Package org.jruby.compiler.yarv

Source Code of org.jruby.compiler.yarv.StandardYARVCompiler$LinkAnchor

* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
* License Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
* IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or
* implied. See the License for the specific language governing
* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Ola Bini <>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"),
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.compiler.yarv;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.IdentityHashMap;

import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.ast.AndNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ArgumentNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ArrayNode;
import org.jruby.ast.BlockNode;
import org.jruby.ast.BlockPassNode;
import org.jruby.ast.CallNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ConstDeclNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ConstNode;
import org.jruby.ast.DefnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.NewlineNode;
import org.jruby.ast.NotNode;
import org.jruby.ast.FixnumNode;
import org.jruby.ast.IfNode;
import org.jruby.ast.ListNode;
import org.jruby.ast.LocalAsgnNode;
import org.jruby.ast.LocalVarNode;
import org.jruby.ast.OrNode;
import org.jruby.ast.VCallNode;
import org.jruby.ast.IArgumentNode;
import org.jruby.ast.HashNode;
import org.jruby.ast.Node;
import org.jruby.ast.NodeType;
import org.jruby.ast.RootNode;
import org.jruby.ast.StrNode;
import org.jruby.ast.UntilNode;
import org.jruby.ast.WhileNode;
import org.jruby.ast.executable.YARVInstructions;
import org.jruby.ast.executable.YARVMachine;
import org.jruby.ast.types.ILiteralNode;
import org.jruby.ast.types.INameNode;

* @author <a href="">Ola Bini</a>
public class StandardYARVCompiler {
    private YARVMachine.InstructionSequence iseq;
    private Ruby runtime;
    private int last_line = -1;

    private LinkAnchor current_iseq;

    private String[] locals = new String[0];

    private static final int COMPILE_OK=1;
    //private static final int COMPILE_NG=0;

    // Counter for label
    private int label_no = 0;

    private static abstract class LinkElement {
        public LinkElement next;
        public LinkElement prev;
        public void insert(LinkElement other) {
            other.prev = prev;
   = this;
            prev = other;
            if (other.prev != null) = other;

        public void remove() {
   = next;
            if (next != null) next.prev = prev;
        public void replace(LinkElement other) {
            other.prev = prev;
   = next;
            if (prev != null) = other;
            if (next != null) next.prev = other;

    private static class LinkAnchor extends LinkElement {
        LinkElement last;
        public LinkAnchor() {
            last = this;
        public void add(LinkElement element) {
            element.prev = last;
   = element;
            last = element;

        public void append(LinkAnchor other) {
            if ( != null) {
       = last;
                last = other.last;
        public void insert(LinkAnchor other) {
            if ( != null) {
                LinkElement first = next;
                next =;
                next.prev = this;
       = first;
                if (first != null) {
                    first.prev = other.last;
                } else {
                    last = other.last;
        public boolean isEmpty() {
            return next == null;
        public LinkElement pop() {
            LinkElement element = last;
            last = last.prev;
   = null;

            return element;
        public LinkElement shift() {
            LinkElement elem = next;
            if (null != elem) next =;
            return elem;
        public int size() {
            int size = 0;
            for (LinkElement elem = next; elem != null; elem = {
            return size;
        private void verify_list(String info) {
            int flag = 0;
            LinkElement plist = this;
            for (LinkElement list = next; list != null; list = {
                if (plist != list.prev) flag++;

                plist = list;

            if (last != plist && last != null) flag |= 0x70000;

            if (flag != 0) {
                throw new RuntimeException("list verify error: " + Integer.toString(flag, 16) +
                        " (" + info + ")");

        public LinkElement first() {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub
            return null;

    private static class Label extends LinkElement {
        /* Label number (identifier) */
        int id;
        // int position; Unused
        // int sc_state;
        // int set; Unused
        // int sp;
        public Label(int line, int id) {
            next = null;
   = id;
            //sc_state = 0;
            //labelobj.sp = -1;

    private static class Insn extends LinkElement {
        YARVMachine.Instruction i;

