Package org.drools.ide.common.modeldriven

Source Code of org.drools.ide.common.modeldriven.RuleModelTest

* Copyright 2010 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.drools.ide.common.modeldriven;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;

import java.util.List;

import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.SuggestionCompletionEngine;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionRetractFact;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ActionSetField;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.BaseSingleFieldConstraint;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.CompositeFactPattern;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.CompositeFieldConstraint;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ConnectiveConstraint;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.DSLSentence;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.ExpressionField;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.FactPattern;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.FieldConstraint;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.IAction;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.IPattern;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.RuleAttribute;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.RuleMetadata;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.RuleModel;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.SingleFieldConstraint;
import org.drools.ide.common.client.modeldriven.brl.SingleFieldConstraintEBLeftSide;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.thoughtworks.xstream.XStream;

public class RuleModelTest {

    public void testAddItemLhs() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();
        final FactPattern x = new FactPattern();
        model.addLhsItem( x );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      model.lhs.length );

        final FactPattern y = new FactPattern();
        model.addLhsItem( y );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      model.lhs.length );
        assertEquals( x,
                      model.lhs[0] );
        assertEquals( y,
                      model.lhs[1] );


    public void testAddItemRhs() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();
        final IAction a0 = new ActionSetField();
        final IAction a1 = new ActionSetField();

        model.addRhsItem( a0 );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      model.rhs.length );
        model.addRhsItem( a1 );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      model.rhs.length );

        assertEquals( a0,
                      model.rhs[0] );
        assertEquals( a1,
                      model.rhs[1] );

    public void testAllVariableBindings() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();
        model.lhs = new IPattern[2];
        final FactPattern x = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[0] = x;
        x.setBoundName( "boundFact" );

        SingleFieldConstraint sfc = new SingleFieldConstraint( "q" );
        sfc.setFactType( "Car" );
        x.addConstraint( sfc );
        sfc.setFieldBinding( "field1" );

        SingleFieldConstraint sfc2 = new SingleFieldConstraint( "q" );
        sfc.setFactType( "Car" );
        x.addConstraint( sfc2 );
        sfc2.setFieldBinding( "field2" );

        model.lhs[1] = new CompositeFactPattern();

        List vars = model.getAllVariables();
        assertEquals( 3,
                      vars.size() );
        assertEquals( "boundFact",
                      vars.get( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( "field1",
                      vars.get( 1 ) );
        assertEquals( "field2",
                      vars.get( 2 ) );

        assertTrue( model.isVariableNameUsed( "field2" ) );


    public void testAllVariableBindings2() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();
        model.lhs = new IPattern[1];
        final FactPattern fp = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[0] = fp;
        fp.setBoundName( "$c" );

        SingleFieldConstraint sfc = new SingleFieldConstraintEBLeftSide( "make" );
        sfc.setFactType( "Car" );
        sfc.getExpressionValue().appendPart( new ExpressionField("make", "java.lang.String", SuggestionCompletionEngine.TYPE_STRING) );
        sfc.setFieldBinding( "$m" );
        fp.addConstraint( sfc );

        List<String> vars = model.getAllVariables();
        assertEquals( 2,
                      vars.size() );
        assertEquals( "$c",
                      vars.get( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( "$m",
                      vars.get( 1 ) );

    public void testAttributes() {
        final RuleModel m = new RuleModel();
        final RuleAttribute at = new RuleAttribute( "salience",
                                                    "42" );
        m.addAttribute( at );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      m.attributes.length );
        assertEquals( at,
                      m.attributes[0] );

        final RuleAttribute at2 = new RuleAttribute( "agenda-group",
                                                     "x" );
        m.addAttribute( at2 );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      m.attributes.length );
        assertEquals( at2,
                      m.attributes[1] );

        m.removeAttribute( 0 );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      m.attributes.length );
        assertEquals( at2,
                      m.attributes[0] );

    public void testBindingList() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[3];
        final FactPattern x = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[0] = x;
        x.setBoundName( "x" );

        final FactPattern y = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[1] = y;
        y.setBoundName( "y" );

        final SingleFieldConstraint[] cons = new SingleFieldConstraint[2];
        y.constraintList = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        y.constraintList.constraints = cons;
        cons[0] = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        cons[0].setFactType( "Car" );
        cons[0].setFieldType( "String" );
        cons[0].setFieldBinding( "qbc" );
        cons[0].connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        cons[0].connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint( "Car",
                                                           "x" );
        cons[0].connectives[0].setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        cons[1] = new SingleFieldConstraint( "make" );
        cons[1].setFactType( "Car" );
        cons[1].setFieldType( "Long" );
        cons[1].connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        cons[1].connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint( "Car",
                                                           "2" );
        cons[1].connectives[0].setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );

