Package org.hibernate.dialect

Source Code of org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect$ReadUncommittedLockingStrategy

* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.dialect;

import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Types;

import org.hibernate.Hibernate;
import org.hibernate.LockMode;
import org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException;
import org.hibernate.JDBCException;
import org.hibernate.engine.SessionImplementor;
import org.hibernate.persister.entity.Lockable;
import org.hibernate.cfg.Environment;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.NoArgSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.StandardSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.function.VarArgsSQLFunction;
import org.hibernate.dialect.lock.*;
import org.hibernate.exception.JDBCExceptionHelper;
import org.hibernate.exception.TemplatedViolatedConstraintNameExtracter;
import org.hibernate.exception.ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

* An SQL dialect compatible with HSQLDB (HyperSQL).
* <p/>
* Note this version supports HSQLDB version 1.8 and higher, only.
* <p/>
* Enhancements to version 3.5.0 GA to provide basic support for both HSQLDB 1.8.x and 2.0
* Should work with Hibernate 3.2 and later
* @author Christoph Sturm
* @author Phillip Baird
public class HSQLDialect extends Dialect {

        private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger( HSQLDialect.class );

        public HSQLDialect() {
                registerColumnType( Types.BIGINT, "bigint" );
                registerColumnType( Types.BINARY, "binary" );
                registerColumnType( Types.BIT, "bit" );
                registerColumnType( Types.CHAR, "char(1)" );
                registerColumnType( Types.DATE, "date" );
                registerColumnType( Types.DECIMAL, "decimal($p,$s)" );
                registerColumnType( Types.DOUBLE, "double" );
                registerColumnType( Types.FLOAT, "float" );
                registerColumnType( Types.INTEGER, "integer" );
                registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARBINARY, "longvarbinary" );
                registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARCHAR, "longvarchar" );
                registerColumnType( Types.SMALLINT, "smallint" );
                registerColumnType( Types.TINYINT, "tinyint" );
                registerColumnType( Types.TIME, "time" );
                registerColumnType( Types.TIMESTAMP, "timestamp" );
                registerColumnType( Types.VARCHAR, "varchar($l)" );
                registerColumnType( Types.VARBINARY, "varbinary($l)" );
                registerColumnType( Types.NUMERIC, "numeric($p,$s)" );
                //HSQL 1.8.x has no Blob/Clob support .... but just put these here for now!
                registerColumnType( Types.BLOB, "longvarbinary" );
                registerColumnType( Types.CLOB, "longvarchar" );
                registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARBINARY, "longvarbinary" );
                registerColumnType( Types.LONGVARCHAR, "longvarchar" );

                registerFunction( "ascii", new StandardSQLFunction( "ascii", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "char", new StandardSQLFunction( "char", Hibernate.CHARACTER ) );
                registerFunction( "lower", new StandardSQLFunction( "lower" ) );
                registerFunction( "upper", new StandardSQLFunction( "upper" ) );
                registerFunction( "lcase", new StandardSQLFunction( "lcase" ) );
                registerFunction( "ucase", new StandardSQLFunction( "ucase" ) );
                registerFunction( "soundex", new StandardSQLFunction( "soundex", Hibernate.STRING ) );
                registerFunction( "ltrim", new StandardSQLFunction( "ltrim" ) );
                registerFunction( "rtrim", new StandardSQLFunction( "rtrim" ) );
                registerFunction( "reverse", new StandardSQLFunction( "reverse" ) );
                registerFunction( "space", new StandardSQLFunction( "space", Hibernate.STRING ) );
                registerFunction( "rawtohex", new StandardSQLFunction( "rawtohex" ) );
                registerFunction( "hextoraw", new StandardSQLFunction( "hextoraw" ) );

                registerFunction( "user", new NoArgSQLFunction( "user", Hibernate.STRING ) );
                registerFunction( "database", new NoArgSQLFunction( "database", Hibernate.STRING ) );

