Package org.jboss.aop.proxy.container

Source Code of org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ContainerProxyFactory$MixinInfo

  * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
  * Copyright 2005, JBoss Inc., and individual contributors as indicated
  * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
  * full listing of individual contributors.
  * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
  * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
  * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
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package org.jboss.aop.proxy.container;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.WeakHashMap;

import javassist.CannotCompileException;
import javassist.ClassPool;
import javassist.CtClass;
import javassist.CtConstructor;
import javassist.CtField;
import javassist.CtMethod;
import javassist.CtNewConstructor;
import javassist.CtNewMethod;
import javassist.Modifier;
import javassist.NotFoundException;
import javassist.SerialVersionUID;
import javassist.bytecode.AnnotationsAttribute;
import javassist.bytecode.ClassFile;
import javassist.bytecode.ParameterAnnotationsAttribute;
import javassist.bytecode.SignatureAttribute;
import javassist.bytecode.annotation.Annotation;

import org.jboss.aop.Advised;
import org.jboss.aop.Advisor;
import org.jboss.aop.AspectManager;
import org.jboss.aop.ClassContainer;
import org.jboss.aop.InstanceAdvised;
import org.jboss.aop.MethodInfo;
import org.jboss.aop.instrument.Instrumentor;
import org.jboss.aop.instrument.TransformerCommon;
import org.jboss.aop.introduction.InterfaceIntroduction;
import org.jboss.aop.proxy.ClassProxyFactory;
import org.jboss.aop.util.JavassistMethodHashing;

* @author <a href="">Bill Burke</a>
* @version $Revision: 110623 $
public class ContainerProxyFactory
   final static String DELEGATE = Delegate.class.getName();
   final static String ASPECT_MANAGED = AspectManaged.class.getName();
   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static final HashMap EMPTY_HASHMAP = new HashMap();
   private static final String ADVISED = Advised.class.getName();
   private static final String INSTANCE_ADVISED = InstanceAdvised.class.getName();
   private static final CtClass[] EMPTY_CTCLASS_ARRAY = new CtClass[0];
   public static final String PROXY_NAME_PREFIX = "AOPContainerProxy$";
   public static final String PROXY_CLASSES_DEFAULT_PACKAGE = ClassProxyFactory.GENERATED_PROXIES_PACKAGE;
   private static Object maplock = new Object();
   private static WeakHashMap<ClassLoader, WeakHashMap<Class<?>, Map<ContainerProxyCacheKey, WeakReference<Class<?>>>>> proxyCache = new WeakHashMap<ClassLoader, WeakHashMap<Class<?>, Map<ContainerProxyCacheKey, WeakReference<Class<?>>>>>();
   private static volatile int counter = 0;
   private static CtMethod setDelegateMethod;

   /** True if java.lang.Object should be used as the super class for this proxy */
   private boolean objectAsSuper;

   /** The Advisor for this proxy */
   private Advisor advisor;

   /** The class we are generating this proxy for */
   private Class<?> clazz;

   /** The generated proxy */
   private CtClass proxy;
   /** The class pool for the proxy (i.e for the class we are proxying */
   private ClassPool pool;
   /** True if we are proxying a class already woven by jboss aop, false otherwise */
   private boolean isAdvised;
   ProxyStrategy proxyStrategy;
   private CtConstructor defaultCtor;

   /** Methods hardcoded in createBasics */
   private HashSet<Long> hardcodedMethods = new HashSet<Long>();
   private ClassLoader loader;
   public static Class<?> getProxyClass(Class<?> clazz, AspectManager manager) throws Exception
      ContainerProxyCacheKey key = new ContainerProxyCacheKey(clazz);
      ClassContainer container = getTempClassContainer(clazz, manager);
      return getProxyClass(false, key, container);
   public static Class<?> getProxyClass(boolean objectAsSuper, ContainerProxyCacheKey key, Advisor advisor)
           throws Exception
      return getProxyClass(objectAsSuper, key, advisor, null);

   public static Class<?> getProxyClass(boolean objectAsSuper, ClassLoader loader, ContainerProxyCacheKey key, Advisor advisor)
   throws Exception
   return getProxyClass(objectAsSuper, loader, key, advisor, null);

   public static Class<?> getProxyClass(boolean objectAsSuper, ContainerProxyCacheKey key, Advisor advisor, MarshalledContainerProxy outOfVmProxy)
   throws Exception
      return getProxyClass(objectAsSuper, null, key, advisor, outOfVmProxy);
   public static Class<?> getProxyClass(boolean objectAsSuper, ClassLoader loader, ContainerProxyCacheKey key, Advisor advisor, MarshalledContainerProxy outOfVmProxy)
   throws Exception
      Class<?> clazz = key.getClazz();
      // Don't make a proxy of a proxy !
      if (Delegate.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz)) clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();

