Package KFM.DB

Source Code of KFM.DB.KfmTransientDBTable2

*  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
*    Siemens Corporate Technology
*    Competence Center Knowledge Management and Business Transformation
*    D-81730 Munich, Germany
*    Authors (representing a really great team ;-) )
*            Stefan B. Augustin, Thorbj�rn Hansen, Manfred Langen
*  This software is Open Source under GNU General Public License (GPL).
*  Read the text of this license in LICENSE.TXT
*  or look at
*  Once more we emphasize, that:

// KfmTransientDBTable2

package KFM.DB;

// KFM packages
import KFM.Exceptions.KFM_SQLException;
import KFM.Exceptions.ProgrammerException;
import KFM.log.*;

// java packages
import java.lang.Integer;
import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;

/** A better `TransientDBTable� with support for iterators
*  and with access by column name rather than by column position.
* <P>`KfmTransientDBTable� improves `TransientDBTable� in two ways. Firstly, it supports
* iterators, which are objects of the class `DbTagValueIterator2� (yes, the naming is unfortunate).
* Secondly, it has access by column name rather than by column position.</P>
* Change by KS, 13.3.2000 <BR>
* Added a method to set values.
* @author ThH, 04.03.99
public class KfmTransientDBTable2 /*extends TransientDBTable*/

    // Variables

    /** For internal fetching of data from db. */
    private TransientDBTable2 mTable = new TransientDBTable2();

    /** Set of DbTagIterators which currently scan this table. */
    private Hashtable mCurrentIterators = new Hashtable();

    /** This id is needed for creating the next unique iterator id. */
    long mNextIteratorId = 0;

    /** Connection to communicate with the database - also needed for creating new iterators. */
    private KFM_Database mDB;

    /** Needed for creating new iterators. */
    private String[] colNames;

    /** Map column names to column numbers. */
    protected Hashtable colNameToNumber; // String -> Integer // You cannot put an `int� into a `Hashtable�.

    // Methoden

    public KfmTransientDBTable2 (String[] ccolNames, KFM_Database aDB)
        colNames = ccolNames;
        mDB = aDB;

        colNameToNumber = new Hashtable();
        for(int i = 0; i < colNames.length; ++i) {
            // Note: Array indices are 0-based, column numbers are 1-based.
            colNameToNumber.put(colNames[i], new Integer(i+1));

    public void finalize()
        throws Throwable

    /** L�dt eine Datenbank-Tabelle in den Speicher dieses Objektes.
     * @param sql   Eine g�ltige sql-Anweisung
    public void loadTable (String sql)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        //X long tTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        mTable = new TransientDBTable2();
        try {
            mTable.loadTable(sql, mDB/*.getConnection()*/);
        catch(ProgrammerException e){
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KfmTransientDBTable2::loadTable: getConnection() produced exception " + e.getMessage());
        //X tTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - tTime;
        //X"loaded " + sql + " in " + tTime + " msec. (size: " + mTable.size() + ")");

    /** Appends a database table to the memory of this object.
     * @param sql   Eine g�ltige sql-Anweisung
    public void appendTable (String sql)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        //X long tTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (mTable == null)
            mTable = new TransientDBTable2();

        try {
            mTable.appendTable(sql, mDB /*.getConnection()*/);
        catch(ProgrammerException e){
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KfmTransientDBTable2::appendTable: getConnection() produced exception " + e.getMessage());
        //X tTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - tTime;
        //X"loaded " + sql + " in " + tTime + " msec. (size: " + mTable.size() + ")");

    public boolean loadTable (String sql, String[] colNames, Connection con)

        colNameToNumber = new Hashtable();
        for(int i = 0; i < colNames.length; ++i) {
            // Note: Array indices are 0-based, column numbers are 1-based.
            colNameToNumber.put(colNames[i], new Integer(i+1));

        long tTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        boolean ret = mTable.loadTable(sql, con);

        tTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - tTime;"loaded " + sql + " in " + tTime + " msec.");
        return ret;

