Package org.drools.compiler.lang

Source Code of org.drools.compiler.lang.DRLExprParserTest

* Copyright 2011 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.drools.compiler.lang;

import junit.framework.TestCase;

import org.drools.core.base.evaluators.EvaluatorRegistry;
import org.drools.compiler.compiler.DrlExprParser;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.AtomicExprDescr;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.BindingDescr;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.ConnectiveType;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.ConstraintConnectiveDescr;
import org.drools.compiler.lang.descr.RelationalExprDescr;
import org.kie.internal.builder.conf.LanguageLevelOption;

* DRLExprTreeTest
public class DRLExprParserTest extends TestCase {

    DrlExprParser parser;

    protected void setUp() throws Exception {
        new EvaluatorRegistry();
        this.parser = new DrlExprParser(LanguageLevelOption.DRL5);

    protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
        this.parser = null;

    public void testSimpleExpression() throws Exception {
        String source = "a > b";
        ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = parser.parse( source );
        assertFalse( parser.getErrors().toString(),
                     parser.hasErrors() );

        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.AND,
                      result.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      result.getDescrs().size() );

        RelationalExprDescr expr = (RelationalExprDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( ">",
                      expr.getOperator() );

        AtomicExprDescr left = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getLeft();
        AtomicExprDescr right = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getRight();

        assertEquals( "a",
                      left.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( "b",
                      right.getExpression() );

    public void testAndConnective() throws Exception {
        String source = "a > b && 10 != 20";
        ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = parser.parse( source );
        assertFalse( parser.getErrors().toString(),
                     parser.hasErrors() );

        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.AND,
                      result.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      result.getDescrs().size() );

        RelationalExprDescr expr = (RelationalExprDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( ">",
                      expr.getOperator() );
        AtomicExprDescr left = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getLeft();
        AtomicExprDescr right = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getRight();
        assertEquals( "a",
                      left.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( "b",
                      right.getExpression() );

        expr = (RelationalExprDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "!=",
                      expr.getOperator() );
        left = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getLeft();
        right = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getRight();
        assertEquals( "10",
                      left.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( "20",
                      right.getExpression() );

    public void testConnective2() throws Exception {
        String source = "(a > b || 10 != 20) && someMethod(10) == 20";
        ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = parser.parse( source );
        assertFalse( parser.getErrors().toString(),
                     parser.hasErrors() );

        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.AND,
                      result.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      result.getDescrs().size() );

        ConstraintConnectiveDescr or = (ConstraintConnectiveDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.OR,
                      or.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      or.getDescrs().size() );

        RelationalExprDescr expr = (RelationalExprDescr) or.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( ">",
                      expr.getOperator() );
        AtomicExprDescr left = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getLeft();
        AtomicExprDescr right = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getRight();
        assertEquals( "a",
                      left.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( "b",
                      right.getExpression() );

        expr = (RelationalExprDescr) or.getDescrs().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "!=",
                      expr.getOperator() );
        left = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getLeft();
        right = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getRight();
        assertEquals( "10",
                      left.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( "20",
                      right.getExpression() );

        expr = (RelationalExprDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "==",
                      expr.getOperator() );
        left = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getLeft();
        right = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getRight();
        assertEquals( "someMethod(10)",
                      left.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( "20",
                      right.getExpression() );


    public void testBinding() throws Exception {
        String source = "$x : property";
        ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = parser.parse( source );
        assertFalse( parser.getErrors().toString(),
                     parser.hasErrors() );

        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.AND,
                      result.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      result.getDescrs().size() );

        BindingDescr bind = (BindingDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "$x",
                      bind.getVariable() );
        assertEquals( "property",
                      bind.getExpression() );

    public void testBindingConstraint() throws Exception {
        String source = "$x : property > value";
        ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = parser.parse( source );
        assertFalse( parser.getErrors().toString(),
                     parser.hasErrors() );

        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.AND,
                      result.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      result.getDescrs().size() );

