
Source Code of


SpagoBI - The Business Intelligence Free Platform

Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A.

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA


import it.eng.spago.error.EMFErrorSeverity;
import it.eng.spago.error.EMFUserError;
import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjFunc;
import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjPar;
import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiObjects;
import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.document.metadata.SbiSubreports;
import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.metadata.SbiFuncRole;
import it.eng.spagobi.analiticalmodel.functionalitytree.metadata.SbiFunctions;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiObjParuse;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParameters;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParuse;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParuseCk;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.analyticaldriver.metadata.SbiParuseDet;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.check.metadata.SbiChecks;
import it.eng.spagobi.behaviouralmodel.lov.metadata.SbiLov;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.metadata.SbiDomains;
import it.eng.spagobi.commons.metadata.SbiExtRoles;
import it.eng.spagobi.engines.config.metadata.SbiEngines;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.alarm.metadata.SbiAlarm;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.alarm.metadata.SbiAlarmContact;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.config.metadata.SbiKpi;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.config.metadata.SbiKpiInstPeriod;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.config.metadata.SbiKpiPeriodicity;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.config.metadata.SbiKpiRel;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.metadata.SbiKpiModel;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.metadata.SbiKpiModelInst;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.metadata.SbiKpiModelResources;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.model.metadata.SbiResources;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnit;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitGrant;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitHierarchies;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.ou.metadata.SbiOrgUnitNodes;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.threshold.metadata.SbiThreshold;
import it.eng.spagobi.kpi.threshold.metadata.SbiThresholdValue;
import it.eng.spagobi.mapcatalogue.metadata.SbiGeoFeatures;
import it.eng.spagobi.mapcatalogue.metadata.SbiGeoMapFeatures;
import it.eng.spagobi.mapcatalogue.metadata.SbiGeoMaps;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.hibernate.HibernateException;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Transaction;

* Implements methods to gather information from exported database and to make
* some checks into the current SpagoBI database
public class ImporterMetadata {

  static private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ImporterMetadata.class);

   * Get the list of exported hibernate role objects.
   * @param session  Hiberante session for the exported database
   * @return         The list of exported hibernate roles
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public List getAllExportedRoles(Session session) throws EMFUserError {
    List roles = new ArrayList();
    try {
      Query hibQuery = session.createQuery(" from SbiExtRoles");
      List hibList = hibQuery.list();
      Iterator it = hibList.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        SbiExtRoles hibRole = (SbiExtRoles);
        Role role = new Role();
    } catch (HibernateException he) {
      logger.error("Error while getting exported roles ", he);
      throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "8004", "component_impexp_messages");
    } finally {
    return roles;

   * Get the list of exported hibernate engine objects.
   * @param session  Hibernate session for the exported database
   * @return         The list of exported hibernate engines
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public List getAllExportedEngines(Session session) throws EMFUserError {
    List engines = new ArrayList();
    try {
      Query hibQuery = session.createQuery(" from SbiEngines");
      List hibList = hibQuery.list();
      Iterator it = hibList.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        SbiEngines hibEngine = (SbiEngines);
        Engine eng = new Engine();
        eng.setCriptable(new Integer(hibEngine.getEncrypt().intValue()));
    } catch (HibernateException he) {
      logger.error("Error while getting exported engine ", he);
      throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "8004", "component_impexp_messages");
    } finally {
    return engines;

   * Get the list of exported hibernate objects.
   * @param session  Hibernate session for the exported database
   * @param table    The name of the table corresponding to the hibernate
   * objects to gather
   * @return The list of exported hibernate objects
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public List getAllExportedSbiObjects(Session session, String table, String orderByField) throws EMFUserError {
    List hibList = null;
    String hql = " from " + table + " t";
    if (orderByField != null) {
      hql += " order by t." + orderByField + " asc";
    try {
      Query hibQuery = session.createQuery(hql);
      hibList = hibQuery.list();
    } catch (HibernateException he) {
      logger.error("Error while getting exported sbi objects ", he);
      throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "8004", "component_impexp_messages");
    } finally {
    return hibList;

