
Source Code of$BulkMessageSender

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* may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You can obtain
* a copy of the License at
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* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
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* Created on December 20, 2005, 11:08 AM


import org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.sun.logging.LogDomains;

import com.sun.enterprise.web.ServerConfigLookup;

import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import net.jxta.document.*;
import net.jxta.endpoint.ByteArrayMessageElement;
import net.jxta.endpoint.Message;
import net.jxta.endpoint.MessageElement;
import net.jxta.endpoint.MessageTransport;
import net.jxta.endpoint.StringMessageElement;
import net.jxta.endpoint.TextDocumentMessageElement;
import net.jxta.impl.endpoint.router.EndpointRouter;
import net.jxta.impl.endpoint.router.RouteControl;
import net.jxta.impl.pipe.BlockingWireOutputPipe;
import net.jxta.peer.PeerID;
import net.jxta.peergroup.PeerGroup;
import net.jxta.pipe.OutputPipe;
import net.jxta.pipe.PipeService;
import net.jxta.protocol.PipeAdvertisement;
import net.jxta.protocol.RouteAdvertisement;
import net.jxta.util.JxtaBiDiPipe;

* @author Larry White
public class JxtaReplicationSender implements Runnable {
    private static final String ID = ReplicationState.ID;
    private final static Level TRACE_LEVEL = Level.FINE;
    private static final int INSTANCE_STARTING = ReplicationHealthChecker.INSTANCE_STARTING;
    private static final int INSTANCE_OK = ReplicationHealthChecker.INSTANCE_OK;
    private static final int INSTANCE_FAILED = ReplicationHealthChecker.INSTANCE_FAILED;
    private static final int INSTANCE_UNKNOWN = ReplicationHealthChecker.INSTANCE_UNKNOWN;
    private static boolean useReplicationUnicastLoadResponseBatching = false;
    static {

    // private final int NTHREADS = (getNumberOfSenderThreads() * 2);
    private final int NTHREADS = getNumberOfSenderThreads() / 2;

    private final ThreadPoolExecutor exec;
    private static int getNumberOfSenderThreads() {
        //make equal to number of pipes - no less than 5
        ServerConfigLookup lookup = new ServerConfigLookup();
        int result = lookup.getNumberOfReplicationPipesFromConfig();
        if(result < 5) {
            result = 5;
        return result;
    public final static String LOGGER_MEM_REP
        = ReplicationState.LOGGER_MEM_REP;   

    private AtomicBoolean reconnectInitiated = new AtomicBoolean(false);
     * The logger to use for logging ALL web container related messages.
    //protected static final Logger _logger
    //    = LogDomains.getLogger(LogDomains.WEB_LOGGER);
    private static final Logger _logger
        = Logger.getLogger(LOGGER_MEM_REP);
    private static final Logger _salogger = ReplicationUtil.getSALogger();
    private static final Logger _pipelogger = ReplicationUtil.getPipeLogger();

    private static boolean _debugReplicationTuning = false;

    protected static void checkSystemProperties() {
        Logger _logger = Logger.getLogger(LOGGER_MEM_REP);
        String debugTuningString = null;
      try {
            Properties props = System.getProperties();
            if(null!=debugTuningString) {
                _debugReplicationTuning = (new Boolean (debugTuningString).booleanValue());

            if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.CONFIG)) {
                _logger.config("DEBUG_REPLICATION_SENDER_TUNING=" + _debugReplicationTuning);
        } catch(Throwable t) {
            _logger.log(Level.WARNING, "handled exception while configuring _debugReplicationTuning=" + _debugReplicationTuning +
                                       " DEBUG_REPLICATION_SENDER_TUNING=" + debugTuningString, t);
     * The singleton instance of JxtaReplicationSender
    private final static JxtaReplicationSender _soleInstance
        = new JxtaReplicationSender();  
     * Has this component been started yet?
    protected boolean started = false;
     * The thread.
    protected Thread thread = null;
     * The thread completion semaphore.
    protected volatile boolean threadDone = false;   
     * Name to register for the background thread.
    protected String _threadName = "JxtaReplicationSender";

     * the TimerDispatchThread
    private TimerTask timerTask = new TimerDispatchThread();
     * Timer to run TimerDispatchThread
    private Timer timer = new Timer();
     * latency check counter
    protected AtomicInteger _latencyCheckCounter = new AtomicInteger(-1);
    private volatile boolean _replicationUnicastBatchingEnabled = false;

    private ReplicationMessageRouter router;
    private volatile int _latencyCount = -1;
    /** gets the latency count limit */
    private int getLatencyCountLimit() {
        if(_latencyCount == -1) {
            ServerConfigLookup lookup = new ServerConfigLookup();
            _latencyCount = lookup.getLatencyCountPropertyFromConfig();
        return _latencyCount;
     * Return the thread name for this Store.
    public String getThreadName() {
    LinkedBlockingQueue senderTaskQueue = null;
    TuningDebugger tuningDebuggerThread = null;
    /** Creates a new instance of JxtaReplicationSender */
    public JxtaReplicationSender() {
        _threadName = "JxtaReplicationSender";
        rwLock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
        rLock = rwLock.readLock();
        wLock = rwLock.writeLock();

        final int COREPOOLSIZE = NTHREADS;
        final int MAXPOOLSIZE = NTHREADS;
        final int KEEPALIVETIME = 15//seconds that a thread remains idle before terminating.
        senderTaskQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>();
        ThreadGroup threadGroup = new ThreadGroup(Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup(), "Group ReplicationSender");
        exec = new ThreadPoolExecutor(COREPOOLSIZE, MAXPOOLSIZE,
                                      KEEPALIVETIME, TimeUnit.SECONDS,
                                      new ReplicationSenderThreadFactory("ReplicationSenderExecutor", threadGroup));

        // Try to allow core threads to idle out. (Requires a 1.6 method)
        try {
            Method allowCoreThreadTimeOut = exec.getClass().getMethod("allowCoreThreadTimeOut", boolean.class);

            allowCoreThreadTimeOut.invoke(exec, Boolean.TRUE);
        } catch (Throwable ohWell) {
            // Our attempt failed.
            if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                _logger.log(Level.FINEST, "Failed to enable 'allowCoreThreadTimeOut'", ohWell);
        _replicationUnicastBatchingEnabled = initIsReplicationUnicastBatchingEnabled();
        timerTask = new TimerDispatchThread();
        timer = new Timer();
        timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(timerTask, 1000L, 50L);
        if(_debugReplicationTuning) {
            tuningDebuggerThread = new TuningDebugger();

  router = ReplicationMessageRouter.createInstance();
    private boolean initIsReplicationUnicastBatchingEnabled() {
        ServerConfigLookup lookup = new ServerConfigLookup();
        return lookup.isReplicationUnicastBatchingEnabled();
    private boolean isReplicationUnicastEnabled() {
        return _replicationUnicastBatchingEnabled;
    private void initUnicastSenders() {
        ReplicationHealthChecker healthChecker
            = ReplicationHealthChecker.getInstance();
        List memberNames = healthChecker.getCurrentGroupMembersViaAdminAndExtras();
        for(int i=0; i<memberNames.size(); i++) {
            String nextInstanceName = (String)memberNames.get(i);
    /** Return the singleton instance
     *  returns the sole instance of JxtaReplicationSender
    public static JxtaReplicationSender createInstance() {
        return _soleInstance;

    private boolean isSynchronousReplicationConfigured() {
        return ReplicationUtil.isSynchronousReplicationConfigured();
    public boolean isWaitForFastAckConfigured() {
        if(_waitForFastAckConfigured == null) {
            ServerConfigLookup lookup = new ServerConfigLookup();
            boolean waitForFastAckProp = lookup.getWaitForFastAckPropertyFromConfig();
            _waitForFastAckConfigured = new Boolean(waitForFastAckProp);
        //System.out.println("isWaitForFastAckConfigured = " + _waitForFastAckConfigured.booleanValue());
        return _waitForFastAckConfigured.booleanValue();
     * is wait_for_fast_ack_property = "true"
    private Boolean _waitForFastAckConfigured = null;    