                registerFunction( "current_date", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_date", Hibernate.DATE, false ) );
                registerFunction( "curdate", new NoArgSQLFunction( "curdate", Hibernate.DATE ) );
                registerFunction( "current_timestamp", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_timestamp", Hibernate.TIMESTAMP, false ) );
                registerFunction( "now", new NoArgSQLFunction( "now", Hibernate.TIMESTAMP ) );
                registerFunction( "current_time", new NoArgSQLFunction( "current_time", Hibernate.TIME, false ) );
                registerFunction( "curtime", new NoArgSQLFunction( "curtime", Hibernate.TIME ) );
                registerFunction( "day", new StandardSQLFunction( "day", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "dayofweek", new StandardSQLFunction( "dayofweek", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "dayofyear", new StandardSQLFunction( "dayofyear", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "dayofmonth", new StandardSQLFunction( "dayofmonth", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "month", new StandardSQLFunction( "month", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "year", new StandardSQLFunction( "year", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "week", new StandardSQLFunction( "week", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "quarter", new StandardSQLFunction( "quarter", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "hour", new StandardSQLFunction( "hour", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "minute", new StandardSQLFunction( "minute", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "second", new StandardSQLFunction( "second", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );
                registerFunction( "dayname", new StandardSQLFunction( "dayname", Hibernate.STRING ) );
                registerFunction( "monthname", new StandardSQLFunction( "monthname", Hibernate.STRING ) );

                registerFunction( "abs", new StandardSQLFunction( "abs" ) );
                registerFunction( "sign", new StandardSQLFunction( "sign", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );

                registerFunction( "acos", new StandardSQLFunction( "acos", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "asin", new StandardSQLFunction( "asin", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "atan", new StandardSQLFunction( "atan", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "cos", new StandardSQLFunction( "cos", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "cot", new StandardSQLFunction( "cot", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "exp", new StandardSQLFunction( "exp", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "log", new StandardSQLFunction( "log", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "log10", new StandardSQLFunction( "log10", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "sin", new StandardSQLFunction( "sin", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "sqrt", new StandardSQLFunction( "sqrt", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "tan", new StandardSQLFunction( "tan", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "pi", new NoArgSQLFunction( "pi", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "rand", new StandardSQLFunction( "rand", Hibernate.FLOAT ) );

                registerFunction( "radians", new StandardSQLFunction( "radians", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "degrees", new StandardSQLFunction( "degrees", Hibernate.DOUBLE ) );
                registerFunction( "roundmagic", new StandardSQLFunction( "roundmagic" ) );

                registerFunction( "ceiling", new StandardSQLFunction( "ceiling" ) );
                registerFunction( "floor", new StandardSQLFunction( "floor" ) );

                // Multi-param dialect functions...
                registerFunction( "mod", new StandardSQLFunction( "mod", Hibernate.INTEGER ) );

                // function templates
                registerFunction( "concat", new VarArgsSQLFunction( Hibernate.STRING, "(", "||", ")" ) );

                getDefaultProperties().setProperty( Environment.STATEMENT_BATCH_SIZE, DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE );

        public String getAddColumnString() {
                return "add column";

        public boolean supportsIdentityColumns() {
                return true;

        public String getIdentityColumnString() {
                return "generated by default as identity (start with 1)"; //not null is implicit

        public String getIdentitySelectString() {
                return "call identity()";

        public String getIdentityInsertString() {
                return "null";

        public String getForUpdateString() {
                return "";

        public boolean supportsUnique() {
                return false;

        public boolean supportsLimit() {
                return true;

        public String getLimitString(String sql, boolean hasOffset) {
                return new StringBuffer( sql.length()+20 )
                                .append( sql )
                                .append( hasOffset ? " limit ? offset ?" : " limit ?" )

        public boolean bindLimitParametersFirst() {
                return true;

        public boolean supportsIfExistsAfterTableName() {
                return true;

        public boolean supportsColumnCheck() {
                return false;

        public boolean supportsSequences() {
                return true;

        public boolean supportsPooledSequences() {
                return true;

        protected String getCreateSequenceString(String sequenceName) {
                return "create sequence " + sequenceName;

