Package org.jquantlib.math.matrixutilities

Source Code of org.jquantlib.math.matrixutilities.PseudoSqrt

Copyright (C) 2009 Ueli Hofstetter

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This file is part of QuantLib, a free-software/open-source library
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package org.jquantlib.math.matrixutilities;

import org.jquantlib.QL;
import org.jquantlib.lang.exceptions.LibraryException;
import org.jquantlib.math.Closeness;

// TODO: code review :: please verify against QL/C++ code
* @author Ueli Hofstetter
public class PseudoSqrt {

    private final static String unknown_salvaging_algorithm = "unknown salvaging algorithm";

    public enum SalvagingAlgorithm {
        None, Spectral, Hypersphere, LowerDiagonal, Higham;

    //! Returns the pseudo square root of a real symmetric matrix
    /*! Given a matrix \f$ M \f$, the result \f$ S \f$ is defined
        as the matrix such that \f$ S S^T = M. \f$
        If the matrix is not positive semi definite, it can
        return an approximation of the pseudo square root
        using a (user selected) salvaging algorithm.

        For more information see: "The most general methodology to create
        a valid correlation matrix for risk management and option pricing
        purposes", by R. Rebonato and P. Jaeckel.
        The Journal of Risk, 2(2), Winter 1999/2000

        Revised and extended in "Monte Carlo Methods in Finance",
        by Peter Jaeckel, Chapter 6.

        \pre the given matrix must be symmetric.

        \relates Matrix

        \warning Higham algorithm only works for correlation matrices.

        - the correctness of the results is tested by reproducing
          known good data.
        - the correctness of the results is tested by checking
          returned values against numerical calculations.
    public Matrix pseudoSqrt( final Matrix matrix){
        return pseudoSqrt(matrix, SalvagingAlgorithm.None);

    //! Returns the rank-reduced pseudo square root of a real symmetric matrix
    /*! The result matrix has rank<=maxRank. If maxRank>=size, then the
        specified percentage of eigenvalues out of the eigenvalues' sum is

        If the input matrix is not positive semi definite, it can return an
        approximation of the pseudo square root using a (user selected)
        salvaging algorithm.

        \pre the given matrix must be symmetric.

        \relates Matrix
    public static Matrix rankReducedSqrt(final Matrix matrix,
            final int maxRank,
            final int componentRetainedPercentage,
            final SalvagingAlgorithm sa){


        QL.require(matrix.rows == matrix.columns(), Cells.MATRIX_MUST_BE_SQUARE); // QA:[RG]::verified
        QL.require(checkSymmetry(matrix), Cells.MATRIX_MUST_BE_SYMMETRIC); // QA:[RG]::verified
        QL.require(componentRetainedPercentage>0.0, "no eigenvalues retained"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(componentRetainedPercentage<=1.0, "percentage to be retained > 100%"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        QL.require(maxRank>=1, "max rank required < 1"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message

        final int size = matrix.rows;

        // spectral (a.k.a Principal Component) analysis
        SymmetricSchurDecomposition jd = new SymmetricSchurDecomposition(matrix);
        Array eigenValues = jd.eigenvalues();

        // salvaging algorithm
        switch (sa) {
        case None:
            // eigenvalues are sorted in decreasing order
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative eigenvalue(s) ("
                        + eigenValues.get(size-1)+")");
        case Spectral:
            // negative eigenvalues set to zero
            for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
                eigenValues.set(i,Math.max(eigenValues.get(i), 0.0));
        case Higham:
            final int maxIterations = 40;
            final double tolerance = 1e-6;
            final Matrix adjustedMatrix = null;//highamImplementation(matrix, maxIterations, tolerance);
            jd = new SymmetricSchurDecomposition(adjustedMatrix);
            eigenValues = jd.eigenvalues();
            throw new LibraryException("unknown or invalid salvaging algorithm"); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message

