Package org.drools

Source Code of org.drools.RuleBaseConfiguration$LogicalOverride

* Copyright 2005 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.drools;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.drools.common.AgendaGroupFactory;
import org.drools.common.ArrayAgendaGroupFactory;
import org.drools.common.PriorityQueueAgendaGroupFactory;
import org.drools.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import org.drools.spi.ConflictResolver;
import org.drools.spi.ConsequenceExceptionHandler;
import org.drools.util.ChainedProperties;

* RuleBaseConfiguration
* A class to store RuleBase related configuration. It must be used at rule base instantiation time
* or not used at all.
* This class will automatically load default values from system properties, so if you want to set
* a default configuration value for all your new rule bases, you can simply set the property as
* a System property.
* After RuleBase is created, it makes the configuration immutable and there is no way to make it
* mutable again. This is to avoid inconsistent behavior inside rulebase.
* NOTE: This API is under review and may change in the future.

* drools.maintainTms = <true|false>
* drools.shadowproxy = <true|false> // sequentail=true always overrides setting this to false
* drools.shadowproxy.exclude = org.domainy.* org.domainx.ClassZ
* drools.sequential = <true|false>
* drools.sequential.agenda = <sequential|dynamic>
* drools.removeIdentities = <true|false>
* drools.shareAlphaNodes  = <true|false>
* drools.shareBetaNodes = <true|false>
* drools.alphaMemory <true/false>
* drools.alphaNodeHashingThreshold = <1...n>
* drools.compositeKeyDepth  =<1..3>
* drools.indexLeftBetaMemory = <true/false>
* drools.indexRightBetaMemory = <true/false>
* drools.assertBehaviour = <identity|equality>
* drools.logicalOverride = <discard|preserve>
* drools.executorService = <qualified class name>
* drools.conflictResolver = <qualified class name>
* drools.consequenceExceptionHandler = <qualified class name>
* drools.ruleBaseUpdateHandler = <qualified class name>
public class RuleBaseConfiguration
    Serializable {
    private static final long           serialVersionUID = 400L;

    private ChainedProperties           chainedProperties;

    private boolean                     immutable;

    private boolean                     sequential;
    private SequentialAgenda            sequentialAgenda;

    private boolean                     maintainTms;
    private boolean                     removeIdentities;
    private boolean                     shareAlphaNodes;
    private boolean                     shareBetaNodes;
    private boolean                     alphaMemory;
    private int                         alphaNodeHashingThreshold;
    private int                         compositeKeyDepth;
    private boolean                     indexLeftBetaMemory;
    private boolean                     indexRightBetaMemory;
    private AssertBehaviour             assertBehaviour;
    private LogicalOverride             logicalOverride;
    private String                      executorService;
    private ConsequenceExceptionHandler consequenceExceptionHandler;
    private String                      ruleBaseUpdateHandler;

    private ConflictResolver            conflictResolver;

    private boolean                     shadowProxy;
    private Map                         shadowProxyExcludes;
    private static final String         STAR             = "*";

    private transient ClassLoader       classLoader;

     * Creates a new rulebase configuration using the provided properties
     * as configuration options. Also, if a Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
     * returns a non-null class loader, it will be used as the parent classloader
     * for this rulebase class loaders, otherwise, the RuleBaseConfiguration.class.getClassLoader()
     * class loader will be used.
     * @param properties
    public RuleBaseConfiguration(Properties properties) {
        init( null,
              properties );

     * Creates a new rulebase with a default parent class loader set according
     * to the following algorithm:
     * If a Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() returns a non-null class loader,
     * it will be used as the parent class loader for this rulebase class loaders, otherwise,
     * the RuleBaseConfiguration.class.getClassLoader() class loader will be used.
     * @param properties
    public RuleBaseConfiguration() {
        init( null,
              null );

     * A constructor that sets the parent classloader to be used
     * while dealing with this rule base
     * @param classLoader
    public RuleBaseConfiguration(ClassLoader classLoader) {
        init( classLoader,
              null );

     * A constructor that sets the classloader to be used as the parent classloader
     * of this rule base classloaders, and the properties to be used
     * as base configuration options
     * @param classLoder
     * @param properties
    public RuleBaseConfiguration(ClassLoader classLoder,
                                 Properties properties) {
        init( classLoader,
              properties );

    private void init(ClassLoader classLoader,
                      Properties properties) {
        this.immutable = false;

        if ( classLoader != null ) {
            this.classLoader = classLoader;
        } else if ( Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() != null ) {
            this.classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        } else {
            this.classLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader();

        this.chainedProperties = new ChainedProperties( "rulebase.conf" );

        if ( properties != null ) {
            this.chainedProperties.addProperties( properties );

