Package com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities

Source Code of com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities.RssItunesItem

* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Tommi Laukkanen
* Copyright (C) 2007 Tommi Laukkanen
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

// Expand to define logging define
// Expand to define itunes define
package com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities;

import com.substanceofcode.utils.Base64;
import com.substanceofcode.utils.StringUtil;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import com.substanceofcode.utils.CauseException;
import com.substanceofcode.utils.CauseMemoryException;

//#ifdef DLOGGING
import net.sf.jlogmicro.util.logging.Logger;
import net.sf.jlogmicro.util.logging.Level;

* RssItunesItem class is a data store for a single item in RSS feed.
* One item consist of title, link, description and optional date.
* @author  Tommi Laukkanen
* @version 1.1
public class RssItunesItem extends RssItem {
  // Make max summary same as max description (actual max is 50K)
    public static int MAX_SUMMARY = 500;
  // Beginning of data that has 0 itunes info.
  // Number of Itunes info
    final private static int NBR_ITUNES_INFO = 6;
    final protected static byte BNO_EXPLICIT = (byte)-1;
    final public static String UNSPECIFIED = "unspecified";
    // Value that shows that the first item (and those following may
  // contain ITunes items (or all may not contain any, but they
  // can later be modified to contain them).
    final private static int INT_ITUNES_INDICATOR = NBR_ITUNES_INFO;
  //#ifdef DLOGGING
    private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItunesItem");
  //#ifdef DLOGGING
    private boolean fineLoggable = logger.isLoggable(Level.FINE);
    private boolean finestLoggable = logger.isLoggable(Level.FINEST);
    protected boolean m_itunes = false;
    protected String m_author = "";   // The RSS item author
    protected String m_subtitle = "";   // The RSS item subtitle
    protected String m_summary = "";   // The RSS item summary
  //TODO Max summary of 4K
    protected byte m_explicit = BNO_EXPLICIT;   // The RSS item explicit
    protected String m_duration  = "";   // The RSS item duration

    /** Creates a new instance of RssItunesItem.  Used by this class.  */
    public RssItunesItem() {

    /** Creates a new instance of RssItunesItem
    title - title of item
    link - link of item
    desc - description of item
    pubDate - If no pubDate use null
    enclosure - enclosure of item or "" if no enclosure
    unreadItem - True if item unread, false if read
    public RssItunesItem(String title, String link, String desc, Date pubDate,
              String enclosure, boolean unreadItem) {
    super(title, link, desc, pubDate, enclosure, unreadItem);
    public RssItunesItem(String title, String link, String desc, Date date,
              String enclosure, boolean unreadItem,
          boolean itunes,
          String author,
          String subtitle,
          String summary,
          byte explicit,
          String duration) {
    super(title, link, desc, date, enclosure, unreadItem);
    //#ifdef DITUNES
    m_itunes = itunes;
    if (m_itunes) {
      m_author = author;
      m_subtitle = subtitle;
      m_summary = summary;
      m_explicit = explicit;
      m_duration = duration;
    /** Creates a new instance of RssItunesItem */
    public RssItunesItem(RssItem item) {
    //#ifdef DITUNES
    if (item instanceof RssItunesItem) {
      RssItunesItem ititem = (RssItunesItem)item;
      this.m_itunes = ititem.m_itunes;
      this.m_author = ititem.m_author;
      this.m_subtitle = ititem.m_subtitle;
      this.m_summary = ititem.m_summary;
      this.m_explicit = ititem.m_explicit;
      this.m_duration = ititem.m_duration;
    /** Serialize the object */
    public String unencodedSerialize() {
    String author = "";
    String subtitle = "";
    String summary = "";
    //#ifdef DITUNES
    if (m_itunes) {
      author = m_author.replace('|', CONE);
      subtitle = m_subtitle.replace('|', CONE);
      summary = m_summary.replace('|', CONE);
        String preData = (m_itunes ? "1" : "") + "|" +
      author + "|" + subtitle + "|" + summary + "|" +
                 ((m_explicit == BNO_EXPLICIT) ? "" :
             Integer.toString((int)m_explicit)) + "|" +
        m_duration + "|" + super.unencodedSerialize();
    return preData;

