Package org.jboss.byteman.rule.expression

Source Code of org.jboss.byteman.rule.expression.ExpressionHelper

* JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source
* Copyright 2008, Red Hat Middleware LLC, and individual contributors
* by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a
* full listing of individual contributors.
* This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
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* @authors Andrew Dinn
package org.jboss.byteman.rule.expression;

import org.jboss.byteman.rule.binding.Bindings;
import org.jboss.byteman.rule.grammar.ParseNode;
import static org.jboss.byteman.rule.grammar.ParseNode.*;
import org.jboss.byteman.rule.type.Type;
import org.jboss.byteman.rule.exception.TypeException;
import org.jboss.byteman.rule.Rule;
import org.jboss.byteman.rule.type.TypeGroup;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

* helper class to transform parsed expression AST into an actual Expression instance
public class ExpressionHelper
    public static Expression createExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode exprTree)
            throws TypeException
        return createExpression(rule, bindings, exprTree, Type.UNDEFINED);

    public static Expression createExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode exprTree, Type type)
            throws TypeException
        // we expect expr =  (RETURN)
        //                   (RETURN expr)
        //                   (THROW)
        //                   (THROW expr)
        //                   (UNARYOP unary_oper expr) |
        //                   (BINOP infix_oper expr exp) |
        //                   (TERNOP simple_expr expr expr)
        //                   (ARRAY typename)
        //                   (ARRAY expr expr_list)
        //                   (FIELD expr simple_name)
        //                   (METH simple_name expr expr_list)
        //                   (NEW name expr_list)
        //                   (BOOLEAN_LITERAL)
        //                   (INTEGER_LITERAL)
        //                   (FLOAT_LITERAL)
        //                   (STRING_LITERAL)
        //                   (NULL_LITERAL)
        //                   (IDENTIFIER simple_name)
        //                   (IDENTIFIER simple_name path)
        //                   (DOLLAR string)
        //                   (ASSIGN simple_name expr)
        //                   (ASSIGN dollar_expr expr)

        int tag = exprTree.getTag();
        Expression expr;
        switch (tag) {
            case IDENTIFIER:
                // check for path qualifier

                String name = (String)exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode)exprTree.getChild(1);

                if (child1 == null && bindings.lookup(name) != null) {
                    // a clear cut direct variable reference
                    expr = new Variable(rule, type, exprTree);
                } else {
                    // we should only get these as identifiers for binding types or throw types which are
                    // explicitly caught by the bindings or throw processing case handlers so this is an error

                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : unexpected IDENTIFIER " + exprTree.getText() + " in "  + exprTree.getPos());
            case ARRAY:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);

                Expression arrayRef = createExpression(rule, bindings, child0, Type.UNDEFINED);

                List<Expression> indices = createExpressionList(rule, bindings, child1, Type.I);

                if (indices != null) {
                    expr = new ArrayExpression(rule, type, exprTree, arrayRef, indices);
                } else {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid array index expression " + exprTree.getPos());
            case FIELD:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                expr = createFieldExpression(rule, bindings, child0, child1, type);
            case METH:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                ParseNode child2 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(2);
                int tag0 = child0.getTag();
                if (tag0 != IDENTIFIER) {
                    // uurgh we expected a method name
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid method selector " + tag + " in expression " + child0.getText() + child0.getPos());

                expr = createCallExpression(rule, bindings, child0, child1, child2, type);
            case THROW:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                int tag0 = child0.getTag();

                if (tag0 != IDENTIFIER) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid throw type " + tag + " in expression " + child0.getText() + child0.getPos());
                } else {
                    expr = createThrowExpression(rule, bindings, child0, child1);
            case NEW:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                ParseNode child2 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(2);
                int tag0 = child0.getTag();

