Package KFM.DB

Source Code of KFM.DB.KFM_JdbcAdapter

*  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
*    Siemens Corporate Technology
*    Competence Center Knowledge Management and Business Transformation
*    D-81730 Munich, Germany
*    Authors (representing a really great team ;-) )
*            Stefan B. Augustin, Thorbj�rn Hansen, Manfred Langen
*  This software is Open Source under GNU General Public License (GPL).
*  Read the text of this license in LICENSE.TXT
*  or look at
*  Once more we emphasize, that:

// KFM_JdbcAdapter
// ************ package ******************************************************
package KFM.DB;
// ************ imports ******************************************************

import KFM.DateTimeServices.*;
import KFM.log.*;

import KFM.Exceptions.*;

import java.sql.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.rmi.server.UID;

/** KFM_JdbcAdapter provides an easy to use db-interface.
* <P>Note: Now cooperates with KFM_Database2!</P>
* <H2>Features</H2>
* <P>In contrast to other adapters classes this
* KFM_JdbcAdapter works with prepared statemets and supports multiple statements.</P>
* <P>There are also other adapter classes, like the Generic_JdbcAdapter which is deprecated.
* Or the KFM_GernericJdbcAdapter which is not deprecated but does not have same features as
* this adapter class.
* Note that the KFM_GenericJdbcAdapter will eventually be replaced bay this class.</P>
* <P>Use the KFM_JdbcAdapter in this way:</P>
* <PRE>
* KFM_Database tDb = new KFM_Database(...);
* try {
*    tDb.establishConnection();
*    KFM_JdbcAdapter kfmJdbcAdapt = new KFM_JdbcAdapter(tDb);
*    int tStmtId = kfmJdbcAdapt.prepareStmt("SELECT ? FROM employee WHERE age=?;");
*    try {
*        kfmJdbcAdapt.setValue(tStmtId,1,"name");
*        kfmJdbcAdapt.setValue(tStmtId,2,40);
*        ResultSet rs = kfmJdbcAdapt.executeQuery(tStmtId);
*        ...
*        kfmJdbcAdapt.setValue(tStmtId,1,"address");
*        ResultSet rs = kfmJdbcAdapt.executeQuery(tStmtId);
*        ...
*    } finally {
*        kfmJdbcAdapt.closeStmt(tStmtId);
*        kfmJdbcAdapt.close();
*    }
* } finally {
*    tDb.closeConnection();
* }
* </PRE>
* <H2>Caveat</H2>
* <P>There is a problem with writing NULL values into DB fields of several JDBC-SQL types with ACCESS
* (an exception is thrown).
* A test with Sybase 11.5 (via jConnect 4.1) resulted in no problems, however.</P>
* <P>These were the JDBC-SQL-Types (and their corresponding ACCESS types) working properly when writing
* NULL:</P>
* <PRE>
*     TINYINT      (Zahl, Feldgr�sse Byte)
*     SMALLINT     (Zahl, Feldgr�sse Integer)
*     INTEGER      (Zahl, Feldgr�sse Long Integer)
*     REAL         (Double)
*     DOUBLE       (Double)
*     CHAR         (Text)
*     VARCHAR      (Text)
*     LONGVARCHAR  (Memo)
* </PRE>
* <H2>See also</H2>
* <P>See also `KFM_Database�, which e.g. provides `isAccess� and `isSybase�.</P>
* @see KFM_Database
* @author h
* @version 0.001
public class KFM_JdbcAdapter
    private int cVarcharCount = 3990; //the size for varchar2 values in oracle
    // ************************************************************
    // Inner classes
    // ************************************************************

    /** A container to store a PreparedStatement and information about it. */
    public static class KFM_PrepStmtItem
        // ************************************************************
        // Attributes
        // ************************************************************

        /** The prepared statement itself. */
        protected PreparedStatement   mPrepStmt   = null;

        /** The Id of the statement. */
        protected int                 mId         = 0;

        /** The String (Sql-Mask) of the statement. */
        protected String              mStmtString = null;

        /** These Objects define the values in the statement. */
        protected Object[]            mValues     = null;

        /** Create a new Container from the statement with his sqlmask.
         * @param aPrepStmt the statement to store.
         * @param aStmtString the sqlmask of the statement.
        public KFM_PrepStmtItem (PreparedStatement aPrepStmt, String aStmtString)
            mPrepStmt           = aPrepStmt;
            mStmtString         = aStmtString;
            int tCounter        = 0; //Count `?� in stmtstring.
            int tStringStartPos = 0;
            while((tStringStartPos = mStmtString.indexOf('?', tStringStartPos+1)) != -1)

            if(tCounter > 0) {
                //If one or more ? exists, create a object for each.
                mValues = new Object[tCounter];
                removeValues();                             // Set all objects to null.