  public List getFilteredExportedSbiObjects(Session session, String table, String fieldName, Object fieldValue) throws EMFUserError {
    List hibList = null;
    String hql = " from " + table + " t";
    if (fieldName != null && fieldValue != null) {
      if (fieldValue instanceof String) {
        hql += " where t." + fieldName + " = '" + fieldValue + "'";
      } else {
        hql += " where t." + fieldName + " = " + fieldValue.toString();
    try {
      Query hibQuery = session.createQuery(hql);
      hibList = hibQuery.list();
    } catch (HibernateException he) {
      logger.error("Error while getting exported sbi objects ", he);
      throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "8004", "component_impexp_messages");
    } finally {
    return hibList;

   * Get an existing object identified by the id and the class.
   * @param id        The Object id
   * @param objClass  The class of the object
   * @param session   Hibernate session for a database
   * @param tx the tx
   * @return          The existing hibernate object
  public Object getObject(Integer id, Class objClass, Transaction tx, Session session) {
    Object hibObject = null;
    try {
      hibObject = session.load(objClass, id);
    } catch (HibernateException he) {
      logger.error("Error while getting the existing object with class " + objClass.getName() + " " + "and id "
          + id + " \n ", he);
    } finally {
    return hibObject;

   * Upadates the data source name into the query lov objects based on the
   * association defined by the user between exported and current SpagoBI
   * data source.
   * @param associations    Map of associations between exported data sources and
   * data sources of the current SpagoBI platform
   * @param session         Hibernate session for the exported database
   * @param log the log
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public void updateDSRefs(Map associations,  Session session, MetadataLogger log)
  throws EMFUserError {
    SbiLov lov = null;
    try {
      List lovs = getAllExportedSbiObjects(session, "SbiLov", null);
      Iterator iterLovs = lovs.iterator();
      while (iterLovs.hasNext()) {
        lov = (SbiLov);
        if (lov.getInputTypeCd().equalsIgnoreCase("QUERY")) {
          String lovProv = lov.getLovProvider();
          QueryDetail qDet = QueryDetail.fromXML(lovProv);
          String oldDataSource = qDet.getDataSource();
          String assDataSource = (String) associations.get(oldDataSource);

          // register user association
          if ((assDataSource != null) && !assDataSource.trim().equals("") && (oldDataSource != null)
              && !oldDataSource.trim().equals("")) {

            lovProv = qDet.toXML();
            log.log("Changed the data source label from " + oldDataSource + " to " + assDataSource
                + " for the lov " + lov.getName());
    } catch (Exception e) {
      if (lov != null) {
        logger.error("Error while updating connection reference for exported lov with label [" + lov.getLabel() + "].", e);
      logger.error("Error while updating connection references ", e);
      throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "8004", "component_impexp_messages");
    } finally {