        final FactPattern other = new FactPattern( "House" );
        model.lhs[2] = other;

        final List fb = model.getAllVariables();
        assertEquals( 3,
                      fb.size() );
        assertEquals( "x",
                      fb.get( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( "y",
                      fb.get( 1 ) );
        assertEquals( "qbc",
                      fb.get( 2 ) );


    public void testFieldBindings() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[3];
        final FactPattern x = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[0] = x;
        x.setBoundName( "x" );

        final FactPattern y = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[1] = y;
        y.setBoundName( "y" );

        final SingleFieldConstraint con = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        con.setFactType( "Car" );
        con.setFieldType( "String" );
        con.setFieldBinding( "qbc" );
        con.connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        con.connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint( "Car",
                                                       "x" );
        con.connectives[0].setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        y.addConstraint( con );

        final FactPattern other = new FactPattern( "House" );
        model.lhs[2] = other;

        final List<String> fb = model.getAllVariables();
        assertEquals( 3,
                      fb.size() );
        assertEquals( "x",
                      fb.get( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( "y",
                      fb.get( 1 ) );
        assertEquals( "qbc",
                      fb.get( 2 ) );

        final List<String> fb2 = model.getLHSBoundFacts();
        assertEquals( 2,
                      fb2.size() );
        assertEquals( "x",
                      fb.get( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( "y",
                      fb.get( 1 ) );

        FieldConstraint fc = model.getLHSBoundField( "qbc" );
        assertEquals( con,
                      fc );

        FactPattern parentFactPattern = model.getLHSParentFactPatternForBinding( "qbc" );
        assertEquals( y,
                      parentFactPattern );

    public void testBoundFactFinder() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        assertNull( model.getLHSBoundFact( "x" ) );
        model.lhs = new IPattern[3];

        final FactPattern x = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[0] = x;
        x.setBoundName( "x" );

        assertNotNull( model.getLHSBoundFact( "x" ) );
        assertEquals( x,
                      model.getLHSBoundFact( "x" ) );

        final FactPattern y = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[1] = y;
        y.setBoundName( "y" );

        final FactPattern other = new FactPattern( "House" );
        model.lhs[2] = other;

        assertEquals( y,
                      model.getLHSBoundFact( "y" ) );
        assertEquals( x,
                      model.getLHSBoundFact( "x" ) );

        model.rhs = new IAction[1];
        final ActionSetField set = new ActionSetField();
        set.variable = "x";
        model.rhs[0] = set;

        assertTrue( model.isBoundFactUsed( "x" ) );
        assertFalse( model.isBoundFactUsed( "y" ) );

        assertEquals( 3,
                      model.lhs.length );
        assertFalse( model.removeLhsItem( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( 3,
                      model.lhs.length );

        final ActionRetractFact fact = new ActionRetractFact( "q" );
        model.rhs[0] = fact;
        assertTrue( model.isBoundFactUsed( "q" ) );
        assertFalse( model.isBoundFactUsed( "x" ) );

        final XStream xt = new XStream();
        xt.alias( "rule",
                  RuleModel.class );
        xt.alias( "fact",
                  FactPattern.class );
        xt.alias( "retract",
                  ActionRetractFact.class );

        xt.aliasPackage( "org.drools.guvnor.client", "org.drools.ide.common.client" );

        final String brl = xt.toXML( model );

        System.out.println( brl );

    public void testGetVariableNameForRHS() {
        RuleModel m = new RuleModel(); = "blah";

        FactPattern pat = new FactPattern( "Person" );
        pat.setBoundName( "pat" );

        m.addLhsItem( pat );

