
Source Code of$SmooksCache

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2006, JBoss Inc., and others contributors as indicated
* by the @authors tag. All rights reserved.
* See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
* modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License, v. 2.1.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT A
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License,
* v.2.1 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA  02110-1301, USA.
* (C) 2005-2006, JBoss Inc.

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.wsdl.Definition;
import javax.wsdl.Import;
import javax.wsdl.Part;
import javax.wsdl.Port;
import javax.wsdl.Service;
import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMResult;
import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource;

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlCursor;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlObject;
import org.apache.xmlbeans.XmlOptions;
import org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.soap.OGNLUtils;
import org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.util.ESBProperties;
import org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.util.LRUReferenceCountCache;
import org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.util.LRUReferenceCountCacheResource;
import org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.util.XMLHelper;
import org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.util.LRUReferenceCountCache.LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry;
import org.jboss.internal.soa.esb.util.stax.util.ESBXMLEventStreamReader;
import org.jboss.soa.esb.ConfigurationException;
import org.jboss.soa.esb.dom.YADOMUtil;
import org.jboss.soa.esb.http.HttpClientFactory;
import org.jboss.system.ServiceMBeanSupport;
import org.jboss.system.server.ServerConfig;
import org.jboss.system.server.ServerConfigImplMBean;
import org.milyn.Smooks;
import org.w3c.dom.Comment;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import com.eviware.soapui.SoapUI;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlInterface;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlOperation;
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.WsdlProject;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.MessagePart;
import com.eviware.soapui.model.iface.Operation;
import com.eviware.soapui.settings.WsdlSettings;

* Soap UI Soap Client Service MBean.
* @author <a href=""></a>
public class SoapUIClientService extends ServiceMBeanSupport implements SoapUIClientServiceMBean {

    private static final String FAULT_PREFIX = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"\">"
      + "<soapenv:Body><soapenv:Fault><faultcode>?</faultcode><faultstring>?</faultstring><detail>" ;
    private static final String FAULT_SUFFIX = "</detail></soapenv:Fault></soapenv:Body></soapenv:Envelope>" ;

    private static final String IS_CLONE_ATTRIB = "is-clone";
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(SoapUIClientService.class);
    private final WsdlCache wsdlCache;
    private final SmooksCache smooksCache;
    private static final String SOAPUI_OPTIONAL_COMMENT = "Optional:";
    private static final String REMOVE_POSTFIX = " to be removed";
    private static final String XMLNS_URI = "";
    private static final String XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI = "";
    private static final String NILLABLE_TAG_NAME = "nillable";
    private static final String XMLNS_XSI = "xmlns:xsi";
    private static final String XSI_NIL = "xsi:nil";
     * The SoapUI property file.
    private String propertyFile ;
     * The name of the generated property file.
    private static final String SOAP_UI_PROPERTY_FILE = "soapui-settings.xml" ;
     * The additional schema resources.
    private String schemas ;

    private String serverDataDir;
     * The name of the SoapUI schema directory.
    private static final String SOAP_UI_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY = "soapui-schemas" ;
     * The name of the property specifying the created SoapUI schema directory.
    private static final String PROPERTY_ESB_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY = "jboss.esb.soapui.schema" ;

     * Public default constructor.
    public SoapUIClientService() throws ConfigurationException {
        final ESBProperties properties = new ESBProperties("/");

        int smooksLRUCacheSize = properties.getIntProperty("smooks.lru.cache.size", 30);
        smooksCache = new SmooksCache(smooksLRUCacheSize);
        final int wsdlLRUCacheSize = properties.getIntProperty("wsdl.lru.cache.size", 30);
        wsdlCache = new WsdlCache(wsdlLRUCacheSize);

    protected void startService() throws Exception {
        if (propertyFile != null) {
            File dataDir;
            if (serverDataDir != null) {
                dataDir = new File(serverDataDir);
            else {
                final ServerConfig serverConfig = (ServerConfig) MBeanProxyExt.create(ServerConfig.class, ServerConfigImplMBean.OBJECT_NAME);
                dataDir = serverConfig.getServerDataDir() ;
            if (schemas != null)
                initialiseSchemas(dataDir) ;
            final File soapUIPropertyFile = new File(dataDir, SOAP_UI_PROPERTY_FILE) ;
            final File baseFile = new File(propertyFile) ;
            final InputStream xmlPropertyIS = getInputStream(baseFile);

            try {
                final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(soapUIPropertyFile) ;
                    XMLHelper.getXMLStreamWriter(fos)) ;
            } finally {
                xmlPropertyIS.close() ;
            SoapUI.initSettings(soapUIPropertyFile.getAbsolutePath()) ;
    protected void stopService() throws Exception
        if (propertyFile != null)
            File dataDir;
            if (serverDataDir != null) {
                dataDir = new File(serverDataDir);
                final ServerConfig serverConfig = (ServerConfig) MBeanProxyExt.create(ServerConfig.class, ServerConfigImplMBean.OBJECT_NAME);
                dataDir = serverConfig.getServerDataDir() ;
            final File schemaDir = new File(dataDir, SOAP_UI_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY) ;
            if (schemaDir.exists())
                deleteFiles(schemaDir) ;
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    private void initialiseSchemas(final File dataDir)
        throws IOException
        final String[] schemaResources = schemas.split("[, ]") ;
        if (schemaResources != null)
            final File schemaDir = new File(dataDir, SOAP_UI_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY) ;
            for(String schema: schemaResources)
                final File schemaFile = new File(schema) ;
                final InputStream is = getInputStream(schemaFile) ;
                    writeToFile(is, schemaDir, schemaFile.getName()) ;
                    is.close() ;
            System.setProperty(PROPERTY_ESB_SCHEMA_DIRECTORY, schemaDir.getAbsolutePath()) ;
    private void deleteFiles(final File file)
        if (file.isDirectory())
            final File[] files = file.listFiles() ;
            for(File child: files)
                deleteFiles(child) ;
        file.delete() ;
    private void writeToFile(final InputStream is, final File dir, final String name)
        throws IOException
        final File output = new File(dir, name) ;
        final byte[] buffer = new byte[256] ;
        final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(output) ;
                final int count = ;
                if (count <= 0)
                    break ;
                fos.write(buffer, 0, count) ;
            fos.close() ;
    private InputStream getInputStream(final File file)
        throws IOException
        if (!file.isAbsolute()) {
            final URL resourceURL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(file.getPath()) ;
            return  resourceURL.openStream() ;
        } else {
            return new FileInputStream(file) ;
     * Get the property file.
     * @return The name of the property file being used.
    public String getPropertyFile()
        return propertyFile ;
     * Set the property file.
     * @param propertyFile The name of the property file being used.
    public void setPropertyFile(final String propertyFile)
        this.propertyFile = propertyFile ;
     * Get the additional schema resources.
     * @return The additional schema resources.
    public String getSchemas()
        return schemas ;
     * Set the additional schemes.
     * @param schemas The additional schema resources to setup for SoapUI.
     * This needs support through the soapui-settings.xml file
     * @see setPropertyFile
    public void setSchemas(final String schemas)
        this.schemas = schemas ;

