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import javax.naming.InvalidNameException;
import javax.swing.tree.*;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

*    The intention behind this class is to keep DefaultTreeModel largely
*    unchanged, but add some utility ftns to make the task of translating
*    between DNs and objects in the tree (SmartNodes and TreePaths).<p>
public class SmartModel extends DefaultTreeModel
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SmartModel.class.getName());

    public SmartModel(TreeNode root) { super(root); }
    public SmartModel(TreeNode root, boolean asksAllowsChildren) { super(root, asksAllowsChildren); }

     *    A conversion function.  It takes a path and
     *    returns it as the corresponding DN.
     *    @param path a tree path to determine the DN for.
     *    @return the corresponding Distinguished Name
    public DN getDNForPath(TreePath path)
        if (path==null) return null;
        DN newDN = new DN();
        // there *has* to be a better way to cast arrays.  I wonder what it is.
        Object[] cobbleStones = path.getPath();
        SmartNode myRoot = (SmartNode)cobbleStones[0];
            for (int i=0; i<cobbleStones.length; i++)
                SmartNode sn = ((SmartNode) cobbleStones[i]);
                RDN rdn = sn.getRDN();
                if (rdn.isEmpty() == false)  
        catch (InvalidNameException e)
            log.log(Level.WARNING, "ERROR: getDNForPath(TreePath path) can't parse " + path.toString() + "\n   ", e);
            return null;
        return newDN;

    /** A conversion function - returns the current Node as a DN
    public DN getDNForNode(TreeNode node)
        return getDNForPath(getPathForNode(node));

     *    A conversion function.  It takes an array
     *    of tree nodes representing a path and
     *    returns it as the corresponding DN.
     *    @param path an array of tree nodes to convert to a DN.
     *    @return the corresponding Distinguished Name
    public DN getDNForPath(TreeNode[] path)
        return getDNForPath(new TreePath(path));       

     *    A conversion function - gets the path to given node.
    public TreePath getPathForNode(TreeNode node)
        TreeNode[] nodePath = getPathToRoot(node);
        if (nodePath == null) { return null; }
        return new TreePath(nodePath);
     *    A conversion function - gets a path for a particular DN
    public TreePath getPathForDN(DN nodeDN)
        SmartNode node = getNodeForDN(nodeDN);
        if (node == null) { return null; }
        return getPathForNode(node);
     *    A conversion function.
     *    Returns the existing smart node corresponding to a DN.
     *    Returns null if the DN does not currently exist in
     *    the client tree, even if it is a valid DN on the server.
     *    (We're only searching the GUI Tree here.)
     *    @param nodeDN the full DN of the node to be found
     *    @return the final node in the tree corresponding to the lowest
     *             level RDN of the DN.
    public SmartNode getNodeForDN(DN nodeDN)
        if ((nodeDN==null)) return null;
        if (nodeDN.size()==0) return (SmartNode)getRoot();
        SmartNode child = null;
        SmartNode parent = (SmartNode)getRoot();
        // for each tree level, grab the current node pointer (parent)

        for (int i=0;i< nodeDN.size();i++)
            RDN rdn = nodeDN.getRDN(i);

            Enumeration children = parent.children();
            parent = null;
            // search children trying to find matching RDN
            while (children.hasMoreElements())
                child = (SmartNode)children.nextElement();
                if (child.rdnEquals(rdn))
                    parent = child; // reset parent pointer to current node, prior to next cycle

            if (parent == null) // i.e. couldn't find sub-node so...
                return null;    // ... fail
        // if we're still here, we should now have the final node.
        return parent;           


     *  A rare condition occurs when a user tries to copy a
     *  node over an existing node with the same name.  This
     *  ftn. emulates the behaviour of many tree editing systems
     *  by allowing the copy, but prepending 'Copy ' or 'Copy (n) of'
     *  to the name.  This ftn searches the existing set of
     *  siblings to find a unique name, whether 'Copy ', or
     *  'Copy (n) of' where n is a unique number.
     *   @param activeDN the DN of the node into which the
     *                   new node is being copied.
     *   @param copyDN   the DN of the node being copied.
    // - and who would have thought such a simple task could get so nickity -
    protected String getUniqueCopyRDN(DN activeDN, DN copyDN)
        RDN testRDN =   copyDN.getLowestRDN();
        String testValue = copyDN.getLowestRDN().getRawVal();
        String testClass = copyDN.getLowestRDN().getAtt();

