Package com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba

Source Code of com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba.CRFPClient

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// $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/src/corba/com/bbn/openmap/layer/rpf/corba/,v $
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// $Revision: $
// $Date: 2005/08/09 21:17:59 $
// $Author: dietrick $
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package com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba;

import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.Vector;

import com.bbn.openmap.Environment;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.RpfCoverageBox;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.RpfFrameProvider;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.RpfIndexedImageData;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.RpfViewAttributes;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba.CRpfFrameProvider.CRFPCADRGProjection;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba.CRpfFrameProvider.CRFPCoverageBox;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba.CRpfFrameProvider.CRFPViewAttributes;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba.CRpfFrameProvider.LLPoint;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba.CRpfFrameProvider.RawImage;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba.CRpfFrameProvider.Server;
import com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba.CRpfFrameProvider.ServerHelper;
import com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMColor;
import com.bbn.openmap.proj.CADRG;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.Debug;
import com.bbn.openmap.util.PropUtils;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGCodec;
import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.JPEGImageDecoder;

* An implementation of the RpfFrameProvider interface that uses CORBA
* to get the subframe data via a server. The image data is
* transmitted in jpeg format. This class requires the sunw package
* that handles jpeg encoding/decoding.
* <P>
* The client can connect to the server in two different ways. The
* client can locate the server using an IOR file that the server has
* written. This IOR file is read using an URL. The server can also be
* located using the CORBA naming service. The name should be in a
* three part fomat <ROOT name>/ <PART2>/ <PART3>. The root name has
* to be known by the nameserver and the entire string has to be used
* by the server on startup. If both the IOR and name string are set,
* the IOR is the thing that gets used.
public class CRFPClient implements RpfFrameProvider {

    /** The property specifying the IOR URL. */
    public static final String iorUrlProperty = "ior";
    /** The name of the server, using the name service. */
    public static final String nameProperty = "name";
    /** The property specifying the initial JPEG quality. */
    public static final String JPEGQualityProperty = "jpegQuality";
    /** The CRFPServer. */
    protected transient Server server = null;
    /** The string used for the CORBA naming service. */
    protected String naming = null;
    /** The URL used for the IOR, to connect to the server that way. */
    protected URL iorURL = null;
    private String clientID = Environment.generateUniqueString();
     * The compression quality of the images. Lower quality images are
     * smaller.
    public float jpegQuality = .8f;

     * We'll set up the connection to the server when it's needed, but
     * not here.
    public CRFPClient() {}

     * Set the JPEG quality parameter for subframe transfer.
     * @param jq number between 0 and 1, should be between .4 and .8.
     *        Anything else is a waste.
    public void setJpegQuality(float jq) {
        jpegQuality = jq;

     * Get the quality setting for JPEG subframe retrieval.
     * @return float reflecting JPEG quality.
    public float getJpegQuality() {
        return jpegQuality;

     * Set the name used for the CORBA naming service.
    public void setNaming(String CORBAName) {
        naming = CORBAName;

     * Get the name used for the CORBA naming service.
    public String getNaming() {
        return naming;

     * If you want to connect to the server using an ior, set the URL
     * where it is located.
    public void setIorURL(URL iorurl) {
        iorURL = iorurl;

     * Get the URL for the ior.
    public URL getIorURL() {
        return iorURL;

     * Get the clientID string that is used by the server to keep
     * track of clients. This string in internally generated.
    public String getClientID() {
        return clientID;

     * Set all the RPF properties from a properties object.
    public void setProperties(String prefix, java.util.Properties properties) {

        prefix = PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(prefix);

        jpegQuality = PropUtils.floatFromProperties(properties, prefix
                + JPEGQualityProperty, .8f);

        String url = properties.getProperty(prefix + iorUrlProperty);
        if (url != null) {
            try {
                iorURL = PropUtils.getResourceOrFileOrURL(url);
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"" + url + "\""
                        + " is malformed.");

        naming = properties.getProperty(prefix + nameProperty);

     * When the client is deleted, it should sign off from the server,
     * so that it can free up it's cache for it.
    protected void finalize() {
        if (Debug.debugging("crfp")) {
            Debug.output("CRFPClient.finalize(): calling shutdown");
        try {
            if (server != null) {
            server = null;
        } catch (org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) {
            Debug.error("CRFPClient.finalize(): " + e);
        } catch (Throwable t) {
            Debug.error("CRFPClient.finalize(): " + t);

