Package KFM.DB

Source Code of KFM.DB.DbTagValueIterator2

*  This software and supporting documentation were developed by
*    Siemens Corporate Technology
*    Competence Center Knowledge Management and Business Transformation
*    D-81730 Munich, Germany
*    Authors (representing a really great team ;-) )
*            Stefan B. Augustin, Thorbj�rn Hansen, Manfred Langen
*  This software is Open Source under GNU General Public License (GPL).
*  Read the text of this license in LICENSE.TXT
*  or look at
*  Once more we emphasize, that:

// DbTagValueIterator2

// ************ package ******************************************************
package KFM.DB;

// ************ imports ******************************************************

import KFM.Exceptions.*;
import KFM.GUI.TagCreator.*;
import KFM.Exceptions.IteratorException;

import java.sql.SQLException;

* DbTagValueIterator2 is a TagValueIterator (q.v.) for a KfmTransientDBTable2 (q.v.).
* This code was originally based on `MarketSegments�.
* Changes GUS: now implements directly TagValueIteratorInterface because
*      it didn't need anything of class TagValueIterator
* Changes: changed access modifier of kfmTable from private to protected
* Changes: introduced method hasMoreElements()
* Changes: introduced the concept of a 'range' of visible (i.e. accessible) rows
* Changes: changed the class from an abstract to a concrete one.

public class DbTagValueIterator2 implements TagValueIteratorInterface

    // Constants

    static final private int cursorUnset = -2;

    // Variables

    protected KfmTransientDBTable2 kfmTable = null;

    // HACK: die �bergabe der ID sollte ausschliesslich durch KfmTransientDBTable2 erfolgen
    // k�nnen. Dann sollte DbTagVI eine inner class davon werden oder
    // ins gleiche package wandern.
    public String mID;

     * Implements the built-in iterator/cursor.
     * It is initialized to a value that will cause an error if the iterator is used without calling reset first.
    protected int cursor = cursorUnset;

     * The beginning of a visibility range (-1 if not relevant).
     * @see #setRange()
    protected int mRangeFrom = -1;

     * The end of a visibility range (-1 if not relevant).
     * @see #setRange()
    protected int mRangeTo = -1;

    // Methods

     * This version supports a single iterator, that is every iterator
     * has its own TransientDBTable2
     * @param names     List of column names.
     * @param database  a valid database
    public DbTagValueIterator2 (String[] theColNames, KFM_Database theDatabase)
//        throws SQLException
        kfmTable = new KfmTransientDBTable2(theColNames, theDatabase);

     * This version supports a shared iterator, that is more iterators
     * has use the same TransientDBTable2
     * @param aTable    the shared transient table
    protected DbTagValueIterator2 (KfmTransientDBTable2 aTable)


     * This version prepares a shared iterator in a view.
     * The subclass is responsible for calling method connectIterator().
     * @see #connectIterator()
     * @param names     List of column names.
     * @param database  a valid database
    protected DbTagValueIterator2 ()

     * This version supports a shared iterator, that is more iterators
     * has use the same TransientDBTable2.
     * @param aTable    the shared transient table
     * @param theColNames     List of column names.
     * @param theDatabase  a valid database
    protected void connectIterator (KfmTransientDBTable2 aTable)
        if (null != kfmTable)

        kfmTable = aTable;

        // connect to the table (e.g. for invalidation notifying)

    protected void finalize ()
        throws Throwable

     * Invalidates this iterator.
     * Note: You must call `reset' to use this iterator again
    public synchronized void invalidate()
        cursor = cursorUnset;

     * (Re-)execute with a different SQL statement but the same column names and database.
     * It is typically used in a single view for getting a new subset of this view.
     * @param sql       Eine g�ltige SQL-Anweisung.
    public void loadTable (String sql)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        //kfmTable = new KfmTransientDBTable2();

     * (Re-)execute (and append the result set) with a different SQL statement but the same column names and database.
     * It is typically used in a single view for getting a new subset of this view.
     * @param sql       Eine g�ltige SQL-Anweisung.
    public void appendTable (String sql)
        throws KFM_SQLException
        //kfmTable = new KfmTransientDBTable2();

     * Resets the unique built-in iterator.
     * If a lower range was set (see setRange), reset() sets the cursor to the row before the lower range.<P>
     * Note: You must call `next� once before you try to access the first value.
    public void reset()
        if (mRangeFrom > 0)
            cursor = mRangeFrom - 1;
            cursor = -1;

    /** Increments and tests the unique built-in iterator.
     * <P>If an upper range was set (see setRange), next() returns false if the upper range is reached.</P>
     * <P>Note: Call `reset� before f�rst use. If and only if it returns `true�, you can use the access methods like
     * `getTagText� to access the stored information.</P>
     * @return  false if the iterator has already reached its end, true else.
    public boolean next()
        if (cursor == cursorUnset) {
            throw new IteratorException("DbTagValueIterator2::next: You forgot reset().");

        if (cursor+1 >= kfmTable.size())
            return false;

        if (mRangeTo >= 0) {
            if (cursor+1 > mRangeTo)
                return false;

        ++ cursor;
        return true;

    /** Tests if the built-in iterator has more elements.
     * <P>If an upper range was set (see setRange), hasMoreElements() returns false if the upper range is
     * reached.</P>
     * <P>Note: This functionality is already achieved by method next(), but next() also
     * iterates one row furter, which may not always be desired.</P>
     * @return  false if the iterator has already reached its end, true else.
    public boolean hasMoreElements()
        if (cursor == cursorUnset) {
            throw new IteratorException("DbTagValueIterator2::next: You forgot reset().");

        if (cursor+1 >= kfmTable.size())
            return false;

        if (mRangeTo >= 0) {
            return (cursor+1 <= mRangeTo);

        return true;

