Package org.h2.util

Source Code of org.h2.util.DateTimeUtils

* Copyright 2004-2011 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the H2 License,
* Version 1.0, and under the Eclipse Public License, Version 1.0
* (
* Initial Developer: H2 Group
* Iso8601:
* Initial Developer: Robert Rathsack (firstName dot lastName at gmx dot de)
package org.h2.util;

import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import org.h2.constant.ErrorCode;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueDate;
import org.h2.value.ValueTime;
import org.h2.value.ValueTimestamp;

* This utility class contains time conversion functions.
public class DateTimeUtils {

     * The number of milliseconds per day.
    public static final long MILLIS_PER_DAY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L;

    private static final long NANOS_PER_DAY = MILLIS_PER_DAY * 1000000;

    private static final int SHIFT_YEAR = 9;
    private static final int SHIFT_MONTH = 5;

    private static final int[] NORMAL_DAYS_PER_MONTH = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 };

     * Offsets of month within a year, starting with March, April,...
    private static final int[] DAYS_OFFSET = { 0, 31, 61, 92, 122, 153, 184, 214, 245, 275, 306, 337, 366 };

    private static int zoneOffset;
    private static Calendar cachedCalendar;

    private DateTimeUtils() {
        // utility class

    static {

     * Reset the calendar, for example after changing the default timezone.
    public static void resetCalendar() {
        cachedCalendar = null;

    private static Calendar getCalendar() {
        if (cachedCalendar == null) {
            cachedCalendar = Calendar.getInstance();
            zoneOffset = cachedCalendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET);
        return cachedCalendar;

     * Convert the date to the specified time zone.
     * @param x the date
     * @param calendar the calendar
     * @return the date using the correct time zone
    public static Date convertDateToCalendar(Date x, Calendar calendar) {
        return x == null ? null : new Date(convertToLocal(x, calendar));

     * Convert the time to the specified time zone.
     * @param x the time
     * @param calendar the calendar
     * @return the time using the correct time zone
    public static Time convertTimeToCalendar(Time x, Calendar calendar) {
        return x == null ? null : new Time(convertToLocal(x, calendar));

     * Convert the timestamp to the specified time zone.
     * @param x the timestamp
     * @param calendar the calendar
     * @return the timestamp using the correct time zone
    public static Timestamp convertTimestampToCalendar(Timestamp x, Calendar calendar) {
        if (x != null) {
            Timestamp y = new Timestamp(convertToLocal(x, calendar));
            // fix the nano seconds
            x = y;
        return x;

     * Convert the date from the specified time zone to UTC.
     * @param x the date
     * @param source the calendar
     * @return the date in UTC
    public static Value convertDateToUTC(Date x, Calendar source) {
        return ValueDate.get(new Date(convertToUTC(x, source)));

     * Convert the time from the specified time zone to UTC.
     * @param x the time
     * @param source the calendar
     * @return the time in UTC
    public static Value convertTimeToUTC(Time x, Calendar source) {
        return ValueTime.get(new Time(convertToUTC(x, source)));

     * Convert the timestamp from the specified time zone to UTC.
     * @param x the time
     * @param source the calendar
     * @return the timestamp in UTC
    public static Value convertTimestampToUTC(Timestamp x, Calendar source) {
        Timestamp y = new Timestamp(convertToUTC(x, source));
        // fix the nano seconds
        return ValueTimestamp.get(y);

     * Convert the date value to UTC using the given calendar.
     * @param x the date
     * @param source the source calendar
     * @return the UTC number of milliseconds.
    private static long convertToUTC(java.util.Date x, Calendar source) {
        if (source == null) {
            throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("calendar", null);
        source = (Calendar) source.clone();
        Calendar universal = getCalendar();
        synchronized (universal) {
            convertTime(source, universal);
            return universal.getTime().getTime();

