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import junit.framework.TestCase;
import net.sf.jabref.BibtexEntry;
import net.sf.jabref.imports.BibtexParser;
import net.sf.jabref.labelPattern.LabelPatternUtil;

public class LabelPatternUtilTest extends TestCase {

     * Test for
     * Test the Labelmaker and all kind of accents
     * Á á Ć ć É é Í í Ĺ ĺ Ń ń Ó ó Ŕ ŕ Ś ś Ú ú Ý ý Ź ź 
    public void testMakeLabelAndCheckLegalKeys() {
      BibtexEntry entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Köning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Koen", net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Áöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Aoen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Éöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Eoen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Íöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Ioen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Ĺöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Loen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Ńöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Noen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Óöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Ooen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Ŕöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Roen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Śöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Soen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Úöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Uoen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Ýöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Yoen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Źöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Zoen",net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
     * Test the Labelmaker and with accent grave
     * Chars to test: "ÀÈÌÒÙ";
    public void testMakeLabelAndCheckLegalKeysAccentGrave() {
      BibtexEntry entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Àöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Aoen", net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Èöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Eoen", net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Ìöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Ioen", net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Òöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Ooen", net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
      entry0 = BibtexParser.singleFromString("@ARTICLE{kohn, author={Andreas Ùöning}, year={2000}}");
      assertEquals("Uoen", net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(LabelPatternUtil.makeLabel(entry0, "auth3")));
     * Tests if checkLegalKey replaces Non-ASCII chars.
     * There are quite a few chars that should be replaced. Perhaps there is a better method than the current.
     * @see net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey
    public void testCheckLegalKey(){
      // not tested/ not in hashmap UNICODE_CHARS:
      // Ł ł   Ő ő Ű ű   Ŀ ŀ   Ħ ħ   Ð ð Þ þ   Œ œ   Æ æ Ø ø Å å   Ə ə Đ đ   Ů ů  Ǣ ǣ ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ  
      //" Ǣ ǣ ǖ ǘ ǚ ǜ   " +
      //"Đ đ   Ů ů  " +
      //"Ł ł   Ő ő Ű ű   Ŀ ŀ   Ħ ħ   Ð ð Þ þ   Œ œ   Æ æ Ø ø Å å   Ə ə
      String accents =      "ÀàÈèÌìÒòÙù  â Ĉ ĉ Ê ê Ĝ ĝ Ĥ ĥ Î î Ĵ ĵ Ô ô Ŝ ŝ Û û Ŵ ŵ Ŷ ŷ";
      String expectedResult =   "AaEeIiOoUuAaCcEeGgHhIiJjOoSsUuWwYy";
      assertEquals( expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));
      accents =       "ÄäËëÏïÖöÜüŸÿ";
      expectedResult =   "AeaeEeIiOeoeUeueYy";
      assertEquals(expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));
      accents =       "Ç ç Ģ ģ Ķ ķ Ļ ļ Ņ ņ Ŗ ŗ Ş ş Ţ ţ";
      expectedResult =   "CcGgKkLlNnRrSsTt";
      assertEquals(expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));
      accents =       "Ă ă Ĕ ĕ Ğ ğ Ĭ ĭ Ŏ ŏ Ŭ ŭ"
      expectedResult =   "AaEeGgIiOoUu";
      assertEquals(expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));
      accents =       "Ċ ċ Ė ė Ġ ġ İ ı Ż ż";
      expectedResult =   "CcEeGgIiZz";
      assertEquals(expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));
      accents =       "Ą ą Ę ę Į į Ǫ ǫ Ų ų";
      expectedResult =   "AaEeIiOoUu"; // O or Q? o or q?
      assertEquals(expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));   
      accents =       "Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū Ȳ ȳ";
      expectedResult =   "AaEeIiOoUuYy";
      assertEquals(expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));

      accents =       "Ǎ ǎ Č č Ď ď Ě ě Ǐ ǐ Ľ ľ Ň ň Ǒ ǒ Ř ř Š š Ť ť Ǔ ǔ Ž ž";
      expectedResult =   "AaCcDdEeIiLlNnOoRrSsTtUuZz";
      assertEquals(expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));

      expectedResult =   "AaEeIiNnOoUuYy";
      accents =       "ÃãẼẽĨĩÑñÕõŨũỸỹ";
      assertEquals(expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));

      accents =       "Ḍ ḍ Ḥ ḥ Ḷ ḷ Ḹ ḹ Ṃ ṃ Ṇ ṇ Ṛ ṛ Ṝ ṝ Ṣ ṣ Ṭ ṭ";
      expectedResult =   "DdHhLlLlMmNnRrRrSsTt";
      assertEquals(expectedResult, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(accents));

