Package KFM.GUI.Templates

Source Code of KFM.GUI.Templates.PortalTemplate

*  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
*    Siemens Corporate Technology
*    Competence Center Knowledge Management and Business Transformation
*    D-81730 Munich, Germany
*    Authors (representing a really great team ;-) )
*            Stefan B. Augustin, Thorbj�rn Hansen, Manfred Langen
*  This software is Open Source under GNU General Public License (GPL).
*  Read the text of this license in LICENSE.TXT
*  or look at
*  Once more we emphasize, that:

// PortalTemplate

// ************ package ******************************************************
package KFM.GUI.Templates;

// ************ imports ******************************************************

import KFM.GUI.Templates.*;
import KFM.GUI.Page;
import KFM.GUI.KFM_HttpServletRequest; // For `quoteFormField�.
import KFM.RegExp;
import KFM.Converter;
import KFM.log.*;

import com.oroinc.text.regex.MatchResult;                   // Get rid of this when it's included in RegExp.

import java.util.*;
import java.text.MessageFormat;

/** Extend KFM Template with Portal hacks.
* - Provide a very preliminary form of nested `KfmIf�s.
*   You may in addition to `KfmIf� now use `KfmIf1�, `KfmIf2� and `KfmIf3�,
*   and nest different numbers inside each other.
*   You need not nest in increasing number, e.g. `KfmIf3� need not be inside a `KfmIf2�.
* - Escape correctly in forms by using `KFM_HttpServletRequest.quoteFormField� (q.v.).
* @see Template
* @see KfmTemplate
* Please see `Template� and `KfmTemplate�.
public class PortalTemplate extends KfmTemplate

    /** Contains the mapping of Forms to Name and Description of InputFields. */
    private Hashtable mMapFormToNameDescription; // of aForm -> { aInputFieldName -> aDescription }

    // ************************************************************
    // Methods
    // ************************************************************

    /** Prepare a template without loading it.
     * @param theNamePrefix  E.g. "NewProposal" for a template file
     *                      "NewProposal." + Language + templateExtension
     *                      for example "NewProposal.German.kfmt.htm".
     * @param aPage          A page that knows how to generate its footer.
    public PortalTemplate(
        /* TemplateObserver observer,*/
        String aDir,
        String aNamePrefix,
        String aDefaultStylesheet,
        Page   aPage)
        super(aDir, aNamePrefix, aDefaultStylesheet, aPage);

    /** Prepare a template without loading it. Supports the new logging concept (KFMLog).
     * @param theNamePrefix  E.g. "NewProposal" for a template file
     *                      "NewProposal." + Language + templateExtension
     *                      for example "NewProposal.German.kfmt.htm".
     * @param aPage          A page that knows how to generate its footer.
    public PortalTemplate(
        /* TemplateObserver observer,*/
        String aDir,
        String aNamePrefix,
        String aDefaultStylesheet,
        Page   aPage,
        KFMLog aLog)
        super(aDir, aNamePrefix, aDefaultStylesheet, aPage, aLog);

    public void init()
        mMapFormToNameDescription = new Hashtable();

    /** Evaluate all occurences of a KfmIf{n}-command.
     * Redefined to provide a very preliminary form of nested `KfmIf�s.
     * You may in addition to `KfmIf� now use `KfmIf1�, `KfmIf2� and `KfmIf3�,
     * and nest different numbers inside each other.
     * You need not nest in increasing number, e.g. `KfmIf3� need not be inside a `KfmIf2�.
     * For all else, please consult the documentation of `Template.replaceAllKfmIf�.
    public boolean replaceAllKfmIf (String label, boolean keep)
        boolean replacementOccured = super.replaceAllKfmIf(label, keep);

        for(int i = 1; i <= 3; ++i) {
            lWhile: while(true) {
                // Note: endtagM must be *after* starttagM.
                MatchResult starttagM = RegExp.match(cmdPattern("KfmIf" + i, label), html);
                if(starttagM == null) {
                    break lWhile;

                int offset = starttagM.endOffset(0);
                String html2 = html.substring(offset);
                MatchResult endtagM = RegExp.match("\\</KfmIf" + i + "\\s*\\>", html2);
                if(endtagM == null) {
                    break lWhile;
                replacementOccured = true;
                String replacement = (keep ? html.substring(starttagM.endOffset(0), endtagM.beginOffset(0) + offset) : "" );
                if(domark) {
                    replacement = markTag( + replacement + markTag(;
                if(debug) {
                    replacement = commentifyTag( + replacement + commentifyTag(;
                html = html.substring(0, starttagM.beginOffset(0))
                    + replacement
                    + html2.substring(endtagM.endOffset(0));
        return replacementOccured;

