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* Created on Nov 04, 2006, 2:43 PM


import java.util.*;

import com.sun.enterprise.util.SystemPropertyConstants;

public class TargetUtil {

    private TargetUtil() {} //dummy constructor, all static methods.
    /************ Get and Set enable status of resource ****************/
     * Determine the real status of a resource, look at both resource object itself and the resource reference
    static public boolean isResourceEnabled(Enabled resourceObject, String target)
  boolean master = resourceObject.getEnabled();
  if (!master) return false;    // no need to look at ref if master is off.
  String name = ((AMX)resourceObject).getName();
  ResourceRefConfig ref = getResourceRef(name, target);
  if (ref == null)
      return master;
  return ref.getEnabled();

     * Returns the list of list of Virtual Server in the given target
    static public Set getVirtualServers(String targetName)
    ConfigConfig config =
    Set<String> vsNames = config.getHTTPServiceConfig().getVirtualServerConfigMap().keySet();
    return vsNames;

     * Sets the virtual server of the application-ref of a target.  This target maybe a standalone server or cluster
    static public void setVirtualServers(String appName, String targetName, String virtualServers)
        //issue# 4096
        //if the target is a cluster, besides setting the application-ref of the cluster,
        //we also need to set the application-ref of each server instance of this cluster.
        //fix this by adding the new method that returns all the refs
        List<DeployedItemRefConfig> appRefs = getAllDeployedItemRefObject(appName, targetName);
        for(DeployedItemRefConfig ref : appRefs){

     * Returns the list of associated Virtual Server in the given target
    static public String getAssociatedVS(String appName, String targetName)
    DeployedItemRefConfig appRef = getDeployedItemRefObject(appName, targetName);
    String vs = appRef.getVirtualServers();
    return vs;


     * Set the enabled status of a resource.  Use the resource-ref to control the status.
    static public void setResourceEnabled(Enabled resource, String target, boolean enabledFlag)

        if (enabledFlag)
        //We use the ref to control enable status
        String name = ((AMX)resource).getName();
  List<Map<String, ResourceRefConfig>> allResourceRefs = getAllResourceRefConfig(target);
        for(Map<String, ResourceRefConfig> oneResourceMap : allResourceRefs){
            ResourceRefConfig ref = oneResourceMap.get(name);

   * Given the name of a resource and the target, return the resource-ref object
  static public ResourceRefConfig getResourceRef(String name, String target){
      StandaloneServerConfig server = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getStandaloneServerConfigMap().get(target);
      ResourceRefConfig ref = null;
            if (server == null){
    ClusterConfig cluster = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(target);
    ref = (cluster == null) ? null :  cluster.getResourceRefConfigMap().get(name);
    ref = server.getResourceRefConfigMap().get(name);
            return ref;
   * Given the name of a  target, return the resource-ref object of this target.
         * If the target is a cluster, all the resource-ref object of that clusteredInstance will also be included.
  static public List<Map<String, ResourceRefConfig>> getAllResourceRefConfig(String target){
            List<Map<String, ResourceRefConfig>> allResourceRefs = new ArrayList();
            if (isCluster(target)){
                ClusterConfig cluster = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(target);
                //For every server in this cluster, we have to change the source ref status also.
                Map<String,ClusteredServerConfig> clusteredServerConfigMap = cluster.getClusteredServerConfigMap();
                Collection <ClusteredServerConfig> csConfigs = clusteredServerConfigMap.values();
                for(ClusteredServerConfig csConfig : csConfigs){
                StandaloneServerConfig server = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getStandaloneServerConfigMap().get(target);
            return allResourceRefs;
   * Given the name of a resource and the target, create the resource-ref object
  static public void createResourceRef(String name, String targetName){
            ResourceRefConfigCR target = getResoruceRefConfigCR(targetName);
            if (target != null)
   * Given the name of a resource and the target, create the resource-ref object with the enabled flag.
  static public void createResourceRef(String name, String targetName, boolean enabled){
            ResourceRefConfigCR target = getResoruceRefConfigCR(targetName);
            if (target != null)
                target.createResourceRefConfig(name, enabled);

