
Source Code of

/* Copyright (c) 2001, 2003 TOPP -  All rights reserved.
* This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, availible at the root
* application directory.

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope;
import org.geotools.filter.FilterTransformer;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException;

* XMLConfigWriter purpose.
* <p>
* This class is intended to store a configuration to be written and complete
* the output to XML.
* </p>
* <p></p>
* @author dzwiers, Refractions Research, Inc.
* @version $Id:,v 1.32 2004/09/20 20:43:37 cholmesny Exp $
public class XMLConfigWriter {
    /** Used internally to create log information to detect errors. */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(

     * XMLConfigWriter constructor.
     * <p>
     * Should never be called.
     * </p>
    private XMLConfigWriter() {

    public static void store(DataDTO data, File root)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.fine("In method store DataDTO");

        if (data == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("DataDTO is null: cannot write.");

        WriterUtils.initFile(root, true);
  boolean inDataDir = GeoserverDataDirectory.isTrueDataDir();
  //We're just checking if it's actually a data_dir, not trying to
  //to do backwards compatibility.  So if an old data_dir is made in
  //the old way, on save it'll come to the new way.
  File fileDir = inDataDir ? root : new File(root, "WEB-INF/");
        File configDir = WriterUtils.initFile(fileDir, true);

        File catalogFile = WriterUtils.initWriteFile(new File(configDir,
                    "catalog.xml"), false);

        try {
            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(catalogFile);
            storeCatalog(new WriterHelper(fw), data);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Store" + root, e);
  File dataDir;
  if (!inDataDir) {
      dataDir = WriterUtils.initFile(new File(root, "data/"), true);
  } else {
      dataDir = root;
        File featureTypeDir = WriterUtils.initFile(new File(dataDir,
                    "featureTypes/"), true);
        storeFeatures(featureTypeDir, data);

    public static void store(WMSDTO wms, WFSDTO wfs, GeoServerDTO geoServer,
        File root) throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finest("In method store WMSDTO,WFSDTO, GeoServerDTO");

        if (geoServer == null) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                "null parameter in store(WFSDTO,WMSDTO, GeoServerDTO): cannot write.");

        WriterUtils.initFile(root, true);

  boolean inDataDir = GeoserverDataDirectory.isTrueDataDir();
  //We're just checking if it's actually a data_dir, not trying to
  //to do backwards compatibility.  So if an old data_dir is made in
  //the old way, on save it'll come to the new way.
  File fileDir = inDataDir ? root : new File(root, "WEB-INF/");
        File configDir = WriterUtils.initFile(fileDir, true);
        File configFile = WriterUtils.initWriteFile(new File(configDir,
                    "services.xml"), false);

        try {
            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(configFile);
            storeServices(new WriterHelper(fw), wms, wfs, geoServer);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Store" + root, e);

    public static void store(WMSDTO wms, WFSDTO wfs, GeoServerDTO geoServer,
        DataDTO data, File root) throws ConfigurationException {
        store(wms, wfs, geoServer, root);
        store(data, root);

     * storeServices purpose.
     * <p>
     * Writes the services.xml file from the model in memory.
     * </p>
     * @param cw The Configuration Writer
     * @param wms DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param wfs DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param geoServer DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO exception occurs.
    protected static void storeServices(WriterHelper cw, WMSDTO wms,
        WFSDTO wfs, GeoServerDTO geoServer) throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finer("In method storeServices");
        cw.writeln("<?config.xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");
        cw.comment("Service level configuration");

        GeoServerDTO g = geoServer;

        if (g != null) {

            if (g.getLoggingLevel() != null) {
                    "Defines the logging level.  Common options are SEVERE,\n"
                    + "WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINER, FINEST, in order of\n"
                    + "Increasing statements logged.");
                cw.textTag("loggingLevel", g.getLoggingLevel().getName());

            if (g.getLogLocation() != null) {
                cw.textTag("logLocation", g.getLogLocation());