        /** Set the Id of an statement.
         * @param aId statement id to set.
        public void setId (int aId)
            mId = aId;

        /** Insert an object in the object array on position aPos(-1).
         * @param aObject the object to be inserted.
         * @param aPos the position of the object in the array.
         * Note: The position starts with 1 and ends with the amount of ? in the stmtstring.
         * The array position starts with 0 and ends eith the amount of ? in the stmtstring -1.
         * So an offset of -1 is used to store the Object in the array.
        public void addValue(Object aObject, int aPos)
            if(aPos-1 <= mValues.length) {
                mValues[aPos-1] = aObject;
            } else {
                throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_PrepStmtItem::addValue(Object,int):"
                    + " arrayindex out of bounds.");

        /** Create an integer object from an int and insert them into array by calling addValue(Object
         *  aObject, int aPos).
         * @param aIntValue to create an integer object from.
         * @param aPos postion for the IntergerObject in the array.
         * @see #addValue(Object aObject, int aPos)
        public void addValue(int aIntValue, int aPos)
            addValue(new Integer(aIntValue), aPos);

        /** Create a Long object from a long and insert them into array by calling addValue(Object
         *  aObject, int aPos).
         * @param aIntValue to create an integer object from.
         * @param aPos postion for the IntergerObject in the array.
         * @see #addValue(Object aObject, int aPos)
        public void addValue(long aIntValue, int aPos)
            addValue(new Long(aIntValue), aPos);

        /** Remove all values from the object array, and set them to null.
        public void removeValues()
            for(int tCounter=0;tCounter<mValues.length;tCounter++)

        /** Get the preparedstatement stored in this object.
         * @return preparedstatement in this object.
        public PreparedStatement getStmt()
            return mPrepStmt;

        /** Returns an string which represents the query of the statement.
         * @return string which represents the query of this statement.
        public String toString()
            StringBuffer tQueryString = new StringBuffer("");

            int tStmtValueId = 0;                                               //The values.
            int tStartPos = 0;
            int tEndPos;

            while((tEndPos = mStmtString.indexOf('?',tStartPos))!=-1) {
                //Search for ? in String.
                tQueryString.append(mStmtString.substring(tStartPos,tEndPos))//Append substring before ?
                                                                                //to stringbuffer.
                if(mValues[tStmtValueId] != null)                               //If a value exists
                    tQueryString.append(mValues[tStmtValueId].toString());      //add them into stringbuffer.
                    tQueryString.append("NULL");                                //Otherwise append NULL.

                tStmtValueId++;                                                 //Prepare for next loop.
                tStartPos = tEndPos+1;
            if(tStartPos<mStmtString.length())                                  //Add last part of the
                tQueryString.append(mStmtString.substring(tStartPos));          //statementstring.
            tQueryString.append(" (stmt: " + mId + ") ");                       //Show statement id.

            return tQueryString.toString();                                     //Return stringvalue of
                                                                                //the stringbuffer.
    } // End of class StatementItem.

    // ************************************************************
    // Constants
    // ************************************************************

    public static final int illegalStmt = -1;

    // ************************************************************
    // Attributes
    // ************************************************************

    /** The Database to get the connection from. */
    private KFM_Database mDatabase = null;

    /** Vector containing all statements. */
    private Vector mStatement = null;

    /** Connection to db. */
    protected Connection mConnection = null;

    /** Log file. */
    protected KFMLog mLog = null;

    // ************************************************************
    // Methods
    // ************************************************************

     * DEPRECATED Constructor. Use the one with the new logging concept.
     * Constructor init KFM_JdbcAdapter and stpr jdbc-connection information.
     * @param KFM_Database to get Connection from.
     * @deprecated
    public KFM_JdbcAdapter(KFM_Database aDatabase)
//      mConnection = aDatabase.getConnection();
        mDatabase = aDatabase;
        mStatement  = new Vector();

     * Constructor with new KFMLog. Will replace the old constructor above.
     * @param KFM_Database to get Connection from.
    public KFM_JdbcAdapter(KFM_Database aDatabase, KFMLog aLog)
        this.mLog = aLog;

    /** Accessor for mDatabase. */
    public KFM_Database getDatabase () {
        return mDatabase;

     * Closing all at the end of adapter lifetime.
   /* public void finalize()
        try {
        } catch(Exception aE) {
            // Exception not handled because class will no longer
            // exist after finalize.

