Package com.sun.cli.jmx.test

Source Code of com.sun.cli.jmx.test.CLISupportTestee

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* $Header: /cvs/glassfish/admin-cli/cli-api/src/java/com/sun/cli/jmx/test/,v 1.4 2007/05/05 05:24:53 tcfujii Exp $
* $Revision: 1.4 $
* $Date: 2007/05/05 05:24:53 $
package  com.sun.cli.jmx.test;

import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import com.sun.cli.util.ArrayConversion;
import com.sun.cli.util.ClassUtil;

import com.sun.cli.util.stringifier.ArrayStringifier;
import com.sun.cli.util.stringifier.SmartStringifier;

import com.sun.cli.jmx.util.InvokeHelper;

  A DynamicMBean used as a target for testing CLI
public final class CLISupportTestee implements DynamicMBean
  final static String  VIRTUAL_OPERATION_NAME  = "virtualTest";
  final static String  D  = ","// delimiter

    private void
  p( Object o )
    System.out.println( o.toString() );
  final InvokeHelper  mInvokeHelper;
    mInvokeHelper  = new InvokeHelper( this );

    public String []
    return( new String [ 0 ] );
    public String []
  testFoo( long [][] p1 )
    return( new String [  ] { "[[C", "char" } );


    public void
  testNamed( java.util.Properties props )

    public void
  testNamed( String p1)

    public void
  testNamed( String p1, String p2 )

    public void
  testNamed( String p1, String p2, String p3)

    public void
  testNamed( String p1, String p2, String p3, Properties p4)

    public void
     testPropertiesOnly( Properties p1 )
    public void
    testProperties1Arg( String p1, Properties p2 )
    public void
    testProperties2Args( String p1, Properties p2, String p3)
  private MBeanInfo  mMBeanInfo  = null;
    public MBeanParameterInfo []
  createMBeanParameterInfos( Method m)
    final Class []  parameterClasses  = m.getParameterTypes();
    final int          numParams  = Array.getLength( parameterClasses );
    final MBeanParameterInfo  infos []  = new MBeanParameterInfo[ numParams ];
    for( int i = 0; i < numParams; ++i )
      // use parameter names of p1, p2, p3, etc
      final String  parameterName  = "p" + (i+1);
      final MBeanParameterInfo  info  =
        new MBeanParameterInfo( parameterName,
                    parameterClasses[ i ].getName(),
                    "parameter " + i + 1
      infos[ i = info;
    return( infos );
    public MBeanOperationInfo []
    final Method []  allMethods  = this.getClass().getDeclaredMethods();
    final ArrayList  exportMethods  = new ArrayList();
    final int     allCount  = Array.getLength( allMethods );
    for( int i = 0; i < allCount; ++i )
      final Method  m  = allMethods[ i ];
      final String  name  = m.getName();
      if ( name.startsWith( "test" ) )
        final String    description  = "tests '" + name + "' operation";
        final MBeanParameterInfo  parameterInfo []  = createMBeanParameterInfos( m );
        // our generic invoker will return the same type of result for each--
        // the signature that was invoked
        // final String    returnTypeString  = m.getReturnType().getName();
        final String    returnTypeString  = String [].class.getName();
        final MBeanOperationInfo  info  = new MBeanOperationInfo( name,
                         MBeanOperationInfo.INFO );
        exportMethods.add( info );
    // add the virtual methods
    final MBeanOperationInfo []  virtualOperations  = createVirtualOperationInfos();
    for( int i = 0; i < Array.getLength( virtualOperations ); ++i )
      exportMethods.add( virtualOperations[ i ] );
    MBeanOperationInfo []  infos  = new MBeanOperationInfo[ exportMethods.size() ];
    infos  = (MBeanOperationInfo [])exportMethods.toArray( infos );
    return( infos );

