Package com.sun.faces.application

Source Code of com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationAssociate

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package com.sun.faces.application;

import com.sun.faces.RIConstants;
import com.sun.faces.scripting.groovy.GroovyHelper;
import com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceCache;
import com.sun.faces.application.resource.ResourceManager;
import com.sun.faces.application.annotation.AnnotationManager;
import com.sun.faces.config.ConfigManager;
import com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.Compiler;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.compiler.SAXCompiler;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.FaceletFactory;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.TagDecorator;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.composite.CompositeLibrary;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jstl.core.JstlCoreLibrary;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jstl.fn.JstlFunction;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.ui.UILibrary;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.core.CoreLibrary;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.tag.jsf.html.HtmlLibrary;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.util.ReflectionUtil;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.util.FunctionLibrary;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.util.DevTools;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.ResourceResolver;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletCache;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultResourceResolver;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory;
import com.sun.faces.mgbean.BeanManager;
import com.sun.faces.spi.InjectionProvider;
import com.sun.faces.util.MessageUtils;
import com.sun.faces.util.Util;
import com.sun.faces.util.FacesLogger;
import static com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter;
import static com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.WebContextInitParameter.*;
import static com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter.DisableFaceletJSFViewHandler;
import static com.sun.faces.config.WebConfiguration.BooleanWebContextInitParameter.EnableLazyBeanValidation;
import com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver;
import com.sun.faces.el.ELUtils;
import com.sun.faces.el.FacesCompositeELResolver;
import com.sun.faces.el.VariableResolverChainWrapper;
import com.sun.faces.facelets.PrivateApiFaceletCacheAdapter;
import com.sun.faces.lifecycle.ELResolverInitPhaseListener;

import javax.el.CompositeELResolver;
import javax.el.ELResolver;
import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;
import javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot;
import javax.faces.context.ExternalContext;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
import javax.faces.el.PropertyResolver;
import javax.faces.el.VariableResolver;
import javax.faces.application.ProjectStage;
import javax.faces.event.PreDestroyCustomScopeEvent;
import javax.faces.event.ScopeContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import javax.faces.FactoryFinder;
import javax.faces.application.NavigationCase;
import javax.faces.view.facelets.FaceletCacheFactory;

* <p>Break out the things that are associated with the Application, but
* need to be present even when the user has replaced the Application
* instance.</p>
* <p/>
* <p>For example: the user replaces ApplicationFactory, and wants to
* intercept calls to createValueExpression() and createMethodExpression() for
* certain kinds of expressions, but allow the existing application to
* handle the rest.</p>

public class ApplicationAssociate {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = FacesLogger.APPLICATION.getLogger();

    private ApplicationImpl app = null;

     * Overall Map containing <code>from-view-id</code> key and
     * <code>Set</code> of <code>NavigationCase</code>
     * objects for that key; The <code>from-view-id</code> strings in
     * this map will be stored as specified in the configuration file -
     * some of them will have a trailing asterisk "*" signifying wild
     * card, and some may be specified as an asterisk "*".
    private Map<String, Set<NavigationCase>> navigationMap = null;

    // Flag indicating that a response has been rendered.
    private boolean responseRendered = false;

    private static final String ASSOCIATE_KEY = RIConstants.FACES_PREFIX +

    private static ThreadLocal<ApplicationAssociate> instance =
        new ThreadLocal<ApplicationAssociate>() {
            protected ApplicationAssociate initialValue() {
                return (null);

    private List<ELResolver> elResolversFromFacesConfig = null;

    private VariableResolver legacyVRChainHead = null;

    private VariableResolverChainWrapper legacyVRChainHeadWrapperForJsp = null;

    private VariableResolverChainWrapper legacyVRChainHeadWrapperForFaces = null;

    private PropertyResolver legacyPRChainHead = null;
    private ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = null;

    private PropertyResolver legacyPropertyResolver = null;

    private VariableResolver legacyVariableResolver = null;
    private FacesCompositeELResolver facesELResolverForJsp = null;

    private InjectionProvider injectionProvider;
    private ResourceCache resourceCache;

    private String contextName;
    private boolean requestServiced;
    private boolean errorPagePresent;

    private BeanManager beanManager;
    private GroovyHelper groovyHelper;
    private AnnotationManager annotationManager;
    private boolean devModeEnabled;
    private Compiler compiler;
    private FaceletFactory faceletFactory;
    private ResourceManager resourceManager;
    private ApplicationStateInfo applicationStateInfo;

    private PropertyEditorHelper propertyEditorHelper;

    private NamedEventManager namedEventManager;

    public ApplicationAssociate(ApplicationImpl appImpl) {
        app = appImpl;

        propertyEditorHelper = new PropertyEditorHelper(appImpl);