     * Convert a date to the specified time zone.
     * @param x the date to convert
     * @param target the calendar with the target timezone
     * @return the milliseconds the milliseconds in UTC
    public static long convertToLocal(java.util.Date x, Calendar target) {
        if (target == null) {
            throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("calendar", null);
        target = (Calendar) target.clone();
        Calendar local = Calendar.getInstance();
        synchronized (local) {
            convertTime(local, target);
        return target.getTime().getTime();

    private static void convertTime(Calendar from, Calendar to) {
        to.set(Calendar.ERA, from.get(Calendar.ERA));
        to.set(Calendar.YEAR, from.get(Calendar.YEAR));
        to.set(Calendar.MONTH, from.get(Calendar.MONTH));
        to.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, from.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
        to.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, from.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY));
        to.set(Calendar.MINUTE, from.get(Calendar.MINUTE));
        to.set(Calendar.SECOND, from.get(Calendar.SECOND));
        to.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, from.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND));

     * Parse a date string. The format is: [+|-]year-month-day
     * @param s the string to parse
     * @param start the parse index start
     * @param end the parse index end
     * @return the date value
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is a problem
    public static long parseDateValue(String s, int start, int end) {
        if (s.charAt(start) == '+') {
            // +year
        // start at position 1 to support "-year"
        int s1 = s.indexOf('-', start + 1);
        int s2 = s.indexOf('-', s1 + 1);
        if (s1 <= 0 || s2 <= s1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
        int year = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(start, s1));
        int month = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s1 + 1, s2));
        int day = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s2 + 1, end));
        if (!isValidDate(year, month, day)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(year + "-" + month + "-" + day);
        return dateValue(year, month, day);

     * Parse a time string. The format is: [-]hour:minute:second[.nanos]
     * @param s the string to parse
     * @param start the parse index start
     * @param end the parse index end
     * @param timeOfDay whether the result need to be within 0 (inclusive) and 1
     *            day (exclusive)
     * @return the time in nanoseconds
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is a problem
    public static long parseTimeNanos(String s, int start, int end, boolean timeOfDay) {
        int hour = 0, minute = 0, second = 0;
        long nanos = 0;
        int s1 = s.indexOf(':', start);
        int s2 = s.indexOf(':', s1 + 1);
        int s3 = s.indexOf('.', s2 + 1);
        if (s1 <= 0 || s2 <= s1) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
        boolean negative;
        hour = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(start, s1));
        if (hour < 0) {
            if (timeOfDay) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
            negative = true;
            hour = -hour;
        } else {
            negative = false;
        minute = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s1 + 1, s2));
        if (s3 < 0) {
            second = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s2 + 1, end));
        } else {
            second = Integer.parseInt(s.substring(s2 + 1, s3));
            String n = (s.substring(s3 + 1, end) + "000000000").substring(0, 9);
            nanos = Integer.parseInt(n);
        if (hour >= 2000000 || minute < 0 || minute >= 60 || second < 0 || second >= 60) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
        if (timeOfDay && hour >= 24) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
        nanos += ((((hour * 60L) + minute) * 60) + second) * 1000000000;
        return negative ? -nanos : nanos;

     * Calculate the milliseconds for the given date and time in the specified
     * timezone.
     * @param tz the timezone
     * @param year the absolute year (positive or negative)
     * @param month the month (1-12)
     * @param day the day (1-31)
     * @param hour the hour (0-23)
     * @param minute the minutes (0-59)
     * @param second the number of seconds (0-59)
     * @param millis the number of milliseconds
     * @return the number of milliseconds
    public static long getMillis(TimeZone tz, int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millis) {
        try {
            return getTimeTry(false, tz, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // special case: if the time simply doesn't exist because of
            // daylight saving time changes, use the lenient version
            String message = e.toString();
            if (message.indexOf("HOUR_OF_DAY") > 0) {
                if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) {
                    throw e;
                return getTimeTry(true, tz, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis);
            } else if (message.indexOf("DAY_OF_MONTH") > 0) {
                int maxDay;
                if (month == 2) {
                    maxDay = new GregorianCalendar().isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28;
                } else {
                    maxDay = 30 + ((month + (month > 7 ? 1 : 0)) & 1);
                if (day < 1 || day > maxDay) {
                    throw e;
                // DAY_OF_MONTH is thrown for years > 2037
                // using the timezone Brasilia and others,
                // for example for 2042-10-12 00:00:00.
                hour += 6;
                return getTimeTry(true, tz, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis);
            } else {
                return getTimeTry(true, tz, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis);