        protected String getDropSequenceString(String sequenceName) {
                return "drop sequence " + sequenceName;

        public String getSelectSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName) {
                return "next value for " + sequenceName;

        public String getSequenceNextValString(String sequenceName) {
                return "call next value for " + sequenceName;

        public String getQuerySequencesString() {
                // this assumes schema support, which is present in 1.8.0 and later...
                return "select sequence_name from information_schema.system_sequences";

        public ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter getViolatedConstraintNameExtracter() {
                return EXTRACTER;

        private static ViolatedConstraintNameExtracter EXTRACTER = new TemplatedViolatedConstraintNameExtracter() {

                 * Extract the name of the violated constraint from the given SQLException.
                 * @param sqle The exception that was the result of the constraint violation.
                 * @return The extracted constraint name.
                public String extractConstraintName(SQLException sqle) {
                        String constraintName = null;

                        int errorCode = JDBCExceptionHelper.extractErrorCode( sqle );

                        if ( errorCode == -8 ) {
                                constraintName = extractUsingTemplate(
                                                "Integrity constraint violation ", " table:", sqle.getMessage()
                        else if ( errorCode == -9 ) {
                                constraintName = extractUsingTemplate(
                                                "Violation of unique index: ", " in statement [", sqle.getMessage()
                        else if ( errorCode == -104 ) {
                                constraintName = extractUsingTemplate(
                                                "Unique constraint violation: ", " in statement [", sqle.getMessage()
                        else if ( errorCode == -177 ) {
                                constraintName = extractUsingTemplate(
                                                "Integrity constraint violation - no parent ", " table:", sqle.getMessage()

                        return constraintName;


         * HSQL does not really support temp tables; just take advantage of the
         * fact that it is a single user db...
        public boolean supportsTemporaryTables() {
                return true;

        // current timestamp support ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

         * Does this dialect support a way to retrieve the database's current
         * timestamp value?
         * @return True if the current timestamp can be retrieved; false otherwise.
        public boolean supportsCurrentTimestampSelection() {
                return true;

         * Should the value returned by {@link #getCurrentTimestampSelectString}
         * be treated as callable.  Typically this indicates that JDBC escape
         * syntax is being used...
         * @return True if the {@link #getCurrentTimestampSelectString} return
         * is callable; false otherwise.
        public boolean isCurrentTimestampSelectStringCallable() {
                return true;

         * Retrieve the command used to retrieve the current timestamp from the
         * database.
         * @return The command.
        public String getCurrentTimestampSelectString() {
                return "call current_timestamp";

         * The name of the database-specific SQL function for retrieving the
         * current timestamp.
         * @return The function name.
        public String getCurrentTimestampSQLFunctionName() {
                // the standard SQL function name is current_timestamp...
                return "current_timestamp";

        public LockingStrategy getLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode) {
                // HSQLDB only supports READ_UNCOMMITTED transaction isolation
                if ( lockMode==LockMode.PESSIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT) {
                        return new PessimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode);
                else if ( lockMode==LockMode.OPTIMISTIC) {
                        return new OptimisticLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode);
                else if ( lockMode==LockMode.OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT) {
                        return new OptimisticForceIncrementLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode);
                return new ReadUncommittedLockingStrategy( lockable, lockMode );


        public static class ReadUncommittedLockingStrategy extends SelectLockingStrategy {
                public ReadUncommittedLockingStrategy(Lockable lockable, LockMode lockMode) {
                        super( lockable, lockMode );

                public void lock(Serializable id, Object version, Object object, int timeout, SessionImplementor session)
                                throws StaleObjectStateException, JDBCException {
                        if ( getLockMode().greaterThan( LockMode.READ ) ) {
                                log.warn( "HSQLDB supports only READ_UNCOMMITTED isolation" );
                        super.lock( id, version, object, timeout, session );

        // Overridden informational metadata ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

        public boolean supportsEmptyInList() {
                return false;

        public boolean supportsLobValueChangePropogation() {
                return false;

Related Classes of org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect$ReadUncommittedLockingStrategy

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