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Copyright (c) 2002 Mike Martin (TJDO) and others. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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2003 Andy Jefferson - added comments
2003 Erik Bengtson - removed unused variable and import
2003 Erik Bengtson - fixed bug [832635] Imcompatiblities in casting
                    inherited classes in query
2003 Andy Jefferson - coding standards
2004 Andy Jefferson - updated retrieval of ColumnLists
2004 Andy Jefferson - addition of removeAll()
2004 Andy Jefferson - moved statements to AbstractSetStore
2004 Andy Jefferson - added support for inverse 1-N unidirectional
2005 Andy Jefferson - added dependent-element when removed from collection

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.datanucleus.ClassLoaderResolver;
import org.datanucleus.FetchPlan;
import org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.CollectionMetaData;
import org.datanucleus.metadata.Relation;
import org.datanucleus.util.ClassUtils;
import org.datanucleus.util.NucleusLogger;
import org.datanucleus.util.StringUtils;

* Representation of an Inverse Set as part of a relationship. This class is
* used where you have a 1-N and the tables are not joined via a link table.
* That is there is an owner table, and a collection table, and the collection
* table has a column being the id of the owner table. This is in contrast to
* NormalSetStore which represents 1-N relationships using a link table.
* There are 2 possible uses here
* <UL>
* <LI><B>bidirectional</B> - where the owner has a Collection of elements, and
* the element has an owner. In this case the element class will have an owner field
* which can be updated directly</LI>
* <LI><B>unidirectional</B> - where the owner has a Collection of elements, but
* the element knows nothing about the owner. In this case the element class has no
* owner field. In this case the column in the element table has to be updated
* directly.</LI>
* </UL>
public abstract class FKSetStore extends AbstractSetStore
    /** Field number of owner link in element class. */
    private final int ownerFieldNumber;

     * Constructor for the relationship representation.
     * @param fmd The MetaData for the field that this represents
     * @param storeMgr The MappedStoreManager managing the associated datastore.
     * @param clr The ClassLoaderResolver
     * @param specialization The datastore-specific specialization
    public FKSetStore(AbstractMemberMetaData fmd, MappedStoreManager storeMgr, ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                      AbstractSetStoreSpecialization specialization)
        super(storeMgr, clr, specialization);

        setOwner(fmd, clr);
        CollectionMetaData colmd = fmd.getCollection();
        if (colmd == null)
            throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056001", fmd.getFullFieldName()));

        // Load the element class
        elementType = colmd.getElementType();
        Class element_class = clr.classForName(elementType);

        if (ClassUtils.isReferenceType(element_class))
            elementIsPersistentInterface = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().isPersistentInterface(element_class.getName());
            if (elementIsPersistentInterface)
                emd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForInterface(element_class,clr);
                // Take the metadata for the first implementation of the reference type
                emd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForImplementationOfReference(element_class,null,clr);
                if (emd != null)
                    // Pretend we have a relationship with this one implementation
                    //elementType = emd.getFullClassName();
            // Check that the element class has MetaData
            emd = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getMetaDataForClass(element_class, clr);
        if (emd == null)
            throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056003", element_class.getName(), fmd.getFullFieldName()));

        elementInfo = getElementInformationForClass();
        if (elementInfo == null || elementInfo.length == 0)
            throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056075", ownerMemberMetaData.getFullFieldName(), elementType));
        elementMapping = elementInfo[0].getDatastoreClass().getIdMapping(); // Just use the first element type as the guide for the element mapping
        elementsAreEmbedded = false; // Can't embed element when using FK relation
        elementsAreSerialised = false; // Can't serialise element when using FK relation

        // Get the field in the element table (if any)
        if (fmd.getMappedBy() != null)
            // 1-N FK bidirectional
            // The element class has a field for the owner.
            AbstractMemberMetaData eofmd = emd.getMetaDataForMember(fmd.getMappedBy());
            if (eofmd == null)
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056024", fmd.getFullFieldName(),
                    fmd.getMappedBy(), element_class.getName()));