     * Build a SOAP request for the specified operation on the specified WSDL.
     * @param wsdl            WSDL URL.
     * @param operation       Operation name.
     * @param serviceName     Service Name.
     * @param params          Message parameter map.
     * @param httpClientProps {@link org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient} creation properties.
     * @param smooksResource  {@link org.milyn.Smooks} transformation configuration resource.  This is the actual
     *                        Smooks resource configuration XML, not a file name.
     *                        Null if no transformations are to be performed on the SOAP message before serializing it
     *                        for return.
     * @param soapNs       optional SOAP namespace
     * @return The SOAP Message.
     * @throws IOException Failed to load WSDL.
    public String buildRequest(String wsdl, String operation, String serviceName, Map params, Properties httpClientProps, String smooksResource, String soapNs) throws IOException, UnsupportedOperationException, SAXException {
        final LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<WsdlState, WsdlResource> wsdlEntry = wsdlCache.get(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            final WsdlState state = wsdlEntry.getResource() ;
            final XMLEventReader reader = state.getRequest(operation, serviceName, true, wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            return buildSOAPMessage(reader, params, smooksResource, soapNs, state.getNils());
            wsdlCache.release(wsdlEntry) ;
     * Use soapUI to build a SOAP response for the specified operation on the specified WSDL.
     * @param wsdl            WSDL URL
     * @param operation       Operation name.
     * @param serviceName     Service Name.
     * @param params          Message parameter map.
     * @param httpClientProps {@link org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient} creation properties.
     * @param smooksResource  {@link org.milyn.Smooks} transformation configuration resource file.
     *                        Null if no transformations are to be performed on the SOAP message before serializing it
     *                        for return.
     * @param soapNs       optional SOAP namespace
     * @return The SOAP Message.
     * @throws IOException                   Failed to load WSDL.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Operation not supported on specified WSDL.
     * @throws SAXException                  Failed to parse the SOAP UI generated request message.
    public String buildResponse(String wsdl, String operation, String serviceName, Map params, Properties httpClientProps, String smooksResource, String soapNs) throws IOException, UnsupportedOperationException, SAXException {
        final LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<WsdlState, WsdlResource> wsdlEntry = wsdlCache.get(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            final WsdlState state = wsdlEntry.getResource() ;
            final XMLEventReader reader = state.getResponse(operation, serviceName, true, wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            return buildSOAPMessage(reader, params, smooksResource, soapNs, state.getNils());
            wsdlCache.release(wsdlEntry) ;
    public String buildFault(String wsdl, String operation, String serviceName, String faultName, Map params, Properties httpClientProps, String smooksResource, String soapNs) throws IOException, UnsupportedOperationException, SAXException {
        final LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<WsdlState, WsdlResource> wsdlEntry = wsdlCache.get(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            final WsdlState state = wsdlEntry.getResource() ;
            final XMLEventReader reader = state.getFault(operation, serviceName, faultName, true, wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            return buildSOAPMessage(reader, params, smooksResource, soapNs, state.getNils());
            wsdlCache.release(wsdlEntry) ;

     * Get the 1st endpoint from the specified WSDL.
     * @param wsdl            WSDL URL.
     * @param httpClientProps {@link org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient} creation properties.
     * @return The operation endpoint URL.
     * @throws IOException Failed to load WSDL.
    public String getEndpoint(String wsdl, String serviceName, Properties httpClientProps) throws IOException {
        final LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<WsdlState, WsdlResource> wsdlEntry = wsdlCache.get(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            final WsdlState state = wsdlEntry.getResource() ;
            if(serviceName != null)
                return state.getEndpoint(serviceName, true, true, wsdl, httpClientProps);
                return state.getDefaultEndpoint() ;
            wsdlCache.release(wsdlEntry) ;

     * Get the Content Type for the appropriate SOAP version of the 1st interface from the specified WSDL.
     * @param wsdl            WSDL URL.
     * @param httpClientProps {@link org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient} creation properties.
     * @return The operation endpoint URL.
     * @throws IOException Failed to load WSDL.
    public String getContentType(String wsdl, String serviceName, Properties httpClientProps) throws IOException {
        final LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<WsdlState, WsdlResource> wsdlEntry = wsdlCache.get(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            final WsdlState state = wsdlEntry.getResource() ;
            if(serviceName != null)
                return state.getContentType(serviceName, true, true, wsdl, httpClientProps);
                return state.getDefaultContentType() ;
            wsdlCache.release(wsdlEntry) ;

