Package org.openeai.config

Source Code of org.openeai.config.ThreadPoolConfig

$Source: /cvs/repositories/openii3/project/java/source/org/openeai/config/,v $
$Revision: 1.11 $

This file is part of the OpenEAI Application Foundation or
OpenEAI Message Object API created by Tod Jackson
( and Steve Wheat ( at
the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Copyright (C) 2002 The OpenEAI Software Foundation

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

For specific licensing details and examples of how this software
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integrations for your enterprise, visit

package org.openeai.config;

import java.util.*;

import org.jdom.Element;
import org.jdom.Attribute;

* A ThreadPoolConfig is a wrapper class that takes information stored in an
* OpenEAI Deployment document (ThreadPoolConfig Element) and stores it in a Java object.
* Then the configuration object is passed to the constructor of the OpenEAI ThreadPool objects
* and they are able to configure themselves with the information found in the
* config object.
* <P>
* <B>Configuration Parameters:</B>
* <P>
* These are the configuration parameters specified by the ThreadPoolConfig
* Element in the Deployment document.  NOTE:  Like all other OpenEAI configuration
* objects, there is a "container" level associated to ThreadPoolConfig objects.
* Many Elements and attributes are required at that level and may be optionally
* overridden at this level.  This is to avoid having to enter redundant information
* in the Deployment document if all (or most) ThreadPool objects being configured should use
* the same configuration information.  Therefore, many of the ThreadPool configuration
* parameters are optional at this level but required at the "container" level.  Where
* this is the case, it will be indicated by an "*".
* <P>
* <TR>
* <TH>Name</TH>
* <TH>Required</TH>
* <TH>Description</TH>
* </TR>
* <TR HALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
* <TD>name</TD>
* <TD>yes</TD>
* <TD>Name of the ThreadPool.  Should be unique.</TD>
* </TR>
* <TR HALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
* <TD>maxThreads</TD>
* <TD>yes</TD>
* <TD>Maximum number of threads that may be in progress at the same time.</TD>
* </TR>
* <TR HALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
* <TD>minThreads</TD>
* <TD>yes</TD>
* <TD></TD>
* </TR>
* <TR HALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
* <TD>maxIdleTime</TD>
* <TD>yes</TD>
* <TD></TD>
* </TR>
* <TR HALIGN="left" VALIGN="top">
* <TD>checkBeforeProcessing (true | false)</TD>
* <TD>no (default is false)</TD>
* <TD>Indicates whether or not this ThreadPool should verify it has "available"
* threads before accepting an incomming job to process.  If this flag is set to true, the Thread
* Pool will throw a ThreadPoolException if an application attempts to add
* a new job when there are no available threads.  If this is set to false,
* the ThreadPool will add the job to the pool but won't process it until
* an available thread exists.  Therefore, the "pending" job would remain in memory
* until the ThreadPool has an available thread to process it.  This flag is
* most commonly used by Consumer ThreadPools.  Especially, PubSubConsumers so
* they will not keep adding jobs to memory if for some
* reason all threads are in progress.  This is a mechanism to minimize the risk
* of losing things currently in memory and to force balancing between multiple
* instances.  It is also a mechanism that can
* be used in PointToPointConsumers to force balancing between multiple instances
* of a gateway.</TD>
* </TR>
* @author      Tod Jackson (
* @author      Steve Wheat (
* @version     3.0  - 28 January 2003
* @see org.openeai.threadpool.ThreadPoolImpl
public class ThreadPoolConfig
extends EnterpriseConfigurationObjectImpl
implements EnterpriseConfigurationObject {

//  private String m_name = "";

   * This is the constructor used by AppConfig to instantiate the config object.
   * Then, AppConfig calls this object's init(Element) method passing the configuration
   * element it retrieved from the XML configuration document which this object uses
   * to configure itself.  After this object has initialized itself,
   * it will be used to instantiate and initialize the framework object
   * (MessageObject, Producers, Consumers, ThreadPools etc.)
   * with the properties it's been initialized with.
  public ThreadPoolConfig() {
  public ThreadPoolConfig(Element configElement) throws EnterpriseConfigurationObjectException {

  public void setName(String name) {
    m_name = name;
  public String getName() {
    return m_name;

   * Implements the init(Element) method that all EnterpriseConfiguration objects must implement.
   * This init method takes the Configuration element passed in and pulls out configuration information
   * specific to the ThreadPool being initialized.
   * Then it sets various instance variables and properties on itself which will
   * be used by the ThreadPool when AppConfig instantiates it passing this configuration object.
   * The ThreadPool will then use the configuration java object to initialize itself.
   * @param configElement Element the configuration element that AppConfig has pulled from the configuration document
   * relevant to the ThreadPool being configured.  Or, the element that was found in the init() method.
   * @throws EnterpriseConfigurationObjectException if errors occur processing the configuration Element.
  public void init(Element configElement) throws EnterpriseConfigurationObjectException {
    String tPoolName = configElement.getAttribute("name").getValue();

    // For now, everything's specified as an attribute so this should
    // take care of everything.
    java.util.List attrs = configElement.getAttributes();
    for (int i=0; i<attrs.size(); i++) {
      Attribute attr = (Attribute)attrs.get(i);
      String key = attr.getName();
      String value = attr.getValue();
      logger.debug("Adding " + key + " - " + value);
      addProperty(key, value);

    // Should be none, for now as everything is specified as attributes.
    java.util.List props = configElement.getChildren();
    for (int i=0; i<props.size(); i++) {
      Element aProp = (Element)props.get(i);
      String key = aProp.getName();
      String value = aProp.getText();
      logger.debug("Adding " + key + " - " + value);
      addProperty(key, value);

   * Implements the init() method that all EnterpriseConfiguration objects must implement.
   * This init method retreives the root element of the confuration document and
   * then finds the specific configuration element associated to the ThreadPool being configured
   * then it calls the init(Element) method which actually initializes the ThreadPoolConfig
   * with the information found in the configuration element.
  private void init() throws EnterpriseConfigurationObjectException {
    Element rootElement = getConfigDoc().getRootElement();
    logger.debug("RootElement is: " + rootElement.getName());
    logger.debug("Looking for ThreadPoolConfig named: " + getName());
    // Find the element specified by threadPoolName in the document
    Element configElement = getConfigElementByAttributeValue(getName(), "name");

Related Classes of org.openeai.config.ThreadPoolConfig

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