
Source Code of$LoggingExceptionListener

* $Id: 22175 2011-06-14 13:54:58Z dirk.olmes $
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Copyright (c) MuleSoft, Inc.  All rights reserved.
* The software in this package is published under the terms of the CPAL v1.0
* license, a copy of which has been included with this distribution in the
* LICENSE.txt file.


import org.mule.DefaultMuleEvent;
import org.mule.DefaultMuleMessage;
import org.mule.MessageExchangePattern;
import org.mule.RequestContext;
import org.mule.api.MuleContext;
import org.mule.api.MuleEventContext;
import org.mule.api.MuleException;
import org.mule.api.MuleRuntimeException;
import org.mule.api.MuleSession;
import org.mule.api.config.MuleProperties;
import org.mule.api.config.ThreadingProfile;
import org.mule.api.context.MuleContextAware;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.EndpointBuilder;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.EndpointFactory;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.EndpointURI;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.InboundEndpoint;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.MalformedEndpointException;
import org.mule.api.endpoint.OutboundEndpoint;
import org.mule.api.lifecycle.Callable;
import org.mule.api.lifecycle.Initialisable;
import org.mule.api.lifecycle.InitialisationException;
import org.mule.api.model.Model;
import org.mule.api.routing.filter.ObjectFilter;
import org.mule.api.service.Service;
import org.mule.api.source.CompositeMessageSource;
import org.mule.api.transformer.Transformer;
import org.mule.api.transformer.TransformerException;
import org.mule.api.transport.Connector;
import org.mule.component.DefaultJavaComponent;
import org.mule.config.QueueProfile;
import org.mule.endpoint.MuleEndpointURI;
import org.mule.model.seda.SedaModel;
import org.mule.model.seda.SedaService;
import org.mule.module.spring.i18n.SpringMessages;
import org.mule.object.SingletonObjectFactory;
import org.mule.routing.filters.WildcardFilter;
import org.mule.service.ServiceCompositeMessageSource;
import org.mule.session.DefaultMuleSession;
import org.mule.util.ClassUtils;

import java.beans.ExceptionListener;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent;
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.context.event.ApplicationEventMulticaster;
import org.springframework.context.event.ContextClosedEvent;
import org.springframework.context.event.ContextRefreshedEvent;

* <code>MuleEventMulticaster</code> is an implementation of a Spring
* ApplicationeventMulticaster. This implementation allows Mule event to be sent and
* received through the Spring ApplicationContext. This allows any Spring bean to
* receive and send events from any transport that Mule supports such as Jms, Http,
* Tcp, Pop3, Smtp, File, etc. All a bean needs to do to receive and send events is
* to implement MuleEventListener. Beans can also have subscriptions to certain
* events by implementing MuleSubscriptionEventListener, where the bean can provide a
* list of endpoints on which to receive events i.e. <code>
* &lt;bean id="myListener" class=""&gt;
* &lt;property name="subscriptions"&gt;
* &lt;list&gt;
* &lt;value&gt;jms://;/value&gt;
* &lt;value&gt;pop3://;/value&gt;
* &lt;/list&gt;
* &lt;/property&gt;
* &lt;/bean&gt;
* </code>
* <p/> Endpoints are specified as a Mule Url which is used to register a listener
* for the subscription In the previous version of the MuleEventMulticaster it was
* possible to specify wildcard endpoints. This is still possible but you need to
* tell the multicaster which specific endpoints to listen on and then your
* subscription listeners can use wildcards. To register the specific endpoints on
* the MuleEvent Multicaster you use the <i>subscriptions</i> property. <p/> <code>
* &lt;bean id="applicationEventMulticaster" class=""&gt;
* &lt;property name="subscriptions"&gt;
* &lt;list&gt;
* &lt;value&gt;jms://orders.queue&lt;/value&gt;
* &lt;value&gt;jms://another.orders.queue&lt;/value&gt;
* &lt;/list&gt;
* &lt;/property&gt;
* &lt;/bean&gt;
* <p/>
* &lt;bean id="myListener" class=""&gt;
* &lt;property name="subscriptions"&gt;
* &lt;list&gt;
* &lt;value&gt;jms://*.orders.*.&lt;/value&gt;
* &lt;/list&gt;
* &lt;/property&gt;
* &lt;/bean&gt;
* <p/>
* </code>
* @see MuleEventListener
* @see MuleSubscriptionEventListener
* @see ApplicationEventMulticaster
public class MuleEventMulticaster
    implements ApplicationEventMulticaster, ApplicationContextAware, MuleContextAware, Callable, Initialisable
    public static final String EVENT_MULTICASTER_DESCRIPTOR_NAME = "muleEventMulticasterDescriptor";