    private static class EnsureRange {
        Label begin;
        Label end;
        EnsureRange next;

    private Label NEW_LABEL(int l) { Label label = new Label(l, label_no); label_no++; return label;}
    private static void ADD_LABEL(LinkAnchor anchor, LinkElement elem) { anchor.add(elem); }
    private static void ADD_ELEM(LinkAnchor anchor, LinkElement elem) { anchor.add(elem); }
    //private static void INSERT_ELEM_PREV(LinkElement elem1, LinkElement elem2) { elem1.insert(elem2); }
    //private static void REPLACE_ELEM(LinkElement elem1, LinkElement elem2) { elem1.replace(elem2); }
    //private static void REMOVE_ELEM(LinkElement element) { element.remove(); }
    //private static LinkElement FIRST_ELEMENT(LinkAnchor anchor) { return anchor.first(); }
    private static LinkElement POP_ELEMENT(LinkAnchor anchor) { return anchor.pop(); }
    //private static LinkElement SHIFT_ELEMENT(LinkAnchor anchor) { return anchor.shift(); }
    //private static int LIST_SIZE(LinkAnchor anchor) { return anchor.size(); }
    private static boolean LIST_SIZE_ZERO(LinkAnchor anchor) { return anchor.isEmpty(); }
    private static void APPEND_LIST(LinkAnchor anc1, LinkAnchor anc2) { anc1.append(anc2); }
    //private static void INSERT_LIST(LinkAnchor anc1, LinkAnchor anc2) { anc1.insert(anc2); }
    private static void ADD_SEQ(LinkAnchor seq1, LinkAnchor seq2) { seq1.append(seq2); }

    private int debug_compile(String msg, int v) {
        return v;

    private int COMPILE(LinkAnchor anchor, String desc, Node node) {
        return debug_compile("== " + desc, iseq_compile_each(anchor, node, false));

    private int COMPILE(LinkAnchor anchor, String desc, Node node, boolean poped) {
        return debug_compile("== " + desc, iseq_compile_each(anchor, node, poped));

    private int COMPILE_POPED(LinkAnchor anchor, String desc, Node node) {
        return debug_compile("== " + desc, iseq_compile_each(anchor, node, true));

    private LinkAnchor DECL_ANCHOR() {
        return new LinkAnchor();

    public StandardYARVCompiler(Ruby runtime) {
        this.runtime = runtime;

    private void debugs(String s) {

    public void compile(Node node) {

    public void compile(Node node, Compiler context) {

    public void iseq_compile(IRubyObject self, Node node) {
        LinkAnchor list_anchor = DECL_ANCHOR();

        debugs("[compile step 1 (traverse each node)]");
        /* KRI switched to making newline a flag of a node rather than a whole node */
        while (node.nodeId == NodeType.NEWLINENODE) {
            node = ((NewlineNode) node).getNextNode();
        COMPILE(list_anchor, "top level node", node);
        ADD_INSN(list_anchor, last_line, YARVInstructions.LEAVE);
        current_iseq = list_anchor;

    private int nd_line(Node node) {
        if(node.getPosition() != null) {
            return node.getPosition().getEndLine();
        return last_line;

    private String nd_file(Node node) {
        if(node.getPosition() != null) {
            return node.getPosition().getFile();
        return null;

    private int iseq_compile_each(LinkAnchor ret, Node node, boolean poped) {
        if(node == null) {
            if(!poped) {
                ADD_INSN(ret, 0, YARVInstructions.PUTNIL);
                return COMPILE_OK;
            return COMPILE_OK;
        last_line = nd_line(node);

