Package org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.postoffice.cluster

Source Code of org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.postoffice.cluster.LocalClusteredQueue

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
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package org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.postoffice.cluster;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.Delivery;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.Filter;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.SimpleDelivery;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.local.PagingFilteredQueue;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.message.Message;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.message.MessageReference;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.ClusteredPostOffice;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.MessageStore;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.contract.PersistenceManager;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.tx.Transaction;
import org.jboss.messaging.core.tx.TransactionRepository;
import org.jboss.messaging.util.Future;

import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.Executor;

* A LocalClusteredQueue
* @author <a href="">Tim Fox</a>
* @version <tt>$Revision: 2452 $</tt>
* $Id: 2452 2007-02-27 00:43:45Z $
public class LocalClusteredQueue extends PagingFilteredQueue implements ClusteredQueue
   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LocalClusteredQueue.class);
   private boolean trace = log.isTraceEnabled();
   private PostOfficeInternal office;
   private volatile int lastCount;
   private volatile RemoteQueueStub pullQueue;
   private int nodeId;
   private TransactionRepository tr;
   private Executor executor;
   //TODO - we shouldn't have to specify office AND nodeId
   public LocalClusteredQueue(ClusteredPostOffice office, int nodeId, String name, long id,
                              MessageStore ms, PersistenceManager pm,
                              boolean acceptReliableMessages, boolean recoverable,
                              int maxSize,
                              Filter filter, TransactionRepository tr,
                              int fullSize, int pageSize, int downCacheSize)
      super(name, id, ms, pm, acceptReliableMessages, recoverable,
            maxSize, filter, fullSize, pageSize, downCacheSize);
      this.nodeId = nodeId; = tr; = (PostOfficeInternal)office; //TODO - This cast is potentially unsafe - handle better
      this.executor =;
   public LocalClusteredQueue(ClusteredPostOffice office, int nodeId, String name, long id,
                              MessageStore ms, PersistenceManager pm,
                              boolean acceptReliableMessages, boolean recoverable,
                              int maxSize,
                              Filter filter, TransactionRepository tr)
      super(name, id, ms, pm, acceptReliableMessages, recoverable, maxSize, filter);
      this.nodeId = nodeId; = tr; = (PostOfficeInternal)office; //TODO - This cast is potentially unsafe - handle better
      this.executor =;
   public void setPullQueue(RemoteQueueStub queue)
      this.pullQueue = queue;
   public RemoteQueueStub getPullQueue()
      return pullQueue;
   public QueueStats getStats()
      // Currently we only return the current message reference count for the channel. Note we are
      // only interested in the number of refs in the main queue, not in any deliveries. Also we are
      // only interested in the value obtained after delivery is complete. This is so we don't end
      // up with transient values since delivery is half way through.
      int cnt = getRefCount();
      if (cnt != lastCount)
         lastCount = cnt;
         // We only return stats if it has changed since last time - this is so when we only
         // broadcast data when necessary.
         return new QueueStats(name, cnt);
         return null;
   public boolean isLocal()
      return true;
   public int getNodeId()
      return nodeId;

   public String toString()
      return "LocalClusteredQueue[" + getChannelID() + "/" + getName() +"]";
    * This is the same as the normal handle() method on the Channel except it doesn't
    * persist the message even if it is persistent - this is because persistent messages
    * are always persisted on the sending node before sending.
   public Delivery handleFromCluster(MessageReference ref) throws Exception
      if (trace) { log.trace(this + " handling " + ref + " from cluster"); }

