
Source Code of$DockableEntry

* Bibliothek - DockingFrames
* Library built on Java/Swing, allows the user to "drag and drop"
* panels containing any Swing-Component the developer likes to add.
* Copyright (C) 2010 Benjamin Sigg
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
* Benjamin Sigg
* CH - Switzerland

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import bibliothek.gui.Dockable;
import bibliothek.util.Path;
import bibliothek.util.Version;
import bibliothek.util.xml.XAttribute;
import bibliothek.util.xml.XElement;
import bibliothek.util.xml.XException;

* A set of properties extracted from a {@link ModeManager} and its {@link Mode}s. The properties
* can be stored persistently and do not depend on any existing object (like for example the {@link Mode}s).
* @author Benjamin Sigg
* @param <A> the objects used by {@link ModeManager} to store information
* @param <B> the independent objects used by this {@link ModeSettings} to store information
public class ModeSettings<A,B> {
    /** the list of known {@link Dockable}s */
    private List<DockableEntry> dockables = new ArrayList<DockableEntry>();
    /** the list of mode information to store */
    private Map<Path, ModeSetting<A>> modes = new HashMap<Path, ModeSetting<A>>();
    /** a converter that converts properties from outside to inside */
    private ModeSettingsConverter<A, B> converter;
    /** factories for creating new {@link ModeSetting}s */
    private Map<Path, ModeSettingFactory<A>> factories = new HashMap<Path, ModeSettingFactory<A>>();
     * Creates a new setting
     * @param converter the converter to read and write properties
    public ModeSettings( ModeSettingsConverter<A, B> converter ){
        if( converter == null )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "converter must not be null" );
        this.converter = converter;
     * Gets the converter that is used to transform internal and external
     * properties.
     * @return the converter, never <code>null</code>
    public ModeSettingsConverter<A, B> getConverter(){
        return converter;
     * Adds a factory to this setting. The factory will be used to create
     * new {@link ModeSetting}s.
     * @param factory the new factory, not <code>null</code>
    public void addFactory( ModeSettingFactory<A> factory ){
      factories.put( factory.getModeId(), factory );
     * Adds a new set of properties to this setting.
     * @param id the unique identifier of this set of properties
     * @param current the current mode of the set, can be <code>null</code>
     * @param properties the properties, will be copied by this method
     * @param history older modes of the setting, will be copied by this method
    public void add( String id, Path current, Map<Path, A> properties, Collection<Path> history ){
        if( id == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "id" );
        if( properties == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "properties" );
        if( history == null )
            throw new NullPointerException( "history" );
        DockableEntry entry = new DockableEntry(); = id;
        entry.current = current;
        entry.history = history.toArray( new Path[ history.size() ] ); = new HashMap<Path, B>();
        for( Map.Entry<Path, A> next : properties.entrySet() ){
   next.getKey(), converter.convertToSetting( next.getValue() ) );
        dockables.add( entry );
     * Adds the settings of <code>mode</code> to this.
     * @param mode the mode whose settings are to be stored
    public void add( Mode<A> mode ){
      ModeSettingFactory<A> factory = factories.get( mode.getUniqueIdentifier() );
      if( factory == null )
        throw new IllegalArgumentException( "no factory present for '" + mode.getUniqueIdentifier() + "'" );
      ModeSetting<A> setting = factory.create();
      if( setting != null ){
        mode.writeSetting( setting );
        modes.put( setting.getModeId(), setting );
     * Adds the settings <code>mode</code> to this.
     * @param mode the properties to store
    public void add( ModeSetting<A> mode ){
      modes.put( mode.getModeId(), mode );
     * Gets the number of sets this setting stores.
     * @return the number of sets
    public int size(){
        return dockables.size();
     * Gets the index of the entry with identifier <code>id</code>.
     * @param id the identifier of a dockable
     * @return the entry that represents that dockable, can be -1
    public int indexOf( String id ){
      int index = 0;
      for( DockableEntry entry : dockables ){
        if( id )){
          return index;
      return -1;
     * Gets the unique id of the index'th set.
     * @param index the index of the set
     * @return the unique id
    public String getId( int index ){
        return dockables.get( index ).id;
     * Gets the current mode of the index'th set.
     * @param index the index of the set
     * @return the current mode
    public Path getCurrent( int index ){
        return dockables.get( index ).current;
     * Gets the history of the index'th set.
     * @param index the index of the set
     * @return the history
    public Path[] getHistory( int index ){
        return dockables.get( index ).history;
     * Gets the converted properties of the index'th set.
     * @param index the index of the set
     * @return a new map of freshly converted properties
    public Map<Path, A> getProperties( int index ){
        Map<Path, A> result = new HashMap<Path, A>();
        for( Map.Entry<Path, B> entry : dockables.get( index ).properties.entrySet() ){
            result.put( entry.getKey(), converter.convertToWorld( entry.getValue() ) );
        return result;
     * Gets the settings which belong to a {@link Mode} with unique
     * identifier <code>modeId</code>.
     * @param modeId the unique identifier of some mode
     * @return the settings or <code>null</code> if not found
    public ModeSetting<A> getSettings( Path modeId ){
      return modes.get( modeId );
     * Writes all properties of this setting into <code>out</code>.
     * @param out the stream to write into
     * @throws IOException if an I/O-error occurs
    public void write( DataOutputStream out ) throws IOException{
        Version.write( out, Version.VERSION_1_0_8 );
        out.writeInt( dockables.size() );
        for( DockableEntry entry : dockables ){
            out.writeUTF( );
            if( entry.current == null ){
                out.writeBoolean( false );
                out.writeBoolean( true );
                out.writeUTF( entry.current.toString() );
