
Source Code of$KeyRatios

* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;


* Estimates the number of non-deleted BIN entries between two end points,
* using information returned in TrackingInfo from Tree.getParentINForChildIN.
* Used for estimating dup counts, e.g., for join query optimization.  Accuracy
* is limited by the number of samples taken to compute the average number of
* entries at each level.  Currently only two samples (at the end points) are
* taken, and because the tree is not balanced making the number of entries
* highly variable, the count can easily be off by a factor of two.
public class CountEstimator {

    /* If exceeded, there must be a bug of some kind. */
    private static final int MAX_RETRIES_AFTER_SPLIT = 100;

     * Returns an estimate of the number of records between two end points
     * specified by begin/end cursor positions.
    public static long count(DatabaseImpl dbImpl,
                             CursorImpl beginCursor,
                             boolean beginInclusive,
                             CursorImpl endCursor,
                             boolean endInclusive) {

        /* If the two cursors are at the same position, return 1. */
        if (beginCursor.getBIN()== endCursor.getBIN() &&
            beginCursor.getIndex() == endCursor.getIndex()) {
            return 1;

        /* Compute estimate for cursors at different positions. */
        final CountEstimator estimator = new CountEstimator(dbImpl);
        return estimator.count(beginCursor, endCursor) +
               (beginInclusive ? 1 : 0) +
               (endInclusive ? 1 : 0);

    private final DatabaseImpl dbImpl;
    private List<TrackingInfo> beginStack;
    private List<TrackingInfo> endStack;
    private final List<List<TrackingInfo>> avgEntriesStacks =
        new ArrayList<List<TrackingInfo>>();
    private int levelCount;
    private int rootLevel;
    private float[] avgEntries;

    private CountEstimator(DatabaseImpl dbImpl) {
        this.dbImpl = dbImpl;
    private long count(CursorImpl beginCursor, CursorImpl endCursor) {
        for (int numRetries = 0;; numRetries += 1) {

             * If we have retried too many times, give up.  This is probably
             * due to a bug of some kind, and we shouldn't loop forever.
            if (numRetries > MAX_RETRIES_AFTER_SPLIT) {
                throw EnvironmentFailureException.unexpectedState();

             * Set up the initial info for the computation.  Retry if a split
             * occurs.
            beginStack = getParentStack(beginCursor);
            if (beginStack == null) {
            endStack = getParentStack(endCursor);
            if (endStack == null) {
            if (!findCommonAncestor()) {

            /* Get the the average entries from the two end points.  */
            getAvgEntries(beginCursor, endCursor);

             * Return the count.  FUTURE: Taking more samples between the two
             * end points would increase accuracy.
            return countTotal();

     * Returns the stack of ancestor TrackingInfo for the BIN at the cursor, or
     * null if a split occurs and the information returned would be
     * inconsistent.
    private List<TrackingInfo> getParentStack(CursorImpl cursor) {

         * Search for parent of BIN, get TrackingInfo for ancestors.  If the
         * exact parent is not found, a split occurred and null is returned.
        final List<TrackingInfo> trackingList = new ArrayList<TrackingInfo>();
        final BIN bin = cursor.latchBIN();
        final SearchResult result = dbImpl.getTree().getParentINForChildIN
            (bin, true /*requireExactMatch*/, CacheMode.UNCHANGED,
             -1 /*targetLevel*/, trackingList);
        if (!result.exactParentFound) {
            /* Must have been a split. */
            return null;

         * The parent was found and is now latched.  If the child BIN does not
         * match the cursor's BIN, then a split occurred and null is returned.
        final long binLsn;
        try {
            if (bin != result.parent.getTarget(result.index) ||
                bin != cursor.getBIN()) {
                /* Must have been a split. */
                return null;
            binLsn = result.parent.getLsn(result.index);
        } finally {

         * The child BIN is now latched. Subtract deleted entries from BIN's
         * total entries and adjust the index accordingly.  Add TrackingInfo
         * for child BIN.
        try {
            int binEntries = bin.getNEntries();
            int binIndex = cursor.getIndex();
            for (int i = bin.getNEntries() - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
                if (bin.isEntryKnownDeleted(i) ||
                    bin.isEntryPendingDeleted(i)) {
                    binEntries -= 1;
                    if (i < binIndex) {
                        binIndex -= 1;
            final TrackingInfo info =
                new TrackingInfo(binLsn, bin.getNodeId(), binEntries);
            return trackingList;
        } finally {

     * Find the common ancestor node for the two end points, which we'll call
     * the root level.  If no common ancestor can be found, return false to
     * restart the process, because a split must have occurred in between
     * getting the two stacks for the end points.
    private boolean findCommonAncestor() {
        levelCount = beginStack.size();
        if (levelCount != endStack.size()) {
            /* Must have been a root split. */
            return false;
        rootLevel = -1;
        for (int level = levelCount - 1; level >= 0; level -= 1) {
            if (beginStack.get(level).nodeId ==
                endStack.get(level).nodeId) {
                rootLevel = level;
        if (rootLevel < 0) {
            /* Must have been a split. */
            return false;
        return true;