      if (filter != null && !filter.accept(ref.getMessage()))
         Delivery del = new SimpleDelivery(this, ref, true, false);
         if (trace) { log.trace(this + " " + ref + " rejected by filter"); }
         return del;
      return handleInternal(null, ref, null, false);
   public void acknowledgeFromCluster(Delivery d) throws Throwable
      acknowledgeInternal(d, null, false);     
   public void handlePullMessagesResult(RemoteQueueStub remoteQueue, Message message,
                                        long holdingTxId, boolean failBeforeCommit,
                                        boolean failAfterCommit) throws Exception
      //This needs to be run on a different thread to the one used by JGroups to deliver the message
      //to avoid deadlock
      Runnable runnable = new MessagePullResultRunnable(remoteQueue, message, holdingTxId,
                                                        failBeforeCommit, failAfterCommit);
   //TODO it's not ideal that we need to pass in a PullMessagesRequest
   public void handleGetDeliveriesRequest(int returnNodeId, int number, TransactionId txId,
                                          PullMessagesRequest tx) throws Exception
      //This needs to be run on a different thread to the one used by JGroups to deliver the message
      //to avoid deadlock
      Runnable runnable = new MessagePullRequestRunnable(returnNodeId, number, txId, tx);
   public boolean isClustered()
      return true;
   public int getRefCount()
      Future result = new Future();
      //This needs to be run on a different thread to the one used by JGroups to deliver the message
      //to avoid deadlock
         this.executor.execute(new GetRefCountRunnable(result));
      catch (InterruptedException e)
         log.warn("Thread interrupted", e);

      return ((Integer)result.getResult()).intValue();
    * Merge the contents of one queue with another - this happens at failover when a queue is failed
    * over to another node, but a queue with the same name already exists. In this case we merge the
    * two queues.
   public void mergeIn(RemoteQueueStub remoteQueue) throws Exception
      if (trace) { log.trace("Merging queue " + remoteQueue + " into " + this); }
      synchronized (refLock)
         PersistenceManager.InitialLoadInfo ili =
            pm.mergeAndLoad(remoteQueue.getChannelID(), channelID, fullSize - messageRefs.size(),
                            firstPagingOrder, nextPagingOrder);
         if (trace) { log.trace("Loaded " + ili.getRefInfos().size() + " refs"); }           

   protected void deliverInternal()
      //If the receivers are still ready to accept more refs then we might pull messages
      //from a remote queue         
      if (receiversReady && pullQueue != null)
         //We send a message to the remote queue to pull a message - the remote queue will then send back
         //another message asynchronously with the result.
         //We don't do this synchronously with a message dispatcher since that can lead to distributed
         catch (Exception e)
            log.error("Failed to send pull message", e);
   private void sendPullMessage() throws Exception
      if (pullQueue == null)
         //Nothing to do
      //Avoid synchronization
      RemoteQueueStub theQueue = pullQueue;
      if (theQueue == null)
      executor.execute(new SendPullRequestRunnable(theQueue));         
    * Get the ref count - executed on event queue
   private class GetRefCountRunnable implements Runnable
      Future result;
      public GetRefCountRunnable(Future result)
         this.result = result;
      public void run()
         int refCount = messageRefs.size();
         result.setResult(new Integer(refCount));       
   private class SendPullRequestRunnable implements Runnable
      private RemoteQueueStub theQueue;
      private SendPullRequestRunnable(RemoteQueueStub theQueue)
         this.theQueue = theQueue;