        LinkAnchor recv = null;
        LinkAnchor args = null;

        compileLoop: while(true) {
            switch(node.nodeId) {
            case BLOCKNODE:
                List l = ((BlockNode)node).childNodes();
                int sz = l.size();
                for(int i=0;i<sz;i++) {
                    boolean p = !(i+1 == sz && !poped);
                    COMPILE(ret, "BLOCK body", (Node)l.get(i),p);
                break compileLoop;
            case NEWLINENODE:
                node = ((NewlineNode)node).getNextNode();
                continue compileLoop;
            case ROOTNODE:
                // getAllNamesInScope now gets all names in scope that have been seen at the current point
                // of von.  This may or may not work in this case....?
                locals = ((RootNode)node).getStaticScope().getAllNamesInScope();
                node = ((RootNode)node).getBodyNode();
                continue compileLoop;
            case DEFNNODE:
                StandardYARVCompiler c = new StandardYARVCompiler(runtime);
                YARVMachine.InstructionSequence iseqval =  c.getInstructionSequence(((DefnNode)node).getName(), nd_file(node), "method");
                List argNames = new ArrayList();
                ListNode argsNode = ((DefnNode)node).getArgsNode().getArgs();
                if (argsNode != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < argsNode.size(); i++) {
                        ArgumentNode argumentNode = (ArgumentNode)argsNode.get(i);
                iseqval.args_argc = argNames.size();
                String[] l1 = iseqval.locals;
                String[] l2 = new String[l1.length + argNames.size()];
                for(int i=0;i<argNames.size();i++) {
                    l2[i] = (String)argNames.get(i);
                iseqval.locals = l2;
                ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.PUTNIL);
                ADD_INSN3(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.DEFINEMETHOD, ((DefnNode)node).getName(), iseqval, 0);
                if(!poped) {
                    ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.PUTNIL);
                break compileLoop;
            case STRNODE:
                if(!poped) {
                    ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.PUTSTRING, ((StrNode)node).getValue().toString());
                break compileLoop;
            case CONSTNODE:
                // Check for inline const cache here
                ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.GETCONSTANT, ((ConstNode)node).getName());
                if(poped) {
                    ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.POP);
                break compileLoop;
            case CONSTDECLNODE:
                if (!poped) {
                    ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.DUP);
                ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.SETCONSTANT, ((ConstDeclNode)node).getName());
                break compileLoop;
            case LOCALASGNNODE:
                int idx = ((LocalAsgnNode)node).getIndex();
                debugs("lvar: " + idx);
                COMPILE(ret, "lvalue", ((LocalAsgnNode)node).getValueNode());
                if(!poped) {
                    ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.DUP);
                ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.SETLOCAL, idx);
                break compileLoop;
            case LOCALVARNODE:
                if(!poped) {
                    int idx2 = ((LocalVarNode)node).getIndex();
                    debugs("idx: "+idx2);
                    ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.GETLOCAL, idx2);
                break compileLoop;
            case IFNODE: {
                LinkAnchor cond_seq = DECL_ANCHOR();
                LinkAnchor then_seq = DECL_ANCHOR();
                LinkAnchor else_seq = DECL_ANCHOR();

                Label then_label = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node));
                Label else_label = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node));
                Label end_label = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node));

                compile_branch_condition(cond_seq, ((IfNode)node).getCondition(), then_label, else_label);
                COMPILE(then_seq, "then", ((IfNode)node).getThenBody(), poped);
                COMPILE(else_seq, "else", ((IfNode)node).getElseBody(), poped);

                ADD_SEQ(ret, cond_seq);

                ADD_LABEL(ret, then_label);
                ADD_SEQ(ret, then_seq);
                ADD_INSNL(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.JUMP, end_label);

                ADD_LABEL(ret, else_label);
                ADD_SEQ(ret, else_seq);

                ADD_LABEL(ret, end_label);
                break compileLoop;
            case CALLNODE:
            case FCALLNODE:
            case VCALLNODE:
                recv = DECL_ANCHOR();
                args = DECL_ANCHOR();

                if (node.nodeId == NodeType.CALLNODE) {
                    COMPILE(recv, "recv", ((CallNode)node).getReceiverNode());
                } else {
                    ADD_CALL_RECEIVER(recv, nd_line(node));
                int argc = 0;
                int flags = 0;
                if(!(node instanceof VCallNode)) {
                    int[] argc_flags = setup_arg(args, (IArgumentNode)node);
                    argc = argc_flags[0];
                    flags = argc_flags[1];
                } else {
                    argc = 0;