     * This method starts with a preliminary average using just the two end
     * points.
    private void getAvgEntries(CursorImpl beginCursor, CursorImpl endCursor) {

        if (!addAvgEntriesSample(beginStack)) {
            sampleNextBIN(beginCursor, true /*moveForward*/);

        if (!addAvgEntriesSample(endStack)) {
            sampleNextBIN(endCursor, false /*moveForward*/);


     * FUTURE: use internal skip method instead, saving a btree lookup.
    private void sampleNextBIN(CursorImpl beginOrEndCursor,
                               boolean moveForward) {
        final CursorImpl cursor = beginOrEndCursor.cloneCursor
            (true /*addCursor*/, CacheMode.UNCHANGED);
        try {
            final BIN bin = cursor.latchBIN();
            if (moveForward) {
                cursor.setIndex(bin.getNEntries() - 1);
            } else {
            final OperationStatus status = cursor.getNext
                (null /*foundKey*/, null /*foundData*/, LockType.NONE,
                 moveForward, true /*alreadyLatched*/,
                 null /*rangeConstraint*/);
            if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS && cursor.getBIN() != bin) {
                final List<TrackingInfo> stack = getParentStack(cursor);
                if (stack != null) {
        } finally {

     * At each level we compute the average number of entries.  This will be
     * used as a multipler to estimate the number of nodes for any IN at that
     * level.
    private void computeAvgEntries() {
        avgEntries = new float[levelCount];
        avgEntries[levelCount - 1] = 1.0F;

        if (avgEntriesStacks.size() == 0) {
        for (int level = levelCount - 1; level > 0; level -= 1) {
            long totalEntries = 0;
            for (List<TrackingInfo> stack : avgEntriesStacks) {
                totalEntries += stack.get(level).entries;
            final float avg = totalEntries / ((float) avgEntriesStacks.size());
            avgEntries[level - 1] = avg * avgEntries[level];

    private boolean addAvgEntriesSample(List<TrackingInfo> stack) {
        if (isFirstBIN(stack) || isLastBIN(stack)) {
            return false;
        return true;

    private boolean isFirstBIN(List<TrackingInfo> stack) {
        for (int i = 0; i < stack.size() - 1; i += 1) {
            final TrackingInfo info = stack.get(i);
            if (info.index != 0) {
                return false;
        return true;

    private boolean isLastBIN(List<TrackingInfo> stack) {
        for (int i = 0; i < stack.size() - 1; i += 1) {
            final TrackingInfo info = stack.get(i);
            if (info.index != info.entries - 1) {
                return false;
        return true;

     * Count the total for each node that is between the two end points.
    private long countTotal() {
        long total = 0;

        /* Add nodes between the end points at the root level. */
        final int rootIndex1 = beginStack.get(rootLevel).index + 1;
        final int rootIndex2 = endStack.get(rootLevel).index;
        if (rootIndex2 > rootIndex1) {
            total += Math.round((rootIndex2 - rootIndex1) *

        /* Add nodes under the end points at lower levels. */
        for (int level = rootLevel + 1; level < levelCount; level += 1) {

            /* Add nodes under left end point that are to its right. */
            final int leftIndex = beginStack.get(level).index;
            final int lastIndex = beginStack.get(level).entries - 1;
            if (lastIndex > leftIndex) {
                total += Math.round((lastIndex - leftIndex) *

            /* Add nodes under right end point that are to its left. */
            final int rightIndex = endStack.get(level).index;
            final int firstIndex = 0;
            if (rightIndex > firstIndex) {
                total += Math.round((rightIndex - firstIndex) *

        return total;

    /* For future use, if getKeyRatios is exposed in the API. */
    static class KeyRatios {
        final double less;
        final double equal;
        final double greater;

        KeyRatios(double less, double equal, double greater) {
            this.less = less;
            this.equal = equal;
            this.greater = greater;

        public String toString() {
            return "less: " + less +
                   " equal: " + equal +
                   " greater: " + greater;

     * For future use, if getKeyRatios is exposed in the API.  Be sure to test
     * boundary conditions when index is 0 or nEntries.
     * Algorithm copied from __bam_key_range in BDB btree/bt_stat.c.
    static KeyRatios getKeyRatios(List<TrackingInfo> infoByLevel,
                                  boolean exact) {
        double factor = 1.0;
        double less = 0.0;
        double greater = 0.0;

         * At each level we know that INs greater than index contain keys
         * greater than what we are looking for and those less than index are
         * less than.  The one pointed to by index may have some less, some
         * greater or even equal.  If index is equal to the number of entries,
         * then the key is out of range and everything is less.
        for (final TrackingInfo info : infoByLevel) {
            if (info.index == 0) {
                greater += (factor * (info.entries - 1)) / info.entries;
            } else if (info.index == info.entries) {
                less += factor;
            } else {
                less += (factor * info.index) / info.entries;
                greater += (factor * ((info.entries - info.index) - 1)) /

            /* Factor at next level down is 1/n'th the amount at this level. */
            factor /= info.entries;

            System.out.println("factor: " + factor +
                               " less: " + less +
                               " greater: " + greater);

         * If there was an exact match then assign the 1/n'th factor to the key
         * itself.  Otherwise that factor belongs to those greater than the
         * key, unless the key was out of range.
        final double equal;
        if (exact) {
            equal = factor;
        } else {
            if (less != 1.0) {
                greater += factor;
            equal = 0.0;

        return new KeyRatios(less, equal, greater);

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