
Source Code of

* Created on 27 May 2004, 00:46
* AsItHappens - real-time network monitor
* Copyright (C) 2006  Mark Abrahams
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.

import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

* Stores sets of collected data.  The following assumptions are made about the
* nature of the data.
* <ol>
* <li> An arbitrary number of data "sets" can be stored.
* <li> Each set has a corresponding textual heading.
* <li> Data values in a set have at some point been collected periodically over
*      some length of time.
* <li> Data values in a set are ordered.  Conceptually, each value within a
*      data set has an index.  A value with a lower index has always been
*      collected before a value with a higher index.  Indicies start at zero.
* <li> The time of each collection "event" is stored in a set of times.  Each
*      time value is represented by the number of milliseconds since midnight,
*      Jan 1, 1970, GMT.
* </ol>
* <p>
* DataSets objects may keep a handle to a database.  This is useful for
* storing values in the database as collected, or querying the database to
* create data sets from previously stored data.
* @author  mark
public class DataSets implements Runnable {

    /** Direction not relevant */
    public static final int DIRECTION_NONE = 0;
    /** Inbound direction */
    public static final int DIRECTION_IN = 1;
    /** Outbound direction */
    public static final int DIRECTION_OUT = 2;
    /** Both directions */
    public static final int DIRECTION_BOTH = 3;
    /** Directions */
    public static final String[] DIRECTIONS = {"None", "In", "Out", "Both"};
    /* Logging provider */
    protected Logger logger;
    /** Data type */
    protected DataType dataType;
    /** Y-axis value units */
    protected String valueUnits;
    /** Collection target device */
    protected Device device;
    /** The desired time interval in milliseconds between successive polling instances */
    protected long pollInterval;
    /** An index into the ifTable specifying which interface for collection */
    //protected int port;
    /** A textual description of the interface for collection */
    protected String portString;
    /** The direction of information for collection */
    protected int direction;
    /** The column heading titles */
    protected DataHeadings headings;
    /** User-supplied title for data */
    protected String title;
    /** The collected data is stored in an array of data sets */
    protected Vector<DataSet> data;
    /** Data collector */
    protected DataCollector collector;
    /** Collector runs in separate thread */
    protected Thread collectorThread;
    /** Indicates whether the DataSets object is currently collecting data */
    protected boolean collecting;
    /** Access for database querying or updating */
    //protected DBAccess dba;
    /** DataSets DAO for updating database for collecting sessions */
    protected DataSetsDAO dataSetsDAO;
    /** DataPoint DAO for writing newly collected data to database */
    protected DataPointDAO dataPointDAO;
    /** Flag for database storing */
    protected boolean storing;
    /** Database session ID */
    protected int sessionID;
    /** The time of the first collection event in the data sets */
    protected long startTime;
    /** The time of the final collection event in the data sets */
    protected long finishTime;
    /** Text labels */
    protected DataLabels labels;

     * Creates a new instance of DataSets that has an active collector.
     * @param dataType      the type of data contained
     * @param collector     the collector that populates the data sets
     * @param device        the target collection device
     * @param pollInterval  the polling interval in milliseconds
     * @param portString    the text description of the associated port if any
     * @param direction     the direction of data flow for the collection
     * @param title         the title of these sets of data
     * @param storing       indicates that data will be stored into the database
    public DataSets(DataType dataType, DataCollector collector, Device device, int pollInterval, String portString, int direction, String title, boolean storing)
            throws DBException, UnknownHostException, SNMPException {
        logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
        this.dataType = dataType;
        this.collector = collector;
        this.device = device;
        this.pollInterval = pollInterval;
        this.portString = portString;
        this.direction = direction;
        this.title = title;
        this.storing = storing;
        // Nasty - fix it up please
        if (dataType == DataType.OID) {
            valueUnits = ((CustomOIDCollector) collector).getValueUnits();
        } else {
            valueUnits = dataType.units;

        if (title == null) {
            this.title = getShortDescription();
        } else {
            this.title = title;
        this.collecting = true;