    private static long getTimeTry(boolean lenient, TimeZone tz,
            int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second,
            int millis) {
        Calendar c;
        if (tz == null) {
            c = getCalendar();
        } else {
            c = Calendar.getInstance(tz);
        synchronized (c) {
            if (year <= 0) {
                c.set(Calendar.ERA, GregorianCalendar.BC);
                c.set(Calendar.YEAR, 1 - year);
            } else {
                c.set(Calendar.ERA, GregorianCalendar.AD);
                c.set(Calendar.YEAR, year);
            // january is 0
            c.set(Calendar.MONTH, month - 1);
            c.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, day);
            c.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, hour);
            c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute);
            c.set(Calendar.SECOND, second);
            c.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, millis);
            return c.getTime().getTime();

     * Get the specified field of a date, however with years normalized to
     * positive or negative, and month starting with 1.
     * @param d the date
     * @param field the field type
     * @return the value
    public static int getDatePart(java.util.Date d, int field) {
        Calendar c = getCalendar();
        synchronized (c) {
            if (field == Calendar.YEAR) {
                return getYear(c);
            int value = c.get(field);
            if (field == Calendar.MONTH) {
                return value + 1;
            return value;

     * Get the year (positive or negative) from a calendar.
     * @param calendar the calendar
     * @return the year
    private static int getYear(Calendar calendar) {
        int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR);
        if (calendar.get(Calendar.ERA) == GregorianCalendar.BC) {
            year = 1 - year;
        return year;

     * Get the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 in the local timezone, but
     * without daylight saving time into account.
     * @param d the date
     * @return the milliseconds
    public static long getTimeLocalWithoutDst(java.util.Date d) {
        return d.getTime() + zoneOffset;

     * Convert the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01 in the local timezone
     * to UTC, but without daylight saving time into account.
     * @param millis the number of milliseconds in the local timezone
     * @return the number of milliseconds in UTC
    public static long getTimeUTCWithoutDst(long millis) {
        return millis - zoneOffset;

     * Return the day of week according to the ISO 8601 specification. Week
     * starts at Monday. See also
     * @author Robert Rathsack
     * @param date the date object which day of week should be calculated
     * @return the day of the week, Monday as 1 to Sunday as 7
    public static int getIsoDayOfWeek(java.util.Date date) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        int val = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) - 1;
        return val == 0 ? 7 : val;

     * Returns the week of the year according to the ISO 8601 specification. The
     * spec defines the first week of the year as the week which contains at
     * least 4 days of the new year. The week starts at Monday. Therefore
     * December 29th - 31th could belong to the next year and January 1st - 3th
     * could belong to the previous year. If January 1st is on Thursday (or
     * earlier) it belongs to the first week, otherwise to the last week of the
     * previous year. Hence January 4th always belongs to the first week while
     * the December 28th always belongs to the last week.
     * @author Robert Rathsack
     * @param date the date object which week of year should be calculated
     * @return the week of the year
    public static int getIsoWeek(java.util.Date date) {
        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
        return c.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);

     * Returns the year according to the ISO week definition.
     * @author Robert Rathsack
     * @param date the date object which year should be calculated
     * @return the year
    public static int getIsoYear(java.util.Date date) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        int year = getYear(cal);
        int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH);
        int week = cal.get(Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR);
        if (month == 0 && week > 51) {
        } else if (month == 11 && week == 1) {
        return year;

     * Formats a date using a format string.
     * @param date the date to format
     * @param format the format string
     * @param locale the locale
     * @param timeZone the timezone
     * @return the formatted date
    public static String formatDateTime(java.util.Date date, String format, String locale, String timeZone) {
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = getDateFormat(format, locale, timeZone);
        synchronized (dateFormat) {
            return dateFormat.format(date);