     * logger used by this class
    protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(MuleEventMulticaster.class);

     * The set of listeners for this Multicaster
    protected final Set listeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet();

     * Determines whether events will be processed asynchronously
    protected boolean asynchronous = false;

     * An ExecutorService for handling asynchronous events
    protected ExecutorService asyncPool = null;

     * A list of endpoints the eventMulticaster will receive events on Note that if
     * this eventMulticaster has a Mule Descriptor associated with it, these
     * endpoints are ignored and the ones on the Mule Descriptor are used. These are
     * here for convenience, the event multicaster will use these to create a default
     * MuleDescriptor for itself at runtime
    protected String[] subscriptions = null;

     * The Spring acpplication context
    protected ApplicationContext applicationContext;

     * The mule instance compoennt for the Multicaster
    protected Service service;

     * The filter used to match subscriptions
    protected Class subscriptionFilter = WildcardFilter.class;

     * Used to store parsed endpoints
    protected ExceptionListener exceptionListener = new LoggingExceptionListener();

    protected MuleContext muleContext;

    public void setMuleContext(MuleContext context)
        this.muleContext = context;

    public void initialise() throws InitialisationException
        if (asynchronous)
            if (asyncPool == null)
                asyncPool = muleContext.getDefaultThreadingProfile().createPool("spring-events");
            if (asyncPool != null)
                asyncPool = null;

     * Adds a listener to the the Multicaster. If asynchronous is set to true, an
     * <code>AsynchronousMessageListener</code> is used to wrap the listener. This
     * listener will be initialised with a threadpool. The configuration for the
     * threadpool can be set on this multicaster or inherited from the MuleManager
     * configuration, which is good for most cases.
     * @param listener the ApplicationListener to register with this Multicaster
     * @see AsynchronousEventListener
     * @see ThreadingProfile
    public void addApplicationListener(ApplicationListener listener)
        Object listenerToAdd = listener;

        if (asynchronous)
            listenerToAdd = new AsynchronousEventListener(asyncPool, listener);


     * Removes a listener from the multicaster
     * @param listener the listener to remove
    public void removeApplicationListener(ApplicationListener listener)
        for (Iterator iterator = listeners.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            ApplicationListener applicationListener = (ApplicationListener);
            if (applicationListener instanceof AsynchronousEventListener)
                if (((AsynchronousEventListener) applicationListener).getListener().equals(listener))
                if (applicationListener.equals(listener))

    public void addApplicationListenerBean(String s)
           Object listener = applicationContext.getBean(s);
           if(listener instanceof ApplicationListener)
               throw new IllegalArgumentException(SpringMessages.beanNotInstanceOfApplicationListener(s).getMessage());

       public void removeApplicationListenerBean(String s)
           Object listener = applicationContext.getBean(s);
           if(listener instanceof ApplicationListener)
               throw new IllegalArgumentException(SpringMessages.beanNotInstanceOfApplicationListener(s).getMessage());

     * Removes all the listeners from the multicaster
    public void removeAllListeners()

     * Method is used to dispatch events to listeners registered with the
     * EventManager or dispatches events to Mule depending on the type and state of
     * the event received. If the event is not a Mule event it will be dispatched to
     * any listeners registered that are NOT MuleEventListeners. If the event is a
     * Mule event and there is no source event attached to it, it is assumed that the
     * event was dispatched by an object in the context using context.publishEvent()
     * and will be dispatched by Mule. If the event does have a source event attached
     * to it, it is assumed that the event was dispatched by Mule and will be
     * delivered to any listeners subscribed to the event.
     * @param e the application event received by the context
    public void multicastEvent(ApplicationEvent e)
        MuleApplicationEvent muleEvent = null;
        // if the context gets refreshed we need to reinitialise
        if (e instanceof ContextRefreshedEvent)
            catch (MuleException ex)
                throw new MuleRuntimeException(SpringMessages.failedToReinitMule(), ex);
        else if (e instanceof ContextClosedEvent)
            if (!muleContext.isDisposing() && !muleContext.isDisposed())
        else if (e instanceof MuleApplicationEvent)
            muleEvent = (MuleApplicationEvent) e;
            // If there is no Mule event the event didn't originate from Mule
            // so its an outbound event
            if (muleEvent.getMuleEventContext() == null)
                catch (ApplicationEventException e1)

