Package org.castor.jdo.util

Source Code of org.castor.jdo.util.JDOConfFactory

* Copyright 2005 Martin Fuchs, Ralf Joachim
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.castor.jdo.util;

import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.DataSource;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.Database;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.DatabaseChoice;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.Driver;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.JdoConf;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.Jndi;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.Mapping;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.Param;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.TransactionDemarcation;
import org.castor.jdo.conf.TransactionManager;
import org.exolab.castor.mapping.MappingException;
import org.exolab.castor.util.DTDResolver;
import org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException;
import org.exolab.castor.xml.Unmarshaller;
import org.exolab.castor.xml.ValidationException;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;

* Factory to create JDO configurations without the need of a database configuration
* XML file.
* <p>This is an example for setting up a JDO configuration using JDOConfFactory:</p>
* <code>
*    // create driver configuration
*    org.castor.jdo.conf.Driver driverConf =
*        JDOConfFactory.createDriver(DRIVER, CONNECT, USERNAME, PASSWORD);
*    // create mapping configuration
*    String mappingConf = getClass().getResource(MAPPING).toString();
*    // create database configuration
*    org.castor.jdo.conf.Database dbConf =
*        JDOConfFactory.createDatabase(DATABASE, ENGINE, driverConf, mappingConf);
*    // create and load jdo configuration
*    JDOManager.loadConfiguration(JDOConfFactory.createJdoConf(dbConf), null);
* </code>
* @author <a href="mailto:martin-fuchs AT gmx DOT net">Martin Fuchs</a>
* @author <a href="mailto:ralf DOT joachim AT syscon DOT eu">Ralf Joachim</a>
* @version $Revision: 7315 $ $Date: 2005-11-19 10:17:16 -0700 (Sat, 19 Nov 2005) $
* @since
public final class JDOConfFactory {

    /** Temporary note to check for the changed jdo-conf syntax. */
    private static final String NOTE_096 =
        "NOTE: JDO configuration syntax has changed with castor 0.9.6, "
      + "please see for details";
    /** The <a href="">Jakarta
     *  Commons Logging</a> instance used for all logging. */
    private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(JDOConfFactory.class);
     * Creates a JdoConf instance from a SAX InputSource, using a Castor XML
     * Unmarshaller.
     * @param source SAX input source representing the JDO configuration.
     * @param resolver SAX entity resolver.
     * @param loader Class loader.
     * @return The unmarshalled JdoConf instance.
     * @throws MappingException If failed to load the mconfiguration from source.
    public static JdoConf createJdoConf(
            final InputSource source,
            final EntityResolver resolver,
            final ClassLoader loader) throws MappingException {
        // Load the JDO configuration file from the specified input source.
        JdoConf jdoConf = null;
        Unmarshaller unmarshaller = new Unmarshaller(JdoConf.class);
        try {
            unmarshaller.setEntityResolver(new DTDResolver(resolver));
            jdoConf = (JdoConf) unmarshaller.unmarshal(source);
        } catch (MarshalException e) {
            throw new MappingException(e);
        } catch (ValidationException e) {
            throw new MappingException(e);

        return jdoConf;
     * Create a JDO configuration with local transaction demarcation and given database.
     * @param database Database configuration.
     * @return JDO configuration.
    public static JdoConf createJdoConf(final Database database) {
        return createJdoConf(new Database[] {database}, createLocalTransactionDemarcation());

     * Create a JDO configuration with local transaction demarcation and given databases.
     * @param databases Array of database configurations.
     * @return JDO configuration.
    public static JdoConf createJdoConf(final Database[] databases) {
        return createJdoConf(databases, createLocalTransactionDemarcation());

     * Create a JDO configuration with given database and transaction demarcation.
     * @param database Database configuration.
     * @param tx TransactionDemarcation configuration.
     * @return JDO configuration.
    public static JdoConf createJdoConf(final Database database,
            final TransactionDemarcation tx) {
        return createJdoConf(new Database[] {database}, tx);

     * Create a JDO configuration with given databases and transaction demarcation.
     * @param databases Array of database configurations.
     * @param tx TransactionDemarcation configuration.
     * @return JDO configuration.
    public static JdoConf createJdoConf(final Database[] databases,
            final TransactionDemarcation tx) {
        JdoConf jdoConf = new JdoConf();
        return jdoConf;

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and datasource
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param ds Datasource configuration.
     * @param mapping Mapping configurations.
     * @return Database configuration.
     * @deprecated Pass mapping URL's to createDatabase() methods instead.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final DataSource ds, final Mapping mapping) {
        return createDatabase(name, engine, ds, new Mapping[] {mapping});

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and datasource
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param ds Datasource configuration.
     * @param mappings Array of mapping configurations.
     * @return Database configuration.
     * @deprecated Pass mapping URL's to createDatabase() methods instead.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final DataSource ds, final Mapping[] mappings) {
        DatabaseChoice dbChoice = new DatabaseChoice();

        Database dbConf = createDatabase(name, engine);
        return dbConf;

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and datasource
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param ds Datasource configuration.
     * @param mapping Mapping URL.
     * @return Database configuration.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final DataSource ds, final String mapping) {
        return createDatabase(name, engine, ds, new String[] {mapping});

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and datasource
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param ds Datasource configuration.
     * @param mappings Array of mapping URL's.
     * @return Database configuration.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final DataSource ds, final String[] mappings) {
        DatabaseChoice dbChoice = new DatabaseChoice();

        Database dbConf = createDatabase(name, engine);
        return dbConf;