        if (storing) {
            // Old school
            //dba = new DBAccess();
            //sessionID = dba.newSession(device.getName(), pollInterval,,
            //        portString, this.title, direction);
            // New school
            dataSetsDAO = DAOFactory.getDataSetsDAO();
            dataPointDAO = DAOFactory.getDataPointDAO();
            sessionID = DAOFactory.getDataSetsDAO().createSession(this);
        } else {
            //dba = null;
            dataSetsDAO = null;
            dataPointDAO = null;
            sessionID = -1;

        for (int set = 0; set < dataType.initialHeadings.length; set++) {


     * Creates a new instance of DataSets from a previously stored session in
     * the database, over a given time interval.
     * @param sessionID     index in database that uniquely identifies session
     * @param startTime     beginning of desired time period
     * @param finishTime    end of desired time period
     * @param aggregation   the aggregation strategy employed for larger data sets
    public DataSets(int sessionID, long startTime, long finishTime, int aggregation)
    throws DatabaseException {
    logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
    this.sessionID = sessionID;
    this.startTime = startTime;
    this.finishTime = finishTime;
    this.storing = true;
    this.collector = null;
    this.collecting = false;
    /** Creates a new empty instance of DataSets */
    public DataSets() {
        logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
        this.storing = true;
        this.collector = null;
        this.collecting = false;

     * Creates a new instance of DataSets from a packet capture file over the
     * given time interval.
     * @param startTime   beginning of desired time period
     * @param finishTime  end of desired time period
     * @param fileName    name of packet capture file
    public DataSets(long startTime, long finishTime, String fileName) {
        logger = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName());
        this.startTime = startTime;
        this.finishTime = finishTime;
        this.portString = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar) + 1);
        this.storing = false;
        this.collector = null;
        this.collecting = false;
        sessionID = -1;
        dataType = DataType.CAPTURE;
        title = getShortDescription();

     * Initializes data sets variables.
    protected void initializeDataSets() {

        data = new Vector();
        headings = new DataHeadings();
        //headingsName = new Vector();
        //headingsMap = new Hashtable();
        labels = new DataLabels(sessionID);


     * Summarizes the data into a set of values over a given time interval.
     * Assumes external synchronization of DataSets.
     * @param points         the number of data points in the data summary
     * @param firstTime      the beginning of the time interval
     * @param lastTime       the end of the time interval
     * @param aggregation    the aggregation strategy employed
     * @param interpolation  the interpolation strategy employed
     * @return               the data summary
    public SummaryData summarize(int points, double firstTime, double lastTime, TimeSeriesContext.Aggregation aggregation, TimeSeriesContext.Interpolation interpolation, boolean interpolateBeforeData) {
        int set, point;
        int offset;
        int element, numValues;
        double startInterval, endInterval, pixelTime;
        double pointValue;
        SummaryData summary;
        Iterator<DataPoint> iterator;
        DataPoint datum;
        double[] totals;

        summary = new SummaryData(data.size(), points, firstTime, lastTime, aggregation, interpolation, interpolateBeforeData);
        totals = new double[data.size()];
        pixelTime = summary.getPixelTime();

        for (set = 0; set < data.size(); set++) {
            // Fill empty points on the left with NaN's
            for ( int fill = 0 ; fill < offset ; fill++ ) {
            summary.setValue(set, fill, Double.NaN);
            //"Fill: " + fill + ", value: " + summary.getValue(set, fill));
            iterator = data.elementAt(set).iterator();
            datum = null;
            totals[set] = 0;
            if (iterator.hasNext()) {
                datum =;
            element = 0;
            for (point = 0; point < points; point++) {
                startInterval = firstTime + point * pixelTime;
                endInterval = firstTime + (point + 1) * pixelTime;
                pointValue = 0;
                numValues = 0;
                //System.out.println("startInterval: " + (long)startInterval + " endInterval: " + (long)endInterval);

