
Source Code of

* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 2002, 2011 Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.


import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;


* A database cursor for a secondary database. Cursors are not thread safe and
* the application is responsible for coordinating any multithreaded access to
* a single cursor object.
* <p>Secondary cursors are returned by {@link SecondaryDatabase#openCursor
* SecondaryDatabase.openCursor} and {@link
* SecondaryDatabase#openSecondaryCursor
* SecondaryDatabase.openSecondaryCursor}.  The distinguishing characteristics
* of a secondary cursor are:</p>
* <ul> <li>Direct calls to <code>put()</code> methods on a secondary cursor
* are prohibited.
* <li>The {@link #delete} method of a secondary cursor will delete the primary
* record and as well as all its associated secondary records.
* <li>Calls to all get methods will return the data from the associated
* primary database.
* <li>Additional get method signatures are provided to return the primary key
* in an additional pKey parameter.
* <li>Calls to {@link #dup} will return a {@link SecondaryCursor}.
* </ul>
* <p>To obtain a secondary cursor with default attributes:</p>
* <blockquote><pre>
*     SecondaryCursor cursor = myDb.openSecondaryCursor(txn, null);
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p>To customize the attributes of a cursor, use a CursorConfig object.</p>
* <blockquote><pre>
*     CursorConfig config = new CursorConfig();
*     config.setReadUncommitted(true);
*     SecondaryCursor cursor = myDb.openSecondaryCursor(txn, config);
* </pre></blockquote>
public class SecondaryCursor extends Cursor {

     * A large number of retries are performed before giving up and reporting a
     * secondary integrity error.  The assumption is that corruption is rare.
     * With 10,000 retries and a 1 millis sleep time, a test operation retried
     * for 11 seconds before throw an integrity exception.
    private static final int READ_PRIMARY_MAX_RETRIES = 10000;
    private static final int SLEEP_BEFORE_READ_PRIMARY_RETRY = 1;

    private final SecondaryDatabase secondaryDb;
    private final Database primaryDb;

     * Cursor constructor. Not public. To get a cursor, the user should call
     * SecondaryDatabase.cursor();
    SecondaryCursor(final SecondaryDatabase dbHandle,
                    final Transaction txn,
                    final CursorConfig cursorConfig)
        throws DatabaseException {

        super(dbHandle, txn, cursorConfig);
        secondaryDb = dbHandle;
        primaryDb = dbHandle.getPrimaryDatabase();

     * Cursor constructor. Not public. To get a cursor, the user should call
     * SecondaryDatabase.cursor();
    SecondaryCursor(final SecondaryDatabase dbHandle,
                    final Locker locker,
                    final CursorConfig cursorConfig)
        throws DatabaseException {

        super(dbHandle, locker, cursorConfig);
        secondaryDb = dbHandle;
        primaryDb = dbHandle.getPrimaryDatabase();

     * Copy constructor.
    private SecondaryCursor(final SecondaryCursor cursor,
                            final boolean samePosition)
        throws DatabaseException {

        super(cursor, samePosition);
        secondaryDb = cursor.secondaryDb;
        primaryDb = cursor.primaryDb;

     * Returns the primary {@link Database}
     * associated with this cursor.
     * <p>Calling this method is the equivalent of the following
     * expression:</p>
     * <blockquote><pre>
     *         ((SecondaryDatabase) this.getDatabase()).getPrimaryDatabase()
     * </pre></blockquote>
     * @return The primary {@link Database}
     * associated with this cursor.
    public Database getPrimaryDatabase() {
        return primaryDb;

     * Returns a new <code>SecondaryCursor</code> for the same transaction as
     * the original cursor.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public SecondaryCursor dup(final boolean samePosition)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return new SecondaryCursor(this, samePosition);

     * Returns a new copy of the cursor as a <code>SecondaryCursor</code>.
     * <p>Calling this method is the equivalent of calling {@link #dup} and
     * casting the result to {@link SecondaryCursor}.</p>
     * @see #dup
     * @deprecated As of JE 4.0.13, replaced by {@link Cursor#dup}.</p>
    public SecondaryCursor dupSecondary(final boolean samePosition)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return (SecondaryCursor) dup(samePosition);