   * Check the existance of an object, based on his unique constraints, into
   * the current SpagoBI database.
   * @param unique          The object which contains the unique constraints for the
   * object
   * @param sessionCurrDB   Hibernate session for the current SpagoBI database
   * @param hibObj          An empty object usefull to identify the kind of object to
   * analize
   * @return                The existing Object or null if it doesn't exist
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public Object checkExistence(Object unique, Session sessionCurrDB, Object hibObj) throws EMFUserError {
    String hql = null;
    Query hqlQuery = null;
    if (hibObj instanceof SbiParameters) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiParameters sp where sp.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiParameters hibPar = (SbiParameters) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibPar;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiExtRoles) {
      String roleName = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiExtRoles er where = '" + roleName + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiExtRoles hibRole = (SbiExtRoles) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibRole;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiObjects) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiObjects obj where obj.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiObjects hibBIObj = (SbiObjects) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibBIObj;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiLov) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiLov lov where lov.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiLov hibLov = (SbiLov) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibLov;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiFunctions) {
      String code = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiFunctions f where f.code = '" + code + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiFunctions hibFunct = (SbiFunctions) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibFunct;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiEngines) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiEngines eng where eng.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiEngines hibEng = (SbiEngines) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibEng;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiChecks) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiChecks ch where ch.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiChecks hibCheck = (SbiChecks) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibCheck;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiParuse) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      String label = (String) uniqueMap.get("label");
      Integer parid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("idpar");
      hql = "from SbiParuse pu where pu.label='" + label + "' and pu.sbiParameters.parId = " + parid;
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiParuse hibParuse = (SbiParuse) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibParuse;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiFuncRole) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer stateid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("stateid");
      Integer roleid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("roleid");
      Integer functionid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("functionid");
      hql = "from SbiFuncRole fr where" + stateid + " and = " + roleid
      + " and = " + functionid;
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiFuncRole hibFunctRole = (SbiFuncRole) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibFunctRole;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiParuseDet) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer paruseid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("paruseid");
      Integer roleid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("roleid");
      hql = "from SbiParuseDet pud where = " + roleid
      + " and = " + paruseid;
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiParuseDet hibParuseDet = (SbiParuseDet) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibParuseDet;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiParuseCk) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer paruseid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("paruseid");
      Integer checkid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("checkid");
      hql = "from SbiParuseCk puc where = " + checkid + " and = "
      + paruseid;
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiParuseCk hibParuseCk = (SbiParuseCk) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibParuseCk;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiObjPar) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer paramid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("paramid");
      Integer biobjid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("biobjid");
      String urlname = (String) uniqueMap.get("urlname");
      hql = "from SbiObjPar op where op.sbiParameter.parId = " + paramid + " and op.sbiObject.biobjId = "
      + biobjid + " and op.parurlNm = '" + urlname + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiObjPar hibObjPar = (SbiObjPar) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibObjPar;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiDomains) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      String valuecd = (String) uniqueMap.get("valuecd");
      String domaincd = (String) uniqueMap.get("domaincd");
      hql = "from SbiDomains dom where dom.valueCd='" + valuecd + "' and dom.domainCd='" + domaincd + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiDomains hibDom = (SbiDomains) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibDom;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiObjFunc) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer objid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("objectid");
      Integer functionid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("functionid");
      hql = "from SbiObjFunc objfun where = " + objid
      + " and = " + functionid;
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiObjFunc hibObjFunct = (SbiObjFunc) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibObjFunct;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiSubreports) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer masterid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("masterid");
      Integer subid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("subid");
      hql = "from SbiSubreports subreport where = " + masterid
      + " and = " + subid;
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiSubreports hibSubRep = (SbiSubreports) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibSubRep;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiObjParuse) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer objparid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("objparid");
      Integer paruseid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("paruseid");
      Integer objparfathid = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("objparfathid");
      String filterOp = (String) uniqueMap.get("filterop");
      hql = "from SbiObjParuse objparuse where = " + objparid
      + " and = " + paruseid
      + " and = " + objparfathid
