Package com.any_service_provider.gateways.avs.commands

Source Code of com.any_service_provider.gateways.avs.commands.MockAddressValidationRequestCommand

* Created on Oct 3, 2006
* TODO To change the template for this generated file go to
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package com.any_service_provider.gateways.avs.commands;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import javax.jms.Message;
import javax.jms.TextMessage;

import org.jdom.Document;
import org.jdom.Element;
import org.openeai.config.CommandConfig;
import org.openeai.config.EnterpriseConfigurationObjectException;
import org.openeai.config.PropertyConfig;
import org.openeai.jms.consumer.commands.CommandException;
import org.openeai.jms.consumer.commands.RequestCommand;
import org.openeai.jms.consumer.commands.RequestCommandImpl;
import org.openeai.xml.XmlDocumentReader;
import org.openeai.xml.XmlDocumentReaderException;

import org.openeai.layouts.EnterpriseLayoutException;
import org.openeai.config.EnterpriseFieldException;

import com.openii.moa.objects.resources.v1_0.*;

* @author tcerven
* TODO To change the template for this generated type comment go to
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public class MockAddressValidationRequestCommand extends RequestCommandImpl implements RequestCommand {
  private Document m_responseDoc = null// the primed XML response document
   * @param CommandConfig
   * @throws InstantiationException
   * <P>
   * This constructor initializes the command using a CommandConfig object. It
   * invokes the constructor of the ancestor, RequestCommandImpl, and then
   * retrieves one PropertyConfig object from AppConfig by name and gets and
   * sets the command properties using that PropertyConfig object. This means
   * that this command must have one PropertyConfig object in its configuration
   * named 'GreetingRequestCommandProperties'. This constructor also initializes
   * the response document and provide document used in replies. It also gets a
   * pool of PubSubProducers from AppConfig for the command to use in publishing
   * sync messages. The command excpects a producer pool named
   * 'EgsSubSubProducerPool'. Then the constuctor gets the value of the
   * defaultGreetingText property and sets the value of the defaultGreetingText
   * to use if no Greetee information is received in a request.
  public MockAddressValidationRequestCommand(CommandConfig cConfig) throws InstantiationException {
    // Get and set the general properties for this command.
    PropertyConfig pConfig = new PropertyConfig();
    try {
      pConfig = (PropertyConfig)getAppConfig()
    catch (EnterpriseConfigurationObjectException eoce) {
      String errMsg = "Error retrieving a PropertyConfig object from " +
      "AppConfig: The exception is: " + eoce.getMessage();
      logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] " + errMsg);
      throw new InstantiationException(errMsg);
    // Initialize response document.
    XmlDocumentReader xmlReader = new XmlDocumentReader();
    try {
      logger.debug("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] " +
          "responseDocumentUri: " + getProperties()
      m_responseDoc = xmlReader.initializeDocument(getProperties()
          .getProperty("responseDocumentUri"), getOutboundXmlValidation());
      if (m_responseDoc == null) {
        String errMsg = "Missing 'responseDocumentUri' " +
        "property in the deployment descriptor.  Can't continue.";
        logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] " + errMsg);
        throw new InstantiationException(errMsg);
    catch (XmlDocumentReaderException e) {
      logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] Error initializing" +
      " the primed documents.");
      throw new InstantiationException(e.getMessage());
   * @param int, the number of the message processed by the consumer.
   * @param Message, the message for the command to process.
   * @throws CommandException, with details of the error processing the message.
   * <P>
   * This method makes a local copy of the response and provide documents to
   * use in the reply to the request. Then it converts the JMS message to an XML
   * document, retrieves the text portion of the message, clears the message
   * body in preparation for the reply, gets the ControlArea from the XML
   * document, and verifies that message object of the message is a
   * ValidAddress. If the message object is not a ValidAddress, the command replies with
   * an error to the client. If the message object is a ValidAddress, it processes
   * the message. The comments above contain a detailed description of the
   * processing logic for supported message actions for a Greeting. That logic
   * is implemented in this method.
  public final Message execute(int messageNumber, Message aMessage)
  throws CommandException {
    // Make a local copy of the response document to use in the replies.
    Document localResponseDoc = (Document)m_responseDoc.clone();
    // Convert the JMS Message to an XML Document
    Document inDoc = null;
    try {
      inDoc = initializeInput(messageNumber, aMessage);
    catch (Exception e) {
      String errMsg = "Exception occurred processing input message in " +
      "org.openeai.jms.consumer.commands.Command.  Exception: " +
      throw new CommandException(errMsg);
    // Retrieve text portion of message.
    TextMessage msg = (TextMessage)aMessage;
    try {
      // Clear the message body for the reply, so we do not
      // have to do it later.
    catch (Exception e) {
      String errMsg = "Error clearing the message body.";
      throw new CommandException(errMsg + ". The exception is: " +
    // Get the ControlArea from XML document.
    Element eControlArea = getControlArea(inDoc.getRootElement());
    // Get messageAction and messageObject attributes from the
    // ControlArea element.
    String msgAction = eControlArea.getAttribute("messageAction").getValue();
    String msgObject = eControlArea.getAttribute("messageObject").getValue()
    // Verify that the message object we are dealing with is a ValidAddress; if not,
    // reply with an error.
    if (msgObject.equalsIgnoreCase("ValidAddress") == false) {
      String errType = "application";
      String errCode = "OpenEAI-1001";
      String errDesc = "Unsupported message object: " + msgObject +
      ". This command expects 'ValidAddress'.";
      logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] " + errDesc);
      logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] Message sent in is: \n" +
      ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
      errors.add(buildError(errType, errCode, errDesc));
      String replyContents =
        buildReplyDocumentWithErrors(eControlArea, localResponseDoc, errors);
      return getMessage(msg, replyContents);
    // Handle a Query-Request.
    if (msgAction.equalsIgnoreCase("Query")) {"[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] Handling an " +
          "com.openii.Services.ValidAddress.Query-Request" +
      " message.");
      Element eAddress = inDoc.getRootElement().getChild("DataArea").getChild("AddressValidationQuerySpecification").getChild("Address");
      // Verify that Address element is not null; if it is, reply with an error.
      if (eAddress == null) {     
        String errType = "application";
        String errCode = "OpenEAI-1015";
        String errDesc = "Invalid element found in the Query-Request message. This command expects an Address.";
        logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] " + errDesc);
        logger.fatal("Message sent in is: \n" + getMessageBody(inDoc));
        ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
        errors.add(buildError(errType, errCode, errDesc));
        String replyContents =
          buildReplyDocumentWithErrors(eControlArea, localResponseDoc, errors);
        return getMessage(msg, replyContents);
      // Copy the address into the reply
      Address address = new Address();
      ArrayList matchStatuses = new ArrayList();