                try {
                    //while ( element < getNumberOfDataPoints() && ((DataPoint)(data[set].elementAt(element))).time < startInterval ) {
                    while (datum != null && datum.getTime() < startInterval) {
                        //System.out.println("Time ignored: " + findTime(element));
                        datum =;
                    //while ( element < getNumberOfDataPoints() && ((DataPoint)(data[set].elementAt(element))).time < endInterval ) {
                    while (datum != null && datum.getTime() < endInterval) {
                        if (datum.isDefined() == true) {
                            if (aggregation == TimeSeriesContext.Aggregation.Maximum) {
                                pointValue = Math.max(pointValue, datum.getValue());
                            } else if (aggregation == TimeSeriesContext.Aggregation.Average) {
                                pointValue += datum.getValue();
                            } else if (aggregation == TimeSeriesContext.Aggregation.Summed) {
                                pointValue += datum.getValue();
                            // System.out.println("Time chosen: " + findTime(element));
                        datum =;
                } // Thrown by if at end of data
                catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                } finally {
                    if (aggregation == TimeSeriesContext.Aggregation.Average && numValues > 0) {
                        pointValue /= numValues;
                    } else if (aggregation == TimeSeriesContext.Aggregation.Summed && numValues > 0) {
                        pointValue = pointValue * 1000 / pixelTime;
                    if (numValues == 0) {
                        summary.setValue(set, point, Double.NaN);
                    } else {
                        summary.setValue(set, point, pointValue);
                        totals[set] += pointValue;
            //System.out.println("startInterval: " + (long)startInterval + " endInterval: " + (long)endInterval);
            //System.out.println("pointValue: " + pointValue);

        return summary;

     * Adds the named set to the list of data sets.  The new set is at the end
     * of the list of data sets.
     * @param title name of data set to add
     * @return      the index of the new set added
    public synchronized int addSet(String title) throws DBException {
        DataHeadingsDAO headingsDAO;

        logger.debug("Adding data set " + title);
        data.add(new DataSet());

        // Database recording if enabled
        if (isCollector() && storing) {
            headingsDAO = DAOFactory.getDataHeadingsDAO();
            headingsDAO.create(sessionID, data.size() - 1, title);

        // Consistency check
        if (data.size() != headings.size()) {
            logger.error("Number of headings is " + headings.size() + " but number of data columns is " + data.size());

        return data.size() - 1;

    /** @return the headings for the data sets */
    public synchronized DataHeadings getHeadings() {
        return headings;

    public int getSessionID() {
        return sessionID;

    public void setSessionID(int sessionID) {
        this.sessionID = sessionID;

     * Returns the time of the collection event in the first data set for the
     * index that is the given number of collection events before the most
     * recent collection event.
     * @param index the number to subtract from the last time index
     * @return      the time of the collection event at that position
    public synchronized long findNPollsAgoTime(int index) {
        if (index <= data.elementAt(0).size()) // return data[0].toArray(new DataPoint[data[0].size()])[data[0].size() - index].getTime();
            return data.elementAt(0).get(data.elementAt(0).size() - index).getTime();
        } else {
            return -1;

     * Returns the time of the most recent collection event for the first data set.
     * @return the time of the most recent collection event
    public synchronized long findLastTime() {
        if (data.elementAt(0).size() != 0) {
            return data.elementAt(0).lastElement().getTime();
        } else {
            return -1;

    public synchronized long findFirstTime() {
        if (data.elementAt(0).size() != 0) {
            return data.elementAt(0).firstElement().getTime();
        } else {
            return -1;

    /** @return the number of data sets */
    public synchronized int getNumberOfSets() {
        return data.size();

    /** @return the number of data points in the first data set */
    public synchronized int getNumberOfDataPoints() {
        try {
            return data.elementAt(0).size();
        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
            return 0;

    /** Begin the data collection.  This occurs in a separate thread. */
    public void startCollecting() {

        logger.debug("Attempting to start collector thread");
        if (isCollector() && collectorThread == null) {
            collectorThread = new Thread(this, "Collector");
        } else if (!isCollector()) {
            logger.warn("This is not a collector");
        } else if (collectorThread != null) {
            logger.warn("Collector thread already started");