      + " and = '" + filterOp + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiObjParuse hibObjParUse = (SbiObjParuse) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibObjParUse;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiDataSetConfig) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiDataSetConfig ds where ds.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiDataSetConfig hibDs = (SbiDataSetConfig) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibDs;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiDataSource) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiDataSource ds where ds.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiDataSource hibDs = (SbiDataSource) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibDs;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiGeoMaps) {
      String name = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiGeoMaps where name = '" + name + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiGeoMaps hibMap = (SbiGeoMaps) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibMap;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiGeoFeatures) {
      String name = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiGeoFeatures where name = '" + name + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiGeoFeatures hibMap = (SbiGeoFeatures) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibMap;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof SbiGeoMapFeatures) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer mapId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("mapId");
      Integer featureId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("featureId");
      hql = "from SbiGeoMapFeatures where id.mapId = " + mapId + " and id.featureId = " + featureId;
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiGeoMapFeatures hibMapFeature = (SbiGeoMapFeatures) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibMapFeature;
    } else if (hibObj instanceof it.eng.spagobi.kpi.threshold.metadata.SbiThreshold) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiThreshold ds where ds.code = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiThreshold hibDs = null;
        hibDs = (SbiThreshold) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9001", "component_impexp_messages");
      return hibDs;
    /*else if (hibObj instanceof SbiThresholdValue) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiThresholdValue ds where ds.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiThresholdValue hibDs = (SbiThresholdValue) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibDs;
    } */  else if (hibObj instanceof SbiKpi) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiKpi ds where ds.code = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiKpi hibDs =null;
        hibDs= (SbiKpi) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9002", "component_impexp_messages");
      return hibDs;
    }   else if (hibObj instanceof SbiKpiModel) {
      // if unique == null means we are importing form a SpagoBI version < 2.4
      if(unique == null) return null;
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiKpiModel ds where ds.kpiModelLabel = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiKpiModel hibDs =null;
        hibDs=(SbiKpiModel) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9003", "component_impexp_messages");
      return hibDs;
    }   else if (hibObj instanceof SbiKpiModelInst) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiKpiModelInst ds where ds.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiKpiModelInst hibDs = null;
        hibDs=(SbiKpiModelInst) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9004", "component_impexp_messages");
      return hibDs;
    }   else if (hibObj instanceof SbiResources) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiResources ds where ds.resourceCode = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiResources hibDs = null;
        hibDs=(SbiResources) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9005", "component_impexp_messages");
      return hibDs;
    }   else if (hibObj instanceof SbiKpiPeriodicity) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiKpiPeriodicity ds where = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiKpiPeriodicity hibDs = null;
        hibDs=(SbiKpiPeriodicity) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9006", "component_impexp_messages");
      return hibDs;
    }    else if (hibObj instanceof SbiAlarm) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiAlarm ds where ds.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiAlarm hibDs = null;
        hibDs=(SbiAlarm) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9007", "component_impexp_messages");
      return hibDs;
    }    else if (hibObj instanceof SbiAlarmContact) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiAlarmContact ds where = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiAlarmContact hibDs = null;
        hibDs=(SbiAlarmContact) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9008", "component_impexp_messages");
      return hibDs;
    else if (hibObj instanceof SbiObjMetadata) {
      String metaName = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiObjMetadata er where er.label = '" + metaName + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiObjMetadata hibMeta = (SbiObjMetadata) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibMeta;   
    }else if (hibObj instanceof SbiKpiRel) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer fatherId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("fatherId");
      Integer childId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("childId");
      String parameter = (String) uniqueMap.get("parameter");
      hql = "from SbiKpiRel kr where kr.sbiKpiByKpiChildId.kpiId=" + childId + " and kr.sbiKpiByKpiFatherId.kpiId = " + fatherId
      + " and kr.parameter = '" + parameter+ "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiKpiRel hibKpiRel = null;
        hibKpiRel = (SbiKpiRel) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      catch (Exception e) {
        throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9010", "component_impexp_messages");
      return hibKpiRel; 
    }else if (hibObj instanceof SbiUdpValue) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      String family = (String) uniqueMap.get("family");
      Integer udpId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("udpId");
      Integer referenceId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("referenceId");
      hql = "from SbiUdpValue u where u.sbiUdp.udpId = " + udpId + " and u.referenceId ="+referenceId +" and ='"+family+"'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      List<SbiUdpValue> udpValues = (List<SbiUdpValue>)hqlQuery.list();
      SbiUdpValue hibUdpVal = null;
      //TODO to control why there is a list of udpValues and not only one
      if(udpValues!=null && !udpValues.isEmpty()){
        hibUdpVal = udpValues.get(0);
      return hibUdpVal;   
    }else if (hibObj instanceof SbiUdp) {
      //logical unique key but table just looks for label
/*      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer typeId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("typeId");
      Integer familyId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("familyId");
      String label = (String) uniqueMap.get("label");
      hql = "from SbiUdp u where u.label = '" + label + "' and u.typeId ="+typeId+" and u.familyId = "+familyId;*/
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiUdp u where u.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiUdp hibUdp = (SbiUdp) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibUdp;   
    }else if (hibObj instanceof SbiOrgUnit) {
      //checks existence in import db
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      String label = (String) uniqueMap.get("label");
      String name = (String) uniqueMap.get("name");
      hql = "from SbiOrgUnit u where u.label = '" + label  + "' and = ?";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      hqlQuery.setString(0, name);