     * Parses a date using a format string.
     * @param date the date to parse
     * @param format the parsing format
     * @param locale the locale
     * @param timeZone the timeZone
     * @return the parsed date
    public static java.util.Date parseDateTime(String date, String format, String locale, String timeZone) {
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = getDateFormat(format, locale, timeZone);
        try {
            synchronized (dateFormat) {
                return dateFormat.parse(date);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // ParseException
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.PARSE_ERROR_1, e, date);

    private static SimpleDateFormat getDateFormat(String format, String locale, String timeZone) {
        try {
            // currently, a new instance is create for each call
            // however, could cache the last few instances
            SimpleDateFormat df;
            if (locale == null) {
                df = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
            } else {
                Locale l = new Locale(locale);
                df = new SimpleDateFormat(format, l);
            if (timeZone != null) {
            return df;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw DbException.get(ErrorCode.PARSE_ERROR_1, e, format + "/" + locale + "/" + timeZone);

     * Verify if the specified date is valid.
     * @param year the year
     * @param month the month (January is 1)
     * @param day the day (1 is the first of the month)
     * @return true if it is valid
    public static boolean isValidDate(int year, int month, int day) {
        if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1) {
            return false;
        if (year > 1582) {
            // Gregorian calendar
            if (month != 2) {
                return day <= NORMAL_DAYS_PER_MONTH[month];
            // February
            if ((year & 3) != 0) {
                return day <= 28;
            return day <= ((year % 100 != 0) || (year % 400 == 0) ? 29 : 28);
        } else if (year == 1582 && month == 10) {
            // special case: days 1582-10-05 .. 1582-10-14 don't exist
            return day <= 31 && (day < 5 || day > 14);
        if (month != 2 && day <= NORMAL_DAYS_PER_MONTH[month]) {
            return true;
        return day <= ((year & 3) != 0 ? 28 : 29);

     * Convert a date value to a date, using the default timezone.
     * @param dateValue the date value
     * @return the date
    public static Date convertDateValueToDate(long dateValue) {
        long millis = getMillis(TimeZone.getDefault(),
                dayFromDateValue(dateValue), 0, 0, 0, 0);
        return new Date(millis);

     * Convert a date value / time value to a timestamp, using the default
     * timezone.
     * @param dateValue the date value
     * @param nanos the nanoseconds since midnight
     * @return the timestamp
    public static Timestamp convertDateValueToTimestamp(long dateValue, long nanos) {
        long millis = nanos / 1000000;
        nanos -= millis * 1000000;
        long s = millis / 1000;
        millis -= s * 1000;
        long m = s / 60;
        s -= m * 60;
        long h = m / 60;
        m -= h * 60;
        long ms = getMillis(TimeZone.getDefault(),
                (int) h, (int) m, (int) s, 0);
        Timestamp ts = new Timestamp(ms);
        ts.setNanos((int) (nanos + millis * 1000000));
        return ts;

     * Convert a time value to a time, using the default
     * timezone.
     * @param nanos the nanoseconds since midnight
     * @return the time
    public static Time convertNanoToTime(long nanos) {
        long millis = nanos / 1000000;
        long s = millis / 1000;
        millis -= s * 1000;
        long m = s / 60;
        s -= m * 60;
        long h = m / 60;
        m -= h * 60;
        long ms = getMillis(TimeZone.getDefault(),
                1970, 1, 1, (int) (h % 24), (int) m, (int) s, (int) millis);
        return new Time(ms);

     * Get the year from a date value.
     * @param x the date value
     * @return the year
    public static int yearFromDateValue(long x) {
        return (int) (x >>> SHIFT_YEAR);

     * Get the month from a date value.
     * @param x the date value
     * @return the month (1..12)
    public static int monthFromDateValue(long x) {
        return (int) (x >>> SHIFT_MONTH) & 15;