        setSequentialAgenda( SequentialAgenda.determineSequentialAgenda( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.sequential.agenda",
                                                                                                             "sequential" ) ) );

        setSequential( Boolean.valueOf( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.sequential",
                                                                            "false" ) ).booleanValue() );

        setMaintainTms( Boolean.valueOf( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.maintainTms",
                                                                             "true" ) ).booleanValue() );

        setRemoveIdentities( Boolean.valueOf( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.removeIdentities",
                                                                                  "false" ) ).booleanValue() );

        setAlphaMemory( Boolean.valueOf( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.alphaMemory",
                                                                             "false" ) ).booleanValue() );

        setShareAlphaNodes( Boolean.valueOf( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.shareAlphaNodes",
                                                                                 "true" ) ).booleanValue() );

        setShareBetaNodes( Boolean.valueOf( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.shareBetaNodes",
                                                                                "true" ) ).booleanValue() );

        setAlphaNodeHashingThreshold( Integer.parseInt( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.alphaNodeHashingThreshold",
                                                                                            "3" ) ) );

        setCompositeKeyDepth( Integer.parseInt( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.compositeKeyDepth",
                                                                                    "3" ) ) );

        setIndexLeftBetaMemory( Boolean.valueOf( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.indexLeftBetaMemory",
                                                                                     "true" ) ).booleanValue() );
        setIndexRightBetaMemory( Boolean.valueOf( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.indexRightBetaMemory",
                                                                                      "true" ) ).booleanValue() );

        setAssertBehaviour( AssertBehaviour.determineAssertBehaviour( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.assertBehaviour",
                                                                                                          "identity" ) ) );
        setLogicalOverride( LogicalOverride.determineLogicalOverride( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.logicalOverride",
                                                                                                          "discard" ) ) );

        setExecutorService( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.executorService",
                                                                "org.drools.concurrent.DefaultExecutorService" ) );

        setConsequenceExceptionHandler( RuleBaseConfiguration.determineConsequenceExceptionHandler( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.consequenceExceptionHandler",
                                                                                                                                        "org.drools.base.DefaultConsequenceExceptionHandler" ) ) );
        setRuleBaseUpdateHandler( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.ruleBaseUpdateHandler",
                                                                      "org.drools.base.FireAllRulesRuleBaseUpdateListener" ) );       

        setConflictResolver( RuleBaseConfiguration.determineConflictResolver( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.conflictResolver",
                                                                                                                  "org.drools.conflict.DepthConflictResolver" ) ) );

        // sequential mode always overrides and sets this to false
        setShadowProxy( determineShadowProxy( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.shadowproxy",
                                                                                  "true" ) ) );

        setShadowProxyExcludes( this.chainedProperties.getProperty( "drools.shadowProxyExcludes",
                                                                    "" ) );

     * Makes the configuration object immutable. Once it becomes immutable,
     * there is no way to make it mutable again.
     * This is done to keep consistency.
    public void makeImmutable() {
        this.immutable = true;

     * Returns true if this configuration object is immutable or false otherwise.
     * @return
    public boolean isImmutable() {
        return this.immutable;

    private void checkCanChange() {
        if ( this.immutable ) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Can't set a property after configuration becomes immutable" );

    public void setSequential(boolean sequential) {
        this.sequential = sequential;

    public boolean isSequential() {
        return this.sequential;

    public boolean isMaintainTms() {
        return this.maintainTms;

    public void setMaintainTms(final boolean maintainTms) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.maintainTms = maintainTms;

    public boolean isRemoveIdentities() {
        return this.removeIdentities;

    public void setRemoveIdentities(final boolean removeIdentities) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.removeIdentities = removeIdentities;

    public boolean isAlphaMemory() {
        return this.alphaMemory;

    public void setAlphaMemory(final boolean alphaMemory) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.alphaMemory = alphaMemory;

    public boolean isShareAlphaNodes() {
        return this.shareAlphaNodes;

    public void setShareAlphaNodes(final boolean shareAlphaNodes) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.shareAlphaNodes = shareAlphaNodes;

    public boolean isShareBetaNodes() {
        return this.shareBetaNodes;

    public void setShareBetaNodes(final boolean shareBetaNodes) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.shareBetaNodes = shareBetaNodes;

    public int getAlphaNodeHashingThreshold() {
        return this.alphaNodeHashingThreshold;

    public void setAlphaNodeHashingThreshold(final int alphaNodeHashingThreshold) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;       
        this.alphaNodeHashingThreshold = alphaNodeHashingThreshold;

    public AssertBehaviour getAssertBehaviour() {
        return this.assertBehaviour;

    public void setAssertBehaviour(final AssertBehaviour assertBehaviour) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.assertBehaviour = assertBehaviour;