      SbiOrgUnit hibOu = (SbiOrgUnit) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibOu;   
    }else if (hibObj instanceof SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) {

      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      String label = (String) uniqueMap.get("label");
      String company = (String) uniqueMap.get("company");
      hql = "from SbiOrgUnitHierarchies h where h.label = '" + label + "' and = '"+company+"'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiOrgUnitHierarchies hibHier = (SbiOrgUnitHierarchies) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibHier;   
    }else if (hibObj instanceof SbiOrgUnitNodes) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer ouId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("ouId");
      Integer hierarchyId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("hierarchyId");
      hql = "from SbiOrgUnitNodes n where = " + ouId + " and = "+hierarchyId;
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiOrgUnitNodes hibnode = (SbiOrgUnitNodes) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibnode;   
    }else if (hibObj instanceof SbiOrgUnitGrant) {
      String label = (String) unique;
      hql = "from SbiOrgUnitGrant u where u.label = '" + label + "'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiOrgUnitGrant hibOu = (SbiOrgUnitGrant) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibOu;   
    }else if (hibObj instanceof SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes) {
      Map uniqueMap = (Map) unique;
      Integer nodeId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("nodeId");
      Integer grantId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("grantId");
      Integer modelInstId = (Integer) uniqueMap.get("modelInstId");
      hql = "from SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes n where = " + nodeId + " and = "+modelInstId+" and = "+grantId;
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes hibOu = (SbiOrgUnitGrantNodes) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibOu;   

    return null;

   * Check the existance of a domain, based on his unique constraints, into
   * the current SpagoBI database. Requires two labels
   * @param unique          The object which contains the unique constraints for the
   * object
   * @param domainCd          domain code
   * @param sessionCurrDB   Hibernate session for the current SpagoBI database
   * @param hibObj          An empty object usefull to identify the kind of object to
   * analize
   * @return                The existing Object or null if it doesn't exist
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public Object checkExistenceDomain(String valueCd, String domainCd,Session sessionCurrDB, Object hibObj) throws EMFUserError {
    String hql = null;
    Query hqlQuery = null;
    if (hibObj instanceof SbiDomains) {
      hql = "from SbiDomains where valueCd = '" + valueCd + "'"+"AND domainCd = '"+domainCd+"'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      SbiDomains hibDs = (SbiDomains) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
      return hibDs;
    return null;

   * Check the existance of a ThresholdValue, based on his unique constraints, into
   * the current SpagoBI database. Requires two labels
   * @param unique          The object which contains the unique constraints for the
   * object
   * @param domainCd          domain code
   * @param sessionCurrDB   Hibernate session for the current SpagoBI database
   * @param hibObj          An empty object usefull to identify the kind of object to
   * analize
   * @return                The existing Object or null if it doesn't exist
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public Object checkExistenceThresholdValue(String labelThValue, String thresholdId,Session sessionCurrDB, Object hibObj) throws EMFUserError {
    String hql = null;
    Query hqlQuery = null;
    hql = "from SbiThresholdValue where label = '" + labelThValue + "'"+"AND sbiThreshold = '"+thresholdId+"'";
    hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
    SbiThresholdValue hibDs=null;
      hibDs = (SbiThresholdValue) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
    catch (Exception e) {
      throw new EMFUserError(EMFErrorSeverity.ERROR, "9009", "component_impexp_messages");
    return hibDs;