     * Use soapUI to Merge a SOAP response for the specified operation on the specified WSDL with its template.
     * @param wsdl            WSDL URL.
     * @param operation       Operation name.
     * @param serviceName     Service Name.
     * @param response        The actual response.
     * @param smooksResource  {@link org.milyn.Smooks} transformation configuration resource file.
     *                        Null if no transformations are to be performed on the SOAP message before serializing it
     *                        for return.
     * @param soapNs       optional SOAP namespace
     * @return The SOAP Message.
     * @throws IOException                   Failed to load WSDL.
     * @throws UnsupportedOperationException Operation not supported on specified WSDL.
     * @throws SAXException                  Failed to parse the SOAP UI generated request message.
    public String mergeResponseTemplate(String wsdl, String operation, String serviceName, String response, Properties httpClientProps, String smooksResource, String soapNs) throws IOException, UnsupportedOperationException, SAXException {
        final LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<WsdlState, WsdlResource> wsdlEntry = wsdlCache.get(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            final WsdlState state = wsdlEntry.getResource() ;
            final XMLEventReader reader = state.getResponse(operation, serviceName, true, wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            return (reader == null ? response : mergeSOAPMessage(reader, response, smooksResource, soapNs));
            wsdlCache.release(wsdlEntry) ;

    WsdlOperationInfo getOperationInfo(final String wsdl, final String operationName , final String serviceName,
        final Properties httpClientProps, final boolean refresh)
        throws IOException
        final LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<WsdlState, WsdlResource> wsdlEntry = wsdlCache.get(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            final WsdlState state = wsdlEntry.getResource() ;
            final WsdlServiceInfo serviceInfo = state.getServiceInfo(serviceName, refresh, true, wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            return serviceInfo.getOperation(operationName) ;
            wsdlCache.release(wsdlEntry) ;

    static Set<QName> extractNillableElements(final String wsdl, final EsbWsdlLoader loader)
        throws SchemaException, IOException
        final Set<QName> nils = new HashSet<QName>() ;
        Map<String, XmlObject> schemas = SchemaUtils.getSchemas(wsdl, loader);
        Iterator keys = schemas.keySet().iterator();
        while (keys.hasNext()) {
            XmlObject schema = schemas.get(;
            String namespace = SchemaUtils.getTargetNamespace(schema);
            Document doc = getDocument(schema.toString());
            Element docRoot = doc.getDocumentElement();
            extractNillableElements(docRoot, nils, namespace);
        return nils ;
    static void extractNillableElements(Element element, Set<QName> nils, String namespace) {
        if (element != null
            && element.getLocalName()!= null
            && element.getLocalName().equals("element")
            && element.hasAttribute(NILLABLE_TAG_NAME)
            && element.getAttribute(NILLABLE_TAG_NAME).equals("true")) {
            nils.add(new QName(namespace, element.getAttribute("name")));

        NodeList children = element.getChildNodes();
        int childCount = children.getLength();

        for(int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            Node child = children.item(i);
            if(child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                 extractNillableElements((Element) child, nils, namespace);

    private String buildSOAPMessage(XMLEventReader reader, Map params, String smooksResource, String soapNs, Set<QName> nils) throws IOException, SAXException {
        Document messageDoc = getDocument(reader) ;

        Element docRoot = messageDoc.getDocumentElement();

        // Purposely not using log levels to output because I want to make
        // it as easy as possible for the developer to dump the SOAP during dev. They
        // just need to set "dumpSOAP" in the param Map....
        boolean dumpSOAP = params.containsKey("dumpSOAP");
        if(dumpSOAP) {
            dumpSOAP("SOAP Template (Unexpanded):", docRoot);

        expandMessage(docRoot, params);

        if(dumpSOAP) {
            dumpSOAP("SOAP Template (Expanded):", docRoot);

        injectParameters(docRoot, params, soapNs, nils);

        if(smooksResource != null) {
            applySmooksTransform(smooksResource, messageDoc);
            // reassign the docRoot variable after transform... in case it was replaced by a #document transform...
            docRoot = messageDoc.getDocumentElement();

        if(dumpSOAP) {
            dumpSOAP("SOAP Message (Populated Template):", docRoot);
            final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter() ;
            final XMLEventWriter writer = XMLHelper.getXMLEventWriter(sw) ;
            XMLHelper.readDomNode(docRoot, writer, true) ;
          return sw.toString();
        catch (final XMLStreamException xmlse)
            final IOException ioe = new IOException("Failed to serialize the output SOAP message") ;
            ioe.initCause(xmlse) ;
            throw ioe ;

    private String mergeSOAPMessage(XMLEventReader reader, String response, String smooksResource, String soapNs) throws IOException, SAXException {
        Document templateDoc = getDocument(reader);
        Element templateRoot = templateDoc.getDocumentElement();

        Document messageDoc = getDocument(response);
        Element messageRoot = messageDoc.getDocumentElement();


        mergeTemplate(templateRoot, messageRoot, 0);

        if(smooksResource != null) {
            applySmooksTransform(smooksResource, messageDoc);


            final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter() ;
            final XMLEventWriter writer = XMLHelper.getXMLEventWriter(sw) ;
            XMLHelper.readDomNode(messageRoot, writer, true) ;
          return sw.toString();
        catch (final XMLStreamException xmlse)
            final IOException ioe = new IOException("Failed to serialize the output SOAP message") ;
            ioe.initCause(xmlse) ;
            throw ioe ;

    private void debugDoc(Element doc)
        if(logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            try {
                final StringWriter sw = new StringWriter() ;
                final XMLEventWriter writer = XMLHelper.getXMLEventWriter(sw) ;
                XMLHelper.readDomNode(doc, writer, true) ;
            } catch (final XMLStreamException xmlse) {
                logger.debug("Failed to print the SOAP message") ;