            out.writeInt( entry.history.length );
            for( Path history : entry.history )
                out.writeUTF( history.toString() );
            out.writeInt( );
            for( Map.Entry<Path, B> next : ){
                out.writeUTF( next.getKey().toString() );
                converter.writeProperty( next.getValue(), out );
        out.writeInt( modes.size() );
        for( ModeSetting<A> mode : modes.values() ){
          // storing id - byte count - bytes
          out.writeUTF( mode.getModeId().toString() );
          ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
          DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream( bout );
          mode.write( dout, converter );
          out.writeInt( bout.size() );
          bout.writeTo( out );
     * Called if some setting with version &lt; 1.0.8 is found. Subclasses
     * may override this method to read and interpret the old settings. The
     * default implementation does nothing.
     * @param in the stream to read from
     * @param version the version that was found
     * @throws IOException in case of an error
    protected void rescueSettings( DataInputStream in, Version version ) throws IOException{
      // nothing
     * Called if some setting does not have the "modes" entry, the assumption is that
     * only old settings are missing this entry.
     * @param element the entry that has to be rescued
     * @throws XException in case of an error related to a wrongly read attribute
    protected void rescueSettings( XElement element ){
      // nothing
     * Called if a single identifier of a mode is found as was used in
     * version 1.0.7 and below.
     * @param identifier the single identifier
     * @return the identifier of the matching mode, can be <code>null</code>
    protected Path resuceMode( String identifier ){
      return null;
     * Clears all properties of this setting and then reads new properties
     * from <code>in</code>.
     * @param in the stream to read from
     * @throws IOException if an I/O-error occurs
    public void read( DataInputStream in ) throws IOException{
        Version version = in );
        boolean version7 = Version.VERSION_1_0_7.compareTo( version ) >= 0;
        if( version7 ){
 in );
        for( int i = 0, n = in.readInt(); i<n; i++ ){
            DockableEntry entry = new DockableEntry();
            dockables.add( entry );
   = in.readUTF();
            if( in.readBoolean() ){
              String key = in.readUTF();
                entry.current = version7 ? resuceMode( key ) : new Path( key );
            entry.history = new Path[ in.readInt() ];
            for( int j = 0; j < entry.history.length; j++ ){
              String key = in.readUTF();
                entry.history[j] = version7 ? resuceMode( key ) : new Path( key );
            if( version7 ){
              int count = 0;
              for( int j = 0; j < entry.history.length; j++ ){
                if( entry.history[j] != null ){
              if( count != entry.history.length ){
                Path[] temp = entry.history;
                entry.history = new Path[ count ];
                int index = 0;
                for( int j = 0; j < temp.length; j++ ){
                  if( temp[j] != null ){
                    entry.history[ index++ ] = temp[j];
   = new HashMap<Path, B>();
            for( int j = 0, m = in.readInt(); j<m; j++ ){
              String key = in.readUTF();
              Path mode = version7 ? resuceMode( key ) : new Path( key );
              B property = converter.readProperty( in );
              if( mode != null ){
       mode, property );
        // new since 1.0.8
        if( version7 ){
            rescueSettings( in, version );
          for( int i = 0, n = in.readInt(); i<n; i++ ){
            Path id = new Path( in.readUTF() );
            int count = in.readInt();
            byte[] content = new byte[ count ];
            int offset = 0;
            int length = count;
            int read;
            while( (length > 0) && ((read = content, offset, length )) > 0) ){
              offset += read;
              length -= read;
            ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream( content );
            DataInputStream din = new DataInputStream( bin );
            ModeSettingFactory<A> factory = factories.get( id );
            if( factory != null ){
              ModeSetting<A> setting = factory.create();
     din, converter );
              modes.put( setting.getModeId(), setting );
     * Writes the contents of this setting in xml format.
     * @param element the elemnt to write into, the attributes of
     * element will not be changed.
     * @see #readXML(XElement)
    public void writeXML( XElement element ){
      XElement delement = element.addElement( "dockables" );
      for( DockableEntry entry : dockables ){
            XElement xentry = delement.addElement( "entry" );
            xentry.addString( "id", );
            if( entry.current != null )
                xentry.addString( "current", entry.current.toString() );
            XElement xhistory = xentry.addElement( "history" );
            for( Path history : entry.history ){
                xhistory.addElement( "mode" ).setString( history.toString() );
            XElement xproperties = xentry.addElement( "properties" );
            for( Map.Entry<Path, B> next : ){
                XElement xproperty = xproperties.addElement( "property" );
                xproperty.addString( "id", next.getKey().toString() );
                converter.writePropertyXML( next.getValue(), xproperty );
      XElement melement = element.addElement( "modes" );
      for( ModeSetting<A> mode : modes.values() ){
        XElement xmode = melement.addElement( "entry" );
        xmode.addString( "id", mode.getModeId().toString() );
        mode.write( xmode, converter );
     * Clears all properties of this setting and then reads new properties
     * from <code>element</code>.
     * @param element the element from which the properties should be read
     * @see #writeXML(XElement)
    public void readXML( XElement element ){
        XElement delement = element.getElement( "dockables" );
        if( delement != null ){
          for( XElement xentry : delement.getElements( "entry" )){
            DockableEntry entry = new DockableEntry();
            dockables.add( entry );
   = xentry.getString( "id" );
            XAttribute current = xentry.getAttribute( "current" );
            if( current != null )
              entry.current = new Path( current.getString() );