      ClassLoader cl = loader;
      if (cl == null)
         cl = SecurityActions.getClassLoader(clazz);
      ClassPool pool = AspectManager.instance().findClassPool(cl);
      if (pool == null) throw new NullPointerException("Could not find ClassPool");

      Class<?> proxyClass = null;
      synchronized (maplock)
         WeakHashMap<Class<?>, Map<ContainerProxyCacheKey, WeakReference<Class<?>>>> proxiesForLoader = proxyCache.get(pool.getClassLoader());
         if (proxiesForLoader == null)
            proxiesForLoader = new WeakHashMap<Class<?>, Map<ContainerProxyCacheKey, WeakReference<Class<?>>>>();
            proxyCache.put(pool.getClassLoader(), proxiesForLoader);

         Map<ContainerProxyCacheKey, WeakReference<Class<?>>> map = proxiesForLoader.get(clazz);
         if (map == null)
            map = new HashMap<ContainerProxyCacheKey, WeakReference<Class<?>>>();
            proxiesForLoader.put(clazz, map);
            WeakReference<Class<?>> proxyClassRef = map.get(key);
            if (proxyClassRef != null)
               proxyClass = proxyClassRef.get();
         if (proxyClass == null)
            proxyClass = generateProxy(objectAsSuper, cl, clazz, advisor, outOfVmProxy);
            map.put(key, new WeakReference<Class<?>>(proxyClass));
      return proxyClass;

   private static Class<?> generateProxy(boolean objectAsSuper, ClassLoader loader, Class<?> clazz, Advisor advisor, MarshalledContainerProxy outOfVmProxy) throws Exception
      ArrayList<InterfaceIntroduction> introductions = advisor.getInterfaceIntroductions();
      CtClass proxy = createProxyCtClass(objectAsSuper, loader, introductions, clazz, advisor, outOfVmProxy);
//      ClassLoader loader = determineClassLoaderToUse(clazz, proxy);
      ProtectionDomain pd = clazz.getProtectionDomain();
      Class<?> proxyClass = TransformerCommon.toClass(proxy, /*loader,*/ pd);
      return proxyClass;

   private static ClassProxyContainer getTempClassContainer(Class<?> clazz, AspectManager manager)
      ClassProxyContainer container = new ClassProxyContainer("temp", manager);

      for (InterfaceIntroduction intro : container.getManager().getInterfaceIntroductions().values())
         if (intro.matches(container, container.getClazz()))

      return container;

   private static CtClass createProxyCtClass(boolean objectAsSuper, ArrayList<InterfaceIntroduction> mixins, Class<?> clazz, Advisor advisor)
   throws Exception
      return createProxyCtClass(objectAsSuper, null, mixins, clazz, advisor, null);
   private static CtClass createProxyCtClass(boolean objectAsSuper, ClassLoader loader, ArrayList<InterfaceIntroduction> mixins, Class<?> clazz, Advisor advisor, MarshalledContainerProxy outOfVmProxy)
           throws Exception
      ContainerProxyFactory factory = new ContainerProxyFactory(objectAsSuper, loader, mixins, clazz, advisor, outOfVmProxy);
      return factory.createProxyCtClass();

   private ContainerProxyFactory(boolean objectAsSuper, ClassLoader loader, ArrayList<InterfaceIntroduction> mixins, Class<?> clazz, Advisor advisor, MarshalledContainerProxy outOfVmProxy)
      this.objectAsSuper = objectAsSuper;
      this.clazz = clazz;
      this.advisor = advisor;
      isAdvised = Advised.class.isAssignableFrom(clazz);
      this.loader = loader;
      if (outOfVmProxy == null)
         proxyStrategy = new OriginalProxyStrategy(mixins);
         proxyStrategy = new UnmarshalledInRemoteJVMProxyStrategy(outOfVmProxy);
   private CtClass createProxyCtClass() throws Exception
      if (loader != null)
         pool = AspectManager.instance().findClassPool(loader);
      if (pool == null)
         pool = AspectManager.instance().findClassPool(clazz);
      if (pool == null) throw new NullPointerException("Could not find ClassPool");

      overrideSpecialMethods(clazz, proxy);
      return proxy;
   private void validateLoader() throws Exception
      if (loader != null && clazz != null)
         catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
            throw new Exception("Could not load " + clazz.getName() + " from " + loader);

   private CtClass createBasics() throws Exception
      Class<?> proxySuper  = (objectAsSuper) ? Object.class : this.clazz;
      String classname = getClassName();