     * Delete the key/data pair to which the cursor refers from the primary
     * database and all secondary indices.
     * <p>This method behaves as if {@link Database#delete} were called for the
     * primary database, using the primary key obtained via the secondary key
     * parameter.</p>
     * The cursor position is unchanged after a delete, and subsequent calls to
     * cursor functions expecting the cursor to refer to an existing key will
     * fail.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus delete()
        throws LockConflictException,
               IllegalStateException {

        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.delete: ", null);

        /* Read the primary key (the data of a secondary). */
        DatabaseEntry key = new DatabaseEntry();
        DatabaseEntry pKey = new DatabaseEntry();
        OperationStatus status = getCurrentInternal(key, pKey,

        /* Delete the primary and all secondaries (including this one). */
        if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
            Locker locker = cursorImpl.getLocker();
            status =
                primaryDb.deleteInternal(locker, pKey, null);
            if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
                SecondaryDatabase secDb = (SecondaryDatabase) getDatabase();
                throw secDb.secondaryRefersToMissingPrimaryKey
                    (locker, key, pKey);
        return status;

     * This operation is not allowed on a secondary database. {@link
     * UnsupportedOperationException} will always be thrown by this method.
     * The corresponding method on the primary database should be used instead.
    public OperationStatus put(final DatabaseEntry key,
                               final DatabaseEntry data) {
        throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException();

     * This operation is not allowed on a secondary database. {@link
     * UnsupportedOperationException} will always be thrown by this method.
     * The corresponding method on the primary database should be used instead.
    public OperationStatus putNoOverwrite(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                          final DatabaseEntry data) {
        throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException();

     * This operation is not allowed on a secondary database. {@link
     * UnsupportedOperationException} will always be thrown by this method.
     * The corresponding method on the primary database should be used instead.
    public OperationStatus putNoDupData(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                        final DatabaseEntry data) {
        throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException();

     * This operation is not allowed on a secondary database. {@link
     * UnsupportedOperationException} will always be thrown by this method.
     * The corresponding method on the primary database should be used instead.
    public OperationStatus putCurrent(final DatabaseEntry data) {
        throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException();

     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getCurrent(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                      final DatabaseEntry data,
                                      final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getCurrent(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * Returns the key/data pair to which the cursor refers.
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY} if the key/pair at the cursor position has
     * been deleted; otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the cursor is uninitialized (not positioned on a record), or the
     * non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getCurrent(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                      final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                      final DatabaseEntry data,
                                      final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        checkArgsNoValRequired(key, pKey, data);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getCurrent: ", lockMode);

        return getCurrentInternal(key, pKey, data, lockMode);

     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getFirst(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                    final DatabaseEntry data,
                                    final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getFirst(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * Move the cursor to the first key/data pair of the database, and return
     * that pair.  If the first key has duplicate values, the first data item
     * in the set of duplicates is returned.
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getFirst(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                    final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                    final DatabaseEntry data,
                                    final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        checkArgsNoValRequired(key, pKey, data);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getFirst: ", lockMode);

        return position(key, pKey, data, lockMode, true);

     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getLast(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                   final DatabaseEntry data,
                                   final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getLast(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * Move the cursor to the last key/data pair of the database, and return
     * that pair.  If the last key has duplicate values, the last data item in
     * the set of duplicates is returned.
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getLast(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                   final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                   final DatabaseEntry data,
                                   final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        checkArgsNoValRequired(key, pKey, data);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getLast: ", lockMode);

        return position(key, pKey, data, lockMode, false);

     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getNext(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                   final DatabaseEntry data,
                                   final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getNext(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * Move the cursor to the next key/data pair and return that pair.  If the
     * matching key has duplicate values, the first data item in the set of
     * duplicates is returned.
     * <p>If the cursor is not yet initialized, move the cursor to the first
     * key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.  Otherwise, the
     * cursor is moved to the next key/data pair of the database, and that pair
     * is returned.  In the presence of duplicate key values, the value of the
     * key may not change.</p>
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getNext(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                   final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                   final DatabaseEntry data,
                                   final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        checkArgsNoValRequired(key, pKey, data);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getNext: ", lockMode);

        if (cursorImpl.isNotInitialized()) {
            return position(key, pKey, data, lockMode, true);
        } else {
            return retrieveNext(key, pKey, data, lockMode, GetMode.NEXT);