    /** Test and load JDBC-driver and creates a connection to the DB.
     * A KFM_JdbcAdapter can only be opened once. If the adapter is opened again a
     * ProgrammerException will be thrown.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on reopen a open database.
     * @see KFMGenericJdbcAdapter
     * @see #KFM_JdbcAdapter(KFM_Database)
    public synchronized void open()
        if(mConnection != null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::open: "
                + "Connection is already open.");
        mConnection = mDatabase.getConnection();

    /** Remove all prepared statements and closes connection (if open).
     * Note: A KFM_JdbcAdapter can only be closed if it was opend before. Trying to close a
     * non open KFM_JdbcAdapter will throw a ProgrammerException.
     * @throws ProgrammerException if KFM_JdbcAdapter was not opened before.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on Statement or Connection closing problems.
     * @see KFM_GenericJdbcAdapter
     * @see #KFM_JdbcAdapter(KFM_Database)
    public synchronized void close()
        throws KFM_SQLException
        KFMSystem.log.debug("JDBCAdapter: Close");
        if(mConnection == null) {
            // Execption caused by calling close but not calling open before.
            throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::close: "
                + "close() was called, but connection is not open.");

        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;

        Enumeration aEnu = mStatement.elements();                          //get all open statements.
        while(aEnu.hasMoreElements()) {
            tPrepStatementItem = (KFM_PrepStmtItem)aEnu.nextElement();      //For each statement:
            // If statement exists, close it.
            if(tPrepStatementItem != null) {
                try {
                    tPrepStatementItem = null;
                } catch (SQLException ex) {
                    throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());
        mStatement.removeAllElements(); // Delete all statements.

        mConnection = null;

        // We don't have to close the connection if we use the kfm_database.
        // try {
        //     mConnection.close();
        //     mConnection = null;
        // } catch (SQLException aSqlE) {
        //     KFM_SQLException tKSE = new KFM_SQLException(aSqlE);
        //     throw new ProgrammerException(
        //         "KFM_JdbcAdapter::close: "
        //         + "Connection.close()" + " nested Exception is\n"
        //         + tKSE.getMessage());

    /** Prepares a new created statement and returns the id of this new statement.
     * @param aStmtId   id of the statement
     * @param aSqlMask  sqlmask for the statement e.g. "Select ? from ?;"
     * Note: All the ? have to be set to a value, by using the setValue method.
     * Otherwise no query or update operation will throw an exception.
     * @throws ProgrammerException when sqlMask is null or "".
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on prepareStatement problems.
    public int prepareStmt(String aSqlMask)
        throws KFM_SQLException

        if(aSqlMask == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::prepareStmt: Sqlmask cannot be null.");
        if(aSqlMask.equals("")) {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::prepareStmt: Sqlmask cannot be \"\".");

        PreparedStatement tPrepStatement = null;
        int tStmtId = 0; // Id of the new statement.
        try {
            tPrepStatement = mConnection.prepareStatement(aSqlMask);        //Get new statementItem.

            KFM_PrepStmtItem tSmtItem = new KFM_PrepStmtItem(tPrepStatement, aSqlMask);

            KFM_PrepStmtItem tFreeStatementItem = null;                     //Get a free place in
            Enumeration tEnu=mStatement.elements();                         //statementItem vector.
            while(tEnu.hasMoreElements()) {
                tFreeStatementItem = (KFM_PrepStmtItem) tEnu.nextElement();
                if(tFreeStatementItem == null) {
            tSmtItem.setId(tStmtId);                                        //Set found id to item.

            if(tStmtId < mStatement.size())
                mStatement.setElementAt(tSmtItem, tStmtId);                 //Replace empty vectorelement.
            else                                                            //Free place found, and create a
                mStatement.addElement(tSmtItem);                            //new vectorelement.
        } catch(SQLException ex) {
             // Prepare statement failed.
             throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, aSqlMask);
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     //For vector problems.
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::prepareStmt:"
        //Y         + " nested Exception is\n" +aE.getMessage());

        return tStmtId; // Return found id of statement.

     * Closes a statement.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement you want to close.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on closing problems.
    public void closeStmt(int aStmtId)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;

        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statementItem with aStmtId.
            try {
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());
            //Mark statementItem in vector as free.

            // tPrepStatement is still in the vector, but if you remove it
            // the id of all following statements will change :(.
            // PS: only temprory use (I am looking for another way of
            // implementing statement-ids).