            /*if(g.getBaseUrl()!=null && g.getBaseUrl()!=""){
               cw.comment("The base URL where this servlet will run.  If running locally\n"+
               "then http://localhost:8080 (or whatever port you're running on)\n"+
               "should work.  If you are serving to the world then this must be\n"+
               "the location where the geoserver servlets appear");
            cw.comment("Sets the max number of Features returned by GetFeature");
            cw.valueTag("maxFeatures", "" + g.getMaxFeatures());
            cw.comment("Whether newlines and indents should be returned in \n"
                + "XML responses.  Default is false");
            cw.valueTag("verbose", "" + g.isVerbose());
                "Whether the Service Exceptions returned to clients should contain\n"
                + "full java stack traces (useful for debugging). ");
            cw.valueTag("verboseExceptions", "" + g.isVerboseExceptions());
                "Sets the max number of decimal places past the zero returned in\n"
                + "a GetFeature response.  Default is 4");
            cw.valueTag("numDecimals", "" + g.getNumDecimals());

            if (g.getCharSet() != null) {
                    "Sets the global character set.  This could use some more testing\n"
                    + "from international users, but what it does is sets the encoding\n"
                    + "globally for all postgis database connections (the charset tag\n"
                    + "in FeatureTypeConfig), as well as specifying the encoding in the return\n"
                    + "config.xml header and mime type.  The default is UTF-8.  Also be warned\n"
                    + "that GeoServer does not check if the CharSet is valid before\n"
                    + "attempting to use it, so it will fail miserably if a bad charset\n"
                    + "is used.");
                cw.valueTag("charSet", g.getCharSet().toString());

            if ((g.getSchemaBaseUrl() != null) && (g.getSchemaBaseUrl() != "")) {
                    "Define a base url for the location of the wfs schemas.\n"
                    + "By default GeoServer loads and references its own at\n"
                    + "<URL>/data/capabilities. Uncomment to enable.  The\n"
                    + "standalone Tomcat server needs SchemaBaseUrl defined\n"
                    + "for validation.");
                cw.textTag("SchemaBaseUrl", g.getSchemaBaseUrl());

            if ((g.getAdminUserName() != null) && (g.getAdminUserName() != "")) {
                    "Defines the user name of the administrator for log in\n"
                    + "to the web based administration tool.");
                cw.textTag("adminUserName", g.getAdminUserName());

            if ((g.getAdminPassword() != null) && (g.getAdminPassword() != "")) {
                    "Defines the password of the administrator for log in\n"
                    + "to the web based administration tool.");
                cw.textTag("adminPassword", g.getAdminPassword());

            if (g.getContact() != null) {
                storeContact(g.getContact(), cw);


        if (!((wfs == null) && (wms == null))) {

            if (wfs != null) {
                storeService(wfs, cw);

            if (wms != null) {
                storeService(wms, cw);

            // Z39.50 is not used in the current system.


     * storeContact purpose.
     * <p>
     * Writes a contact into the WriterUtils provided from the ContactConfig
     * provided.
     * </p>
     * @param c The ContactConfig to write.
     * @param cw The Configuration Writer
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO exception occurs.
    protected static void storeContact(ContactDTO c, WriterHelper cw)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finer("In method storeContact");

        if ((c != null) && !c.equals(new ContactDTO())) {
            cw.textTag("ContactPerson", c.getContactPerson());
            cw.textTag("ContactOrganization", c.getContactOrganization());
            cw.textTag("ContactPosition", c.getContactPosition());
            cw.textTag("AddressType", c.getAddressType());
            cw.textTag("Address", c.getAddress());
            cw.textTag("City", c.getAddressCity());
            cw.textTag("StateOrProvince", c.getAddressState());
            cw.textTag("PostCode", c.getAddressPostalCode());
            cw.textTag("Country", c.getAddressCountry());
            cw.textTag("ContactVoiceTelephone", c.getContactVoice());
            cw.textTag("ContactFacsimileTelephone", c.getContactFacsimile());
            cw.textTag("ContactElectronicMailAddress", c.getContactEmail());

     * storeService purpose.
     * <p>
     * Writes a service into the WriterUtils provided from the WFS or WMS
     * object provided.
     * </p>
     * @param obj either a WFS or WMS object.
     * @param cw The Configuration Writer
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO exception occurs or the object
     *         provided is not of the correct type.
    protected static void storeService(Object obj, WriterHelper cw)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finer("In method storeService");

        ServiceDTO s = null;
        String u = null;
        String t = "";
        boolean fBounds = false;
        boolean srsXmlStyle = false;
        int serviceLevel = 0;
        String svgRenderer = null;
        boolean svgAntiAlias = false;
        boolean citeConformanceHacks = false;

        if (obj instanceof WFSDTO) {
            WFSDTO w = (WFSDTO) obj;
            s = w.getService();
            t = "WFS";
            fBounds = w.isFeatureBounding();
            srsXmlStyle = w.isSrsXmlStyle();
            serviceLevel = w.getServiceLevel();
            citeConformanceHacks = w.getCiteConformanceHacks();
        } else if (obj instanceof WMSDTO) {
            WMSDTO w = (WMSDTO) obj;
            s = w.getService();
            t = "WMS";
            svgRenderer = w.getSvgRenderer();
            svgAntiAlias = w.getSvgAntiAlias();
        } else {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Invalid object: not WMS of WFS");