     * Merge the template to accommodate data collections.
     * <p/>
     * It merges the soapUI cllection comment nodes to the message where appropriate.
     * @param template The template element to be merged.
     * @param instance The element to be processed.
     * @param index    The template's element instance index.
    private void mergeTemplate(Element template, Element instance, int index) {
        if (template != null && instance != null) {
            if (index == 0) {
                //Process only if this is the first element of its kind
                Comment comment = YADOMUtil.getCommentBefore(template);
                if (comment != null
                    && comment.getTextContent().endsWith(OGNLUtils.SOAPUI_CLONE_COMMENT)) {
                    Node parent = instance.getParentNode();
                    if (parent != null) {
                        Comment newComment = parent.getOwnerDocument().createComment(comment.getTextContent());
                        parent.insertBefore(newComment, instance);

            NodeList children = template.getChildNodes();
            int nodesCount = children.getLength();
            for (int i = 0; i < nodesCount; i++) {
                Node templateNode = children.item(i);
                if (templateNode.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                    //We may have many instances of this template
                    //and each could have a nested collection so run through them
                    NodeList instances = instance.getElementsByTagNameNS(templateNode.getNamespaceURI(), templateNode.getLocalName());
                    int instancesSize = instances.getLength();
                    for (int j = 0; j < instancesSize; j++) {
                        mergeTemplate((Element) templateNode, (Element) instances.item(j), j);

    private static Document getDocument(final XMLEventReader reader) throws IOException {
        try {
            return XMLHelper.createDocument(reader) ;
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            final IOException ioe = new IOException("Failed to deserialize the SOAP message template") ;
            ioe.initCause(ex) ;
            throw ioe ;

    private static Document getDocument(String soapMessageTemplate) throws IOException {
        try {
            final XMLEventReader reader = XMLHelper.getXMLEventReader(new StringReader(soapMessageTemplate)) ;
            return XMLHelper.createDocument(reader) ;
        } catch (final Exception ex) {
            final IOException ioe = new IOException("Failed to deserialize the SOAP message template") ;
            ioe.initCause(ex) ;
            throw ioe ;

    private void dumpSOAP(String message, Element docRoot) {
        System.out.println(message + "\n");
        try {
            final XMLEventWriter writer = XMLHelper.getXMLEventWriter(new StreamResult(System.out)) ;
            XMLHelper.readDomNode(docRoot, writer, false) ;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.error("Unable to dump SOAP.", e);

    private void applySmooksTransform(String smooksResource, Document messageDoc) throws IOException, SAXException {
        if(smooksResource != null) {
            LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<Smooks, SmooksResource> smooksEntry = smooksCache.get(smooksResource);
            try {
                final Smooks smooks = smooksEntry.getResource();
                smooks.filterSource(new DOMSource(messageDoc), new DOMResult());

     * Expand the message to accommodate data collections.
     * <p/>
     * It basically just clones the message where appropriate.
     * @param element The element to be processed.
     * @param params  The message params.  Uses the message params to
     *                decide whether or not cloning is required.
    private void expandMessage(Element element, Map params) {
        boolean elementRemoved = false;
        // If this element is not a cloned element, check does it need to be cloned...
        if (!element.hasAttributeNS(OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS, IS_CLONE_ATTRIB)) {
            Element clonePoint = getClonePoint(element);

            if(clonePoint != null) {
                int collectionSize;
                String ognl = OGNLUtils.getOGNLExpression(element);
                //We don't need the index value when expanding the message
                if (ognl.endsWith("]")) {
                    ognl = ognl.substring(0, ognl.lastIndexOf("["));

                collectionSize = calculateCollectionSize(ognl, params);

                if(collectionSize == -1) {
                    // It's a collection, but has no entries that match the OGNL expression for this element...
                    if(clonePoint == element) {
                        // If the clonePoint is the element itself, we remove it... we're done with it...
                        elementRemoved = true;
                    } else {
                        // If the clonePoint is not the element itself (it's a child element), leave it
                        // and check it again when we get to it...
                } else if(collectionSize == 0) {
                    // It's a collection, but has no entries, remove it...
                    elementRemoved = true;
                } else if(collectionSize == 1) {
                    // It's a collection, but no need to clone coz we
                    // already have an entry for it...
                    clonePoint.setAttributeNS(OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS, OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS_PREFIX + OGNLUtils.OGNL_ATTRIB, ognl + "[0]");
                } else {
                    cloneCollectionTemplateElement(clonePoint, (collectionSize - 1), ognl, params);

        if (!elementRemoved){
            // Now do the same for the child elements...
            expandChildren(element, params);

    private void expandChildren(Element element, Map params) {
        List<Node> children = YADOMUtil.copyNodeList(element.getChildNodes());
        for (Node node : children) {
            if (node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                expandMessage((Element) node, params);

    private int calculateCollectionSize(String ognl, Map params) {
        // Try for an Object graph based collection...
        Object param = OGNLUtils.getParameter(ognl, params);
        if (param != null) {
            Class paramRuntime = param.getClass();
            if (paramRuntime.isArray()) {
                return ((Object[]) param).length;
            } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(paramRuntime)) {
                return ((Collection) param).size();

        // Try for <String, Object> collection based map entries...
        Set<Map.Entry> entries = params.entrySet();
        String collectionPrefix = ognl + "[";
        int maxIndex = -1;
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Object keyObj = entry.getKey();
            if(keyObj instanceof String) {
                String key = (String)keyObj;
                if(key.startsWith(collectionPrefix)) {
                    int endIndex = key.indexOf(']', collectionPrefix.length());
                    String ognlIndexValString = key.substring(collectionPrefix.length(), endIndex);
                    try {
                        int ognlIndexVal = Integer.valueOf(ognlIndexValString);
                        maxIndex = Math.max(maxIndex, ognlIndexVal);
                    } catch(NumberFormatException e) {}

        if(maxIndex != -1) {
            return maxIndex + 1;