      CtClass template = pool.get("org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ProxyTemplate");
      CtClass superclass = pool.get(proxySuper.getName());

      this.proxy = TransformerCommon.makeClass(pool, classname, superclass);
      //Add all the interfaces of the class
      Class<?>[] interfaces = proxySuper.getInterfaces();
      for (int i = 0 ; i < interfaces.length ; i++)
         CtClass interfaze = pool.get(interfaces[i].getName());
      copyConstructors(superclass, proxy);
      addFieldFromTemplate(template, "mixins");

      //Add methods/fields needed for Delegate interface
      addFieldFromTemplate(template, "delegate", superclass);
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "getDelegate", "{ return delegate; }");
      setDelegateMethod = addMethodFromTemplate(template, "setDelegate", "{ this.delegate = (" + proxySuper.getName() + ")$1; }");

      addFieldFromTemplate(template, "key");
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "setContainerProxyCacheKey", "{this.key=$1;}");
      //Add methods/fields needed for AspectManaged interface

      addFieldFromTemplate(template, "currentAdvisor");
      addFieldFromTemplate(template, "classAdvisor");
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "getAdvisor", "{return classAdvisor;}");
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "setAdvisor", "{this.classAdvisor = $1;currentAdvisor = classAdvisor;}");
      addFieldFromTemplate(template, "metadata");
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "setMetadata", "{this.metadata = $1;}");
      addFieldFromTemplate(template, "instanceAdvisor");    
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "setInstanceAdvisor", instanceAdvisorSetterBody());
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "getInstanceAdvisor", instanceAdvisorGetterBody());
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "writeReplace", writeReplaceObjectBody());
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "localUnmarshal", localUnmarshalObjectBody(superclass));
      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "remoteUnmarshal", remoteUnmarshalObjectBody(superclass));
      if (objectAsSuper)
         addMethodFromTemplate(template, "equals", equalsBody());
         addMethodFromTemplate(template, "hashCode", hashCodeBody());

      addMethodFromTemplate(template, "toString", toStringBody());

      copyAnnotations(superclass, proxy);
      copySignature(superclass, proxy);

      return proxy;
   private String instanceAdvisorSetterBody()
         "{" +
         "   synchronized (this)" +
         "   {" +
         "   if (this.instanceAdvisor != null)" +
         "   {" +
         "      throw new RuntimeException(\"InstanceAdvisor already set\");" +
         "   }" +
         "   if (!($1 instanceof org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.InstanceProxyContainer))" +
         "   {" +
         "      throw new RuntimeException(\"Wrong type for instance advisor: \" + $1);" +
         "   }" +
         "   this.instanceAdvisor = $1;" +
         "   currentAdvisor = (org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.InstanceProxyContainer)$1;" +
         "   }" +

   private String instanceAdvisorGetterBody()
         "{" +
         "   synchronized(this)" +
         "   {" +
         "      if (instanceAdvisor == null)" +
         "      {" +
         "         org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.InstanceProxyContainer ipc = ((org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ClassProxyContainer)currentAdvisor).createInstanceProxyContainer();" +
         "         setInstanceAdvisor(ipc);" +
         "      }" +
         "   }" +
         "   return instanceAdvisor;" +

   private String writeReplaceObjectBody()
         "{" +
         "   return new " + MarshalledContainerProxy.class.getName() + "(" +
         "      this," +
         "      this.key," +
         "      this.mixins," +
         "      this.delegate," +
         "      this.currentAdvisor," +
         "      this.metadata);" +
   private String localUnmarshalObjectBody(CtClass superclass)
         "{" +
//         "   try{" +
         "      this.delegate = (" + superclass.getName() + ")$1.getDelegate();" +
         "      this.mixins = $1.getMixins();" +
         "      this.metadata = $1.getMetadata();" +
         "      this.key = $1.getKey();" +
         "      java.lang.Class clazz = $1.getClazz();" +
         "      this.classAdvisor = org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ContainerCache.getCachedContainer(this.key);" +
         "      this.currentAdvisor = classAdvisor;" +
         "      if ($1.getInstanceAdvisorDomainName() != null)" +
         "      {" +
         "         org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ProxyAdvisorDomain domain = (org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ProxyAdvisorDomain)org.jboss.aop.AspectManager.getTopLevelAspectManager().findManagerByName($1.getInstanceAdvisorDomainName());" +
         "         this.currentAdvisor = domain.getAdvisor();" +
         "         this.instanceAdvisor = this.currentAdvisor;" +
         "      }" +
//         "  }catch(java.lang.Exception e){throw e;}" +
   private String remoteUnmarshalObjectBody(CtClass superclass)
         "{" +
         "   this.delegate = (" + superclass.getName() + ")$1.getDelegate();" +
         "   this.mixins = $1.getMixins();" +
         "   this.metadata = $1.getMetadata();" +
         "   this.key = $1.getKey();" +
         "   java.lang.Class clazz = $1.getClazz();" +
         "   this.classAdvisor = $2;" +
         "   this.currentAdvisor = $2;" +
         "   this.instanceAdvisor = $2;" +
   private String equalsBody()
         "{" +
         "   if (delegate != null)" +
         "   {" +
         "      if ($1 != null && $1 instanceof org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.Delegate)" +
         "         $1 = ((org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.Delegate) $1).getDelegate();" +
         "      return delegate.equals($1);" +
         "   }" +
         "   else" +
         "      return super.equals($1);" +
   private String hashCodeBody()
         "{" +
         "   if (delegate != null)" +
         "      return delegate.hashCode();" +
         "   else" +
         "      return super.hashCode();" +
   private String toStringBody()
         "{" +
         "   if (delegate != null)" +
         "      return delegate.toString() + \" (proxied by \" + this.getClass().getName() + \"@\" + java.lang.Integer.toHexString(java.lang.System.identityHashCode(this)) + \")\";" +
         "   else" +
         "      return super.toString() + \" (empty proxy of \" + this.getClass().getSuperclass().getName() + \")\";" +