        Map atrs = new HashMap();
        atrs.put("type", t);
        atrs.put("enabled", s.isEnabled() + "");
        cw.openTag("service", atrs);
            "ServiceDTO elements, needed for the capabilities document\n"
            + "Title and OnlineResource are the two required");

        if ((s.getName() != null) && (s.getName() != "")) {
            cw.textTag("name", s.getName());

        if ((s.getTitle() != null) && (s.getTitle() != "")) {
            cw.textTag("title", s.getTitle());

        if ((s.getAbstract() != null) && (s.getAbstract() != "")) {
            cw.textTag("abstract", s.getAbstract());

        if (s.getKeywords().length != 0) {

            for (int i = 0; i < s.getKeywords().length; i++) {
                cw.textTag("keyword", (s.getKeywords())[i].toString());


        if (s.getOnlineResource() != null) {
            cw.textTag("onlineResource", s.getOnlineResource().toString());

        if ((s.getFees() != null) && (s.getFees() != "")) {
            cw.textTag("fees", s.getFees());

        if ((s.getAccessConstraints() != null)
                && (s.getAccessConstraints() != "")) {
            cw.textTag("accessConstraints", s.getAccessConstraints());

        if (fBounds) {
            cw.valueTag("featureBounding", fBounds + "");

        //if (srsXmlStyle) {
        cw.valueTag("srsXmlStyle", srsXmlStyle + "");

        if (serviceLevel != 0) {
            cw.valueTag("serviceLevel", serviceLevel + "");

        if (obj instanceof WFSDTO) //DJB: this method (storeService) doesnt separate WFS and WMS very well!
            cw.textTag("citeConformanceHacks", citeConformanceHacks + "");

        if ((s.getMaintainer() != null) && (s.getMaintainer() != "")) {
            cw.textTag("maintainer", s.getMaintainer());

        if (svgRenderer != null) {
            cw.textTag("svgRenderer", svgRenderer);

        if (obj instanceof WMSDTO) {
            cw.textTag("svgAntiAlias", svgAntiAlias + "");


     * storeCatalog purpose.
     * <p>
     * Writes a catalog into the WriterUtils provided from Data provided in
     * memory.
     * </p>
     * @param cw The Configuration Writer
     * @param data DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO exception occurs.
    protected static void storeCatalog(WriterHelper cw, DataDTO data)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finer("In method storeCatalog");
        cw.writeln("<?config.xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");

        //DJB: this used to not put in a datastores tag if there were none defined.
        //     this caused the loader to blow up.  I changed it so it puts an empty <datastore> here!
            "a datastore configuration element serves as a common data source connection\n"
            + "parameters repository for all featuretypes it holds.");

        Iterator i = data.getDataStores().keySet().iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String s = (String);
            DataStoreInfoDTO ds = (DataStoreInfoDTO) data.getDataStores().get(s);

            if (ds != null) {
                storeDataStore(cw, ds);


        //DJB: since datastore screws up if the tag is missing, I'm fixing it here too
        cw.comment("Defines namespaces to be used by the datastores.");

        i = data.getNameSpaces().keySet().iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String s = (String);
            NameSpaceInfoDTO ns = (NameSpaceInfoDTO) data.getNameSpaces().get(s);

            if (ns != null) {
                storeNameSpace(cw, ns);


        //DJB: since datastore screws up if the tag is missing, I'm fixing it here too
            "Defines the style ids to be used by the wms.  The files must be\n"
            + "contained in geoserver/misc/wms/styles.  We're working on finding\n"
            + "a better place for them, but for now that's where you must put them\n"
            + "if you want them on the server.");

        i = data.getStyles().keySet().iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String s = (String);
            StyleDTO st = (StyleDTO) data.getStyles().get(s);

            if (st != null) {
                storeStyle(cw, st);



     * storeDataStore purpose.
     * <p>
     * Writes a DataStoreInfo into the WriterUtils provided.
     * </p>
     * @param cw The Configuration Writer
     * @param ds The Datastore.
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO exception occurs.
    protected static void storeDataStore(WriterHelper cw, DataStoreInfoDTO ds)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finer("In method storeDataStore");

