Package org.hibernate.envers.query

Source Code of org.hibernate.envers.query.AuditQueryCreator

* Hibernate, Relational Persistence for Idiomatic Java
* Copyright (c) 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC or third-party contributors as
* indicated by the @author tags or express copyright attribution
* statements applied by the authors.  All third-party contributions are
* distributed under license by Red Hat Middleware LLC.
* This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
* copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
* Lesser General Public License, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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package org.hibernate.envers.query;

import org.hibernate.envers.configuration.AuditConfiguration;
import org.hibernate.envers.query.impl.EntitiesAtRevisionQuery;
import org.hibernate.envers.query.impl.EntitiesModifiedAtRevisionQuery;
import org.hibernate.envers.query.impl.RevisionsOfEntityQuery;
import org.hibernate.envers.reader.AuditReaderImplementor;

import static;
import static;
import static;

* @author Adam Warski (adam at warski dot org)
* @author HernпїЅn Chanfreau
* @author Lukasz Antoniak (lukasz dot antoniak at gmail dot com)
public class AuditQueryCreator {
    private final AuditConfiguration auditCfg;
    private final AuditReaderImplementor auditReaderImplementor;

    public AuditQueryCreator(AuditConfiguration auditCfg, AuditReaderImplementor auditReaderImplementor) {
        this.auditCfg = auditCfg;
        this.auditReaderImplementor = auditReaderImplementor;

     * Creates a query, which will return entities satisfying some conditions (specified later),
     * at a given revision.
     * @param c Class of the entities for which to query.
     * @param revision Revision number at which to execute the query.
     * @return A query for entities at a given revision, to which conditions can be added and which
     * can then be executed. The result of the query will be a list of entities (beans), unless a
     * projection is added.
    public AuditQuery forEntitiesAtRevision(Class<?> c, Number revision) {
        checkNotNull(revision, "Entity revision");
        checkPositive(revision, "Entity revision");
        c = getTargetClassIfProxied(c);
        return new EntitiesAtRevisionQuery(auditCfg, auditReaderImplementor, c, revision);
     * Creates a query, which will return entities satisfying some conditions (specified later),
     * at a given revision and a given entityName.
     * @param c Class of the entities for which to query.
     * @param entityName Name of the entity (if can't be guessed basing on the {@code c}).
     * @param revision Revision number at which to execute the query.
     * @return A query for entities at a given revision, to which conditions can be added and which
     * can then be executed. The result of the query will be a list of entities (beans), unless a
     * projection is added.
    public AuditQuery forEntitiesAtRevision(Class<?> c, String entityName, Number revision) {
        checkNotNull(revision, "Entity revision");
        checkPositive(revision, "Entity revision");
        c = getTargetClassIfProxied(c);
        return new EntitiesAtRevisionQuery(auditCfg, auditReaderImplementor, c, entityName, revision);

     * Creates a query, which will return entities modified at the specified revision.
     * In comparison, the {@link #forEntitiesAtRevision(Class, String, Number)} query takes into all entities
     * which were present at a given revision, even if they were not modified.
     * @param c Class of the entities for which to query.
     * @param entityName Name of the entity (if can't be guessed basing on the {@code c}).
     * @param revision Revision number at which to execute the query.
     * @return A query for entities changed at a given revision, to which conditions can be added and which
     *         can then be executed.
     * @see #forEntitiesAtRevision(Class, String, Number)
    public AuditQuery forEntitiesModifiedAtRevision(Class<?> c, String entityName, Number revision) {
        checkNotNull(revision, "Entity revision");
        checkPositive(revision, "Entity revision");
        c = getTargetClassIfProxied(c);
        return new EntitiesModifiedAtRevisionQuery(auditCfg, auditReaderImplementor, c, entityName, revision);

     * Creates a query, which will return entities modified at the specified revision.
     * In comparison, the {@link #forEntitiesAtRevision(Class, String, Number)} query takes into all entities
     * which were present at a given revision, even if they were not modified.
     * @param c Class of the entities for which to query.
     * @param revision Revision number at which to execute the query.
     * @return A query for entities changed at a given revision, to which conditions can be added and which
     *         can then be executed.
     * @see #forEntitiesAtRevision(Class, Number)
    public AuditQuery forEntitiesModifiedAtRevision(Class<?> c, Number revision) {
        checkNotNull(revision, "Entity revision");
        checkPositive(revision, "Entity revision");
        c = getTargetClassIfProxied(c);
        return new EntitiesModifiedAtRevisionQuery(auditCfg, auditReaderImplementor, c, revision);

     * Creates a query, which selects the revisions, at which the given entity was modified.
     * Unless an explicit projection is set, the result will be a list of three-element arrays, containing:
     * <ol>
     * <li>the entity instance</li>
     * <li>revision entity, corresponding to the revision at which the entity was modified. If no custom
     * revision entity is used, this will be an instance of {@link org.hibernate.envers.DefaultRevisionEntity}</li>
     * <li>type of the revision (an enum instance of class {@link org.hibernate.envers.RevisionType})</li>.
     * </ol>
     * Additional conditions that the results must satisfy may be specified.
     * @param c Class of the entities for which to query.
     * @param selectEntitiesOnly If true, instead of a list of three-element arrays, a list of entites will be
     * returned as a result of executing this query.
     * @param selectDeletedEntities If true, also revisions where entities were deleted will be returned. The additional
     * entities will have revision type "delete", and contain no data (all fields null), except for the id field.
     * @return A query for revisions at which instances of the given entity were modified, to which
     * conditions can be added (for example - a specific id of an entity of class <code>c</code>), and which
     * can then be executed. The results of the query will be sorted in ascending order by the revision number,
     * unless an order or projection is added.
    public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntity(Class<?> c, boolean selectEntitiesOnly, boolean selectDeletedEntities) {
        c = getTargetClassIfProxied(c);
        return new RevisionsOfEntityQuery(auditCfg, auditReaderImplementor, c, selectEntitiesOnly,selectDeletedEntities);
     * Creates a query, which selects the revisions, at which the given entity was modified and with a given entityName.
     * Unless an explicit projection is set, the result will be a list of three-element arrays, containing:
     * <ol>
     * <li>the entity instance</li>
     * <li>revision entity, corresponding to the revision at which the entity was modified. If no custom
     * revision entity is used, this will be an instance of {@link org.hibernate.envers.DefaultRevisionEntity}</li>
     * <li>type of the revision (an enum instance of class {@link org.hibernate.envers.RevisionType})</li>.
     * </ol>
     * Additional conditions that the results must satisfy may be specified.
     * @param c Class of the entities for which to query.
     * @param entityName Name of the entity (if can't be guessed basing on the {@code c}).
     * @param selectEntitiesOnly If true, instead of a list of three-element arrays, a list of entites will be
     * returned as a result of executing this query.
     * @param selectDeletedEntities If true, also revisions where entities were deleted will be returned. The additional
     * entities will have revision type "delete", and contain no data (all fields null), except for the id field.
     * @return A query for revisions at which instances of the given entity were modified, to which
     * conditions can be added (for example - a specific id of an entity of class <code>c</code>), and which
     * can then be executed. The results of the query will be sorted in ascending order by the revision number,
     * unless an order or projection is added.
    public AuditQuery forRevisionsOfEntity(Class<?> c, String entityName, boolean selectEntitiesOnly, boolean selectDeletedEntities) {
        c = getTargetClassIfProxied(c);
        return new RevisionsOfEntityQuery(auditCfg, auditReaderImplementor, c, entityName, selectEntitiesOnly,selectDeletedEntities);

Related Classes of org.hibernate.envers.query.AuditQueryCreator

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