    /** This version sends the state by getting a pipe from the pool
     * then sending the message, then putting the pipe back in the pool
     * and then waiting for the result
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationState(ReplicationState state) {
        LinkedBlockingQueue aQueue =
        //send message over pipe
        //FIXME this is just test code
        TestSender testSender = new TestSender(state);
        //remove timing code for perf testing
        //long tempStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
        boolean success = sendOverPipe(state);
        long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - tempStart;
        if(duration > 20) {
         //   System.out.println("sendOverPipe took " + duration + " msecs");
        if(!success) {
            if(_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE) && state != null) {
                _pipelogger.fine("JxtaReplicationSender>>sendOverPipe failed for cmd=" + state.getCommand()
                                 " appId=" + state.getAppId() " id=" + state.getId() +
                                 " - likely pool over-utilized");
        ReplicationState returnState = null;
        //block and wait for return message if send successful
        if(success) {           
            returnState =
        return returnState;
    //++++++++++++++++++++++START SPECIAL TEST CODE++++++++++++++++

    //++++++++++++++++++++++START BATCH CODE++++++++++++++++
    //this method defaults to no dupsAllowed
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationState(ReplicationState state, boolean wait) {
        sendReplicationState(state, wait, false);
        return null//FIXME

    public ReplicationState sendReplicationState(ReplicationState state, boolean wait, boolean dupsAllowed) {
         ReplicationUtil repUtil = ReplicationUtil.createReplicationUtil();

        if (router.isRemoveMethod(state.getCommand())) {
            for (String target : jxtaUnicastSendersMap.keySet()) {
                JxtaReplicationUnicastSender unicastSender = jxtaUnicastSendersMap.get(target);
                ReplicationState next = ReplicationState.createReplicationStateFrom(state);
                if (unicastSender != null) {
                    unicastSender.sendReplicationState(next, wait, dupsAllowed);
        //TODO: Instead of using isInstanceLoadBalancedByCLB, maybe
         //      we should just check for the presence of BEKEy?  Otherwise,
         //      our unit tests will never reach the else block

         String replicationTargetBEKey = (String) state.getProperty(ReplicationState.BEKEY);
         if (!repUtil.isInstanceLoadBalancedByCLB() || replicationTargetBEKey == null) {
             replicateState(state, wait, dupsAllowed);
         } else {
                 String replicationTarget = repUtil.getFailoverServerInstanceForBeKey(replicationTargetBEKey);
                 if (replicationTarget != null &&
                         !ReplicationUtil.getInstanceName().equals(replicationTarget)) {
                     JxtaReplicationUnicastSender sender = getJxtaReplicationUnicastSenderFor(replicationTarget);
                     if (_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                         _pipelogger.log(Level.FINE, "" + ReplicationUtil.getInstanceName()
                                 + " Will replicate id: " + state.getId() + " <beKey = " + replicationTargetBEKey + "/> to: "
                                 + replicationTarget);
         if (sender != null) {
       if (!router.isSaveMethod(state.getCommand()) ||
        !sender.isUnderFlowControl()) {
                             sender.sendReplicationState(state, wait, dupsAllowed);
         // else the instance went down in between when we asked
         // the CLB where it goes and when we retrieved the sender

         return null//FIXME

    //++++++++++++++++++++++END BATCH CODE++++++++++++++++
    private int incrementLatencyCheckCount() {
        return (Math.abs(_latencyCheckCounter.incrementAndGet()));
    private boolean shouldWait(boolean wait, int latencyCount, int latencyCountLimit) {
        //System.out.println("shouldWait>>wait = " + wait + " latencyCount = " + latencyCount + " latencyCountLimit = " + latencyCountLimit);
        if(!wait && latencyCountLimit == 0) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return(wait || (latencyCount % latencyCountLimit) == 0);
    private synchronized int incrementLatencyCheckCountPrevious() {
        int latencyCountLimit = this.getLatencyCountLimit();
        int latencyCount = _latencyCheckCounter.incrementAndGet();
        //System.out.println("after_increment_value = " + _latencyCheckCounter.get());
        if(latencyCount == latencyCountLimit) {
            return latencyCountLimit;
        } else {
            return _latencyCheckCounter.get();
    /** This version sends the state by getting a pipe from the pool
     * then sending the message, then waiting for the result and
     * then putting the pipe back in the pool
     * @param state the health check state message
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationStateHC(ReplicationState state) {
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        ReplicationState returnState = null;
        if(!ReplicationHealthChecker.isOkToProceed()) {
            if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _logger.fine("health check bypassing replication now");
            return returnState;
        PipeWrapper pipeWrapper = null;
        try {
            LinkedBlockingQueue aQueue =
            //long tempStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
            //get a pipe wrapper from the pool      
            try {
                pipeWrapper = this.getPipeWrapper();
            } catch (InterruptedException iex) {
                //FIXME log it
            //FIXME this can be an over-taxed pool
            //decide whether to retry or just report error
            if(pipeWrapper == null) {
                if(_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    _pipelogger.fine("JxtaReplicationSender>>sendReplicationState failed - likely pool over-utilized");
            //we have a failure - stop replicating
            if(pipeWrapper != null && pipeWrapper.isPipeClosed()) {
                ReplicationHealthChecker.reportError("sendReplicationState failed - pipeWrapper closed");
                return returnState;

            //send message over pipe
            boolean success = sendOverPipe(pipeWrapper, state);
            //System.out.println("sendReplication:success=" + success);         
            if(!success) {
                ReplicationHealthChecker.reportError("simple sendOverPipe failed, not a pool issue");
            //block and wait before putting pipe back in pool
                //block and wait for return message
            returnState =
            long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - tempStart;
            if(duration > 20) {
            //    System.out.println("sendReplicationState took " + duration + " msecs");
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException iex) {}
        return returnState;
/** This version sends the state by getting a pipe from the pool
     * then sending the message, then waiting for the result and
     * then putting the pipe back in the pool
     * @param state the health check state message
     * @param pipeWrapper the PipeWrapper to use to send HC message
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationStateHC(ReplicationState state, PipeWrapper pipeWrapper) {
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
        ReplicationState returnState = null;
        if(!ReplicationHealthChecker.isOkToProceed()) {
            //FIXME temp code remove
            System.out.println("sendReplicationStateHC for pipeWrapper : " + pipeWrapper.getName() + "health check bypassing replication now");
            return returnState;
        LinkedBlockingQueue aQueue =

        //we have a failure - stop replicating
        if(pipeWrapper != null && pipeWrapper.isPipeClosed()) {
            ReplicationHealthChecker.reportError("sendReplicationState failed - pipeWrapper closed");
            return returnState;

        //send message over pipe
        boolean success = sendOverPipeHC(pipeWrapper, state);
        //System.out.println("sendReplication:success=" + success);         
        if(!success) {
            ReplicationHealthChecker.reportError("simple sendOverPipe failed, not a pool issue");
        //block and wait before putting pipe back in pool
            //block and wait for return message
        returnState =
        long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - tempStart;
        if(duration > 20) {
            System.out.println("sendReplicationState took " + duration + " msecs");
        return returnState;
    /* return false if cannot send
     * else true
     * @param thePipe the JxtaBiDiPipe
     * @param state the state
     * @param isResponse
    private boolean sendOverPipe(PipeWrapper pipeWrapper, ReplicationState state, boolean isResponse) {
        boolean result = false;
        if(!ReplicationHealthChecker.isOkToProceed()) {
            return false;
        if(pipeWrapper == null) {
            //no pipe wrapper - just return
            return false;
        JxtaBiDiPipe thePipe = pipeWrapper.getPipe();
        Message theMsg = this.createMessage(state, isResponse);
        if(pipeWrapper.isPipeClosed()) {
            //no pipe - just return
            return false;
        result = sendMessageOverPipe(theMsg, thePipe, pipeWrapper);
        return result;
    private boolean sendOverPipeHC(PipeWrapper pipeWrapper, ReplicationState state) {
        return this.sendOverPipeHC(pipeWrapper, state, false);
    /* return false if cannot send
     * else true
     * @param thePipe the JxtaBiDiPipe
     * @param state the state
     * @param isResponse
    private boolean sendOverPipeHC(PipeWrapper pipeWrapper, ReplicationState state, boolean isResponse) {
        boolean result = false;
        if(pipeWrapper == null) {
            //no pipe wrapper - just return
            return false;
        JxtaBiDiPipe thePipe = pipeWrapper.getPipe();
        Message theMsg = this.createMessage(state, isResponse);
        if(pipeWrapper.isPipeClosed()) {
            //no pipe - just return
            return false;
        result = sendMessageOverPipe(theMsg, thePipe, pipeWrapper);
        return result;
    private boolean sendOverPipe(PipeWrapper pipeWrapper, ReplicationState state) {
        return this.sendOverPipe(pipeWrapper, state, false);

