Package org.jgroups.tests

Source Code of org.jgroups.tests.ChannelTestBase$ChannelTestFactory

package org.jgroups.tests;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Random;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import junit.framework.TestCase;
import junit.framework.TestSuite;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.jgroups.Address;
import org.jgroups.Channel;
import org.jgroups.ChannelException;
import org.jgroups.ExtendedReceiver;
import org.jgroups.JChannel;
import org.jgroups.JChannelFactory;
import org.jgroups.Message;
import org.jgroups.View;
import org.jgroups.blocks.RpcDispatcher;
import org.jgroups.mux.MuxChannel;
import org.jgroups.util.Util;

import EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.Semaphore;

* @author Bela Ban
* @author Vladimir Blagojevic
* @author <a href="mailto://">Brian Stansberry</a>
* @version $Revision$
public class ChannelTestBase extends TestCase
   private static final String TEST_CASES = "tests";
   private static final String ANT_PROPERTY = "${tests}";
   private static final String DELIMITER = ",";
   protected final static Random RANDOM = new Random();
   private static final int LETTER_A = 64;
   protected static String DEFAULT_MUX_FACTORY_COUNT = "4";

   protected static String CHANNEL_CONFIG = "udp.xml"
   protected static String MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG = "stacks.xml";
   protected static String MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG_STACK_NAME ="udp";

   protected int active_threads = 0;
   protected JChannelFactory muxFactory[] = null

   protected String thread_dump = null;   
   protected int currentChannelGeneratedName = LETTER_A;

   protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(this.getClass());

   public ChannelTestBase()
   public ChannelTestBase(String name)

   public void setUp() throws Exception
      MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG = System.getProperty("mux.conf", MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG);
      MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG_STACK_NAME = System.getProperty("mux.conf.stack", MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG_STACK_NAME);
      CHANNEL_CONFIG = System.getProperty("channel.conf", CHANNEL_CONFIG);
      currentChannelGeneratedName = LETTER_A;
      if (isMuxChannelUsed())
         muxFactory = new JChannelFactory[getMuxFactoryCount()];
         for (int i = 0; i < muxFactory.length; i++)
            muxFactory[i] = new JChannelFactory();
      if (shouldCompareThreadCount())
         active_threads = Thread.activeCount();
         thread_dump = "active threads before (" + active_threads + "):\n" + Util.activeThreads();

   public void tearDown() throws Exception

      if (isMuxChannelUsed())
         for (int i = 0; i < muxFactory.length; i++)
      Util.sleep(500); // remove this in 2.5 !

      if (shouldCompareThreadCount())
         int current_active_threads = Thread.activeCount();

         String msg = "";
         if (active_threads != current_active_threads)
            System.out.println("active threads after (" + current_active_threads + "):\n" + Util.activeThreads());
            msg = "active threads:\n" + dumpThreads();
         assertEquals(msg, active_threads, current_active_threads);
    * Returns an array of mux application/service names with a guarantee that:
    * <p>
    * - there are no application/service name collissions on top of one channel
    * (i.e cannot have two application/service(s) with the same name on top of one channel)
    * <p>
    * - each generated application/service name is guaranteed to have a corresponding
    * pair application/service with the same name on another channel    
    * @param muxApplicationstPerChannelCount
    * @return
   protected String [] createMuxApplicationNames(int muxApplicationstPerChannelCount)
      return createMuxApplicationNames(muxApplicationstPerChannelCount,getMuxFactoryCount());     
    * Returns an array of mux application/service names with a guarantee that:
    * <p>
    * - there are no application/service name collissions on top of one channel
    * (i.e cannot have two application/service(s) with the same name on top of one channel)
    * <p>
    * - each generated application/service name is guaranteed to have a corresponding
    * pair application/service with the same name on another channel    
    * @param muxApplicationstPerChannelCount
    * @param muxFactoryCount how many mux factories should be used (has to be less than getMuxFactoryCount())
    * @return array of mux application id's represented as String objects
   protected String [] createMuxApplicationNames(int muxApplicationstPerChannelCount, int muxFactoryCount)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter muxFactoryCount hs to be less than or equal to getMuxFactoryCount()");
      int startLetter = LETTER_A;
      String names [] = null;     
      int totalMuxAppCount = muxFactoryCount * muxApplicationstPerChannelCount;
      names = new String[totalMuxAppCount];
      boolean pickNextLetter = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < totalMuxAppCount; i++)
         pickNextLetter = (i%muxFactoryCount == 0)?true:false;        
         names[i] = Character.toString((char)startLetter);
      return names;
    * Returns channel name as String next in alphabetic sequence since getNextChannelName()
    * has been called last. Sequence is restarted to letter "A" after each setUp call.
    * @return
   protected String getNextChannelName()
      return Character.toString((char)++currentChannelGeneratedName);
   protected String [] createApplicationNames(int applicationCount)
      String names [] = new String[applicationCount];
      for(int i = 0;i<applicationCount;i++)
         names [i] = getNextChannelName();
      return names;
   protected Channel createChannel(Object id) throws Exception
      Channel c = null;
      if (isMuxChannelUsed())
         for (int i = 0; i < muxFactory.length; i++)
            if (!muxFactory[i].hasMuxChannel(MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG_STACK_NAME, id.toString()))
               c = new DefaultMuxChannelTestFactory(muxFactory[i]).createChannel(id);
               return c;