     * The data collection thread.  This is invoked if the graph contains
     * a DataSets object that is a collector.  The thread collects data
     * roughly every polling interval as defined by the DataSets instance, to
     * which the new collected data is added.
    public void run() {
        long timeAdjustment;
        long sleepTime;
        long interval;

        logger.debug("Starting collector thread");
        if (!isCollector()) {
            logger.error("DataSets is not a collector - cannot start collector thread");
        interval = getPollInterval();
        timeAdjustment = 0;

        while (isCollecting()) {

            // Wait time interval for next poll
            sleepTime = interval - timeAdjustment;
            if (sleepTime < 0) {
                logger.warn("Negative sleep time (" + sleepTime + ") due to elapsed time exceeding polling interval (" + interval + ")");
            } else {
                try {
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    //ErrorHandler.modalError(this, e.toString(), "Interrupted sleep", e);
                    logger.error("Interrupted sleep");
            timeAdjustment = System.currentTimeMillis();

            //logger.debug("Collecting data");

            interval = getPollInterval();
            timeAdjustment = System.currentTimeMillis() - timeAdjustment;
        // logger.debug("Elapsed Time: " + Long.toString(timeAdjustment));


     * Collects a single data value for each data set.
     * <p>
     * This method undertakes the following tasks as a part of collecting:
     * <ul>
     * <li> invokes getNextValues() of the collector and adds the resulting
     *      values to the end of each data set
     * <li> adds the collected values to the database if database storing is
     *      enabled
     * <li> removes the oldest data values if the size of the data sets exceeds
     *      the maximum limit
     * </ul>
    public void collect() {
        //DataPoint[] newData;
        DataCollectorResponse response;

        try {
            response = collector.getNextValues(headings);
            //logger.debug("DataSets description: " + toString());

            synchronized (this) {

                // Add any new data sets created by collector
                for (int set = 0; set < response.newHeadings.length; set++) {

                // Check for data set count consistency with collector
                if (data.size() != response.totalHeadings) {
                    logger.error("Number of data sets (" + data.size() + ") is different from collector (" + response.totalHeadings + ")");

                // Add new data values
                for (int set = 0; set < data.size(); set++) {
                // Remove data values that will not be displayed
                for (int set = 0; set < data.size(); set++) {
                    if (data.elementAt(set).size() >= Configuration.getPropertyInt("data.points.collecting.maximum")) {

                // Notify waiting threads that there is more data in the sets

            // Database recording if enabled
            if (storing) {
                for (int set = 0; set < data.size(); set++) // Old school
                //dba.addValues(sessionID, set, data.elementAt(set).lastElement().getTime(),
                //        data.elementAt(set).lastElement().getValue() );
                // New school
                    dataPointDAO.create(sessionID, set, data.elementAt(set).lastElement());
                if (dataSetsDAO.retrieveSessionStartTime(sessionID) == 0) //dba.setStartTime(sessionID, data.lastElement().lastElement().getTime());
                    dataSetsDAO.updateSessionStartTime(sessionID, data.lastElement().lastElement().getTime());
                //dba.setFinishTime(sessionID, data.lastElement().lastElement().getTime());
                dataSetsDAO.updateSessionFinishTime(sessionID, data.lastElement().lastElement().getTime());


        } catch (DBException e) {
            logger.warn("Cannot store values in database");

     * Adds a value to the specified data set.
     * @param set    the index of the data set to add the data point to
     * @param point  the data point
    public synchronized void addValue(int set, DataPoint point) throws DatabaseException {
    if ( storing )
    dba.addValues(sessionID, set, data.elementAt(set).lastElement().getTime(),
    data.elementAt(set).lastElement().getValue() );

    /** @return the target device for data collection */
    public synchronized Device getDevice() {
        return device;

    public void setDevice(Device device) {
        this.device = device;

    /** @return the port(s) on the target device */
    public synchronized String getPortString() {
        return portString;

    public void setPortString(String portString) {
        this.portString = portString;

    /** @return the port(s) on the target device */
    public synchronized int getDirection() {
        return direction;

    public void setDirection(int direction) {
        this.direction = direction;

    /** @return the polling interval */
    public synchronized long getPollInterval() {
        return pollInterval;

    public void setPollInterval(long pollInterval) {
        this.pollInterval = pollInterval;

    /** @return the time of the first collection event */
    public synchronized long getStartTime() {
        return startTime;

    public void setStartTime(long startTime) {
        this.startTime = startTime;

    /** @return the time of the most recent collection event */
    public synchronized long getFinishTime() {
        return finishTime;

    public void setFinishTime(long finishTime) {
        this.finishTime = finishTime;