   private CtField addFieldFromTemplate(CtClass template, String name) throws Exception
      return addFieldFromTemplate(template, name, null);
   private CtField addFieldFromTemplate(CtClass template, String name, CtClass type) throws Exception
      CtField templateField = template.getField(name);
      CtClass fieldType = (type == null) ? templateField.getType() : type;
      CtField field = new CtField(fieldType, name, proxy);
      return field;
   private CtMethod addMethodFromTemplate(CtClass template, String name, String body) throws Exception
      CtMethod templateMethod = template.getDeclaredMethod(name);
      CtMethod method = CtNewMethod.make(templateMethod.getReturnType(), name, templateMethod.getParameterTypes(), templateMethod.getExceptionTypes(), body, proxy);
      return method;
   private void copyConstructors(CtClass superclass, CtClass proxy) throws Exception
      CtConstructor[] ctors = superclass.getConstructors();
      int minParameters = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      CtConstructor bestCtor = null;
      for (int i = 0 ; i < ctors.length ; i++)
         CtClass[] params = ctors[i].getParameterTypes();
         CtConstructor ctor = CtNewConstructor.make(

         if (params.length < minParameters)
            bestCtor = ctor;
            minParameters = params.length;
         if (params.length == 0)
            defaultCtor = ctor;
      if (minParameters > 0)
         //We don't have a default constructor, we need to create one passing in null to the super ctor
   private void createDefaultConstructor(CtConstructor bestCtor) throws NotFoundException, CannotCompileException
      CtClass params[] = bestCtor.getParameterTypes();
      StringBuffer superCall = new StringBuffer("super(");
      for (int i = 0 ; i < params.length ; i++)
         if (i > 0)
            superCall.append(", ");
      defaultCtor = CtNewConstructor.make(EMPTY_CTCLASS_ARRAY, EMPTY_CTCLASS_ARRAY, "{" + superCall.toString() + "}", proxy);

   private String getNullType(CtClass clazz)
      if (!clazz.isPrimitive())
         return "null";
         if (clazz.equals(CtClass.booleanType)) return "false";
         else if (clazz.equals(CtClass.charType)) return "'0'";
         else if (clazz.equals(CtClass.byteType)) return "0";
         else if (clazz.equals(CtClass.shortType)) return "0";
         else if (clazz.equals(CtClass.intType)) return "0";
         else if (clazz.equals(CtClass.longType)) return "0L";
         else if (clazz.equals(CtClass.floatType)) return "0f";
         else if (clazz.equals(CtClass.doubleType)) return "0d";
         else return "";//void
   private void addMethodsAndMixins()throws Exception
      HashSet<Long> addedMethods = new HashSet<Long>();

   private void createMixinsAndIntroductions(HashSet<Long> addedMethods) throws Exception
      HashSet<String> addedInterfaces = new HashSet<String>();
      Set<String> implementedInterfaces = interfacesAsSet();
      if (proxyStrategy.hasIntroductions())
         HashMap<String, Integer> intfs = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
         HashMap<String, Integer> mixinIntfs = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
         ArrayList<MixinInfo> mixes = new ArrayList<MixinInfo>();
         proxyStrategy.getMixins(intfs, mixinIntfs, mixes);
         //Now that we have added the mixins, add all the proxies methods to the added methods set
         HashMap<Long, CtMethod> allMethods = JavassistMethodHashing.getDeclaredMethodMap(proxy);