    public int getCompositeKeyDepth() {
        return this.compositeKeyDepth;

    public void setCompositeKeyDepth(final int compositeKeyDepth) {
        if ( !this.immutable ) {
            if ( compositeKeyDepth > 3 ) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "compositeKeyDepth cannot be greater than 3" );
            this.compositeKeyDepth = compositeKeyDepth;
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Can't set a property after configuration becomes immutable" );

    public boolean isIndexLeftBetaMemory() {
        return this.indexLeftBetaMemory;

    public void setIndexLeftBetaMemory(final boolean indexLeftBetaMemory) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.indexLeftBetaMemory = indexLeftBetaMemory;

    public boolean isIndexRightBetaMemory() {
        return this.indexRightBetaMemory;

    public void setIndexRightBetaMemory(final boolean indexRightBetaMemory) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.indexRightBetaMemory = indexRightBetaMemory;

    public LogicalOverride getLogicalOverride() {
        return this.logicalOverride;

    public void setLogicalOverride(final LogicalOverride logicalOverride) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.logicalOverride = logicalOverride;

    public String getExecutorService() {
        return executorService;

    public void setExecutorService(String executorService) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;     
        this.executorService = executorService;

    public ConsequenceExceptionHandler getConsequenceExceptionHandler() {
        return consequenceExceptionHandler;

    public void setConsequenceExceptionHandler(ConsequenceExceptionHandler consequenceExceptionHandler) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;       
        this.consequenceExceptionHandler = consequenceExceptionHandler;
    public String getRuleBaseUpdateHandler() {
        return ruleBaseUpdateHandler;

    public void setRuleBaseUpdateHandler(String ruleBaseUpdateHandler) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;       
        this.ruleBaseUpdateHandler = ruleBaseUpdateHandler;

    public AgendaGroupFactory getAgendaGroupFactory() {
        if ( isSequential() ) {
            if ( this.sequentialAgenda == SequentialAgenda.SEQUENTIAL ) {
                return ArrayAgendaGroupFactory.getInstance();
            } else {
                return PriorityQueueAgendaGroupFactory.getInstance();
        } else {
            return PriorityQueueAgendaGroupFactory.getInstance();

    public SequentialAgenda getSequentialAgenda() {
        return this.sequentialAgenda;

    public void setSequentialAgenda(final SequentialAgenda sequentialAgenda) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.sequentialAgenda = sequentialAgenda;

    private boolean determineShadowProxy(String userValue) {
        if ( this.isSequential() ) {
            // sequential never needs shadowing, so always override
            return false;
        if ( userValue != null ) {
            return Boolean.valueOf( userValue ).booleanValue();
        } else {
            return true;

    private static ConflictResolver determineConflictResolver(String className) {
        Class clazz = null;
        try {
            clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass( className );
        } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {

        if ( clazz == null ) {
            try {
                clazz = RuleBaseConfiguration.class.getClassLoader().loadClass( className );
            } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {

        if ( clazz != null ) {
            try {
                return (ConflictResolver) clazz.getMethod( "getInstance",
                                                           null ).invoke( null,
                                                                          null );
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to Conflict Resolver '" + className + "'" );
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( "conflict Resolver '" + className + "' not found" );

    public void setConflictResolver(ConflictResolver conflictResolver) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.conflictResolver = conflictResolver;

    public ConflictResolver getConflictResolver() {
        return this.conflictResolver;

    public void setShadowProxy(boolean shadowProxy) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        this.shadowProxy = shadowProxy;

    public boolean isShadowProxy() {
        return this.shadowProxy;

    public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
        return classLoader;

    public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
        this.classLoader = classLoader;

    public void setShadowProxyExcludes(String excludes) {
        checkCanChange(); // throws an exception if a change isn't possible;
        if ( excludes == null || "".equals( excludes.trim() ) ) {

        if ( this.shadowProxyExcludes == null ) {
            this.shadowProxyExcludes = new HashMap();

        String[] items = excludes.split( " " );
        for ( int i = 0; i < items.length; i++ ) {
            String qualifiedNamespace = items[i].substring( 0,
                                                            items[i].lastIndexOf( '.' ) ).trim();
            String name = items[i].substring( items[i].lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ).trim();
            Object object = this.shadowProxyExcludes.get( qualifiedNamespace );
            if ( object == null ) {
                if ( STAR.equals( name ) ) {
                    this.shadowProxyExcludes.put( qualifiedNamespace,
                                                  STAR );
                } else {
                    // create a new list and add it
                    List list = new ArrayList();
                    list.add( name );
                    this.shadowProxyExcludes.put( qualifiedNamespace,
                                                  list );
            } else if ( name.equals( STAR ) ) {
                // if its a STAR now add it anyway, we don't care if it was a STAR or a List before
                this.shadowProxyExcludes.put( qualifiedNamespace,
                                              STAR );
            } else {
                // its a list so add it if it doesn't already exist
                List list = (List) object;
                if ( !list.contains( object ) ) {
                    list.add( name );

    public boolean isShadowed(String className) {
        if ( this.shadowProxyExcludes == null ) {
            return true;