                ADD_SEQ(ret, recv);
                ADD_SEQ(ret, args);

                switch(node.nodeId) {
                case VCALLNODE:
                    flags |= YARVInstructions.VCALL_FLAG;
                    /* VCALL is funcall, so fall through */
                case FCALLNODE:
                    flags |= YARVInstructions.FCALL_FLAG;
                YARVMachine.Instruction inst = ADD_SEND_R(ret, nd_line(node), ((INameNode)node).getName(), argc, null, flags);

                if ((flags & YARVInstructions.FCALL_FLAG) == 0) {
                    if (((INameNode) node).getName().equals("<")) {
                        insn_set_specialized_instruction(inst, YARVInstructions.OPT_LT);
                    } else if (((INameNode) node).getName().equals("+")) {
                        insn_set_specialized_instruction(inst, YARVInstructions.OPT_PLUS);
                    } else if (((INameNode) node).getName().equals("-")) {
                        insn_set_specialized_instruction(inst, YARVInstructions.OPT_MINUS);
                if(poped) {
                    ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.POP);
                break compileLoop;
            case ARRAYNODE:
                compile_array(ret, node, true);
                if(poped) {
                    ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.POP);
                break compileLoop;
            case ZARRAYNODE:
                if(!poped) {
                    ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.NEWARRAY, 0);
                break compileLoop;
            case HASHNODE:
                LinkAnchor list = DECL_ANCHOR();
                long size = 0;
                Node lnode = ((HashNode)node).getListNode();
                if(lnode.childNodes().size()>0) {
                    compile_array(list, lnode, false);
                    size = ((Insn)POP_ELEMENT(list)).i.l_op0;
                    ADD_SEQ(ret, list);

                ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.NEWHASH, size);

                if(poped) {
                    ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.POP);
                break compileLoop;
            case FIXNUMNODE:
                FixnumNode iVisited = (FixnumNode) node;
                if(!poped) {
                    ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.PUTOBJECT, iVisited.getFixnum(runtime));
                break compileLoop;
            case WHILENODE:
            case UNTILNODE:{
                Label next_label = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node))/* next  */
                Label redo_label = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node))/* redo  */
                Label break_label = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node))/* break */
                Label end_label = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(node));

                ADD_LABEL(ret, redo_label);

                Node body = null;
                if(node instanceof WhileNode) {
                    body = ((WhileNode)node).getBodyNode();
                } else if(node instanceof UntilNode) {
                    body = ((UntilNode)node).getBodyNode();
                COMPILE_POPED(ret, "while body", body);
                ADD_LABEL(ret, next_label)/* next */

                if(node instanceof WhileNode) {
                    compile_branch_condition(ret, ((WhileNode)node).getConditionNode(), redo_label, end_label);
                } else if(node instanceof UntilNode) {
                    /* untile */
                    compile_branch_condition(ret, ((UntilNode)node).getConditionNode(),end_label, redo_label);
                } else {
                    ADD_CALL_RECEIVER(ret, nd_line(node));
                    //TODO:                    ADD_CALL(ret, nd_line(node), ID2SYM(idGets), INT2FIX(0));
                    ADD_INSNL(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.BRANCHIF, redo_label) ;
                    /* opt_n */

                ADD_LABEL(ret, end_label);
                ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.PUTNIL);
                ADD_LABEL(ret, break_label)/* braek */
                if (poped) {
                    ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.POP);
                break compileLoop;
            case SELFNODE:
                if (!poped) ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.PUTSELF);
                break compileLoop;
            case NILNODE:
                if (!poped) ADD_INSN(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.PUTNIL);
                break compileLoop;
            case TRUENODE:
                if (!poped) ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.PUTOBJECT, runtime.getTrue());
                break compileLoop;
            case FALSENODE:
                if (!poped) ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node), YARVInstructions.PUTOBJECT, runtime.getFalse());
                break compileLoop;
                debugs(" ... doesn't handle node: " + node);
                break compileLoop;

        return COMPILE_OK;

