), e.getFile());
            String contentKey = extJarsOrigin.getContentKeyPrefix() + path;
            StaticContent content = (StaticContent) extJarsOrigin.getContent(contentKey);
        return result.toString();

     *Convenience method to both add content to the origin and also to the
     *overall content map.
     *@param origin content origin to which to add the content
     *@param path URI path by which the content can be addressed within its origin
     *@param templateName name of the template to use for this dynamic content
     *@param tokenValues placeholder->value Properties object
     *@param mimeType MIME type of this content
     *@param requiresElevatedPrivs indicates if the JNLP should request privs
     *@return the newly-created Content
     *@throws IOException in case of errors retrieving the template
    private DynamicContent addDynamicContent(
            ContentOrigin origin,
            String path,
            String templateName,
            Properties tokenValues,
            String mimeType,
            boolean requiresElevatedPrivs) throws IOException {
        DynamicContent content = origin.addDynamicContent(
        contentMap.put(content.getContentKey(), content);
        return content;
     *Convenience method to both add content to the origin and also to the
     *overall content map.
     *@param origin content origin to which to add the content
     *@param path URI path by which the content can be addressed within its origin
     *@param templateName name of the template to use for this dynamic content
     *@param tokenValues placeholder->value Properties object
     *@param mimeType MIME type of this content
     *@return the newly-created Content
     *@throws IOException in case of errors retrieving the template
    private DynamicContent addDynamicContent(
            ContentOrigin origin,
            String path,
            String templateName,
            Properties tokenValues,
            String mimeType) throws IOException {
        return addDynamicContent(origin, path, templateName, tokenValues, mimeType, false /* requiredElevatedPrivs */);
    private DynamicContent addDynamicContent(
            ContentOrigin origin,
            DynamicContent content) {
        contentMap.put(content.getContentKey(), content);
        return content;

     *Convenience method to both add content to the origin and also to the
     *overall content map.
     *@param the content origin to which to add the content
     *@param the path by which the content can be addressed within its origin
     *@param the file where the static content resides
     *@return the newly-created Content
     *@throws URISyntaxException in case of errors deriving a relative URI for the file
     private StaticContent addStaticContent(
             ContentOrigin origin,
             String path,
             File file) throws URISyntaxException {
         StaticContent content = origin.addStaticContent(path, installRootURI, file);
         contentMap.put(content.getContentKey(), content);
         return content;
      *Convenience method to both add content to the origin and also to the
      *overall content map.
      *@param origin the origin to add the content to
      *@param content the StaticContent instance to add
      *@returns the content added to the origin
     private StaticContent addStaticContent(
             ContentOrigin origin,
             StaticContent content) throws URISyntaxException {
         contentMap.put(content.getContentKey(), content);
         return content;
      *Adds the special app client static content object to the application
      *origin and to the global content map.
      *@param origin the ApplicationContentOrigin to add the content to
      *@param generatedXMLLocation directory containing generated files for this app client
      *@return the newly-added static content
     private SignedStaticContent addAppclientJarContent(
             ApplicationContentOrigin origin,
             String generatedXMLLocation) throws FileNotFoundException, URISyntaxException, Exception {

         return addAppclientJarContent(origin, origin.getAppclientJarPath(), generatedXMLLocation);
      *Adds the special app client static content object to the app client
      *origin and to the global content map.
      *@param origin the AppclientContentOrigin to add the content to
      *@param generatedXMLLocation directory containing generated files for this app client
      *@return the newly-added static content
     private SignedStaticContent addAppclientJarContent(
             AppclientContentOrigin origin,
             String generatedXMLLocation) throws FileNotFoundException, URISyntaxException, Exception {
         return addAppclientJarContent(origin, origin.getAppclientJarPath(), generatedXMLLocation);
      *Adds the app client content to the specified origin, regardless of which
      *type of user content origin is involved.
      *@param origin the application or app client origin to add the content to
      *@param appclientJarPath path to the generated app client jar
      *@param generatedXMLLocation directory containing the app client's generated files
      *@return the created StaticContent for the app client jar file
     private SignedStaticContent addAppclientJarContent(
             UserContentOrigin origin,
             String appclientJarPath,
             String generatedXMLLocation) throws FileNotFoundException, URISyntaxException, Exception {
         File generatedJar = origin.locateGeneratedAppclientJarFile(generatedXMLLocation);
         File signedGeneratedJar =
         String contentKey = origin.getContentKeyPrefix() + "/" + signedGeneratedJar.getName();
         SignedStaticContent content = new SignedStaticContent(
                 false /* isMain */);
         addAppclientJarContent(origin, content);
         return content;
      *Adds the app client jar content to the origin - as with any content - but
      *also identifies it as the app client jar.  This information is used
      *during the generation of the main JNLP document and the client JNLP
      *document when deciding if the app client jar is signed or not.
      *@param origin the origin to which to add the app client jar content
      *@param content the app client jar static content object
      *@return the content object itself
     private SignedStaticContent addAppclientJarContent(UserContentOrigin origin, SignedStaticContent content) throws URISyntaxException {
         addStaticContent(origin, content);
//         origin.setPublishedAppclientJarStaticContent(content);
         return content;