  /* Given two collections x, and y removes y from x, and returns a new
  *  collection. The parameters are expected to be List for now, ideally
  *  it should have been a Set. Leaving it as List, bcz our handler methods
  *  deal with List to add the options in addRemove component.

  static public Set<String> XMinusY(Collection<String> X, Collection<String> Y) {
    Set<String> s = Collections.synchronizedSet(new HashSet<String>(X));
    if(Y != null && Y.size() != 0) {
      for(String str : Y) {
    return s;
   * Given the name of a resource and the target, delete the resource-ref object
  static public void removeResourceRef(String name, String targetName){
            ResourceRefConfigCR target = getResoruceRefConfigCR(targetName);
            if (target != null)
        static public ResourceRefConfigCR getResoruceRefConfigCR(String targetName){
            ResourceRefConfigCR target = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getStandaloneServerConfigMap().get(targetName);
            if (target == null){
    target = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(targetName);
                if (target == null){
                    //TODO Log Error, cannot find such target
                    return null;
            return target;
    /************ Get and Set enable status of application ****************/
     * Determine the real status of an application, look at both resource object itself and the resource reference
    static public boolean isApplicationEnabled(Enabled app, String target)
  return isApplicationEnabled(app, target, false);
    static public boolean isApplicationEnabled(Enabled app, String target, Boolean forLB)
  boolean master = app.getEnabled();
  if (!master) return false;    // no need to look at ref if master is off.
  String name = ((AMX)app).getName();
        DeployedItemRefConfig ref = getDeployedItemRefObject(name, target);
        if (forLB){
            if (ref != null)
                return ref.getLBEnabled();
                return false;
  if (ref == null)
      return master;
  return ref.getEnabled();

     * Set the enabled status of an application.  Use the application-ref to control the status.
    static public void setApplicationEnabled(Enabled app, String target, boolean enabledFlag){
        setApplicationEnabled(app, target, enabledFlag, false);
    static public void setApplicationEnabled(Enabled app, String target, boolean enabledFlag, boolean forLB)
  //We use the ref to control enable status
  String name = ((AMX)app).getName();
  List<DeployedItemRefConfig> refs = getAllDeployedItemRefObject(name, target);
        if (forLB){
            for(DeployedItemRefConfig ref : refs){
  if (enabledFlag)
        for(DeployedItemRefConfig ref : refs){
            ref.setEnabled( (Boolean)enabledFlag);