    private int compile_branch_condition(LinkAnchor ret, Node cond, Label then_label, Label else_label) {
        switch(cond.nodeId) {
        case NOTNODE:
            compile_branch_condition(ret, ((NotNode)cond).getConditionNode(), else_label, then_label);
        case ANDNODE: {
            Label label = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(cond));
            compile_branch_condition(ret, ((AndNode)cond).getFirstNode(), label, else_label);
            ADD_LABEL(ret, label);
            compile_branch_condition(ret, ((AndNode)cond).getSecondNode(), then_label, else_label);
        case ORNODE: {
            Label label = NEW_LABEL(nd_line(cond));
            compile_branch_condition(ret, ((OrNode)cond).getFirstNode(), then_label, label);
            ADD_LABEL(ret, label);
            compile_branch_condition(ret, ((OrNode)cond).getSecondNode(), then_label, else_label);
        case TRUENODE:
        case STRNODE:
            ADD_INSNL(ret, nd_line(cond), YARVInstructions.JUMP, then_label);
        case FALSENODE:
        case NILNODE:
            ADD_INSNL(ret, nd_line(cond), YARVInstructions.JUMP, else_label);
            COMPILE(ret, "branch condition", cond);
            ADD_INSNL(ret, nd_line(cond), YARVInstructions.BRANCHUNLESS, else_label);
            ADD_INSNL(ret, nd_line(cond), YARVInstructions.JUMP, then_label);

        return COMPILE_OK;

    private int compile_array(LinkAnchor ret, Node node_root, boolean opt_p) {
        Node node = node_root;
        int len = ((ArrayNode)node).size();
        int line = nd_line(node);
        LinkAnchor anchor = DECL_ANCHOR();
        List c = node.childNodes();
        for(Iterator iter = c.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
            node = (Node);
            if(opt_p && !(node instanceof ILiteralNode)) {
                opt_p = false;
            COMPILE(anchor, "array element", node);

        if(opt_p) {
            List l = new ArrayList();
            for(Iterator iter = c.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                node = (Node);
                switch(node.nodeId) {
                case FIXNUMNODE:
                    debugs(" ... doesn't handle array literal node: " + node);
            ADD_INSN1(ret, nd_line(node_root), YARVInstructions.DUPARRAY, runtime.newArray(l));
        } else {
            ADD_INSN1(anchor, line, YARVInstructions.NEWARRAY, len);
            APPEND_LIST(ret, anchor);

        return len;

    private int[] setup_arg(LinkAnchor args, IArgumentNode node) {
        int[] n = new int[] {0,0};
        Node argn = node.getArgsNode();
        LinkAnchor arg_block = DECL_ANCHOR();
        LinkAnchor args_push = DECL_ANCHOR();
        boolean blockArgs = false;

        if (argn != null) {
            if (argn instanceof BlockPassNode) {
                BlockPassNode blockPassNode = (BlockPassNode) argn;
                COMPILE(arg_block, "block", blockPassNode.getBodyNode());
                blockArgs = true;
                argn = blockPassNode.getArgsNode();

            switch(argn.nodeId) {
            case SPLATNODE:
            case ARGSCATNODE:
            case ARGSPUSHNODE:
                n[0] = compile_array(args,argn,false);
        if (!LIST_SIZE_ZERO(args_push)) ADD_SEQ(args, args_push);
        if (blockArgs) ADD_SEQ(args, arg_block);

        return n;

    private Insn new_insn(YARVMachine.Instruction i) {
        Insn n = new Insn();
        n.i = i; = null;
        return n;
    private void insn_set_specialized_instruction(YARVMachine.Instruction instruction, int insn_id)
        instruction.bytecode = insn_id;
        //iobj->operand_size = 0;
        //return COMPILE_OK;

    private void ADD_CALL_RECEIVER(LinkAnchor seq, int line) {
        ADD_INSN(seq, line, YARVInstructions.PUTNIL);

    private void ADD_INSN(LinkAnchor seq, int line, int insn) {
        YARVMachine.Instruction i = new YARVMachine.Instruction(insn);
        i.line_no = line;
        debugs("ADD_INSN(" + line + ", " + + ")");
        ADD_ELEM(seq, new_insn(i));