    /** Check whether a colname exists.
     * @return  True iff `aColName� is a valid colname.
    public boolean isColName (String aColName)
        final Object obj = colNameToNumber.get(aColName);
        return (obj != null);

     * Get from table by row number and column name, returning a String or null.
     * If the column name is invalid, a ProgrammerException is thrown.
     * @return String oder null
     * @see getString
     * @exception ProgrammerException
     *   When the colname does not exist. Do not try to catch this exception,
     *   use `isColName� instead.
    public String get (int rowNr, String colName)
        final Object obj = colNameToNumber.get(colName);
        if(obj == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KfmTransientDBTable2: colName '" + colName + "' does not exist.");
        final int colNr = ((Integer) obj).intValue();
        return mTable.get(rowNr, colNr);

     * Get from table by row number and column name, always returning a string ("" if DB value is NULL).
     * If the column name is invalid, a ProgrammerException is thrown.
     * @return  Always return a String.
     * @see get
    public String getString(int rowNr, String colName)
        String ret = get(rowNr, colName);
        if ((null == ret)||(ret.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("NULL")))
            ret = "";
        else ret = ret.trim();
        return ret;

     * Set a value in the table by row number and column name.
     * If the column name is invalid, a ProgrammerException is thrown.
     * If the row number is greater than the actual size, new (empty) rows are added.
     * @param rowNr the row number for the new value, first row has index 0
     * @param colName the name of the column for the new value
     * @param value the value (as a String) to be set
    public void set (int rowNr, String colName, String value)
        final Object obj = colNameToNumber.get(colName);
        if(obj == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KfmTransientDBTable2: colName '" + colName + "' does not exist.");
        final int colNr = ((Integer) obj).intValue();
        mTable.set (rowNr, colNr, value);

     * @return number of rows which are currently loaded
    public int size()
        return mTable.size();

     * This is needed for identifying it again while disconnecting
     * @return id for this iterator
    synchronized String connectIterator(DbTagValueIterator2 aIterator)
        // increase the id
// TODO: later the ids may not be enough. In this case use the date and
// time as prefix

        // insert here
        String tIteratorIdString = Long.toString(mNextIteratorId);
        mCurrentIterators.put(tIteratorIdString, aIterator);

        // tell iterator its id
        return tIteratorIdString;

     * This is needed for identifying it again while disconnecting
     * @return id for this iterator
    synchronized void disconnectIterator(String id)
        if ( ! mCurrentIterators.containsKey(id))
            throw new ProgrammerException("KfmTransientDBTaBLE2.disconnect() - wrong iterator id");


    public synchronized void invalidateAllIterators()
        //X String tStr = "";
        for (Enumeration tEnum = mCurrentIterators.elements(); tEnum.hasMoreElements();)
            ((DbTagValueIterator2) tEnum.nextElement()).invalidate();
            //X tStr += ".";
        //X"Invalidating all Iterators" + tStr);

    /** Sorts the table after a column.
     * Note by ThH: This method was added by HS on 1999-06-24.
     * He did not know that KfmTransientDBTable2 should use *names* (Strings) instead of position (ints)
     * to access the columns, so he just copied the signature of `TransientDBTable2.sort�.
     * See also `TransientDBTable2.sort�.
     * @param aColumnToSort
     *   Column to be sorted, starting with 1.
     *   E.g. if you want to access the first column, use aColumnToSort=1.
     *   New: Now a name!
     * @param aTypeToSort
     *   Type of the column which should be sorted. Use <br>
     *     aTypeToSort=1 for int     <br>
     *     aTypeToSort=2 for String
     * @param aSortDirection
     *   Chooses sort direction: ascending or descending. Use<br>
     *     direction=1 for ascending<br>
     *     direction=2 for descending
     * @return false if any problem did occur, true else
     * @see TransientDBTable2#sort(int, int, int)
    public synchronized boolean sort (
        String aColumnToSort,
        int aTypeToSort,
        int aSortDirection)
        final Object obj = colNameToNumber.get(aColumnToSort);
        if(obj == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KfmTransientDBTable2: colName '" + aColumnToSort+ "' does not exist.");
        final int colNr = ((Integer) obj).intValue();