        // factor reduction
        double enough = componentRetainedPercentage * eigenValues.accumulate();
        if (componentRetainedPercentage == 1.0) {
            // numerical glitches might cause some factors to be discarded
            enough *= 1.1;
        // retain at least one factor
        double components = eigenValues.first();
        int retainedFactors = 1;
        for (int i=1; components<enough && i<size; ++i) {
            components += eigenValues.get(i);
        // output is granted to have a rank<=maxRank
        retainedFactors=Math.min(retainedFactors, maxRank);

        final Matrix diagonal = new Matrix(size, retainedFactors);
        for (int i=0; i<retainedFactors; ++i) {
            diagonal.set(i,i, Math.sqrt(eigenValues.get(i)));
        // TODO: code review:: compare against C++ code
        final Matrix result = jd.eigenvectors().mul(jd.eigenvectors()).mul(diagonal);

        normalizePseudoRoot(matrix, result);
        return result;

    public static void normalizePseudoRoot(final Matrix matrix, final Matrix pseudo) {


        final int size = matrix.rows;

        if (size != pseudo.rows)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "matrix/pseudo mismatch: matrix rows are " + size + " while pseudo rows are " + pseudo.cols);

        final int pseudoCols = pseudo.cols;

        // row normalization
        for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
            double norm = 0.0;
            for (int j=0; j<pseudoCols; ++j) {
                norm += pseudo.get(i, j)*pseudo.get(j, i);
            if (norm>0.0) {
                final double normAdj = Math.sqrt(matrix.get(i,i)/norm);
                for (int j=0; j<pseudoCols; ++j) {
                    pseudo.set(i, j, pseudo.get(i, j) * normAdj);

    // Optimization function for hypersphere and lower-diagonal algorithm
    public  Matrix hypersphereOptimize(final Matrix targetMatrix,
                                            final Matrix currentRoot,
                                            final boolean lowerDiagonal) {
        int i,j,k;
        int size = targetMatrix.rows();
        Matrix result = currentRoot;
        Array variance = new Array(size, 0);
        for (i=0; i<size; i++){
            variance.set(i, Math.sqrt(targetMatrix.get(i,i)));
        if (lowerDiagonal) {
            //TODO: write test case for matrix operations
            Matrix approxMatrix = new Matrix(result.operatorMultiply(result, result.transpose(result)));
            result = new CholeskyDecomposition().CholeskyDecomposition(approxMatrix, true);
            for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
                for (j=0; j<size; j++) {
                    result.set(i,j, result.get(i, j) / Math.sqrt(approxMatrix.get(i,i)));
        } else {
            for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
                for (j=0; j<size; j++) {
                    result.set(i,j, result.get(i, j)/ variance.get(i));

        ConjugateGradient optimize = new ConjugateGradient();
        EndCriteria endCriteria = new EndCriteria(100, 10, 1e-8, 1e-8, 1e-8);
        HypersphereCostFunction costFunction(targetMatrix, variance,
        NoConstraint constraint;

        // hypersphere vector optimization

        if (lowerDiagonal) {
            Array theta(size * (size-1)/2);
            const Real eps=1e-16;
            for (i=1; i<size; i++) {
                for (j=0; j<i; j++) {
                    if (theta[i*(i-1)/2+j]>1-eps)
                    if (theta[i*(i-1)/2+j]<-1+eps)
                    for (k=0; k<j; k++) {
                        theta[i*(i-1)/2+j] /= std::sin(theta[i*(i-1)/2+k]);
                        if (theta[i*(i-1)/2+j]>1-eps)
                        if (theta[i*(i-1)/2+j]<-1+eps)
                    theta[i*(i-1)/2+j] = std::acos(theta[i*(i-1)/2+j]);
                    if (j==i-1) {
                        if (result[i][i]<0)
            Problem p(costFunction, constraint, theta);
            optimize.minimize(p, endCriteria);
            theta = p.currentValue();
            for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
                for (k=0; k<size; k++) {
                    if (k>i) {
                    } else {
                        for (j=0; j<=k; j++) {
                            if (j == k && k!=i)
                                result[i][k] *=
                            else if (j!=i)
                                result[i][k] *=
        } else {
            Array theta(size * (size-1));
            const Real eps=1e-16;
            for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
                for (j=0; j<size-1; j++) {
                    if (theta[j*size+i]>1-eps)
                    if (theta[j*size+i]<-1+eps)
                    for (k=0;k<j;k++) {
                        theta[j*size+i] /= std::sin(theta[k*size+i]);
                        if (theta[j*size+i]>1-eps)
                        if (theta[j*size+i]<-1+eps)
                    theta[j*size+i] = std::acos(theta[j*size+i]);
                    if (j==size-2) {
                        if (result[i][j+1]<0)
            Problem p(costFunction, constraint, theta);
            optimize.minimize(p, endCriteria);
            for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
                for (k=0; k<size; k++) {
                    for (j=0; j<=k; j++) {
                        if (j == k && k!=size-1)
                            result[i][k] *= std::cos(theta[j*size+i]);
                        else if (j!=size-1)
                            result[i][k] *= std::sin(theta[j*size+i]);