        for (Iterator iterator = listeners.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            ApplicationListener listener = (ApplicationListener);
            if (muleEvent != null)
                // As the asynchronous listener wraps the real listener we need
                // to check the type of the wrapped listener, but invoke the Async
                // listener
                if (listener instanceof AsynchronousEventListener)
                    AsynchronousEventListener asyncListener = (AsynchronousEventListener) listener;
                    if (asyncListener.getListener() instanceof MuleSubscriptionEventListener)
                        if (isSubscriptionMatch(muleEvent.getEndpoint(),
                            ((MuleSubscriptionEventListener) asyncListener.getListener()).getSubscriptions()))
                    else if (asyncListener.getListener() instanceof MuleEventListener)
                    else if (!(asyncListener.getListener() instanceof MuleEventListener))
                    // Synchronous MuleEvent listener Checks
                else if (listener instanceof MuleSubscriptionEventListener)
                    if (isSubscriptionMatch(muleEvent.getEndpoint(),
                        ((MuleSubscriptionEventListener) listener).getSubscriptions()))
                else if (listener instanceof MuleEventListener)
            else if (listener instanceof AsynchronousEventListener
                     && !(((AsynchronousEventListener) listener).getListener() instanceof MuleEventListener))
            else if (!(listener instanceof MuleEventListener))
                // Finally only propagate the Application event if the
                // ApplicationEvent interface is explicitly implemented
                for (int i = 0; i < listener.getClass().getInterfaces().length; i++)
                    if (listener.getClass().getInterfaces()[i].equals(ApplicationListener.class))


     * Matches a subscription to the current event endpointUri
     * @param endpoint endpoint
     * @param subscriptions subscriptions
     * @return true if there's a match
    private boolean isSubscriptionMatch(String endpoint, String[] subscriptions)
        for (int i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; i++)
            String subscription = subscriptions[i];

            // Subscriptions can be full Mule Urls or resource specific such as
            // my.queue
            // if it is a MuleEndpointURI we need to extract the Resource
            // specific part
            // if (MuleEndpointURI.isMuleUri(subscription)) {
            // EndpointURI ep = (EndpointURI) endpointsCache.get(subscription);
            // if (ep == null) {
            // try {
            // ep = new MuleEndpointURI(subscription);
            // } catch (MalformedEndpointException e) {
            // throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());
            // }
            // endpointsCache.put(subscription, ep);
            // }
            // subscription = ep.getAddress();
            // }

            ObjectFilter filter = createFilter(subscription);
            if (filter.accept(endpoint))
                return true;
        return false;

     * Determines whether events will be processed asynchronously
     * @return tru if asynchronous. The default is false
    public boolean isAsynchronous()
        return asynchronous;

     * Determines whether events will be processed asynchronously
     * @param asynchronous true if aysnchronous
    public void setAsynchronous(boolean asynchronous)
        this.asynchronous = asynchronous;

     * This is the callback method used by Mule to give Mule events to this
     * Multicaster
     * @param context the context received by Mule
    public Object onCall(MuleEventContext context) throws TransformerException, MalformedEndpointException
        multicastEvent(new MuleApplicationEvent(context.getMessage().getPayload(), context, applicationContext));
        return null;