    /* return false if cannot send
     * else true
     * @param theMsg the message
     * @param thePipe the JxtaBiDiPipe
     * @param thePipeWrapper the PipeWrapper
     * this method assumes "direct connection"
     * that sendMessage will block and
     * return or throw IOException
    private boolean sendMessageOverPipe(Message theMsg, JxtaBiDiPipe thePipe, PipeWrapper thePipeWrapper) {
        boolean result = false;
        try {
            result = thePipe.sendMessage(theMsg);
            if(result) {
            //System.out.println("result = " + result);
        } catch (NullPointerException ex1) {
            result = false;
            _pipelogger.log(Level.WARNING, "NPE occurred in JxtaReplicationSender>>sendMessageOverPipe", ex1);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            if(_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                _pipelogger.log(Level.INFO, "IOException sending message", ex);
            result = false;
        if(!result) {
            if(_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _pipelogger.fine("JxtaReplicationSender>>sendMessageOverPipe returning: " + result);
        return result;

    //++++++++++++++++++++++END SPECIAL TEST CODE++++++++++++++++
    //++++++++++++++++++++++START NON-BATCH CODE++++++++++++++++   
    /** This version sends the state by getting a pipe from the pool
     * then sending the message, then putting the pipe back in the pool
     * then waiting for the result if wait is true
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationStateNonBatch(ReplicationState state, boolean wait) {
        ReplicationState returnState = null;

        if(wait) {         
            LinkedBlockingQueue aQueue =
        //send message over pipe
        //this is just test code
        TestSender testSender = new TestSender(state);
        //long tempStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
        boolean success = sendOverPipe(state);
        long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - tempStart;
        if(duration > 20) {
          //  System.out.println("sendOverPipe took " + duration + " msecs");
        if(!success) {
            if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _logger.fine("sendOverPipe failed - likely pool over-utilized");
        if(wait) {
            //block and wait for return message
            returnState =
        return returnState;
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationStateNonBatch(ReplicationState state, boolean wait, boolean dupsAllowed) {
        return sendReplicationStateNonBatch(state, wait);
    //++++++++++++++++++++++END NON-BATCH CODE++++++++++++++++

    private boolean sendOverPipe(ReplicationState state) {
        return this.sendOverPipe(state, false);
    /* return false if cannot send
     * else true
    private boolean sendOverPipe(ReplicationState state, boolean isResponse) {
        JxtaBiDiPipe thePipe = null;
        boolean result = false;
        if(!ReplicationHealthChecker.isOkToProceed()) {
            return false;
        PipeWrapper thePipeWrapper = null;
        try {
            thePipeWrapper = this.getPipeWrapper();
            if(thePipeWrapper == null) {
                return false;
            thePipe = thePipeWrapper.getPipe();
            //System.out.println("sendOverPipe:pipe from pool= " + thePipe);
            if(thePipe == null) {
                //no pipe to return to pool - just return
                return false;

            Message theMsg = this.createMessage(state, isResponse);
            try {
                result = this.sendMessageOverPipe(theMsg, thePipe, thePipeWrapper);           
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException iex) {}
        } catch (InterruptedException iex2) {
            //FIXME log it
            result = false;
        return result;
    boolean sendOverPipe(Message theMsg) {
        boolean result = false;
        if( !ReplicationHealthChecker.isOkToProceed() ) {
            return false;
        JxtaBiDiPipe thePipe = null;               
        PipeWrapper thePipeWrapper = null;
        try {
            thePipeWrapper = this.getPipeWrapper();
            if(thePipeWrapper == null) {
                if (_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    _pipelogger.fine("JxtaReplicationSender>>sendOverPipe:null pipeWrapper - returning false");
                return false;
            thePipe = thePipeWrapper.getPipe();
            //System.out.println("sendOverPipe:pipe from pool= " + thePipe);
            if(thePipe == null) {
                //no pipe to return to pool - just return
                if (_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                    _pipelogger.fine("JxtaReplicationSender>>sendOverPipe:null pipe - returning false");
                return false;
            try {
                if(isWaitForFastAckConfigured()) {
                    //System.out.println("about to call sendMessage with listener");
                    //result = thePipe.sendMessage(theMsg, thePipeWrapper);
                    result = thePipe.sendMessage(theMsg);
                    //doThreadedMessageCallback(theMsg, thePipeWrapper, result);
                    if(result) {
                    } else {
                } else {
                    result = thePipe.sendMessage(theMsg);
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                result = false;
                // FIXME evaluate log level
                if(_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                    _pipelogger.log(Level.INFO,"IOException sending message", ex);
                if(isWaitForFastAckConfigured()) {
                    doThreadedMessageCallback(theMsg, thePipeWrapper, false);
            } finally {
                try {
                    //System.out.println("sendOverPipe:pipe back in pool ok");
                } catch (InterruptedException iex) {}
        } catch (InterruptedException iex2) {
            //FIXME log it
        return result;
    private PipeWrapper getPipeWrapper() throws InterruptedException {
        JxtaSenderPipeManager senderPipeManager =
        PipePool pool = senderPipeManager.getPipePool();
        if(pool == null) {
            return null;
        PipeWrapper pipeWrapper = null;
        boolean goodPipeFound = false;
        while(!goodPipeFound) {
            if (senderPipeManager.getPipePoolCount() <= 0 ) {
                // Future consideration: good time to reinitialize connections from this instance to replica instance
                // if that instance is still active. For now, just record that replication is disabled.
                ReplicationHealthChecker.setReplicationCommunicationOperational(false, false);
                ReplicationHealthChecker.getInstance().reportError("Out of pipes in JxtaReplicationSender pipepool. Disabling replication.");
                //trigger reconnect to current partner on separate thread
                if (reconnectInitiated.compareAndSet(false, true)) {
                return null;
            PipePool latestPool = senderPipeManager.getPipePool();
            if (latestPool == null) {
                return null;
            PipePoolElement poolElement = latestPool.take();

//            if (latestPool != pool) {
//                _logger.SEVERE("Detected sf issue 1434: pool=" + pool + " latestPool=" + latestPool);
//            }
            //System.out.println("poolElement = " + poolElement);
            pipeWrapper = (PipeWrapper)poolElement;
            //pipe may be closed during shutdown or because
            //partner pipe endpoint has failed
            /*FIXME remove after testing
            if(pipeWrapper.isPipeClosed()) {
                return null;
            if(pipeWrapper != null) {
                if(pipeWrapper.hasReceivedHCMessage()) {
                    goodPipeFound = true;
                } else {
                    ReplicationHealthChecker healthChecker
                        = ReplicationHealthChecker.getInstance();                    
                    boolean isPipeOk = healthChecker.doPipeTest(pipeWrapper);
                    if(isPipeOk) {
                        goodPipeFound = true;
                    } else // bad pipe. do not put back in pool.
                        //FIXME later create new pipe put and put it in pool
                        //to replace bad one and then continue
                        if (_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                             _pipelogger.fine("Drop from pool failed PipeWrapper " + pipeWrapper.getName() + " to partner instance " +
                        // pipeWrapper.cleanup();    // do not do this right now.
        return pipeWrapper;
    private void reconnectToCurrentPartner() {
        ReplicationHealthChecker healthChecker
            = ReplicationHealthChecker.getInstance();
        String currentReplicaPartner = healthChecker.getReshapeReplicateToInstanceName(null);
        if(currentReplicaPartner == null || currentReplicaPartner.equalsIgnoreCase(ReplicationUtil.getInstanceName())) {
            //there is no partner - this instance is alone - nothing to which to connect
        }      "JxtaReplicationSender:Attempting to reconnect to " + currentReplicaPartner);
        JoinNotificationEventHandler.checkAndDoJoinFor(currentReplicaPartner);"JxtaReplicationSender:DONE with reconnect to " + currentReplicaPartner);