        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     // Something went completely wrong, perhaps statement not found.
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException(
        //Y         "KFM_JdbcAdapter::closeStmt: "
        //Y         + " nested Exception is\n" + aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    public void setNullIdValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        if(mDatabase.isOracle()) {
            // in oracle ids are stored as chars
            setNull(aStmtId, aParamNumber, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
        } else {
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setNullCounter: DB is not oracle.");

    /** Set a String or SQL NULL.
     * Like `setValue(..., ..., String)�, except an empty String will be replaced by SQL NULL.
     * This is because Sybase will return a SPACE for an empty string and screw up things.
     * This is a hack, we'll do it nicely later on.
    public void setStringOrNull (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, String aValue)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        if(aValue.equals("")) {
            // I hope VARCHAR is correct.
            setNull(aStmtId, aParamNumber, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
        } else {
            setValue(aStmtId, aParamNumber, aValue);

    /*** Set the String value of a ? in the sqlmask.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aValue String which replaces the ? (not null otherwise statement cannot be executed).
     * Note: All the ? in the SqlMask have to be set to a value, before calling any
     * query or update-operation. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on setString problems.
    public void setValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, String aValue)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        if(aValue == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(String): "
                + "A value in a prepared statement cannot be null. "
                + "Use setNull to instert null values.");
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);

            try {
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());
            tPrepStatementItem.addValue(aValue, aParamNumber);              //Add value to item.
            mStatement.setElementAt(tPrepStatementItem, aStmtId);           //Update vector.
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(String): " +
        //Y                                   " nested Exception is\n" +aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    /** Set the integer value of a ? in the sqlmask.
     * Note: All the ? in the SqlMask have to be set to a value, before calling any
     * query or update-operation. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * Note: Do not use this method for MS-Access97 `Counter� values. You probably want `setIdValue�.
     * Note: An MS-Access97 `long� value (or a `Counter� with type `long�) is a Java `int� value.
     * Trying to set an MS-Access97 `long� value by using the Java method `setLong()� will result
     * (if you execute the query) in a detailed descripted exception like:
     *     <pre>Treiber nicht in der Lage diese Operation auszuf�hren.</pre>
     * @param aStmtId       Id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber  Number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aValue        Intvalue which replaces the ?.
     * @throws ProgrammerException  On none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException     On setInt problems.
    public void setValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, int aValue)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statement with aStmtId.
            try {
                tPrepStatementItem.getStmt().setInt(aParamNumber, aValue);
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());
            tPrepStatementItem.addValue(aValue, aParamNumber);              //Set value to Item.
            mStatement.setElementAt(tPrepStatementItem, aStmtId);           //Update vector.
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException(
        //Y         "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(int): "
        //Y         + " nested Exception is\n" +aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    /** Set the long value of a ? in the sqlmask.
     * Note: All the ? in the SqlMask have to be set to a value, before calling any
     * query or update-operation. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * Note: Do not use this method for Sybase `Counter� values. You probably want `setIdValue�.
     * Note: Only works on Sybase.
     * Note: An MS-Access97 `long� value (or a `Counter� with type `long�) is a Java `int� value.
     * Trying to set an MS-Access97 `long� value by using the Java method `setLong()� will result
     * (if you execute the query) in a detailed descripted exception like:
     *     <pre>Treiber nicht in der Lage diese Operation auszuf�hren.</pre>
     * @param aStmtId       Id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber  Number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aValue        Intvalue which replaces the ?.
     * @throws ProgrammerException  On none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException     On setInt problems.
    public void setValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, long aValue)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statement with aStmtId.
            try {
                tPrepStatementItem.getStmt().setLong(aParamNumber, aValue);
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());
            tPrepStatementItem.addValue(aValue, aParamNumber);              //Set value to Item.
            mStatement.setElementAt(tPrepStatementItem, aStmtId);           //Update vector.
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException(
        //Y         "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(int): "
        //Y         + " nested Exception is\n" +aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    /** Set the Time value of a ? in the sqlmask.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aValue Time which replaces the ? (not null otherwise statement cannot be executed).
     * Note: All the ? in the SqlMask have to be set to a value, before calling any
     * query or update-operation. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on setTime problems.
    public void setValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, java.sql.Time aValue)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        if(aValue == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(Time): "
                + "A value in a prepared statement cannot be null. "
                + "Use setNull to instert null values.");
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statementItem with aStmtId.

            try {
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());

            tPrepStatementItem.addValue(aValue.toString(), aParamNumber);   //Add value to item.
            mStatement.setElementAt(tPrepStatementItem, aStmtId);           //Update vector.
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(Time): " +
        //Y                                   " nested Exception is\n" +aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    /** Set the KFM_Time value of a ? in the sqlmask.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aValue KFM_Time which replaces the ? (not null otherwise statement cannot be executed).
     * Note: All the ? in the SqlMask have to be set to a value, before calling any
     * query or update-operation. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on setTime problems.
    public void setValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, KFM_Time aValue)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        if(aValue == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(KFM_Time): "
                + "A value in a prepared statement cannot be null. "
                + "Use setNull to instert null values.");
        java.sql.Time tTime = new Time(aValue.hour, aValue.minutes, aValue.seconds);
                                                                        //Create java.sql.Time value.
        setValue(aStmtId, aParamNumber, tTime);                         //Call setValue(time).

