Package org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.context.conversation

Source Code of org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.context.conversation.ClientConversationContextTest

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2010, Red Hat, Inc., and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.context.conversation;

import static org.jboss.cdi.tck.TestGroups.CONTEXTS;
import static org.jboss.cdi.tck.TestGroups.INTEGRATION;
import static org.jboss.cdi.tck.TestGroups.REWRITE;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;

import org.jboss.arquillian.container.test.api.Deployment;
import org.jboss.cdi.tck.shrinkwrap.WebArchiveBuilder;
import org.jboss.shrinkwrap.api.spec.WebArchive;
import org.jboss.test.audit.annotations.SpecAssertion;
import org.jboss.test.audit.annotations.SpecAssertions;
import org.jboss.test.audit.annotations.SpecVersion;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.WebClient;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlSpan;
import com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlSubmitInput;

* @author Nicklas Karlsson
* @author Dan Allen
* @author Martin Kouba
@Test(groups = INTEGRATION)
@SpecVersion(spec = "cdi", version = "20091101")
public class ClientConversationContextTest extends AbstractConversationTest {

    @Deployment(testable = false)
    public static WebArchive createTestArchive() {
        return new WebArchiveBuilder()
                .withClasses(Storm.class, ConversationTestPhaseListener.class, ConversationStatusServlet.class, Cloud.class,
                        CloudController.class, OutermostFilter.class, Cumulus.class, BuiltInConversation.class)
                .withWebResource("home.jsf", "home.jspx").withWebResource("cloud.jsf", "cloud.jspx")
                .withWebResource("clouds.jsf", "clouds.jspx").withWebResource("cumulus.jsf", "cumulus.jspx")
                .withWebResource("builtin.jsf", "builtin.jspx").withWebResource("error.jsf", "error.jspx")
                .withWebResource("storm.jsf", "storm.jspx").withWebResource("rain.jsf", "rain.jspx")
                .withWebResource("faces-config.xml", "/WEB-INF/faces-config.xml").withWebXml("web.xml").build();

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertions({ @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "hb"), @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "o") })
    public void testConversationIdSetByContainerIsUnique() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage storm = client.getPage(getPath("storm.jsf"));
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(storm, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        storm =;

        String c1 = getCid(storm);

        storm = client.getPage(getPath("storm.jsf"));
        beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(storm, HtmlSubmitInput.class, "beginConversationButton");
        storm =;

        String c2 = getCid(storm);

        assert !c1.equals(c2);

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS, REWRITE })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "j")
    // TODO this test doesn't verify that the conversation context itself is destroyed
    public void testTransientConversationInstancesDestroyedAtRequestEnd() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cloud.jsf"));
        assert !isLongRunning(page);
        assert isCloudDestroyed(client);

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "k")
    public void testLongRunningConversationInstancesNotDestroyedAtRequestEnd() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage storm = client.getPage(getPath("storm.jsf"));
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(storm, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        storm =;


        client.getPage(getPath("cloud.jsf", getCid(storm)));
        assert !isCloudDestroyed(client);

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "p")
    public void testConversationsDontCrossSessionBoundary1() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        // Load the page
        HtmlPage rain = client.getPage(getPath("rain.jsf"));

        // begin a conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(rain, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        rain =;
        String cid = getCid(rain);

        // Cause rain
        HtmlSubmitInput rainButton = getFirstMatchingElement(rain, HtmlSubmitInput.class, "rain");
        rain =;

        // Re-request the page, inside the conversation and check it has rained
        rain = client.getPage(getPath("rain.jsf", cid));
        assert hasRained(rain);

        // Invalidate the session, invalidate the conversation-scoped cloud

        // Re-request the page, check it hasn't rained
        rain = client.getPage(getPath("rain.jsf", cid));
        assert !hasRained(rain);

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "p")
    public void testConversationsDontCrossSessionBoundary2() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();

        // Load the page
        HtmlPage rain = client.getPage(getPath("rain.jsf"));

        // begin a conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(rain, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        rain =;
        String cid = getCid(rain);

        // Cause rain
        HtmlSubmitInput rainButton = getFirstMatchingElement(rain, HtmlSubmitInput.class, "rain");
        rain =;

        // Re-request the page, inside the conversation and check it has rained
        rain = client.getPage(getPath("rain.jsf", cid));
        assert hasRained(rain);

        // Create a new web client and load the page
        WebClient client2 = new WebClient();
        rain = client2.getPage(getPath("rain.jsf", cid));
        assert !hasRained(rain);

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "a")
    public void testConversationActiveDuringNonFacesRequest() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cloud.jsf"));
        HtmlSpan span = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSpan.class, "cloudName");
        assert span.getTextContent().equals(Cloud.NAME);

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "f")
    public void testConversationBeginMakesConversationLongRunning() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cumulus.jsf"));
        assert !isLongRunning(page);