    // ************************************************************
    // * Replace methods.
    // ************************************************************

    /** Replace a KFM-command by a text input field for use in forms, i.e. an INPUT entity with TYPE='TEXT'.
     * This method necessary because `KfmTemplate::replaceTextInputField� does not handle
     * FONTs, nor the different behaviour of `SIZE� in Netscape and IE, nor quote the value
     * correctly.
     * If aValue is
     * Fetches the parameters `Formname�, `Description�, `NSSize� and `IEWidth� from the template, e.g.
     *     <KFM titleField Formname="StartForm" Description="Enter your name" NSSize="50" IEWidth="43"></KFM>
     * See also `createTextInputField�.
     *@param aKfmLabel  Case insensitive label of the KFM-command, e.g. `titleField�, `emailField�.
     *@param aName      Value of INPUT's parameter `NAME�, it is also the name of the HTTP parameter.
     *@param aValue     Value of INPUT's parameter `VALUE�, it is also a value for the HTTP parameter named `name�.
     *                  Angle brackets, single quotes, double quotes and ampersands are quoted correctly.
     *@param maxLength  Value of INPUT's parameter `MAXLENGTH�, maximum number of chars the user may type.
    public void replaceAllKfmTextInputField (
        String aKfmLabel,
        String aName,
        String aValue,
        String aMaxLength)
        // A loop like this will only work correctly when the HTML code is wellformed and follows our restrictions.
        // All params must appear.
        String tNSSize, tIEWidth, tRepl;
        do {
            tNSSize  = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "NSSize");
            tIEWidth = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "IEWidth");
            String tDescriptionFormName = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "Formname");
            String tDescription = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "Description");
            tRepl =  "<A NAME='" + aKfmLabel + "'>"
                + createTextInputField(aKfmLabel, aName, aValue,
                    tDescriptionFormName, tDescription, tNSSize, tIEWidth, aMaxLength)
                + "</A>";
        } while(replaceKfm(aKfmLabel, tRepl));

    /** Call `replaceAllKfmTextInputField� with the user's email as default.
     * Currently not working, see `cInputTextMailTempl� below.
    public void replaceAllKfmTextInputEmailField (
        String aKfmLabel,
        String aName,
        String aValue,
        String aMaxLength)
        replaceAllKfmTextInputField(aKfmLabel, aName, aValue, aMaxLength);

    /** Replace a KFM-command by a text area field for use in forms, i.e. an TEXTAREA entity.
     * This method necessary because `KfmTemplate::replaceAllTextAreaField� does not handle
     * FONTs, nor the different behaviour of `SIZE� in Netscape and IE, nor quote the value
     * correctly.
     * Fetches the parameters `Rows�, `NSSize� and `IEWidth� from the template, e.g.
     *     <KFM InputSubject Rows="3" NSSize="50" IEWidth="43"></KFM>
     * See `createTextAreaField�.
     *@param aKfmLabel  Case insensitive label of the KFM-command, e.g. `titleField�, `emailField�.
     *@param aName      Value of INPUTs parameter `NAME�, it is also the name of the HTTP parameter.
     *@param aContent   Value of TEXTAREAs content, it is also a value for the HTTP parameter named `name�.
     *                  Angle brackets, single quotes, double quotes and ampersands are quoted correctly.
     *                  (Actually, we do not have to quote the single and double quotes,
     *                  but we do for consistency with `createTextInputField�.)
     *                  Note: Analogous to the parameter `VALUE� of the entity INPUT with TYPE='TEXT'.
    public void replaceAllKfmTextAreaField (
        String aKfmLabel,
        String aName,
        String aContent)
        // A loop like this will only work correctly when the HTML code is wellformed and follows our restrictions.
        // All params must appear.
        String tRows, tNSSize, tIEWidth, tRepl;
        do {
            tRows    = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "Rows");
            // `NSSize� used to be `Cols�, we now have consistency with text input fields.
            tNSSize  = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "NSSize");
            tIEWidth = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "IEWidth");
            tRepl = "<A NAME='" + aKfmLabel + "'>"
                + createTextAreaField(aKfmLabel, aName, aContent, tRows, tNSSize, tIEWidth)
                + "</A>";
        } while(replaceKfm(aKfmLabel, tRepl));