     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getNextDup(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                      final DatabaseEntry data,
                                      final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getNextDup(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * If the next key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record for
     * the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the next key/data pair of
     * the database and return that pair.
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the cursor is uninitialized (not positioned on a record), or the
     * non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getNextDup(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                      final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                      final DatabaseEntry data,
                                      final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        checkArgsNoValRequired(key, pKey, data);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getNextDup: ", lockMode);

        return retrieveNext(key, pKey, data, lockMode, GetMode.NEXT_DUP);

     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getNextNoDup(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                        final DatabaseEntry data,
                                        final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getNextNoDup(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * Move the cursor to the next non-duplicate key/data pair and return that
     * pair.  If the matching key has duplicate values, the first data item in
     * the set of duplicates is returned.
     * <p>If the cursor is not yet initialized, move the cursor to the first
     * key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.  Otherwise, the
     * cursor is moved to the next non-duplicate key of the database, and that
     * key/data pair is returned.</p>
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getNextNoDup(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                        final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                        final DatabaseEntry data,
                                        final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        checkArgsNoValRequired(key, pKey, data);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getNextNoDup: ", null, null,

        if (cursorImpl.isNotInitialized()) {
            return position(key, pKey, data, lockMode, true);
        } else {
            return retrieveNext(key, pKey, data, lockMode,

     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getPrev(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                   final DatabaseEntry data,
                                   final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getPrev(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * Move the cursor to the previous key/data pair and return that pair. If
     * the matching key has duplicate values, the last data item in the set of
     * duplicates is returned.
     * <p>If the cursor is not yet initialized, move the cursor to the last
     * key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.  Otherwise, the
     * cursor is moved to the previous key/data pair of the database, and that
     * pair is returned. In the presence of duplicate key values, the value of
     * the key may not change.</p>
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getPrev(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                   final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                   final DatabaseEntry data,
                                   final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        checkArgsNoValRequired(key, pKey, data);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getPrev: ", lockMode);

        if (cursorImpl.isNotInitialized()) {
            return position(key, pKey, data, lockMode, false);
        } else {
            return retrieveNext(key, pKey, data, lockMode, GetMode.PREV);

     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getPrevDup(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                      final DatabaseEntry data,
                                      final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getPrevDup(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * If the previous key/data pair of the database is a duplicate data record
     * for the current key/data pair, move the cursor to the previous key/data
     * pair of the database and return that pair.
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the cursor is uninitialized (not positioned on a record), or the
     * non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getPrevDup(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                      final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                      final DatabaseEntry data,
                                      final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        checkArgsNoValRequired(key, pKey, data);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getPrevDup: ", lockMode);

        return retrieveNext(key, pKey, data, lockMode, GetMode.PREV_DUP);

     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getPrevNoDup(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                        final DatabaseEntry data,
                                        final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getPrevNoDup(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * Move the cursor to the previous non-duplicate key/data pair and return
     * that pair.  If the matching key has duplicate values, the last data item
     * in the set of duplicates is returned.
     * <p>If the cursor is not yet initialized, move the cursor to the last
     * key/data pair of the database, and return that pair.  Otherwise, the
     * cursor is moved to the previous non-duplicate key of the database, and
     * that key/data pair is returned.</p>
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getPrevNoDup(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                        final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                        final DatabaseEntry data,
                                        final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        checkArgsNoValRequired(key, pKey, data);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getPrevNoDup: ", lockMode);

        if (cursorImpl.isNotInitialized()) {
            return position(key, pKey, data, lockMode, false);
        } else {
            return retrieveNext(key, pKey, data, lockMode,

     * @param key the secondary key used as input.  It must be initialized with
     * a non-null byte array by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getSearchKey(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                        final DatabaseEntry data,
                                        final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getSearchKey(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * Move the cursor to the given key of the database, and return the datum
     * associated with the given key.  If the matching key has duplicate
     * values, the first data item in the set of duplicates is returned.
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key used as input.  It must be initialized with
     * a non-null byte array by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getSearchKey(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                        final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                        final DatabaseEntry data,
                                        final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key, "key", true);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey, "pKey", false);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data, "data", false);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getSearchKey: ", key, null,

        return search(key, pKey, data, lockMode, SearchMode.SET);