      public void run()
            //We create a tx just so we get the id - we could just get the id directly from the id
            Transaction tx = tr.createTransaction();
            ClusterRequest req = new PullMessagesRequest(nodeId, tx.getId(), theQueue.getChannelID(),
                                                         name, 1);
            office.asyncSendRequest(req, theQueue.getNodeId());
         catch (Exception e)
            log.error("Failed to pull message", e);
    * This is how we "pull" messages from one node to another
    * If any of the messages are reliable then this needs to be done reliable (i.e. without loss or redelivery)
    * Normally this would require 2PC which would make performance suck.
    * However since we know both queues share the same DB then we can do the persistence locally in the same
    * tx thus avoiding 2PC and maintaining reliability :)
    * We do the following:
    * 1. Send a PullMessagesRequest to the remote node, on receipt it will create a delivery for the message, and
    * possibly add a holding tx (if there are any persistent messages), the messages will then be returned in
    * a PullMessagesResultRequest which is sent asynchronously from the remote node back to here to avoid
    * distributed deadlock.
    * 2. When the result is returned it hits this method.
    * 3. The retrieved message is added to the local queue in the tx
    * 4. Delivery corresponding to the message is acknowledged LOCALLY for the remote queue.
    * 5. The local tx is committed.
    * 6. Send "commit" message to remote node
    * 7. "Commit" message is received and delivery in the holding transaction is acknowledged IN MEMORY only.
    * On failure, commit or rollback will be called on the holding transaction causing the delivery to be acked or cancelled
    * depending on whether it exists in the database
    * Recovery is handled in the same way as CastMessagesCallback
   private class MessagePullRequestRunnable implements Runnable
      int returnNodeId;
      int number;
      TransactionId txId;
      PullMessagesRequest tx;
      public MessagePullRequestRunnable(int returnNodeId, int number, TransactionId txId, PullMessagesRequest tx)
         this.returnNodeId = returnNodeId;
         this.number = number;
         this.txId = txId;
         this.tx = tx;
      public void run()
            Delivery del = null;
            //We only get the delivery if receiversReady = false so as not to steal messages that
            //might be consumed by local receivers           
            if (!receiversReady)
               MessageReference ref;
               synchronized (refLock)
                  ref = removeFirstInMemory();
                  if (ref != null)
                     del = new SimpleDelivery(LocalClusteredQueue.this, ref);
            if (trace) { log.trace("PullMessagesRunnable got " + del); }
            if (del != null)
               PullMessageResultRequest response =
                  new PullMessageResultRequest(LocalClusteredQueue.this.nodeId, txId.getTxId(),
               if (!del.getReference().getMessage().isReliable() || !recoverable)
                  //We can ack it now
                  //Add this to the holding area
                  office.holdTransaction(txId, tx);
               //We send the messages asynchronously to avoid a deadlock situation which can occur
               //if we were using MessageDispatcher to get the messages.
               office.asyncSendRequest(response, returnNodeId);  
         catch (Throwable e)
            log.error("Failed to get deliveries", e);
   private class MessagePullResultRunnable implements Runnable
      private RemoteQueueStub remoteQueue;
      private Message message;
      private long holdingTxId;
      //for testing only
      private boolean failBeforeCommit;
      private boolean failAfterCommit;
      private MessagePullResultRunnable(RemoteQueueStub remoteQueue,
                                        Message message, long holdingTxId,
                                        boolean failBeforeCommit, boolean failAfterCommit)
         this.remoteQueue = remoteQueue;
         this.message = message;
         this.holdingTxId = holdingTxId;
         this.failBeforeCommit = failBeforeCommit;
         this.failAfterCommit = failAfterCommit;                 

      public void run()
            Transaction tx = null;
            boolean handleTransactionally = message.isReliable() && isRecoverable();
            if (handleTransactionally)
               tx = tr.createTransaction()
               //It will already have been persisted on the other node
               //so we need to set the persisted flag here
            MessageReference ref = null;
               ref = ms.reference(message);
               Delivery delRet = handleInternal(null, ref, tx, true);

               if (delRet == null || !delRet.isSelectorAccepted())
                  //This should never happen
                  throw new IllegalStateException("Queue did not accept reference!");
               if (ref != null)
            //Acknowledge on the remote queue stub
            Delivery del = new SimpleDelivery(remoteQueue, ref);
            //For testing to simulate failures
            if (failBeforeCommit)
               throw new Exception("Test failure before commit");
            if (handleTransactionally)
            //For testing to simulate failures
            if (failAfterCommit)
               throw new Exception("Test failure after commit");
            //TODO what if commit throws an exception - this means the commit message doesn't hit the
            //remote node so the holding transaction stays in the holding area
            //Need to catch the exception and throw a check message
            //What we need to do is catch any exceptions at the top of the call, i.e. just after the interface
            //and send a checkrequest
            //This applies to a normal message and messages requests too
            if (handleTransactionally)
               ClusterRequest req = new PullMessagesRequest(nodeId, holdingTxId);
               office.asyncSendRequest(req, remoteQueue.getNodeId());
         catch (Throwable e)
            log.error("Failed to handle pulled message", e);

Related Classes of org.jboss.messaging.core.plugin.postoffice.cluster.LocalClusteredQueue

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