     * Get the day of month from a date value.
     * @param x the date value
     * @return the day (1..31)
    public static int dayFromDateValue(long x) {
        return (int) (x & 31);

     * Get the date value from a given date.
     * @param year the year
     * @param month the month (1..12)
     * @param day the day (1..31)
     * @return the date value
    public static long dateValue(long year, int month, int day) {
        return (year << SHIFT_YEAR) | (month << SHIFT_MONTH) | day;

     * Calculate the date value (in the default timezone) from a given time in
     * milliseconds in UTC.
     * @param ms the milliseconds
     * @return the date value
    public static long dateValueFromDate(long ms) {
        Calendar cal = getCalendar();
        synchronized (cal) {
            int year, month, day;
            year = getYear(cal);
            month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
            day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
            return ((long) year << SHIFT_YEAR) | (month << SHIFT_MONTH) | day;

     * Calculate the nanoseconds since midnight (in the default timezone) from a
     * given time in milliseconds in UTC.
     * @param ms the milliseconds
     * @return the date value
    public static long nanosFromDate(long ms) {
        Calendar cal = getCalendar();
        synchronized (cal) {
            int h = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);
            int m = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);
            int s = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND);
            int millis = cal.get(Calendar.MILLISECOND);
            return ((((((h * 60L) + m) * 60) + s) * 1000) + millis) * 1000000;

     * Calculate the normalized timestamp.
     * @param absoluteDay the absolute day
     * @param nanos the nanoseconds (may be negative or larger than one day)
     * @return the timestamp
    public static ValueTimestamp normalizeTimestamp(long absoluteDay, long nanos) {
        if (nanos > NANOS_PER_DAY || nanos < 0) {
            long d;
            if (nanos > NANOS_PER_DAY) {
                d = nanos / NANOS_PER_DAY;
            } else {
                d = (nanos - NANOS_PER_DAY + 1) / NANOS_PER_DAY;
            nanos -= d * NANOS_PER_DAY;
            absoluteDay += d;
        return ValueTimestamp.fromDateValueAndNanos(dateValueFromAbsoluteDay(absoluteDay), nanos);

     * Calculate the absolute day from a date value.
     * @param dateValue the date value
     * @return the absolute day
    public static long absoluteDayFromDateValue(long dateValue) {
        long y = yearFromDateValue(dateValue);
        int m = monthFromDateValue(dateValue);
        int d = dayFromDateValue(dateValue);
        if (m <= 2) {
            m += 12;
        long a = ((y * 2922L) >> 3) + DAYS_OFFSET[m - 3] + d - 719484;
        if (y <= 1582 && ((y < 1582) || (m * 100 + d < 1005))) {
            // Julian calendar (cutover at 1582-10-04 / 1582-10-15)
            a += 13;
        } else if (y < 1901 || y > 2099) {
            // Gregorian calendar (slow mode)
            a += (y / 400) - (y / 100) + 15;
        return a;

     * Calculate the date value from an absolute day.
     * @param absoluteDay the absolute day
     * @return the date value
    public static long dateValueFromAbsoluteDay(long absoluteDay) {
        long d = absoluteDay + 719468;
        long y100 = 0, offset;
        if (d > 578040) {
            // Gregorian calendar
            long y400 = d / 146097;
            d -= y400 * 146097;
            y100 = d / 36524;
            d -= y100 * 36524;
            offset = y400 * 400 + y100 * 100;
        } else {
            // Julian calendar
            d += 292200000002L;
            offset = -800000000;
        long y4 = d / 1461;
        d -= y4 * 1461;
        long y = d / 365;
        d -= y * 365;
        if (d == 0 && (y == 4 || y100 == 4)) {
            d += 365;
        y += offset + y4 * 4;
        // month of a day
        int m = ((int) d * 2 + 1) * 5 / 306;
        d -= DAYS_OFFSET[m] - 1;
        if (m >= 10) {
            m -= 12;
        return dateValue(y, m + 3, (int) d);


Related Classes of org.h2.util.DateTimeUtils

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