      try {
        address.buildObjectFromInput(eAddress);"[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] Address to validate is: "+address);
        // Simulate validation behaviour for special cases
        boolean streetValid=true;
        boolean cityValid=true;
        boolean zipValid=true;
        if (address.getStreet1()!=null
            && "728 W. Roostervelt Rd.".equals(address.getStreet1().trim())) {
          address.setStreet1("728 W. Roosevelt Rd.");
        if (address.getCityOrLocality()!=null
            && "Chicaga".equals(address.getCityOrLocality().trim())) {
        if (address.getZipOrPostalCode()!=null
            && "60606".equals(address.getZipOrPostalCode().trim())) {
        if(streetValid && cityValid && zipValid)  {
          MatchStatus matchStatus=new MatchStatus();
          matchStatus.setDescription("This address is valid");
        } else {
          if (!streetValid) {
            MatchStatus matchStatus=new MatchStatus();         
            matchStatus.setDescription("The street has been changed");
          if (!cityValid) {
            MatchStatus matchStatus=new MatchStatus();         
            matchStatus.setDescription("The city has been changed");
          if (!zipValid) {
            MatchStatus matchStatus=new MatchStatus();         
            matchStatus.setDescription("The zipcode has been changed");
      } catch (EnterpriseLayoutException ele) {
        logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] Error building Address " +
            "object from Query object: The exception is: " + ele.getMessage());
        String errType = "application";
        String errCode = "OpenEAI-1016";
        String errDesc = "EnterpriseLayoutException thrown during address build.";
        logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] " + errDesc);
        logger.fatal("Message sent in is: \n" + getMessageBody(inDoc));
        ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
        errors.add(buildError(errType, errCode, errDesc));
        String replyContents =
          buildReplyDocumentWithErrors(eControlArea, localResponseDoc, errors);
        return getMessage(msg, replyContents);       
      } catch (EnterpriseFieldException efe) {
        logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] Address validation processing error. The exception is: "
            + efe.getMessage());
        String errType = "application";
        String errCode = "OpenEAI-1017";
        String errDesc = "EnterpriseFieldException thrown during address build.";
        logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] " + errDesc);
        logger.fatal("Message sent in is: \n" + getMessageBody(inDoc));
        ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
        errors.add(buildError(errType, errCode, errDesc));
        String replyContents =
          buildReplyDocumentWithErrors(eControlArea, localResponseDoc, errors);
        return getMessage(msg, replyContents);       
      // Serialize the Address and place it into the reply.
      String replyContents = null;
      try {
        localResponseDoc.getRootElement().getChild("DataArea").addContent(new Element("AddressValidation"));
        for (int i=0;i<matchStatuses.size();i++) {
          MatchStatus ms = (MatchStatus)matchStatuses.get(i);
        replyContents = buildReplyDocument(eControlArea, localResponseDoc);
      catch (EnterpriseLayoutException ele) {
        // There was an error building the ValidAddress element from the query
        // object.
        String errType = "application";
        String errCode = "MockAddressValidationService-1004";
        String errDesc = "Error building Address element from the Address " +
        "object.  The exception is: " + ele.getMessage();
        logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand " + errDesc);
        ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
        errors.add(buildError(errType, errCode, errDesc));
        replyContents = buildReplyDocumentWithErrors(eControlArea,
            localResponseDoc, errors);
        return getMessage(msg, replyContents);
        // Return the response with status success.
        return getMessage(msg, replyContents);
    } else {
        // The messageAction is invalid; it is not a query.
        String errType = "application";
        String errCode = "OpenEAI-1002";
        String errDesc = "Unsupported message action: " + msgAction + ". " +
          "This command only supports 'query'.";
        logger.fatal("[MockAddressValidationRequestCommand] " + errDesc);
        logger.fatal("Message sent in is: \n" + getMessageBody(inDoc));
        ArrayList errors = new ArrayList();
        errors.add(buildError(errType, errCode, errDesc));
        String replyContents =
        buildReplyDocumentWithErrors(eControlArea, localResponseDoc, errors);
        return getMessage(msg, replyContents);

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