        FacesContext ctx = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
        if (ctx == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "ApplicationAssociate ctor not called in same callstack as ConfigureListener.contextInitialized()");
        ExternalContext externalContext = ctx.getExternalContext();
        if (null != externalContext.getApplicationMap().get(ASSOCIATE_KEY)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
        Map<String, Object> appMap = externalContext.getApplicationMap();
        appMap.put(ASSOCIATE_KEY, this);
        //noinspection CollectionWithoutInitialCapacity
        navigationMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Set<NavigationCase>>();
        injectionProvider = (InjectionProvider) ctx.getAttributes().get(ConfigManager.INJECTION_PROVIDER_KEY);
        WebConfiguration webConfig = WebConfiguration.getInstance(externalContext);
        beanManager = new BeanManager(injectionProvider,
        // install the bean manager as a system event listener for custom
        // scopes being destoryed.
        annotationManager = new AnnotationManager();

        groovyHelper = GroovyHelper.getCurrentInstance();

        devModeEnabled = (appImpl.getProjectStage() == ProjectStage.Development);
        // initialize Facelets
        if (!webConfig.isOptionEnabled(DisableFaceletJSFViewHandler)) {
            compiler = createCompiler(appMap, webConfig);
            faceletFactory = createFaceletFactory(compiler, webConfig);

        if (!devModeEnabled) {
            resourceCache = new ResourceCache();

        resourceManager = new ResourceManager(appMap, resourceCache);
        namedEventManager = new NamedEventManager();
        applicationStateInfo = new ApplicationStateInfo();

    public static ApplicationAssociate getInstance(ExternalContext
         externalContext) {
        if (externalContext == null) {
            return null;
        Map applicationMap = externalContext.getApplicationMap();
        return ((ApplicationAssociate)

    public static ApplicationAssociate getInstance(ServletContext context) {
        if (context == null) {
            return null;
        return (ApplicationAssociate) context.getAttribute(ASSOCIATE_KEY);

    public static void setCurrentInstance(ApplicationAssociate associate) {

        if (associate == null) {
        } else {

    public static ApplicationAssociate getCurrentInstance() {

        ApplicationAssociate associate = instance.get();
        if (associate == null) {
            // Fallback to ExternalContext lookup
            FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
            if (fc != null) {
                ExternalContext extContext = fc.getExternalContext();
                if (extContext != null) {
                    return ApplicationAssociate.getInstance(extContext);

        return associate;


    public ApplicationStateInfo getApplicationStateInfo() {
        return applicationStateInfo;

    public ResourceManager getResourceManager() {
        return resourceManager;

    public void setResourceManager(ResourceManager resourceManager) {
        this.resourceManager = resourceManager;

    public ResourceCache getResourceCache() {
        return resourceCache;

    public AnnotationManager getAnnotationManager() {
        return annotationManager;

    public Compiler getCompiler() {
        return compiler;

    public boolean isErrorPagePresent() {
        return errorPagePresent;

    public void setErrorPagePresent(boolean errorPagePresent) {
        this.errorPagePresent = errorPagePresent;

    public FaceletFactory getFaceletFactory() {
        return faceletFactory;

    public static void clearInstance(ExternalContext
         externalContext) {
        Map applicationMap = externalContext.getApplicationMap();
        ApplicationAssociate me = (ApplicationAssociate) applicationMap.get(ASSOCIATE_KEY);
        if (null != me) {
            if (null != me.resourceBundles) {

    public static void clearInstance(ServletContext sc) {
        ApplicationAssociate me = (ApplicationAssociate) sc.getAttribute(ASSOCIATE_KEY);
        if (null != me) {
            if (null != me.resourceBundles) {

    public BeanManager getBeanManager() {
        return beanManager;

    public GroovyHelper getGroovyHelper() {
        return groovyHelper;

    public void initializeELResolverChains() {
        // 1. initialize the chains with default values
        if (null == app.compositeELResolver) {
            app.compositeELResolver =
                    new DemuxCompositeELResolver(
            ELUtils.buildFacesResolver(app.compositeELResolver, this);

    public void installProgrammaticallyAddedResolvers() {
        // Ensure custom resolvers are inserted at the correct place.
        VariableResolver vr = this.getLegacyVariableResolver();
        if (null != vr) {
            assert(null != this.getLegacyVRChainHeadWrapperForJsp());
            assert(null != this.getLegacyVRChainHeadWrapperForFaces());

    public boolean isDevModeEnabled() {
        return devModeEnabled;