        Map temp = new HashMap();

        if (ds.getId() != null) {
            temp.put("id", ds.getId());

        temp.put("enabled", ds.isEnabled() + "");

        if (ds.getNameSpaceId() != null) {
            temp.put("namespace", ds.getNameSpaceId());

        cw.openTag("datastore", temp);

        if ((ds.getAbstract() != null) && (ds.getAbstract() != "")) {
            cw.textTag("abstract", ds.getAbstract());

        if ((ds.getTitle() != null) && (ds.getTitle() != "")) {
            cw.textTag("title", ds.getTitle());

        if (ds.getConnectionParams().size() != 0) {

            Iterator i = ds.getConnectionParams().keySet().iterator();
            temp = new HashMap();

            while (i.hasNext()) {
                String key = (String);
                temp.put("name", key);
                temp.put("value", ds.getConnectionParams().get(key).toString());
                cw.attrTag("parameter", temp);



     * storeNameSpace purpose.
     * <p>
     * Writes a NameSpaceInfoDTO into the WriterUtils provided.
     * </p>
     * @param cw The Configuration Writer
     * @param ns The NameSpaceInfo.
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO exception occurs.
    protected static void storeNameSpace(WriterHelper cw, NameSpaceInfoDTO ns)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finer("In method storeNameSpace");

        Map attr = new HashMap();

        if ((ns.getUri() != null) && (ns.getUri() != "")) {
            attr.put("uri", ns.getUri());

        if ((ns.getPrefix() != null) && (ns.getPrefix() != "")) {
            attr.put("prefix", ns.getPrefix());

        if (ns.isDefault()) {
            attr.put("default", "true");

        if (attr.size() != 0) {
            cw.attrTag("namespace", attr);

     * storeStyle purpose.
     * <p>
     * Writes a StyleDTO into the WriterUtils provided.
     * </p>
     * @param cw The Configuration Writer
     * @param s The StyleDTO.
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO exception occurs.
    protected static void storeStyle(WriterHelper cw, StyleDTO s)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finer("In method storeStyle: " + s);

        Map attr = new HashMap();

        if ((s.getId() != null) && (s.getId() != "")) {
            attr.put("id", s.getId());

        if (s.getFilename() != null) {
            attr.put("filename", s.getFilename().getName());

        if (s.isDefault()) {
            attr.put("default", "true");

        LOGGER.finer("storing style " + attr);

        if (attr.size() != 0) {
            cw.attrTag("style", attr);

     * storeStyle purpose.
     * <p>
     * Sets up writing FeatureTypes into their Directories.
     * </p>
     * @param dir The FeatureTypes directory
     * @param data DOCUMENT ME!
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO exception occurs.
     * @see storeFeature(FeatureTypeInfo,File)
    protected static void storeFeatures(File dir, DataDTO data)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finer("In method storeFeatures");

        // write them
        Iterator i = data.getFeaturesTypes().keySet().iterator();

        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String s = (String);
            FeatureTypeInfoDTO ft = (FeatureTypeInfoDTO) data.getFeaturesTypes()

            if (ft != null) {
                File dir2 = WriterUtils.initWriteFile(new File(dir,
                            ft.getDirName()), true);

                storeFeature(ft, dir2);

                if (ft.getSchemaAttributes() != null) {
                    LOGGER.finer(ft.getKey() + " writing schema.xml w/ "
                        + ft.getSchemaAttributes().size());
                    storeFeatureSchema(ft, dir2);

        // delete old ones that are not overwritten
        //I'm changing this action, as it is directly leading to users not
        //being able to create their own shapefiles in the web admin tool.
        //since their shit always gets deleted.  The behaviour has now changed
        //to just getting rid of the geoserver config files, info.xml and
        //schema.xml and leaving any others.  We should revisit this, I
        //do think getting rid of stale featureTypes is a good thing.  For 1.3
        //I want to look into directly uploading shapefiles, and perhaps they
        //would then go in a 'shapefile' directory, next to featureTypes or
        //or something, so that the featureTypes directory only contains
        //the info, and schema and those sorts of files.  But I do kind of like
        //being able to access the shapefiles directly from the web app, and
        //indeed have had thoughts of expanding that, so that users could
        //always download the full shape for a layer, generated automatically
        //if it's from another datastore.  Though I suppose that is not
        //mutually exclusive, just a little wasting of space, for shapefiles
        //would be held twice.
        File[] fa = dir.listFiles();

        for (int j = 0; j < fa.length; j++) {
            // find dir name
            i = data.getFeaturesTypes().values().iterator();