   * Check the existance of a ModelInstance, based on his unique constraints, into
   * the current SpagoBI database. Requires two labels
   * @param unique          The object which contains the unique constraints for the
   * object
   * @param domainCd          domain code
   * @param sessionCurrDB   Hibernate session for the current SpagoBI database
   * @param hibObj          An empty object usefull to identify the kind of object to
   * analize
   * @return                The existing Object or null if it doesn't exist
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  /*  public Object checkExistenceModelInst(String labelModInst, String modelId,Session sessionCurrDB, Object hibObj) throws EMFUserError {
    String hql = null;
    Query hqlQuery = null;
    hql = "from SbiKpiModelInst ds where ds.label = '" + labelModInst + "'"+"AND sbiKpiModel = '"+modelId+"'";
    hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
    SbiKpiModelInst hibDs = (SbiKpiModelInst) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
    return hibDs;

   * Check the existance of a ModelInstance Resource association, must get ids from model instance and resource
   * @param modelInstLabel     model instance label    
   * @param resourceLabel      resource Label
   * @param sessionCurrDB   Hibernate session for the current SpagoBI database
   * @param hibObj          An empty object usefull to identify the kind of object to
   * analize
   * @return                The existing Object or null if it doesn't exist
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public Object checkExistenceModelResource(String modelInstLabel, String resourceCode, Session sessionCurrDB, Object hibObj) throws EMFUserError {
    String hql = null;
    Query hqlQuery = null;

    // get Model Instance
    Integer idModelInst=null;
    hql = "from SbiKpiModelInst where label = '" + modelInstLabel + "'";
    hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
    SbiKpiModelInst hibDs = (SbiKpiModelInst) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
    if(hibDs==null) return null;


    // get Resource
    Integer idResource=null;
    hql = "from SbiResources where resourceCode = '" + resourceCode + "'";
    hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
    SbiResources hibRes = (SbiResources) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
    if(hibRes==null) return null;


    // check now if association exists
    hql = "from SbiKpiModelResources where sbiKpiModelInst = '" + idModelInst + "' AND sbiResources ='"+ idResource +"'";
    hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
    SbiKpiModelResources hibModRes = (SbiKpiModelResources) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();

    return hibModRes;

   * Check the existance of a Metacontents association, must refer to the same object (label) and to the same metadata (label)
   * @param objLabel     label of the SbiObject   
   * @param metaLabel      label of metadata
   * @param sessionCurrDB   Hibernate session for the current SpagoBI database
   * @param hibObj          An empty object usefull to identify the kind of object to
   * analize
   * @return                The existing Object or null if it doesn't exist
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public Object checkExistenceObjMetacontent(String objLabel , String metaLabel, Session sessionCurrDB, Object hibObj) throws EMFUserError {
    String hql = null;
    Query hqlQuery = null;

    // get Metadata
    logger.debug("get metadata with label "+metaLabel);
    hql = "from SbiObjMetadata s where s.label = '" + metaLabel + "'";
    hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
    SbiObjMetadata hibMetadata = (SbiObjMetadata) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
    if(hibMetadata==null) return null;
    Integer idMeta = hibMetadata.getObjMetaId();
    logger.debug("Id meta is "+idMeta);

    // check now if association exists
    logger.debug("Get metacontent with label "+objLabel+", metaId "+idMeta);

    // distinguish if serching a metacontent related to a subobject or to an object: subObject not associated here!

    //    if(subObjectName != null){
    //      hql = "from SbiObjMetacontents so where so.sbiObjects.label = '" + objLabel + "'"+
    //      " AND ='"+ subObjectName +"'" +
    //      " AND so.objmetaId ='"+ idMeta +"'";
    //    }
    //    else {
    hql = "from SbiObjMetacontents so where so.sbiObjects.label = '" + objLabel + "'"+
    " AND so.sbiSubObjects is null" +
    " AND so.objmetaId ='"+ idMeta +"'";     
    //    }

    hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
    SbiObjMetacontents hibMetacontents = (SbiObjMetacontents) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();

    return hibMetacontents;