            // Check that the type of the element "mapped-by" field is consistent with the owner type
            //TODO check does not work if mapped by has relation to super class. Enable this
            //and run the PersistentInterfacesTest to reproduce the issue
            //TODO there is equivalent code in FKList and FKMap that was
            //not commented out. When fixing, add tests for all types of Inverses
            if (!clr.isAssignableFrom(eofmd.getType(), mmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName()))
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056025", mmd.getFullFieldName(),
                    eofmd.getFullFieldName(), eofmd.getTypeName(), mmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName()));
            String ownerFieldName = eofmd.getName();
            ownerFieldNumber = emd.getAbsolutePositionOfMember(ownerFieldName);
            ownerMapping = elementInfo[0].getDatastoreClass().getMemberMapping(eofmd);
            if (ownerMapping == null)
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056029",
                    fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), fmd.getName(), elementType, ownerFieldName));
            if (isEmbeddedMapping(ownerMapping))
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056026",
                    ownerFieldName, elementType, eofmd.getTypeName(), fmd.getClassName()));
            // 1-N FK unidirectional
            // The element class knows nothing about the owner (but its table has external mappings)
            ownerFieldNumber = -1;
            ownerMapping = elementInfo[0].getDatastoreClass().getExternalMapping(fmd, MappingConsumer.MAPPING_TYPE_EXTERNAL_FK);
            if (ownerMapping == null)
                throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056030",
                    fmd.getAbstractClassMetaData().getFullClassName(), fmd.getName(), elementType));

        relationDiscriminatorMapping = elementInfo[0].getDatastoreClass().getExternalMapping(fmd, MappingConsumer.MAPPING_TYPE_EXTERNAL_FK_DISCRIM);
        if (relationDiscriminatorMapping != null)
            relationDiscriminatorValue = fmd.getValueForExtension("relation-discriminator-value");
            if (relationDiscriminatorValue == null)
                // No value defined so just use the field name
                relationDiscriminatorValue = fmd.getFullFieldName();

        // TODO Remove use of containerTable - just use elementTable[0] or equivalent
        containerTable = elementInfo[0].getDatastoreClass();
        if (fmd.getMappedBy() != null && ownerMapping.getDatastoreContainer() != containerTable)
            // Element and owner don't have consistent tables so use the one with the mapping
            // e.g collection is of subclass, yet superclass has the link back to the owner
            containerTable = ownerMapping.getDatastoreContainer();

     * Utility to update a foreign-key (and distinguisher) in the element in the case of
     * a unidirectional 1-N relationship.
     * @param sm StateManager for the owner
     * @param element The element to update
     * @param owner The owner object to set in the FK
     * @return Whether it was performed successfully
    private boolean updateElementFk(ObjectProvider sm, Object element, Object owner)
        if (element == null)
            return false;
        validateElementForWriting(sm, element, null);

        return updateElementFkInternal(sm, element, owner);

     * This seems to return the field number in the element of the relation when it is a bidirectional
     * relation.
     * @param sm StateManager of the owner
     * @return The field number in the element for this relation
    protected int getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(ObjectProvider sm)
        if (ownerFieldNumber < 0)
            // Unidirectional
            return -1;
        // This gives a different result when using persistent interfaces.
        // For example with the JDO2 TCK, will
        // return 3, yet the ownerMemberMetaData.getRelatedMetaData returns 8 since the generated implementation
        // will have all fields in a single MetaData (numbering from 0), whereas in a normal inheritance
        // tree there will be multiple MetaData (the root starting from 0)
        return sm.getClassMetaData().getAbsolutePositionOfMember(ownerMemberMetaData.getMappedBy());

     * Method to update the collection to be the supplied collection of elements.
     * @param sm StateManager of the object
     * @param coll The collection to use
    public void update(ObjectProvider sm, Collection coll)
        if (coll == null || coll.isEmpty())