    /** Set the Date value of a ? in the sqlmask.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aValue Date which replaces the ? (not null otherwise statement cannot be executed).
     * Note: All the ? in the SqlMask have to be set to a value, before calling any
     * query or update-operation. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on setDate problems.
    public void setValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, java.sql.Date aValue)
                                //if you don't use java.sql.Date class KFM.DB.Date will be used
        throws KFM_SQLException
        if(aValue == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(Date): "
                + "A value in a prepared statement cannot be null. "
                + "Use setNull to instert null values.");
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statement with aStmtId.

            try {
                tPrepStatementItem.getStmt().setDate(aParamNumber, aValue);
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());

            tPrepStatementItem.addValue(aValue.toString(), aParamNumber);   //Set value to item.
            mStatement.setElementAt(tPrepStatementItem, aStmtId);           //Update vector.
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(Date): " +
        //Y                                   " nested Exception is\n" + aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    /** Set the KFM_Date value of a ? in the sqlmask.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aValue KFM_Date which replaces the ? (not null otherwise statement cannot be executed).
     * Note: All the ? in the SqlMask have to be set to a value, before calling any
     * query or update-operation. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on setDate problems.
    public void setValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, KFM_Date aValue)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        if(aValue == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(KFM_Date): "
                + "A value in a prepared statement cannot be null. "
                + "Use setNull to instert null values.");
        java.sql.Date tDate = new java.sql.Date(
                                    // See
            aValue.getYear() - 1900,     // A year y is represented by the integer y�-�1900.
                                    //   KFM_Date 1900 is 1900!
            aValue.getMonth() -1,        // A month is represented by an integer form 0 to 11; 0 is January, 1 is
                                    //   February ... KFM_Date is between 1, 12!
        setValue(aStmtId, aParamNumber, tDate);

    /** Set the Timestamp value of a ? in the sqlmask.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aValue Timestamp which replaces the ? (not null otherwise statement cannot be executed).
     * Note: All the ? in the SqlMask have to be set to a value, before calling any
     * query or update-operation. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on setTimestamp problems.
     public void setValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, java.sql.Timestamp aValue)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        if(aValue == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(Timestamp): "
                + "A value in a prepared statement cannot be null. "
                + "Use setNull to instert null values.");
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statement with aStmtId.

            try {
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());

            tPrepStatementItem.addValue(aValue.toString(), aParamNumber);   //Set value to item.
            mStatement.setElementAt(tPrepStatementItem, aStmtId);           //Update vector.
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(Timestamp): " +
        //Y                                   " nested Exception is\n" +aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    /** Set the KFM_DateTime value of a ? in the sqlmask.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aValue KFM_DateTime which replaces the ? (not null otherwise statement cannot be executed).
     * Note: All the ? in the SqlMask have to be set to a value, before calling any
     * query or update-operation. Otherwise an exception will be thrown.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on setTimestamp problems.
     public void setValue (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, KFM_DateTime aValue)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        if(aValue == null) {
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setValue(KFM_DateTime): "
                + "A value in a prepared statement cannot be null. "
                + "Use setNull to instert null values.");
        //java.sql.Timestamp tTimestamp = new Timestamp(aValue.year -1900,
        KFM_Timestamp tTimestamp = new KFM_Timestamp(
                                    // See
            aValue.year - 1900,     // A year y is represented by the integer y�-�1900.
                                    //   kfm_DateTime 1900 is 1900!
            aValue.month - 1,       // A month is represented by an integer form 0 to 11;
                                    //   0 is January, 1 is February ... kfm_DateTime is between 1, 12!
            0);                     // Nano seconds.
        setValue(aStmtId, aParamNumber, tTimestamp);