         throw new Exception("Cannot create mux channel with id " + id
               + " since all currently used channels have already registered service with that id");
         c = new DefaultChannelTestFactory().createChannel(id);
      return c;
   protected Channel createChannel() throws Exception
      return createChannel("A");

    * Default channel factory used in junit tests
   protected class DefaultChannelTestFactory implements ChannelTestFactory
      public Channel createChannel(Object id) throws Exception
         return createChannel(CHANNEL_CONFIG, useBlocking());

      protected Channel createChannel(String configFile, boolean useBlocking) throws Exception
         HashMap channelOptions = new HashMap();
         channelOptions.put(new Integer(Channel.BLOCK), Boolean.TRUE);
         return createChannel(configFile, channelOptions);

      protected Channel createChannel(String configFile, Map channelOptions) throws Exception
         Channel ch = null;"Using configuration file " + configFile);
         ch = new JChannel(configFile);
         for (Iterator iter = channelOptions.keySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
            Integer key = (Integer);
            Object value = channelOptions.get(key);
            ch.setOpt(key.intValue(), value);
         return ch;
    * Default channel factory used in junit tests
   public class DefaultMuxChannelTestFactory implements ChannelTestFactory
      JChannelFactory f = null;
      public DefaultMuxChannelTestFactory(JChannelFactory f)
         this.f = f;        

      public Channel createChannel(Object id) throws Exception
         Channel c = f.createMultiplexerChannel(MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG_STACK_NAME, id.toString());
            c.setOpt(Channel.BLOCK, Boolean.TRUE);
         Address address = c.getLocalAddress();
         String append = "[" + id + "]" + " using " + MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG + ",stack " + MUX_CHANNEL_CONFIG_STACK_NAME;
         if (address == null)
  "Created unconnected mux channel " + append);
  "Created mux channel "+ address + append);
         return c;
   public class NextAvailableMuxChannelTestFactory implements ChannelTestFactory
      public Channel createChannel(Object id) throws Exception
         return ChannelTestBase.this.createChannel(id);
    * Decouples channel creation for junit tests
   protected interface ChannelTestFactory
      public Channel createChannel(Object id) throws Exception;

    * Base class for all aplications using channel
   protected abstract class ChannelApplication implements Runnable, MemberRetrievable
      protected Channel channel;

      protected Thread thread;

      protected Throwable exception;

      protected String name;         

      public ChannelApplication(String name,JChannelFactory f) throws Exception
            createChannel(name, new DefaultChannelTestFactory());
            createChannel(name, new DefaultMuxChannelTestFactory(f));

       * Creates a unconnected channel and assigns a name to it.
       * @param name name of this channel
       * @param factory factory to create Channel
       * @throws ChannelException
      public ChannelApplication(String name, ChannelTestFactory factory) throws Exception
         createChannel(name, factory);
      private void createChannel(String name, ChannelTestFactory factory) throws Exception
      { = name;
         channel = factory.createChannel(name);

       * Method allowing implementation of specific test application level logic     
       * @throws Exception
      protected abstract void useChannel() throws Exception;

      public void run()
         catch (Exception e)
            log.error(name + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);