    private YARVMachine.Instruction ADD_SEND_R(LinkAnchor seq, int line, String name, int argc, Object block, int flags) {
        YARVMachine.Instruction i = new YARVMachine.Instruction(YARVInstructions.SEND);
        i.line_no = line;
        i.s_op0 = name;
        i.i_op1 = argc;
        i.i_op3 = flags;
        debugs("ADD_SEND_R(" + line + ", " + + ", " + name + ", " + argc + ", " + flags + ")");
        ADD_ELEM(seq, new_insn(i));
        return i;

    private void ADD_INSN1(LinkAnchor seq, int line, int insn, IRubyObject obj) {
        YARVMachine.Instruction i = new YARVMachine.Instruction(insn);
        i.line_no = line;
        i.o_op0 = obj;
        debugs("ADD_INSN1(" + line + ", " + + ", " + obj + ")");
        ADD_ELEM(seq, new_insn(i));

    private void ADD_INSN1(LinkAnchor seq, int line, int insn, long op) {
        YARVMachine.Instruction i = new YARVMachine.Instruction(insn);
        i.line_no = line;
        i.l_op0 = op;
        debugs("ADD_INSN1(" + line + ", " + + ", " + op + ")");
        ADD_ELEM(seq, new_insn(i));

    private void ADD_INSNL(LinkAnchor seq, int line, int insn, Label l) {
        YARVMachine.Instruction i = new YARVMachine.Instruction(insn);
        i.line_no = line;
        i._tmp = l;
        debugs("ADD_INSNL(" + line + ", " + + ", " + l + ")");
        ADD_ELEM(seq, new_insn(i));

    private void ADD_INSN1(LinkAnchor seq, int line, int insn, String obj) {
        YARVMachine.Instruction i = new YARVMachine.Instruction(insn);
        i.line_no = line;
        i.s_op0 = obj;
        debugs("ADD_INSN1(" + line + ", " + + ", " + obj + ")");
        ADD_ELEM(seq, new_insn(i));

    private void ADD_INSN3(LinkAnchor seq, int line, int insn, String name, YARVMachine.InstructionSequence iseq, long n) {
        YARVMachine.Instruction i = new YARVMachine.Instruction(insn);
        i.line_no = line;
        i.s_op0 = name;
        i.iseq_op = iseq;
        i.l_op0 = n;
        debugs("ADD_INSN3(" + line + ", " + + ", " + name + ", " + iseq + ", " + n + ")");
        ADD_ELEM(seq, new_insn(i));

    public YARVMachine.InstructionSequence getInstructionSequence(String name, String filename, String level) {
        iseq = new YARVMachine.InstructionSequence(runtime, name, filename, level);
        List l = new ArrayList();
        Map jumps = new IdentityHashMap();
        Map labels = new IdentityHashMap();
        int real=0;
        for (LinkElement elm = current_iseq; elm != null; elm = {
            if (elm instanceof Insn) {
                Insn i = (Insn)elm;
                if (isJump(i.i.bytecode)) jumps.put(i, i.i._tmp);

            } else if (elm instanceof Label) {
                labels.put(elm, new Integer(real+1));
        for(Iterator iter = jumps.keySet().iterator();iter.hasNext();) {
            Insn k = (Insn);
            k.i.l_op0 = ((Integer)labels.get(jumps.get(k))).intValue() - 1;
            k.i._tmp = null;

        debugs("instructions: " + l);
        iseq.body = (YARVMachine.Instruction[])l.toArray(new YARVMachine.Instruction[l.size()]);
        iseq.locals = locals;
        return iseq;

    private boolean isJump(int i) {
        return i == YARVInstructions.JUMP || i == YARVInstructions.BRANCHIF ||
            i == YARVInstructions.BRANCHUNLESS || i == YARVInstructions.GETINLINECACHE ||
            i == YARVInstructions.SETINLINECACHE;

Related Classes of org.jruby.compiler.yarv.StandardYARVCompiler$LinkAnchor

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