      String totest =  "À à È è Ì ì Ò ò Ù ù   Â â Ĉ ĉ Ê ê Ĝ ĝ Ĥ ĥ Î î Ĵ ĵ Ô ô Ŝ ŝ Û û Ŵ ŵ Ŷ ŷ  Ä ä Ë ë Ï ï Ö ö Ü ü Ÿ ÿ    " +
      "Ã ã Ẽ ẽ Ĩ ĩ Ñ ñ Õ õ Ũ ũ Ỹ ỹ   Ç ç Ģ ģ Ķ ķ Ļ ļ Ņ ņ Ŗ ŗ Ş ş Ţ ţ" +
      " Ǎ ǎ Č č Ď ď Ě ě Ǐ ǐ Ľ ľ Ň ň Ǒ ǒ Ř ř Š š Ť ť Ǔ ǔ Ž ž   " +
      "Ā ā Ē ē Ī ī Ō ō Ū ū Ȳ ȳ" +
      "Ă ă Ĕ ĕ Ğ ğ Ĭ ĭ Ŏ ŏ Ŭ ŭ   " +
      "Ċ ċ Ė ė Ġ ġ İ ı Ż ż   Ą ą Ę ę Į į Ǫ ǫ Ų ų   " +
      "Ḍ ḍ Ḥ ḥ Ḷ ḷ Ḹ ḹ Ṃ ṃ Ṇ ṇ Ṛ ṛ Ṝ ṝ Ṣ ṣ Ṭ ṭ   " ;
      String expectedResults =  "AaEeIiOoUuAaCcEeGgHhIiJjOoSsUuWwYyAeaeEeIiOeoeUeueYy" +
      "AaEeIiNnOoUuYyCcGgKkLlNnRrSsTt" +
      "AaCcDdEeIiLlNnOoRrSsTtUuZz" +
      "AaEeIiOoUuYy" +
      "AaEeGgIiOoUu" +
      "CcEeGgIiZzAaEeIiOoUu" +
      assertEquals(expectedResults, net.sf.jabref.Util.checkLegalKey(totest));
    public void testFirstAuthor() {
                .firstAuthor("I. Newton and J. Maxwell and A. Einstein and N. Bohr and Harry Unknown"));
        assertEquals("Newton", LabelPatternUtil.firstAuthor("I. Newton"));

        assertEquals("K{\\\"o}ning", LabelPatternUtil

        assertEquals("", LabelPatternUtil.firstAuthor(""));

        try {
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {


    public void testAuthIniN() {
                    "I. Newton and J. Maxwell and A. Einstein and N. Bohr and Harry Unknown",
        assertEquals("NMEB", LabelPatternUtil.authIniN(
            "I. Newton and J. Maxwell and A. Einstein and N. Bohr", 4));
        assertEquals("NeME", LabelPatternUtil.authIniN(
            "I. Newton and J. Maxwell and A. Einstein", 4));
        assertEquals("NeMa", LabelPatternUtil.authIniN(
            "I. Newton and J. Maxwell", 4));
        assertEquals("Newt", LabelPatternUtil.authIniN("I. Newton", 4));
        assertEquals("", "");

        assertEquals("N", LabelPatternUtil.authIniN("I. Newton", 1));
        assertEquals("", LabelPatternUtil.authIniN("I. Newton", 0));
        assertEquals("", LabelPatternUtil.authIniN("I. Newton", -1));

        assertEquals("Newton", LabelPatternUtil.authIniN("I. Newton", 6));
        assertEquals("Newton", LabelPatternUtil.authIniN("I. Newton", 7));

        try {
            LabelPatternUtil.authIniN(null, 3);
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {


    public void testFirstPage() {
        assertEquals("7", LabelPatternUtil.firstPage("7--27"));
        assertEquals("27", LabelPatternUtil.firstPage("--27"));
        assertEquals("", LabelPatternUtil.firstPage(""));
        assertEquals("42", LabelPatternUtil.firstPage("42--111"));
        assertEquals("7", LabelPatternUtil.firstPage("7,41,73--97"));
        assertEquals("7", LabelPatternUtil.firstPage("41,7,73--97"));
        assertEquals("43", LabelPatternUtil.firstPage("43+"));

        try {
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {


    public void testLastPage() {

        assertEquals("27", LabelPatternUtil.lastPage("7--27"));
        assertEquals("27", LabelPatternUtil.lastPage("--27"));
        assertEquals("", LabelPatternUtil.lastPage(""));
        assertEquals("111", LabelPatternUtil.lastPage("42--111"));
        assertEquals("97", LabelPatternUtil.lastPage("7,41,73--97"));
        assertEquals("97", LabelPatternUtil.lastPage("7,41,97--73"));
        assertEquals("43", LabelPatternUtil.lastPage("43+"));
        try {
        } catch (NullPointerException e) {



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