    void confirmReconnectCompleted() {
    private void putPipeWrapper(PipeWrapper thePipeWrapper) throws InterruptedException {
        //do not return pipe(Wrapper) to pool if pipe has been closed
        //or pipe wrapper is null
        //(caused by either shutdown or failure at pipe partner endpoint
        JxtaSenderPipeManager senderPipeManager = JxtaSenderPipeManager.createInstance();
        if(thePipeWrapper == null || thePipeWrapper.isPipeClosed()) {
            if (thePipeWrapper != null && _pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
      "Drop from pool failed PipeWrapper " + thePipeWrapper.getName() + " to partner instance " +
            if (thePipeWrapper == null) {
      "DIAGNOSTIC Message: JxtaReplicationSender.putPipeWrapper => "
                    + "about to call decrementPipePoolCount because thePipeWrapper is null");                             
            } else {
                if(thePipeWrapper.isPipeClosed()) {
          "DIAGNOSTIC Message: JxtaReplicationSender.putPipeWrapper => "
                        + "about to call decrementPipePoolCount because thePipeWrapper is closed");
        PipePool pool = senderPipeManager.getPipePool();
    private Message createMessage(ReplicationState state, boolean isResponse) {
        return ReplicationState.createMessage(state, isResponse);

    public ReplicationState sendReplicationStateResponse(ReplicationState state) {
        //FIXME this is just test code
        /* no waiting queue here
        LinkedBlockingQueue aQueue =
        //long tempStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
        //send message over pipe
        sendOverPipe(state, true);
        long duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - tempStart;
        if(duration > 20) {
         //   System.out.println("sendReplicationStateResponse took" + duration + " msecs");
        TestSender testSender = new TestSender(state);
        //testSender.doIt();; //just run in same thread
        //block and wait for return message
        /* no blocking and waiting
        ReplicationState returnState =
        return returnState;
        return state;
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationStateQueryResponse(ReplicationState state, String instanceName) {
        return sendReplicationStateQueryResponse(state, instanceName, isReplicationUnicastEnabled());
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationStateQueryResponse(ReplicationState state, String instanceName, boolean useBatching) {
        //send message over propagated pipe
        if(!useBatching) {
            sendOverPropagatedPipe(state, instanceName, true);
        } else {
            if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _logger.fine("calling unicast response batching from " + ReplicationUtil.getInstanceName()
                    + " to " + instanceName + " id = " + state.getId());
            JxtaReplicationUnicastSender unicastSender = getJxtaReplicationUnicastSenderFor(instanceName);
            if (unicastSender != null) {
                unicastSender.sendReplicationState(state, false);
            // else the instance went down in between when we asked
        // the CLB where it goes and when we retrieved the sender
        TestSender testSender = new TestSender(state);
        //testSender.doIt();; //just run in same thread
        return state;
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationAdvisoryState(ReplicationState state, String instanceName) {
        return sendReplicationAdvisoryState(state, instanceName, isReplicationUnicastEnabled());
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationAdvisoryState(ReplicationState state, String instanceName, boolean useBatching) {
        //send message over propagated pipe
        if(!useBatching) {
            sendOverPropagatedPipe(state, instanceName, false);
        } else {
            if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _logger.fine("calling unicast response batching from " + ReplicationUtil.getInstanceName()
                    + " to " + instanceName + " id = " + state.getId());
            JxtaReplicationUnicastSender unicastSender = getJxtaReplicationUnicastSenderFor(instanceName);
            if (unicastSender != null) {
                unicastSender.sendReplicationState(state, false);
            // else the instance went down in between when we asked
        // the CLB where it goes and when we retrieved the sender
        return state;

    public ReplicationState sendReplicationLoadState(ReplicationState state, String instanceName) {
        return sendReplicationLoadState(state, instanceName, isReplicationUnicastEnabled());

    public ReplicationState sendReplicationLoadState(ReplicationState state, String instanceName, boolean useBatching) {
        //send message over propagated pipe
        ReplicationState returnState = null;
        //always wait for load and always ack
        LinkedBlockingQueue aQueue =
                ReplicationResponseRepository.putEmptyQueueEntry(state, state.getCommand());
        if(!useBatching) {
            sendOverPropagatedPipe(state, instanceName, false);
        } else {
            if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _logger.fine("calling unicast response batching from " + ReplicationUtil.getInstanceName()
                    + " to " + instanceName + " id = " + state.getId());
            JxtaReplicationUnicastSender unicastSender = getJxtaReplicationUnicastSenderFor(instanceName);
            if (unicastSender != null) {
                unicastSender.sendReplicationState(state, false);
            // else the instance went down in between when we asked
        // the CLB where it goes and when we retrieved the sender
        //block and wait up to 4 seconds for return message
        returnState =
            ReplicationResponseRepository.getEntry((String)state.getId(), state.getCommand(), 4000L);
        return returnState;
    private final ConcurrentHashMap<String, JxtaReplicationUnicastSender> jxtaUnicastSendersMap =
            new ConcurrentHashMap<String, JxtaReplicationUnicastSender>();

    void initJxtaReplicationUnicastSenderFor(String instanceName) {
        if (!ReplicationUtil.getInstanceName().equals(instanceName)) {
            JxtaReplicationUnicastSender unicastSender
                    = new JxtaReplicationUnicastSender(instanceName);
            JxtaReplicationUnicastSender existing = jxtaUnicastSendersMap.putIfAbsent(instanceName, unicastSender);
            if (existing == null) {
                // initialize only if it is not already initialized.
    void removeJxtaReplicationUnicastSenderFor(String instanceName) {
        if(jxtaUnicastSendersMap != null) {

    JxtaReplicationUnicastSender getJxtaReplicationUnicastSenderFor(String instanceName) {
        if(jxtaUnicastSendersMap.get(instanceName) == null) {
            jxtaUnicastSendersMap.put(instanceName, new JxtaReplicationUnicastSender(instanceName));
        JxtaReplicationUnicastSender result = (JxtaReplicationUnicastSender)jxtaUnicastSendersMap.get(instanceName);
        if (result == null && _logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("jxtaUnicastSendersMap.get(" + instanceName + ") returned null");
        return result;
    private int getNumberExpectedRespondants() {
        ReplicationHealthChecker healthChecker = ReplicationHealthChecker.getInstance();
        List conservativeList = healthChecker.getConservativeMemberList(null);
        if(conservativeList == null) {
            return 0;
        } else {
            return conservativeList.size() - 1;
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationStateQuery(ReplicationState state) {
        final long TIMEOUT = 4000L;
        int numberExpectedResults = getNumberExpectedRespondants();
  if(numberExpectedResults == 0) {
            return null;
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        FederatedRequestProcessor federatedRequestProcessor =
            new FederatedRequestProcessor(state, numberExpectedResults, TIMEOUT, state.getVersion());
        ReplicationResponseRepository.putWrappedEmptyQueueEntry(state, federatedRequestProcessor);
        ReplicationState result = federatedRequestProcessor.doFederatedQuery();
        long elapsedTime = -1L;
        if (_salogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)){
            elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
        ReplicationResponseRepository.removeWrappedEmptyQueueEntry(state, federatedRequestProcessor);
        if (_salogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            if (result == null) {
                String timedout = elapsedTime >= TIMEOUT ? " Timed out" : "";
                MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("SessionNotFound: {0} availability findSession did not find appId={1} " +
                        " sessId={2} version={3} " + timedout + " after {5} ms");
                Object[] args = {state.getMode(),
            } else {
                MessageFormat mf = new MessageFormat("SessionFound: {0} availability findSession found appId={1} " +
                        " sessId={2} version={3} after {5} ms");
                Object[] args = {result.getMode(),
        return result;
    public ReplicationState sendReplicationStateQuery(ReplicationState state,
            FederatedQueryProcessor federatedQueryProcessor) {
        int numberExpectedResults = getNumberExpectedRespondants();
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("expected respondants = " + numberExpectedResults);
  if(numberExpectedResults == 0) {
            return null;
        //System.out.println("expected respondants = " + numberExpectedResults);
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        FederatedRequestProcessor federatedRequestProcessor =
            new FederatedRequestProcessor(state, numberExpectedResults, 4000L, state.getVersion());
        ReplicationResponseRepository.putWrappedEmptyQueueEntry(state, federatedRequestProcessor);
        ReplicationState result = federatedRequestProcessor.doFederatedQuery();
        ReplicationResponseRepository.putWrappedEmptyQueueEntry(state, federatedQueryProcessor);
        ReplicationState result = federatedQueryProcessor.doFederatedQuery();
        ReplicationResponseRepository.removeWrappedEmptyQueueEntry(state, federatedQueryProcessor);
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("federated query took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " millis");
        //System.out.println("federated query took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " millis");
        return result;
    public void sendBroadcastQuery(ReplicationState state) {
        Message broadcastMsg = ReplicationState.createBroadcastMessage(state, false);
        //add up to date route advertisement to load call message
    private OutputPipe getPropagatedSingletonOutputPipe() {        
        return JxtaSenderPipeManager.createInstance().getPropagatedOutputPipe();
    public void sendOverPropagatedPipe(Message theMsg) {
        OutputPipe outputPipe = getPropagatedSingletonOutputPipe();
        if(outputPipe != null) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // FIXME evaluate log level
                if(_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
                    _pipelogger.log(Level.INFO, "Exception occurred sending message over propagated pipe" , ex);

    public void sendOverPropagatedPipe(ReplicationState state,
      String instanceName, boolean isResponse) {
          state, instanceName, isResponse);