     * Returns true because the view attributes should be set if they
     * change at the RpfCacheHandler/RpfCacheManager.
    public boolean needViewAttributeUpdates() {
        return true;

     * Set the RpfViewAttribute object parameters, which describes
     * alot about what you'll be asking for later.
     * @param rva the view attributes.
    public void setViewAttributes(RpfViewAttributes rva) {
        Server serv = getServer();
        if (serv == null || rva == null) {

        try {
            serv.setViewAttributes(new CRFPViewAttributes((short) rva.numberOfColors, (short) rva.opaqueness, rva.scaleImages, rva.imageScaleFactor, rva.chartSeries),
            Debug.message("crfp", "CRFPClient: setting attributes.");
        } catch (org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) {

     * Given a projection that describes a map or geographical area,
     * return RpfCoverageBoxes that let you know how to locate and ask
     * for RpfSubframes.
     * @param ullat NW latitude.
     * @param ullon NW longitude
     * @param lrlat SE latitude
     * @param lrlon SE longitude
     * @param p a CADRG projection
    public Vector getCoverage(float ullat, float ullon, float lrlat,
                              float lrlon, CADRG p) {

        CRFPCoverageBox[] boxes;
        Server serv = getServer();

        if (serv == null)
            return new Vector();

        LLPoint llpoint = new LLPoint(p.getCenter().getLatitude(), p.getCenter()

        CRFPCADRGProjection proj = new CRFPCADRGProjection(llpoint, (short) p.getHeight(), (short) p.getWidth(), p.getScale(), (short) p.getZone());

        Debug.message("crfp", "CRFPClient: getting coverage from server.");

        try {
            boxes = serv.getCoverage(ullat, ullon, lrlat, lrlon, proj, clientID);
            return translateCRFPCoverageBoxes(boxes);
        } catch (org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) {

        return new Vector();

     * Given a projection that describes a map or geographical area,
     * return RpfCoverageBoxes that let you know what bounding boxes
     * of data are available.
     * @param ullat NW latitude.
     * @param ullon NW longitude
     * @param lrlat SE latitude
     * @param lrlon SE longitude
     * @param p a CADRG projection
    public Vector getCatalogCoverage(float ullat, float ullon, float lrlat,
                                     float lrlon, CADRG p,
                                     String chartSeriesCode) {
        CRFPCoverageBox[] boxes;
        Server serv = getServer();

        if (serv == null)
            return new Vector();

        LLPoint llpoint = new LLPoint(p.getCenter().getLatitude(), p.getCenter()

        CRFPCADRGProjection proj = new CRFPCADRGProjection(llpoint, (short) p.getHeight(), (short) p.getWidth(), p.getScale(), (short) p.getZone());

                "CRFPClient: getting catalog coverage from server.");
        try {
            boxes = serv.getCatalogCoverage(ullat,
            return translateCRFPCoverageBoxes(boxes);
        } catch (org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) {

        return new Vector();

     * Given an area and a two-letter chart series code, find the
     * percentage of coverage on the map that that chart series can
     * offer. If you want specific coverage information, use the
     * getCatalogCoverage call.
     * @see #getCatalogCoverage(float ullat, float ullon, float lrlat,
     *      float lrlon, CADRG p, String chartSeriesCode)
    public float getCalculatedCoverage(float ullat, float ullon, float lrlat,
                                       float lrlon, CADRG p, String chartSeries) {
        if (chartSeries.equalsIgnoreCase(RpfViewAttributes.ANY)) {
            return 0f;

        Vector results = getCatalogCoverage(ullat,

        int size = results.size();

        if (size == 0) {
            return 0f;