    /** Replace a KFM-command by a radio button for use in forms, i.e. an INPUT entity with TYPE='RADIO'.
     * This method necessary because `KfmTemplate::replaceAllKfmRadioButton� does not exist.
     * Note that this method is necessary when you want to put each radiobutton into the template
     * by hand. When you want to get all radiobuttons from Java/DB, use `FormContentCreator�.
     * Fetches the parameters `BgColor�, `Value� from the template, e.g.
     *     KFM InputQuality Value=1 BgColor='#def'
     * See `createRadioButton�.
     *@param aKfmLabel  Case insensitive label of the KFM-command, e.g. `titleField�, `emailField�.
     *@param aName      Value of INPUTs parameter `NAME�, it is also the name of the HTTP parameter.
     *@param aSelectdValue
     *     Note that this is the one selected value which get `CHECKED�, not the value
     *     that one radio button. The usual rules for `Value� do apply anyway, i.e.:
     *         Value of INPUT's parameter `VALUE�, it is also a value for the HTTP parameter named `name�.
     *         Angle brackets, single quotes, double quotes and ampersands are quoted correctly.
    public void replaceAllKfmRadioButton (
        String aKfmLabel,
        String aName,
        String aSelectedValue)
        // A loop like this will only work correctly when the HTML code is wellformed and follows our restrictions.
        // All params must appear.
        String tBgColor, tValue, tRepl, tClass;
        do {
            tValue   = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "Value");
            tClass   = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "Class");
            if(tClass.equals("")) {
                tBgColor = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "BgColor");
                // We can't put a name around all radio buttons, as there are several with the same name.
                tRepl = /*"<A NAME='" + aKfmLabel + "'>"
                    + */ createRadioButton(aKfmLabel, aName, tValue, tBgColor, tValue.equals(aSelectedValue))
                    /*+ "</A>"*/;
            } else {
                tRepl = /*"<A NAME='" + aKfmLabel + "'>"
                    + */ createRadioButton2(aKfmLabel, aName, tValue, tClass, tValue.equals(aSelectedValue));
        } while(replaceKfm(aKfmLabel, tRepl));

    /** Replace a KFM-command by a checkbutton (checkbox) for use in forms, i.e. an INPUT entity with TYPE='CHECKBOX'.
     * This method necessary because `KfmTemplate::replaceAllKfmCheckButton� does not exist.
     * Analogous to `replaceAllKfmRadioButton�.
    public void replaceAllKfmCheckButton (
        String aKfmLabel,
        String aName,
        String aSelectedValue)
        // A loop like this will only work correctly when the HTML code is wellformed and follows our restrictions.
        // All params must appear.
        String tBgColor, tValue, tRepl, tClass;
        do {
            tValue   = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "Value");
            tClass   = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "Class");
            if(tClass.equals("")) {
                tBgColor = getKfmParam(aKfmLabel, "BgColor");
                // We can't put a name around all check buttons, as there are several with the same name.
                tRepl = /*"<A NAME='" + aKfmLabel + "'>"
                    + */ createCheckButton(aKfmLabel, aName, tValue, tBgColor, tValue.equals(aSelectedValue))
                    /*+ "</A>"*/;
            } else {
                tRepl = /*"<A NAME='" + aKfmLabel + "'>"
                    + */ createCheckButton2(aKfmLabel, aName, tValue, tClass, tValue.equals(aSelectedValue));
        } while(replaceKfm(aKfmLabel, tRepl));