        // Find existing elements, and remove any that are no longer present
        Iterator elemIter = iterator(sm);
        Collection existing = new HashSet();
        while (elemIter.hasNext())
            Object elem =;
            if (!coll.contains(elem))
                remove(sm, elem, -1, true);

        if (existing.size() != coll.size())
            // Add any elements that aren't already present
            Iterator iter = coll.iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext())
                Object elem =;
                if (!existing.contains(elem))
                    add(sm, elem, 0);

     * Method to add an object to the relationship at the collection end.
     * @param sm StateManager of the owner of the Set
     * @param element Element to be added
     * @return Success indicator
    public boolean add(final ObjectProvider sm, Object element, int size)
        if (element == null)
            // Sets allow no duplicates
            throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056039"));

        // Make sure that the element is persisted in the datastore (reachability)
        final Object newOwner = sm.getObject();
        ExecutionContext ec = sm.getExecutionContext();
        boolean inserted = validateElementForWriting(sm, element, new FieldValues()
            public void fetchFields(ObjectProvider esm)
                // Find the (element) table storing the FK back to the owner
                boolean isPersistentInterface = storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().isPersistentInterface(elementType);
                DatastoreClass elementTable = null;
                if (isPersistentInterface)
                    elementTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(
                        storeMgr.getNucleusContext().getMetaDataManager().getImplementationNameForPersistentInterface(elementType), clr);
                    elementTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(elementType, clr);
                if (elementTable == null)
                    // "subclass-table", persisted into table of other class
                    AbstractClassMetaData[] managingCmds = storeMgr.getClassesManagingTableForClass(emd, clr);
                    if (managingCmds != null && managingCmds.length > 0)
                        // Find which of these subclasses is appropriate for this element
                        for (int i=0;i<managingCmds.length;i++)
                            Class tblCls = clr.classForName(managingCmds[i].getFullClassName());
                            if (tblCls.isAssignableFrom(esm.getObject().getClass()))
                                elementTable = storeMgr.getDatastoreClass(managingCmds[i].getFullClassName(), clr);
                if (elementTable != null)
                    JavaTypeMapping externalFKMapping = elementTable.getExternalMapping(ownerMemberMetaData,
                    if (externalFKMapping != null)
                        // The element has an external FK mapping so set the value it needs to use in the INSERT
                        esm.setAssociatedValue(externalFKMapping, sm.getObject());
                    if (relationDiscriminatorMapping != null)
                        // Element type has a shared FK so set the discriminator value for this relation
                        esm.setAssociatedValue(relationDiscriminatorMapping, relationDiscriminatorValue);

                if (getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(esm) >= 0)
                    // TODO Move this into RelationshipManager
                    // Managed Relations : 1-N bidir, so make sure owner is correct at persist
                    Object currentOwner = esm.provideField(getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(esm));
                    if (currentOwner == null)
                        // No owner, so correct it
                            sm.toPrintableID(), ownerMemberMetaData.getFullFieldName(),
                        esm.replaceFieldMakeDirty(getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(esm), newOwner);
                    else if (currentOwner != newOwner && sm.getReferencedPC() == null)
                        // Owner of the element is neither this container and not being attached
                        // Inconsistent owner, so throw exception
                        throw new NucleusUserException(LOCALISER.msg("056038",
                            sm.toPrintableID(), ownerMemberMetaData.getFullFieldName(),

            public void fetchNonLoadedFields(ObjectProvider sm)
            public FetchPlan getFetchPlanForLoading()
                return null;

        if (inserted)
            // Element has just been persisted so the FK will be set
            return true;
            // Element was already persistent so make sure the FK is in place
            // TODO This is really "ManagedRelationships" so needs to go in RelationshipManager
            ObjectProvider elementSM = ec.findObjectProvider(element);
            if (getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(elementSM) >= 0)
                // Managed Relations : 1-N bidir, so update the owner of the element
                ec.getApiAdapter().isLoaded(elementSM, getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(elementSM)); // Ensure is loaded
                Object oldOwner = elementSM.provideField(getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(elementSM));
                if (oldOwner != newOwner)
                    if (NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.isDebugEnabled())
                        NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.debug(LOCALISER.msg("055009", sm.toPrintableID(),
                            ownerMemberMetaData.getFullFieldName(), StringUtils.toJVMIDString(element)));

