Package pygmy.core

Source Code of pygmy.core.Http

package pygmy.core;

import java.util.*;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;

* Utility class for HTTP error codes, and other command HTTP tasks.
public class Http {

    private static HashMap codesMap = new HashMap();

    private static HashMap htmlCharacterEncodings = new HashMap();

    private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat;

    public static final String CRLF = "\r\n";

    static {
        dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z", Locale.US);
        dateFormat.setTimeZone( new SimpleTimeZone(0, "GMT") );
        dateFormat.setLenient( true );

    static {
        htmlCharacterEncodings.put( "&", "amp" );
        htmlCharacterEncodings.put( "<", "lt" );
        htmlCharacterEncodings.put( ">", "gt" );
        htmlCharacterEncodings.put( "\"", "quot" );
        htmlCharacterEncodings.put( "'", "apos" );

    static {
        codesMap.put( new Integer(100), "Continue" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(101), "Switching Protocols" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(200), "OK" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(201), "Created" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(202), "Accepted" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(203), "Non-Authoritative Information" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(204), "No Content" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(205), "Reset Content" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(206), "Partial Content" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(300), "Multiple Choices" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(301), "Moved Permanently" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(302), "Moved Temporarily" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(303), "See Other" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(304), "Not Modified" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(305), "Use Proxy" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(400), "Bad Request" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(401), "Unauthorized" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(402), "Payment Required" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(403), "Forbidden" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(404), "Not Found" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(405), "Method Not Allowed" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(406), "Not Acceptable" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(407), "Proxy Authentication Required" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(408), "Request Time-out" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(409)"Conflict" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(410), "Gone" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(411), "Length Required" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(412), "Precondition Failed" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(413), "Request Entity Too Large" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(414), "Request-URI Too Large" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(415), "Unsupported Media Type" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(500), "Server Error" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(501), "Not Implemented" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(502), "Bad Gateway" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(503), "Service Unavailable" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(504), "Gateway Time-out" );
        codesMap.put( new Integer(505), "HTTP Version not supported" );

     * Given a HTTP response code, this method will return the english phrase.
     * @param code the HTTP response code to look up.
     * @return A string describing what the HTTP response code is.
    public static String getStatusPhrase(int code) {
        String phrase = (String)codesMap.get( new Integer(code) );
        if( phrase == null ) {
            return "Error";

        return phrase;

     * This encodes the message into Html.  It encodes characters '&', ''', '<', '>', and '"' into &amp;, &apos;,
     * &lt;, &gt;, and &quot;.
     * @param message the message to encode.
     * @return the encoded message.
    public static String encodeHtml( String message ) {
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();

        for (int i = 0; i < message.length(); i++) {
            String tmp = Character.toString( message.charAt(i) );
            if ( htmlCharacterEncodings.containsKey( tmp ) ) {
                result.append( "&" );
                result.append( htmlCharacterEncodings.get( tmp ) );
                result.append( ";" );
            } else {
                result.append( tmp );
        return result.toString();

     * This creates the current time as a string conforming to a HTTP date following the format
     * <i>EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z</i>.
     * @return The a HTTP formated string of the current time.
    public static String getCurrentTime() {
        return formatTime( System.currentTimeMillis() );

     * This formats the given time as a HTTP formatted string.  The format is  <i>EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z</i>.
     * @param time the time to format into a string.
     * @return the formatted date.
    public static String formatTime( long time ) {
        return dateFormat.format( new Date(time) ).substring( 0, 29 );

     * This parses the given time as a HTTP formatted string.
     * @param date The date represented as the format String <i>EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z</i>.
     * @return the time in milliseconds.
     * @throws ParseException throws this exeception when it cannot parse the date.
    public static long parseTime(String date) throws ParseException {
        return dateFormat.parse( date ).getTime();

     * Takes two paths a joins them together properly adding the '/' charater between them.
     * @param path the first part of the path.
     * @param relativePath the second part to join to the first path.
     * @return the combined path of path and relativePath.
    public static String join( String path, String relativePath ) {
        boolean pathEnds = path.endsWith("/");
        boolean relativeStarts = relativePath.startsWith("/");
        if( (pathEnds && !relativeStarts) || (!relativeStarts && pathEnds) ) {
            return path + relativePath;
        } else if( pathEnds && relativeStarts ) {
            return path + relativePath.substring( 1 );
        } else {
            return path + "/" + relativePath;

     * This translates a url into a path on the filesystem.  This decodes the url using the URLDecoder class, and
     * creates an absolute path beginning with root.
     * @param root this is an absolute path to prepend onto the url.
     * @param url the url to resolve into the filesystem.
     * @return the a File object representing this URL.
     * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException
    public static File translatePath( String root, String url ) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        String name = URLDecoder.decode(url, "UTF-8");
        name = name.replace( '/', File.separatorChar );
        File file = new File( root, name );
        return file;

    public static boolean isSecure(String root, File file) throws IOException {
        PermissionCollection rootDirectory;
        if( root.endsWith( File.separator ) ) {
            FilePermission fp = new FilePermission( root + "-", "read" );
            rootDirectory = fp.newPermissionCollection();
            rootDirectory.add( fp );
            rootDirectory.add( new FilePermission( root.substring( 0, root.length() - 1 ), "read" ) );
        } else {
            FilePermission fp = new FilePermission( root, "read" );
            rootDirectory = fp.newPermissionCollection();
            rootDirectory.add( fp );
            rootDirectory.add( new FilePermission( root + File.separator + "-", "read" ) );
        return ( rootDirectory.implies( new FilePermission( file.getCanonicalPath(), "read" ) ) );

     * This method tries to find a suitable InetAddress that is routable.  It calls {@link}
     * to find the local host.  If that address it a site local address (192.168.*.*, 10.*.*.*, or 172.16.*.*) or the
     * loopback address (, it enumerates all the NetworkInterfaces, and tries to find an address that is
     * not site local or loopback address.  If it cannot it simply returns whatever {@link InetAddress#getLocalHost}.
     * @return the address of a non site local or non loopback address, unless there is only loopback or site local addresses.
     * @throws UnknownHostException
     * @throws SocketException
    public static InetAddress findRoutableHostAddress() throws UnknownHostException, SocketException {
        InetAddress localAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost();
        if( localAddress.isSiteLocalAddress() || localAddress.isLoopbackAddress() ) {
            for( Enumeration networkEnum = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); networkEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                NetworkInterface netInterface = (NetworkInterface)networkEnum.nextElement();
                for( Enumeration inetAddressEnum = netInterface.getInetAddresses(); inetAddressEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                    InetAddress address = (InetAddress)inetAddressEnum.nextElement();
                    if( !address.isSiteLocalAddress() && !address.isLoopbackAddress() ) {
                        return address;
        return localAddress;

    public static List findAllHostAddresses( boolean includeLoopback ) throws SocketException {
        List addresses = new ArrayList();
        for( Enumeration networkEnum = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); networkEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
            NetworkInterface netInterface = (NetworkInterface)networkEnum.nextElement();
            for( Enumeration inetAddressEnum = netInterface.getInetAddresses(); inetAddressEnum.hasMoreElements(); ) {
                InetAddress address = (InetAddress)inetAddressEnum.nextElement();
                if( includeLoopback || !address.isLoopbackAddress() ) {
                    addresses.add( address );
        return addresses;


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