    public String serialize() {
        String preData = unencodedSerialize();
        Base64 b64 = new Base64();
        String encodedSerializedData = null;
    try {
      encodedSerializedData = b64.encode( preData.getBytes("UTF-8") );
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
      encodedSerializedData = b64.encode( preData.getBytes() );
    return encodedSerializedData;
  /** Deserialize the unencoded object */
  public static RssItem unencodedDeserialize(String data)
  throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
    try {
      boolean hasPipe = (data.indexOf(CONE) >= 0);
      String[] nodes = StringUtil.split( data, '|');
      RssItunesItem item = new RssItunesItem();
      item.init(hasPipe, nodes);
      return item;
        } catch(CauseException e) {
      throw e;
        } catch(Exception e) {
      CauseException ce = new CauseException(
          "Internal error while RssItunesItem unencodedDeserialize ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItem");
      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
      CauseMemoryException ce = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error while RssItunesItem unencodedDeserialize ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItunesItem");
      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
  /** Deserialize the object */
  public static RssItem deserialize(String data)
  throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
    try {
      // Base64 decode
      Base64 b64 = new Base64();
      byte[] decodedData = b64.decode(data);
      try {
        data = new String( decodedData, "UTF-8" );
      } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        data = new String( decodedData );
      return unencodedDeserialize(data);
        } catch(CauseException e) {
      throw e;
        } catch(Exception e) {
      CauseException ce = new CauseException(
          "Internal error while RssItunesItem deserialize ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItunesItem");
      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
        } catch(OutOfMemoryError e) {
      CauseMemoryException ce = new CauseMemoryException(
          "Out of memory error while RssItunesItem deserialize ", e);
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("RssItunesItem");
      logger.severe(ce.getMessage(), e);
            System.err.println(ce.getMessage() + " " + e.toString());
      throw ce;
    Initialize fields in the class from data.
    hasPipe - True if the data has a pipe in at least one item
    nodes - (elements in an array).
  protected void init(boolean hasPipe, String [] nodes)
  throws CauseMemoryException, CauseException {
    try {
      /* Node count should be 12:
       * author | subtitle | category | enclosure | summary | explicit
       * | duration | followed by RssItem fields
       * title | link | date | enclosure | unreadItem | desc
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("nodes.length=" + nodes.length);}
      //#ifdef DITUNES
      int ITUNES = 0;
      m_itunes = nodes[ITUNES].equals("1");
      if (m_itunes) {
        int AUTHOR = 1;
        m_author = nodes[AUTHOR];
        if (hasPipe) {
          m_author = m_author.replace(CONE, '|');
        int SUBTITLE = 2;
        m_subtitle = nodes[SUBTITLE];
        if (hasPipe) {
          m_subtitle = m_subtitle.replace(CONE, '|');
        int SUMMARY = 3;
        m_summary = nodes[SUMMARY];
        if (hasPipe) {
          m_summary = m_summary.replace(CONE, '|');

        int EXPLICIT = 4;
        String explicit = nodes[EXPLICIT];
        if (explicit.length() > 0) {
          m_explicit = (byte)Integer.parseInt(explicit);

        int DURATION = 5;
        m_duration = nodes[DURATION];

      super.init(NBR_ITUNES_INFO, true, hasPipe, nodes);

        } catch(CauseException e) {
      throw e;
        } catch(Exception e) {
            System.err.println("Error while RssItunesItem deserialize : " + e.toString());

    /** Write record as a string */
    public String toString(){
        String storeString = m_itunes + "|" + m_author + "|" + m_subtitle + "|" +
      m_summary + "|" + + (int)m_explicit + super.toString();
        return storeString;

    public void setAuthor(String m_author) {
        this.m_author = m_author;

    public String getAuthor() {
        return (m_author);

    public void setSubtitle(String m_subtitle) {
        this.m_subtitle = m_subtitle;

    public String getSubtitle() {
        return (m_subtitle);

    public void setSummary(String m_summary) {
        this.m_summary = m_summary;

    public String getSummary() {
        return (m_summary);

    public void setExplicit(int explicit) {
        this.m_explicit = (byte)explicit;

    public String getExplicit() {
    switch (m_explicit) {
      case (byte)0:
        return "no";
      case (byte)1:
        return "clean";
      case (byte)2:
        return "yes";
        return UNSPECIFIED;

    public void setDuration(String m_duration) {
        this.m_duration = m_duration;

    public String getDuration() {
        return (m_duration);
  /* Compare item. */
  public boolean equals(RssItunesItem item) {
    if (!super.equals(item)) {
      return false;
    if (!item.m_author.equals(m_author)) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_author,this=" + item.m_author + "," + m_author);}
      return false;
    if (!item.m_subtitle.equals(m_subtitle)) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_subtitle,this=" + item.m_subtitle + "," + m_subtitle);}
      return false;
    if (!item.m_summary.equals(m_summary)) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_summary,this=" + item.m_summary + "," + m_summary);}
      return false;

    if (item.m_explicit != m_explicit) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_explicit,this=" + item.m_explicit + "," + m_explicit);}
      return false;

    if (!item.m_duration.equals(m_duration)) {
      //#ifdef DLOGGING
      if (finestLoggable) {logger.finest("unequal item.m_duration,this=" + item.m_duration + "," + m_duration);}
      return false;
    return true;

    public void setItunes(boolean itunes) {
    //#ifdef DITUNES
        this.m_itunes = itunes;
        this.m_itunes = false;

    public boolean isItunes() {
    //#ifdef DITUNES
        return (m_itunes);
        return (false);


Related Classes of com.substanceofcode.rssreader.businessentities.RssItunesItem

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