Package org.jboss.test.util.ejb

Source Code of org.jboss.test.util.ejb.EJBTestCase

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source.
* Copyright 2006, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* as indicated by the @author tags. See the copyright.txt file in the
* distribution for a full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.jboss.test.util.ejb;

import java.util.Properties;

import javax.naming.InitialContext;
import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;

import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestResult;

import org.jboss.logging.Logger;
import org.jboss.test.AbstractTestDelegate;
import org.jboss.test.JBossTestServices;

* An ejb test case is an extension to test case where the test is executed
* in the ejb server's virtual machine.
* Two new methods setUpEJB and tearDownEJB have been added. These methods
* work just like setUp and tearDown except they run in a sepperate transaction.
* The execution order is as follows:
* <pre>
*   1. setUpEJB (TX 1)
*   2. run (TX 2)
*     2.1. runBare
*       2.1.1 setUp
*       2.1.2 <your test method>
*       2.1.3 tearDown
*   3. ejbTearDown (TX 2)
* </pre>
* For an ejb test case to run successfully, the following must be setup:
* <pre>
*   1. The ejb test case class must be availabe to the client vm.
*   2. The ejb test case class must be availabe to the EJBTestRunner bean
*       on the server.
*   3. The EJBTestRunnerHome must be bound to "ejb/EJBTestRunner" in the
*       jndi context obtained from new InitialContext();
*   4. The EJBTestRunner bean must be configured as specified in the
*       EJBTestRunner javadoc.
* </pre>
* @see EJBTestRunner
* @see junit.framework.TestCase
* @author <a href="">Dain Sundstrom</a>
* @author <a href="">Scott Stark</a>
* @author <a href="">Dimitris Andreadis</a>
* @author
* @version $Revision: 65468 $
public class EJBTestCase extends TestCase
   private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(EJBTestCase.class);
   private boolean serverSide = false;
   protected Properties props;

   public static AbstractTestDelegate getDelegate(Class clazz) throws Exception
      AbstractTestDelegate delegate = new JBossTestServices(clazz);
      return delegate;
    * Constructs a test case that will run the method with the specified name.
    * @param methodName the name of the method that will executed when this
    *     test is run
   public EJBTestCase(String methodName)

    * Sets the flag that is used to determine if the class
    * is running on the server side.
    * @param serverSide boolean flag that this class uses to determine
    *     if it's running on the server side.
   public void setServerSide(boolean serverSide)
      this.serverSide = serverSide;

    * Is this class running on the server side?
    * @return true if this class is running on the server side  
   public boolean isServerSide()
      return serverSide;

   /** Allow EJBTestCase subclasses to override the EJBRunnerHome JNDI name
    * @return The JNDI name of the EJBRunnerHome home interface binding. The
    * default is "ejb/EJBTestRunner"
   public String getEJBRunnerJndiName()
      return "ejb/EJBTestRunner";

    * @return the properties associated with the test case
   public Properties getProps()
      return props;
    * @param props the properties associated with the test case
   public void setProps(Properties props)
      this.props = props;

   public void run(TestResult result)
      ClassLoader oldClassLoader = null;
         // If we are on the server side, set the thread context class loader
         // to the class loader that loaded this class. This fixes problems
         // with the current implementation of the JUnit gui test runners class
         // reloading logic. The gui relods the test classes with each run but
         // does not set the context class loader so calls to Class.forName load
         // the class in the wrong class loader.
         if (!isServerSide())
            oldClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
         // be a good citizen, reset the context loader
         if (oldClassLoader != null)

   public void runBare() throws Throwable
      if (!isServerSide())
         // We're not on the server side yet, invoke the test on the serverside.
         EJBTestRunner testRunner = null;
            testRunner = getEJBTestRunner();
            if( props != null )
     , getName(), props);
     , getName());
         catch (RemoteTestException e)
            // if the remote test exception is from an assertion error
            // rethrow it with a sub class of AssertionFailedError so it is
            // picked up as a failure and not an error.
            // The server has to throw sub classes of Error because that is the
            // allowable scope of application exceptions. So
            // AssertionFailedError which is an instance of error has to be
            // wrapped in an exception.
            Throwable remote = e.getRemoteThrowable();
            if (remote instanceof AssertionFailedError)
               throw new RemoteAssertionFailedError(
                  (AssertionFailedError) remote, e.getRemoteStackTrace());
            throw e;
            // be a good citizen, drop my ref to the session bean.
            if (testRunner != null)
         // We're on the server side so, invoke the test the usual way.

   /** Sets up the ejb test case. This method is called before
    * each test is executed and is run in a private transaction.
    * @param props the properties passed in from the client
    * @throws Exception if a problem occures
   public void setUpEJB(Properties props) throws Exception
      this.props = props;

      // JBAS-4144, hack to allow subclasses that originally
      // used net.sourceforge.junitejb.EJBTestCase to still work.

   public void setUpEJB() throws Exception
      // empty

   protected int getThreadCount()
      int result = Integer.getInteger("jbosstest.threadcount", JBossTestServices.DEFAULT_THREADCOUNT).intValue();
      log.debug("jbosstest.threadcount=" + result);
      return result;

   protected int getIterationCount()
      int result = Integer.getInteger("jbosstest.iterationcount", JBossTestServices.DEFAULT_ITERATIONCOUNT).intValue();
      log.debug("jbosstest.iterationcount=" + result);
      return result;

   protected int getBeanCount()
      int result = Integer.getInteger("jbosstest.beancount", JBossTestServices.DEFAULT_BEANCOUNT).intValue();
      log.debug("jbosstest.beancount=" + result);
      return result;
   /** Tears down the ejb test case. This method is called after
    * each test is executed and is run in a private transaction.
    * @param props the properties passed in from the client
    * @throws Exception if a problem occures
   public void tearDownEJB(Properties props) throws Exception
      // JBAS-4144, hack to allow subclasses that originally
      // used net.sourceforge.junitejb.EJBTestCase to still work.

   public void tearDownEJB() throws Exception
      // empty
    * Looks up the ejb test runner home in JNDI (at "ejb/EJBTestRunner")
    * and creates a new runner.
    * @throws Exception if any problem happens
   private EJBTestRunner getEJBTestRunner() throws Exception
      InitialContext jndiContext = new InitialContext();

      // Get a reference from this to the Bean's Home interface
      String name = getEJBRunnerJndiName();
      Object ref = jndiContext.lookup(name);
      EJBTestRunnerHome runnerHome = (EJBTestRunnerHome)
         PortableRemoteObject.narrow(ref, EJBTestRunnerHome.class);

      // create the test runner
      return runnerHome.create();

Related Classes of org.jboss.test.util.ejb.EJBTestCase

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