         createMixins(addedMethods, mixes, addedInterfaces, implementedInterfaces);
         createIntroductions(addedMethods, intfs, addedInterfaces, implementedInterfaces);
   private void createMixins(HashSet<Long> addedMethods, ArrayList<MixinInfo> mixes, HashSet<String> addedInterfaces, Set<String> implementedInterfaces) throws Exception
      for (int mixinId = 0 ; mixinId < mixes.size() ; mixinId++)
         MixinInfo mixin = mixes.get(mixinId);
         String[] intfs = mixin.getInterfaces();
         for (int ifId = 0 ; ifId < intfs.length ; ifId++)
            String intf = intfs[ifId];
            if (addedInterfaces.contains(intf)) throw new Exception("2 mixins are implementing the same interfaces " + intf);
            if (implementedInterfaces.contains(intf))  throw new Exception("Attempting to mixin interface already used by class " + intf);

            CtClass intfClass = pool.get(intf);
            CtMethod[] methods = intfClass.getMethods();
            HashSet<Long> mixinMethods = new HashSet<Long>();
            for (int m = 0; m < methods.length; m++)
               if (methods[m].getDeclaringClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) continue;
               Long hash = Long.valueOf(JavassistMethodHashing.methodHash(methods[m]));
               if (mixinMethods.contains(hash)) continue;
               if (addedMethods.contains(hash)) throw new Exception("More than one mixin has same method");
               String aopReturnStr = (methods[m].getReturnType().equals(CtClass.voidType)) ? "" : "return ($r)";
               String returnStr = (methods[m].getReturnType().equals(CtClass.voidType)) ? "" : "return ";
               String args = "null";
               if (methods[m].getParameterTypes().length > 0) args = "$args";
               String code = "{   " +
                             "   try{" +
                             "      " + intf + " mixin = (" + intf + ")mixins[" + mixinId + "];" +
                             "       org.jboss.aop.MethodInfo mi = currentAdvisor.getMethodInfo(" + hash.longValue() + "L); " +
                             "       org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor[] interceptors = mi.getInterceptors();" +
                             "       if (mi != null && interceptors != (Object[])null && interceptors.length > 0) { " +
                             "          org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ContainerProxyMethodInvocation invocation = new org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ContainerProxyMethodInvocation(mi, interceptors, this); " +
                             "          invocation.setArguments(" + args + "); " +
                             "          invocation.setTargetObject(mixin); " +
                             "          invocation.setMetaData(metadata);" +
                             "          " + aopReturnStr + " invocation.invokeNext(); " +
                             "       } else { " +
                             "       " + returnStr + " mixin." + methods[m].getName() + "($$);" +
                             "       } " +
                             "    }finally{" +
                             "    }" +
               CtMethod newMethod = CtNewMethod.make(methods[m].getReturnType(), methods[m].getName(), methods[m].getParameterTypes(), methods[m].getExceptionTypes(), code, proxy);

               copySignature(methods[m], newMethod);


   private void createProxyMethods(HashSet<Long> addedMethods) throws Exception
      HashMap<Long, CtMethod> allMethods = JavassistMethodHashing.getMethodMap(proxy.getSuperclass());

      for (Map.Entry<Long, CtMethod> entry : allMethods.entrySet())
         CtMethod m = entry.getValue();
         if (!Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isFinal(m.getModifiers())) continue;

         Long hash = entry.getKey();
         if (addedMethods.contains(hash)) continue;
         if (hardcodedMethods.contains(hash)) continue;
         String aopReturnStr = (m.getReturnType().equals(CtClass.voidType)) ? "" : "return ($r)";
         String returnStr = (m.getReturnType().equals(CtClass.voidType)) ? "" : "return ";
         String args = "null";
         String name = null;
         if (isAdvised)
            MethodInfo info = advisor.getMethodInfo(hash.longValue());
            Method originalMethod = info.getUnadvisedMethod();
            name = originalMethod.getName();
            name = m.getName();
         if (m.getParameterTypes().length > 0) args = "$args";
         String code = "{   " +
                       "    boolean handled = false;" +
                       "    try{" +
                       "       if (currentAdvisor != null) {" +
                       "          org.jboss.aop.MethodInfo mi = currentAdvisor.getMethodInfo(" + hash.longValue() + "L); " +
                       "          if (mi == null) " +
                       "             throw new java.lang.NoSuchMethodError(\"" + m.getName() + m.getSignature() + "\");" +
                       "          org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor[] interceptors = mi.getInterceptors(); " +
                       "          if (interceptors != (Object[])null && interceptors.length > 0) { " +
                       "             handled = true;" +
                       "             org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ContainerProxyMethodInvocation invocation = new org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ContainerProxyMethodInvocation(mi, interceptors, this); " +
                       "             invocation.setArguments(" + args + "); " +
                       "             invocation.setTargetObject(delegate); " +
                       "             invocation.setMetaData(metadata);" +
                       "             " + aopReturnStr + " invocation.invokeNext(); " +
                       "          }" +
                       "       }" +
                       "       if (!handled && delegate != null){ " +
                       "          " + returnStr + " delegate." + name + "($$); " +
                       "       }" +
                       "       return " + getNullType(m.getReturnType()) + ";" +
                       "    }finally{" +
                       "    }" +
         CtMethod newMethod = CtNewMethod.make(m.getReturnType(), m.getName(), m.getParameterTypes(), m.getExceptionTypes(), code, proxy);