     * Prepare for the beginning of active use of the public methods of this
     * component.  This method should be called after <code>configure()</code>,
     * and before any of the public methods of the component are utilized.
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this component has already been
     *  started
     * @exception LifecycleException if this component detects a fatal error
     *  that prevents this component from being used
    public void start() throws LifecycleException {
        //initialize the wrapper
        //do not start if HADB health check is not enabled
        //FIXME may want to reconsider this decision
        /* for now taking out
        if(!isHealthCheckingEnabled()) {
            if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
                _logger.finest("Starting - HADB health checking not enabled");
        if(started) {
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
            _logger.finest("Replication health checking enabled");
        // FIXME this is moved to another class
        //Start the background health-check thread
        timerTask = new TimerDispatchThread();
        timer = new Timer();
        timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(timerTask, 1000L, 50L);
        started = true;
     * Start the thread that will receive
     * replication messages
    protected void threadStart() {
        if (thread != null)

        threadDone = false;
        thread = new Thread(this, getThreadName());
     * Gracefully terminate the active use of the public methods of this
     * component.  This method should be the last one called on a given
     * instance of this component.   
     * @exception IllegalStateException if this component has not been started
     * @exception LifecycleException if this component detects a fatal error
     *  that needs to be reported
    public void stop() throws LifecycleException {
        if(!started) {
        // Stop the thread      
        started = false;
     * Stop the background thread that is periodically checking for
     * session timeouts.
    protected void threadStop() {
        if (thread == null)

        threadDone = true;
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        thread = null;
     * The thread that processes received replication messages
    public void run() {
        // Loop until the termination semaphore is set
        while (!threadDone) {
    //Start Mahesh code
    private static int NUMBER_OF_REQUESTS_BEFORE_FLUSH = 100;

    private static final int NUMBER_OF_SESSIONS_PER_MESSAGE = 20;
    private static final int BULK_MESSAGE_LIMIT = 32*1024;
    private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 2048;
    private static final float LOAD_FACTOR = 0.75F;
    private static final int CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 100;
    private DispatchThread dispatchThread = new DispatchThread();
    private DispatchThreadNoDupsAllowed dispatchThreadNoDupsAllowed
        = new DispatchThreadNoDupsAllowed();
    private ReentrantReadWriteLock rwLock;
    private Lock rLock;
    private Lock wLock;  
    //volatile Map<ReplicationState, ReplicationState> currentMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<ReplicationState, ReplicationState>(INITIAL_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL);
    AtomicReference currentMap = new AtomicReference(new ConcurrentHashMap<ReplicationState, ReplicationState>(INITIAL_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL));
    //volatile Map<ReplicationState, ReplicationState> currentMapNoDupsAllowed = new ConcurrentHashMap<ReplicationState, ReplicationState>(INITIAL_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL);
    AtomicReference currentMapNoDupsAllowed = new AtomicReference(new ConcurrentHashMap<ReplicationState, ReplicationState>(INITIAL_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL));
    private AtomicBoolean timeToChange = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private AtomicBoolean timeToChangeNoDupsAllowed = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private AtomicLong lastChangeTime = new AtomicLong(System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000L);
    private AtomicLong lastChangeTimeNoDupsAllowed = new AtomicLong(System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000L);
    private static AtomicInteger requestCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
    private static AtomicInteger requestCounterNoDupsAllowed = new AtomicInteger(0);
    private static AtomicInteger _messageIDCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
    private static long DEFAULT_TIME_THRESHOLD = 100L;

     * Add state to map - map is key = id // value = List of ReplicationState 
     * @param map the map
     * @param state the state to be added
     * @param dupsAllowed - if dupsAllowed then List may contain more than
     *      one element, else only one (the latest added)
     * @return true if state with same id requiring ack already present
    private boolean addToMap(Map map, ReplicationState state, boolean dupsAllowed) {
        //believe no synchronization needed
        boolean result = false;
        String id = state.getId().toString();
        List stateList = (List)map.get(id);
        if(stateList == null) {
            stateList = new ArrayList();
            map.put(id, stateList);
        if(!dupsAllowed && !stateList.isEmpty()) {
            //before replacing zeroth element, if it is ackrequired
            //then replacement must be too
            ReplicationState previousState = (ReplicationState)stateList.get(0);
            if(previousState.isAckRequired()) {
        } else {
            //check if there already exists an element on list with ackRequired
            //if so then set ackRequired for new one to false before adding
            //because we only want one state on each list requiring an ack
            if(doesListContainAckRequiredState(stateList)) {
        return result;
     * Add state to map - map is key = id // value = List of ReplicationState 
     * @param map the map
     * @param state the state to be added
     * @param wait the incoming wait expectation of the state
     * @return true if calling thread will be waiting for ack
    private boolean addToMapDupsAllowed(AtomicReference map, ReplicationState state, boolean wait) {
        //believe no synchronization needed
        //start by letting wait guide state semantics
        String id = state.getId().toString();
        Map tempMap = (Map)map.get();
        //initial value
        boolean currentThreadShouldWait = false;
        boolean shouldContinue = true;
            List stateList = (List)tempMap.get(id);
            if(stateList == null) {
                stateList = new ArrayList();
                tempMap.put(id, stateList);
            //is there another thread already waiting for ack
            boolean listAlreadyContainsAck = doesListContainAckRequiredState(stateList);
            if(state.isRemoveMethodState()) {
                //state is remove state case
                //remove clears out any previous states
                //if list already contained an ack then this state should have
                //ack required
                state.setAckRequired(listAlreadyContainsAck || wait);
            } else {
                //state is not remove state case
                //check if there already exists an element on list with ackRequired
                //if so then set ackRequired for new one to false before adding
                //because we only want one state on each list requiring an ack
                if(listAlreadyContainsAck) {
                } else {
            //we set up to wait only if wait && !listAlreadyContainsAck
                = wait && !listAlreadyContainsAck;
            if(currentThreadShouldWait) {
                LinkedBlockingQueue aQueue =
            //now unconditionally add the state
            //flush method will now check if sent
            if (_logger.isLoggable(TRACE_LEVEL)) {
                _logger.log(TRACE_LEVEL, "addToMapDupsAllowed added state id: "
                    + state.getId() + "[ver: " + state.getVersion() + "] to mapHashCode: " +
            if(tempMap == currentMap.get()) {
                shouldContinue = false;
                if (_logger.isLoggable(TRACE_LEVEL)) {
                    _logger.log(TRACE_LEVEL, "addToMapDupsAllowed exiting... ");
            } else {
                tempMap = (Map)currentMap.get();
        } while (shouldContinue);
        return currentThreadShouldWait;
    private boolean addToMapNoDups(AtomicReference map, ReplicationState state, boolean wait) {
        Map tempMap = (Map)map.get();
        boolean currentThreadShouldWait = wait;
        boolean shouldContinue = true;
            //start by assuming wait parameter will guide this
            currentThreadShouldWait = wait;
            //start by assuming there is no other thread waiting
            boolean threadAlreadyWaiting = false;
            //check if existing state has thread waiting
            ReplicationState currentState = (ReplicationState)tempMap.get(state);               
            if(currentState != null && currentState.isAckRequired()) {
                threadAlreadyWaiting = true;
            } else { //no thread waiting yet
                //only in this case is waiting room set up
                if(wait) {
                    LinkedBlockingQueue aQueue =
                    currentThreadShouldWait = true;
            //now unconditionally add the state
            //flush method will now check if sent
            tempMap.put(state, state);
            if (_logger.isLoggable(TRACE_LEVEL)) {
                _logger.log(TRACE_LEVEL, "addToMapNoDups added state id: "
                    + state.getId() + "[ver: " + state.getVersion() + "] to mapHashCode: " +
            if(tempMap == currentMapNoDupsAllowed.get()) {
                shouldContinue = false;
                if (_logger.isLoggable(TRACE_LEVEL)) {
                    _logger.log(TRACE_LEVEL, "addToMapNoDups exiting... ");
            } else {
                tempMap = (Map)currentMapNoDupsAllowed.get();
        } while (shouldContinue);
        return currentThreadShouldWait;
    private boolean doesListContainAckRequiredState(List stateList) {
        boolean result = false;
        for(int i=0; i<stateList.size(); i++) {
            ReplicationState nextState = (ReplicationState)stateList.get(i);
            if(nextState.isAckRequired()) {
                result = true;
            if(result) {
        return result;
    private boolean doesMapContainAckRequiredState(Map currentMap, ReplicationState state) {
        String id = state.getId().toString();
        List listForId = (List)currentMap.get(id);
        if(listForId == null) {
            return false;
        return doesListContainAckRequiredState(listForId);
    private void replicateState(ReplicationState state, boolean wait, boolean dupsAllowed) {
        //System.out.println("JxtaReplicationSender>>replicateState:wait = " + wait + " dupsAllowed = " + dupsAllowed);
        if(dupsAllowed) {
            replicateStateDupsAllowed(state, wait);
        } else {
            replicateStateNoDupsAllowed(state, wait);
    private void replicateStateDupsAllowed(ReplicationState state, boolean wait) {
        //System.out.println("JxtaReplicationSender>>replicateStateDupsAllowed:wait = " + wait);
        boolean messageInBulkAlreadyWaiting = false;       
        boolean needsToWait = false;
        int latencyCountLimit = this.getLatencyCountLimit();
        int latencyCount = incrementLatencyCheckCount();
        needsToWait = shouldWait(wait, latencyCount, latencyCountLimit);
        if(needsToWait) {         
        try {
            boolean thisThreadShouldWait
                = addToMapDupsAllowed(currentMap, state, needsToWait);
            //int requestCount = requestCounter.incrementAndGet();
            //long lastTimeChanged = lastChangeTime.get();
            if ( ((Map)currentMap.get()).size() >= NUMBER_OF_SESSIONS_PER_MESSAGE) {
                boolean wakeupDispatcher = timeToChange.compareAndSet(false, true); //expect false  set  to true           
                if (wakeupDispatcher) {