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and driver
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param driver Driver configuration.
     * @param mapping Mapping configurations.
     * @return Database configuration.
     * @deprecated Pass mapping URL's to createDatabase() methods instead.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final Driver driver, final Mapping mapping) {
        return createDatabase(name, engine, driver, new Mapping[] {mapping});

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and driver
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param driver Driver configuration.
     * @param mappings Array of mapping configurations.
     * @return Database configuration.
     * @deprecated Pass mapping URL's to createDatabase() methods instead.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final Driver driver, final Mapping[] mappings) {
        DatabaseChoice dbChoise = new DatabaseChoice();

        Database dbConf = createDatabase(name, engine);
        return dbConf;

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and driver
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param driver Driver configuration.
     * @param mapping Mapping URL.
     * @return Database configuration.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final Driver driver, final String mapping) {
        return createDatabase(name, engine, driver, new String[] {mapping});

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and driver
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param driver Driver configuration.
     * @param mappings Array of mapping URL's.
     * @return Database configuration.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final Driver driver, final String[] mappings) {
        DatabaseChoice dbChoise = new DatabaseChoice();

        Database dbConf = createDatabase(name, engine);
        return dbConf;

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and JNDI
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param jndi JNDI configuration.
     * @param mapping Mapping URL.
     * @return Database configuration.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final Jndi jndi, final String mapping) {
        return createDatabase(name, engine, jndi, new String[] {mapping});

     * Create a database configuration with given name, engine and JNDI
     * configuration.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @param jndi JNDI configuration.
     * @param mappings Array of mapping URL's.
     * @return Database configuration.
    public static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine,
            final Jndi jndi, final String[] mappings) {
        DatabaseChoice dbChoise = new DatabaseChoice();

        Database dbConf = createDatabase(name, engine);
        return dbConf;

     * Helper to create a database configuration with given name and engine.
     * @param name Name of the database configuration.
     * @param engine Name of the database engine.
     * @return Database configuration.
    private static Database createDatabase(final String name, final String engine) {
        Database dbConf = new Database();
        return dbConf;

     * Create a JDO driver configuration from JDBC connection parameters.
     * @param driver JDBC driver name.
     * @param connect JDBC connect string.
     * @param user User name for the DB login.
     * @param password Password for the DB login.
     * @return JDO driver configuration.
    public static Driver createDriver(final String driver, final String connect,
            final String user, final String password) {
        Driver driverConf = new Driver();
        driverConf.addParam(createParam("user", user));
        driverConf.addParam(createParam("password", password));
        return driverConf;

     * Create a JDO datasource configuration from a JDBC DataSource instance
     * and apply the supplied property entries.
     * @param datasource JDBC DataSource class name.
     * @param props Properties to be used for the DataSource.
     * @return JDO Datasource configuration.
    public static DataSource createDataSource(final String datasource, final Properties props) {
        DataSource dsConf = new DataSource();

        Iterator iter = props.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
            String value = (String) entry.getValue();
            dsConf.addParam(createParam(key, value));

        return dsConf;
     * Create a JDO jndi configuration with the given name.
     * @param name Name to lookup JDBC Datasource through JNDI.
     * @return JDO JNDI configuration.
    public static Jndi createJNDI(final String name) {
        Jndi jndi = new Jndi();
        return jndi;

     * Create a JDO mapping configuration from given URL.
     * @param mapping URL to retrieve mapping configuration file.
     * @return JDO Mapping configuration.
     * @deprecated Pass mapping URL's to createDatabase() methods instead.
    public static Mapping createMapping(final String mapping) {
        Mapping mapConf = new Mapping();
        return mapConf;

     * Create an array of JDO mapping configurations from given array of URL's.
     * @param mappings Array of URL's to retrieve mapping configuration file.
     * @return Array of JDO Mapping configurations.
    private static Mapping[] createMappings(final String[] mappings) {
        Mapping[] mapConfs = new Mapping[mappings.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < mappings.length; i++) {
            mapConfs[i] = new Mapping();
        return mapConfs;

     * Create a transaction demarcation configuration with local transaction handling.
     * @return TransactionDemarcation configuration with local transaction handling.
     * @deprecated Use createLocalTransactionDemarcation() instead.
    public static TransactionDemarcation createTransactionDemarcation() {
        return createLocalTransactionDemarcation();

     * Create a transaction demarcation configuration with local transaction handling.
     * @return TransactionDemarcation configuration with local transaction handling.
    public static TransactionDemarcation createLocalTransactionDemarcation() {
        TransactionDemarcation trans = new TransactionDemarcation();
        return trans;

     * Create a transaction demarcation configuration with global transaction handling
     * for transaction manager with given name using given properties.
     * @param name Name of the transaction manager.
     * @param props Properties to be used for the transaction manager.
     * @return TransactionDemarcation configuration with global transaction handling.
    public static TransactionDemarcation createGlobalTransactionDemarcation(
            final String name, final Properties props) {
        TransactionManager manager = new TransactionManager();

        Iterator iter = props.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
            String key = (String) entry.getKey();
            String value = (String) entry.getValue();
            manager.addParam(createParam(key, value));
        TransactionDemarcation trans = new TransactionDemarcation();
        return trans;

     * Helper to create a configuration parameter.
     * @param name Parameter name.
     * @param value Parameter value.
     * @return Param object.
    private static Param createParam(final String name, final String value) {
        Param param = new Param();
        return param;

     * Default constructor for utility classes should be private.
    private JDOConfFactory() { }

Related Classes of org.castor.jdo.util.JDOConfFactory

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