    /** called by execute */
    private void replaceKfmDescriptionResetScript()
        StringBuffer tCodeSB = new StringBuffer();

        if(mMapFormToNameDescription.size() == 0) {
            // no code required
        } else {
                  "function focusTextField(aInput, aDescription) {\n"
                + "    if(aInput.value == aDescription) {\n"
                + "        aInput.value = \"\";\n"
                + "    }\n"
                + ";\n"
                + "}\n"
                + "\n"
                + "var mMapFormToObject = new Array();\n");

            Iterator tFormIter = mMapFormToNameDescription.keySet().iterator();
            while(tFormIter.hasNext()) {
                String tFormname = (String);

                tCodeSB.append("mMapNameToDescription = new Array();\n");
                Properties tMapNameToDescription =
                    (Properties) mMapFormToNameDescription.get(tFormname);

                Enumeration tNameEnum = tMapNameToDescription.propertyNames();
                while(tNameEnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                    String tInputFieldName = (String) tNameEnum.nextElement();
                    String tDescription = tMapNameToDescription.getProperty(tInputFieldName);

                    tCodeSB.append("mMapNameToDescription[\"" + tInputFieldName + "\"] = " +
                        "\"" + Converter.quoteHtml(tDescription) + "\";\n");

                tCodeSB.append("mMapFormToObject[\"" + tFormname + "\"] = mMapNameToDescription;\n");

          "function resetDescriptionsAndSubmit(aSubmitForm) {\n");
        if(mMapFormToNameDescription.size() > 0) {
            "    for(var tFormname in mMapFormToObject) {\n"
            + "        for(var tInputFieldName in mMapFormToObject[tFormname]) {\n"
            + "            tDescription = mMapFormToObject[tFormname][tInputFieldName];\n"
            + "            if(document.forms[tFormname].elements[tInputFieldName].value == tDescription) {\n"
            + "                document.forms[tFormname].elements[tInputFieldName].value = \"\";\n"
            + "            }\n"
            + "        }\n"
            + "    }\n");
          "    return true; // Tell FORM's onSubmit to submit.\n"
        + "}\n");

          "function insertDescriptionsOnLoad() {\n");
        if(mMapFormToNameDescription.size() > 0) {
            "    for(var tFormname in mMapFormToObject) {\n"
            + "        for(var tInputFieldName in mMapFormToObject[tFormname]) {\n"
            + "            tDescription = mMapFormToObject[tFormname][tInputFieldName];\n"
            + "            if(document.forms[tFormname].elements[tInputFieldName].value == \"\") {\n"
            + "                document.forms[tFormname].elements[tInputFieldName].value = tDescription;\n"
            + "            }\n"
            + "        }\n"
            + "    }\n");


        replaceKfm("DescriptionResetCode", tCodeSB.toString());

    // ************************************************************
    // * Create methods: The variables.
    // ************************************************************

    // Should get a mutator method later.
    // In that case, `cInputTextTempl� and `cTextAreaTempl� need to treat it as a parameter.
    private static final String cFont = "Arial,Helvetica,Verdana";

    /** Template (for `MessageFormat.format�) to construct a TEXT INPUT FIELD,
     *  Used by `createTextInputField�.
     * <P>This hack works for Nav 4.5 and IE 5.0. Please see the background information
     * on `SIZE� in `INPUT TYPE=TEXT SIZE� in the documentation of `createTextInputField�.</P>
     * <P>Detail documentation:</P>
     * <OL>
     * <LI>IE 5.0 honors `font-family� and `width�. `width� must be *after* `font-family�.</LI>
     * <LI>Nav 4.5 honors `FONT� and `SIZE�.
     *     If we leave out the enclosing `FONT�, then `SIZE� is calculated relative to the
     *     enclosing font, not relative to the font in `font-family�.</LI>
     * </OL>
     * <P>Note that the single quote is an escape character for `MessageFormat.format�
     * and must be used twice to get a single quote.</P>
    private static final String cInputTextTempl =
            "<FONT STYLE=''font-family: " + cFont + "''>"
        +     "<INPUT TYPE=''TEXT'' NAME=''{0}'' SIZE=''{2}'' MAXLENGTH=''{4}'' "
        +         "STYLE=''font-family: " + cFont + "; width: {3}em;'' "
        +         "VALUE=''{1}''>"
        +     "</FONT>";