            // Save it for the test to check
            exception = e;

      public List getMembers()
         List result = null;
         View v = channel.getView();
         if (v != null)
            result = v.getMembers();
         return result;
      public boolean isUsingMuxChannel()
         return channel instanceof MuxChannel;       

      public Address getLocalAddress()
         return channel.getLocalAddress();

      public void start()
         thread = new Thread(this, getName());
         Address a = getLocalAddress();
         boolean connected = a != null ? true : false;
         if (connected)
  "Thread for channel " + a + "[" + getName() + "] started");
  "Thread for channel [" + getName() + "] started");

      public void setChannel(Channel ch)
      { = ch;

      public Channel getChannel()
         return channel;

      public String getName()
         return name;

      public void cleanup()
         if (thread != null && thread.isAlive())
         Address a = getLocalAddress();
         boolean connected = a != null ? true : false;
         if (connected)
  "Closing channel " + a + "[" + getName() + "]");
  "Closing channel [" + getName() + "]");
   protected abstract class PushChannelApplication extends ChannelApplication implements ExtendedReceiver
      RpcDispatcher dispatcher;

      public PushChannelApplication(String name) throws Exception
         this(name, new DefaultChannelTestFactory(), false);
      public PushChannelApplication(String name, JChannelFactory f) throws Exception
         this(name, new DefaultMuxChannelTestFactory(f), false);

      public PushChannelApplication(String name, boolean useDispatcher) throws Exception
         this(name, new DefaultChannelTestFactory(), useDispatcher);

      public PushChannelApplication(String name, ChannelTestFactory factory, boolean useDispatcher)
            throws Exception
         super(name, factory);
         if (useDispatcher)
            dispatcher = new RpcDispatcher(channel, this, this, this);

      public RpcDispatcher getDispatcher()
         return dispatcher;

      public boolean hasDispatcher()
         return dispatcher != null;

      public void block()
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "] in blocking");

      public byte[] getState()
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "] ");
         return null;

      public void getState(OutputStream ostream)
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "]");

      public byte[] getState(String state_id)
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + " state id =" + state_id);
         return null;

      public void getState(String state_id, OutputStream ostream)
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "] state id =" + state_id);

      public void receive(Message msg)

      public void setState(byte[] state)
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "] ");

      public void setState(InputStream istream)
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "]");

      public void setState(String state_id, byte[] state)
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "] state id =" + state_id + ", state size is "
               + state.length);

      public void setState(String state_id, InputStream istream)
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "] state id " + state_id);

      public void suspect(Address suspected_mbr)
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "] suspecting " + suspected_mbr);

      public void unblock()
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "] unblocking");

      public void viewAccepted(View new_view)
         log.debug("Channel " + getLocalAddress() + "[" + getName() + "] accepted view " + new_view);

    * Channel with semaphore allows application to go through fine-grained synchronous step control.
    * <p>
    * PushChannelApplicationWithSemaphore application will not proceed to useChannel()
    * until it acquires permit from semphore. After useChannel() completes the acquired
    * permit will be released.  Test driver should control how semaphore tickets are given
    * and acquired.
   protected abstract class PushChannelApplicationWithSemaphore extends PushChannelApplication
      protected Semaphore semaphore;

      public PushChannelApplicationWithSemaphore(String name, ChannelTestFactory factory, Semaphore semaphore,
            boolean useDispatcher) throws Exception
         super(name, factory, useDispatcher);
         this.semaphore = semaphore;

      protected PushChannelApplicationWithSemaphore(String name, Semaphore semaphore) throws Exception
         this(name, new DefaultChannelTestFactory(), semaphore, false);
      protected PushChannelApplicationWithSemaphore(String name, JChannelFactory f,Semaphore semaphore) throws Exception
         this(name, new DefaultMuxChannelTestFactory(f), semaphore, false);

      protected PushChannelApplicationWithSemaphore(String name, Semaphore semaphore, boolean useDispatcher)
            throws Exception
         this(name, new DefaultChannelTestFactory(), semaphore, useDispatcher);

      public void run()
         boolean acquired = false;
            acquired = semaphore.attempt(60000);
            if (!acquired)
               throw new Exception(name + " cannot acquire semaphore");

         catch (Exception e)
            log.error(name + ": " + e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
            // Save it for the test to check
            exception = e;
            if (acquired)

   protected interface MemberRetrievable
      public List getMembers();