     * Obtain the PropertyEditorHelper instance for this app.
     * @return The PropertyEditorHeler instance for this app.
    public PropertyEditorHelper getPropertyEditorHelper() {
        return propertyEditorHelper;

     * This method is called by <code>ConfigureListener</code> and will
     * contain any <code>VariableResolvers</code> defined within
     * faces-config configuration files.
     * @param resolver VariableResolver
    public void setLegacyVRChainHead(VariableResolver resolver) {
        this.legacyVRChainHead = resolver;

    public VariableResolver getLegacyVRChainHead() {
        return legacyVRChainHead;

    public VariableResolverChainWrapper getLegacyVRChainHeadWrapperForJsp() {
        return legacyVRChainHeadWrapperForJsp;

    public void setLegacyVRChainHeadWrapperForJsp(VariableResolverChainWrapper legacyVRChainHeadWrapper) {
        this.legacyVRChainHeadWrapperForJsp = legacyVRChainHeadWrapper;

    public VariableResolverChainWrapper getLegacyVRChainHeadWrapperForFaces() {
        return legacyVRChainHeadWrapperForFaces;

    public void setLegacyVRChainHeadWrapperForFaces(VariableResolverChainWrapper legacyVRChainHeadWrapperForFaces) {
        this.legacyVRChainHeadWrapperForFaces = legacyVRChainHeadWrapperForFaces;

     * This method is called by <code>ConfigureListener</code> and will
     * contain any <code>PropertyResolvers</code> defined within
     * faces-config configuration files.
     * @param resolver PropertyResolver
    public void setLegacyPRChainHead(PropertyResolver resolver) {
        this.legacyPRChainHead = resolver;

    public PropertyResolver getLegacyPRChainHead() {
        return legacyPRChainHead;

    public FacesCompositeELResolver getFacesELResolverForJsp() {
        return facesELResolverForJsp;

    public void setFacesELResolverForJsp(FacesCompositeELResolver celr) {
        facesELResolverForJsp = celr;

    public void setELResolversFromFacesConfig(List<ELResolver> resolvers) {
        this.elResolversFromFacesConfig = resolvers;

    public List<ELResolver> getELResolversFromFacesConfig() {
        return elResolversFromFacesConfig;

    public void setExpressionFactory(ExpressionFactory expressionFactory) {
        this.expressionFactory = expressionFactory;

    public ExpressionFactory getExpressionFactory() {
        return this.expressionFactory;

    public CompositeELResolver getApplicationELResolvers() {
        return app.getApplicationELResolvers();

    public InjectionProvider getInjectionProvider() {
        return injectionProvider;

    public void setContextName(String contextName) {
        this.contextName = contextName;

    public String getContextName() {
        return contextName;

     * Maintains the PropertyResolver called through
     * Application.setPropertyResolver()
     * @param resolver PropertyResolver
    public void setLegacyPropertyResolver(PropertyResolver resolver) {
        this.legacyPropertyResolver = resolver;

     * @return the PropertyResolver called through
     * Application.getPropertyResolver()
    public PropertyResolver getLegacyPropertyResolver() {
        return legacyPropertyResolver;

     * Maintains the PropertyResolver called through
     * Application.setVariableResolver()
     * @param resolver VariableResolver
    public void setLegacyVariableResolver(VariableResolver resolver) {
        this.legacyVariableResolver = resolver;

     * @return the VariableResolver called through
     * Application.getVariableResolver()
    public VariableResolver getLegacyVariableResolver() {
        return legacyVariableResolver;

     * Called by application code to indicate we've processed the
     * first request to the application.
    public void setRequestServiced() {
        this.requestServiced = true;

     * @return <code>true</code> if we've processed a request, otherwise
     *         <code>false</code>
    public boolean hasRequestBeenServiced() {
        return requestServiced;

     * Add a navigation case to the internal case set.  If a case set
     * does not already exist in the case list map containing this case
     * (identified by <code>from-view-id</code>), start a new list,
     * add the case to it, and store the set in the case set map.
     * If a case set already exists, overwrite the previous case.
     * @param navigationCase the navigation case containing navigation
     *                       mapping information from the configuration file.
    public void addNavigationCase(NavigationCase navigationCase) {

        String fromViewId = navigationCase.getFromViewId();
        Set<NavigationCase> caseSet = navigationMap.get(fromViewId);
        if (caseSet == null) {
            //noinspection CollectionWithoutInitialCapacity
            caseSet = new LinkedHashSet<NavigationCase>();
            navigationMap.put(fromViewId, caseSet);
        } else {
            // if there already is a case existing for the
            // fromviewid/fromaction.fromoutcome combination,
            // replace it ...  (last one wins).