    /** Set the value of a ? in the sqlmask to null.
     * The following java.sql.Types are supportet by access
     * The java.sql.Types DATE, NULL, OTHER, TIME, TIMESTAMP returned the exception
     * "SQL-Datentyp au�erhalb des zul�ssigen Bereichs", SQLState: S1004.
     * The java.sql.Type BIGINT returned the exception
     * "Treiber nicht in der Lage, diese Operation auszuf�hren", SQLState: S1C00.
     * Thejava.sql.Types LONGVARBINARY, LONGVARCHAR returned the exception
     * "Illegal reference in query", SQLState: S1000.
     * @param aStmtId       id of the statement.
     * @param aParamNumber  number of the ? to be replaced (starting with 1).
     * @param aSqlType      SQL type code defined by java.sql.Types.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on setNull problems.
     * @see java.sql.Types
    public void setNull (int aStmtId, int aParamNumber, int aSqlType)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statement with aStmtId.
            try {
                tPrepStatementItem.getStmt().setNull(aParamNumber, aSqlType);
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());
            tPrepStatementItem.addValue("NULL", aParamNumber);              //Set value to Item.
            mStatement.setElementAt(tPrepStatementItem, aStmtId);           //Update vector.
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException(
        //Y         "KFM_JdbcAdapter::setNull: "
        //Y         + " nested Exception is\n" +aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    /** Clear all parameters of a statement identified by id.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on clearParameters problems.
    public void clearParameters (int aStmtId)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statement with aStmtId.

            try {
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());
            tPrepStatementItem.removeValues();                              //remove item values.
            mStatement.setElementAt(tPrepStatementItem, aStmtId);           //Update vector.
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::clearParameters(): " +
        //Y                                   " nested Exception is\n" + aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    /** Execute a SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement
     *  (also, SQL statements that return nothing such as SQL DDL statements can be executed).
     * Uses the sqlmask specified in prepareStmt.
     * Use `executeQuery� for SQL-statements that return a Resultset.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @return either the row count for operation; or 0 for SQL statements that return nothing.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on readonly database connection.
     *     Reason for: "You can't call executeUpdate on an autocommited connection, it's readonly."
     *     Autocommited connections are assumed to be readonly because ApplicationPage2 requires this.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on connection problems.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on executeUpdate or isReadOnly problems.
    public int executeUpdate(int aStmtId)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        try {
            if(mConnection.isReadOnly()) {
                throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::executeUpdate: "
                    + "Connection is readonly.");
        } catch(SQLException ex) {
            throw new KFM_SQLException(ex);

        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statement with aStmtId.

            String t = tPrepStatementItem.toString();

            if(mDatabase instanceof KFM_Database2) {
                if(mDatabase.getAutoCommit()) {
                    log_error("KFM_JdbcAdapter/KFM_Database2: Autocommited execute Update " + t, null);
                    throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::executeUpdate: "
                        + "You can't call executeUpdate on an autocommited connection, it's readonly.");
                } else {
                    log_detail("KFM_JdbcAdapter/KFM_Database2: execute Update " + t);
                    ((KFM_Database2) mDatabase).setDoingSomething(true);
            } else {
                log_detail("KFM_JdbcAdapter/KFM_Database: execute Update: " + t);

            try {
                return tPrepStatementItem.getStmt().executeUpdate();
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException(
        //Y         "KFM_JdbcAdapter::executeUpdate: nested Exception is\n" + aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    * Initializes a table with 'empty_clob()' for all clob entries.
    * This is mandantory for all new tables columns.
    * @param aClobNames Names of all clob entries to be initialized
    * @param aTableName name of the table to be updated
    * @param aWhere where clause
    public void initClobData(
        String[] aClobNames,
        String aTableName,
        String aWhere)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        Statement tSt = null;
        String tSQL = null;
        try {
            try {
                Connection tCon = getDatabase().getConnection();
                tCon.commit()//mandantory for next select statement
                tSt = tCon.createStatement();
                tSQL = "Update ";
                tSQL += aTableName;
                tSQL += " set ";
                for (int i = 0; i < aClobNames.length; i++ ){
                    tSQL += aClobNames[i] + "=empty_clob()";
                    if (i < (aClobNames.length - 1))
                        tSQL += ", ";
                tSQL += " ";
                tSQL += aWhere;
                tSt.execute (tSQL);
            } finally {
                if(tSt != null) {
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            throw new KFM_SQLException(e, tSQL);

    /** Execute a SQL statement that returns a single ResultSet
     *  (typically this is a static SQL SELECT statement).
     * To define a querystring use prepareStmt methode.
     * Use `executeUpdate� for SQL-statements that produce no result.
     * @param   aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @return  a ResultSet that contains the data produced by the query; never null.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none exisiting statementid.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on executeQuery problems.
    public ResultSet executeQuery(int aStmtId)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = null;
        //Y try {
            tPrepStatementItem = getPreparedStmtItemNo(aStmtId);            //Get statement with aStmtId.