    private static final String cInputTextTemplNoMaxLength =
            "<FONT STYLE=''font-family: " + cFont + "''>"
        +     "<INPUT TYPE=''TEXT'' NAME=''{0}'' SIZE=''{2}'' "
        +         "STYLE=''font-family: " + cFont + "; width: {3}em;'' "
        +         "VALUE=''{1}''>"
        +     "</FONT>";

    private static final String cInputTextDescriptionTempl =
            "<FONT STYLE=''font-family: " + cFont + "''>"
        +     "<INPUT TYPE=''TEXT'' NAME=''{0}'' SIZE=''{2}'' MAXLENGTH=''{4}'' "
        +         "STYLE=''font-family: " + cFont + "; width: {3}em;'' "
        +         "VALUE=''{6}'' onClick=''javascript: focusTextField(this,\"{6}\");''>"
        +     "</FONT>";

    private static final String cInputTextDescriptionTemplNoMaxLength =
            "<FONT STYLE=''font-family: " + cFont + "''>"
        +     "<INPUT TYPE=''TEXT'' NAME=''{0}'' SIZE=''{2}'' "
        +         "STYLE=''font-family: " + cFont + "; width: {3}em;'' "
        +         "VALUE=''{6}'' onClick=''javascript: focusTextField(this,\"{6}\");''>"
        +     "</FONT>";

    // Template (for `MessageFormat.format�) to construct a TEXT INPUT FIELD.
    // Used by `createTextInputField�.
    // See `cInputTextTempl� for more info.
    private static final String cTextAreaTempl =
            "<FONT STYLE=''font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Verdana''>"
        +     "<TEXTAREA NAME=''{0}'' ROWS=''{2}'' COLS=''{3}'' WRAP=''physical'' "
        +         "STYLE=''font-family: " + cFont + "; width: {4}em;'' "
        +         ">{1}</TEXTAREA>"
        +     "</FONT>";

    // Template (for `MessageFormat.format�) to construct a RADIO INPUT FIELD.
    // @param {2} Color of the background, e.g. `#def�. See explanation of `aBackgroundColor�
    //            in `createRadioButton�.
    // @param {3} either "" or "CHECKED".
    private static final String cInputRadioTempl =
            "<INPUT TYPE=''RADIO'' NAME=''{0}'' VALUE=''{1}'' "
        +     "STYLE=''background: {2}'' {3}>";
    private static final String cInputRadioTempl2 =
            "<INPUT TYPE=''RADIO'' NAME=''{0}'' VALUE=''{1}'' "
        +     "CLASS=''{2}'' {3}>";

    // Template (for `MessageFormat.format�) to construct a CHECKBOX INPUT FIELD.
    // Analogous to Radio stuff.
    // Yes, a checkbox really has a background color, on Netscape it's a small strip of approx. one
    // pixel to the left and below. On IE it's the entire height and width of the box that contains
    // the checkbox.
    private static final String cInputCheckTempl =
            "<INPUT TYPE=''CHECKBOX'' NAME=''{0}'' VALUE=''{1}'' "
        +     "STYLE=''background: {2}'' {3}>";
    private static final String cInputCheckTempl2 =
            "<INPUT TYPE=''CHECKBOX'' NAME=''{0}'' VALUE=''{1}'' "
        +     "CLASS=''{2}'' {3}>";

    // As cInputTextTempl, but use JavaScript to insert user's mail address.
    //xxx Nice try, but to get the user's email address,
    //xxx we need to sign a certificate or whatever,
    //xxx and I don't know how to do that.

    // Used below.
    private final String cInputTextTempl2 =
            "<FONT STYLE=''font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Verdana''>"
        +     "<INPUT TYPE=''TEXT'' NAME=''{0}'' VALUE=''"
            // Note that the following line is one Java string.
            // Between the HTML double quotes, insert JavaScript *code*
            // to insert the user's email address. Currently just insert
            // the value of the JavaScript variable `tEmail�, which
            // has presumably been set somewhere in the HTML header.
            + "\" + tEmail + \""
        + "'' "
        +         "STYLE=''font-family: Arial,Helvetica,Verdana; width: {3}em;'' "
        +         "SIZE={2}>"
        +     "</FONT>";