     * @param key the secondary key used as input and returned as output.  It
     * must be initialized with a non-null byte array by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * <!-- inherit other javadoc from overridden method -->
    public OperationStatus getSearchKeyRange(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                             final DatabaseEntry data,
                                             final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return getSearchKeyRange(key, new DatabaseEntry(), data, lockMode);

     * Move the cursor to the closest matching key of the database, and return
     * the data item associated with the matching key.  If the matching key has
     * duplicate values, the first data item in the set of duplicates is
     * returned.
     * <p>The returned key/data pair is for the smallest key greater than or
     * equal to the specified key (as determined by the key comparison
     * function), permitting partial key matches and range searches.</p>
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key used as input and returned as output.  It
     * must be initialized with a non-null byte array by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key returned as output.  Its byte array does not
     * need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * A <a href="Cursor.html#partialEntry">partial data item</a> may be
     * specified to optimize for key only or partial data retrieval.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getSearchKeyRange(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                             final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                             final DatabaseEntry data,
                                             final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key, "key", true);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey, "pKey", false);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data, "data", false);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getSearchKeyRange: ", key, data,

        return search(key, pKey, data, lockMode, SearchMode.SET_RANGE);

     * This operation is not allowed with this method signature. {@link
     * UnsupportedOperationException} will always be thrown by this method.
     * The corresponding method with the <code>pKey</code> parameter should be
     * used instead.
    public OperationStatus getSearchBoth(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                         final DatabaseEntry data,
                                         final LockMode lockMode) {
        throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException();

     * Move the cursor to the specified secondary and primary key, where both
     * the primary and secondary key items must match.
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key used as input.  It must be initialized with
     * a non-null byte array by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key used as input.  It must be initialized with
     * a non-null byte array by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getSearchBoth(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                         final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                         final DatabaseEntry data,
                                         final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key, "key", true);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey, "pKey", true);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data, "data", false);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getSearchBoth: ", key, data,

        return search(key, pKey, data, lockMode, SearchMode.BOTH);

     * This operation is not allowed with this method signature. {@link
     * UnsupportedOperationException} will always be thrown by this method.
     * The corresponding method with the <code>pKey</code> parameter should be
     * used instead.
    public OperationStatus getSearchBothRange(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                              final DatabaseEntry data,
                                              final LockMode lockMode) {
        throw SecondaryDatabase.notAllowedException();

     * Move the cursor to the specified secondary key and closest matching
     * primary key of the database.
     * <p>In the case of any database supporting sorted duplicate sets, the
     * returned key/data pair is for the smallest primary key greater than or
     * equal to the specified primary key (as determined by the key comparison
     * function), permitting partial matches and range searches in duplicate
     * data sets.</p>
     * <p>If this method fails for any reason, the position of the cursor will
     * be unchanged.</p>
     * <p>In a replicated environment, an explicit transaction must have been
     * specified when opening the cursor, unless read-uncommitted isolation is
     * specified via the {@link CursorConfig} or {@link LockMode}
     * parameter.</p>
     * @param key the secondary key used as input and returned as output.  It
     * must be initialized with a non-null byte array by the caller.
     * @param pKey the primary key used as input and returned as output.  It
     * must be initialized with a non-null byte array by the caller.
     * @param data the primary data returned as output.  Its byte array does
     * not need to be initialized by the caller.
     * @param lockMode the locking attributes; if null, default attributes are
     * used. {@link LockMode#READ_COMMITTED} is not allowed.
     * @return {@link
     * OperationStatus.NOTFOUND} if no matching key/data pair is found;
     * otherwise, {@link
     * OperationStatus.SUCCESS}.
     * @throws OperationFailureException if one of the <a
     * href="OperationFailureException.html#readFailures">Read Operation
     * Failures</a> occurs.
     * @throws EnvironmentFailureException if an unexpected, internal or
     * environment-wide failure occurs.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the cursor or database has been closed,
     * or the non-transactional cursor was created in a different thread.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an invalid parameter is specified,
     * for example, if a DatabaseEntry parameter is null or does not contain a
     * required non-null byte array.
    public OperationStatus getSearchBothRange(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                              final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                              final DatabaseEntry data,
                                              final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key, "key", true);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey, "pKey", true);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data, "data", false);
        trace(Level.FINEST, "SecondaryCursor.getSearchBothRange: ", key, data,

        return search(key, pKey, data, lockMode, SearchMode.BOTH_RANGE);