        // It's a collection, but nothing in this message for it collection...
        return -1;

    private Element getClonePoint(Element element) {
        Comment comment;

        // Is it this element...
        comment = YADOMUtil.getCommentBefore(element);
        if(comment != null && comment.getTextContent().endsWith(OGNLUtils.SOAPUI_CLONE_COMMENT)) {
            comment.setTextContent(comment.getTextContent() + OGNLUtils.CLONED_POSTFIX);
            return element;

        // Is it the first child element of this element...
        Element firstChildElement = YADOMUtil.getFirstChildElement(element);
        if(firstChildElement != null) {
            Element lastChildElement = YADOMUtil.getLastChildElement(element);
            comment = YADOMUtil.getCommentBefore(firstChildElement);
            if(comment != null && comment.getTextContent().endsWith(OGNLUtils.SOAPUI_CLONE_COMMENT)
                && lastChildElement != null && firstChildElement.getTagName().equals(lastChildElement.getTagName())) {
                comment.setTextContent(comment.getTextContent() + OGNLUtils.CLONED_POSTFIX);
                return firstChildElement;

        return null;

    private void resetClonePoint(Element clonePoint) {
        Comment comment = YADOMUtil.getCommentBefore(clonePoint);

        if(comment == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Call to reset a 'clonePoint' that doesn't have a comment before it.");

        String commentText = comment.getTextContent();
        if(!commentText.endsWith(OGNLUtils.CLONED_POSTFIX)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Call to reset a 'clonePoint' that doesn't have a proper clone comment before it.");

        comment.setTextContent(commentText.substring(0, commentText.length() - OGNLUtils.CLONED_POSTFIX.length()));

     * Clone a collection node.
     * <p/>
     * Note we have to frig with the OGNL expressions for collections/arrays because the
     * collection entry is represented by [0], [1] etc in the OGNL expression, not the actual
     * element name on the DOM e.g. collection node "order/items/item" (where "item" is the
     * actual collection entry) maps to the OGNL expression "order.items[0]" etc.
     * @param element    The collection/array "entry" sub-branch.
     * @param cloneCount The number of times it needs to be cloned.
     * @param ognl       The OGNL expression for the collection/array. Not including the
     *                   indexing part.
     * @param params     The message params.
    private void cloneCollectionTemplateElement(Element element, int cloneCount, String ognl, Map params) {
        if (element == null) {

        Node insertPoint = element.getNextSibling();
        Node parent = element.getParentNode();

        element.setAttributeNS(OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS, OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS_PREFIX + OGNLUtils.OGNL_ATTRIB, ognl + "[0]");
        for (int i = 0; i < cloneCount; i++) {
            Element clone = (Element) element.cloneNode(true);

            clone.setAttributeNS(OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS, OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS_PREFIX + IS_CLONE_ATTRIB, "true");
            clone.setAttributeNS(OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS, OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS_PREFIX + OGNLUtils.OGNL_ATTRIB, ognl + "[" + Integer.toString(i + 1) + "]");
            if (insertPoint == null) {
            } else {
                parent.insertBefore(clone, insertPoint);
            //The clones can have collections too, so we need to expand them here
            expandChildren(clone, params);

    private void injectParameters(Element element, Map params, String soapNs, Set<QName> nils) {
        NodeList children = element.getChildNodes();
        int childCount = children.getLength();

        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
            Node node = children.item(i);

            if (childCount == 1 && node.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
                if (isParameter(node)) {
                    String ognl = OGNLUtils.getOGNLExpression(element, soapNs);
                    Object param = OGNLUtils.getParameter(ognl, params);

                    if (param == null) {
                        Node parent = element.getParentNode();
                        String namespace = element.getNamespaceURI();
                        Node nsParent = parent;
                        while (nsParent != null && namespace == null) {
                            //Check the parents for the namespace
                            namespace = nsParent.getNamespaceURI();
                            nsParent = nsParent.getParentNode();
                        QName qname = new QName(namespace, element.getLocalName());

                        if (nils.contains(qname)) {
                            //If value is null and it is declared to be nillable set it as xsi:nil
                            element.getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement().setAttributeNS(XMLNS_URI, XMLNS_XSI, XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI);
                            element.setAttributeNS(XMLSCHEMA_INSTANCE_URI, XSI_NIL, "true");
                            //Remove the soapUI's '?' text
                        } else {
                            Comment comment = YADOMUtil.getCommentBefore(element);
                            if(comment != null && comment.getTextContent().endsWith(SOAPUI_OPTIONAL_COMMENT)) {
                                //If it is optional do not generate the element
                                Comment clone = (Comment) comment.cloneNode(true);
                                clone.setTextContent(comment.getTextContent() + REMOVE_POSTFIX);
                                parent.insertBefore(clone, element);
                            } else {
                                //If it is required generate empty element
                                //Remove the soapUI's '?' text
                    } else {
            } else if (node != null && node.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                NamedNodeMap attributes = node.getAttributes();
                injectAttributeParameters(params, soapNs, node, attributes);
                injectParameters((Element) node, params, soapNs, nils);
                Comment comment = YADOMUtil.getCommentBefore((Element) node);
                if(comment != null && comment.getTextContent().endsWith(SOAPUI_OPTIONAL_COMMENT + REMOVE_POSTFIX)) {
                    Node parent = node.getParentNode();
                    childCount -= 2;
                    i -= 2;

        element.removeAttributeNS(OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS, IS_CLONE_ATTRIB);
        element.removeAttributeNS(OGNLUtils.JBOSSESB_SOAP_NS, OGNLUtils.OGNL_ATTRIB);
    private void injectAttributeParameters(Map params, String soapNs, Node node, NamedNodeMap attributes) {
        for (Node attribute : getNodes(attributes)) {
            if (isParameter(attribute)) {
                String localName = attribute.getLocalName();
                String ognl = OGNLUtils.getOGNLExpression((Element)node, soapNs) + "." + localName;
                Object param = OGNLUtils.getParameter(ognl, params);
                if (param != null && param.toString().length() > 0) {
                } else {