         copyAnnotations(m, newMethod);
         copySignature(m, newMethod);
   private void createIntroductions(HashSet<Long> addedMethods, HashMap<String, Integer> intfs, HashSet<String> addedInterfaces, Set<String> implementedInterfaces) throws Exception
      for (String intf : intfs.keySet())
         if (addedInterfaces.contains(intf)) throw new Exception("2 mixins are implementing the same interfaces");
         if (implementedInterfaces.contains(intf)) 

         CtClass intfClass = pool.get(intf);
         CtMethod[] methods = intfClass.getMethods();
         HashSet<Long> mixinMethods = new HashSet<Long>();
         for (int m = 0; m < methods.length; m++)
            if (methods[m].getDeclaringClass().getName().equals("java.lang.Object")) continue;
            Long hash = Long.valueOf(JavassistMethodHashing.methodHash(methods[m]));
            if (mixinMethods.contains(hash)) continue;
            if (addedMethods.contains(hash)) continue;

            String aopReturnStr = (methods[m].getReturnType().equals(CtClass.voidType)) ? "" : "return ($r)";
            String args = "null";
            if (methods[m].getParameterTypes().length > 0) args = "$args";
            String code = "{   " +
                          "    try{" +
                          "       org.jboss.aop.MethodInfo mi = currentAdvisor.getMethodInfo(" + hash.longValue() + "L); " +
                          "       if (mi == null) " +
                          "          throw new java.lang.NoSuchMethodError(\"" + methods[m].getName() + methods[m].getSignature() + "\");" +
                          "       org.jboss.aop.advice.Interceptor[] interceptors = mi.getInterceptors();" +
                          "       org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ContainerProxyMethodInvocation invocation = new org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ContainerProxyMethodInvocation(mi, interceptors, this); " +
                          "       invocation.setArguments(" + args + "); " +
                          "       invocation.setTargetObject(delegate); " +
                          "       invocation.setMetaData(metadata);" +
                          "       " + aopReturnStr + " invocation.invokeNext(); " +
                          "    }finally{" +
                          "    }" +
            CtMethod newMethod = CtNewMethod.make(methods[m].getReturnType(), methods[m].getName(), methods[m].getParameterTypes(), methods[m].getExceptionTypes(), code, proxy);
            copySignature(methods[m], newMethod);


   private Set<String> interfacesAsSet() throws NotFoundException
      HashSet<String> set = new HashSet<String>();
      CtClass[] interfaces = proxy.getInterfaces();
      for (int i = 0 ; i < interfaces.length ; i++)
      return set;
   private synchronized String getClassName()
      String packageName = clazz.getPackage().getName();
      if (!packageName.startsWith("java.") && !packageName.startsWith("sun."))
         packageName += ".";
         packageName = PROXY_CLASSES_DEFAULT_PACKAGE + ".";
      return packageName + PROXY_NAME_PREFIX + counter++;

   private void overrideSpecialMethods(Class<?> clazz, CtClass proxy) throws Exception
      addInstanceAdvisedMethods(clazz, proxy);

    * If the class is Advised, the _getInstanceAdvisor() and _setInstanceAdvisor() methods will
    * not have been overridden. Make sure that these methods work with the instance proxy container.
   private void addInstanceAdvisedMethods(Class<?> clazz, CtClass proxy) throws Exception
      CtClass advisedInterface = null;
      CtClass interfaces[] = proxy.getInterfaces();
      for (int i = 0 ; i < interfaces.length ; i++)
         if (interfaces[i].getName().equals(ADVISED))
            advisedInterface = interfaces[i];
      if (advisedInterface != null)
         CtMethod[] methods = advisedInterface.getMethods();
         for (int i = 0 ; i < methods.length ; i++)
            if (methods[i].getDeclaringClass().getName().equals(INSTANCE_ADVISED))
               String name = methods[i].getName();
               String body = null;
               if (name.equals("_getInstanceAdvisor"))
                  body = "{ return getInstanceAdvisor(); }";
               else if (name.equals("_setInstanceAdvisor"))
                  body = "{ setInstanceAdvisor($1); }";
               if (body != null)
                  CtMethod m = CtNewMethod.make(methods[i].getReturnType(), methods[i].getName(), methods[i].getParameterTypes(), methods[i].getExceptionTypes(), body, proxy);
   private void copyAnnotations(CtMethod src, CtMethod dest) throws NotFoundException
      javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo srcInfo = src.getMethodInfo2();
      javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo destInfo = dest.getMethodInfo2();
      copyAnnotations(srcInfo, destInfo, AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag);
      copyAnnotations(srcInfo, destInfo, AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag);