   * Check the existance of a Kpi Instance Periodicity association, must get ids from kpi instance and periodicity
   * @param modInstLabel         modelInstanceLabel
   * @param periodicityLabel          periodicity Label
   * @param sessionCurrDB   Hibernate session for the current SpagoBI database
   * @param hibObj          An empty object usefull to identify the kind of object to
   * analize
   * @return                The existing Object or null if it doesn't exist
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public Object checkExistenceKpiInstPeriod(Integer newIdKpiInstance, String periodicityLabel, Session sessionCurrDB, Object hibObj) throws EMFUserError {
    String hql = null;
    Query hqlQuery = null;

    // get Periodicity
    Integer idPeriodicity=null;
    hql = "from SbiKpiPeriodicity where name = '" + periodicityLabel + "'";
    hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
    SbiKpiPeriodicity hibPer = (SbiKpiPeriodicity) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
    if(hibPer==null) return null;

    // check now if association exists
    hql = "from SbiKpiInstPeriod where sbiKpiInstance = '" + newIdKpiInstance + "' AND sbiKpiPeriodicity ='"+ idPeriodicity +"'";
    hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
    SbiKpiInstPeriod hibKInstPer = (SbiKpiInstPeriod) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();

    return hibKInstPer;

   * Check the existance of a KpiModelAttr, based on his unique constraints, into
   * the current SpagoBI database.existance means referring to the same domain and having the same label
   * @param unique          The object which contains the unique constraints for the
   * object
   * @param domainCd          domain code
   * @param sessionCurrDB   Hibernate session for the current SpagoBI database
   * @param hibObj          An empty object usefull to identify the kind of object to
   * analize
   * @return                The existing Object or null if it doesn't exist
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public Object checkExistenceKpiModelAttr(Integer newSbiDomainId, String kpiModelAttrCd,Session sessionCurrDB, Object hibObj) throws EMFUserError {
    // TODO cambiare con i nuovi UDP VAlues
    String hql = null;
    Query hqlQuery = null;
    /*SbiKpiModelAttr toReturn = null;

    if (hibObj instanceof SbiKpiModelAttr && newSbiDomainId != null) {
      // check if there is a model attribute referring to the same domain (with new ID) and with the same Label
      hql = "from SbiKpiModelAttr s where s.sbiDomains.valueId = " + newSbiDomainId + " "+"AND s.kpiModelAttrCd = '"+kpiModelAttrCd+"'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      toReturn = (SbiKpiModelAttr) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();
    }   */

    return null;

   * Check the existance of a KpiModelAttrVal,
   * .existance means referring to the same attribute and to the same model
   * @param kpiModelAttrId The id of the attribute referred
   * @param KpiModelID id of the model referred
   * @param sessionCurrDB   Hibernate session for the current SpagoBI database
   * @param hibObj          An empty object usefull to identify the kind of object to
   * analize
   * @return                The existing Object or null if it doesn't exist
   * @throws                EMFUserError
   * @throws EMFUserError the EMF user error
  public Object checkExistenceKpiModelAttrVal(Integer kpiModelAttrId, Integer kpiModelId,Session sessionCurrDB, Object hibObj) throws EMFUserError {
    // TODO cambiare con i nuovi UDP VAlues
    String hql = null;
    Query hqlQuery = null;
    /*SbiKpiModelAttrVal toReturn = null;

    if (hibObj instanceof SbiKpiModelAttrVal && kpiModelAttrId != null && kpiModelId != null) {
      // check if there is a model attribute referring to the same domain (with new ID) and with the same Label
      hql = "from SbiKpiModelAttrVal s where s.sbiKpiModelAttr.kpiModelAttrId = " + kpiModelAttrId + " "+"AND s.sbiKpiModel.kpiModelId = '"+kpiModelId+"'";
      hqlQuery = sessionCurrDB.createQuery(hql);
      toReturn = (SbiKpiModelAttrVal) hqlQuery.uniqueResult();

    return toReturn;*/
    return null;


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