    private boolean isParameter(Node node) {
        return node.getTextContent().equals("?");

    private List<Node> getNodes(NamedNodeMap attributes) {
        int len = attributes.getLength();
        List<Node> list = new ArrayList<Node>(len);
        for ( int a = 0 ; a < len ; a++)
        return list;

    private static WsdlOperationInfo getWsdlOperationInfo(final Operation operation)
        throws XMLStreamException
        final WsdlOperation wsdlOperation = (WsdlOperation)operation ;
        final String requestTemplate = wsdlOperation.createRequest(true);
        final XMLEventReader requestReader = XMLHelper.getXMLEventReader(new StringReader(requestTemplate)) ;
        final List<XMLEvent> requestEvents = ESBStaxXMLEvent.cloneStream(requestReader) ;
        final String responseTemplate = wsdlOperation.createResponse(true);
        final List<XMLEvent> responseEvents ;
        if (responseTemplate != null)
            final XMLEventReader responseReader = XMLHelper.getXMLEventReader(new StringReader(responseTemplate)) ;
            responseEvents = ESBStaxXMLEvent.cloneStream(responseReader) ;
            responseEvents = Collections.emptyList() ;

        final MessagePart[] faultParts = wsdlOperation.getFaultParts();
        final Map<String, List<XMLEvent>> faultEventsMap = new HashMap<String, List<XMLEvent>>() ;
        final SoapMessageBuilder soapMessageBuilder = wsdlOperation.getInterface().getMessageBuilder();
        final XmlObject detail = XmlObject.Factory.newInstance();
        for(MessagePart messagePart: faultParts)
            final MessagePart.FaultPart faultPart = (MessagePart.FaultPart)messagePart ;
            final String faultName = faultPart.getName() ;
            final SampleXmlUtil generator = new SampleXmlUtil(false) ;
            generator.setExampleContent(false) ;
            generator.setTypeComment(false) ;
            final XmlCursor cursor = detail.newCursor();
            cursor.toFirstContentToken() ;
            generator.setTypeComment(true) ;
            generator.setIgnoreOptional(wsdlOperation.getInterface().getSettings().getBoolean( WsdlSettings.XML_GENERATION_ALWAYS_INCLUDE_OPTIONAL_ELEMENTS ) );
            for(Part part: faultPart.getWsdlParts())
                    soapMessageBuilder.createElementForPart(part, cursor, generator);
                catch (final Exception ex)
                    throw new XMLStreamException("Unexpected exception creating fault template", ex) ;
            final String faultTemplate = FAULT_PREFIX + detail.xmlText( new XmlOptions().setSaveAggressiveNamespaces().setSavePrettyPrint()) + FAULT_SUFFIX ;
            final XMLEventReader faultReader = XMLHelper.getXMLEventReader(new StringReader(faultTemplate)) ;
            final List<XMLEvent> faultEvents = ESBStaxXMLEvent.cloneStream(faultReader) ;
            faultEventsMap.put(faultName, faultEvents) ;
        return new WsdlOperationInfo(requestEvents, responseEvents,faultEventsMap) ;

    private static Map<String, WsdlServiceInfo> getServiceInfoMap(final WsdlInterface[] wsdlInterfaces,
        final Map<QName, Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo>> bindingToOperationInfo)
        throws Exception
        final Map<String, WsdlServiceInfo> serviceInfoMap = new HashMap<String, WsdlServiceInfo> () ;

        final Set<String> processed = new HashSet<String>() ;
        final Map<QName, WsdlInterface> bindingsToInterface = new HashMap<QName, WsdlInterface>() ;
        for(WsdlInterface wsdlInterface: wsdlInterfaces)
            bindingsToInterface.put(wsdlInterface.getBindingName(), wsdlInterface) ;

        for(WsdlInterface wsdlInterface: wsdlInterfaces)
            final Definition definition = wsdlInterface.getWsdlContext().getDefinition() ;
            processDefinition(definition, processed, bindingToOperationInfo, bindingsToInterface, serviceInfoMap) ;
        return serviceInfoMap ;

    private static void processDefinition(final Definition definition, final Set<String> processed,
        final Map<QName, Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo>> bindingToOperationInfo,
        final Map<QName, WsdlInterface> bindingsToInterface,
        final Map<String, WsdlServiceInfo> serviceInfoMap)
        final String definitionLocation = definition.getDocumentBaseURI() ;
        if (processed.add(definitionLocation))
            final Map<?, Service> services = definition.getServices() ;
            if (services != null)
                for(Service service: services.values())
                    final Map<?, Port> ports = service.getPorts() ;
                    if (ports != null)
                        String endpoint = null ;
                        String contentType = null ;
                        boolean first = true ;
                        final Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo> operationInfoMap = new HashMap<String, WsdlOperationInfo>() ;
                        for(Port port: ports.values())
                            final QName bindingName = port.getBinding().getQName() ;
                            if (first)
                                first = false ;
                                final WsdlInterface bindingWsdlInterface = bindingsToInterface.get(bindingName) ;
                                endpoint = bindingWsdlInterface.getEndpoints()[0] ;
                                contentType = bindingWsdlInterface.getSoapVersion().getContentType() ;
                            final Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo> bindingOperationInfoMap = bindingToOperationInfo.get(bindingName) ;
                            for(Map.Entry<String, WsdlOperationInfo> entry: bindingOperationInfoMap.entrySet())
                                final String operationName = entry.getKey() ;
                                final WsdlOperationInfo operationInfo = entry.getValue() ;
                                final WsdlOperationInfo current = operationInfoMap.put(operationName, operationInfo) ;
                                if (current != null)
                                    operationInfoMap.put(operationName, current) ;
                        final WsdlServiceInfo serviceInfo = new WsdlServiceInfo(endpoint, contentType, operationInfoMap) ;
                        final String serviceName = service.getQName().toString() ;
                        serviceInfoMap.put(serviceName, serviceInfo) ;
            final Map<?, List<Import>> allImports = definition.getImports() ;
            if (allImports != null)
                for(List<Import> imports: allImports.values())
                    for(Import current: imports)
                        processDefinition(current.getDefinition(), processed,
                            bindingToOperationInfo, bindingsToInterface, serviceInfoMap) ;

    public void setServerDataDir(final String datadir)
        this.serverDataDir = datadir;
    public String getServerDataDir()
        return serverDataDir;

