Package org.drools.examples.conway.ui

Source Code of org.drools.examples.conway.ui.CellGridCanvas

package org.drools.examples.conway.ui;

import javax.swing.*;

import org.drools.examples.conway.Cell;
import org.drools.examples.conway.CellGrid;
import org.drools.examples.conway.CellState;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionAdapter;

* @author <a href="">Jeff Brown</a>
* @version $Id:,v 1.3 2005/05/08 19:54:48 mproctor Exp $
public class CellGridCanvas extends Canvas
    private Image              offScreenImage;
    private Image              backgroundImage;
    private final int          cellSize;
    private final CellGrid     cellGrid;
    private final Image        liveCellImage    = new ImageIcon( CellGridCanvas.class.getResource( "liveCellImage.gif" ) ).getImage( );

    private static final Color BACKGROUND_COLOR = Color.gray;
    private static final Color GRID_COLOR       = BACKGROUND_COLOR.brighter( );

     * Constructs a CellGridCanvas.
     * @param cellGrid
     *            the GoL cellgrid
    public CellGridCanvas(CellGrid cellGrid)
        this.cellGrid = cellGrid;
        this.cellSize = liveCellImage.getWidth( this );

        setBackground( GRID_COLOR );

        addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter( ) {
             * Invoked when a mouse button has been pressed on a component.
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
                toggleCellAt( e.getX( ),
                              e.getY( ) );
        } );

        addMouseMotionListener( new MouseMotionAdapter( ) {

            public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
                Cell cell = getCellAtPoint( e.getX( ),
                                            e.getY( ) );
                if ( cell != null )
                    cell.setCellState( CellState.LIVE );
                    repaint( );
        } );

    private void toggleCellAt(int x,
                              int y)
        Cell cell = getCellAtPoint( x,
                                    y );
        if ( cell != null )
            if ( cell.getCellState( ) == CellState.LIVE )
                cell.setCellState( CellState.DEAD );
                cell.setCellState( CellState.LIVE );
            repaint( );

    private Cell getCellAtPoint(int x,
                                int y)
        Cell cell = null;

        int column = x / cellSize;
        int row = y / cellSize;
        final int numberOfColumns = cellGrid.getNumberOfColumns( );
        final int numberOfRows = cellGrid.getNumberOfRows( );

        if ( column >= 0 && column < numberOfColumns && row >= 0 && row < numberOfRows )
            cell = cellGrid.getCellAt( row,
                                       column );

        return cell;

     * Use double buffering.
     * @see java.awt.Component#update(java.awt.Graphics)
    public void update(Graphics g)
        Dimension d = getSize( );
        if ( (offScreenImage == null) )
            offScreenImage = createImage( d.width,
                                          d.height );
        paint( offScreenImage.getGraphics( ) );
        g.drawImage( offScreenImage,
                     null );

     * Draw this generation.
     * @see java.awt.Component#paint(java.awt.Graphics)
    public void paint(Graphics g)
        // Draw grid on background image, which is faster
        final int numberOfColumns = cellGrid.getNumberOfColumns( );
        final int numberOfRows = cellGrid.getNumberOfRows( );
        if ( backgroundImage == null )
            Dimension d = getSize( );
            backgroundImage = createImage( d.width,
                                           d.height );
            Graphics backgroundImageGraphics = backgroundImage.getGraphics( );
            // draw background (MSIE doesn't do that)
            backgroundImageGraphics.setColor( getBackground( ) );
            backgroundImageGraphics.fillRect( 0,
                                              d.height );
            backgroundImageGraphics.setColor( BACKGROUND_COLOR );
            backgroundImageGraphics.fillRect( 0,
                                              cellSize * numberOfColumns - 1,
                                              cellSize * numberOfRows - 1 );
            backgroundImageGraphics.setColor( GRID_COLOR );
            for ( int x = 1; x < numberOfColumns; x++ )
                backgroundImageGraphics.drawLine( x * cellSize - 1,
                                                  x * cellSize - 1,
                                                  cellSize * numberOfRows - 1 );
            for ( int y = 1; y < numberOfRows; y++ )
                backgroundImageGraphics.drawLine( 0,
                                                  y * cellSize - 1,
                                                  cellSize * numberOfColumns - 1,
                                                  y * cellSize - 1 );
        g.drawImage( backgroundImage,
                     null );

        // draw populated cells
        for ( int row = 0; row < numberOfRows; row++ )
            for ( int column = 0; column < numberOfColumns; column++ )
                Cell cell = cellGrid.getCellAt( row,
                                                column );
                if ( cell.getCellState( ) == CellState.LIVE )
                    g.drawImage( liveCellImage,
                                 column * cellSize,
                                 row * cellSize,
                                 this );

     * This is the preferred size.
     * @see java.awt.Component#getPreferredSize()
    public Dimension getPreferredSize()
        final int numberOfColumns = cellGrid.getNumberOfColumns( );
        final int numberOfRows = cellGrid.getNumberOfRows( );
        return new Dimension( cellSize * numberOfColumns,
                              cellSize * numberOfRows );

     * This is the minimum size (size of one cell).
     * @see java.awt.Component#getMinimumSize()
    public Dimension getMinimumSize()
        return new Dimension( cellSize,
                              cellSize );


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