        RelationalExprDescr rel = (RelationalExprDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( ">",
                      rel.getOperator() );

        BindingDescr bind = (BindingDescr) rel.getLeft();
        assertEquals( "$x",
                      bind.getVariable() );
        assertEquals( "property",
                      bind.getExpression() );

        AtomicExprDescr right = (AtomicExprDescr) rel.getRight();
        assertEquals( "value",
                      right.getExpression() );

    public void testBindingWithRestrictions() throws Exception {
        String source = "$x : property > value && < 20";
        ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = parser.parse( source );
        assertFalse( parser.getErrors().toString(),
                     parser.hasErrors() );

        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.AND,
                      result.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      result.getDescrs().size() );

        RelationalExprDescr rel = (RelationalExprDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( ">",
                      rel.getOperator() );

        BindingDescr bind = (BindingDescr) rel.getLeft();
        assertEquals( "$x",
                      bind.getVariable() );
        assertEquals( "property",
                      bind.getExpression() );

        AtomicExprDescr right = (AtomicExprDescr) rel.getRight();
        assertEquals( "value",
                      right.getExpression() );
        rel = (RelationalExprDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "<",
                      rel.getOperator() );

        AtomicExprDescr left = (AtomicExprDescr) rel.getLeft();
        assertEquals( "property",
                      left.getExpression() );

        right = (AtomicExprDescr) rel.getRight();
        assertEquals( "20",
                      right.getExpression() );

    public void testDoubleBinding() throws Exception {
        String source = "$x : x.m( 1, a ) && $y : y[z].foo";
        ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = parser.parse( source );
        assertFalse( parser.getErrors().toString(),
                     parser.hasErrors() );

        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.AND,
                      result.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      result.getDescrs().size() );

        BindingDescr bind = (BindingDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( "$x",
                      bind.getVariable() );
        assertEquals( "x.m( 1, a )",
                      bind.getExpression() );

        bind = (BindingDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "$y",
                      bind.getVariable() );
        assertEquals( "y[z].foo",
                      bind.getExpression() );

    public void testDeepBinding() throws Exception {
        String source = "($a : a > $b : b[10].prop || 10 != 20) && $x : someMethod(10) == 20";
        ConstraintConnectiveDescr result = parser.parse( source );
        assertFalse( parser.getErrors().toString(),
                     parser.hasErrors() );

        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.AND,
                      result.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      result.getDescrs().size() );

        ConstraintConnectiveDescr or = (ConstraintConnectiveDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( ConnectiveType.OR,
                      or.getConnective() );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      or.getDescrs().size() );

        RelationalExprDescr expr = (RelationalExprDescr) or.getDescrs().get( 0 );
        assertEquals( ">",
                      expr.getOperator() );
        BindingDescr leftBind = (BindingDescr) expr.getLeft();
        BindingDescr rightBind = (BindingDescr) expr.getRight();
        assertEquals( "$a",
                      leftBind.getVariable() );
        assertEquals( "a",
                      leftBind.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( "$b",
                      rightBind.getVariable() );
        assertEquals( "b[10].prop",
                      rightBind.getExpression() );

        expr = (RelationalExprDescr) or.getDescrs().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "!=",
                      expr.getOperator() );
        AtomicExprDescr leftExpr = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getLeft();
        AtomicExprDescr rightExpr = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getRight();
        assertEquals( "10",
                      leftExpr.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( "20",
                      rightExpr.getExpression() );

        expr = (RelationalExprDescr) result.getDescrs().get( 1 );
        assertEquals( "==",
                      expr.getOperator() );
        leftBind = (BindingDescr) expr.getLeft();
        rightExpr = (AtomicExprDescr) expr.getRight();
        assertEquals( "$x",
                      leftBind.getVariable() );
        assertEquals( "someMethod(10)",
                      leftBind.getExpression() );
        assertEquals( "20",
                      rightExpr.getExpression() );



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