            String t = tPrepStatementItem.toString();

            if(mDatabase instanceof KFM_Database2) {
                if(mDatabase.getAutoCommit()) {
                    log_detail("KFM_JdbcAdapter/KFM_Database2: Autocommited execute Query " + t);
                } else {
                    log_detail("KFM_JdbcAdapter/KFM_Database2: execute Query " + t);
                    ((KFM_Database2) mDatabase).setDoingSomething(true);
            } else {
                log_detail("KFM_JdbcAdapter/KFM_Database: execute Query " + t);

            try {
                PreparedStatement tPs = tPrepStatementItem.getStmt();
                return tPs.executeQuery();
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex, tPrepStatementItem.toString());
        //Y } catch(Exception aE) {
        //Y     throw new ProgrammerException(
        //Y         "KFM_JdbcAdapter::executeQuery: "
        //Y         + " nested Exception is\n" + aE.getMessage());
        //Y }

    /** Commit all statements since the last rollback/commit.
     * ThH schrieb:
     * > Mu� man immer `KFM_JdbcAdapter::commit()� aufrufen? Gibt es noch ein
     * > Autocommit, oder ist das weggefallen? In der Schnittstelle taucht nix
     * > zu Autocommit auf.
     * GUS antwortete:
     * Das Autocommit kannst Du direkt auf der KFM_Database ausf�hren - so Du
     * m�chtest (also meistens ausschalten).
     * Der Hintergrund: Man kann so mehrere KFM_JDBCAdapter verwendern und
     * an einer zentralen Stelle bestimmen, da� nun alles oder nix commitet
     * wird.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none open database connection.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on commit problems.
    public void commit()
        throws KFM_SQLException
        // Only try a commit on existing connection.
        if(mConnection != null) {
            try {
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex);
        } else {
            throw new ProgrammerException("KFM_JdbcAdapter::commit: " +
                                           "Connection not opened.");

        if(mDatabase instanceof KFM_Database2) {
            ((KFM_Database2) mDatabase).setDoingSomething(false);

    /**  Rollback <strong>all</strong> statements (since the last rollback/commit).
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none open database connection.
     * @throws KFM_SQLException on rollback problems.
    public void rollback()
        throws KFM_SQLException
        // Only try rollback /on existing connnection.
        if(mConnection != null) {
            try {
            } catch(SQLException ex) {
                 throw new KFM_SQLException(ex);
        } else {
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::rollback: Connection not opened.");
        if(mDatabase instanceof KFM_Database2) {
            ((KFM_Database2) mDatabase).setDoingSomething(false);

    /** Remove all unused statements at the end of the statements vector.
     * Note: Only the last statement in the vector can be removed, without changing the
     * order (and the statementId!) of the statements.
    protected synchronized void garbageCollection()
        if(mStatement != null) {
            try {
                while(mStatement.size()>0 && mStatement.lastElement() == null)
                    // While a last statement exists and is null, remove it
            } catch(NoSuchElementException aNoSuchElementException) {
                // Normally never reached, because only the last existing element of the vector will be

    /*** Get statement with aStmtId from vector.
     * @param aStmtId id of the statement.
     * @return the statementItem on position aStmtId.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none existing statementId.
     * @throws ProgrammerException on none existing statement.
    public synchronized KFM_PrepStmtItem getPreparedStmtItemNo(int aStmtId)
        if(aStmtId < 0) {
            //aStmtId is below lower bound.
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::getPreparedStmtItemNo: statement selection <= 0.");
        if(aStmtId >= mStatement.size()) {
            //aStmt is above upper bound.
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::getPreparedStmtItemNo: Statement " + aStmtId + " not found.");

        KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStmtItem = (KFM_PrepStmtItem) mStatement.elementAt(aStmtId);
        if(tPrepStmtItem == null) {
            // Statement does not exist.
            throw new ProgrammerException(
                "KFM_JdbcAdapter::getPreparedStmtItemNo: "
                + "Statement " + aStmtId + " is not available. "
                + "Prepare statement before use.");
        return tPrepStmtItem;

     * A helper method to log a line of info either to KFMSystem.log or to mLog (if set).
    private void log_detail(String aText)
        if (mLog == null)

     * A helper method to log an error either to KFMSystem.log or to mLog (if set).
    private void log_error(String aText, Exception ex)
        if (mLog == null)
            KFMSystem.log.error(aText, ex);
            mLog.error(aText, ex);