            if(thisThreadShouldWait) {
                //wait case
                //this handles the dups case
                //if there is already a state with same id requiring ack
                //then we do not wait
                //block and wait for return message
                ReplicationState returnState =
                if (returnState == null) {
                    //System.out.println("JxtaReplicationSender>>replicateStateDupsAllowed timed out returning null");
                } else {
                    //System.out.println("ack received: id = " + state.getId());
                    //System.out.println("JxtaReplicationSender>>replicateStateDupAllowed succeeded");
        } finally {
    private void replicateStateNoDupsAllowed(ReplicationState state, boolean wait) {
        //System.out.println("JxtaReplicationSender>>replicateStateNoDupsAllowed:wait = " + wait);
        boolean needsToWait = false;
        int latencyCountLimit = this.getLatencyCountLimit();
        int latencyCount = incrementLatencyCheckCount();
        needsToWait = shouldWait(wait, latencyCount, latencyCountLimit);

        if(needsToWait) {
        try {
            //this method also controls whether this thread waits or not
            boolean thisThreadShouldWait
                = addToMapNoDups(currentMapNoDupsAllowed, state, needsToWait);
            //int requestCount = requestCounterNoDupsAllowed.incrementAndGet();
            //long lastChangeTime = lastChangeTimeNoDupsAllowed.get();
            if ( ((Map)currentMapNoDupsAllowed.get()).size() >= NUMBER_OF_SESSIONS_PER_MESSAGE) {
                boolean wakeupDispatcher = timeToChangeNoDupsAllowed.compareAndSet(false, true); //expect false  set  to true           
                if (wakeupDispatcher) {
            if(thisThreadShouldWait) {
                //wait or latencyCountLimit hit case
                //block and wait for return message
                ReplicationState returnState =
                if (returnState == null) {
                    //System.out.println("JxtaReplicationSender>>replicateStateNoDupsAllowed timed out returning null");
                } else {
                    //System.out.println("ack received: id = " + state.getId());
                    //System.out.println("JxtaReplicationSender>>replicateStateNoDupsAllowed succeeded");
        } finally {
    //this method does not have to be synchronized
    private boolean timeThresholdExceeded(long thresholdDuration, long previousTime) {
        if((System.currentTimeMillis() - previousTime) > thresholdDuration) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;
    //Called by the dispatcher
    void flushAllMessagesFromCurrentMap(boolean waitForAck) {
        Map oldMap = null;
        try {
            oldMap = (Map)currentMap.getAndSet(new ConcurrentHashMap<ReplicationState, ReplicationState>(INITIAL_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL));
            if (_logger.isLoggable(TRACE_LEVEL)) {
                _logger.log(TRACE_LEVEL, "flushAllMessagesFromCurrentMap flipped maps oldMapKey: "
                     + System.identityHashCode(oldMap) + "currentMap.get()Key):"
                     + System.identityHashCode(currentMap.get()));
        } finally {
        //_logger.log(Level.INFO, ">>JxtaReplicationSender::flushAllMessages: " + oldMap.size());
        //Send sessions in currentMap into a message
        List<ReplicationState> list = new ArrayList<ReplicationState>(oldMap.size()+1);
        Iterator<List> iter = oldMap.values().iterator();
        int totalMessageSize = 0;       
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            boolean needBulkAck = false;
            List nextIdList = (List);
            for(int i=0; i<nextIdList.size(); i++) {
                ReplicationState state = (ReplicationState)nextIdList.get(i);
                int stateSize = 0;
                if(state != null && !state.isSent()) {
                    //if any state requires ack then this bulk msg requires ack
                    if(state.isAckRequired()) {
                        needBulkAck = true;
                    if(state.getState() != null) {
                        stateSize = state.getState().length;
                if (totalMessageSize + stateSize > BULK_MESSAGE_LIMIT) {
                    doThreadedCreateMessageAndSend(list, needBulkAck);
                    list = new ArrayList<ReplicationState>(oldMap.size()+1);
                    //createMessageAndSend(list, needBulkAck, null);
                    totalMessageSize = 0;
                //mark state as being sent
                if(state != null && !state.isSent()) {
                    totalMessageSize += stateSize;
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            boolean needBulkAck = doesListContainAckRequiredState(list);
            doThreadedCreateMessageAndSend(list, needBulkAck);
            //createMessageAndSend(list, needBulkAck, null);
    //Called by the dispatcher
    void flushAllMessagesFromCurrentMapNoDupsAllowed(boolean waitForAck) {
        Map oldMap = null;
        try {
            oldMap = (Map)currentMapNoDupsAllowed.getAndSet(new ConcurrentHashMap<ReplicationState, ReplicationState>(INITIAL_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR, CONCURRENCY_LEVEL));
            if (_logger.isLoggable(TRACE_LEVEL)) {
                _logger.log(TRACE_LEVEL, "flushAllMessagesFromCurrentMapNoDupsAllowed flipped maps oldMapKey: "
                     + System.identityHashCode(oldMap) + "currentMapNoDupsAllowed.get()Key):"
                     + System.identityHashCode(currentMapNoDupsAllowed.get()));
        } finally {
        //_logger.log(Level.INFO, ">>JxtaReplicationSender::flushAllMessagesFromCurrentMapNoDupsAllowed: " + oldMap.size());
        //Send sessions in currentMap into a message
        //System.out.println("flush full list size = " + oldMap.keySet().size());
        List<ReplicationState> list = new ArrayList<ReplicationState>(oldMap.size()+1);
        Iterator<ReplicationState> iter = oldMap.values().iterator();
        int totalMessageSize = 0;       
        //non order preserving
        while (iter.hasNext()) {           
            boolean needBulkAck = false;
            ReplicationState state =;
            int stateSize = 0;
            if(state != null && !state.isSent()) {
                //if any state requires ack then this bulk msg requires ack
                if(state.isAckRequired()) {
                    needBulkAck = true;
                if(state.getState() != null) {
                    stateSize = state.getState().length;
            if (totalMessageSize + stateSize > BULK_MESSAGE_LIMIT) {
                doThreadedCreateMessageAndSend(list, needBulkAck);
                list = new ArrayList<ReplicationState>(oldMap.size()+1);
                //createMessageAndSend(list, needBulkAck, null);
                totalMessageSize = 0;
            if(state != null && !state.isSent()) {
                //mark state as being sent
            totalMessageSize += stateSize;
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            boolean needBulkAck = doesListContainAckRequiredState(list);
            doThreadedCreateMessageAndSend(list, needBulkAck);
            //createMessageAndSend(list, needBulkAck, null);
    private void doThreadedReconnect() {
        ReplicationHealthChecker healthChecker
            = ReplicationHealthChecker.getInstance();
        if(healthChecker.isClusterStopping()) {
        Reconnecter reconnecter
            = new Reconnecter();
        Reconnecter reconnecter = new Reconnecter();
        try {
  "beginning attempt to reconnect");
  "attempt to reconnect succeeded");
        } catch (Throwable th) {
            _pipelogger.log(Level.WARNING, "doThreadedReconnect failed to reconnect", th);
    private void doThreadedCreateMessageAndSend(List list, boolean needBulkAck) {
        BulkMessageSender bulkMessageSender
            = new BulkMessageSender(list, needBulkAck);
    private void doThreadedMessageCallback(Message sentMessage, PipeWrapper pipeWrapper, boolean success) {
        BulkMessageAcker bulkMessageAcker
            = new BulkMessageAcker(sentMessage, pipeWrapper, success);
    private static void displayList(Logger logger, List aList, String listName) {