                if (tag0 != IDENTIFIER) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid new type " + tag + " in expression " + child0.getText() + child0.getPos());
                } else {
                    expr = createNewExpression(rule, bindings, child0, child1, child2);
            case INTEGER_LITERAL:
                expr = new NumericLiteral(rule, Type.I, exprTree);
            case FLOAT_LITERAL:
                expr = new NumericLiteral(rule, Type.F, exprTree);
            case STRING_LITERAL:
                expr = new StringLiteral(rule, exprTree);
            case BOOLEAN_LITERAL:
                expr = new BooleanLiteral(rule, exprTree);
            case NULL_LITERAL:
                expr = new NullLiteral(rule, exprTree);
            case RETURN:
                Expression returnValue;
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                if (child0 != null) {
                    returnValue = createExpression(rule, bindings, child0);
                } else {
                    returnValue = null;
                expr = new ReturnExpression(rule, exprTree, returnValue);
            case DOLLAR:
                String text = (String)exprTree.getChild(0);
                char leading = text.charAt(1);
                if (Character.isDigit(leading)) {
                    int index = Integer.valueOf(text.substring(1));
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, index);
                } else if (text.equals("$!")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.RETURN_VALUE_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$^")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.THROWABLE_VALUE_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$#")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, Type.I, exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_COUNT_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$*")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$@")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.INVOKE_PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                } else {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, text.substring(1));
            case ASSIGN:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                // the left hand side is special but nay expression will do for the right hand side

                AssignableExpression left = createAssignableExpression(rule, bindings, child0, type);;
                Expression right = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, type);

                expr = new AssignExpression(rule, exprTree, left, right);
            case UNOP:
                expr = createUnaryExpression(rule, bindings, exprTree, type);
            case BINOP:
                expr = createBinaryExpression(rule, bindings, exprTree, type);
            case TERNOP:
                expr = createTernaryExpression(rule, bindings, exprTree, type);
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : unexpected token type " + tag + " for expression " + exprTree.getPos());

        Type exprType = Type.dereference(expr.getType());
        Type targetType = Type.dereference(type);
        if (exprType.isDefined() && targetType.isDefined() && !targetType.isAssignableFrom(exprType)) {
            // we already know this is an invalid type so notify an error and return null
            throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid expression type " + exprType.getName() + " expecting " + targetType.getName() + exprTree.getPos());
        } else if (targetType.isNumeric() && !exprType.isNumeric()) {
            // we already know this is an invalid type so notify an error and return null
            throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid expression type " + exprType.getName() + " expecting " + targetType.getName() + exprTree.getPos());
        // don't do this here as it gets called recursively -- need to do it in Binding, Condition and Action
        if (!expr.bind()) {
            throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : unknown reference in expression" + exprTree.getPos());

        return expr;

    public static AssignableExpression createFieldExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode fieldTree, ParseNode targetTree, Type type)
            throws TypeException
        AssignableExpression fieldExpr;
        Expression target;
        String[] pathList;

        // the recipient tree may be a path or some other form of expression
        // in the former case we don't construct the recipient until type check time

        if (targetTree.getTag() == PATH) {
            target = null;
            pathList = createPathList(targetTree);
        } else {
            target = createExpression(rule, bindings, targetTree, Type.UNDEFINED);
            pathList = null;
        fieldExpr = new FieldExpression(rule, type, fieldTree, fieldTree.getText(), target, pathList);

        return fieldExpr;

    public static Expression createCallExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode selectorTree, ParseNode recipientTree, ParseNode argTree, Type type)
            throws TypeException
        Expression expr;
        Expression recipient;
        String[] pathList;
        List<Expression> args;

        // the recipient tree may be a path or some other form of expression
        // in the former case we don't construct the recipient until type check time

        if (recipientTree == null) {
            recipient = null;
            pathList = null;
        } else if (recipientTree.getTag() == PATH) {
            recipient = null;
            pathList = createPathList(recipientTree);
        } else {
            recipient = createExpression(rule, bindings, recipientTree, Type.UNDEFINED);
            pathList = null;
        if (argTree == null) {
            args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
        } else {
            args = createExpressionList(rule, bindings, argTree);

        expr = new MethodExpression(rule, type, selectorTree, recipient, args, pathList);

        return expr;

    public static String[] createPathList(ParseNode pathTree)
        int l = 0;
        ParseNode p = pathTree;

        while (p != null) {
            p = (ParseNode)p.getChild(1);