        List l = m.getAllVariables();
        assertEquals( 1,
                      l.size() );
        assertEquals( "pat",
                      l.get( 0 ) );


    public void testIsDSLEnhanced() throws Exception {
        RuleModel m = new RuleModel();

        assertFalse( m.hasDSLSentences() );

        m.addLhsItem( new FactPattern() );
        assertFalse( m.hasDSLSentences() );

        m.addRhsItem( new ActionSetField( "q" ) );

        assertFalse( m.hasDSLSentences() );

        m.addLhsItem( new DSLSentence() );
        assertTrue( m.hasDSLSentences() );

        m.addRhsItem( new DSLSentence() );
        assertTrue( m.hasDSLSentences() );

        m = new RuleModel();

        m.addLhsItem( new DSLSentence() );
        assertTrue( m.hasDSLSentences() );

        m = new RuleModel();
        m.addRhsItem( new DSLSentence() );
        assertTrue( m.hasDSLSentences() );


    public void testMetaData() {
        final RuleModel m = new RuleModel();

        final RuleMetadata rm = new RuleMetadata( "foo",
                                                  "bar" );

        // test add
        m.addMetadata( rm );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      m.metadataList.length );
        assertEquals( rm,
                      m.metadataList[0] );

        // should be able to find it
        RuleMetadata gm = m.getMetaData( "foo" );
        assertNotNull( gm );

        // test add and remove
        final RuleMetadata rm2 = new RuleMetadata( "foo2",
                                                   "bar2" );
        m.addMetadata( rm2 );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      m.metadataList.length );
        assertEquals( rm2,
                      m.metadataList[1] );
        assertEquals( "@foo(bar)",
                      rm.toString() );

        m.removeMetadata( 0 );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      m.metadataList.length );
        assertEquals( rm2,
                      m.metadataList[0] );
        assertEquals( "@foo2(bar2)",
                      (m.metadataList[0]).toString() );

        // should be able to find it now that it was removed
        gm = m.getMetaData( "foo" );
        assertNull( gm );

        // test add via update method
        m.updateMetadata( rm );
        gm = m.getMetaData( "foo" );
        assertNotNull( gm );

        // test update of existing element
        rm.value = "bar2";
        m.updateMetadata( rm );
        gm = m.getMetaData( "foo" );
        assertNotNull( gm );
        assertEquals( "bar2",
                      gm.value );


    public void testRemoveItemLhs() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.lhs = new IPattern[3];
        final FactPattern x = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[0] = x;
        x.setBoundName( "x" );

        final FactPattern y = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[1] = y;
        y.setBoundName( "y" );

        final FactPattern other = new FactPattern( "House" );
        model.lhs[2] = other;

        assertEquals( 3,
                      model.lhs.length );
        assertEquals( x,
                      model.lhs[0] );

        model.removeLhsItem( 0 );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      model.lhs.length );
        assertEquals( y,
                      model.lhs[0] );

    public void testRemoveItemRhs() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        model.rhs = new IAction[3];
        final ActionRetractFact r0 = new ActionRetractFact( "x" );
        final ActionRetractFact r1 = new ActionRetractFact( "y" );
        final ActionRetractFact r2 = new ActionRetractFact( "z" );

        model.rhs[0] = r0;
        model.rhs[1] = r1;
        model.rhs[2] = r2;

        model.removeRhsItem( 1 );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      model.rhs.length );
        assertEquals( r0,
                      model.rhs[0] );
        assertEquals( r2,
                      model.rhs[1] );

    public void testScopedVariables() {

        // setup the data...

        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();
        model.lhs = new IPattern[3];
        final FactPattern x = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[0] = x;
        x.setBoundName( "x" );

        final FactPattern y = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[1] = y;
        y.setBoundName( "y" );
        final SingleFieldConstraint[] cons = new SingleFieldConstraint[2];
        y.constraintList = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        y.constraintList.constraints = cons;
        cons[0] = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        cons[1] = new SingleFieldConstraint( "make" );
        cons[0].setFactType( "Car" );
        cons[0].setFieldBinding( "qbc" );
        cons[0].connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        cons[0].connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint( "Car",
                                                           "x" );
        cons[0].connectives[0].setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );

        final FactPattern other = new FactPattern( "House" );
        model.lhs[2] = other;
        other.setBoundName( "q" );
        final SingleFieldConstraint[] cons2 = new SingleFieldConstraint[1];
        cons2[0] = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        other.constraintList = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        other.constraintList.constraints = cons2;