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            for (int i = 0; i < aList.size(); i++) {
                logger.log(Level.FINE, listName + " " + aList.get(i));
    private static void displayList(List aList, String listName) {
        displayList(_logger, aList, listName);
    private void createMessageAndSend(List<ReplicationState> list, boolean waitForAck, Object signalObject) {
        List<String> ackIdsList = ReplicationState.extractAckIdsList(list);
        //displayList(ackIdsList, "ackIdsList");
        byte[] data = null;
        ByteArrayOutputStream bos = null;
        ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
        try {
            bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
            oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos);
        } catch (IOException ioEx) {
        } finally {
            if (oos != null) {
                try {
                    oos.flush(); oos.close();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
            if (bos != null) {
                try {
                    data = bos.toByteArray();
                } catch (Exception ex) {
        //_logger.log(Level.INFO, "<<JxtaReplicationSender::flushAllMessages: About to send " + list.size() + " messages: " + data.length + " bytes...");
        List<String> allIdsList = null;
        if (_logger.isLoggable(TRACE_LEVEL)) {           
            allIdsList = ReplicationState.extractAllIdsList(list);
            displayList(allIdsList, "ids about to be sent");           
        int bulkMsgId = Math.abs(_messageIDCounter.incrementAndGet());
        if (_salogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            if (allIdsList == null) {
                allIdsList = ReplicationState.extractAllIdsList(list);
            displayList(_salogger, allIdsList, "sending replication state in bulkMsgId:" + bulkMsgId + " ");
        sendBulkMessage(bulkMsgId, ackIdsList, data, waitForAck);       
        //_logger.log(Level.INFO, "<<JxtaReplicationSender::flushAllMessages: DONE!!");
    //new from Larry a send method that does not spin and retry
    //on the same pipe in the event of return of false but instead
    //tries another pipe
    private boolean sendState(ReplicationState state) {
        return sendState(state, false);
    //new from Larry a send method that does not spin and retry
    //on the same pipe in the event of return of false but instead
    //tries another pipe
    private boolean sendState(ReplicationState state, boolean isResponse) {
        boolean result = true;
        Message theMsg = this.createMessage(state, isResponse);
        boolean continueTrying = true;
        long waitTime = 5L;
        int counter = 0;
        while(continueTrying) {
            waitTime *= 2L;
            try {
                //this gets a new pipe, tries the send once, puts the pipe
                //back in the pool and returns the result
                result = sendOverPipe(theMsg);
                if(!result && (waitTime < 1000L)) {
                } else {
                    continueTrying = false;
                    if(waitTime >= 1000L) {
                        result = false;
                        if(_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                            _pipelogger.fine("JxtaReplicationSender>>sendState:timed out trying to send message after trying to send " + counter + " times");
                    } else {
                        result = true;
            } catch (NullPointerException ex1) {
                result = false;
                continueTrying = false;
                _pipelogger.log(Level.WARNING, "NPE occurred in JxtaReplicationSender>>sendState()", ex1);
        if(!result) {
            if (_pipelogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _pipelogger.fine("JxtaReplicationSender>>sendState returning: " + result);
        return result;                 
    private ReplicationState sendBulkMessage(long msgID, List<String> ackIdsList, byte[] data, boolean wait) {
        //System.out.println("sending bulk message: bulkMsgId = " + msgID);
        if(_logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            _logger.fine("JxtaReplicationSender>>sendBulkMessage:wait:" + wait + " bulkMggId:" + msgID);
        ReplicationState returnState = null;
        if(!ReplicationHealthChecker.isOkToProceed()) {
            if (_salogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _salogger.finer("health check bypassing replication. bulkMsgId " + msgID + " not sent");
            return returnState;
        boolean ackRequired = wait;     
        //long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        ReplicationState state = ReplicationState.createBulkReplicationState(msgID, ackIdsList, data, ackRequired);
        if( (wait && !isWaitForFastAckConfigured())
            || ReplicationHealthChecker.isFlushThreadWaiting()) {
            LinkedBlockingQueue aQueue =
        //this will try to send on different pipes until timeout
        boolean success = sendState(state);
        //System.out.println("sendState:success=" + success);         
        if(!success) {
            ReplicationHealthChecker.reportError("JxtaReplicationSender>>sendState failed");
             if (_salogger.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                _salogger.fine("send of replication state in bulkMsgId " + msgID + " failed");
        if(wait && !isWaitForFastAckConfigured()) {
            //block and wait for return message
            returnState =
                ReplicationResponseRepository.getEntry((String)state.getId(), 5000L);
            long waitTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
            if(waitTime > 15000L) {
                //System.out.println("wait time = " + waitTime);
        return returnState;
    private class DispatchThread implements Runnable {
        private Object dispatchThreadMonitorObject = null;
        private volatile boolean done = false;
        private Thread thread;
        private LinkedBlockingQueue<Object> queue;
        public DispatchThread() {
            this.dispatchThreadMonitorObject = new Object();
            this.queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Object>();
            this.thread = new Thread(this);
        public void wakeup() {
            synchronized(dispatchThreadMonitorObject) {
            //queue.add(new Object());
        public void run() {
            boolean hasSignaled = false;
            while (! done) {
                try {
                    synchronized(dispatchThreadMonitorObject) {
                    //Object ignorableToken = queue.take();                   
                    //System.out.println("dups emerging from wait...");
                    long lastChangeTimeDups = lastChangeTime.get();                   
                    if(!ReplicationHealthChecker.isFlushThreadWaiting()) {
                        //normal processing
                        if ( ((Map)currentMap.get()).size() > 0
                                && timeThresholdExceeded(DEFAULT_TIME_THRESHOLD, lastChangeTimeDups) ) {
                    } else { //only if flushThreadWaiting
                        //flush once more if you have data
                        try {
                            if(((Map)currentMap.get()).size() > 0) {
                        } finally {
                            //signal you are finished unloading if you have not previously done so
                            if(!hasSignaled) {
                                CountDownLatch doneSignal = ReplicationHealthChecker.getDoneSignal();
                                hasSignaled = true;
                } catch (InterruptedException inEx) {
                    this.done = true;
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    _pipelogger.log(Level.FINE, "dups allowed thread exception:", t);
                finally {
                    //if done is set signal you are finished if you have not previously done so
                    if(done && !hasSignaled) {
                        CountDownLatch doneSignal = ReplicationHealthChecker.getDoneSignal();
                        hasSignaled = true;