        // Call sort methode from TransientDBTable2.
        return mTable.sort(colNr, aTypeToSort, aSortDirection );

    /** Sorts the table after a column and eliminates duplicates.
     * Two rows are considered as duplicates if aColumnToSort has the same value fo them.
     * @param aColumnToSort
     *   Name of the column to be sorted
     * @param aTypeToSort
     *   Type of the column which should be sorted. Use <br>
     *     aTypeToSort=1 for int     <br>
     *     aTypeToSort=2 for String
     * @param aSortDirection
     *   Chooses sort direction: ascending or descending. Use<br>
     *     direction=1 for ascending<br>
     *     direction=2 for descending
     * @return false if any problem did occur, true else
     * @see TransientDBTable2#sortAndUnique(int, int, int)
    public synchronized boolean sortAndUnique (
        String aColumnToSort,
        int aTypeToSort,
        int aSortDirection)
        final Object obj = colNameToNumber.get(aColumnToSort);
        if(obj == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KfmTransientDBTable2: colName '" + aColumnToSort+ "' does not exist.");
        final int colNr = ((Integer) obj).intValue();

        // Call sortAndUnique method from TransientDBTable2.
        return mTable.sortAndUnique(colNr, aTypeToSort, aSortDirection );

    /** Eliminates duplicates from the presorted table.
     * Two adjacent rows are considered as duplicates if aColumnToSort has the same value fo them.
     * @param aColumnToSort
     *   Name of the column for which duplicates are to be eliminated
     * @return false if any problem did occur, true else
     * @see TransientDBTable2#uniqueAfterSort(int)
    public synchronized boolean uniqueAfterSort (
        String aColumnToSort)
        final Object obj = colNameToNumber.get(aColumnToSort);
        if(obj == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KfmTransientDBTable2: colName '" + aColumnToSort+ "' does not exist.");
        final int colNr = ((Integer) obj).intValue();

        // Call uniqueAfterSort method from TransientDBTable2.
        return mTable.uniqueAfterSort(colNr);

    /** Eliminates duplicates from the presorted table.
     * Two adjacent rows are considered as duplicates if both aColumnToSort1 and aColumnToSort1 have the same value fo them.
     * Note: This is an intermediate method for the time until this class (and TransientDBTable2) are refactored
     * concerning their sort and unique behavior.
     * @param aColumnToSort1
     *   Name of the first column for which duplicates are to be eliminated
     * @param aColumnToSort2
     *   Name of the second column for which duplicates are to be eliminated
     * @return false if any problem did occur, true else
     * @see TransientDBTable2#uniqueAfterSort(int, int)
    public synchronized boolean uniqueAfterSort (
        String aColumnToSort1,
        String aColumnToSort2)
        final Object obj1 = colNameToNumber.get(aColumnToSort1);
        if(obj1 == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KfmTransientDBTable2: colName '" + aColumnToSort1+ "' does not exist.");
        final Object obj2 = colNameToNumber.get(aColumnToSort2);
        if(obj2 == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KfmTransientDBTable2: colName '" + aColumnToSort2+ "' does not exist.");
        final int colNr1 = ((Integer) obj1).intValue();
        final int colNr2 = ((Integer) obj2).intValue();

        // Call uniqueAfterSort method from TransientDBTable2.
        return mTable.uniqueAfterSort(colNr1, colNr2);

    /* Gets the table used for getting data from the database */
    public TransientDBTable2 getInternalTable(){
        return mTable;

Related Classes of KFM.DB.KfmTransientDBTable2

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