        // check the results for correct scope
        List vars = model.getBoundVariablesInScope( cons[0] );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      vars.size() );
        assertEquals( "x",
                      vars.get( 0 ) );

        vars = model.getBoundVariablesInScope( cons[0].connectives[0] );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      vars.size() );
        assertEquals( "x",
                      vars.get( 0 ) );

        vars = model.getBoundVariablesInScope( cons[1] );
        assertEquals( 2,
                      vars.size() );
        assertEquals( "x",
                      vars.get( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( "qbc",
                      vars.get( 1 ) );

        vars = model.getBoundVariablesInScope( cons[0] );
        assertEquals( 1,
                      vars.size() );
        assertEquals( "x",
                      vars.get( 0 ) );

        vars = model.getBoundVariablesInScope( cons2[0] );
        assertEquals( 3,
                      vars.size() );
        assertEquals( "x",
                      vars.get( 0 ) );
        assertEquals( "qbc",
                      vars.get( 1 ) );
        assertEquals( "y",
                      vars.get( 2 ) );

    public void testScopedVariablesWithCompositeFact() {
        RuleModel m = new RuleModel();
        FactPattern p = new FactPattern();

        CompositeFieldConstraint cf = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        cf.addConstraint( new SingleFieldConstraint( "x" ) );
        p.addConstraint( cf );
        SingleFieldConstraint sf = new SingleFieldConstraint( "q" );
        sf.setFieldBinding( "abc" );
        p.addConstraint( sf );

        SingleFieldConstraint sf2 = new SingleFieldConstraint( "q" );
        sf2.setFieldBinding( "qed" );
        cf.addConstraint( sf2 );
        m.addLhsItem( p );

        List vars = m.getAllVariables();
        assertEquals( 1,
                      vars.size() );
        assertEquals( "abc",
                      vars.get( 0 ) );

    public void testGetFieldConstraint() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();
        model.lhs = new IPattern[3];
        final FactPattern x = new FactPattern( "Boat" );
        model.lhs[0] = x;
        x.setBoundName( "x" );

        final FactPattern y = new FactPattern( "Car" );
        model.lhs[1] = y;
        y.setBoundName( "y" );
        final SingleFieldConstraint[] cons = new SingleFieldConstraint[2];
        y.constraintList = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        y.constraintList.constraints = cons;
        cons[0] = new SingleFieldConstraint( "age" );
        cons[0].setFactType( "Car" );
        cons[0].setFieldType( "String" );
        cons[0].setFieldBinding( "qbc" );
        cons[0].connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        cons[0].connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint( "Car",
                                                           "x" );
        cons[0].connectives[0].setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );
        cons[1] = new SingleFieldConstraint( "make" );
        cons[1].setFactType( "Car" );
        cons[1].setFieldType( "Long" );
        cons[1].connectives = new ConnectiveConstraint[1];
        cons[1].connectives[0] = new ConnectiveConstraint( "Car",
                                                           "2" );
        cons[1].connectives[0].setConstraintValueType( BaseSingleFieldConstraint.TYPE_LITERAL );

        final FactPattern other = new FactPattern( "House" );
        model.lhs[2] = other;
        other.setBoundName( "q" );
        final SingleFieldConstraint[] cons2 = new SingleFieldConstraint[1];
        cons2[0] = new SingleFieldConstraint();
        other.constraintList = new CompositeFieldConstraint();
        other.constraintList.constraints = cons2;
        String varTypeString = model.getLHSBindingType( "qbc" );
        assertEquals( "String",
                      varTypeString );
        String varTypeLong = model.getLHSBindingType( "make" );
        assertEquals( null,
                      varTypeLong );
        FactPattern varTypeBoat = model.getLHSBoundFact( "x" );
        assertEquals( "Boat",
                      varTypeBoat.getFactType() );
        FactPattern varTypeCar = model.getLHSBoundFact( "y" );
        assertEquals( "Car",
                      varTypeCar.getFactType() );

    public void testAddItemLhsAtSpecificPosition() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        final FactPattern a = new FactPattern();
        model.addLhsItem( a );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      model.lhs.length );

        final FactPattern b = new FactPattern();
        model.addLhsItem( b );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      model.lhs.length );

        final FactPattern c = new FactPattern();
        model.addLhsItem( c,
                          true );

        assertEquals( 3,
                      model.lhs.length );

        assertEquals( a,
                      model.lhs[0] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.lhs[1] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.lhs[2] );

        final FactPattern d = new FactPattern();
        model.addLhsItem( d,
                          false );

        assertEquals( 4,
                      model.lhs.length );

        assertEquals( d,
                      model.lhs[0] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.lhs[1] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.lhs[2] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.lhs[3] );

        final FactPattern e = new FactPattern();
        model.addLhsItem( e,
                          2 );

        assertEquals( 5,
                      model.lhs.length );

        assertEquals( d,
                      model.lhs[0] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.lhs[1] );
        assertEquals( e,
                      model.lhs[2] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.lhs[3] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.lhs[4] );