        // begin a conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        page =;
        assert isLongRunning(page);

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "r")
    public void testBeginAlreadyLongRunningConversationThrowsException() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cumulus.jsf"));
        assert !isLongRunning(page);

        // begin a conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        page =;
        assert isLongRunning(page);

        // begin a conversation again and check that IllegalStateException is thrown
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton2 = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        page =;
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Hello world!");

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertions({ @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "g"), @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "k"),
            @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "o") })
    public void testConversationEndMakesConversationTransient() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cumulus.jsf"));
        assert !isLongRunning(page);

        // begin a conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        page =;
        assert isLongRunning(page);

        // end a conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput endConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class, "endConversationButton");
        page =;
        assert !isLongRunning(page);

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "q")
    public void testEndTransientConversationThrowsException() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cumulus.jsf"));
        assert !isLongRunning(page);

        // try ending a transient conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput endConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        page =;
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Hello world!");

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertions({ @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "ib"), @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "iaa") })
    public void testBeanWithRequestScope() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("builtin.jsf"));
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Correct scope: true");

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "id")
    public void testBeanWithDefaultQualifier() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("builtin.jsf"));
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Correct qualifier: true");

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "ie")
    public void testBeanWithNameJavaxEnterpriseContextConversation() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("builtin.jsf"));
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Correct name: true");

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertions({ @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "l"), @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "e") })
    public void testTransientConversationHasNullId() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("builtin.jsf"));
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Default conversation has null id: true");

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertions({ @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "ha"), @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "j") })
    public void testConversationIdMayBeSetByApplication() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cumulus.jsf"));
        assert !isLongRunning(page);

        // begin a conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        page =;
        assert isLongRunning(page);
        assert getCid(page).equals("humilis");
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Cumulus humilis");

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertions({ @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "hb"), @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "j") })
    public void testConversationIdMayBeSetByContainer() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cumulus.jsf"));
        assert !isLongRunning(page);

        // begin a conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        page =;
        assert isLongRunning(page);
        assert getCid(page) != null;
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Cumulus congestus");

    @Test(groups = { CONTEXTS })
    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.4", id = "tb")
    public void testNonexistentConversationExceptionThrown() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cumulus.jsf?cid=foo"));

        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("NonexistentConversationException thrown properly");
        // WELD-878
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Conversation.isTransient: true");

    @SpecAssertions({ @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "m"), @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "n") })
    public void testSetConversationTimeoutOverride() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cumulus.jsf"));
        assert !isLongRunning(page);

        // begin a conversation and set a custom timeout
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        page =;
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Cumulonimbus");

    @SpecAssertion(section = "6.7.5", id = "m")
    public void testConversationHasDefaultTimeout() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();
        HtmlPage page = client.getPage(getPath("cumulus.jsf"));
        assert !isLongRunning(page);

        // begin a conversation
        HtmlSubmitInput beginConversationButton = getFirstMatchingElement(page, HtmlSubmitInput.class,
        page =;
        assert page.getBody().getTextContent().contains("Stratocumulus");

    public void testSuppressedConversationPropagation() throws Exception {
        WebClient client = new WebClient();

        // Access the start page
        HtmlPage cloud = client.getPage(getPath("cloud.jsf"));
        assertEquals(getFirstMatchingElement(cloud, HtmlSpan.class, "cloudName").getTextContent(), Cloud.NAME);

        // Now start a conversation and check the cloud name changes
        HtmlPage page1 = getFirstMatchingElement(cloud, HtmlSubmitInput.class, Cloud.CUMULUS).click();
        assertEquals(getFirstMatchingElement(page1, HtmlSpan.class, "cloudName").getTextContent(), Cloud.CUMULUS);
        String cid = getCid(page1);

        // Activate the conversation from a GET request
        HtmlPage page2 = client.getPage(getPath("cloud.jsf", cid));
        assertEquals(getFirstMatchingElement(page2, HtmlSpan.class, "cloudName").getTextContent(), Cloud.CUMULUS);

        // Send a GET request with the "cid" parameter and suppressed conversation propagation (using
        // conversationPropagation=none)
        HtmlPage page3 = client.getPage(getPath("cloud.jsf", cid) + "&conversationPropagation=none");
        assertEquals(getFirstMatchingElement(page3, HtmlSpan.class, "cloudName").getTextContent(), Cloud.NAME);

        // Test again using the proprietary "nocid" parameter (kept for backwards compatibility)
        HtmlPage page4 = client.getPage(getPath("cloud.jsf", cid) + "&nocid=true");
        assertEquals(getFirstMatchingElement(page4, HtmlSpan.class, "cloudName").getTextContent(), Cloud.NAME);


Related Classes of org.jboss.cdi.tck.tests.context.conversation.ClientConversationContextTest

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