      public Address getLocalAddress();
    * Returns true if JVM has been started with mux.on system property
    * set to true, false otherwise.
    * @return
   protected boolean isMuxChannelUsed()
      return Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("mux.on", "false")).booleanValue();
    * Returns true if JVM has been started with threadcount system property
    * set to true, false otherwise.
    * @return
   protected boolean shouldCompareThreadCount()
      return Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("threadcount", "false")).booleanValue();
    * Returns value of mux.factorycount system property has been set, otherwise returns
    * @return
   protected int getMuxFactoryCount()
      return Integer.parseInt(System.getProperty("mux.factorycount", DEFAULT_MUX_FACTORY_COUNT));  
    * Returns true if JVM has been started with useBlocking system property
    * set to true, false otherwise.
    * @return
   protected boolean useBlocking()
      return Boolean.valueOf(System.getProperty("useBlocking", "false")).booleanValue();

    * Checks each channel in the parameter array to see if it has the
    * exact same view as other channels in an array.   
   public static boolean areViewsComplete(MemberRetrievable[] channels,int memberCount)
      for (int i = 0; i < memberCount; i++)
         if (!isViewComplete(channels[i], memberCount))
            return false;

      return true;

    * Loops, continually calling {@link #areViewsComplete(MemberRetrievable[])}
    * until it either returns true or <code>timeout</code> ms have elapsed.
    * @param channels  channels which must all have consistent views
    * @param timeout max number of ms to loop
    * @throws RuntimeException if <code>timeout</code> ms have elapse without
    *                          all channels having the same number of members.
   public static void blockUntilViewsReceived(MemberRetrievable[] channels,long timeout)
   public static void blockUntilViewsReceived(Collection channels,long timeout)
    * Loops, continually calling {@link #areViewsComplete(MemberRetrievable[])}
    * until it either returns true or <code>timeout</code> ms have elapsed.
    * @param channels  channels which must all have consistent views
    * @param timeout max number of ms to loop
    * @throws RuntimeException if <code>timeout</code> ms have elapse without
    *                          all channels having the same number of members.
   public static void blockUntilViewsReceived(MemberRetrievable[] channels, int count, long timeout)
      long failTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;

      while (System.currentTimeMillis() < failTime)
         if (areViewsComplete(channels,count))

      throw new RuntimeException("timed out before caches had complete views");
   public static void blockUntilViewsReceived(Collection channels, int count, long timeout)
      long failTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + timeout;

      while (System.currentTimeMillis() < failTime)
         if (areViewsComplete((MemberRetrievable[])channels.toArray(new MemberRetrievable[channels.size()]),count))

      throw new RuntimeException("timed out before caches had complete views");

   public static boolean isViewComplete(MemberRetrievable channel, int memberCount)

      List members = channel.getMembers();
      if (members == null || memberCount > members.size())
         return false;
      else if (memberCount < members.size())
         // This is an exceptional condition
         StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Channel at address ");
         sb.append(" had ");
         sb.append(" members; expecting ");
         sb.append(". Members were (");
         for (int j = 0; j < members.size(); j++)
            if (j > 0)
               sb.append(", ");

         throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString());

      return true;

   public static void takeAllPermits(Semaphore semaphore, int count)
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         catch (InterruptedException e)
            //not interested

   public static void acquireSemaphore(Semaphore semaphore, long timeout, int count) throws Exception
      for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
         boolean acquired = false;
            acquired = semaphore.attempt(timeout);
         catch (InterruptedException e)
            //not interested but print it
         if (!acquired)
            throw new Exception("Failed to acquire semaphore");

   public static void sleepRandom(int maxTime)

    * Puts the current thread to sleep for the desired number of ms, suppressing
    * any exceptions.
    * @param sleeptime number of ms to sleep
   public static void sleepThread(long sleeptime)
      catch (InterruptedException ie)
   /* CAUTION: JDK 5 specific code */
   private String dumpThreads()
      StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
      ThreadMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getThreadMXBean();
      long[] ids = bean.getAllThreadIds();
      ThreadInfo[] threads = bean.getThreadInfo(ids, 20);
      for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++)
         ThreadInfo info = threads[i];
         if (info == null)
         StackTraceElement[] stack_trace = info.getStackTrace();
         for (int j = 0; j < stack_trace.length; j++)
            StackTraceElement el = stack_trace[j];
            sb.append("at ").append(el.getClassName()).append(".").append(el.getMethodName());
      return sb.toString();

Related Classes of org.jgroups.tests.ChannelTestBase$ChannelTestFactory

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