Package com.ettrema.mail.receive

Source Code of com.ettrema.mail.receive.SubethaSmtpServer

package com.ettrema.mail.receive;

import com.ettrema.mail.AcceptEvent;
import com.ettrema.mail.DeliverEvent;
import com.ettrema.mail.Event;
import com.ettrema.mail.Filter;
import com.ettrema.mail.FilterChain;
import com.ettrema.mail.MailResourceFactory;
import com.ettrema.mail.Mailbox;
import com.ettrema.mail.MailboxAddress;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.Session;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.subethamail.smtp.MessageListener;
import org.subethamail.smtp.TooMuchDataException;
import org.subethamail.smtp.server.CommandHandler;
import org.subethamail.smtp.server.MessageListenerAdapter;
import org.subethamail.smtp.server.SMTPServer;

public class SubethaSmtpServer implements MessageListener, SmtpServer {
    private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SubethaSmtpServer.class);
    protected SMTPServer smtpReceivingServer;
    protected final int smtpPort;
    protected final boolean enableTls;
    protected final MailResourceFactory resourceFactory;
    protected final List<Filter> filters;

    public SubethaSmtpServer(int smtpPort, boolean enableTls, MailResourceFactory resourceFactory, List<Filter> filters) {
        if( resourceFactory ==null ) throw new RuntimeException( "Configuration problem. resourceFactory cannot be null");
        this.smtpPort = smtpPort;
        this.enableTls = enableTls;
        this.resourceFactory = resourceFactory;
        this.filters = filters;
        log.debug( "filters: " + filters.size());

    public SubethaSmtpServer(MailResourceFactory resourceFactory, List<Filter> filters) {
        this(25,false,resourceFactory, filters);

    public void start() {
        initSmtpReceiver();"starting SMTP server on port: " + this.smtpReceivingServer.getPort() + " address: " + this.smtpReceivingServer.getBindAddress());
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Exception starting SMTP server. port: " + this.smtpReceivingServer.getPort() + " address: " + this.smtpReceivingServer.getBindAddress(), e);
        }"Geroa email server started.");

    public void stop() {
        try {
        } catch( Exception e ) {
            log.debug( "exception stopping smtp receiver: " + e.getMessage()); // probably interrupted ex
        smtpReceivingServer = null;

    protected String getSubjectDontThrow(MimeMessage mm) {
        try {
            return mm.getSubject();
        } catch (MessagingException ex) {
            return "[couldnt_read_subject]";
    protected void initSmtpReceiver() {
        Collection<MessageListener> listeners = new ArrayList<MessageListener>(1);

        if( enableTls ) {
  "Creating TLS enabled server");
            this.smtpReceivingServer = new SMTPServer(listeners);
        } else {
  "Creating TLS DIS-abled server");
            this.smtpReceivingServer = new TlsDisabledSmtpServer(listeners);
        CommandHandler cmdHandler = this.smtpReceivingServer.getCommandHandler();

        MessageListenerAdapter mla = (MessageListenerAdapter) smtpReceivingServer.getMessageHandlerFactory();
     * Subetha.MessageListener
    public boolean accept(String sFrom, String sRecipient) {
        log.debug("accept? " + sFrom + " - " +sRecipient);
        if( sFrom == null || sFrom.length() == 0 ) {
            log.error("Cannot accept email with no from address. Recipient is: " + sRecipient);
            return false;
        final AcceptEvent event = new AcceptEvent(sFrom, sRecipient);
        Filter terminal = new Filter() {

            public void doEvent(FilterChain chain, Event e) {
                MailboxAddress recip = MailboxAddress.parse(event.getRecipient());
                Mailbox recipMailbox = resourceFactory.getMailbox(recip);

                boolean b = (recipMailbox != null && !recipMailbox.isEmailDisabled());
                log.debug("accept email from: " + event.getFrom() + " to: " + event.getRecipient() + "?" + b);
        FilterChain chain = new FilterChain(filters, terminal);
        return event.isAccept();

     * Subetha MessageListener. Called when an SMTP message has bee received. Could
     * be a send request from our domain or an email to our domain
    public void deliver(String sFrom, String sRecipient, final InputStream data) throws TooMuchDataException, IOException {
        log.debug("deliver email from: " + sFrom + " to: " + sRecipient);
        log.debug("email from: " + sFrom + " to: " + sRecipient);
        final DeliverEvent event = new DeliverEvent(sFrom, sRecipient, data);
        Filter terminal = new Filter() {

            public void doEvent(FilterChain chain, Event e) {
                MailboxAddress from = MailboxAddress.parse(event.getFrom());
                MailboxAddress recip = MailboxAddress.parse(event.getRecipient());

                MimeMessage mm = parseInput(data);

                Mailbox recipMailbox = resourceFactory.getMailbox(recip);
                log.debug("recipient is known to us, so store: " + recip);

        FilterChain chain = new FilterChain(filters, terminal);

    protected MimeMessage parseInput(InputStream data) {
        try {
            MimeMessage mm = new MimeMessage( getSession(), data );
            log.debug( "encoding: " + mm.getEncoding());
            return mm;
            //return new SMTPMessage(getSession(), data);
        } catch (MessagingException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

    protected  Session getSession() {
        return null;

    protected void storeMail(Mailbox recipMailbox, MimeMessage mm) {
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            String subject = getSubjectDontThrow(mm);
            log.error("Exception storing mail. mailbox: " + recipMailbox.getClass() + " message: " + subject,e);

    public int getSmtpPort() {
        return smtpPort;

    public boolean isEnableTls() {
        return enableTls;

    public MailResourceFactory getResourceFactory() {
        return resourceFactory;


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