   * Given the name of an application and the target, return the application-ref object of that target
  static public DeployedItemRefConfig getDeployedItemRefObject(String name, String target){
      StandaloneServerConfig server = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getStandaloneServerConfigMap().get(target);
      DeployedItemRefConfig ref = null;
            if (server == null){
    ClusterConfig cluster = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(target);
    ref = (cluster == null) ? null :  cluster.getDeployedItemRefConfigMap().get(name);
    ref = server.getDeployedItemRefConfigMap().get(name);
      return ref;
   * Given the name of an application and the target, return ALL the application-ref object of the target
         * If the target is a cluster, this array returned will include the <application-ref> of the cluster's instance.
  static public List<DeployedItemRefConfig> getAllDeployedItemRefObject(String appName, String target){
            List<DeployedItemRefConfig> result = new ArrayList();
      StandaloneServerConfig server = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getStandaloneServerConfigMap().get(target);
            if (server == null){
    ClusterConfig cluster = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(target);
                if (cluster == null)
                    return result;
    result.add( cluster.getDeployedItemRefConfigMap().get(appName));
                Map<String,ClusteredServerConfig> serverMap = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(target).getClusteredServerConfigMap();
                for(String instanceName : serverMap.keySet()){
                    result.add (serverMap.get(instanceName).getDeployedItemRefConfigMap().get(appName));
    result.add (server.getDeployedItemRefConfigMap().get(appName));
      return result;
   * Given the name of an application  and the target, create the application-ref object
  static public void createDeployedItemRefObject(String name, String targetName){
      DeployedItemRefConfigCR target = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getStandaloneServerConfigMap().get(targetName);
            if (target == null){
    target = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(targetName);
                if (target == null){
                    //TODO log error
   * Given the name of an application  and the target, deletes the application-ref object
  static public void removeDeployedItemRefObject(String name, String targetName){
      DeployedItemRefConfigCR target = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getStandaloneServerConfigMap().get(targetName);
            if (target == null){
    target = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(targetName);
                if (target == null){
                    //TODO log error
      * return the enabled status suitable to display at the top level applications and resources list page.
     public static String getEnabledStatus(Enabled app, boolean isApp){
        if (AMXUtil.isEE()){
            List<String> targetList = getDeployedTargets(((AMX)app), isApp);
            if(targetList.size() == 0)
                return convertStatusSummary(APP_NO_TARGET);
            int total = 0;
            for(String target : targetList){
                if (isApp){
                    if(isApplicationEnabled(app, target))
                    if(isResourceEnabled(app, target))
            if(total == targetList.size())  return convertStatusSummary(APP_ALL_ENABLED);
            if(total == 0 ) return convertStatusSummary(APP_ALL_DISABLED);
            return convertStatusSummary(total);
        boolean status = (isApp) ? TargetUtil.isApplicationEnabled(app, "server") :
                                   TargetUtil.isResourceEnabled(app, "server");
        return Boolean.toString(status);
    public static List<String> getDeployedTargets(AMX app, boolean isApp){
        String appName = app.getName();
        return getDeployedTargets(appName, isApp);
    public static List<String> getDeployedTargets(String appName, boolean isApp){
        List<String> targetList = new ArrayList();
        String objectName = (isApp) "com.sun.appserv:type=applications,category=config" : "com.sun.appserv:type=resources,category=config";
        if(! AMXUtil.isEE()){
            String[] params = new String[] {appName};
            String[] types = new String[] {"java.lang.String"};
            ObjectName[] refs = (ObjectName[]) JMXUtil.invoke(objectName , "listReferencees", params, types);
            for(int i=0; i<refs.length; i++){
        return targetList;
    public static String convertStatusSummary(int statusSummary){
        String disp = null;
        if (statusSummary == APP_ALL_ENABLED){
            disp = GuiUtil.getMessage("deploy.allEnabled") ;
        if (statusSummary == APP_ALL_DISABLED){
            disp =GuiUtil.getMessage("deploy.allDisabled");
        if (statusSummary == APP_NO_TARGET){
            disp =GuiUtil.getMessage("deploy.noTarget");
            disp = GuiUtil.getMessage("deploy.someEnabled", new String[]{""+statusSummary}) ;
        return disp;
    public static String getNumberLBInstancesByTarget(String cluster){
        Map<String,ServerRefConfig> serverRefMap = AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(cluster).getServerRefConfigMap();
        Collection <ServerRefConfig> refs = serverRefMap.values();
        int totalCount = serverRefMap.size();
        if (totalCount == 0) return GuiUtil.getMessage("loadBalancer.noInstance");
        int totalEnabled = 0;
        for(ServerRefConfig ref : refs){
            if (ref.getLBEnabled())
        return GuiUtil.getMessage("loadBalancer.numLBInstance", new Object[]{""+totalEnabled, ""+totalCount});
    public static String getDomainRoot() {
        String domainRoot = System.getProperty(SystemPropertyConstants.INSTANCE_ROOT_PROPERTY);
        return domainRoot;
    public static boolean isCluster(String name){
        return (AMXUtil.getDomainConfig().getClusterConfigMap().get(name) == null) ? false: true;
    public static final int APP_NO_TARGET = -2;
    public static final int APP_ALL_ENABLED = -1;
    public static final int APP_ALL_DISABLED = 0;

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