            FeatureTypeInfoDTO fti = null;

            while ((fti == null) && i.hasNext()) {
                FeatureTypeInfoDTO ft = (FeatureTypeInfoDTO);

                if (ft.getDirName().equals(fa[j].getName())) {
                    fti = ft;

            if (fti == null) {
                //delete it
                File[] files = fa[j].listFiles();

                if (files != null) {
                    for (int x = 0; x < files.length; x++) {
                        //hold on to the data, but be sure to get rid of the
                        //geoserver config shit, as these were deleted.
                        if (files[x].getName().equals("info.xml")
                                || files[x].getName().equals("schema.xml")) {
                            //sorry for the hardcodes, I don't remember if/where
                            //we have these file names.

                if ((files != null) && (files.length == 0)) {

     * storeStyle purpose.
     * <p>
     * Writes a FeatureTypes into it's Directory.
     * </p>
     * @param ft DOCUMENT ME!
     * @param dir The particular FeatureTypeInfo directory
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO exception occurs.
     * @see storeFeatures(File)
    protected static void storeFeature(FeatureTypeInfoDTO ft, File dir)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        LOGGER.finer("In method storeFeature");

        File f = WriterUtils.initWriteFile(new File(dir, "info.xml"), false);

        try {
            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f);
            WriterHelper cw = new WriterHelper(fw);
            Map m = new HashMap();

            if ((ft.getDataStoreId() != null) && (ft.getDataStoreId() != "")) {
                m.put("datastore", ft.getDataStoreId());

            cw.openTag("featureType", m);

            if ((ft.getName() != null) && (ft.getName() != "")) {
                cw.textTag("name", ft.getName());

            cw.comment("native wich EPGS code for the FeatureTypeInfoDTO");
            cw.textTag("SRS", ft.getSRS() + "");

            if ((ft.getTitle() != null) && (ft.getTitle() != "")) {
                cw.textTag("title", ft.getTitle());

            if ((ft.getAbstract() != null) && (ft.getAbstract() != "")) {
                cw.textTag("abstract", ft.getAbstract());

            cw.valueTag("numDecimals", ft.getNumDecimals() + "");

            if ((ft.getKeywords() != null) && (ft.getKeywords().size() != 0)) {
                String s = "";
                Iterator i = ft.getKeywords().iterator();

                if (i.hasNext()) {
                    s =;

                    while (i.hasNext()) {
                        s = s + ", " +;

                cw.textTag("keywords", s);

            if (ft.getLatLongBBox() != null) {
                m = new HashMap();

                Envelope e = ft.getLatLongBBox();

                // from creation, isn't stored otherwise
                if (!e.isNull()) {
                    m.put("dynamic", "false");
                    m.put("minx", e.getMinX() + "");
                    m.put("miny", e.getMinY() + "");
                    m.put("maxx", e.getMaxX() + "");
                    m.put("maxy", e.getMaxY() + "");
                } else {
                    m.put("dynamic", "true");

                cw.attrTag("latLonBoundingBox", m);

            if ((ft.getDefaultStyle() != null) && (ft.getDefaultStyle() != "")) {
                    "the default style this FeatureTypeInfoDTO can be represented by.\n"
                    + "at least must contain the \"default\" attribute ");
                m = new HashMap();
                m.put("default", ft.getDefaultStyle());
                cw.attrTag("styles", m);

            if (ft.getDefinitionQuery() != null) {

                 * @REVISIT: strongly test this works.
                   StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                   org.geotools.filter.XMLEncoder xe = new org.geotools.filter.XMLEncoder(sw);
                FilterTransformer ftransformer = new FilterTransformer();

                String sfilter = ftransformer.transform(ft.getDefinitionQuery());

        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(e);
        } catch (TransformerException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(e);

    protected static void storeFeatureSchema(FeatureTypeInfoDTO fs, File dir)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        if ((fs.getSchemaBase() == null) || (fs.getSchemaBase() == "")) {
            // "No schema base" );
            LOGGER.finer(fs.getKey() + " has not schemaBase");


        if ((fs.getSchemaName() == null) || (fs.getSchemaName() == "")) {
            // Should assume Null?
            // "No schema name" ); // Do we even have a field for this?
            LOGGER.finer(fs.getKey() + " has not schemaName");