     *Returns a StringBuilder containing XML syntax suitable for inclusion in
     *a JNLP document's resources section listing the jar files required
     *by this module.
     *The return type is StringBuilder (rather than String) so the caller
     *can, if needed, add additional text to the result conveniently.
     *@param map containing content origins of a particular category
     *@return StringBuilder containing JAR element text for the required jar files
    private StringBuilder buildJarElements(Map<String,ContentOrigin> origins) {

        StringBuilder appserverJarElements = new StringBuilder();
         *Go through each of the groups of app server files (aslib, mqlib, etc.)
        for (ContentOrigin origin : origins.values()) {
             *For this group, go through all the files.
            for (Content c : origin.pathToContent.values()) {
                if (c instanceof StaticContent) {
                    StaticContent sc = (StaticContent) c;
        return appserverJarElements;
     *Represents either an application config bean or an app client config bean.
     *This class encapsulates the differences between an application config bean
     *and an app client config bean, as well as whether the information about
     *the app or app client config comes from the current environment's config context
     *or from the config context supplied during a deployment event.
    private abstract class EventConfig {

         *Creates an Applications config bean using the specified context.
         *If the specified context is null then the Applications config bean is
         *created using the current config context from either the appsManager or
         *appClientModulesManager, depending on whether an ApplicationConfig or
         *an AppClientConfig is being instantiated.
         *@param configContext the configuration the Applications bean should use
         *@return the Applications object based on the specified config
        protected Applications getAppsConfig(ConfigContext configContext) throws ConfigException {
            if (configContext == null) {
                 *The config context from the event is null, which means this is a
                 *server restart.  In that case the config present in the appsManager
                 *or appClientModulesManager is current, so use that for the config.
                configContext = chooseManager().getConfigContext();
            Applications apps = (Applications) ConfigBeansFactory.getConfigBeanByXPath(configContext,
            return apps;
         *Returns the location string for the app or app client config.
         *@return the location (directory) for the module
        abstract String getLocation();
         *Returns the location of the generated XML directory for the app or app client.
         *@return the generated XML directory location for the module
        abstract String getGeneratedXMLLocation();
         *Returns a BaseManager, either AppsManager or AppClientModulesManager,
         *depending on which type of config object is being created.
        abstract BaseManager chooseManager();
     *Represents the config for an application.
    private class ApplicationConfig extends EventConfig {
        private J2eeApplication appBean;
        private ApplicationConfig(ConfigContext configContext, String regName) throws ConfigException {
            appBean = getAppsConfig(configContext).getJ2eeApplicationByName(regName);
        String getLocation() {
            return appBean.getLocation();

        String getGeneratedXMLLocation() {
            ApplicationEnvironment env = instEnv.getApplicationEnvironment(appBean.getName());
            return env.getAppGeneratedXMLPath();
        BaseManager chooseManager() {
            return appsManager;
     *Represents the config for an app client.
    private class AppClientConfig extends EventConfig {
        private AppclientModule appClientBean;
        private AppClientConfig(ConfigContext configContext, String regName) throws ConfigException {
            appClientBean = getAppsConfig(configContext).getAppclientModuleByName(regName);
        String getLocation() {
            return appClientBean.getLocation();

        String getGeneratedXMLLocation() {
            ModuleEnvironment menv = instEnv.getModuleEnvironment(appClientBean.getName(),
            return menv.getModuleGeneratedXMLPath();
        BaseManager chooseManager() {
            return appclientModulesManager;

Related Classes of com.sun.enterprise.appclient.jws.AppclientJWSSupportInfo$ApplicationConfig

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