        String[] pathList = new String[l];

        p = pathTree;
        while (p != null) {
            pathList[l] = (String)p.getText();
            p = (ParseNode)p.getChild(1);

        return pathList;

    public static Expression createThrowExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode typeNameTree, ParseNode argTree)
            throws TypeException
        Expression expr;
        List<Expression> args;

        if (argTree == null) {
            args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
        } else {
            args = createExpressionList(rule, bindings, argTree);

        expr = new ThrowExpression(rule, typeNameTree, args);

        return expr;

    public static Expression createNewExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode typeNameTree,
                                                 ParseNode argTree, ParseNode arrayDimsTree)
            throws TypeException
        Expression expr;
        List<Expression> args;
        List<Expression> arrayDims;
        if (argTree == null) {
            args = new ArrayList<Expression>();
        } else {
            args = createExpressionList(rule, bindings, argTree);
        if (arrayDimsTree == null) {
            arrayDims = new ArrayList<Expression>();
        } else {
            arrayDims = createNewExpressionIndexList(rule, bindings, arrayDimsTree);

        expr = new NewExpression(rule, typeNameTree, args, arrayDims);

        return expr;

    public static Expression createUnaryExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode exprTree, Type type)
            throws TypeException
        // we expect ^(UNOP unary_oper expr)

        ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
        ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
        Expression expr;
        int tag = child0.getTag();

        switch (tag)
            case TWIDDLE:
                // the argument must be a numeric expression
                if (!type.isUndefined() && !type.isVoid() && !type.isNumeric()) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : invalid numeric expression" + exprTree.getPos());
                Expression operand = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.NUMBER);
                expr = new TwiddleExpression(rule, exprTree, operand);
            case NOT:
                // the argument must be a boolean expression
                if (!type.isUndefined() && !type.isVoid() && !type.isBoolean()) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : invalid boolean expression" + exprTree.getPos());
                Expression operand = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.BOOLEAN);
                expr = new NotExpression(rule, exprTree, operand);
            case UMINUS:
                // the argument must be a numeric expression
                if (!type.isUndefined() && !type.isVoid() && !type.isBoolean()) {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : invalid boolean expression" + exprTree.getPos());
                Expression operand = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.NUMBER);
                expr = new MinusExpression(rule, exprTree, operand);
            case DOLLAR:
                if (child1.getTag() == IDENTIFIER) {
                    if (child1.getText().equals("!")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.RETURN_VALUE_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("^")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.THROWABLE_VALUE_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("#")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, Type.I, exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_COUNT_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("*")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                    } else if (child1.getText().equals("@")) {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.INVOKE_PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                    } else {
                        expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, child1.getText());
                } else if (child1.getTag() == INTEGER_LITERAL) {
                    Integer intObject = (Integer) child1.getChild(0);
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, intObject.intValue());
                } else {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : unexpected token type " + child1.getTag() + " for dollar expression tree " + child1.getText() + "" + child1.getPos());
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : unexpected token type " + exprTree.getTag() + " for expression tree " + exprTree.getText() + "" + exprTree.getPos());

        return expr;

    public static Expression createBinaryExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode exprTree, Type type)
            throws TypeException
        // we expect ^(BINOP infix_oper simple_expr expr)

        ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
        ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
        ParseNode child2 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(2);
        Expression expr;
        int oper = child0.getTag();

        switch (oper)
            case PLUS:
                // this is a special case since we may be doing String concatenation
                Expression operand1;
                Expression operand2;
                /* if (type == Type.STRING) {
                    // must be doing String concatenation
                    // TODO hmm, not sure this is right e.g. ("value " + a + b) might give "value 12" instead of "value 3"
                    operand1 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.STRING);
                    operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, Type.UNDEFINED);
                    expr = new StringPlusExpression(rule, exprTree, operand1,  operand2);
                } else */ if (type.isNumeric()) {
                    // must be doing arithmetic
                    operand1 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.NUMBER);
                    operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, Type.NUMBER);
                    int convertedOper = OperExpression.convertOper(oper);
                    expr = new ArithmeticExpression(rule, convertedOper, exprTree, operand1,  operand2);
                } else {
                    // see if the operand gives us any type info
                    operand1 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.UNDEFINED);
                    if (operand1.getType().isNumeric()) {
                        operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, Type.NUMBER);
                        int convertedOper = OperExpression.convertOper(oper);
                        expr = new ArithmeticExpression(rule, convertedOper, exprTree, operand1, operand2);
                    } else if (operand1.getType() == Type.STRING) {
                        operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, Type.UNDEFINED);
                        expr = new StringPlusExpression(rule, exprTree, operand1,  operand2);
                    } else {
                        operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, Type.UNDEFINED);
                        // create as generic plus expression which we will replace later during type
                        // checking
                        expr = new PlusExpression(rule, exprTree, operand1,  operand2);
            case MINUS:
            case MUL:
            case DIV:
            case MOD:
                Expression operand1 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.NUMBER);
                Expression operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, Type.NUMBER);