     * Will dispatch an application event through Mule
     * @param applicationEvent the Spring event to be dispatched
     * @throws ApplicationEventException if the event cannot be dispatched i.e. if
     *             the underlying transport throws an exception
    protected void dispatchEvent(MuleApplicationEvent applicationEvent) throws ApplicationEventException
        OutboundEndpoint endpoint;
            endpoint = muleContext.getEndpointFactory().getOutboundEndpoint(
        catch (MuleException e)
            throw new ApplicationEventException("Failed to get endpoint for endpointUri: "
                                                + applicationEvent.getEndpoint(), e);
        if (endpoint != null)
                // if (applicationEvent.getEndpoint() != null) {
                // endpoint.setEndpointURI(applicationEvent.getEndpoint());
                // }

                DefaultMuleMessage message = new DefaultMuleMessage(applicationEvent.getSource(),
                    applicationEvent.getProperties(), muleContext);
                // has dispatch been triggered using beanFactory.publish()
                // without a current event
                if (applicationEvent.getMuleEventContext() != null)
                    // tell mule not to try and route this event itself
                    applicationEvent.getMuleEventContext().dispatchEvent(message, endpoint);
                    MuleSession session = new DefaultMuleSession(service, muleContext);
                    DefaultMuleEvent event = new DefaultMuleEvent(message, endpoint.getExchangePattern(),
                    // transform if necessary
                    if (endpoint.getTransformers() != null)
                        message = new DefaultMuleMessage(applicationEvent.getSource(),
                            applicationEvent.getProperties(), muleContext);
                        message.applyTransformers(event, endpoint.getTransformers());
                    endpoint.process(new DefaultMuleEvent(message, endpoint.getExchangePattern(), session));
            catch (Exception e1)
                throw new ApplicationEventException("Failed to dispatch event: " + e1.getMessage(), e1);
            throw new ApplicationEventException("Failed endpoint using name: "
                                                + applicationEvent.getEndpoint());

     * Set the current Spring application context
     * @param applicationContext application context
     * @throws BeansException
    public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException
        this.applicationContext = applicationContext;

    protected void registerMulticasterComponent() throws MuleException
        // A discriptor hasn't been explicitly configured, so create a default
        if (service == null)
            service = getDefaultService();

    protected void setSubscriptionsOnService(Service service) throws MuleException
        String[] subscriptions;
        List endpoints = new ArrayList();
        for (Iterator iterator = listeners.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
            ApplicationListener listener = (ApplicationListener);
            if (listener instanceof AsynchronousEventListener)
                listener = ((AsynchronousEventListener) listener).getListener();
            if (listener instanceof MuleSubscriptionEventListener)
                subscriptions = ((MuleSubscriptionEventListener) listener).getSubscriptions();
                for (int i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; i++)
                    if (subscriptions[i].indexOf("*") == -1 && MuleEndpointURI.isMuleUri(subscriptions[i]))
                        boolean isSoap = registerAsSoap(subscriptions[i], listener);

                        if (!isSoap)
        if (endpoints.size() > 0)
            String endpoint;
            for (Iterator iterator = endpoints.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
                endpoint = (String);

                InboundEndpoint ep = muleContext.getEndpointFactory().getInboundEndpoint(

                // check whether the endpoint has already been set on the
                // MuleEventMulticastor
                if (((ServiceCompositeMessageSource) service.getMessageSource()).getEndpoint(ep.getName()) == null)
                    ((ServiceCompositeMessageSource) service.getMessageSource()).addSource(ep);

    private boolean registerAsSoap(String endpoint, Object listener) throws MuleException
        if (endpoint.startsWith("soap") || endpoint.startsWith("axis") || endpoint.startsWith("cxf"))
            EndpointURI ep = new MuleEndpointURI(endpoint, muleContext);

            // get the service name from the URI path
            String serviceName = null;
            if (ep.getPath() != null)
                String path = ep.getPath();
                if (path.endsWith("/"))
                    path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
                int i = path.lastIndexOf("/");
                if (i > -1)
                    serviceName = path.substring(i + 1);
                serviceName = service.getName();
            // now strip off the service name
            String newEndpoint = endpoint;
            int i = newEndpoint.indexOf(serviceName);
            newEndpoint = newEndpoint.substring(0, i - 1);
            SedaService s = new SedaService(muleContext);
            QueueProfile queueProfile = QueueProfile.newInstancePersistingToDefaultMemoryQueueStore(muleContext);
            ((CompositeMessageSource) s.getMessageSource()).addSource(
            final DefaultJavaComponent component = new DefaultJavaComponent(new SingletonObjectFactory(listener));
            return true;
            return false;