    // Choose `cInputTextTempl2� when JavaScript is enabled, else `cInputTextTempl�.
    private final String cInputTextMailTempl =
            "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE='JavaScript'>\n"
        +     "<!-- \n"
        +     "document.write(\"" + cInputTextTempl2 + "\");\n"
        +     "// -->\n"
        + "</SCRIPT>\n<NOSCRIPT>" + cInputTextTempl + "</NOSCRIPT>\n";

    // ************************************************************
    // * Create methods: The methods.
    // ************************************************************

    /** Build a text input field for use in forms, i.e. an INPUT entity with TYPE='TEXT'.
     * A text input field has one line and no scroll bars. See also `createTextAreaField�.
     * This method necessary because `KfmTemplate::createTextInputField� does not handle
     * FONTs, nor the different behaviour of `SIZE� in Netscape and IE, nor quote the value
     * correctly.
     * The officially correct way to specify the width of the text field in HTML 3.2,
     * which is via INPUT's attribute `SIZE� (in number of characters), yields very different widths
     * in Netscape 4.* and IE 5.0. There is also the CSS style parameter `width� (e.g. in ems), which
     * Netscape 4.* ignores and IE 5.0 honors.
     * Thus, as a workaround, we set INPUT's attribute `SIZE� for Netscape 4.* and INPUT's CSS style
     * parameter `width� for IE 5.0. E.g. in the font Arial, Netscape's `SIZE=50� and IE's
     * `width:43em� seem to be equivalent.
     *@param aKfmLabel   Case insensitive label of the KFM-command, e.g. `titleField�, `emailField�.
     *@param aName       Value of INPUT's parameter `NAME�, it is also the name of the HTTP parameter.
     *@param aValue      Value of INPUT's parameter `VALUE�, it is also a value for the HTTP parameter named `name�.
     *                   Angle brackets, single quotes, double quotes and ampersands are quoted correctly.
     *@param aDescription    A description of what kind of information the user should enter.
     *@param aDescriptionFormName The name of the Form which contains this InputField.
     *@param aNSSize     Value of INPUT's parameter `SIZE�,
     *                   width of the text field in number of characters,
     *                   which seems to be honored by Netscape 4.*.
     *@param aIEWidth    Value of INPUT's CSS style parameter `width�,
     *                   width of the text field in ems (characters),
     *                   which seems to be honored by IE 5.0.
     *@param aMaxLength  Value of INPUT's parameter `MAXLENGTH�, maximum number of chars the user may type.
     *                   Since 2001-04-20, it may be `null� for no `MAXLENGTH�.
     *@return            HTML code for INPUT entity.
    public String createTextInputField (
        String aKfmLabel,  // Currently not used
        String aName,
        String aValue,
        String aDescriptionFormName,
        String aDescription,
        String aNSSize,    // for Netscape
        String aIEWidth,   // for IE
        String aMaxLength)
        String tTempl = null;
        if(aDescriptionFormName == "" || aDescription == "" || aValue.length() > 0) {
            tTempl = (aMaxLength == null)
                ? cInputTextTemplNoMaxLength
                : cInputTextTempl;
        } else {
            addFormToNameDescription(aDescriptionFormName, aName, aDescription);
            tTempl = (aMaxLength == null)
                ? cInputTextDescriptionTemplNoMaxLength
                : cInputTextDescriptionTempl;
        return MessageFormat.format(tTempl, new Object[] {
            aName, Converter.quoteHtml(aValue),
            aNSSize, aIEWidth, aMaxLength, aDescriptionFormName,

    private void addFormToNameDescription(String aFormName, String aName, String aDescription)
        Properties tProps = (Properties) mMapFormToNameDescription.get(aFormName);
        if(tProps == null) {
            tProps = new Properties();
            mMapFormToNameDescription.put(aFormName, tProps);
        tProps.put(aName, aDescription);