        for (i=0; i<size; i++) {
            for (j=0; j<size; j++) {
        return result;
    // Matrix infinity norm. See Golub and van Loan (2.3.10) or
    // <>
    Real normInf(const Matrix& M) {
        Size rows = M.rows();
        Size cols = M.columns();
        Real norm = 0.0;
        for (Size i=0; i<rows; ++i) {
            Real colSum = 0.0;
            for (Size j=0; j<cols; ++j)
                colSum += std::fabs(M[i][j]);
            norm = std::max(norm, colSum);
        return norm;

    // Take a matrix and make all the diagonal entries 1.
    const Disposable <Matrix>
    projectToUnitDiagonalMatrix(const Matrix& M) {
        Size size = M.rows();
        QL_REQUIRE(size == M.columns(),
                   "matrix not square");

        Matrix result(M);
        for (Size i=0; i<size; ++i)
            result[i][i] = 1.0;

        return result;

    // Take a matrix and make all the eigenvalues non-negative
    const Disposable <Matrix>
    projectToPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix(Matrix& M) {
        Size size = M.rows();
        QL_REQUIRE(size == M.columns(),
                   "matrix not square");

        Matrix diagonal(size, size, 0.0);
        SymmetricSchurDecomposition jd(M);
        for (Size i=0; i<size; ++i)
            diagonal[i][i] = std::max<Real>(jd.eigenvalues()[i], 0.0);

        Matrix result =
        return result;

    // implementation of the Higham algorithm to find the nearest
    // correlation matrix.
    const Disposable <Matrix>
    highamImplementation(const Matrix& A,
                         const Size maxIterations,
                         const Real& tolerance) {

        Size size = A.rows();
        Matrix R, Y(A), X(A), deltaS(size, size, 0.0);

        Matrix lastX(X);
        Matrix lastY(Y);

        for (Size i=0; i<maxIterations; ++i) {
            R = Y - deltaS;
            X = projectToPositiveSemidefiniteMatrix(R);
            deltaS = X - R;
            Y = projectToUnitDiagonalMatrix(X);

            // convergence test
            if (std::max(normInf(X-lastX)/normInf(X),
                    <= tolerance)
            lastX = X;
            lastY = Y;

        // ensure we return a symmetric matrix
        for (Size i=0; i<size; ++i)
            for (Size j=0; j<i; ++j)
                Y[i][j] = Y[j][i];

        return Y;


    public static Matrix pseudoSqrt(final Matrix matrix, final SalvagingAlgorithm sa) {


        QL.require(matrix.rows() == matrix.columns(), Cells.MATRIX_MUST_BE_SQUARE); // QA:[RG]::verified
        QL.require(checkSymmetry(matrix), Cells.MATRIX_MUST_BE_SYMMETRIC); // QA:[RG]::verified

        final int size = matrix.rows;

        // spectral (a.k.a Principal Component) analysis
        final SymmetricSchurDecomposition jd = new SymmetricSchurDecomposition(matrix);
        final Matrix diagonal = new Matrix(size, size);

        // salvaging algorithm
        final Matrix result;
        boolean negative;
        switch (sa) {
        case None:
            // eigenvalues are sorted in decreasing order
            if (jd.eigenvalues().get(size-1)<-1e-16)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "negative eigenvalue(s) ("
                        + /*std::scientific*/ + jd.eigenvalues().get(size-1)
                        + ")");
            result = matrix.cholesky().L();
        case Spectral:
            // negative eigenvalues set to zero
            for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
                diagonal.set(i, i, Math.sqrt(Math.max((jd.eigenvalues().get(i)), 0.0)));
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("work in progress");
            //result = jd.eigenvectors() * diagonal;
            normalizePseudoRoot(matrix, result);
        case Hypersphere:
            // negative eigenvalues set to zero
            for (int i=0; i<size; ++i){
                diagonal.set(i, i, Math.sqrt(Math.max(jd.eigenvalues().get(i), 0.0)));
                if (jd.eigenvalues().get(i)<0.0) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("work in progress");
            //result = jd.eigenvectors() * diagonal;
            normalizePseudoRoot(matrix, result);