            XElement xhistory = xentry.getElement( "history" );
            if( xhistory == null )
              entry.history = new Path[]{};
              XElement[] xmodes = xhistory.getElements( "mode" );
              entry.history = new Path[ xmodes.length ];
              for( int i = 0; i < xmodes.length; i++ )
                entry.history[i] = new Path( xmodes[i].getString() );

            XElement xproperties = xentry.getElement( "properties" );
   = new HashMap<Path, B>();
            if( xproperties != null ){
              for( XElement xproperty : xproperties.getElements( "property" )){
       new Path( xproperty.getString( "id" )), converter.readPropertyXML( xproperty ) );
        XElement melement = element.getElement( "modes" );
        if( melement != null ){
          for( XElement xmode : melement.getElements( "entry" )){
            Path id = new Path( xmode.getString( "id" ));
            ModeSettingFactory<A> factory = factories.get( id );
            if( factory != null ){
              ModeSetting<A> setting = factory.create();
     xmode, converter );
              modes.put( setting.getModeId(), setting );
          rescueSettings( element );
     * The properties of one {@link Dockable}
     * @author Benjamin Sigg
    private class DockableEntry{
        /** the unique id of this entry */
        public String id;
        /** the current mode of this entry */
        public Path current;
        /** a set of properties that has been built by the client */
        public Map<Path, B> properties;

        /** The modes this entry already visited. No mode is more than once in this list. */
        public Path[] history;

Related Classes of$DockableEntry

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