                int convertedOper = OperExpression.convertOper(oper);
                expr = new ArithmeticExpression(rule, convertedOper, exprTree, operand1, operand2);
            case BAND:
            case BOR:
            case BXOR:
                Expression operand1 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.NUMBER);
                Expression operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, Type.NUMBER);

                int convertedOper = OperExpression.convertOper(oper);
                expr = new BitExpression(rule, convertedOper, exprTree, operand1, operand2);
            case AND:
            case OR:
                Expression operand1 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.BOOLEAN);
                Expression operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, Type.BOOLEAN);

                int convertedOper = OperExpression.convertOper(oper);
                expr = new LogicalExpression(rule, convertedOper, exprTree, operand1, operand2);
            case EQ:
            case NE:
            case GT:
            case LT:
            case GE:
            case LE:
                Expression operand1 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, Type.UNDEFINED);
                Expression operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, Type.UNDEFINED);

                int convertedOper = OperExpression.convertOper(oper);
                expr = new ComparisonExpression(rule, convertedOper, exprTree, operand1, operand2);
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createBinaryExpression : unexpected token type " + exprTree.getTag() + " for expression " + exprTree.getText() + "" + exprTree.getPos());

        return expr;

    public static Expression createTernaryExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode exprTree, Type type)
            throws TypeException
        // we only expect ^(TERNOP ternary_oper simple_expr expr expr)

        ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
        ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
        ParseNode child2 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(2);
        Expression expr;
        int oper = exprTree.getTag();

        switch (oper)
            case TERNOP:
                // the first argument must be a boolean expression
                Expression operand0 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child0, Type.BOOLEAN);
                Expression operand1 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child1, type);
                Expression operand2 = createExpression(rule, bindings, child2, type);
                Type type1 = Type.dereference(operand1.getType());
                Type type2 = Type.dereference(operand2.getType());
                if (type1.isNumeric() || type2.isNumeric()) {
                    if (!type.isUndefined() && !type.isVoid() && !type.isNumeric()) {
                        throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createUnaryExpression : invalid numeric expression" + exprTree.getPos());
                    expr = new ConditionalEvalExpression(rule, Type.promote(type1, type2),  exprTree, operand0,  operand1, operand2);
                } else if (type1.isDefined() && type2.isDefined()) {
                    // since they are not numeric we have to have the same type
                    if (type1 == type2) {
                        // use this type
                        expr = new ConditionalEvalExpression(rule, type1,  exprTree, operand0,  operand1, operand2);
                    } else {
                        // mismatched types so don't generate a result
                        throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createTernaryExpression : mismatched expression types " + type1.getName() + " and " + type2.getName()  + " in conditional expression " + exprTree.getText() + exprTree.getPos());
                } else {
                    // have to wait for type check to resolve types
                    expr = new ConditionalEvalExpression(rule, Type.UNDEFINED,  exprTree, operand0,  operand1, operand2);
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createTernaryExpression : unexpected token type " + exprTree.getTag() + " for expression " + exprTree.getText() + "" + exprTree.getPos());

        return expr;

    public static AssignableExpression createAssignableExpression(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode exprTree, Type type)
            throws TypeException
        AssignableExpression expr;
        // we expect expr =  (FIELD expr simple_name)
        //                   (IDENTIFIER simple_name)
        //                   (DOLLAR string)
        // we allow assignment to identifiers or dollar symbols
        int tag = exprTree.getTag();
        switch(tag) {
            case FIELD:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                expr = createFieldExpression(rule, bindings, child0, child1, type);
            case IDENTIFIER:
                String name = (String)exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode)exprTree.getChild(1);

                if (child1 == null && bindings.lookup(name) != null) {
                    // a clear cut direct variable reference
                    expr = new Variable(rule, type, exprTree, name);
                } else {
                    // we should only get these as identifiers for binding types or throw types which are
                    // explicitly caught by the bindings or throw processing case handlers so this is an error