        // Now interpret the results and figure out the real total
        // percentage coverage for the chartSeries. First need to
        // figure out the current size of the subframes. Then create
        // a boolean matrix of those subframes that let you figure out
        // how many of them are available. Calculate the percentage
        // off that.
        //int pZone = p.getZone();
        int i, x, y;

        double frameLatInterval = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        double frameLonInterval = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        RpfCoverageBox rcb;
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
            rcb = (RpfCoverageBox) results.elementAt(i);
            if (rcb.subframeLatInterval < frameLatInterval) {
                frameLatInterval = rcb.subframeLatInterval;
            if (rcb.subframeLonInterval < frameLonInterval) {
                frameLonInterval = rcb.subframeLonInterval;

        if (frameLatInterval == Double.MAX_VALUE
                || frameLonInterval == Double.MAX_VALUE) {
            return 0.0f;

        int numHFrames = (int) Math.ceil((lrlon - ullon) / frameLonInterval);
        int numVFrames = (int) Math.ceil((ullat - lrlat) / frameLatInterval);

        boolean[][] coverage = new boolean[numHFrames][numVFrames];
        for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {

            rcb = (RpfCoverageBox) results.elementAt(i);
            if (rcb.percentCoverage == 100) {
                return 1.0f;

            for (y = 0; y < numVFrames; y++) {
                for (x = 0; x < numHFrames; x++) {
                    // degree location of indexs
                    float yFrameLoc = (float) (lrlat + (y * frameLatInterval));
                    float xFrameLoc = (float) (ullon + (x * frameLonInterval));
                    if (coverage[x][y] == false) {
                        if (rcb.within(yFrameLoc, xFrameLoc)) {
                            coverage[x][y] = true;

        float count = 0;

        for (y = 0; y < numVFrames; y++) {
            for (x = 0; x < numHFrames; x++) {
                if (coverage[x][y] == true) {
                    //                  System.out.print("X");
                } else {
                    //                  System.out.print(".");
            //          Debug.output("");

        return count / (float) (numHFrames * numVFrames);

     * Convert CRFPCoverageBox[] to vector of RpfCoverageBox.
     * @param boxes CRFPCoverageBox[].
     * @return java.util.Vector
    protected Vector translateCRFPCoverageBoxes(CRFPCoverageBox[] boxes) {

        Vector vector = new Vector();
        for (int i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
            CRFPCoverageBox box = boxes[i];
            RpfCoverageBox rcb = new RpfCoverageBox();
            rcb.nw_lat = box.nw_lat;
            rcb.nw_lon = box.nw_lon;
            rcb.se_lat = box.se_lat;
            rcb.se_lon = box.se_lon;
            rcb.subframeLatInterval = box.subframeLatInterval;
            rcb.subframeLonInterval = box.subframeLonInterval;
            rcb.chartCode = box.chartCode;
            rcb.startIndexes = new Point(box.startIndexes.x, box.startIndexes.y);
            rcb.endIndexes = new Point(box.endIndexes.x, box.endIndexes.y);
            rcb.tocNumber = (int) box.tocNumber;
            rcb.entryNumber = (int) box.entryNumber;
            rcb.scale = box.scale;
            rcb.percentCoverage = box.percentCoverage;
        return vector;

     * Given the indexes to a certain RpfTocEntry within a certain
     * A.TOC, find the frame/subframe data, decompress it, and return
     * image pixels. The tocNumber and entryNumber are given within
     * the RpfCoverageBox received from a getCoverage call. With the
     * CORBA implementation, we are assuming that the byte array is an
     * encoded jpeg image.
     * @param tocNumber the toc id for a RpfTocHandler for a
     *        particular frame provider.
     * @param entryNumber the RpfTocEntry id for a RpfTocHandler for a
     *        particular frame provider.
     * @param x the horizontal subframe index, from the left side of a
     *        boundary rectangle of the entry.
     * @param y the vertical subframe index, from the top side of a
     *        boundary rectangle of the entry.
     * @see #getCoverage(float ullat, float ullon, float lrlat, float
     *      lrlon, CADRG p)
     * @return integer pixel data.
    public int[] getSubframeData(int tocNumber, int entryNumber, int x, int y) {
        Server serv = getServer();
        if (serv == null)
            return null;
        byte[] jpegData;
        Debug.message("crfp", "CRFPClient: getting subframe data from server.");

        try {
            jpegData = serv.getSubframeData((short) tocNumber,
                    (short) entryNumber,
                    (short) x,
                    (short) y,
            if (Debug.debugging("crfpdetail")) {
                Debug.output("CRFPClient: got subframe data length "
                        + jpegData.length);

            // Need to check for the corba rendition of an allowable
            // null image (length 0)
            if (jpegData.length == 0)
                return null;

            ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(jpegData);
            JPEGImageDecoder jid = JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(bais);

            BufferedImage bi = jid.decodeAsBufferedImage();
            int height = bi.getHeight();
            int width = bi.getWidth();
            int[] pixels = bi.getRGB(0, 0, width, height, null, 0, width);
            return pixels;
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            Debug.error("CRFPClient: IOException decoding jpeg bytes");
        } catch (org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) {
        return null;

    public RpfIndexedImageData getRawSubframeData(int tocNumber,
                                                  int entryNumber, int x, int y) {
        Server serv = getServer();
        if (serv == null)
            return null;

                "CRFPClient: getting raw subframe data from server.");

        try {
            RawImage ri = serv.getRawSubframeData((short) tocNumber,
                    (short) entryNumber,
                    (short) x,
                    (short) y,

            // Need to check for the corba rendition of an allowable
            // null image (length 0)
            if (ri.imagedata.length == 0 || ri.colortable.length == 0) {
                return null;

            RpfIndexedImageData riid = new RpfIndexedImageData();
            riid.imageData = ri.imagedata;
            riid.colortable = new OMColor[ri.colortable.length];

            for (int i = 0; i < riid.colortable.length; i++) {
                riid.colortable[i] = new OMColor(ri.colortable[i]);
            return riid;

        } catch (org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) {
            return null;

     * Given the indexes to a certain RpfTocEntry within a certain
     * A.TOC, find the frame and return the attribute information. The
     * tocNumber and entryNumber are given within the RpfCoverageBox
     * received from a getCoverage call.
     * @param tocNumber the toc id for a RpfTocHandler for a
     *        particular frame provider.
     * @param entryNumber the RpfTocEntry id for a RpfTocHandler for a
     *        particular frame provider.
     * @param x the horizontal subframe index, from the left side of a
     *        boundary rectangle of the entry.
     * @param y the vertical subframe index, from the top side of a
     *        boundary rectangle of the entry.
     * @see #getCoverage(float ullat, float ullon, float lrlat, float
     *      lrlon, CADRG p)
     * @return string.
    public String getSubframeAttributes(int tocNumber, int entryNumber, int x,
                                        int y) {

        Server serv = getServer();
        if (serv == null)
            return "";

                "CRFPClient: getting subframe attributes from server.");
        try {
            return serv.getSubframeAttributes((short) tocNumber,
                    (short) entryNumber,
                    (short) x,
                    (short) y,
        } catch (org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) {
        return "";

    //////////////// Corba management

     * get the server proxy.
     * @return Server server or null if error.
    public Server getServer() {
        if (server == null)
        return server;

     * bind to the server.
    private void initServer() {
        String ior = null;
        org.omg.CORBA.Object object = null;

        com.bbn.openmap.util.corba.CORBASupport cs = new com.bbn.openmap.util.corba.CORBASupport();

        try {
            object = cs.readIOR(iorURL);
            server = ServerHelper.narrow(object);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            if (Debug.debugging("crfp")) {
                Debug.output("CRFPClient.initServer() IO Exception with ior: "
                        + iorURL);
            server = null;

        if (server == null) {
            object = cs.resolveName(naming);

            if (object != null) {
                server = ServerHelper.narrow(object);
                if (Debug.debugging("crfp")) {
                    Debug.output("Have a RPF server:");
                    Debug.output("*** Server: is a "
                            + server.getClass().getName() + "\n" + server);

        if (Debug.debugging("crfp")) {
            if (server == null) {
                Debug.error("CRFPClient.initServer: null server!\n  IOR=" + ior
                        + "\n  Name = " + naming);
            } else {
                Debug.output("CRFPClient: server is golden.");

    protected void handleCORBAError(org.omg.CORBA.SystemException e) {
        // don't freak out if we were only interrupted...
        if (e.toString().indexOf("InterruptedIOException") != -1) {
            Debug.error("CRFPClient server communication interrupted!");
        } else {
            Debug.error("CRFPClient caught CORBA exception: " + e + "\n"
                    + "CRFPClient Exception class: " + e.getClass().getName()
                    + "\n" + e.getMessage());

        server = null;// dontcha just love CORBA? reinit later


Related Classes of com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.corba.CRFPClient

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