                    int relatedFieldNumber = getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(elementSM);
                    elementSM.replaceFieldMakeDirty(relatedFieldNumber, newOwner);
                    if (ec.getManageRelations())
                        // Managed Relationships - add the change we've made here to be analysed at flush
                        ec.getRelationshipManager(elementSM).relationChange(relatedFieldNumber, oldOwner, newOwner);

                    if (ec.isFlushing())
                return oldOwner != newOwner;
                // 1-N unidir so update the FK if not set to be contained in the set
                boolean contained = contains(sm, element);
                return (contained ? false : updateElementFk(sm, element, newOwner));
     * Method to add a collection of object to the relationship at the
     * collection end.
     * @param sm StateManager of the Set
     * @param elements Elements to be added
     * @return Success indicator
    public boolean addAll(ObjectProvider sm, Collection elements, int size)
        if (elements == null || elements.size() == 0)
            return false;

        boolean success = false;

        Iterator iter = elements.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext())
            if (add(sm,, -1))
                success = true;

        return success;

     * Method to remove the link to the collection object specified.
     * Depending on the column characteristics in the collection table, the id of the owner field may
     * be NULLed, or the record may be deleted completely (as per cascade-delete in EJB).
     * @param ownerSM The StateManager of the Set
     * @param element The element of the collection to be deleted.
     * @param allowDependentField Whether to allow any cascade deletes caused by this removal
     * @return A success indicator.
    public boolean remove(ObjectProvider ownerSM, Object element, int size, boolean allowDependentField)
        if (element == null)
            return false;
        if (!validateElementForReading(ownerSM, element))
            return false;

        // Find the state manager for the element
        Object elementToRemove = element;
        ExecutionContext ec = ownerSM.getExecutionContext();
        if (ec.getApiAdapter().isDetached(element)) // User passed in detached object to collection.remove()!
            // Find an attached equivalent of this detached object (DON'T attach the object itself)
            elementToRemove = ec.findObject(ec.getApiAdapter().getIdForObject(element), true, false, element.getClass().getName());
        ObjectProvider elementSM = ec.findObjectProvider(elementToRemove);

        Object oldOwner = null;
        if (ownerFieldNumber >= 0)
            if (!ec.getApiAdapter().isDeleted(elementToRemove))
                // Find the existing owner if the record hasn't already been deleted
                ec.getApiAdapter().isLoaded(elementSM, ownerFieldNumber);
                oldOwner = elementSM.provideField(ownerFieldNumber);
            // TODO Check if the element is managed by a different owner now

        // Owner of the element has been changed
        if (ownerFieldNumber >= 0 && oldOwner != ownerSM.getObject() && oldOwner != null)
            return false;

        boolean deleteElement = checkRemovalOfElementShouldDelete(ownerSM);
        if (deleteElement)
            if (ec.getApiAdapter().isPersistable(elementToRemove) && ec.getApiAdapter().isDeleted(elementToRemove))
                // Element is waiting to be deleted so flush it (it has the FK)
                // Element not yet marked for deletion so go through the normal process
            // Perform any necessary "managed relationships" updates on the element (when bidirectional)
            manageRemovalOfElement(ownerSM, elementToRemove);

            // Update the datastore FK
            updateElementFk(ownerSM, elementToRemove, null);

        return true;

     * Method to remove the links to a collection of elements specified.
     * Depending on the column characteristics in the collection table, the id
     * of the owner fields may be NULLed, or the records may be deleted
     * completely.
     * @param sm The StateManager of the Set
     * @param elements The elements of the collection to be deleted.
     * @return A success indicator.
    public boolean removeAll(ObjectProvider sm, Collection elements, int size)
        if (elements == null || elements.size() == 0)
            return false;

        // Check the first element for whether we can null the column or
        // whether we have to delete
        boolean success = true;

        Iterator iter=elements.iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext())
            if (remove(sm,, -1, true))
                success = false;

        return success;