    /** @return the title of the data sets */
    public synchronized String getTitle() {
        return title;

    /** @param value  the new title for the data sets */
    public synchronized void setTitle(String value) throws DBException {
        title = value;
        if (storing) {

    /** @return units for the data set values */
    public synchronized String getValueUnits() {
        return valueUnits;

    /** @param units for the data set values */
    public synchronized void setValueUnits(String units) {
        valueUnits = units;

     * Returns an ordered set of data points for the given set.
     * @param set index of set
     * @return    the ordered set of data points
    public synchronized Vector getDataSetVector(int set) {
        return data.elementAt(set).getVector();

    public synchronized DataSet getDataSet(int set) {
        return data.elementAt(set);

    public synchronized void setDataSet(int index, DataSet dataSet) {
        data.set(index, dataSet);

    public synchronized int getDataSetCount() {
        return data.size();

     * Returns summary statistics for the given set.
     * @param set index of set
     * @return    the summary statistics
    public SummaryStatistics getSummaryStatistics(int set) {
        if (data.elementAt(set).size() > 0) {
            return data.elementAt(set).generateSummaryStatistics(data.elementAt(set).firstElement().getTime(), data.elementAt(set).lastElement().getTime());
        } else {
            return new SummaryStatistics();

    /** @return data type held */
    public DataType getDataType() {
        return dataType;

    public void setDataType(DataType dataType) {
        this.dataType = dataType;

    /** @return true if the data sets is a collector */
    public boolean isCollector() {
        return collector != null;

    /** @return collector for data sets */
    public DataCollector getCollector() {
        return collector;

    /** @return true if the data sets has an active collector */
    public boolean isCollecting() {
        return collecting;

    /** @return true if the data is being stored in the database */
    public boolean isStoring() {
        return storing;

    /** @return a short description of the data sets */
    public String getShortDescription() {
        StringBuffer description;

        if (dataType == DataType.CAPTURE) {
            return "Packet capture for " + portString;
        description = new StringBuffer();
        description.append(dataType.description + " for " + device.getName());
        if (dataType == DataType.BANDWIDTH || dataType == DataType.NBAR || dataType == DataType.NETFLOW || dataType == DataType.STORAGE && portString != null) {
            description.append(" (" + portString);
            if (dataType == DataType.NBAR || dataType == DataType.NETFLOW) {
        return description.toString();

    /** @return a full description for the data sets */
    public String getDescription() {
        if (device != null) {
            return DataSets.getDescription(dataType, device.getName(), portString, pollInterval, direction, startTime, finishTime);
        } else {
            return DataSets.getDescription(dataType, null, portString, pollInterval, direction, startTime, finishTime);

     * Creates a description of the database session with the given session ID.
     * @param  session ID
     * @return a full description for the data sets
    public static String retrieveDescription(int sessionID) throws DBException {
        DataSetsDAO dataSetsDAO;
        DataType retrievedDataType;
        String retrievedDevice;
        String retrievedPort;
        long retrievedPollInterval;
        int retrievedDirection;
        long retrievedStartTime;
        long retrievedFinishTime;

        dataSetsDAO = DAOFactory.getDataSetsDAO();

        retrievedDataType = DataType.types[dataSetsDAO.retrieveSessionDataTypeID(sessionID)];
        retrievedDevice = dataSetsDAO.retrieveSessionDevice(sessionID);
        retrievedPort = dataSetsDAO.retrieveSessionPort(sessionID);
        retrievedPollInterval = dataSetsDAO.retrieveSessionPollInterval(sessionID);
        retrievedDirection = dataSetsDAO.retrieveSessionDirection(sessionID);
        retrievedStartTime = dataSetsDAO.retrieveSessionStartTime(sessionID);
        retrievedFinishTime = dataSetsDAO.retrieveSessionFinishTime(sessionID);


        return getDescription(retrievedDataType, retrievedDevice, retrievedPort, retrievedPollInterval,
                retrievedDirection, retrievedStartTime, retrievedFinishTime);