        String qualifiedNamespace = className.substring( 0,
                                                         className.lastIndexOf( '.' ) ).trim();
        String name = className.substring( className.lastIndexOf( '.' ) + 1 ).trim();
        Object object = this.shadowProxyExcludes.get( qualifiedNamespace );
        if ( object == null ) {
            return true;
        } else if ( STAR.equals( object ) ) {
            return false;
        } else {
            List list = (List) object;
            return !list.contains( name );

    private static ConsequenceExceptionHandler determineConsequenceExceptionHandler(String className) {
        return (ConsequenceExceptionHandler) instantiateClass( "ConsequenceExceptionHandler",
                                                               className );

    private static Object instantiateClass(String type,
                                           String className) {
        Class clazz = null;
        try {
            clazz = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().loadClass( className );
        } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {

        if ( clazz == null ) {
            try {
                clazz = RuleBaseConfiguration.class.getClassLoader().loadClass( className );
            } catch ( ClassNotFoundException e ) {

        if ( clazz != null ) {
            try {
                return clazz.newInstance();
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Unable to instantiate " + type + " '" + className + "'" );
        } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( type + " '" + className + "' not found" );

    public static class AssertBehaviour
        Serializable {
        private static final long           serialVersionUID = 400L;

        public static final AssertBehaviour IDENTITY         = new AssertBehaviour( 0 );
        public static final AssertBehaviour EQUALITY         = new AssertBehaviour( 1 );

        private int                         value;

        private AssertBehaviour(final int value) {
            this.value = value;

        public static AssertBehaviour determineAssertBehaviour(final String value) {
            if ( "IDENTITY".equalsIgnoreCase( value ) ) {
                return IDENTITY;
            } else if ( "EQUALITY".equalsIgnoreCase( value ) ) {
                return EQUALITY;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal enum value '" + value + "' for AssertBehaviour" );

        private Object readResolve() throws {
            switch ( this.value ) {
                case 0 :
                    return IDENTITY;
                case 1 :
                    return EQUALITY;
                default :
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal enum value '" + this.value + "' for AssertBehaviour" );

        public String toString() {
            return "AssertBehaviour : " + ((this.value == 0) ? "identity" : "equality");

    public static class LogicalOverride
        Serializable {
        private static final long           serialVersionUID = 400L;

        public static final LogicalOverride PRESERVE         = new LogicalOverride( 0 );
        public static final LogicalOverride DISCARD          = new LogicalOverride( 1 );

        private int                         value;

        private LogicalOverride(final int value) {
            this.value = value;

        public static LogicalOverride determineLogicalOverride(final String value) {
            if ( "PRESERVE".equalsIgnoreCase( value ) ) {
                return PRESERVE;
            } else if ( "DISCARD".equalsIgnoreCase( value ) ) {
                return DISCARD;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal enum value '" + value + "' for LogicalOverride" );

        private Object readResolve() throws {
            switch ( this.value ) {
                case 0 :
                    return PRESERVE;
                case 1 :
                    return DISCARD;
                default :
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal enum value '" + this.value + "' for LogicalOverride" );

        public String toString() {
            return "LogicalOverride : " + ((this.value == 0) ? "preserve" : "discard");

    public static class SequentialAgenda
        Serializable {
        private static final long            serialVersionUID = 400L;

        public static final SequentialAgenda SEQUENTIAL       = new SequentialAgenda( 0 );
        public static final SequentialAgenda DYNAMIC          = new SequentialAgenda( 1 );

        private int                          value;

        private SequentialAgenda(final int value) {
            this.value = value;

        public static SequentialAgenda determineSequentialAgenda(final String value) {
            if ( "sequential".equalsIgnoreCase( value ) ) {
                return SEQUENTIAL;
            } else if ( "dynamic".equalsIgnoreCase( value ) ) {
                return DYNAMIC;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal enum value '" + value + "' for SequentialAgenda" );

        private Object readResolve() throws {
            switch ( this.value ) {
                case 0 :
                    return SEQUENTIAL;
                case 1 :
                    return DYNAMIC;
                default :
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Illegal enum value '" + this.value + "' for SequentialAgenda" );

        public String toString() {
            return "SequentialAgenda : " + ((this.value == 0) ? "sequential" : "dynamic");


Related Classes of org.drools.RuleBaseConfiguration$LogicalOverride

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