     * Wrapper class for smooks resource.
    static class SmooksResource extends LRUReferenceCountCacheResource<Smooks>
        SmooksResource(final Smooks smooks)
            super(smooks) ;

        public void close()
            getInstance().close() ;

     * Smooks cache implementation.
    static class SmooksCache extends LRUReferenceCountCache<Smooks, SmooksResource>
        SmooksCache(final int lruCacheSize)

        public LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<Smooks, SmooksResource> get(final String resourceLocation)
            throws UnsupportedEncodingException, SAXException, IOException
            final LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<Smooks, SmooksResource> entry = internalGet(resourceLocation) ;
            if (entry != null)
                return entry ;
                return create(resourceLocation, createResource(resourceLocation)) ;

        protected SmooksResource createResource(final String resourceLocation)
            throws UnsupportedEncodingException, SAXException, IOException
            final Smooks smooks = new Smooks();
            smooks.addConfigurations("smooks-resource", new ByteArrayInputStream(resourceLocation.getBytes("UTF-8")));
            return new SmooksResource(smooks) ;

     * Cached operation information.
    static class WsdlOperationInfo
         * request event stream.
        private final List<XMLEvent> requestEvents ;
         * response event stream.
        private final List<XMLEvent> responseEvents ;
         * fault event streams.
        private final Map<String, List<XMLEvent>> faultEventsMap ;

        WsdlOperationInfo(final List<XMLEvent> requestEvents, final List<XMLEvent> responseEvents,
            final Map<String, List<XMLEvent>> faultEventsMap)
            this.requestEvents = requestEvents ;
            this.responseEvents = responseEvents ;
            this.faultEventsMap = faultEventsMap ;

        public List<XMLEvent> getRequestEvents()
            return requestEvents ;

        public List<XMLEvent> getResponseEvents()
            return responseEvents ;

        public List<XMLEvent> getFaultEvents(final String faultName)
            return faultEventsMap.get(faultName) ;

     * Cached service info.
    static class WsdlServiceInfo
         * First endpoint.
        private final String endpoint ;
         * Content type for service.
        private final String contentType ;
         * Cached operation information.
        private final Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo> operationInfoMap ;

        WsdlServiceInfo(final String endpoint, final String contentType, final Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo> operationInfoMap)
            this.endpoint = endpoint ;
            this.contentType = contentType ;
            this.operationInfoMap = operationInfoMap ;

        public String getEndpoint()
            return endpoint ;

        public String getContentType()
            return contentType ;

        public WsdlOperationInfo getOperation(final String operation)
            return operationInfoMap.get(operation) ;

     * Internal WSDL state class to allow atomic swapping out during refresh operations.
    static class WsdlInternalState
        private final Set<QName> nils ;
        private final Map<String, WsdlServiceInfo> serviceInfoMap ;
        private final Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo> operationInfoMap = new HashMap<String, WsdlOperationInfo>() ;
        private final String defaultContentType ;
        private final String defaultEndpoint ;

        public WsdlInternalState(final String wsdl, final Properties httpClientProps)
            throws IOException
            try {
                final WsdlProject wsdlProject = new WsdlProject();
                final HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientFactory.createHttpClient(httpClientProps);
                try {
                    EsbWsdlLoader loader = new EsbWsdlLoader(wsdl, httpClient);
                    WsdlLoaderAspect.set(loader); // JBESB-3276
                    final WsdlInterface[] wsdlInterfaces = wsdlProject.importWsdl(wsdl, true, loader);
                    nils = extractNillableElements(wsdl, loader) ;

                    defaultContentType = wsdlInterfaces[0].getSoapVersion().getContentType() ;
                    defaultEndpoint = wsdlInterfaces[0].getEndpoints()[0] ;
                    final Map<QName, Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo>> bindingToOperationInfo = new HashMap<QName, Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo>>() ;
                    for(WsdlInterface wsdlInterface: wsdlInterfaces)
                        final Map<String, WsdlOperationInfo> bindingOperationInfoMap = new HashMap<String, WsdlOperationInfo>() ;
                        for (Operation operation: wsdlInterface.getOperations())
                            final String name = operation.getName() ;
                            // we cannot disambiguate further than name, so ignore subsequent ones
                            if (!bindingOperationInfoMap.containsKey(name))
                                final WsdlOperationInfo info = getWsdlOperationInfo(operation) ;
                                bindingOperationInfoMap.put(name, info) ;
                                final WsdlOperationInfo current = operationInfoMap.put(name, info) ;
                                // Restore first operation detail if already set
                                if (current != null)
                                    operationInfoMap.put(name, current) ;
                        bindingToOperationInfo.put(wsdlInterface.getBindingName(), bindingOperationInfoMap) ;
                    serviceInfoMap = getServiceInfoMap(wsdlInterfaces, bindingToOperationInfo) ;
                } finally {
                    WsdlLoaderAspect.unset(); // JBESB-3276
            } catch (Exception e) {
                IOException ioException = new IOException("Failed to create WSDL state.");
                throw ioException;