        //test auto-bound
        final FactPattern f = new FactPattern();
        final FactPattern g = new FactPattern();
        model.addLhsItem( f,
                          -1 );
        model.addLhsItem( g,
                          100 );

        assertEquals( 7,
                      model.lhs.length );

        assertEquals( f,
                      model.lhs[0] );
        assertEquals( d,
                      model.lhs[1] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.lhs[2] );
        assertEquals( e,
                      model.lhs[3] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.lhs[4] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.lhs[5] );
        assertEquals( g,
                      model.lhs[6] );

        model.moveLhsItemDown( 5 );
        model.moveLhsItemUp( 3 );

        assertEquals( 7,
                      model.lhs.length );

        assertEquals( f,
                      model.lhs[0] );
        assertEquals( d,
                      model.lhs[1] );
        assertEquals( e,
                      model.lhs[2] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.lhs[3] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.lhs[4] );
        assertEquals( g,
                      model.lhs[5] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.lhs[6] );

        model.moveLhsItemUp( 0 );
        model.moveLhsItemDown( 6 );

        assertEquals( 7,
                      model.lhs.length );

        assertEquals( f,
                      model.lhs[0] );
        assertEquals( d,
                      model.lhs[1] );
        assertEquals( e,
                      model.lhs[2] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.lhs[3] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.lhs[4] );
        assertEquals( g,
                      model.lhs[5] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.lhs[6] );


    public void testAddItemRhsAtSpecificPosition() {
        final RuleModel model = new RuleModel();

        final ActionSetField a = new ActionSetField();
        model.addRhsItem( a );

        assertEquals( 1,
                      model.rhs.length );

        final ActionSetField b = new ActionSetField();
        model.addRhsItem( b );

        assertEquals( 2,
                      model.rhs.length );

        final ActionSetField c = new ActionSetField();
        model.addRhsItem( c,
                          true );

        assertEquals( 3,
                      model.rhs.length );

        assertEquals( a,
                      model.rhs[0] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.rhs[1] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.rhs[2] );

        final ActionSetField d = new ActionSetField();
        model.addRhsItem( d,
                          false );

        assertEquals( 4,
                      model.rhs.length );

        assertEquals( d,
                      model.rhs[0] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.rhs[1] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.rhs[2] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.rhs[3] );

        final ActionSetField e = new ActionSetField();
        model.addRhsItem( e,
                          2 );

        assertEquals( 5,
                      model.rhs.length );

        assertEquals( d,
                      model.rhs[0] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.rhs[1] );
        assertEquals( e,
                      model.rhs[2] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.rhs[3] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.rhs[4] );

        //test auto-bound
        final ActionSetField f = new ActionSetField();
        final ActionSetField g = new ActionSetField();
        model.addRhsItem( f,
                          -1 );
        model.addRhsItem( g,
                          100 );

        assertEquals( 7,
                      model.rhs.length );

        assertEquals( f,
                      model.rhs[0] );
        assertEquals( d,
                      model.rhs[1] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.rhs[2] );
        assertEquals( e,
                      model.rhs[3] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.rhs[4] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.rhs[5] );
        assertEquals( g,
                      model.rhs[6] );

        model.moveRhsItemDown( 5 );
        model.moveRhsItemUp( 3 );

        assertEquals( 7,
                      model.rhs.length );

        assertEquals( f,
                      model.rhs[0] );
        assertEquals( d,
                      model.rhs[1] );
        assertEquals( e,
                      model.rhs[2] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.rhs[3] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.rhs[4] );
        assertEquals( g,
                      model.rhs[5] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.rhs[6] );

        model.moveRhsItemUp( 0 );
        model.moveRhsItemDown( 6 );

        assertEquals( 7,
                      model.rhs.length );

        assertEquals( f,
                      model.rhs[0] );
        assertEquals( d,
                      model.rhs[1] );
        assertEquals( e,
                      model.rhs[2] );
        assertEquals( a,
                      model.rhs[3] );
        assertEquals( b,
                      model.rhs[4] );
        assertEquals( g,
                      model.rhs[5] );
        assertEquals( c,
                      model.rhs[6] );


Related Classes of org.drools.ide.common.modeldriven.RuleModelTest

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