    /** Computes identities for oracle DB id entries.
     * <P>It must be something that fits into a SQL `CHAR(40)� field.</P>
     * <P>Currently the identity is constructed with an `java.rmi.server.UID� (which is unique enough for RMI,
     * so we thougt it should be unique enough for our DB) and the IP-address of the host (without the dots).</P>
     * <P>In JDK1.1, a UID has the format `unique:time:count� where unique is an int in hex, time a long in
     * hex and count a short in hex, e.g. `71f051:e7ccffaf33:-7ffe�. Add the IP-address (without the dots),
     * and you get something like `71f051:e7ccffaf33:-7ffe1392318628.�</P>
     * <P>@@@ To do: This code should actually parse the UID and *verify* this format!!!</P>
     * <P>@@@ To do: Refactor code and documentation of KFM_JdbcAdapter.setIdValue
     * so that these concepts are *near* each other.</P>
    public static String computeIdentity()
        String tIdent = null;
        UID tUid = new UID();
        tIdent = tUid.toString();
        try {
   tInet =;
            String tAddress = tInet.getHostAddress();
            StringTokenizer tTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(tAddress, ".");
            while (tTokenizer.hasMoreTokens()){
                String tNext = tTokenizer.nextToken();
                tIdent += tNext;
        } catch ( ex) {
            KFMSystem.log.error("", ex);

        return tIdent;

    * Converts a string that is not included by 'setValue' but as it's value for the database..
    * Especially it escapes single quotes for the database.
    * @param aStr the string to convert
    * @return a string with escaped single quotes
    public static String convertString(String aStr)
        String tStr = aStr;
        int tIndex = -2;
        while ((tIndex = tStr.indexOf("'", (tIndex + 2))) != -1)
            String tempStr = "";
            if (tIndex < tStr.length())
                tempStr = tStr.substring(tIndex, tStr.length());
            tStr = tStr.substring(0, tIndex);
            tStr += "'";
            tStr += tempStr;

        return tStr;

    // ************************************************************
    // Debug
    // ************************************************************

    /** Demonstrate how to use the KFM_JdbcAdapter.
    public static void main(String[] aArgv)
        try {

            KFM_Database tDb= new KFM_Database(
                (KFMLog)null,           //Sorry no logfilewriter.
                "jdbc:odbc:ZT-KM",      //The ZT-KM database.
                "",                     //No defined username.
                "");                    //No password.
            try {
                // Create a new adapter on a DB with an established connection.
                KFM_JdbcAdapter tJdbcAdapter = new KFM_JdbcAdapter(tDb);
                try {
                    // The query string.
                    //T String tSelect = "SELECT Id, V_Date FROM V_Statistic_Page_Visits WHERE V_Date > ?";
                    //T int tStmtId = tJdbcAdapter.prepareStmt(tSelect);     //Create a prepared statment.
                    String tUpdate = "INSERT INTO Statistic_Visits (Username, Page_Id, Visiting_Date) "
                        + " VALUES ('nulltest', 17, ?)";
                    int tStmtId = tJdbcAdapter.prepareStmt(tUpdate);     //Create a prepared statment.

                    try {
                        //T tJdbcAdapter.setNull(tStmtId, 1, java.sql.Types.BINARY); //Set the values to null.
                        // tJdbcAdapter.setNull(tStmtId, 1, java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP); //Set the values to null.
                        // OK: KFM_PrepStmtItem tPrepStatementItem = tJdbcAdapter.getPreparedStmtItemNo(tStmtId);
                        //     tPrepStatementItem.getStmt().setTimestamp(1, new Timestamp(123456789));

                        // Ha! Gotcha! This works for Access, even if it should be a TIMESTAMP.
                        tJdbcAdapter.setNull(tStmtId, 1, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); //Set the values to null.

                        //T java.sql.ResultSet tRs = tJdbcAdapter.executeQuery(tStmtId); //Execute the query.
                        tJdbcAdapter.executeUpdate(tStmtId); // Execute the update.

//T                        try {
//T                            while( {               //While a next resultsetrow exist.
//T                                log_detail(tRs.getString(1));   //Get the Id.
//T                            }
//T                        } catch(SQLException aSqlEx) {// Catch possible resultsetexceptions.
//T                            log_detail("KFM_JdbcAdapter::main" + aSqlEx.getMessage());
//T                        }
                    } finally {
                } finally {
            } finally {
        } catch (Exception aE) {
  "Exception on KFM_JdbcAdapter::main " + aE.getMessage());
    } //End main.

//End class KFM_JdbcAdapter.

Related Classes of KFM.DB.KFM_JdbcAdapter

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