    private class DispatchThreadNoDupsAllowed implements Runnable {
        private Object dispatchThreadNoDupsAllowedMonitorObject = null;
        private volatile boolean done = false;
        private Thread thread;
        private LinkedBlockingQueue<Object> queue;
        public DispatchThreadNoDupsAllowed() {
            this.dispatchThreadNoDupsAllowedMonitorObject = new Object();
            this.queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Object>();
            this.thread = new Thread(this);
        public void wakeup() {
            synchronized(dispatchThreadNoDupsAllowedMonitorObject) {
            //queue.add(new Object());
        public void run() {
            boolean hasSignaled = false;
            while (! done) {
                try {
                    synchronized(dispatchThreadNoDupsAllowedMonitorObject) {
                    //Object ignorableToken = queue.take();
                    //System.out.println("no dups emerging from wait...");                   
                    long lastChangeTimeNoDups = lastChangeTimeNoDupsAllowed.get();
                    if(!ReplicationHealthChecker.isFlushThreadWaiting()) {
                        //normal processing
                        if ( ((Map)currentMapNoDupsAllowed.get()).size() > 0
                                && timeThresholdExceeded(DEFAULT_TIME_THRESHOLD, lastChangeTimeNoDups) ) {                    
                    } else { //only if flushThreadWaiting
                        //flush once more if you have data
                        try {
                            if(((Map)currentMapNoDupsAllowed.get()).size() > 0) {
                        } finally {
                            //signal you are finished unloading if you have not previously done so
                            if(!hasSignaled) {                           
                                CountDownLatch doneSignal = ReplicationHealthChecker.getDoneSignal();
                                hasSignaled = true;
                } catch (InterruptedException inEx) {
                    this.done = true;
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    _pipelogger.log(Level.FINE, "nodup thread exception:", t);
                }   finally {
                    //if done is set signal you are finished if you have not previously done so
                    if(done && !hasSignaled) {
                        CountDownLatch doneSignal = ReplicationHealthChecker.getDoneSignal();
                        hasSignaled = true;

    private class TimerDispatchThread extends TimerTask {
        public TimerDispatchThread() {
        public void run() {

            long lastChangeTimeNoDups = lastChangeTimeNoDupsAllowed.get();
            if ( ((Map)currentMapNoDupsAllowed.get()).size() > 0
                    && timeThresholdExceeded(DEFAULT_TIME_THRESHOLD, lastChangeTimeNoDups) ) {           
                boolean wakeupDispatcher = timeToChangeNoDupsAllowed.compareAndSet(false, true); //expect false  set  to true           
                if (wakeupDispatcher) {
                    //System.out.println("timer dispatching nodups...");
            long lastChangeTimeDups = lastChangeTime.get();
            if ( ((Map)currentMap.get()).size() > 0
                    && timeThresholdExceeded(DEFAULT_TIME_THRESHOLD, lastChangeTimeDups) ) {
                boolean wakeupDispatcher = timeToChange.compareAndSet(false, true); //expect false  set  to true           
                if (wakeupDispatcher) {
                    //System.out.println("timer dispatching dups...");

    private class BulkMessageSender implements Runnable {

        private List list = null;
        private boolean needBulkAck = false;
        public BulkMessageSender(List list, boolean needBulkAck) {
            this.list = list;
            this.needBulkAck = needBulkAck;
        public void run() {
            createMessageAndSend(list, needBulkAck, null);
    private class BulkMessageAcker implements Runnable {

        private Message sentMessage = null;
        private PipeWrapper pipeWrapper = null;
        private boolean success = false;
        public BulkMessageAcker(Message sentMessage, PipeWrapper pipeWrapper, boolean success) {
            this.sentMessage = sentMessage;
            this.pipeWrapper = pipeWrapper;
            this.success = success;
        public void run() {
            if(success) {
            } else {
    private class TuningDebugger implements Runnable {
        private Thread thread;
        private boolean threadDone = false;
        private int SLEEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 60;
        private long highwaterUnicastMessageFailures = 0;
        private int maxSenderTaskQueueSize = -1;
        public TuningDebugger() {
            this.thread = new Thread(this);
        public void run() {
        // Loop until the termination semaphore is set
            while (!threadDone) {
        private void doTuningDebug() {
            try {
            //System.out.println("doing replication tuning debugging");

            Map currentMap = (Map)currentMapNoDupsAllowed.get();
            if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)){
      "replication tuning debugging:dispatch map size = " + currentMap.size()
                    + ", senderTaskQueue size = " + senderTaskQueue.size());
            long currentUnicastMessageFailures = JxtaUnicastPipeUtil.getFailures();
            if(currentUnicastMessageFailures > highwaterUnicastMessageFailures) {
                highwaterUnicastMessageFailures = currentUnicastMessageFailures;
                if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
          "total unicastMessageFailures = " + currentUnicastMessageFailures);
            int senderTaskQueueSize = senderTaskQueue.size();
            if (senderTaskQueueSize > maxSenderTaskQueueSize) {
                maxSenderTaskQueueSize = senderTaskQueueSize;
                if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
          "max senderTaskQueue size = " + maxSenderTaskQueueSize);
            final int VERIFY_SENDER_TASK_QUEUE_SIZE = 30;
            if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO) && senderTaskQueue.size() >= VERIFY_SENDER_TASK_QUEUE_SIZE) {
      "verifying senderTaskQueueSize since greater than " + VERIFY_SENDER_TASK_QUEUE_SIZE);
            long pipePoolTakeTimeouts = JxtaSenderPipeManager.createInstance().getPipePool().getTimedOutTakes();
            if (pipePoolTakeTimeouts != 0) {
                if (_logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
          "PipePool.take timeouts=" + pipePoolTakeTimeouts);
            } catch(Throwable t) {
                _logger.log(Level.WARNING, "handled exception in doTuningDebug ", t);
         * Sleep for SLEEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS seconds
        private void threadSleep() {
            try {
                Thread.sleep(SLEEP_INTERVAL_SECONDS * 1000L);           
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         * Stop the background debugger thread
        public void stop() {
            if (thread == null)

            threadDone = true;
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

            thread = null;
    private class Reconnecter implements Runnable {
        public Reconnecter() {
        public void run() {
            ReplicationHealthChecker healthChecker
                = ReplicationHealthChecker.getInstance();
            String currentReplicaPartner = healthChecker.getReshapeReplicateToInstanceName(null);
            int actionCode = healthChecker.determineMemberStateAfterPipeFailure(currentReplicaPartner);
            switch  (actionCode) {
            case INSTANCE_STARTING:
                //instance is starting so just wait for join
            case INSTANCE_OK:
                // reconnect to original replica partner
           case INSTANCE_UNKNOWN:
           case INSTANCE_FAILED:
               //instance is down on first try so give one more short chance for node-agent
               //to have restarted the instance
               int actionCodeRetry = healthChecker.determineMemberStateAfterPipeFailureRetry(currentReplicaPartner);
               if(actionCodeRetry == INSTANCE_STARTING) {
                   //now the instance is confirmed restarting so do nothing
               } else if ((actionCodeRetry == INSTANCE_OK) || (actionCodeRetry == INSTANCE_UNKNOWN)) {
                   // reconnect to original replica partner
               } else {
                   //now assume failure but wait for GMS to send failure notification
                //treat default as a failure too
                //now assume failure but wait for GMS to send failure notification

     * Our thread factory that adds the threads to our thread group and names
     * the thread to something recognizable.
    static class ReplicationSenderThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {

        final AtomicInteger threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);
        final String name;
        final ThreadGroup threadgroup;

        ReplicationSenderThreadFactory(String name, ThreadGroup threadgroup) {
   = name;
            this.threadgroup = threadgroup;

        public Thread newThread(Runnable runnable) {
            Thread thread = new Thread(threadgroup, runnable, name + " - " + threadNumber.getAndIncrement(), 0);
            if (thread.isDaemon()) {
            if (thread.getPriority() != Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) {
            return thread;

    static void executeTask(Runnable r) {

Related Classes of$BulkMessageSender

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