
Source Code of$Node

* JBoss, the OpenSource J2EE webOS
* Distributable under LGPL license.
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* AttributeOperationResolver is a modified TST for mapping an Integer code against attribute and operation keys.
* Note that this implementation was chosen to allow fast resolution of compound keys - namely the
* operationName and signature[] passed to an MBean's invoke() method.  For consistency it also
* keeps track of attribute names (which are a single key), although for those a hashmap would
* have done just as well.
* @author  <a href="">Trevor Squires</a>.
public class AttributeOperationResolver
   private Node opRoot = null;
   private Node atRoot = null;

    * Default constructor.
   public AttributeOperationResolver()

    * Uses the AttributeInfo and OperationInfo arrays in the MBeanInfo to configure the
    * resolver.  Each attribute and operation will be assigned a code which corresponds
    * to it's position in the info array.
   public AttributeOperationResolver(MBeanInfo info)
      this(info.getAttributes(), info.getOperations());

    * Uses the AttributeInfo and OperationInfo arrays to configure the resolver.
    * Each attribute and operation will be assigned a code which corresponds to it's
    * position in the info array.
   public AttributeOperationResolver(MBeanAttributeInfo[] attributes, MBeanOperationInfo[] operations)
      int attributeCount = (attributes != null) ? attributes.length : 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < attributeCount; i++)
         store(attributes[i].getName(), new Integer(i));

      int operationCount = (operations != null) ? operations.length : 0;
      for (int i = 0; i < operationCount; i++)
         MBeanOperationInfo operation = operations[i];
         MBeanParameterInfo[] params = operation.getSignature();
         String[] signature = new String[params.length];
         for (int j = 0; j < signature.length; j++)
            signature[j] = params[j].getType();
         store(operation.getName(), signature, new Integer(i));

   public Integer lookup(String actionName, String[] signature)
      String word = actionName;
      int wordh = word.hashCode();
      int wordpos = -1;
      int maxword = (signature != null) ? signature.length : 0;

      Node node = opRoot;
      Integer rval = null;
      OUTER_NODE: while (node != null)
         if (wordh < node.hash)
            node = node.loKid;
         else if (wordh > node.hash)
            node = node.hiKid;
            for (int i = node.eqKid.length - 1; i > -1; i--)
               if (word.equals(node.eqKid[i].val))
                  if (++wordpos < maxword)
                     node = node.eqKid[i];
                     word = signature[wordpos];
                     wordh = word.hashCode();
                     continue OUTER_NODE;
                     rval = node.eqKid[i].code;
                     break OUTER_NODE;
      return rval;

   public Integer lookup(String attrName)
      int attrh = attrName.hashCode();

      Node node = atRoot;
      Integer rval = null;
      OUTER_NODE: while (node != null)
         if (attrh < node.hash)
            node = node.loKid;
         else if (attrh > node.hash)
            node = node.hiKid;
            for (int i = node.eqKid.length - 1; i > -1; i--)
               if (attrName.equals(node.eqKid[i].val))
                  rval = node.eqKid[i].code;
                  break OUTER_NODE;
      return rval;

   public void store(String mname, String[] signature, Integer code)
      if (opRoot == null)
         opRoot = createNode(mname);
         createValueNode(opRoot, mname);

      int word = -1;
      int maxword = (signature != null) ? signature.length : 0;

      Node current = createOrGetNode(opRoot, mname);
      while (++word < maxword)
         current = createOrGetNode(current, signature[word]);

      current.code = code;

   public void store(String attrName, Integer code)
      Node current = null;

      if (atRoot == null)
         atRoot = createNode(attrName);
         current = createValueNode(atRoot, attrName);
         current = createOrGetNode(atRoot, attrName);

      current.code = code;

   protected Node createNode(String key)
      Node h = new Node();
      h.hash = key.hashCode();
      h.val = key;
      return h;

   protected Node createValueNode(Node parent, String key)
      Node h = new Node();
      h.val = key;
      h.hash = key.hashCode();
      int insertAt = 0;
      if (parent.eqKid == null)
         parent.eqKid = new Node[1];
         Node[] old = parent.eqKid;
         insertAt = old.length;
         parent.eqKid = new Node[insertAt + 1];
         System.arraycopy(old, 0, parent.eqKid, 0, insertAt);

      parent.eqKid[insertAt] = h;
      return h;

   protected Node createOrGetNode(Node parent, String key)
      Node realParent = parent;
      int keycode = key.hashCode();

      while (true)
         if (keycode < realParent.hash)
            if (realParent.loKid == null)
               realParent.loKid = createNode(key);
               return createValueNode(realParent.loKid, key);
            realParent = realParent.loKid;
         else if (keycode > realParent.hash)
            if (realParent.hiKid == null)
               realParent.hiKid = createNode(key);
               return createValueNode(realParent.hiKid, key);
            realParent = realParent.hiKid;
            if (realParent.eqKid != null)
               for (int i = 0; i < realParent.eqKid.length; i++)
                  if (key.equals(realParent.eqKid[i].val))
                     return realParent.eqKid[i];
            return createValueNode(realParent, key);

   public static class Node
      public int hash = 0;
      public String val = null;

      public Node hiKid = null;
      public Node loKid = null;
      public Node[] eqKid = null;

      public Integer code = null;

Related Classes of$Node

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