        public XMLEventReader getRequest(final String operation, final String serviceName)
            final WsdlOperationInfo operationInfo = getOperationInfo(serviceName, operation) ;
            if (operationInfo != null)
                return new ESBXMLEventStreamReader(operationInfo.getRequestEvents()) ;
            return null ;

        public XMLEventReader getResponse(final String operation, final String serviceName)
            final WsdlOperationInfo operationInfo = getOperationInfo(serviceName, operation) ;
            if (operationInfo != null)
                return new ESBXMLEventStreamReader(operationInfo.getResponseEvents()) ;
            return null ;

        public XMLEventReader getFault(final String faultName, final String operation, final String serviceName)
            final WsdlOperationInfo operationInfo = getOperationInfo(serviceName, operation) ;
            if (operationInfo != null)
                final List<XMLEvent> events = operationInfo.getFaultEvents(faultName) ;
                if (events != null)
                    return new ESBXMLEventStreamReader(events) ;
            return null ;

        public String getDefaultContentType()
            return defaultContentType ;

        public String getDefaultEndpoint()
            return defaultEndpoint ;

        public WsdlOperationInfo getOperationInfo(final String serviceName, final String operation)
            if (serviceName != null)
                final WsdlServiceInfo serviceInfo = getServiceInfo(serviceName) ;
                if (serviceInfo != null)
                    return serviceInfo.getOperation(operation) ;
                return null ;
                return operationInfoMap.get(operation) ;

        public WsdlServiceInfo getServiceInfo(final String serviceName)
            return  serviceInfoMap.get(serviceName) ;

        public Set<QName> getNils()
            return nils ;

     * WSDL state class supporting refresh of internal state.
    static class WsdlState
        private volatile WsdlInternalState state ;

        WsdlState(final String wsdl, final Properties httpClientProps)
            throws IOException
            state = new WsdlInternalState(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;

        public XMLEventReader getRequest(final String operation, final String serviceName,
            final boolean refresh, final String wsdl, final Properties httpClientProps)
            throws IOException
            final XMLEventReader reader = state.getRequest(operation, serviceName) ;
            if (reader != null)
                return reader ;
            else if (refresh)
                state = new WsdlInternalState(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
                return getRequest(operation, serviceName, false, null, null) ;
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation '" + operation + "' not found in service '" + serviceName + "' defined in WSDL '" + wsdl + "'.");

        public XMLEventReader getResponse(final String operation, final String serviceName,
            final boolean refresh, final String wsdl, final Properties httpClientProps)
            throws IOException
            final XMLEventReader reader = state.getResponse(operation, serviceName) ;
            if (reader != null)
                return (reader.hasNext() ? reader : null) ;
            else if (refresh)
                state = new WsdlInternalState(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
                return getResponse(operation, serviceName, false, null, null) ;
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Operation '" + operation + "' not found in service '" + serviceName + "' defined in WSDL '" + wsdl + "'.");

        public XMLEventReader getFault(final String operation, final String serviceName,
            final String faultName, final boolean refresh, final String wsdl, final Properties httpClientProps)
            throws IOException
            final XMLEventReader reader = state.getFault(faultName, operation, serviceName) ;
            if (reader != null)
                return reader ;
            else if (refresh)
                state = new WsdlInternalState(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
                return getFault(operation, serviceName, faultName, false, null, null) ;
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Fault '" + faultName + "' not found in operation '" + operation + "' from service '" + serviceName + "' defined in WSDL '" + wsdl + "'.");

        public String getDefaultContentType()
            return state.getDefaultContentType() ;

        public String getContentType(final String serviceName, final boolean refresh, final boolean fail,
            final String wsdl, final Properties httpClientProps)
            throws IOException
            final WsdlServiceInfo serviceInfo = getServiceInfo(serviceName, refresh, fail, wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            if (serviceInfo != null)
                return serviceInfo.getContentType() ;
                return null ;

        public String getDefaultEndpoint()
            return state.getDefaultEndpoint() ;

        public String getEndpoint(final String serviceName, final boolean refresh, final boolean fail,
            final String wsdl, final Properties httpClientProps)
            throws IOException
            final WsdlServiceInfo serviceInfo = getServiceInfo(serviceName, refresh, fail, wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            if (serviceInfo != null)
                return serviceInfo.getEndpoint()  ;
                return null ;

        public WsdlServiceInfo getServiceInfo(final String serviceName, final boolean refresh, final boolean fail, final String wsdl, final Properties httpClientProps)
            throws IOException
            final WsdlServiceInfo serviceInfo = state.getServiceInfo(serviceName) ;
            if (serviceInfo != null)
                return serviceInfo ;
            else if (refresh)
                state = new WsdlInternalState(wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
                return getServiceInfo(serviceName, false, fail, wsdl, httpClientProps) ;
            else if (fail)
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Service '" + serviceName + "' not defined in WSDL '" + wsdl + "'.");
                return null ;

        public Set<QName> getNils()
            return state.getNils() ;

     * Wrapper class for WSDL state resource.
    static class WsdlResource extends LRUReferenceCountCacheResource<WsdlState>
        WsdlResource(final WsdlState state)
            super(state) ;

     * WSDL cache implementation.
    static class WsdlCache extends LRUReferenceCountCache<WsdlState, WsdlResource>
        WsdlCache(final int lruCacheSize)

        public LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<WsdlState, WsdlResource> get(final String wsdl, final Properties httpProperties)
            throws IOException
            final LRUReferenceCountCacheEntry<WsdlState, WsdlResource> entry = internalGet(wsdl) ;
            if (entry != null)
                return entry ;
                return create(wsdl, createResource(wsdl, httpProperties)) ;

        protected WsdlResource createResource(final String wsdl, final Properties httpProperties)
            throws IOException
            return new WsdlResource(new WsdlState(wsdl, httpProperties)) ;

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