        File f = WriterUtils.initWriteFile(new File(dir, "schema.xml"), false);

        try {
            FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(f);
            storeFeatureSchema(fs, fw);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(e);

    public static void storeFeatureSchema(FeatureTypeInfoDTO fs, Writer w)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        WriterHelper cw = new WriterHelper(w);
        HashMap m = new HashMap();
        String t = fs.getSchemaName();

        if (t != null) {
            if (!"_Type".equals(t.substring(t.length() - 5))) {
                t = t + "_Type";

            m.put("name", t);

        cw.openTag("xs:complexType", m);
        m = new HashMap();
        t = fs.getSchemaBase();

        if (t != null) {
            m.put("base", t);

        cw.openTag("xs:extension", m);

        for (int i = 0; i < fs.getSchemaAttributes().size(); i++) {
            AttributeTypeInfoDTO ati = (AttributeTypeInfoDTO) fs.getSchemaAttributes()
            m = new HashMap();
            m.put("nillable", "" + ati.isNillable());
            m.put("minOccurs", "" + ati.getMinOccurs());
            m.put("maxOccurs", "" + ati.getMaxOccurs());

            NameSpaceTranslator nst1 = NameSpaceTranslatorFactory.getInstance()
            NameSpaceTranslator nst2 = NameSpaceTranslatorFactory.getInstance()

            if (!ati.isComplex()) {
                if (ati.getName() == ati.getType()) {
                    String r = "";
                    NameSpaceElement nse = nst1.getElement(ati.getType());

                    if (nse == null) {
                        nse = nst2.getElement(ati.getType());

                    r = nse.getQualifiedTypeRefName();
                    m.put("ref", r);
                } else {
                    m.put("name", ati.getName());

                    String r = "";
                    NameSpaceElement nse = nst1.getElement(ati.getType());

                    if (nse == null) {
                        nse = nst2.getElement(ati.getType());

                    r = nse.getQualifiedTypeRefName();

                    m.put("type", r);

                cw.attrTag("xs:element", m);
            } else {
                m.put("name", ati.getName());
                cw.openTag("xs:element", m);


* WriterUtils purpose.
* <p>
* This is a static class which is used by XMLConfigWriter for File IO
* validation tests.
* </p>
* <p></p>
* @author dzwiers, Refractions Research, Inc.
* @version $Id:,v 1.32 2004/09/20 20:43:37 cholmesny Exp $
public static class WriterUtils {
    /** Used internally to create log information to detect errors. */
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(

     * WriterUtils constructor.
     * <p>
     * Static class, should never be used.
     * </p>
    private WriterUtils() {

     * initFile purpose.
     * <p>
     * Checks to ensure the handle exists. If the handle is a directory and not
     * created, it is created
     * </p>
     * @param f the File handle
     * @param isDir true when the handle is intended to be a directory.
     * @return The file passed in.
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO error occurs or the handle is
     *         invalid.
    public static File initFile(File f, boolean isDir)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        if (!f.exists()) {
            LOGGER.finer("Creating File: " + f.toString());

            if (isDir) {
                if (!f.mkdir()) {
                    throw new ConfigurationException(
                        "Path specified does not have a valid file.\n" + f
                        + "\n\n");
            } else {
                try {
                  LOGGER.severe("Attempting to create file:" + f.getAbsolutePath());
                    if (!f.createNewFile()) {
                        throw new ConfigurationException(
                            "Path specified does not have a valid file.\n" + f
                            + "\n\n");
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    throw new ConfigurationException(e);

        if (isDir && !f.isDirectory()) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                "Path specified does not have a valid file.\n" + f + "\n\n");

        if (!isDir && !f.isFile()) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(
                "Path specified does not have a valid file.\n" + f + "\n\n");

        LOGGER.finer("File is valid: " + f);

        return f;

     * initFile purpose.
     * <p>
     * Checks to ensure the handle exists and can be writen to. If the handle
     * is a directory and not created, it is created
     * </p>
     * @param f the File handle
     * @param isDir true when the handle is intended to be a directory.
     * @return The file passed in.
     * @throws ConfigurationException When an IO error occurs or the handle is
     *         invalid.
    public static File initWriteFile(File f, boolean isDir)
        throws ConfigurationException {
        initFile(f, isDir);

        if (!f.canWrite()) {
            throw new ConfigurationException("Cannot Write to file: "
                + f.toString());

        return f;

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