    protected void registerConnectors() throws MuleException
        if (!muleContext.isInitialised())
            // Next see if there are any Connectors to register
            Map connectors = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(Connector.class, true, true);
            if (connectors.size() > 0)
                Map.Entry entry;
                Connector c;
                for (Iterator iterator = connectors.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
                    entry = (Map.Entry);
                    c = (Connector) entry.getValue();
                    if (c.getName() == null)

    protected void registerTransformers() throws MuleException
        if (!muleContext.isInitialised())
            // Next see if there are any Connectors to register
            Map transformers = applicationContext.getBeansOfType(Transformer.class, true, true);
            if (transformers.size() > 0)
                Map.Entry entry;
                Transformer t;
                for (Iterator iterator = transformers.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();)
                    entry = (Map.Entry);
                    t = (Transformer) entry.getValue();
                    if (t.getName() == null)

    protected Service getDefaultService() throws MuleException
        // When the the beanFactory is refreshed all the beans get
        // reloaded so we need to unregister the service from Mule
        Model model = muleContext.getRegistry().lookupModel(MuleProperties.OBJECT_SYSTEM_MODEL);
        if (model == null)
            model = new SedaModel();
        Service service = muleContext.getRegistry().lookupService(EVENT_MULTICASTER_DESCRIPTOR_NAME);
        if (service != null)
        service = new SedaService(muleContext);
        if (subscriptions == null)
  "No receive endpoints have been set, using default '*'");
            ((CompositeMessageSource) service.getMessageSource()).addSource(
            // Set multiple inbound subscriptions on the descriptor
            ServiceCompositeMessageSource messageRouter = (ServiceCompositeMessageSource) service.getMessageSource();

            for (int i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; i++)
                String subscription = subscriptions[i];

                EndpointFactory endpointFactory = muleContext.getEndpointFactory();
                EndpointBuilder endpointBuilder = endpointFactory.getEndpointBuilder(subscription);
                InboundEndpoint endpoint = endpointFactory.getInboundEndpoint(endpointBuilder);

        DefaultJavaComponent component = new DefaultJavaComponent(new SingletonObjectFactory(this));
        return service;

    protected ObjectFilter createFilter(String pattern)
            if (getSubscriptionFilter() == null)
            return (ObjectFilter) ClassUtils.instanciateClass(getSubscriptionFilter(), pattern);
        catch (Exception e)
            return new WildcardFilter(pattern);

     * the type of filter used to filter subscriptions
     * @return the class of the filter to use. The default is WildcardFilter
     * @see WildcardFilter
    public Class getSubscriptionFilter()
        return subscriptionFilter;

     * sets the type of filter used to filter subscriptions
     * @param subscriptionFilter the class of the filter to use.
    public void setSubscriptionFilter(Class subscriptionFilter)
        this.subscriptionFilter = subscriptionFilter;

     * A list of endpoints the eventMulticaster will receive events on Note that if
     * this eventMulticaster has a Mule Descriptor associated with it, these
     * endpoints are ignored and the ones on the Mule Descriptor are used. These are
     * here for convenience, the event multicaster will use these to create a default
     * MuleDescriptor for itself at runtime
     * @return endpoints List being listened on
    public String[] getSubscriptions()
        return subscriptions;

     * A list of endpoints the eventMulticaster will receive events on Note that if
     * this eventMulticaster has a Mule Descriptor associated with it, these
     * endpoints are ignored and the ones on the Mule Descriptor are used. These are
     * here for convenience, the event multicaster will use these to create a default
     * MuleDescriptor for itself at runtime
     * @param subscriptions a list of enpoints to listen on
    public void setSubscriptions(String[] subscriptions)
        this.subscriptions = subscriptions;

    protected void setExceptionListener(ExceptionListener listener)
        if (listener != null)
            this.exceptionListener = listener;
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("exceptionListener may not be null");

    private static class LoggingExceptionListener implements ExceptionListener
        public LoggingExceptionListener()

        public void exceptionThrown(Exception e)
            logger.error(e.getMessage(), e);

Related Classes of$LoggingExceptionListener

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