      int numParams = src.getParameterTypes().length;
      copyParameterAnnotations(numParams, srcInfo, destInfo, ParameterAnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag);
      copyParameterAnnotations(numParams, srcInfo, destInfo, ParameterAnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag);

   private void copyAnnotations(javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo src, javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo dest, String annotationTag)
      AnnotationsAttribute attribute = (AnnotationsAttribute) src.getAttribute(annotationTag);
      if (attribute != null)
         dest.addAttribute(attribute.copy(dest.getConstPool(), EMPTY_HASHMAP));
   private void copyParameterAnnotations(int numParams, javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo src, javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo dest, String paramsTag)
      ParameterAnnotationsAttribute params = (ParameterAnnotationsAttribute)src.getAttribute(paramsTag);
      if (params != null)
         dest.addAttribute(params.copy(dest.getConstPool(), EMPTY_HASHMAP));
         ParameterAnnotationsAttribute srcParams = new ParameterAnnotationsAttribute(src.getConstPool(), paramsTag);
         Annotation[][] emptyParamAnnotations = new Annotation[numParams][];
         for (int i = 0 ; i < numParams ; i++)
            emptyParamAnnotations[i] = new Annotation[0];

   private void copyAnnotations(CtClass src, CtClass dest) throws NotFoundException
      ClassFile srcFile = src.getClassFile2();
      ClassFile destFile = dest.getClassFile2();
      copyAnnotations(srcFile, destFile, AnnotationsAttribute.invisibleTag);
      copyAnnotations(srcFile, destFile, AnnotationsAttribute.visibleTag);
   private void copyAnnotations(ClassFile src, ClassFile dest, String annotationTag)
      AnnotationsAttribute attribute = (AnnotationsAttribute) src.getAttribute(annotationTag);
      if (attribute != null)
         dest.addAttribute(attribute.copy(dest.getConstPool(), EMPTY_HASHMAP));
   private void copySignature(CtMethod src, CtMethod dest)
      javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo srcInfo = src.getMethodInfo2();
      javassist.bytecode.MethodInfo destInfo = dest.getMethodInfo2();
      SignatureAttribute sig = (SignatureAttribute)srcInfo.getAttribute(SignatureAttribute.tag);
      if (sig != null)
         destInfo.addAttribute(sig.copy(destInfo.getConstPool(), EMPTY_HASHMAP));
   private void copySignature(CtClass src, CtClass dest)
      ClassFile srcFile = src.getClassFile2();
      ClassFile destFile = dest.getClassFile2();
      SignatureAttribute sig = (SignatureAttribute)srcFile.getAttribute(SignatureAttribute.tag);
      if (sig != null)
         destFile.addAttribute(sig.copy(destFile.getConstPool(), EMPTY_HASHMAP));

   private interface ProxyStrategy
       * Whether the proxy has introductions and/or mixins
       * @return true if we have introductions and/or mixins
      boolean hasIntroductions();
       * @param intfs receives the interfaces from plain interface introductions
       * @param mixinInterfaces receives the interfaces from mixins
       * @param mixes receives the actual InterfaceIntroduction.Mixin objects
      void getMixins(HashMap<String, Integer>  intfs, HashMap<String, Integer>  mixins, ArrayList<MixinInfo> mixes) throws Exception;
   private class OriginalProxyStrategy implements ProxyStrategy
      ArrayList<InterfaceIntroduction> mixins;
      OriginalProxyStrategy(ArrayList<InterfaceIntroduction> mixins)
         this.mixins = mixins;
      public boolean hasIntroductions()
         if (mixins == null)
            return false;
         return mixins.size() > 0;