        // XXX translation of this is ugly!  Can't see how to improve it off hand however.
        String copyPrefix = testClass + "=" + CBIntText.get("Copy");
        String copyPrefix2 = CBIntText.get("of");
        boolean originalExists = false;
        int copyNumber = 0;

        SmartNode parent = getNodeForDN(activeDN);
        if (parent != null// can't think why it *would* equal null, mind you...
            Enumeration children = parent.children();

             *    Loop through all children, doing two things;
             *    a) check if there is already a child with the name
             *       we're going to add (i.e. we need to do find a new name)
             *    b) check if there are already copies (i.e we need to
             *       produce a unique "Copy (512) of ..." name)
            SmartNode child;
            while (children.hasMoreElements())
                child = (SmartNode)children.nextElement();
                RDN childRDN = child.getRDN();
                String childRDNString = childRDN.toString();
                if ((!originalExists ) && childRDN.equals(testRDN))   // test if there is already a doo-dad of this name
                    originalExists = true;    // ... there is, we have work to do!
                if (childRDNString.startsWith(copyPrefix)==true) // we have a contender
                    if (childRDNString.endsWith(testValue)) // we've found an *existing*
                    {                                 // copy, and now need to get a
                                                      // unique ID number for it...
                        int startpos = copyPrefix.length() + 1;
                        if (childRDNString.charAt(startpos)=='(')
                            int endpos = childRDNString.indexOf(')', startpos);
                            if (endpos != -1)
                                String childCopyNumberText = childRDNString.substring(startpos+1,endpos);
                                    int childCopyNumber = Integer.parseInt(childCopyNumberText);
                                    if (childCopyNumber >= copyNumber)      // make sure copyNumber always
                                        copyNumber = childCopyNumber + 1;   // one greater than largest existing
                                catch (NumberFormatException e) // if it wasn't a number between the brackets...
                                    if (copyNumber == 0) copyNumber = 2
                                if (copyNumber == 0) copyNumber = 2
                        else  // the copy found is unnumbered, so set out copyNumber
                        {     // to '2' if it hasn't already been set.
                            if (copyNumber == 0) copyNumber = 2
            String returnValue;
            if (originalExists)
                if (copyNumber != 0)        // produce numbered 'copy (x) of' version
                    returnValue = copyPrefix + " (" + copyNumber + ") " + copyPrefix2 + " " + testValue;
                else                        // first copy is unnumbered.
                    returnValue = copyPrefix + " " + copyPrefix2 + " " + testValue;
                returnValue = testRDN.toString();
            return returnValue;   
        return testRDN.toString(); // only if parent is null...not sure how this could happen :-)

    *   This method checks if a node that is represented by a DN exists
    *   below its parent.  In otherwords it gets this DNs parent then gets
    *   all the parent's children and sees if the RDN of the DN exists.
    *   NOTE: if the new DN has already been added to the parent - there will
    *   be two copies of it.  This method checks for two copies of the RDN.
    *   @param nodeDN the full DN of the node to be found
    *   @return true if the node exists, false otherwise (or if there is an error).
    *   .

    public boolean exists(DN nodeDN)
        if ((nodeDN==null)) return false;

        if (nodeDN.size()==0) return false;

        RDN nodeRDN = nodeDN.getLowestRDN();
        SmartNode parent = getNodeForDN(nodeDN.parentDN());
        SmartNode child = null;

        Enumeration children = parent.children();

        int matchCount = 0;

        while (children.hasMoreElements())      //TE: iterate thru the children and see if the rdn matches.
            child = (SmartNode)children.nextElement();

            if (child.rdnEquals(nodeRDN))

                    return true;

        return false;

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