    All the base types we support
  private final static Class []  BASE_CLASSES  =
  private final static int  NUM_BASE_CLASSES  = Array.getLength( BASE_CLASSES );
    public Class []
    ArrayList  classes  = new ArrayList();
    for( int i = 0; i < NUM_BASE_CLASSES; ++i )
      Class  derivedClass  = BASE_CLASSES[ i ];
      classes.add( derivedClass );
      if ( derivedClass == Properties.class )
      // 1D array
      derivedClass  = Array.newInstance( derivedClass, 0 ).getClass();
      classes.add( derivedClass );
      // 2D array
      derivedClass  = Array.newInstance( derivedClass, 0 ).getClass();
      classes.add( derivedClass );
      // we support any dimension arryas, but 3 is probably excessive from
      // a testing standpoint
      // 3D array
      derivedClass  = Array.newInstance( derivedClass, 0 ).getClass();
      classes.add( derivedClass );
    Class []  result  = new Class[ classes.size() ];
    classes.toArray( result );
    return( result );
    public MBeanOperationInfo
  createVirtualOperationInfo( String operationName, Class [] argClasses )
    final int  numArgs  = Array.getLength( argClasses );
    // create a method for each supported class
    final ArrayList  paramInfos  = new ArrayList();
    for( int i = 0; i < numArgs; ++i )
      final Class  theClass  = argClasses[ i ];
      // create single parameter with name of "pX", where X is the index of the param 1,2,3, etc
      final String  parameterName  = "p" + (i + 1);
      final String  parameterDescription  = "parameter " + (i+1);
      final MBeanParameterInfo  param  = new MBeanParameterInfo( parameterName, theClass.getName(), parameterDescription );
      paramInfos.add( param );
    MBeanParameterInfo []  infos  = new MBeanParameterInfo [ paramInfos.size() ];
    paramInfos.toArray( infos );
    // create operation with return type of String [] (which will return the signature)
    final String    returnTypeString  = String [].class.getName();
    final String    description  = "virtual operation";
    final MBeanOperationInfo  info  = new MBeanOperationInfo( operationName,
                           MBeanOperationInfo.INFO );
    return( info );
    public MBeanOperationInfo []
    final String  operationName  = VIRTUAL_OPERATION_NAME;
    ArrayList  ops  = new ArrayList();
    /* create a method for each supported class consisting of a single parameter
    final Class []  classes    = getSupportedClassList();
    final int    numClasses  = classes.length;
    for( int i = 0; i < numClasses; ++i )
      final Class []  classList  = new Class [] { classes[ i ] };
      final MBeanOperationInfo  info  = createVirtualOperationInfo( operationName, classList );
      ops.add( info );
    // for each primitive type, create a signature with 3 parameters, each of which can vary between
    // the primitive type and the Object form.
    for( int i = 0; i < numClasses; ++i )
      final Class  theClass  = classes[ i ];
      if ( ! ClassUtil.IsPrimitiveClass( theClass ) )
      final Class objectClass  = ClassUtil.PrimitiveClassToObjectClass( theClass );
      // generate all 8 variants
      final Class []  both  = new Class [] { theClass, objectClass };
      for( int p1 = 0; p1 < 2; ++p1 )
        for( int p2 = 0; p2 < 2; ++p2 )
          for( int p3 = 0; p3 < 2; ++p3 )
            final Class []  classList  = new Class [] { both[ p1 ], both[ p2 ], both[ p3 ] };
            MBeanOperationInfo  info  = createVirtualOperationInfo( operationName, classList );
            ops.add( info );
    // Create all method signature for depth of 2 with all variants of all supported types
    // CAUTION: this generates (num classes)^2 operations, about 7000 or so.
    final int  depth  = 2;
    final int  numCombinations  = numClasses * numClasses;  // must match depth
    for( int i = 0; i < numCombinations; ++i )
      final Class []  classList  = new Class [ depth ];
      // number of assignments must match depth
      classList[ 0 = classes[ i % numClasses ];
      classList[ 1 = classes[ (i / numClasses) % numClasses ];
      if ( classList[ 0 ] == Properties.class || classList[ 1 ] == Properties.class )
        // don't generate any methods with Properties; that is only for named invocation
      assert( classList[ 0 ] != Properties.class && classList[ 1 ] != Properties.class );
      final MBeanOperationInfo  info  = createVirtualOperationInfo( operationName + i, classList );
      ops.add( info );
    MBeanOperationInfo []  infos  = new MBeanOperationInfo[ ops.size() ];
    infos  = (MBeanOperationInfo [])ops.toArray( infos );
    return( infos );
    public synchronized MBeanInfo
    if ( mMBeanInfo == null )
      final MBeanAttributeInfo []    attributeInfo  = null;
      final MBeanConstructorInfo []    constructorInfo  = null;
      final MBeanNotificationInfo []  notificationInfo  = null;
      final MBeanOperationInfo []    operationInfo  = createMBeanOperationInfos();
      mMBeanInfo  = new MBeanInfo( this.getClass().getName(),
        "Test MBean for the CLI support code",
        notificationInfo );
    return( mMBeanInfo );
      public Object
    getAttribute(String attribute)
      throws AttributeNotFoundException, MBeanException, ReflectionException
      throw new AttributeNotFoundException();
      public AttributeList
    getAttributes(String[] attributes)
      return new AttributeList();
      public AttributeList
    setAttributes(AttributeList attributes)
      return new AttributeList();
    public void
  setAttribute(Attribute attribute)
    throws AttributeNotFoundException, InvalidAttributeValueException,
    MBeanException, ReflectionException
      throw new AttributeNotFoundException();
        public Object
      String  actionName,
      Object  params[],
      String  signature[] )
      throws MBeanException, ReflectionException
      Object  result  = null;
      if ( actionName.startsWith( VIRTUAL_OPERATION_NAME ) )
        return( signature );
        // p( "INVOKING HELPER: " + actionName + "(" + AutoStringifier.toString( signature ) + ")");
        result  = mInvokeHelper.invoke( actionName, params, signature );
        // ignore result, always return signature of invoked method
        result  = signature;
        // p( "SUCCESS: " + actionName + "(" + AutoStringifier.toString( signature ) + ")");
      catch( Exception e )
        // e.printStackTrace();
        throw new MBeanException( e );
      return( result );


Related Classes of com.sun.cli.jmx.test.CLISupportTestee

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