      public void getMixins(HashMap<String, Integer>  intfs, HashMap<String, Integer>  mixinInterfaces, ArrayList<MixinInfo> mixes) throws Exception
         if (mixins != null)
            HashMap<String, Integer> mixinIntfs = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
            for (int i = 0; i < mixins.size(); i++)
               InterfaceIntroduction introduction = mixins.get(i);
               getIntroductionInterfaces(introduction, intfs, mixinIntfs, mixes, i);
            if (mixes.size() > 0)
               defaultCtor.insertAfter("mixins = new Object[" + mixes.size() + "];");
               for (int i = 0; i < mixes.size(); i++)
                  //If using a constructor and passing "this" as the parameters, the proxy gets used. The delegate (instance wrapped by proxy) is not
                  //set in the proxy until later, and if the mixin implements Delegate it will get set with the "real" instance at this point.
                  MixinInfo mixin = mixes.get(i);
                  String initializer = (mixin.getConstruction() == null) ? ("new " + mixin.getClassName() + "()") : mixin.getConstruction();
                  String code = "mixins[" + i + "] = " + initializer + ";";
                  setDelegateMethod.insertAfter("{if (org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.Delegate.class.isAssignableFrom(mixins[" + i + "].getClass())) " +
                        "((org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.Delegate)mixins[" + i + "]).setDelegate($1);}");
       * Split the interface introduction into something we can work with
       * @param intro The InterfaceIntroduction
       * @param intfs receives the interfaces from plain interface introductions
       * @param mixinInterfaces receives the interfaces from mixins
       * @param mixes receives the actual InterfaceIntroduction.Mixin objects
       * @@param the index interface introduction this data comes from
      private void getIntroductionInterfaces(InterfaceIntroduction intro,
            HashMap<String, Integer> intfs,
            HashMap<String, Integer> mixinInterfaces,
            ArrayList<MixinInfo> mixes,
            int idx)
         for (InterfaceIntroduction.Mixin mixin : intro.getMixins())
            mixes.add(new MixinInfo(mixin));
            for (int i = 0; i < mixin.getInterfaces().length; i++)
               if (intfs.containsKey(mixin.getInterfaces()[i]))
               if (mixinInterfaces.containsKey(mixin.getInterfaces()[i]))
                  throw new RuntimeException("cannot have an IntroductionInterface that introduces several mixins with the same interfaces " + mixin.getInterfaces()[i]);
               mixinInterfaces.put(mixin.getInterfaces()[i], Integer.valueOf(idx));
         if (intro.getInterfaces() != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < intro.getInterfaces().length; i++)
               if (intfs.containsKey(intro.getInterfaces()[i]) || mixinInterfaces.containsKey(intro.getInterfaces()[i]))
                  //Do nothing
                  intfs.put(intro.getInterfaces()[i], Integer.valueOf(idx));
   private class UnmarshalledInRemoteJVMProxyStrategy implements ProxyStrategy
      MarshalledContainerProxy outOfVmProxy;
      UnmarshalledInRemoteJVMProxyStrategy(MarshalledContainerProxy outOfVmProxy)
         this.outOfVmProxy = outOfVmProxy;
      public boolean hasIntroductions()
         if (outOfVmProxy == null)
            return false;
         return outOfVmProxy.getIntroducedInterfaces().length > 0;
      public void getMixins(HashMap<String, Integer>  intfs, HashMap<String, Integer>  mixinInterfaces, ArrayList<MixinInfo> mixes) throws Exception
         HashSet<String> allInterfaces = new HashSet<String>();
         String[] introducedInterfaces = outOfVmProxy.getIntroducedInterfaces();
         Set<String> targetInterfaces = outOfVmProxy.getTargetInterfaces();
         Object[] mixins = outOfVmProxy.getMixins();
         int i = 0;
         for ( ; i < mixins.length ; i++)
            Class<?> clazz = mixins[i].getClass();
            Class<?>[] ifs = clazz.getInterfaces();
            ArrayList<String> interfaces = new ArrayList<String>(ifs.length);
            for (Class<?> iface : ifs)
               String name = iface.getName();
               if (name.equals(Serializable.class.getName()) ||
                     name.equals(Externalizable.class.getName()) ||
               mixinInterfaces.put(name, i);
            MixinInfo info = new MixinInfo(clazz.getName(), interfaces);
         for (String iface : allInterfaces)
            intfs.put(iface, ++i);
   private static class MixinInfo
      String[] interfaces;
      String className;
      String construction;
      MixinInfo(InterfaceIntroduction.Mixin mixin)
         this.interfaces = mixin.getInterfaces();
         this.className = mixin.getClassName(); = mixin.getConstruction();
      MixinInfo(String className, ArrayList<String> interfaces)
         this.className = className;
         this.interfaces = interfaces.toArray(new String[interfaces.size()]);
      protected String[] getInterfaces()
         return interfaces;

      protected String getClassName()
         return className;

      protected String getConstruction()
         return construction;

Related Classes of org.jboss.aop.proxy.container.ContainerProxyFactory$MixinInfo

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