    /** Set the range of visible (i.e. accessible) rows of the iterator.
     * <P>This affects the working of reset() and next().
     * Use a value of -1 (or any other negative value) to leave the range open to either end.</P>
     * Examples:
     * <UL>
     *    <LI> setRange(20,39) makes rows 20, 21, ..., 39 visible </LI>
     *    <LI> setRange(-1,19) makes rows 20, 21, ... invisible, </LI>
     *    <LI> setRange(12,-1) makes rows 0, 1, ..., 10, 11 invisible, </LI>
     *    <LI> setRange(-1,-1) makes everything visible (this is the default) </LI>
     *    <LI> setRange(10, 8) makes everything invisible </LI>
     * </UL>
     * </P>This method should always be called before reset().</P>
     * @param from  The first visible row (first row is counted 0) or -1 if irrelevant.
     * @param to    The last visible row (first row is counted 0) or -1 if irrelevant,
     *              it need not be <= than the size of the table.
    public void setRange (int from, int to)
        mRangeFrom = from;
        mRangeTo = to;

     * @see KfmTransientDbTable2.isColName
    public boolean isColName(String name)
        return kfmTable.isColName(name);

    /** Return ID that the built in iterator points to, as String or null.
     * @return  A String or null: The ID that the built in iterator points to or null if the iterator was already at the end.
     *                Ist der Spaltenname oder die Zeile ung�ltig, dann wird null zur�ckgeliefert.
     *                Wenn der Wert in der DB SQLs NULL ist, dann wird `null� zur�ckgeliefert.
     * @see getString
    public String get(String name)
        return kfmTable.get(cursor, name);

    /** Return ID that the built in iterator points to, always as String.
     * @return  Always return a String: the ID that the built in iterator points to or "" if the iterator was already at the end.
     *                Ist der Spaltenname oder die Zeile ung�ltig, dann wird "" zur�ckgeliefert.
     *                Wenn der Wert in der DB SQLs NULL ist, dann wird "" zur�ckgeliefert.
     * @see get
    public String getString(String name)
        return kfmTable.getString(cursor, name);

    //Modification h99-06-24.
     * Sorts the table after a column. See also KfmTransientDBTable2.
     * Note by ThH: This method was added by HS on 1999-06-24.
     * He did not know that DbTagValueIterator2 should use *names* (Strings) instead of position (ints)
     * to access the columns, so he just copied the signature of `TransientDBTable2.sort�.
     * @see KfmTransientDBTable2#sort(int, int, int)
     * @param aColumnToSort column to be sorted. Starting with 1. E.g. if you want to access the first
     *                      column use aColumnToSort=1.
     *   New: Now a name!
     * @param aTypeToSort  Type of the column which sould be sorted use <br>
     *               aTypeToSort=1  int     <br>
     *               aTypeToSort=2  String  <br>
     * @param aSortDirection Chooses kind of sort operatio acsending or descending.<br>
     *              direction=1 aufw�rts (ascsending)   <br>
     *              direction=2 abw�rts  (descsending)  <br>
    public synchronized boolean sort(
        String aColumnToSort,
        int aTypeToSort,
        int aSortDirection)
        return kfmTable.sort(aColumnToSort, aTypeToSort, aSortDirection );

    //End Modification h99-06-24

    /** Return number of rows which are currently loaded.
     * <P>Modified by KS on 2001-01-12: The range is taken into account.</P>
     * <P>Added by ThH on 2000-05-18.</P>
     * @return  number of rows which are currently loaded.
    public int size()
        int tSize = kfmTable.size();

        if ((mRangeFrom <= -1) && (mRangeTo <= -1)) // no range was specified
            return tSize;

        if (mRangeTo <= -1) {
            // A lower, but no upper range was specified.
            // Subtract the lower range from tSize, but return at least 0.
            return java.lang.Math.max(0, tSize - mRangeFrom);

        if (mRangeFrom <= -1) {
            // An upper, but no lower range was specified.
            // Return either tSize or mRangeTo+1, whichever is less.
            return java.lang.Math.min(tSize, mRangeTo+1);

        // Both a lower and an upper range were specified.
        // Take either tSize or mRangeTo+1, whichever is less, and
        // subtract the lower range. Return at least 0.
        return java.lang.Math.max(0, java.lang.Math.min(tSize, mRangeTo+1) - mRangeFrom);

     * Return the <B>human-readable text</B> that the `FormContentCreator� displays
     * next to the checkbox, button, whatever.
     * This method is part of the interface `TagValueIteratorInterface�.
     * <P> Note: Misnamed, has nothing to do with HTML tags. </P>
     * <P> Note again: It was formerly declared as 'abstract', but has a default implementation. </P>
     * <P> Original documentation: The returned string will be used by the OptionTagCreator
     * as the value of the html parameter TEXT. </P>
     *@param language  the preferred language.
     *@return          the "tag text" that the built in iterator points to in the preferred language or null if the
     *                 iterator was already at the  end.
    public String getTagText(String language)
        return "";

     * Return the <B>HTML parameter value</B> that the `FormContentCreator� inserts
     * for the checkbox, button, whatever.
     * This method is part of the interface OptionInterface. The returned string will be
     * used by the OptionTagCreator as the value of the html parameter VALUE.
     * <P> Note: It was formerly declared as 'abstract', but has a default implementation. </P>
    public String getTagValue()
        return "";

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