            if (negative)
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("work in progress");
            //result = hypersphereOptimize(matrix, result, false);
        case LowerDiagonal:
            // negative eigenvalues set to zero
            for (int i=0; i<size; ++i){
                diagonal.set(i, i, Math.sqrt(Math.max(jd.eigenvalues().get(i), 0.0)));
                if (jd.eigenvalues().get(i)<0.0) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("work in progress");
            //result = jd.eigenvectors() * diagonal;
            normalizePseudoRoot(matrix, result);

            if (negative)
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("work in progress");
            //result = hypersphereOptimize(matrix, result, true);
        case Higham:
            final int maxIterations = 40;
            final double tol = 1e-6;
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("work in progress");
            // TODO: code review :: please verify against QL/C++ code
            //result = highamImplementation(matrix, maxIterations, tol);
            // result = new CholeskyDecomposition().CholeskyDecomposition(result, true);
            throw new LibraryException(unknown_salvaging_algorithm); // QA:[RG]::verified // TODO: message
        return result;

const Disposable<Matrix> rankReducedSqrt(const Matrix& matrix,
                                         Size maxRank,
                                         Real componentRetainedPercentage,
                                         SalvagingAlgorithm::Type sa) {
    Size size = matrix.rows();

    #if defined(QL_EXTRA_SAFETY_CHECKS)
    QL_REQUIRE(size == matrix.columns(),
               "non square matrix: " << size << " rows, " <<
               matrix.columns() << " columns");

               "no eigenvalues retained");

               "percentage to be retained > 100%");

               "max rank required < 1");

    // spectral (a.k.a Principal Component) analysis
    SymmetricSchurDecomposition jd(matrix);
    Array eigenValues = jd.eigenvalues();

    // salvaging algorithm
    switch (sa) {
      case SalvagingAlgorithm::None:
        // eigenvalues are sorted in decreasing order
                   "negative eigenvalue(s) ("
                   << std::scientific << eigenValues[size-1]
                   << ")");
      case SalvagingAlgorithm::Spectral:
        // negative eigenvalues set to zero
        for (Size i=0; i<size; ++i)
            eigenValues[i] = std::max<Real>(eigenValues[i], 0.0);
      case SalvagingAlgorithm::Higham:
              int maxIterations = 40;
              Real tolerance = 1e-6;
              Matrix adjustedMatrix = highamImplementation(matrix, maxIterations, tolerance);
              jd = SymmetricSchurDecomposition(adjustedMatrix);
              eigenValues = jd.eigenvalues();
        QL_FAIL("unknown or invalid salvaging algorithm");

    // factor reduction
    Real enough = componentRetainedPercentage *
                                  eigenValues.end(), 0.0);
    if (componentRetainedPercentage == 1.0) {
        // numerical glitches might cause some factors to be discarded
        enough *= 1.1;
    // retain at least one factor
    Real components = eigenValues[0];
    Size retainedFactors = 1;
    for (Size i=1; components<enough && i<size; ++i) {
        components += eigenValues[i];
    // output is granted to have a rank<=maxRank
    retainedFactors=std::min(retainedFactors, maxRank);

    Matrix diagonal(size, retainedFactors, 0.0);
    for (Size i=0; i<retainedFactors; ++i)
        diagonal[i][i] = std::sqrt(eigenValues[i]);
    Matrix result = jd.eigenvectors() * diagonal;

    normalizePseudoRoot(matrix, result);
    return result;


    // private methods

    private static boolean checkSymmetry(final Matrix matrix) {
        final int size = matrix.rows;
        for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) {
            for (int j=0; j<i; ++j)
                if (Closeness.isClose(matrix.get(i, j), matrix.get(j, i)))
                    return false;
        return true;



Related Classes of org.jquantlib.math.matrixutilities.PseudoSqrt

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