    /** Build a text area field for use in forms, i.e. an TEXTAREA entity.
     * This method necessary because `KfmTemplate::createTextAreaField� does not handle
     * FONTs, nor the different behaviour of `COLS� in Netscape and IE, nor quote the value
     * correctly.
     * For details on handling of `COLS�, consult `createTextInputField�'s handling of `SIZE�.
     * A text area field has several lines and scroll bars.
     *@param aKfmLabel  Case insensitive label of the KFM-command, e.g. `titleField�, `emailField�.
     *@param aName      Value of TEXTAREAs parameter `NAME�, it is also the name of the HTTP parameter.
     *@param aContent   Value of TEXTAREAs content, it is also a value for the HTTP parameter named `name�.
     *                  Angle brackets, single quotes, double quotes and ampersands are quoted correctly.
     *                  (Actually, we do not have to quote the single and double quotes,
     *                  but we do for consistency with `createTextInputField�.)
     *                  Note: Analogous to the parameter `VALUE� of the entity INPUT with TYPE='TEXT'.
     *@param aRows      Value of TEXTAREAs parameter `ROWS�,
     *                  number of (character) rows of text area field.
     *@param aNSSize    Value of TEXTAREAs parameter `COLS�,
     *                  width of the textarea field in number of characters,
     *                  which seems to be honored by Netscape 4.*.
     *                  Called `NSSize� for consistency with text fields.
     *@param aIEWidth   Value of INPUT's CSS style parameter `width�,
     *                  width of the text field in ems (characters),
     *                  which seems to be honored by IE 5.0.
     *@return           HTML code for TEXTAREA entity.
    public String createTextAreaField (
        String aKfmLabel,  // Currently not used
        String aName,
        String aContent,
        String aRows,
        String aNSSize,    // for Netscape
        String aIEWidth)   // for IE
        return MessageFormat.format(cTextAreaTempl, new Object[] {
                aName, Converter.quoteHtml(aContent),
                aRows, aNSSize, aIEWidth});

    /** Build a radio button.
     *@param aName      Value of INPUTs parameter `NAME�, it is also the name of the HTTP parameter.
     *@param aValue     Value of INPUTs parameter `VALUE�, it is also a value for the HTTP parameter named `name�.
     *                  Note that this is the value that this radio button has, not the selected value.
     *@param aBackgroundColor
     *     As a radio button is a circle, the color of the background shows around the circle.
     *     (We are not talking about the color inside the circle, which is white, as we want it.)
     *     IE 5.0 correctly chooses the current background color, but Netscape 4.*
     *     does not. But NS 4.* accepts the CSS style parameter `background� for that,
     *     but for reasons of terminal stupidity at NS, only in the form `#000� to `#fff�.
     *@param aSelected  Boolean.
     *@return           HTML code for INPUT entity.
    public String createRadioButton (
        String aKfmLabel,  // Currently not used
        String aName,
        String aValue,
        String aBackgroundColor,
        boolean aSelected)
        return MessageFormat.format(cInputRadioTempl, new Object[] {
                aName, Converter.quoteHtml(aValue),
                aBackgroundColor, (aSelected ? " CHECKED" : "")});

    public String createRadioButton2 (
        String aKfmLabel,  // Currently not used
        String aName,
        String aValue,
        String aClass,
        boolean aSelected)
        return MessageFormat.format(cInputRadioTempl2, new Object[] {
                aName, Converter.quoteHtml(aValue),
                aClass, (aSelected ? " CHECKED" : "")});

    /** Build a checkbox button.
     * Analogous to `createRadioButton�.
    public String createCheckButton (
        String aKfmLabel,  // Currently not used
        String aName,
        String aValue,
        String aBackgroundColor,
        boolean aSelected)
        return MessageFormat.format(cInputCheckTempl, new Object[] {
                aName, Converter.quoteHtml(aValue),
                aBackgroundColor, (aSelected ? " CHECKED" : "")});
    public String createCheckButton2 (
        String aKfmLabel,  // Currently not used
        String aName,
        String aValue,
        String aClass,
        boolean aSelected)
        return MessageFormat.format(cInputCheckTempl, new Object[] {
                aName, Converter.quoteHtml(aValue),
                aClass, (aSelected ? " CHECKED" : "")});

    // ************************************************************
    // * End create methods.
    // ************************************************************

    /** Does all replacements.
     * This function is intended to be called by all subclasses.
     * Implements:
    public void execute ()

Related Classes of KFM.GUI.Templates.PortalTemplate

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