                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createAssignableExpression : unexpected IDENTIFIER " + exprTree.getText() + " in "  + exprTree.getPos());
            case DOLLAR:
                String text = (String)exprTree.getChild(0);
                char leading = text.charAt(1);
                if (Character.isDigit(leading)) {
                    int index = Integer.valueOf(text.substring(1));
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, index);
                } else if (text.equals("$!")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.RETURN_VALUE_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$^")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, DollarExpression.THROWABLE_VALUE_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$#")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, Type.I, exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_COUNT_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$*")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                } else if (text.equals("$@")) {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, rule.getTypeGroup().createArray(Type.OBJECT), exprTree, DollarExpression.INVOKE_PARAM_ARRAY_IDX);
                } else {
                    expr = new DollarExpression(rule, type, exprTree, text.substring(1));
            case ARRAY:
                ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                ParseNode child1 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);

                Expression arrayRef = createExpression(rule, bindings, child0, Type.UNDEFINED);

                List<Expression> indices = createExpressionList(rule, bindings, child1, Type.I);

                if (indices != null) {
                    expr = new ArrayExpression(rule, type, exprTree, arrayRef, indices);
                } else {
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createExpression : invalid array index expression " + exprTree.getPos());
                throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createAssignableExpression : unexpected token type " + tag + " for lhs of assignment " + exprTree.getPos());

        return expr;

    public static List<Expression> createExpressionList(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode exprTree)
            throws TypeException
        return createExpressionList(rule, bindings, exprTree, Type.UNDEFINED);


    public static List<Expression> createExpressionList(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode exprTree, Type type)
            throws TypeException
        // we expect expr_list = ^(EXPR) |
        //                       ^(SEMI expr expr_list)
        //                       ^(COMMA expr expr_list)

        List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
        List<TypeException> exceptions = new ArrayList<TypeException>();

        while (exprTree != null)
            try {
                switch (exprTree.getTag())
                    case SEMI:
                    case COMMA:
                        ParseNode child0 = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                        // assign tree before we risk an exception
                        exprTree = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                        Expression expr = createExpression(rule, bindings, child0, type);
                        // assign tree before we risk an exception
                        ParseNode saveTree = exprTree;
                        exprTree = null;
                        Expression expr = createExpression(rule, bindings, saveTree, type);
            } catch (TypeException te) {

        if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
            if (exceptions.size() == 1) {
                throw exceptions.get(0);
            } else {
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                buffer.append("ExpressionHelper.createExpressionList : errors checking expression sequence");
                for (TypeException typeException : exceptions) {
                throw new TypeException(buffer.toString());

        return exprList;
    public static List<Expression> createNewExpressionIndexList(Rule rule, Bindings bindings, ParseNode exprTree)
            throws TypeException
        // we expect new_expr_idx_list = new_expr_idx
        //                               ^(COMMA expr new_expr_idx_list)
        // where          new_expr_idx = ^(EXPR) |
        //                               ^(NOTHING)
        // and we also have the constraints that any EXPR is expected to have an int type andthat
        // once we see the first NOTHING we only expect NOTHING from then onwards

        Type type =  Type.I;

        List<Expression> exprList = new ArrayList<Expression>();
        List<TypeException> exceptions = new ArrayList<TypeException>();
        boolean foundEmptyDim = false;
        int arrayDimCount = 0;
        int emptyDimCount = 0;

        while (exprTree != null)
            try {
                ParseNode saveTree = exprTree;
                ParseNode child;
                if (exprTree.getTag() == COMMA) {
                    child = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(0);
                    exprTree = (ParseNode) exprTree.getChild(1);
                } else {
                    child = exprTree;
                    exprTree = null;
                // count an extra array dimension

                if (child.getTag() == NOTHING) {
                    //  this is an empty array dimension
                    foundEmptyDim = true;
                    // append null to the list to represent the empty dimension
                } else  if (!foundEmptyDim){
                    Expression expr = createExpression(rule, bindings, child, Type.I);
                } else {
                    // once we see an empty dim we expect to see al empty dims
                    throw new TypeException("ExpressionHelper.createNewExpressionIndexList : invalid array dimension " + child.getPos());
            } catch (TypeException te) {

        if (!exceptions.isEmpty()) {
            if (exceptions.size() == 1) {
                throw exceptions.get(0);
            } else {
                StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
                buffer.append("ExpressionHelper.createExpressionList : errors checking new expression array dimensions");
                for (TypeException typeException : exceptions) {
                throw new TypeException(buffer.toString());

        return exprList;


Related Classes of org.jboss.byteman.rule.expression.ExpressionHelper

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