     * Returns the current key and data.
    private OperationStatus getCurrentInternal(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                               final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                               final DatabaseEntry data,
                                               final LockMode lockMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

        OperationStatus status = getCurrentInternal(key, pKey, lockMode);
        if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {

             * May return KEYEMPTY if read-uncommitted and the primary was
             * deleted.
            status = readPrimaryAfterGet(key, pKey, data, lockMode, 0);
        return status;

     * Calls search() and retrieves primary data.
    OperationStatus search(final DatabaseEntry key,
                           final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                           final DatabaseEntry data,
                           final LockMode lockMode,
                           final SearchMode searchMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * Perform retries to account for primary updates during a
         * read-uncommitted.
        int retries = 0;
        byte[] lastKey = null;
        while (true) {
            OperationStatus status = search(key, pKey, lockMode, searchMode);
            if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
                return status;
            if (!Arrays.equals(lastKey, key.getData())) {
                retries = 0;
                lastKey = key.getData();
            status = readPrimaryAfterGet(key, pKey, data, lockMode, retries);
            if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
                return status;
            retries += 1;
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * Calls position() and retrieves primary data.
    OperationStatus position(final DatabaseEntry key,
                             final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                             final DatabaseEntry data,
                             final LockMode lockMode,
                             final boolean first)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * Perform retries to account for primary updates during a
         * read-uncommitted.
        int retries = 0;
        byte[] lastKey = null;
        while (true) {
            OperationStatus status = position(key, pKey, lockMode, first);
            if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
                return status;
            if (!Arrays.equals(lastKey, key.getData())) {
                retries = 0;
                lastKey = key.getData();
            status = readPrimaryAfterGet(key, pKey, data, lockMode, retries);
            if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
                return status;
            retries += 1;
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * Calls retrieveNext() and retrieves primary data.
    OperationStatus retrieveNext(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                 final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                 final DatabaseEntry data,
                                 final LockMode lockMode,
                                 final GetMode getMode)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * Perform retries to account for primary updates during a
         * read-uncommitted.
        int retries = 0;
        byte[] lastKey = null;
        while (true) {
            OperationStatus status = retrieveNext(key, pKey, lockMode,
            if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
                return status;
            if (!Arrays.equals(lastKey, key.getData())) {
                retries = 0;
                lastKey = key.getData();
            status = readPrimaryAfterGet(key, pKey, data, lockMode, retries);
            if (status == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
                return status;
            retries += 1;
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

     * Reads the primary data for a primary key that was read via a secondary.
     * When SUCCESS is returned by this method, the caller should return
     * SUCCESS.  When KEYEMPTY is returned, the caller should treat this as a
     * deleted record and either retry the operation (in the case of position,
     * search, and retrieveNext) or return KEYEMPTY (in the case of
     * getCurrent).  KEYEMPTY is only returned when read-uncommitted is used.
     * @return SUCCESS if the primary was read succesfully, or KEYEMPTY if
     * using read-uncommitted and the primary has been deleted, or KEYEMPTY if
     * using read-uncommitted and the primary has been updated and no longer
     * contains the secondary key.
     * @throws SecondaryIntegrityException to indicate a corrupt secondary
     * reference if the primary record is not found and read-uncommitted is not
     * used (or read-uncommitted is used, but we cannot verify that a valid
     * deletion has occured or the number of retries has been exceeded).
    private OperationStatus readPrimaryAfterGet(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                                final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                                DatabaseEntry data,
                                                final LockMode lockMode,
                                                final int retries)
        throws DatabaseException {