     * Return a full description of the data sets described by the given information.
     * @param dataType     type of data sets
     * @param deviceName   name of target collection device
     * @param portName     name of target port on device
     * @param pollInterval polling interval
     * @param direction    direction that the collection pertains to
     * @param startTime    time of initial collection event
     * @param finishTime   time of most recent collection event
     * @return             a full description for the data sets
    public static String getDescription(DataType dataType, String deviceName, String portName, long pollInterval, int direction, long startTime, long finishTime) {
        StringBuffer description;
        SimpleDateFormat dateFormat, timeFormat;
        GregorianCalendar startCalendar, finishCalendar;

        dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM d yyyy, H:mm:ss");
        timeFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("H:mm:ss");
        startCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
        finishCalendar = new GregorianCalendar();
        description = new StringBuffer();
        if (deviceName != null) {
            description.append(" for " + deviceName);
        if (dataType == DataType.BANDWIDTH || dataType == DataType.NBAR || dataType == DataType.NETFLOW || dataType == DataType.STORAGE && portName != null) {
            description.append(" (" + portName);
            if (dataType == DataType.NBAR || dataType == DataType.NETFLOW) {
        description.append(" from " + dateFormat.format(startCalendar.getTime()) + " to ");
        if (startCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) == finishCalendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR) && startCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR) == finishCalendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)) {
        } else {
        //description.append(" (" + pollInterval + " ms)");
        return description.toString();

     * Stops the collector.  This includes releasing any collector resources
     * and marking the session as "not collecting" in the database if the
     * session is being stored.
    public void stopCollecting() {
        try {
            if (collector != null) {
            collecting = false;
            if (storing && dataSetsDAO != null) //dba.setCollectingState(sessionID, false);
                dataSetsDAO.updateSessionCollectingState(sessionID, false);
        } catch (DBException e) {
            logger.warn("Cannot change collecting state of session in database");

    public void addInterpolatedDataPoints(SummaryData summary) {
        Iterator<DataPoint> iterator;
        DataPoint dataPoint;
        int insertionIndex;
        long pointTime;
        long previousPointTime;
        boolean firstPoint;

        for (int set = 0; set < summary.getNumberOfSets(); set++) {
            iterator = data.elementAt(set).iterator();
            insertionIndex = 0;
            previousPointTime = 0;
            firstPoint = false;
            for (int point = 0; point < summary.getNumberOfPoints(); point++) {
                if (firstPoint && summary.isInterpolated(set, point)) {
                    //if ( summary.isInterpolated(set, point) ) {
                    pointTime = (long) (summary.getTimeAtPoint(point) + summary.getPixelTime() / 2);
                    while (insertionIndex < data.elementAt(set).size() && pointTime > data.elementAt(set).elementAt(insertionIndex).getTime()) {
                    //logger.debug("Added interpolated point: set=" + set + ",point=" + point + ",index=" + insertionIndex + ",time=" + DataPoint.formatTime(pointTime));
                    data.elementAt(set).add(insertionIndex, new DataPoint(pointTime, summary.getValue(set, point)));
                } else if (!summary.isInterpolated(set, point)) {
                    firstPoint = true;

    /** @return labels for this data */
    public synchronized DataLabels getLabels() {
        return labels;

    public synchronized void setLabels(DataLabels labels) {
        this.labels = labels;

    public String getCollectorName() {
        return collector.getClass().getSimpleName();

    public String toString() {
        StringBuffer buffer;
        buffer = new StringBuffer();
        buffer.append("Device=" + device + ",");
        buffer.append("Interval=" + pollInterval + ",");
        buffer.append("DataSize=" + data.size() + ",");
        buffer.append("HeadingsSize=" + headings.size() + ",");

        for (int set = 0; set < headings.size(); set++) {
            if (set != headings.size() - 1) {

        return buffer.toString();

    /** @return a text dump of the data sets */
    public String dumpData() {
        StringBuffer buffer;

        buffer = new StringBuffer();
        for (int set = 0; set < data.size(); set++) {
            buffer.append("Set " + set + " (" + headings.getHeading(set) + "): ");
            for (int i = 0; i < data.elementAt(set).size(); i++) {
                buffer.append(data.elementAt(set).elementAt(i) + " ");

        return buffer.toString();

    public void deleteSession() throws DBException {
        DataSetsDAO dataSetsDAO;

        dataSetsDAO = DAOFactory.getDataSetsDAO();


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