Package org.jruby.ext.ffi.jna

Source Code of org.jruby.ext.ffi.jna.JNAMemoryIO$BufferIO

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package org.jruby.ext.ffi.jna;

import org.jruby.ext.ffi.*;
import com.sun.jna.Memory;
import com.sun.jna.NativeLong;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.IntByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.LongByReference;
import com.sun.jna.ptr.PointerByReference;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;

* JNA implementation of memory I/O operations.
public abstract class JNAMemoryIO implements MemoryIO {
     * The native memory pointer
    final Object memory;

     * NULL Pointer MemoryIO
    static final JNAMemoryIO NULL = new PointerIO(Pointer.NULL, 0);

     * Allocates a new block of java heap memory and wraps it in a {@link MemoryIO}
     * accessor.
     * @param size The size in bytes of memory to allocate.
     * @return A new <tt>MemoryIO</tt> instance that can access the memory.
    static final JNAMemoryIO allocate(int size) {
        return new BufferIO(size);
     * Allocates a new block of native memory and wraps it in a {@link MemoryIO}
     * accessor.
     * @param size The size in bytes of memory to allocate.
     * @return A new <tt>MemoryIO</tt> instance that can access the memory.
    static final JNAMemoryIO allocateDirect(int size) {
        return new PointerIO(size);
     * Creates a new JNA <tt>MemoryIO</tt> instance.
     * @param memory The memory object to wrap.
    JNAMemoryIO(Object memory) {
        this.memory = memory;
     * Gets the underlying memory object this <tt>MemoryIO</tt> is wrapping.
     * @return The native pointer or ByteBuffer.
    Object getMemory() {
        return memory;
     * Wraps a <tt>MemoryIO</tt> accessor around an existing native memory area.
     * @param ptr The native pointer to wrap.
     * @return A new <tt>MemoryIO</tt> instance that can access the memory.
    static final JNAMemoryIO wrap(Pointer ptr) {
        return ptr != null ? new PointerIO(ptr, 0) : NULL;
     * Wraps a <tt>MemoryIO</tt> accessor around an existing <tt>ByteList</tt>
     * @param buf The <tt>ByteList</tt> to wrap.
     * @return A new <tt>MemoryIO</tt> instance that can access the memory.
    static JNAMemoryIO wrap(ByteList buf) {
        return new BufferIO(ByteBuffer.wrap(buf.unsafeBytes(), buf.begin(), buf.length()));
    public abstract Pointer getAddress();
    public abstract Pointer getPointer(long offset);
    public abstract void putPointer(long offset, Pointer value);
    public abstract JNAMemoryIO slice(long offset);

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        return (obj instanceof JNAMemoryIO) && ((JNAMemoryIO) obj).memory.equals(memory);

    public int hashCode() {
        return memory.hashCode();
    public JNAMemoryIO getMemoryIO(long offset) {
        return JNAMemoryIO.wrap(getPointer(offset));
    public void putMemoryIO(long offset, MemoryIO value) {
        putPointer(offset, ((JNAMemoryIO) value).getAddress());
     * A <tt>MemoryIO</tt> accessor that wraps a native pointer.
    static final class PointerIO extends JNAMemoryIO {
         * The native pointer.
        final Pointer ptr;

         * The size of the memory area.
        final long size;

        private PointerIO() {
            this(Pointer.NULL, 0);
         * Allocates a new block of native memory and wraps it in a {@link MemoryIO}
         * accessor.
         * @param size The size in bytes of memory to allocate.
        private PointerIO(long size) {
            this(new Memory(size), size);
        private PointerIO(Pointer ptr, long size) {
            this.ptr = ptr;
            this.size = size;
        public Pointer getAddress() {
            return ptr;
        public boolean isNull() {
            return ptr == null;
        public byte getByte(long offset) {
            return ptr.getByte(offset);

        public short getShort(long offset) {
            return ptr.getShort(offset);

        public int getInt(long offset) {
            return ptr.getInt(offset);

        public long getLong(long offset) {
            return ptr.getLong(offset);

        public long getNativeLong(long offset) {
            return ptr.getNativeLong(offset).longValue();

        public float getFloat(long offset) {
            return ptr.getFloat(offset);

        public double getDouble(long offset) {
            return ptr.getDouble(offset);
        public Pointer getPointer(long offset) {
            return ptr.getPointer(offset);
        public void putByte(long offset, byte value) {
            ptr.setByte(offset, value);

        public void putShort(long offset, short value) {
            ptr.setShort(offset, value);

        public void putInt(long offset, int value) {
            ptr.setInt(offset, value);

        public void putLong(long offset, long value) {
            ptr.setLong(offset, value);

        public void putNativeLong(long offset, long value) {
            ptr.setNativeLong(offset, new NativeLong(value));

        public void putFloat(long offset, float value) {
            ptr.setFloat(offset, value);