     * Convenience method to return if the removal of an element should delete the element.
     * @param ownerSM StateManager for the owner
     * @return Whether we should delete the element on removing from the collection
    protected boolean checkRemovalOfElementShouldDelete(ObjectProvider ownerSM)
        boolean delete = false;
        boolean dependent = ownerMemberMetaData.getCollection().isDependentElement();
        if (ownerMemberMetaData.isCascadeRemoveOrphans())
            dependent = true;
        if (dependent)
            // Elements are dependent and can't exist on their own, so delete them all
            if (NucleusLogger.DATASTORE.isDebugEnabled())
            delete = true;
            if (ownerMapping.isNullable())
                // Field is not dependent, but is nullable so we null the FK
                if (NucleusLogger.DATASTORE.isDebugEnabled())
                delete = false;
                // Field is not dependent, and is not nullable so we just delete the elements
                if (NucleusLogger.DATASTORE.isDebugEnabled())
                delete = true;
        return delete;

     * Convenience method to manage the removal of an element from the collection, performing
     * any necessary "managed relationship" updates when the field is bidirectional.
     * @param ownerSM StateManager for the collection owner
     * @param element The element
    protected void manageRemovalOfElement(ObjectProvider ownerSM, Object element)
        ExecutionContext ec = ownerSM.getExecutionContext();
        if (relationType == Relation.ONE_TO_MANY_BI)
            // TODO Move this into RelationshipManager
            // Managed Relations : 1-N bidirectional so null the owner on the elements
            if (!ec.getApiAdapter().isDeleted(element))
                ObjectProvider elementSM = ec.findObjectProvider(element);
                if (elementSM != null)
                    // Null the owner of the element
                    if (NucleusLogger.PERSISTENCE.isDebugEnabled())

                    int relatedFieldNumber = getFieldNumberInElementForBidirectional(elementSM);
                    Object currentValue = elementSM.provideField(relatedFieldNumber);
                    if (currentValue != null)
                        elementSM.replaceFieldMakeDirty(relatedFieldNumber, null);
                        if (ec.isFlushing())
                            // Make sure this change gets flushed

     * Method to allow the Set relationship to be cleared out.
     * This is called by the List.clear() method, or when the container object is being deleted
     * and the elements are to be removed (maybe for dependent field), or also when updating a Collection
     * and removing all existing prior to adding all new.
     * @param ownerSM StateManager of the Set
    public void clear(ObjectProvider ownerSM)
        ExecutionContext ec = ownerSM.getExecutionContext();
        boolean deleteElements = checkRemovalOfElementShouldDelete(ownerSM);
        if (deleteElements)
            // Find elements present in the datastore and delete them one-by-one
            Iterator elementsIter = iterator(ownerSM);
            if (elementsIter != null)
                while (elementsIter.hasNext())
                    Object element =;
                    if (ec.getApiAdapter().isPersistable(element) && ec.getApiAdapter().isDeleted(element))
                        // Element is waiting to be deleted so flush it (it has the FK)
                        ObjectProvider elementSM = ec.findObjectProvider(element);
                        // Element not yet marked for deletion so go through the normal process
            // Perform any necessary "managed relationships" updates on the element
            ec.getApiAdapter().isLoaded(ownerSM, ownerMemberMetaData.getAbsoluteFieldNumber()); // Make sure the field is loaded
            Collection value = (Collection) ownerSM.provideField(ownerMemberMetaData.getAbsoluteFieldNumber());
            Iterator elementsIter = null;
            if (value != null && !value.isEmpty())
                elementsIter = value.iterator();
                // Maybe deleting the owner with optimistic transactions so the elements are no longer cached
                elementsIter = iterator(ownerSM);
            if (elementsIter != null)
                while (elementsIter.hasNext())
                    Object element =;
                    manageRemovalOfElement(ownerSM, element);
            clearInternal(ownerSM, ec);

    protected abstract void clearInternal(ObjectProvider ownerSM, ExecutionContext ec);
    protected abstract boolean updateElementFkInternal(ObjectProvider sm, Object element, Object owner);

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