         * There is no need to read the primary if no data and no locking
         * (read-uncommitted) are requested by the caller.  However, if partial
         * data is requested along with read-uncommitted, then we must read all
         * data in order to call the key creator below. [#14966]
        DatabaseEntry copyToPartialEntry = null;
        boolean readUncommitted = isReadUncommittedMode(lockMode);
        if (readUncommitted && data.getPartial()) {
            if (data.getPartialLength() == 0) {
                /* No need to read the primary. */
                return OperationStatus.SUCCESS;
            } else {
                /* Read all data and then copy the requested partial data. */
                copyToPartialEntry = data;
                data = new DatabaseEntry();

        Locker locker = cursorImpl.getLocker();
        Cursor cursor = null;
        try {

             * Do not release non-transactional locks when reading the primary
             * cursor.  They are held until all locks for this operation are
             * released by the secondary cursor.  [#15573]
            cursor = new Cursor(primaryDb, locker, null,
                                true /*retainNonTxnLocks*/);

             * If read-uncommmitted is used for this operation, also use it for
             * reading the primary.  Note that the cursor config is not
             * available so we have to specify the lock mode.
            LockMode primaryLockMode =
                readUncommitted ? LockMode.READ_UNCOMMITTED : lockMode;
            OperationStatus status =
      , data, primaryLockMode, SearchMode.SET);
            if (status != OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {

                 * If using read-uncommitted and the primary is deleted, check
                 * to see if the secondary key has been deleted.  If so, the
                 * primary was deleted in between reading the secondary and the
                 * primary.  It is not corrupt, so we return KEYEMPTY.
                if (readUncommitted) {
                    status = getCurrentInternal(key, pKey, lockMode);
                    if (status == OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY) {
                        return status;

                 * When the primary is deleted, secondary keys are deleted
                 * first (via triggers).  So if the above check fails, we know
                 * the secondary reference is corrupt and retries will not be
                 * productive.
                SecondaryDatabase secDb = (SecondaryDatabase) getDatabase();
                throw secDb.secondaryRefersToMissingPrimaryKey
                    (locker, key, pKey);

             * If using read-uncommitted and the primary was found, check to
             * see if primary was updated so that it no longer contains the
             * secondary key.  If it has been, return KEYEMPTY.
            if (readUncommitted) {
                SecondaryConfig conf =
                boolean possibleIntegrityError = false;

                 * If the secondary key is immutable, or the key creators are
                 * null (the database is read only), then we can skip this
                 * check.
                if (conf.getImmutableSecondaryKey()) {
                    /* Do nothing. */
                } else if (conf.getKeyCreator() != null) {

                     * Check that the key we're using is equal to the key
                     * returned by the key creator.
                    DatabaseEntry secKey = new DatabaseEntry();
                    if (!conf.getKeyCreator().createSecondaryKey
                            (secondaryDb, pKey, data, secKey) ||
                        !secKey.equals(key)) {
                        possibleIntegrityError = true;
                } else if (conf.getMultiKeyCreator() != null) {

                     * Check that the key we're using is in the set returned by
                     * the key creator.
                    Set<DatabaseEntry> results = new HashSet<DatabaseEntry>();
                        (secondaryDb, pKey, data, results);
                    if (!results.contains(key)) {
                        possibleIntegrityError = true;
                if (possibleIntegrityError) {

                     * When the primary has been updated, the secondaries are
                     * deleted after the primary.  Allow retries to account for
                     * a delay between the primary and secondary writes.
                    if (retries < READ_PRIMARY_MAX_RETRIES) {
                        return OperationStatus.KEYEMPTY;

                     * Retries have failed, so assume the secondary reference
                     * is corrupt.
                    SecondaryDatabase secDb = (SecondaryDatabase) getDatabase();
                    throw secDb.secondaryRefersToMissingPrimaryKey
                        (locker, key, pKey);

             * When a partial entry was requested but we read all the data,
             * copy the requested partial data to the caller's entry. [#14966]
            if (copyToPartialEntry != null) {
                LN.setEntry(copyToPartialEntry, data.getData());
            return OperationStatus.SUCCESS;
        } finally {
            if (cursor != null) {

     * Note that this flavor of checkArgs doesn't require that the dbt data is
     * set.
    private void checkArgsNoValRequired(final DatabaseEntry key,
                                        final DatabaseEntry pKey,
                                        final DatabaseEntry data) {
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(key, "key", false);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(pKey, "pKey", false);
        DatabaseUtil.checkForNullDbt(data, "data", false);

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