        public void putDouble(long offset, double value) {
            ptr.setDouble(offset, value);
        public void putPointer(long offset, Pointer value) {
            ptr.setPointer(offset, value);
        public void get(long offset, byte[] dst, int off, int len) {
  , dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, byte[] dst, int off, int len) {
            ptr.write(offset, dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, short[] dst, int off, int len) {
  , dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, short[] dst, int off, int len) {
            ptr.write(offset, dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, int[] dst, int off, int len) {
  , dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, int[] dst, int off, int len) {
            ptr.write(offset, dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, long[] dst, int off, int len) {
  , dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, long[] dst, int off, int len) {
            ptr.write(offset, dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, float[] dst, int off, int len) {
  , dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, float[] dst, int off, int len) {
            ptr.write(offset, dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, double[] dst, int off, int len) {
  , dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, double[] dst, int off, int len) {
            ptr.write(offset, dst, off, len);

        public int indexOf(long offset, byte value) {
            return (int) ptr.indexOf(offset, value);

        public int indexOf(long offset, byte value, int maxlen) {
            return (int) ptr.indexOf(offset, value);
        public void setMemory(long offset, long size, byte value) {
            ptr.setMemory(offset, size, value);
        public void clear() {
            setMemory(0, size, (byte) 0);
        public JNAMemoryIO slice(long offset) {
            return offset == 0 ? this : new PointerIO(ptr.share(offset), size - offset);

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (obj == null) {
                return false;
            if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) {
                return false;
            final PointerIO other = (PointerIO) obj;
            if (this.ptr != other.ptr && (this.ptr == null || !this.ptr.equals(other.ptr))) {
                return false;
            return true;

        public int hashCode() {
            return ptr == null ? 0 : ptr.hashCode();

    private static class BufferIO extends JNAMemoryIO {
        final ByteBuffer buffer;
        BufferIO(int size) {
        BufferIO(ByteBuffer buffer) {
            this.buffer = buffer;
            throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented");
        public Pointer getAddress() {
            return Pointer.NULL;
        public boolean isNull() {
            return false;
        static ByteBuffer slice(ByteBuffer buffer, int position, int size) {
            ByteBuffer tmp = buffer.duplicate();
            tmp.position(position).limit(position + size);
            return tmp.slice();
        public Pointer getPointer(long offset) {
            if (Platform.getPlatform().longSize() == 32) {
                IntByReference ref = new IntByReference(getInt(offset));
                return ref.getPointer().getPointer(0);
            } else {
                LongByReference ref = new LongByReference(getLong(offset));
                return ref.getPointer().getPointer(0);

        public void putPointer(long offset, Pointer value) {
            PointerByReference ref = new PointerByReference(value);
            if (Platform.getPlatform().longSize() == 32) {
                putInt(offset, ref.getPointer().getInt(0));
            } else {
                putLong(offset, ref.getPointer().getLong(0));

        public byte getByte(long offset) {
            return buffer.get((int) offset);

        public short getShort(long offset) {
            return buffer.getShort((int) offset);

        public int getInt(long offset) {
            return buffer.getInt((int) offset);

        public long getLong(long offset) {
            return buffer.getLong((int) offset);

        public long getNativeLong(long offset) {
            return NativeLong.SIZE == 4
                    ? buffer.getInt((int) offset)
                    : buffer.getLong((int) offset);

        public float getFloat(long offset) {
            return buffer.getFloat((int) offset);

        public double getDouble(long offset) {
            return buffer.getDouble((int) offset);

        public void putByte(long offset, byte value) {
            buffer.put((int) offset, value);

        public void putShort(long offset, short value) {
            buffer.putShort((int) offset, value);

        public void putInt(long offset, int value) {
            buffer.putInt((int) offset, value);

        public void putLong(long offset, long value) {
            buffer.putLong((int) offset, value);

        public void putNativeLong(long offset, long value) {
            if (NativeLong.SIZE == 4) {
                putInt(offset, (int) value);
            } else {
                putLong(offset, value);

        public void putFloat(long offset, float value) {
            buffer.putFloat((int) offset, value);

        public void putDouble(long offset, double value) {
            buffer.putDouble((int) offset, value);

        public void get(long offset, byte[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len).get(dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, byte[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len).put(dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, short[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 2).asShortBuffer().get(dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, short[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 2).asShortBuffer().put(dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, int[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 4).asIntBuffer().get(dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, int[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 4).asIntBuffer().put(dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, long[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 8).asLongBuffer().get(dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, long[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 8).asLongBuffer().put(dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, float[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 4).asFloatBuffer().get(dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, float[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 4).asFloatBuffer().put(dst, off, len);

        public void get(long offset, double[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 8).asDoubleBuffer().get(dst, off, len);

        public void put(long offset, double[] dst, int off, int len) {
            slice(buffer, (int) offset, len * 8).asDoubleBuffer().put(dst, off, len);

        public int indexOf(long offset, byte value) {
            return indexOf(offset, value, Integer.MAX_VALUE);

        public int indexOf(long offset, byte value, int maxlen) {
            for (; offset > -1; ++offset) {
                if (buffer.get((int) offset) == value) {
                    return (int) offset;
            return -1;
        public void setMemory(long offset, long size, byte value) {
            for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
                buffer.put(i, value);
        public void clear() {
            setMemory(0, buffer.capacity(), (byte) 0);

        public JNAMemoryIO slice(long offset) {
            return offset == 0
                    ? this
                    : new BufferIO(slice(buffer, (int) offset, buffer.capacity() - (int) offset));

Related Classes of org.jruby.ext.ffi.jna.JNAMemoryIO$BufferIO

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