    public NamedEventManager getNamedEventManager() {
        return namedEventManager;

     * Return a <code>Map</code> of navigation mappings loaded from
     * the configuration system.  The key for the returned <code>Map</code>
     * is <code>from-view-id</code>, and the value is a <code>List</code>
     * of navigation cases.
     * @return Map the map of navigation mappings.
    public Map<String, Set<NavigationCase>> getNavigationCaseListMappings() {
        if (navigationMap == null) {
            return Collections.emptyMap();
        return navigationMap;

    public ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(FacesContext context,
                                            String var) {
        ApplicationResourceBundle bundle = resourceBundles.get(var);
        if (bundle == null) {
            return null;
        UIViewRoot root;
        // Start out with the default locale
        Locale locale;
        Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
        locale = defaultLocale;
        // See if this FacesContext has a ViewRoot
        if (null != (root = context.getViewRoot())) {
            // If so, ask it for its Locale
            if (null == (locale = root.getLocale())) {
                // If the ViewRoot has no Locale, fall back to the default.
                locale = defaultLocale;
        assert (null != locale);
        //ResourceBundleBean bean = resourceBundles.get(var);
        return bundle.getResourceBundle(locale);


     * keys: <var> element from faces-config<p>
     * <p/>
     * values: ResourceBundleBean instances.

    Map<String, ApplicationResourceBundle> resourceBundles =
         new HashMap<String, ApplicationResourceBundle>();

    public void addResourceBundle(String var, ApplicationResourceBundle bundle) {
        resourceBundles.put(var, bundle);

    public Map<String, ApplicationResourceBundle> getResourceBundles() {
        return resourceBundles;

    // This is called by ViewHandlerImpl.renderView().
    public void responseRendered() {
        responseRendered = true;

    public boolean isResponseRendered() {
        return responseRendered;

    protected FaceletFactory createFaceletFactory(Compiler c, WebConfiguration webConfig) {

        // refresh period
        String refreshPeriod = webConfig.getOptionValue(FaceletsDefaultRefreshPeriod);
        long period = Long.parseLong(refreshPeriod);

        // resource resolver
        ResourceResolver resolver = new DefaultResourceResolver();
        String resolverName = webConfig.getOptionValue(FaceletsResourceResolver);
        if (resolverName != null && resolverName.length() > 0) {
            resolver = (ResourceResolver)
        FaceletCache cache = null;
        String faceletCacheName = webConfig.getOptionValue(FaceletCache);
        if (faceletCacheName != null && faceletCacheName.length() > 0) {
            try {
                com.sun.faces.facelets.FaceletCache privateApiCache =
                cache = new PrivateApiFaceletCacheAdapter(privateApiCache);
            } catch(Exception e) {
                if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
                               "Error Loading Facelet cache: " + faceletCacheName,
        if (null == cache) {
            FaceletCacheFactory cacheFactory = (FaceletCacheFactory)
            cache = cacheFactory.getFaceletCache();

        // Resource.getResourceUrl(ctx,"/")
        FaceletFactory factory = new DefaultFaceletFactory(c, resolver, period, cache);

        // Check to see if a custom Factory has been defined
        String factoryClass = webConfig.getOptionValue(FaceletFactory);
        if (factoryClass != null && factoryClass.length() > 0) {
            factory = (FaceletFactory)

        return factory;


    protected Compiler createCompiler(Map<String, Object> appMap, WebConfiguration webConfig) {

        Compiler c = new SAXCompiler();

        // load decorators
        String decParam = webConfig
        if (decParam != null) {
            decParam = decParam.trim();
            String[] decs = Util.split(appMap, decParam, ";");
            TagDecorator decObj;
            for (String decorator : decs) {
                try {
                    decObj = (TagDecorator) ReflectionUtil.forName(decorator)

                    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
                                   "Successfully Loaded Decorator: {0}",
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.SEVERE)) {
                                   "Error Loading Decorator: " + decorator,

        // skip params?

        c.addTagLibrary(new CoreLibrary());
        c.addTagLibrary(new HtmlLibrary());
        c.addTagLibrary(new UILibrary());
        c.addTagLibrary(new JstlCoreLibrary());
        c.addTagLibrary(new JstlCoreLibrary(""));
        c.addTagLibrary(new FunctionLibrary(JstlFunction.class, ""));
        if (isDevModeEnabled()) {
            c.addTagLibrary(new FunctionLibrary(DevTools.class, ""));
        c.addTagLibrary(new CompositeLibrary());

        return c;



Related Classes of com.sun.faces.application.ApplicationAssociate

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